eYe Gaze baCk
- Location
- The Void
[X] She
[X] The Raider of Ganymede
[X] The Raider of Ganymede
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Yeah this. The 1st thing to remember is that we are not an Ace. The way to survival is practical use of whatever is available and never fight fair.[X] He
[X] Plan I'm in this for your Revolution
-[X] A Reformed pirate
-[X] Practical
-[X] Conniving
what if Han Solo, but a rebel?
My vote for this may have been influenced by re-reading parts of the Vorkosigan Saga for the umpteenth time just recently.[X] He
[X] Plan Heart of gold
-[X] A Reformed pirate
-[X] Compassionate
-[X] Conniving
Being sneaky for the good of others could be interesting.