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You were alive. Now, you are dead. Or are you?

You have just been recently reincarnated. Where, you ask?

That's for me, the QM/Author, to know. And for you new or veteran questers to find out.

On your journey to find out where you are, you will find friendship, hardship, and most importantly, your legend. You will find out who you truly are and make the most out of your lucky gift, living your new life to the fullest.
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Fireside Eldritch Munchies
Bay Area, California

Hello all questers and welcome, to

This is my second quest (Why am I doing this to myself? I can barely keep up with posting updates on Breaking Destiny!) that I will be writing, and the premise is simple (or not so simple, depending on your view).

You were alive. Now, you are dead. Or are you?

You have just been recently reincarnated. 'Where?', the masses ask?

That's for me, the QM/Author, to know. And for you new or veteran questers to find out.

On your journey to find out where you are, you will find friendship, hardship, and most importantly, your legend. You will find out who you truly are and make the most out of your lucky gift, living your new life to the fullest.

Shit, did I say too much? Hopefully I didn't. Eh, whatever. What's done is done.

Word From QM/Author

Hey all. ItzNarcotic back here with another (I think?) quest idea. The is the first quest idea where I actually don't have an end point in mind.

I mean, I do have one. But the 'end point' is far away as hell. And it will take forever to reach. But hey, long quests are good ones. Right?

Anyways, I wonder if you know where you are at. I haven't even posted the first chapter yet! Also, this quest was partially inspired by another quest. I won't say which one, but it has a pretty good premise. Before you ask, Historical Events That Definitely Occurred™ doesn't have the same premise as that quest.

Also, your character will have knowledge as to where you are. However, it is up to you whether you want to use said knowledge or not. I will say that this character should not exist in this world. They are an outlier to this world. To be more specific, an anomaly of sorts. Either way, I love it when some random person who shouldn't exist just comes in and changes the balance of things. SI fanfiction is a personal favorite genre of mine, to be quite honest with you questers.

All that information aside, please patiently wait while I post the first chapter and reserve some posts for informational things.
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1. A Lucky Opportunity
You find yourself staring into a dark void, nothing you recognize in sight. You look around or attempt to, anyway. You see nothing but pitch black, the void taunting you.

How did you even get here? That last thing you remembered was, was… Huh. You can't even remember how you got here. The last thing you can actually remember was you graduating high-school and going for a position as a…

Pick as many as you'd like, but only one will win.
[][Profession] History Teacher (+?, Unlocks ? and ?)
[][Profession] Biochemist (+?, Unlocks ?)
[][Profession] Gun Salesman (+?, Unlocks ?)
[][Profession] Self-Defense Teacher (+?, +?, and Unlocks ?)
[][Profession] CEO (+?, Unlocks ? and ?)

As you reminisce on your used-to-be future, you can faintly hear a noise. You can hear it, but barely.

"Unfortunate human," it speaks, the sound booming throughout this empty space, "I have seen your plight and I pity you."

You try to look around and see where the voice is coming from, but fail.

"Fool, do you think a mere mortal can bare witness upon my divine figure?" It questions, sending your non-existent body into a frenzy. Everything hurts, yet you have nothing that could be hurt.

The voice scoffs, before whispering, "Why is it always the mortals?"

You look up, interested. Has this incorporeal being done this before?

"Anyways, I have seen your plight and pity you. How you ended was embarrassing to the likes of others I have witnessed. So, I shall grant you one last life."

If you had eyelids, they would be wide open in shock right now. Did this being just say they would reincarnate you?

"I did say you would get one last life, mortal. How dare you question my ability to do so!" The voice sounds… indignant? What?

"Anyways, you shall start your life reborn as a newborn infant. Do you accept?"

You nod, or at least try to do so. You don't really have a head or body to do the motions, but you try your hardest to do so.

"Hmph, very well. I hope you enjoy your new life as much as possible. After all, only lucky mortals get the chance to do so."

After she finishes, you feel yourself get dragged somewhere. Everything around you starts to break, as if fissures were occuring around your body itself.

You can't see anything else, your eyes being forcefully closed. Hopefully, that being did reincarnate you. Just so you could live your life that you wanted to.


The being did reincarnate you. After you were born, you found out that you were a…

[][Gender] Boy
[][Gender] Girl

And that you were born in the year of…

[][Date of Birth] 2498 B.C.
[][Date of Birth] 1208 B.C.
[][Date of Birth] 24 A.D.
[][Date of Birth] 884
[][Date of Birth] 1408
[][Date of Birth] 1534

You knew this, because everything looked so medieval, unlike the modern society that you lived in before. Hopefully, you can live to protect your loved ones and friends that you make throughout your new life.

Votes for the next chapter:
  • Profession
  • Gender
  • Date of Birth

Note from QM:

I wonder if you know what universe you've been reincarnated in? I mean, the dates should give plenty of clues, so feel free to guess where you are!

Also, updates for this quest will usually be around 2-3k words and will always happen the day after I update Breaking Destiny.
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[x][Profession] Biochemist (+?, Unlocks ?)

[x][Gender] Girl

[x][Date of Birth] 1138 A.D.
[x][Date of Birth] 24 A.D.
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[x][Profession] Biochemist (+?, Unlocks ?)

[x][Gender] Girl

[x][Date of Birth] 24 A.D.
[X][Profession] History Teacher (+?, Unlocks ? and ?)
[X][Gender] Boy
[X][Date of Birth] 2498 B.C.
[X][Profession] Gun Salesman (+?, Unlocks ?)

It's all about DAKKA! Plus earlier introduction of firearms can't go wrong :p.

[x][Gender] Girl

Yeah, sorry, but playing as a woman in a medieval-like timeline I wouldn't consider a good idea and I don't I need to say why. Of course it may be some alternate history of sort where equality already exist and woman are considered equals and maybe even we end up in matriarchal society, but I wouldn't risk it myself.

EDIT: Never mind. Higher difficult sounds more amusing. Gender swap.

[X][Date of Birth] 24 A.D.

I'm convinced by Questing for fun.
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[X][Profession] Gun Salesman (+?, Unlocks ?)

Because the Roman empire actually has some serious tech back in the day all the way up to and including the steam engine. (if a very basic one) IF we get knowledge on how to build guns we could easily mass produce some and get our own army set up. Maybe even become emperor and ensure the Pax Romana spreads across all of Europe and eventually even all the way to india.

[X][Gender] Boy

Because woman don't have equal rights for most of these dates.

[X][Date of Birth] 24 A.D.

because anytime later than 24AD risks the Christian church coming down on us like a sack of bricks and getting us slaughtered.

also I am loving your FE quest so far keep up the good work!
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So when Church oppressed gunsmiths exactly? :wtf:
not worried about the gunsmithing so much as if we get too powerful they will try and take us out.

Remember we are talking about the most power-abusing organization in the medieval era that basically had most of Europe doing whatever they said. Maybe not completely but enough so that it could cause us a fair few problems.
[X][Profession] Gun Salesman (+?, Unlocks ?)
[X][Gender] Boy
[X][Date of Birth] 2498 B.C.
[X][Profession] Gun Salesman (+?, Unlocks ?)
[X][Gender] Boy
[X][Date of Birth] 2498 B.C.
umm not offense but are you two sure about going for this combination? nothing against starting earlier but the problem with guns is that you need industry to build them.....

This is the era with very little iron to no and no steel. Plus civilization is basically non-existent outside of China, Egypt and Mesopotamia (which is basically all ruled by god-kings and religion.) Would take us forever to get to using proper guns, Even muskets will take awhile. Plus even once we got it all started well.... I dont fancy going against Empires as large as they were back then. Era is fine if you are starting with another option, just throwing out some historical facts.
not worried about the gunsmithing so much as if we get too powerful they will try and take us out.
Becoming too powerful carries risks with any powerful faction in any age though.
Remember we are talking about the most power-abusing organization in the medieval era that basically had most of Europe doing whatever they said.
Sure, just like during Investiture Controversy or Frederick II's wars with papacy. :eyeroll: There were enough rulers willing to challenge Church's authority. I don't see any problem here. Really weird fearmongering.
I believe they mean that we would become the target of the church due to what they would deem heretical developments.
And which technological developments were considered heretical by the Church?
Looks like the vote's pretty much decided, but allow me to present my own alternative.

[X][Profession] History Teacher (+?, Unlocks ? and ?)

Meta-knowledge (Sort-of) is a favorite trope of mine.

[X][Gender] Boy

I'd pick girl, but it's just such a huge disadvantage in most of these eras

[X][Date of Birth] 24 A.D.