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Cast into the warp the primarch of the second legion will raise themself from the world they landed on, perhaps to join their father's imperium.
Character Creation 0
The Imperium Dawns
The Emperor hides deep within his gene labs. The flesh forges deep within his fortress on Terra. There he works laboring day and night on twenty sons, the seeds of new legions to replace the flawed Thunder Warriors and the artistically crafted Custodians. A new breed of warrior nearly a match for this personal works able to be produced in mass as the Thunder-Warriors are. HIs twenty sons the gene fathers of twenty legions. But his eyes are not the only ones watching over the growing vats and the Growing superhumans. Malevolent forces watched from behind the very veil of reality just beyond the sight of the emperor. And at a precise moment as the focus of the lord of man was drawn away the forces acted and cast the Twenty sons to twenty worlds.
They are you the second son of the emperor, the PRIMARCH of a Legion of Astartes. And at the end of the age of strife, your story begins.

Cast through the warp you land on a distant world. But which one?
A gas giant with massive floating city-states. The endless clouds are filled with the sky fleets of the many kings and lords the fight for domination of the cities.

An exodite world controlled by Eldar the few humans who live here are wild tribes that stay far from the Eldar and their lands.

A vast foundry world where millions of rusted ships lay scattered for salvage and recovery. The age of strife removed the many supports of this world leaving it under the control of scrap kings who can field derelict mechs and armies wielding long trashed war machines.

[][Homeworld]Jak Brop:
A Knight world, once the outer rim of the old human nation this colony relies on powerful noble houses and their grand war machines to protect them from the vast jungles and native beasts.

A small moon of a death world a dark age machine contents the two planets allowing one to travel between the gene lords of Yuli rise and fall in power with the control of the sister planet. The clone armies of gene beasts being a sign of prestige by the flesh crafters of the world.

An old pleasure world the long weaving archipelagos dotted by small cities and yachts.

A planet covered by two civilizations that of man, and that of the Dorl, a large insectoid Xeno. The trade treaties are common, and the two wait for the warp storm to vanish so they may reconnect with the federation.

The vast seas of this world are wrought with storms submerged hives fight off the monsters unleashed by the warp storm above.
Character Sheet
Name: II, Vel Riomhaire
Homeworld: Imrak
Trait: Understanding
Strategy: Combined Arms
Taint: Mutation: Pale Grey Skin and Black Veins, Altered: The Seeing Eye
Flaw: Curiosity
Friends: Fate Breaker, The Hands
Foes: ??
Corruption: ??

Name: II Legion
Forces: ??
Fleet: ??
Supporters: ??
Detractors: ??
Loyalty You: ??
Loyalty Empire: ??
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The game will function mostly narratively.

You will have a preferred strategy where you will excel and can gain traits, taints, and flaws that can effect you in positive or negative ways.

Your legion will been tracked and its size will effect how useful it is, supporters will be who in the imperium will aid you, and detractors will work against you. You may find yourself siding with Chaos or going your own way and then you will find that the loyalty of your legion may be greater to the Emperor than to you.

But again it is mostly narrative, though dice may be rolled for random or close events.
A gas giant with massive floating city-states. The endless clouds are filled with the sky fleets of the many kings and lords the fight for domination of the cities.

Aerial-Specced Primarch, ahoy~


A vast foundry world where millions of rusted ships lay scattered for salvage and recovery. The age of strife removed the many supports of this world leaving it under the control of scrap kings who can field derelict mechs and armies wielding long trashed war machines.

Actually, I'm curious to see a Primarch + Legion that specializes in gunmanship + Heavy Vehicle Piloting.
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A vast foundry world where millions of rusted ships lay scattered for salvage and recovery. The age of strife removed the many supports of this world leaving it under the control of scrap kings who can field derelict mechs and armies wielding long trashed war machines.

MechWarrior Legion is a go.
The vast seas of this world are wrought with storms submerged hives fight off the monsters unleashed by the warp storm above.

A vast foundry world where millions of rusted ships lay scattered for salvage and recovery. The age of strife removed the many supports of this world leaving it under the control of scrap kings who can field derelict mechs and armies wielding long trashed war machines.
A vast foundry world where millions of rusted ships lay scattered for salvage and recovery. The age of strife removed the many supports of this world leaving it under the control of scrap kings who can field derelict mechs and armies wielding long trashed war machines.
There's plenty of Techmarine Primarchs and Librarian Primarchs, but there's no Apothecary Primarch. Let's fix that.
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An old pleasure world the long weaving archipelagos dotted by small cities and yachts.

Let's be a man of culture.

There's plenty of Techmarine Primarchs and Librarian Primarchs, but there's no Apothecary Primarch. Let's fix that.

Or maybe a fleshcrafter?
They are you the second son of the emperor, the PRIMARCH of a Legion of Astartes. And at the end of the age of strife, your story begins.

I would use a bigger map if I was you, these planet names are too tiny.

A vast foundry world where millions of rusted ships lay scattered for salvage and recovery. The age of strife removed the many supports of this world leaving it under the control of scrap kings who can field derelict mechs and armies wielding long trashed war machines.

Discount Battletech setting.

[][Homeworld]Jak Brop:
A Knight world, once the outer rim of the old human nation this colony relies on powerful noble houses and their grand war machines to protect them from the vast jungles and native beasts.

See above, but bigger. Or perhaps it's more like Knights & Magic but with less annoying Isekai protagonists.

A small moon of a death world a dark age machine contents the two planets allowing one to travel between the gene lords of Yuli rise and fall in power with the control of the sister planet. The clone armies of gene beasts being a sign of prestige by the flesh crafters of the world.

Sounds metal.

An old pleasure world the long weaving archipelagos dotted by small cities and yachts.

Meh, we already had one legion doing this.

A planet covered by two civilizations that of man, and that of the Dorl, a large insectoid Xeno. The trade treaties are common, and the two wait for the warp storm to vanish so they may reconnect with the federation.

Oh my, that's hilariously tragic. Extra points for having insectoid Xeno THAT ARE NOT hostile.

The vast seas of this world are wrought with storms submerged hives fight off the monsters unleashed by the warp storm above.

Anti-Chaos specialists.

[x][Homeworld] Grath
[x][Homeworld] Yuli

I like these two the most, especially the first one.
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by Planetary Tennis on Nov 22, 2019 at 1:58 PM, finished with 20 posts and 18 votes.
Character Creation 1
The smog-filled sky of Imrak is broken for a moment when a spear of fire falls down. The massive world is covered in many wrecks and derelicts, old ship bridges stand repurposed as keeps where scrapper kings squat in rusting giants. The eyes of all turn to you and watch the light in the sky. It crashes into the world...

Before the kingdom of Scra the greatest Scraplord of the world.
The acidic mires that lay between the mountains of trash. The most desperate hide from combat here.
The center of an ongoing battle the pod breaking a walker of one side and the husk-like super tank of another.
The Pod punched into a mountain. Deep in the heart is the chamber of an abandoned war machine, you are alone.

Each of the Primarchs was designed by the emperor to fit as a gear within his grand machine. Built from the ground up to forge a legion of power and strength. The genecraft of the Emperor is unmatched except in the art of the old ones in time now forgotten and lost. When he built his Primarchs he granted them a boon to their power and altered their nature so that they would function in the place he needed.

A trait a manifestation of this alteration, pick one.
All primarchs are connected to the warp in a closer way then mortals, but you have few peers in the connection to the warp.
You were made to counter the warp, psychic powers collapse when you are near, but others need to work hard to not be naturally repulsed by you.
Your being is different when you die you will return to life. Though this is not always a good thing.
Your mind is powerful even among your brothers you find the workings science and creation easier to understand.
Your mind is quicker to understand and break apart tactics allowing you to deploy tactics easier than many of your brothers.
Even among your brothers, you stand as one of the toughest and hardest to break, your body is like iron.
You stand as a monster in combat few of your brothers can best you in a maddened melee.
You can comprehend the motives and actions of others easily allowing you to master diplomacy.
(Planetary) You have an understanding of machines in ways others simply do not.
You are resilient to mutation and being affected by Chaos. Only pick one taint.
You are a master of many strategies. Pick two specialties.

Specialty, the type of warfare you, and your legion excel at. Pick one.
The fortifying and breaking of those fortifications.
The meat grinder slowly wearing an enemy away.
[][Specialty]Fast Attack:
The quick rapid strikes on an enemy.
The movement unseen until the time to strike.
Never being seen taking the fewest actions for the greatest effect.
Heavy attack on the enemy.
Jack of all trades.
The enemies will not want to fight you.
Convincing one to not fight.
Holding a position even when it is not fortified.
[][Specialty]Combined Arms:
The use and deployment of heavy weapons, vehicles, and auxiliaries.

However, the Emperor was not perfect and the act of being thrown into the warp has deeply altered you. Pick two.
A physical deformation. This is random, you can take more than once.
You can see the future but rarely is what you see helpful or good.
[][Taint]Gene Seed Flaw:
Your sons have a flaw that mutates or changes them. This is random, you can take more than once.
[][Taint]Broken Psyche:
Your mind saw the eternity of the warp and was changed by it. Gain two extra flaws.
A warp born ability lays within you. Random, but rarely purely good.
Misfortune and horrific luck follow you and your legion.

You are a man, a greater man but still a man, you had from birth one great flaw of personality. Pick one.
You will always push and look deeper into a mystery regardless of danger or consequences.
They watch you follow you, wait for your moment of weakness.
You will repeat actions that give your pleasure, and do this as much as you can.
No one stands above you. You are the master of all you put your mind to.
You can not walk around a subject rather you are a ram right into its heart for good or ill.
The lives of others are meaningless you could care less about a thousand of your sons, the less about mortals the better.
You must have someone, something to look to, to follow, to worship.
You care deeply about others stand in relation to you.
You struggle to focus or be directed.
You are unwilling to wait or be patient.
You are quick to run when the flow turns against you.
[][Flaw]Write in:
A personality flaw that is major, and a flaw in the 30k/40k setting.

Please vote by plan and discuss and wait at least two hours before voting. I am happy to answer and question.
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