[X] Plan Of Ents and Men

Think it would help us to absorb the scattered tribe. We def have population issues.
Not sure if I'm missing something or not but the Turn 3 threadmark says
Baran has three actions, Belen has two, and Halbeth has one, for a total of six.
but all the plans so far have only five actions with Belen taking only one. I notice that the info mark on The Powers of Beleriand says that he gets one action, but he had two of his own on Turn 2 as well. Not counting the additional floating The Great Flight action we lost.
Not sure if I'm missing something or not but the Turn 3 threadmark says

but all the plans so far have only five actions with Belen taking only one. I notice that the info mark on The Powers of Beleriand says that he gets one action, but he had two of his own on Turn 2 as well. Not counting the additional floating The Great Flight action we lost.
He is required to use one on studying a kind of magic. Those options use up one of his two.
He is required to use one on studying a kind of magic. Those options use up one of his two.

Duh. I knew I was missing something.

[X] Plan Too Late To Gain Supporters
-[X] Invite the dark-haired men to join you in Estolad, and swear themselves to the elves. (Increased relation with Finrod, some of the new men may share Estolad with you)
--[X] Baran
-[X] The Land Above The Rivers:
The wide land called Thargelion is open and lush, and may well be home to some few of the ents. If any have settled in these open plains, it would likely be the Entwives, who value open land to plant and tend their great gardens. The Entwives, the Elves say, know the secrets of the growing things.
--[X] Halbeth
-[X] The Moon Way: In the darkest days of the Great Flight, when the Shadow stretched across the world and the power of the Enemy prevailed upon all, those who could walk without sound and move without sight were valued above all others. This is the way they kept silent from the Orcs and outran the Wargs, in the light of the moon in older days. The Elves know the power of the Moon, whom they call Ithil, and name it among the great enemies of the Shadow.
--[X] Belen
-[X] The Healing Way: An old crone named Imarwen remembers her mothers' mothers tales of the grasses and the herbs and the words which could heal, which could quicken womb and help bone mend. The words have all but been forgotten, and the skill is all but dead. Belen learns it from her. The elves know something of this way, and say in their songs that Este, the gentlest of the Valar, weeps for the suffering of mortals, and aids them as she can.
--[X] Belen
-[X] The hunters say that there seems to be great abundance in the forests to your north. They wish to explore it.
--[X] Baran
-[X] The hunters have found a mighty boar that rampages through the forests, and has already slain two men. You declare a Great Hunt to find and kill the boar, promising that the man who slays it will be rewarded with extra food and a celebration in his honor. (Requires two months of food)
--[X] Baran
-[X] You begin the construction of small, temporary homes to shelter your people. Little more than hovels of mud and wood, they are still more than you have ever known.
--[X] Request Elven Aid (may owe the elves)
You give extra rations to the elderly and the Wise, that the memory of where we have been does not fade before it can be passed on. (Requires an extra month of food)(Increase the influence of the Wise)
You increase the number of hunters out on the plains, that you might gather more food this year. (Hunters gather more food)(Increased Hunter influence)(The tribe is less defended)

I don't like any of the previously posted plans enough to vote for them. Halbeth, the tracker with a magic bonus should be the one searching for the Ents. Baran, the hunter should be leading the boar hunt to boost his Legend. Moon Way because our House is the Ranger House and that's the Rangeryiest of the magic options. Wood Way is wasted because we don't live in the woods. We live on the plains. Feed the Wise because we still have that minus from the dwindling of memory. Increase Hunters to keep Spears and Seers balanced and combo with exploring the forest to counteract the loss of potential food that resulted from our move.
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You make some good points, and of course you go with having Halbeth and Baran on the appropriate tasks.

[X] Plan Too Late To Gain Supporters
Adhoc vote count started by agumentic on Aug 10, 2019 at 1:26 AM, finished with 126 posts and 27 votes.

  • [X] Plan Of Ents and Men
    -[x] Attempt to convince the dark-haired men to join your folk in Estolad and become members of the House of Beor. (Decreased Morale among the people, some of the new men may join you)
    --[X] Baran​
    -[x] The Land Above The Rivers: The wide land called Thargelion is open and lush, and may well be home to some few of the ents. If any have settled in these open plains, it would likely be the Entwives, who value open land to plant and tend their great gardens. The Entwives, the Elves say, know the secrets of the growing things.
    -[x] The Wood Way: In days gone by on the shores of the Sea of Rhun, the Quendi taught the oldest of your ancestors the art of speaking to the trees, and the Ents deepened their knowledge. They say that your fathers' fathers could induce the elm to grow, could persuade the yew to part with itself, and could make their homes amid the trees as the elves did. The elves know this way, and attribute it to the Valar Yavanna, who is mother of all growing things.
    -[x] There are some among the Wise whose voices are deep and whose words cut the soul with their beauty. Their music is an echo of the First. (Chance of recruiting a bard leader)
    --[x] Belen​
    -[x] The hunters have found a mighty boar that rampages through the forests, and has already slain two men. You declare a Great Hunt to find and kill the boar, promising that the man who slays it will be rewarded with extra food and a celebration in his honor. (Requires two months of food)
    --[x] Halbeth
    -[x] The hunters are new-come to this new land, and request your permission to travel to it's bounds and edges to map out your new home.
    -[x] You begin the construction of small, temporary homes to shelter your people. Little more than hovels of mud and wood, they are still more than you have ever known.
    --[x] Request Elven Aid (may owe the elves)
    -[x] You give extra rations to the elderly and the Wise, that the memory of where we have been does not fade before it can be passed on. (Requires an extra month of food)(Increase the influence of the Wise)
    -[x] You increase the number of hunters out on the plains, that you might gather more food this year. (Hunters gather more food)(Increased Hunter influence)(The tribe is less defended)
    [X] Plan Baran Treefriend
    -[x] Invite the dark-haired men to join you in Estolad, and swear themselves to the elves. (Increased relation with Finrod, some of the new men may share Estolad with you)
    --[x] Baran
    -[x] The Land Above The Rivers: The wide land called Thargelion is open and lush, and may well be home to some few of the ents. If any have settled in these open plains, it would likely be the Entwives, who value open land to plant and tend their great gardens. The Entwives, the Elves say, know the secrets of the growing things.
    --[X] Baran​
    -[x] The Wood Way: In days gone by on the shores of the Sea of Rhun, the Quendi taught the oldest of your ancestors the art of speaking to the trees, and the Ents deepened their knowledge. They say that your fathers' fathers could induce the elm to grow, could persuade the yew to part with itself, and could make their homes amid the trees as the elves did. The elves know this way, and attribute it to the Valar Yavanna, who is mother of all growing things.
    -[x] There are some among the Wise whose voices are deep and whose words cut the soul with their beauty. Their music is an echo of the First. (Chance of recruiting a bard leader)
    --[x] Belen​
    -[x] The hunters have found a mighty boar that rampages through the forests, and has already slain two men. You declare a Great Hunt to find and kill the boar, promising that the man who slays it will be rewarded with extra food and a celebration in his honor. (Requires two months of food)
    --[x] Halbeth
    -[x] The skilled hunters among your tribe are few. You send the most skilled to train the rest in tracking and stalking their prey. (Chance of increased hunter effectiveness)
    -[x] You begin the construction of small, temporary homes to shelter your people. Little more than hovels of mud and wood, they are still more than you have ever known.
    --[x] Request Elven Aid (may owe the elves)
    -[x] You give extra rations to the women and children, increasing the growth of the clan. (Requires an extra month of food)
    -[x] More elves have followed Finrod, seeking to interact with these new men and trade with you. You order the women of the House to make a concerted effort to sew and weave more embroideries and trinkets that they might wish to trade for.
    [X] Plan Wood Hunt and Children
    [X] Plan Their Grace

    -[X] You accept the offer of Finrod, and take a final, greater step. You swear yourself into the service of Finrod Felagund, as his vassal and leal servant, for all the days of your mortal life. You will dwell with him in his realm of Nargothrond, and your son Baran will lead your people ever after. So will begin a friendship between the House of Finwe and the House of Beor that will last all the days of the World. (Gain Trait: Elf-Friends, remove Great Flight modifier, lose Beor as a leader, Faction Leader becomes Baran, Gain Modifier: Beor the Old for as long as Beor lives, granting +5 to all Wisdom and Lore rolls, Gain Permanent Ally: The Kingdom of Nargothrond, can begin the Ring of Finrod questline later on)

    -[X] The Grace of the Undying: The Elves are fair and graceful beyond measure. Their words carry the weight of centuries, and they move with the self-assured grace of the undying. Learning from Finrod has passed some small part of this on to your people. (+10 to all Diplomacy rolls for ten turns, leaders are generated with minimum 7 Grace)
    --[X] Baran​
    -[X] The Song of the Firstborn: Finrod's song still echoes in your hearts, and the tunes that he taught the Wise are but pale echoes of the beautiful sounds that fell from his lips. His song, he says, is itself a pale echo of another song and an older Music, a greater tune that woke before the World. There is a power to the Music, he says, a strength to the song. Those who can master it's tunes may master the world -- for the world is the song, and the song is the world. (+10 to all Magic rolls, increased chance to generate Bard leaders, Bard leaders generate with minimum 8 Magic.)
    --[x] Belen​
    -[X] The Wise seek to practice the songs and arts of Finrod, in an attempt to reproduce his haunting music.​
    -[X] Some among the Wise know something of the old magic of tree and wood and fen, the arts which bend earth and shape stone. You wish to know more of these things. (Begin Questline: The Old Ways. The Wise begin to investigate magic. -1 action to the Wise for ??? turns. The leader selected may have his magic increased by ???)
    -[X] The Wise know much of the woods and the wild, of the earth that is wide and holds many secrets. You ask them to led their wisdom. (Increased chance of finding food this turn, chance of finding ??? in the wild)
    --[X] Beor​
    -[X] The hunters say that in their rangings they have stumbled upon a great glade, in which lies a lake filled with shimmering stones. You could send some hunters to investigate.​
    -[X] There are hunters of great skill and fame among their number, and a select few of these may grow greater still. (Chance of recruiting a Ranger or Warrior leader)
    -[X] Some among your people do not trust the elves. You speak to them, calming their fears and reassuring them.​
    -[X] A new generation of children has begun to come up, the first in many lifetimes who have known green grasses and lived more than a few months without the Great Flight. You order the Wise to pay special attention to their tutelage. (???)​
    -[X] Finrod has not been alone. Elves have followed him from their Western kingdoms, and some among your people have begun to barter with the strange travelers, trading their hand-made arts and embroideries for elvish fineries and even small silver trinkets. You encourage this burgeoning trade.​
    -[X] You send the Wise among them to collect their stories and tales of the past year, adding them to the collected stories of the House.​
    -[X] You order the fastest among your people to scout into the surrounding lands and return with news.​
    -[X] You send scouts to search the low passes of the mountains for signs of the other clans of Men you know attempted the crossing.​
    [X] The Wise seek to practice the songs and arts of Finrod, in an attempt to reproduce his haunting music: DC 120
    [X] The Wise know much of the woods and the wild, of the earth that is wide and holds many secrets. You ask them to led their wisdom. (Increased chance of finding food this turn, chance of finding ??? in the wild): DC 90
    -[X] The hunters say that in their rangings they have stumbled upon a great glade, in which lies a lake filled with shimmering stones. You could send some hunters to investigate. DC 55
    [X] There are hunters of great skill and fame among their number, and a select few of these may grow greater still. (Chance of recruiting a Ranger or Warrior leader): DC 140
    [X] Plan Moon Hunt
    [X] Plan Too Late To Gain Supporters
    -[x] Invite the dark-haired men to join you in Estolad, and swear themselves to the elves. (Increased relation with Finrod, some of the new men may share Estolad with you)
    --[X] Baran​
    -[x] The Land Above The Rivers: The wide land called Thargelion is open and lush, and may well be home to some few of the ents. If any have settled in these open plains, it would likely be the Entwives, who value open land to plant and tend their great gardens. The Entwives, the Elves say, know the secrets of the growing things.
    --[x] Halbeth
    -[X] The Moon Way: In the darkest days of the Great Flight, when the Shadow stretched across the world and the power of the Enemy prevailed upon all, those who could walk without sound and move without sight were valued above all others. This is the way they kept silent from the Orcs and outran the Wargs, in the light of the moon in older days. The Elves know the power of the Moon, whom they call Ithil, and name it among the great enemies of the Shadow.
    -[x] There are some among the Wise whose voices are deep and whose words cut the soul with their beauty. Their music is an echo of the First. (Chance of recruiting a bard leader)
    --[x] Belen​
    -[X] The hunters say that there seems to be great abundance in the forests to your north. They wish to explore it.
    -[x] The hunters have found a mighty boar that rampages through the forests, and has already slain two men. You declare a Great Hunt to find and kill the boar, promising that the man who slays it will be rewarded with extra food and a celebration in his honor. (Requires two months of food)
    -[x] You begin the construction of small, temporary homes to shelter your people. Little more than hovels of mud and wood, they are still more than you have ever known.
    --[x] Request Elven Aid (may owe the elves)
    -[x] You give extra rations to the elderly and the Wise, that the memory of where we have been does not fade before it can be passed on. (Requires an extra month of food)(Increase the influence of the Wise)
    -[x] You increase the number of hunters out on the plains, that you might gather more food this year. (Hunters gather more food)(Increased Hunter influence)(The tribe is less defended)
[X] Plan Of Ents and Men
-[x] Attempt to convince the dark-haired men to join your folk in Estolad and become members of the House of Beor. (Decreased Morale among the people, some of the new men may join you)
-[x] The Land Above The Rivers: The wide land called Thargelion is open and lush, and may well be home to some few of the ents. If any have settled in these open plains, it would likely be the Entwives, who value open land to plant and tend their great gardens. The Entwives, the Elves say, know the secrets of the growing things.
--[x] Baran
-[x] The Wood Way: In days gone by on the shores of the Sea of Rhun, the Quendi taught the oldest of your ancestors the art of speaking to the trees, and the Ents deepened their knowledge. They say that your fathers' fathers could induce the elm to grow, could persuade the yew to part with itself, and could make their homes amid the trees as the elves did. The elves know this way, and attribute it to the Valar Yavanna, who is mother of all growing things.
-[x] There are some among the Wise whose voices are deep and whose words cut the soul with their beauty. Their music is an echo of the First. (Chance of recruiting a bard leader)
--[x] Belen
-[x] The hunters have found a mighty boar that rampages through the forests, and has already slain two men. You declare a Great Hunt to find and kill the boar, promising that the man who slays it will be rewarded with extra food and a celebration in his honor. (Requires two months of food)
--[x] Halbeth
-[x] The hunters are new-come to this new land, and request your permission to travel to it's bounds and edges to map out your new home.
--[x] Baran
-[x] You begin the construction of small, temporary homes to shelter your people. Little more than hovels of mud and wood, they are still more than you have ever known.
--[x] Request Elven Aid (may owe the elves)
You give extra rations to the elderly and the Wise, that the memory of where we have been does not fade before it can be passed on. (Requires an extra month of food)(Increase the influence of the Wise)
You increase the number of hunters out on the plains, that you might gather more food this year. (Hunters gather more food)(Increased Hunter influence)(The tribe is less defended)

Here's a plan that shares similar broad-strokes to the rest but differs in a few key areas. First off, I think that as the first and the smallest of the tribes of the Latecomers into Beleriand we should look to grow our own numbers so that we may be more secure in these dark times. The second tribe is nothing more than a number of small, scattered bands strewn about Ossiriand in secret camps without any leadership, so let Baran go out amongst the wilds and gather them so that they might join his house in this new, bountiful land. Ideally, once the House of Marach comes into Beleriand, we can convince them to settle with us due to our larger numbers.

Baran's legend started with him finding and saving a scattered group of our tribe thought lost to the perils of the wild, it should only grow if he repeats that feat with the second tribe, and then again further if he finds and entreats with the Entwives. Combining this with sending out the hunters to scout the lands around us should mean that he has a greater chance of success on both quests for finding the scattered second tribe and the Entwives.

If we manage to bring newcomers into the House of Beor, there is less immediate need to grow our numbers as fast as possible. This is why I've chosen to give extra food to the elders and the Wise, so that we can continue to benefit from the greatest strength of the House of Beor for longer yet. Along with that, sending more hunters afield to counterbalance the influence growth of the Wise and to help ensure our food stocks don't run too low is a reasonable course of action, as we should have some grace period to settle and the Sons of Feanor guard our northern border in strength.

Halebeth is the best tracker, and a fearsome bow-maiden besides, so her hunting down this monstrous boar is a suitable task for her that will also help grow her legend. She should have better chances because of the scouting that will take place throughout the land. Other than that, everything else is pretty straight forward, with Belen doing what he does best and honestly, who doesn't want a bard leader?
Except Baran is a better hunter and fighter, and his legend is a Hunter one, while Halbeth is a better tracker, which is what is going to be finding the Entwives.

Moreover, trying to get them into our tribe is going to be harder, and even if successful will cause morale issues.
You know, yeah, if the memory is dwindling, feeding elderly and the wise might last it longer. And it does Moon Way.
[X] Plan Too Late To Gain Supporters
Has anyone else noticed the plan posted less than 12 hours ago is already 1 vote from causing a draw with the winning vote despite being called Too Late to Gain Supporters?

I just find the irony rather funny really.
@Immortal Lurker , @Mathematicae ,@Spacegnom , @Chimeraguard

Since plan Baran Treefriend cannot win at this point, would you consider changing your vote to Plan Too Late To Gain Supporters? That way we would invite the Haladin to swear themselves to Findor instead of trying to absorb them. I mean, we don't even speak the same Mannish dialect for crying out loud! OTL the Haladin used Sindarin to communicate with other Edain so really it's probably more like a completelly diferent language at this point. Our cultures are simply too different for any attempt at integration to go without issues.