Ten Pounds of Gold: A Pro Wrestling Quest

I think the biggest issue will come down to availability. Leah also does manager work for Caleb and presumably still wrestles as part of the War Party, not to mention her day job as a personal trainer and that she seems to be the primary home maker, what with buying groceries, being there for maintenance workers, and seemingly keeping track of their credit cards.

If she locks in a weekly deal that is far enough away that it costs an expense to get there, that's going to be a serious AP commitment for her. She's not going to quit her day job since she seems to really enjoy it, so she'd probably have to force Caleb to take more responsibility around the house (not sure how that'd work out), drop out of War Party entirely to work purely as a manager (she seems like she'd be okay with this, since her favorite part of the job seems to be working with characters and storylines), stop being Caleb's manager (not likely), or cut down on her social time with Caleb (assuming that Caleb is her only Social Link, since we're her only other friend). Any of those changes is going to be a serious shake up and could end in a bunch of different ways, most of them explosive.

Smart money says we're going to get caught up in it, but it could still end well for everyone but Caleb. And screw Caleb.
155. Month Ten: Moving Plans
"I think…" you answer slowly. "That it's a good start. But it's got some room for improvement."

Leah nods. Her notepad and pen appear in her hands as if by magic. "I see. Anything in mind for the improvements?"

And so as you drive the Monster home, you start listing out things that you would want in your new A.D.C deal as Leah takes notes. You want them to cover travel for one thing; if a tiny company like N.E.W can afford to give you gas money, a promotion with real muscle behind it like this one can do the same. You also want approval on merch that you're featured in. Not all the merch mind you, just the stuff that's primarily about you and your team with Ghost. Like hell you want to be saddled with subpar shit that'll hurt your bottom line.

As Leah underlines that last part, you continue. "And I get what they're going for with priority over my dates. But I can't get just fuck over Hector and Stan like that. I need an exemption in there for 100SW and N.E.W."

Leah's eyebrows rise. "Really?" she asks, surprise loud in her voice. "I get 100SW. If the Hugo thing goes well you're going to be made there. But N.E.W? Really?"

You shake your head. "It's not the most glamorous promotion for me, sure. But I just signed a new deal with them and I'm going to live up to my end of the contract. And besides, Hector's the one that gave me my first break."

"Didn't he only do that because he worships Daybreak?"

"That's beside the point," you argue, jabbing a finger at her. "The fact is that he didn't have to put me on the show at all and he did it. More than that, he's actually given me stuff to do instead of just leaving me to twist in the wind like he does most of the men. That means a lot to me. I need an exemption for him too."

Leah pauses for a second and nods. "Got it. I'll make a call later."

You roll your eyes, and not for the first time, say "Leah. You do know you're not actually my business manager, right? I'll make the calls after I see the first draft of the contract Jones is sending over." Before she can argue, you press on. "And when I do, is there anything you want me to ask for you? You know, besides an actual deal?"

"I don't- wait, what?"

You scoff at her confusion. "Lee, you're going in there with me. We gotta get you taken care of too. We're gonna make sure that you get a contract too."

Leah stares at you for a long moment, her eyes looking like they're about to fall out of her head. "That's… that's really nice Tommy. But I don't think we really need to go that far. I'm fine getting paid per appearance. You don't need to go to bat for me like that."

"Like fuck I don't," you reply. "You're part of this act, girl. I need you there for it. So you're getting some cash." When it looks like she's going to argue further you cut her off. "Just shut up and accept my help already."

Leah huffs and looks out the window, but you can see the ghost of a smile growing on her cheeks. "Oh, and I'm the one that's wrong for trying to make calls for you but it's okay when you do the same thing for me?"

"Yeah. I'm a hypocrite. But you already knew that. Now moving on- what's next on my agenda?"

"Says I'm not really his manager," Leah mutters. "Then treats me like I am anyway. I see how it is." She stops whining long enough to grab your phone and pull up the calendar. "You're almost done your bookings for the month. Just one left at the end of the week: the 100SW show."

You grin. It feels like you've been waiting years to get back there. "Awesome. Hear anything from Hugo about the turn?"

She shakes her head. "I've got a text here from him, but all it says is that he has some ideas for it that are going to be quote 'fucking fire'. So that's good I guess."

"Fuckin' A. Anything else in there?"

Leah shakes her head. "Nope. Just that- oh, and there's a picture from Selina that I am definitely not opening."

"Really?" you reply. "It's a picture. It's not anything scandalous. She probably saw some weeaboo thing that she's decided to educate me on."

"Nah, I can recognize those," Leah replies. "They usually start off with a pic and then there's like thirty more messages. This is just the pic. I'll let you look at that on your own later."

"Fine. Still think you're being silly."

"You can think that all you want. But I'm not risking opening your girl's hot selfies."

The two of you lapse into a comfortable silence as you merge onto the highway that's broken only by the radio spitting horrible pop songs at you. Without even being asked Leah reaches over to the knob and starts turning, stopping only when she's found an 80's rock channel. As the Scorpion's only hit blares over your speakers she leans back into her seat.

When the song draws to an end Leah looks back over at you. "So we do have to talk about one thing."

"Shoot," you say, settling into the right lane. You're not in a rush; you can take your time and take the slow lane.

Leah looks like she's choosing her words carefully. "You're moving soon," she starts. "And that's a big deal."

"Not really," you answer. "Me and the terrible two are going to get another apartment. It'll be just like it is now. Only Jack'll hopefully get his own bedroom and things will be nicer than they are. We might actually be able to have people over without hiding Jack's blankets."

Leah pauses. "I don't think you're really thinking this through." You shoot her a look. What's there to think through? She hears your unspoken question and continues. "What if Allie gets her deal? She'll have to move out and then you'll be stuck with an extra bedroom and extra rent to pay."

You shrug. "We'll cross that bridge if we come to it. But it hasn't happened yet and until then, Allie needs a place to sleep. So that's not changing."

"Fine," Leah answers with a shrug. "Fair enough. But when you move, are you even going to stay in Baltimore?"

"Why wouldn't I?"

Leah sighs. "Because you just signed a big deal for Delaware. You also work regularly in Philly and Boston. Moving out there would cut down on your travel time big time."

"Wouldn't that make my Baltimore bookings and stuff harder to get to?" you question. "I mean… I do a lot of stuff here. My job's here, you're here, Selina, Daybreak, everyone in my non-spandex life is here."

Leah shakes her head. "I'm not saying you have to do it. But you can always get a new job. You'll see me pretty much every week, Selina about the same as you do now, and Daybreak would get it. And you would save a lot of time."

You think about it. "I'm not really comfortable making a decision without talking to the assholes," you finally say.

"Of course," she replies. "But it's something you should think about."

And it's something you do think about. You think about it for the rest of the drive home and for the next few days. It's only when you get back on the road to head down to see Omid that you make a decision.

You'll have to talk about it with Jack and Allie, but you're going to try and move to…

Where will Tommy, Jack, and Allie move to?
[] Philadelphia. It's a good central location and it's got a great wrestling scene you've barely tapped into. (Philadelphia and Delaware Actions take one less AP, Baltimore takes one more.)
-[] You'll look for a cheap place in Philly. All the better to save money. (8 expenses total)
-[] You'll look for a decent place in Philly. You've had enough of living in a hole. (12 Expenses total)
-[] You'll look for a nice place in Philly. You're starting to make money. What's the point of it without looking for a better life? (15 Expenses total)
[] Boston. It's closer to home, so you'll be able to see your parents and childhood friends more often- and there has to be more to the wrestling up there than just N.E.W. (Boston actions take one less AP, Baltimore takes one more.)
-[] You'll look for a cheap place in Boston. All the better to save money. (4 expenses total)
-[] You'll look for a decent place in Boston. You've had enough of living in a hole. (6 Expenses total)
-[] You'll look for a nice place in Boston. You're starting to make money. What's the point of it without looking for a better life? (10 Expenses total)
[] Baltimore. What's the point of moving? You've got a life here now, and you don't mind the extra travel. You're staying in town. (AP costs remain the same.)
-[] You'll look for a cheap place in Baltimore. All the better to save money. (6 expenses total)
-[] You'll look for a decent place in Baltimore. You've had enough of living in a hole. (9 Expenses total)
-[] You'll look for a nice place in Baltimore. You're starting to make money. What's the point of it without looking for a better life? (12 Expenses total)
It's back ladies and gents! Now to reread the whole damn thread since I remember jack shit. Plus we will need to math out our engagements for moving, not to mention or social links.
The two of you lapse into a comfortable silence as you merge onto the highway that's broken only by the radio spitting horrible pop songs at you. Without even being asked Leah reaches over to the knob and starts turning, stopping only when she's found an 80's rock channel. As the Scorpion's only hit blares over your speakers she leans back into her seat.
Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa. Should Tommy really be throwing shade on Winds of Change and No One Like You when he isn't in his heel persona?
Aww yeah, its back!

[] Philadelphia. It's a good central location and it's got a great wrestling scene you've barely tapped into. (Philadelphia and Delaware Actions take one less AP, Baltimore takes one more.)
-[] You'll look for a cheap place in Philly. All the better to save money. (8 expenses total)
Despite the long time between updates, it's been like days since your fight. He's still pretty messed up.

Yeah. That sucks. But while I'm sure he's not handing over the info for his bank account any time soon, I remember he was living hand to mouth for a while there. Does it look like that's gotten better? I'd rather not price the guy out because he doesn't have protag magic boosting his cash flow.
Yeah. That sucks. But while I'm sure he's not handing over the info for his bank account any time soon, I remember he was living hand to mouth for a while there. Does it look like that's gotten better? I'd rather not price the guy out because he doesn't have protag magic boosting his cash flow.
Yeah, that was when he was working his cleaner job. Ever since he got the waiter's gig he's had more cash to burn. He would be able to make the move with you.

Also, whatever Tommy decides here will work for the others. Jack will be able to find a similar job in the new city with his experience, and Allie will similarly be able to find something that pays the bills. The only one who'll have Real Job issues would be Tommy, though he could keep the UR Storage job if he wanted. It would just cost more AP.
[X] Baltimore. What's the point of moving? You've got a life here now, and you don't mind the extra travel. You're staying in town. (AP costs remain the same.)
-[X] You'll look for a decent place in Baltimore. You've had enough of living in a hole. (9 Expenses total)
Current Tally:
Adhoc vote count started by Vesvius on Jun 23, 2019 at 11:38 PM, finished with 8689 posts and 1 votes.

  • [X] Baltimore. What's the point of moving? You've got a life here now, and you don't mind the extra travel. You're staying in town. (AP costs remain the same.)
    -[X] You'll look for a decent place in Baltimore. You've had enough of living in a hole. (9 Expenses total)
Oops, messed up my vote!

[X] Philadelphia. It's a good central location and it's got a great wrestling scene you've barely tapped into. (Philadelphia and Delaware Actions take one less AP, Baltimore takes one more.)
-[X] You'll look for a cheap place in Philly. All the better to save money. (8 expenses total)
Cant decide which location i most want. But a decent place to stay is a MUST. If ever we do stay in baltimore, it mighr be worth it to buy a better transport or something or maybe just fix up the monster. Travel is a beach for Tommy right now.
Last edited:
Numbers, for reference.

Our monthly show salary is currently at 9 expenses, and 10 starting in January (Month 14, shortly after we move into the new apartment thanks to the second NEW contract).
Our monthly non-show expenses are at 4 (2 on Training with Leah, 1 on Merch Design, and 1 on Wrestling Times which is not required but regular).
We also just took a job working as Daybreak's assistant at Horizon, so that's another expense there until we decide to quit.

This leaves 6-8 Expenses for Rent and Discretionary funds, not considering any merch profits. If things continue to be split 3 ways (not something to take for granted), Tommy can afford any of the options.

We typically take 5 Baltimore actions (100SW, Leah Training x2, Selina Dates until a breakup, Horizon Wrestling). Hanging with Charley, SWF, Thunderpunch, Yoga, and (until we quit) Horizon Academy are also Baltimore actions.
We take 1 Boston action (NEW). Minimal savings by moving here.
We take 4 PA/DE actions (KWK, ADC x3). Hanging with Kennedy, Omid, and soon Destruction Wrestling are also PA actions.

Other stuff will of course pop up. I'm sure there's SWF equivalents in Boston and Philly. Yoga is by no means a Baltimore only thing. We could probably even get a personal trainer in the PA or Boston area to replace Leah if needed.

I think the picture is kinda clear. It's Philly or Baltimore, with Baltimore hanging on because Tommy's got his roots in there. If you look at the regular/required actions, then it's even between the two once Destruction gets in there, but several of the Baltimore actions have a closer expiration date. Training with Leah will break off once the ambition is completed (~600 pts to go, and it's a d100 per action). The relationship with Selina won't last forever. And working Horizon Academy is obviously a short-term thing because like hell are we gonna spend 3 AP a month on that for long if we move away.

Either a cheap place in Philly or a decent place in Baltimore imo. Decent in Philly isn't out of the question either, given that Destruction will pay and we do have merch sales in case Allie bails out for the big leagues. I'm leaning towards Philly, because it's clear that it's better in the long run/closer to Tommy's future.
[X] Baltimore. What's the point of moving? You've got a life here now, and you don't mind the extra travel. You're staying in town. (AP costs remain the same.)
-[X] You'll look for a decent place in Baltimore. You've had enough of living in a hole. (9 Expenses total)
[x] Philadelphia. It's a good central location and it's got a great wrestling scene you've barely tapped into. (Philadelphia and Delaware Actions take one less AP, Baltimore takes one more.)
-[x] You'll look for a decent place in Philly. You've had enough of living in a hole. (12 Expenses total)

Makes the most sense going forward
[X] Philadelphia. It's a good central location and it's got a great wrestling scene you've barely tapped into. (Philadelphia and Delaware Actions take one less AP, Baltimore takes one more.)
-[X] You'll look for a cheap place in Philly. All the better to save money. (8 expenses total)
[x] Philadelphia. It's a good central location and it's got a great wrestling scene you've barely tapped into. (Philadelphia and Delaware Actions take one less AP, Baltimore takes one more.)
-[x] You'll look for a decent place in Philly. You've had enough of living in a hole. (12 Expenses total)
I am not sure moving out is a good idea at this point because of the AP, how do things look up on that front? In Baltimore we have the two Horizon jobs which would cost an extra AP but those are cancelled by ADC and NEW costing one less iirc. We would have to see if the Selina dating scene costs more and if the Leah training does too (we should probably find another personal trainer in philly if it does and we move) but philly probably has other wrestling opportunities. Is there any other action we actually care about in Baltimore?

We should also consider that Allie might end up moving but we can always look for a new roomate and trust they ain't actually a druggie/thief/serial killer if we end up being short on cash.

PD: Does anyone knows how to turn off the setting in which whatever you write overwrites what is in front of it instead of writing in between?
[x] Philadelphia. It's a good central location and it's got a great wrestling scene you've barely tapped into. (Philadelphia and Delaware Actions take one less AP, Baltimore takes one more.)
-[x] You'll look for a decent place in Philly. You've had enough of living in a hole. (12 Expenses total)

PD: Does anyone knows how to turn off the setting in which whatever you write overwrites what is in front of it instead of writing in between?
That is actually a bit of a bug on word processes. Its immensly annoying in Word, but there isnt really a solution other than a restart.
[X] Baltimore. What's the point of moving? You've got a life here now, and you don't mind the extra travel. You're staying in town. (AP costs remain the same.)
-[X] You'll look for a decent place in Baltimore. You've had enough of living in a hole. (9 Expenses total)