Saving a Nation, By Any Means Necessary (Modern/Sci-Fi meets Fantasy CK2)

Well how the royals of Leofarinia are seen by the people we know? And who are them?

(And question for my omake, joan is the type to give a hog to somebody eho need it?)

Neutral at worst, highly respected at best, with the average being respected to a sizable degree.

What do you mean by this question?

Hog, as in a pig? Well, I guess, if she had one to give out, although I don't recall having on in the inventory list.

Do we have any info on the world we have arrived in compared to Joan's original world? How big it is? Is it a giant Pangea or multiple continents? etc

The world is Earth-sized or quite near it, if the quick experiments with the acceleration of gravity were any indication.

The maps that you have access to shows a huge, Pangea-like continent roughly equal to the combined size of Asia, Africa, Europe and South American Continents back on earth, with multiple biomes and climates throughout. Leofarinia occupies toward the middle-western end of this continent with the other four hostile nations of note. Beside those five nations, there are plenty of other kingdoms, nations, and other groups and civilizations on this continent. Most of them are not of big concern unless they make themselves a big concern.

Speaking of climates, Leofarinia could be described as "Warm Mediterranean and Italian-like" due to its proximity to the ocean and equator...

Interestingly enough, some rough mathematical calculations with the maps and what you can gather about the planet with your instruments suggests that there is a possibility of an unknown continent sized landmass in existance somewhere beyond the ocean. All of that is theoretical until said continent is discovered, if it even exists. Not to mention ocean-going technology is not that sophisticated enough, nor is there anyone foolhardy enough to undergo a suicide mission like that.

Say have any being any isekai figure in the history of the world/kingdoms also will we get alternative Japanese summoned to this world in the future?
Can other kingdoms summoned their own heroes from other worlds?

The first question has confusing grammar, but I assuming that you are asking if there were any other isekai-like hero or figure in the past in Leofarinia or other nations.

The answer is probably, if Joan Frank and her Foundation's summoning is of any indication. There are records of such figures in the past, but you can't really tell which is fact and which is fiction.

I assuming that the second part of the question is asking if you all will get alternative Japanese summoned if you attempt another ritual like the one that summoned you to the world.

The answer is maybe, but the summoning ritual is not an exact science and there is a possibility that you can summon someone from a completely different plane of reality or universe.

For the third question, I think I already said yes. Yes, the other kingdoms can devote resources to summon their own hero, but it can be an expensive process.
Turn 11
Turn 11:

It should not be a huge surprise to you that the Xelmian Invasion that started last month would be the dominant issue in everyone's minds. The Invasion was on everyone's lips when discussing the results of the previous month during your monthly meeting with all of the department heads and other very important people of your entire Foundation. And there is a lot to be said about the results.

On one hand, the Foundation and its nearby allies are doing rather well at this current point in time considering the tough circumstances. The Frank Foundation Armed Forces has gained plenty of strong and able fighters and could potentially win a battle or two against Xelma's army. The new factory that was completed recently will be a key component in supplying your army and that of your allies, both new and old. The researchers have finished developing your awesome trump-card that you could unleash when necessary. And, most importantly of all, the Xelmians have been delayed significantly, thanks to the efforts of your agents and a bit of good luck on your side.

On the other hand, the war is far from over and you, unfortunately, have lost the element of surprise, so to speak. While you are not an unknown element to the Xelmians prior to the start of the invasion, you weren't really seen as a threat. Now? Well, from what you can imagine and see, they are going to give you lots of attention. It would be nice to be treated like a movie superstar, but the Xelmians are really after your heads and not your autograph...

For this reason alone, this month will be just critical to your survival as the previous month, if not more. You will have to tread carefully from now on...

Wealth: 6+114-53=67

There is a total of SEVEN categories for you to vote on: Martial, Diplomacy, Stewardship, Intrigue, Learning, Piety, and Personal. Please make your vote in Plan format to ease my workload. Also, you can assign Joan Frank to one action (excluding personal actions) to add her stats to the action...

Martial: The Xelmian Invasion is going on in force and Georgia has her hands full between mobilizing the Foundation's forces, training new recruits, and planning for any battle you will have in the immediate future. However, your numbers are quite large now and your troops are just brimming with eagerness to fight against Xelma. Maybe now is time for more dynamic action?

Pick 2:

[] Combat Action – Xelmian Invasion (Free Action): Xelma is invading Leofarinia in full force and rampaging throughout the eastern half of Leofarinia right now. It is time to take action and respond in force to this attack. You and your forces will mobilize and do battle against the Xelmians, however you choose to do so.
Cost: 0. Reward: Combat Event Mini-Turn - "The Defense against the Xelmian Invasion", all personnel and assets not occupied with other tasks will be available to use for the mini-turn.

[] Multitasking - Sunnia (free action): In addition to whatever commerce and logistical duties she is assigned to, she could also take on a task related to your armed forces, although at reduced efficiency...
Cost: 0. Reward: Sunnia takes on an additional Martial action (+1 Martial Action for this turn only) although at reduced efficiencies (-15 to both martial action and a stewardship action, Sunnia's personal bonuses cannot be applied to any action this turn).

[] More Help Wanted, Quantity over Quality: You need fighting men and women (and maybe monsters) and you need still more of them quickly, especially with the war being waged right now. You and your company will focus their hiring efforts to expand your fighting forces' numbers very quickly without caring too much about quality.
Cost: 10. Reward: Random amount of fighting hirelings and/or creatures of variable quality, and maybe an adviser (Dice roll to determine what you get).
-[] Increase the amount of Wealth spent on this task for better results (input amount).

[] More Help Wanted, Quality over Quantity: Instead of hiring a large amount of lower quality hirelings, maybe you should start to focus more on ones with higher quality, strength, and abilities instead. You and your company will focus their hiring efforts to expand your fighting forces' numbers while caring more about quality.
Cost: 20. Reward: Fewer amounts of fighting hirelings and/or creatures of better quality, and maybe an adviser (Dice roll to determine what you get).
-[] Increase the amount of Wealth spent on this task for better results (input amount).

[] Improved Recruitment: New fighters and recruits are joining your forces at a steady, if slow, pace. However, you think that the pace could, and should, be faster. You will invest resources and effort into improving the rate that new fighters going your forces...
Chance of Success: 75%. Cost: 5. Upkeep: 5. Reward: Recruitment program improves; an additional random single Tier-2 combat group is added to the force list every month.

[] Tending to the Thorns: Thorn Throwers are weak individually but are pretty potent when used en masse. They are also rather easy to grow and can be a common sight in armies that uses monsters, including Leofarinia and Xelma. Since you have a bunch of seeds to use for this purpose, it shouldn't be too difficult nor expensive to set aside a plot of land to continuously grow bundles of them and have someone raise them up. It is not like you can't eat the seeds anyway...
Chance of Success: 80%. Cost: 5. Upkeep: 2. Reward: Plant Monster Farming program implemented; two Thorn Throwers combat groups is added to the force list every month.

[] Clean Out the Bandit Filled Mine: It looks like some stupid bandits have taken over another abandoned mine while no one is looking. Since everyone else is so busy, you might as well help clear them out by sending a task force down there. They'll probably reward you with the mine, which is a good reward by itself...
Chance of Success: 60%. Required: 1 Tier-1 combat group. Reward: Random one-time amount of Wealth, random loot, another mine for use and development.
-[] Increase the amount of personnel assigned to this task for better results (input the additional personnel).
-NOTICE: Can't be taken with Order of the Steel Helm – Help Clean Out the Bandit Filled Mine

[] Clean Out the Bandit Filled Fortress: It looks like some stupid bandits have taken over an abandoned hill fortress while no one is looking. Since everyone else is so busy, you might as well help clear them out by sending a task force over there. The fortress is in a good location to control a major route leading to Greenhill, so controlling the fortress will help in defending the region should Xelma threaten Greenhill and your Foundation...
Chance of Success: 65%. Required: 1 Tier-1 combat group. Reward: Random one-time amount of Wealth, random loot, a fortress in a key strategic location for use and development.
-[] Increase the amount of personnel assigned to this task for better results (input the additional personnel).
-NOTICE: Can't be taken with Order of the Steel Helm – Help Clean Out the Bandit Filled Fortress

[] Order of the Steel Helm Request – Help Clean Out the Bandit Filled Mine: It seems that word of that mine filled with bandits has reached the ears of the Steel Helm Knights that was staying in Greenhill. They figured that if they could reclaim it from the bandits, they will have a steady source of income independent of their typical errand tasks and missions. This in turn mean more money for recruits and better equipment, which then mean that they would preform better in any required mission or task. While it is possible that they could do the job themselves, they would rather have the aid of your forces when clearing out the mine to minimize risk. Of course, you will be well compensated for the errand...
Chance of Success: 75%. Required: 1 Tier-1 combat group. Reward: Random one-time medium amount of Wealth, random loot, Order of the Steel Helm's gratitude.
-[] Increase the amount of personnel assigned to this task for better results (input the additional personnel).
-NOTICE: Can't be taken with Clean Out the Bandit Filled Mine

[] Order of the Steel Helm Request – Help Clean Out the Bandit Filled Fortress: It seems that the bandit-filled abandoned hill fortress that was starting to become an eyesore lately has attracted the eyes of the Steel Helm Knights that was staying in Greenhill. They figured that if they could take it over as their new local headquarters, then they could better defend the village against random bandit attacks and maybe fend off a minor Xelmian attack or two. While it is possible that they could do the job themselves, they would rather have the aid of your forces when clearing out the fortress to minimize risk. Of course, you will be well compensated for the errand...
Chance of Success: 75%. Required: 1 Tier-1 combat group. Reward: Random one-time medium amount of Wealth, random loot, Order of the Steel Helm's gratitude.
-[] Increase the amount of personnel assigned to this task for better results (input the additional personnel).
-NOTICE: Can't be taken with Clean Out the Bandit Filled Fortress

[] Basic Fortification Building: War is here right now, and you realized that a few of your assets and bases were looking quite exposed and a bit more vulnerable to attack than you like them to be. You and your company will construct new basic fortifications at a location of your choosing. This will make the location less vulnerable to enemy actions and attacks…
Chance of Success: 85%. Cost: 20. Required: 2 Tier-2 combat groups. Reward: A location of your choosing will receive basic defensive fortifications, significantly reducing vulnerability to enemy attacks.
-Choose location:
-[]The Frank Foundation Headquarters Building
-[] Abandoned Mine near the Village of Greenhill
--[] Increase the amount of personnel and wealth assigned to this task for better results (input the additional personnel).

[] Expanded Sweating for Self-Improvement Program: Your forces are being improved at a steady pace, but you feel that the rate could and should be increased, especially with the troubles going on out there in the world. You will invest resources and effort into improving the rate that existing groups are being improved…
Chance of Success: 80%. Cost: 5. Upkeep: 5. Reward: Training program improves; an additional random combat group up to Tier-3 will be improved to a higher tier each month.

[] The Age of Gunpowder: With the redevelopment of firearms, it is now possible to introduce this new world the power of the gun and why they're so powerful. You will train and equip one of your combat squads in the use of modern firearms of your choice.
Chance of Success: 80%. Cost: Varies. Required: 1 Tier-2 (minimum) combat group. Reward: the combat group is trained in firearm use and is equipped with said firearms for combat.
-[] 9mm Pistols (Cost: 2)
--[] Use a kit to reduce cost to 1 and boost chances of success to 95%
-[] M3 "Grease Gun" Submachine Guns (Cost: 5)
-[] AK-47 Assault Rifles (Cost: 5)
-[] M4 Carbine Rifles (Cost: 7)
--[] Use a kit to reduce cost to 1 and boost chances of success to 95%
-[] Bolt-Action Sniper Rifles (Cost: 3)
--[] Use a kit to reduce cost to 1 and boost chances of success to 95%
-[] Pump-Action Shotguns (Cost: 3)
--[] Use a kit to reduce cost to 1 and boost chances of success to 95%
-[] Maxim Machine Gun (Cost: 7)

[] The Changing Face of the Battlefield: With a training program in place and a factory to produce the goods, you are thinking that now is a good time to start the process of upgrading your forces from using melee weapons into using something more… sophisticated and modern. You will devise and implement a training program that automatically trains and equips your combat groups into the use of better weapons and equipment, especially firearms.
Chance of Success: 75%. Cost: Varies. Upkeep: Varies. Reward: An improvement program to train and equip your combat groups with new weapons and gear will be implemented; a single combat group each month will be selected and upgraded at random.
-[] 9mm Pistols (Cost: 6, Upkeep: 2)
-[] M3 "Grease Gun" Submachine Guns (Cost: 15, Upkeep 5)
-[] AK-47 Assault Rifles (Cost: 15, Upkeep 5)
-[] M4 Carbine Rifles (Cost: 21, Upkeep 7)
-[] Bolt-Action Sniper Rifles (Cost: 9, Upkeep 3)
-[] Pump-Action Shotguns (Cost: 9, Upkeep 3)
-[] Maxim Machine Gun (Cost: 21, Upkeep 7)

[] Great Days With Lasers: You have some laser weapons at your disposal. While you really want to research them to see how they tick, the pressing issues of war means that they will be better used for the front-lines instead in a research lab. You will train and equip one of your combat squads in the use of those laser pistols you have sitting around.
Chance of Success: 65%. Cost: 3, (1) Laser Pistol Kit. Required: 1 Tier-2 (minimum) combat group and 1 Science/Engineering Team. Reward: the combat group is trained in the use of the laser pistols and is equipped with said laser pistols for combat.

[] Strategy Planning Sessions: Waging effective war against your enemies demands effective planning. You will confer with your fighting forces' commanders and unit leaders regularly to properly plan strategies and operations to be used in the upcoming wars you will have to fight in the future...
Chance of Success: 90%. Cost: 3. Reward: Proper plans and strategies are devised, further boosting the chances of success of any combat operation against Leofarinia's enemies.

[] Property Protection (free action): Some of your valuable properties that you had captured are practically unguarded and vulnerable to attack should the enemy decides to attack. You should send some troops and supplies out to your properties and assets to protect them from enemy capture or destruction…
Required: 1 combat group. Reward: the selected property gains a garrison of troops that will automatically defend the property from any hostile force.
-Select one:
-[] Abandoned Mine
-[] Captured Fortified Mining Camp
-[] Increase the amount of personnel and/or wealth assigned to this task for better results (input the additional personnel).
Note: any personnel not assigned to the defense of the outlying properties will be tasked to the defense of your headquarters automatically.

Diplomacy: You have started a few precious relationships with potentially powerful allies within the last month, but you know that will not be enough to help you win the war against Xelma. You will need more allies and you need said allies to be reliable and strong. Even in the midst of war, there's so much to do in this field, from building relations to petitioning for additional aid in your endeavors. On another note, it seems that more people are now actually coming to you for various reasons...

Pick 1:

[] Even better contact with the Temple of the Divine Word: Annabelle and The Temple of the Divine Word are pretty close to your organization at this point in time. Maybe it is time to take this partnership to the next level?
Chance of Success: 60% Reward: Relationship Value with the Temple of the Divine Word increases.

[] Even better contact with the Village of Greenhill: The local village exalts you and consider you as the chosen hero, but there are still room for improvement before even greater favors could be called in. Maybe you should better the relations between your company and the village a bit further?
Chance of Success: 70% Cost: 3 Reward: Relationship Value with the surrounding Village of Greenhill increases.

[] Even better contact with the Leofarinian Army: The local army garrison is extremely grateful for your services and assistance and regard you as a friend. Maybe it is time to take this partnership to even greater heights? Who knows what an alliance between the two of you could accomplish.
Chance of Success: 70% Reward: Relationship Value with the Leofarinian Garrison of Greenhill increases.

[] Even better contact with the Order of the Steel Helm: While it is true that your foundation and the Order has only just meet with each other, you have a good feeling about this new relationship. Maybe now is a good time to invest and improve this newborn relationship some more?
Chance of Success: 60% Reward: Relationship Value with the Order of the Steel Helm increases.

[] Even better contact with the Old Tower Warrens: Despite the fact that the relationship between the Warrens and your Foundation is not even a month old, you can feel the potential a more solid alliance would bring to the table. As early as this relationship is, maybe now is the time to deepen the ties. At least the Warrens would probably like it.
Chance of Success: 80% Reward: Relationship Value with the Old Tower Warrens increases.

[] The Mercenary Company is in town: The Deathwood Company is the largest mercenary company in Leofarinia and they currently are in Greenhill because the reigning monarchs hired them to bolster the Leofarinian Army's numbers in preparation for possible war, despite unsavory rumors about them. You are not a fan of dealing with private military contractors, but since they are here, maybe you should get to know them?
Chance of Success: 77% Reward: Established contact with Deathwood Company.

[] New Relations - Ironhil: The Town of Ironhil is the local seat of power for the region around you, sitting on the crossroads leading to other regions around you. The nobles over there dictate how resources shall be spent and how matters be settled. Since you are in their region, maybe you should introduce yourself to get your foot in the door?
Chance of Success: 75% Cost: 3 Reward: Established contact with the Town of Ironhil.

[] New Relations - Dust Storm Warrens: This Bunny Warren within the Stormy Sands Desert has started a war between Xelma and more than a few factions of the Desert by responding violently to Xelma's demand of surrender. An enemy of your enemy could be a potential ally, so you will send out messages to solicit a partnership between your Foundation and the Warren.
Chance of Success: 45% Cost: 3 Reward: Established contact with the Dust Storm Warrens.

[] Your Sought After Relations - A Monster-Trader Organization: A message from your associate, Yorrik the Catcher, has arrived to you the other day. The message states that he was recently inducted as the newest member of a predominate monster-trader organization. The other, bigger, point of the message is that the organization wants to establish a business relationship with your foundation and wants to send representatives to meet with you at your earliest convenience. Maybe you should see what they want?
Chance of Success: 80% Reward: Established contact with the monster-trader organization.

[] Your Sought After Relations - A Mysterious Temple Organization: A most curious message has arrived on your desk. The stationary is from the Temple of the Divine word, but the seal mark is a skull instead of the normal symbols of the Temple. The message plainly states that this organization within the Temple of the Divine Word wants to speak and establish relations with your Foundation. They will be sending along a couple representatives to help start the process. While you could meet with them, why is it that you can't shake the chill from your spine?
Chance of Success: 80% Reward: Established contact with the mysterious Temple organization.

[] Your Sought After Relations – The Royalty of Leofarinia: A most embellished message has arrived on your desk, decorated with the seals of, what you correctly assumed to be, the Leofarinian Royal Family. The writer of the message, Princess Athene the Wise, has heard quite a bit about you and she is interested in establishing a personal business relationship between her personal network and your Foundation. From what you can gather from the message and from your advisers, the attention of a member of the Royal Family is nothing to dismiss lightly, so maybe you should you should grant her request, even though there is no mention of an order in the letter.
Chance of Success: 80% Reward: Established contact with Princess Athene the Wise and her network.

[] Asking For a Little Bit More Help: While you hate begging, it is not exactly a sin to do so when you are in dire straits and, to be honest, you are not asking for that much, yet. You will go to a faction of choice and petition for them to give you aid, in whatever way they can spare…
Chance of Success: 55% (May go up depending on the faction chosen.) Reward: Random (what you get may differ depending on which faction was chosen.)
-[] Specify which faction to beg from.

[] A Favor to Ask of You - Temple of the Divine Word: With your relationship and level of trust between the Temple of the Divine Word and the Frank Foundation at a peak right now, maybe it is time to cash in a favor and get something nice from the Temple?
-[] A Piety Adviser (Cost: 35, a guaranteed adviser of random specialization)
-[] Experienced Temple Fighters (Cost: 10, a guaranteed random Tier-3 squad of Temple of the Divine Word's specialization)
-[] A Summoning Scroll (Cost: 5, a guaranteed delivery of summoning scrolls of various kinds)

[] A Favor to Ask of You - Greenhill: With your relationship and level of trust between the Village of Greenhill and the Frank Foundation at a peak right now, maybe it is time to cash in a favor and get something nice from the Village?
-[] An Adviser (Cost: 35, a guaranteed adviser of random specialization)
-[] Experienced Fighters (Cost: 9, a guaranteed random Tier-3 squad)
-[] A Piece of Treasure (Cost: 9, a randomized piece(s) of treasure)

[] A Favor to Ask of You - Leofarinian Garrison at Greenhill: With your relationship and level of trust between the Leofarinian Garrison at Greenhill and the Frank Foundation at a peak right now, maybe it is time to cash in a favor or two and get something nice from them? Although, keep in mind that with the war going on, they might demand a heavier price to get something that you want.
-[] An Adviser (Cost: 45, a guaranteed adviser of random specialization)
-[] A Martial Adviser (Cost: 35, a guaranteed adviser of Martial specialization)
-[] Experienced Fighters (Cost: 16, a guaranteed random Tier-3 squad)

[] A Favor to Ask of You - Order of the Steel Helm: With your relationship and level of trust between the Order of the Steel Helm and the Frank Foundation at a good level right now, maybe it is time to cash in and get something nice from the Order?
-[] Experienced Fighters (Cost: 20, a guaranteed random Tier-3 squad of Order of the Steel Helm specialization)
-[] A Gift of Introduction (Cost: 16, +10 to any action to establish relationship between a foreign group and your Foundation)

[] A Favor to Ask of You - Old Tower Warrens: With your relationship and level of trust between the Old Tower Warrens and the Frank Foundation at a good level right now, maybe it is time to request something nice from those Bunnies?
-[] Experienced Fighters (Cost: 10, a guaranteed random Tier-3 squad)
-[] A Piece of Treasure (Cost: 15, a randomized piece(s) of treasure)

[] I Don't Need a Babysitter!: While you have access to the ruins like you requested, you really do not like the thought of having an escort following you or our teams around. You can provide your own security just fine and, to be honest, you are sure that the purpose of the escort is something else other than protection. You will petition the Leofarinian Garrison to lift the requirement for an escort while in the ruins for a limited time...
Chance of Success: 70% Cost: 8 Reward: Requirement to have an escort lifted for a period of time.

Stewardship: Your income took a small hit ever since you have suspended operations in that mine. While your finances are still looking quite solid, you really can't afford to have your income decreased for any reason during a huge war like this. Fortunately, the new factory is already starting to turn in a profit and with it up and running, there are new doors that has opened up to make more money. And there are still more different opportunities to diversify your portfolio…

Pick 2:

[] Sell what could be sold: There bound to be a few things that you have in the headquarters and on your persons that you really do not need for continued operations. Look around and see what could be sold off, and then sell them off...
Chance of Success: 80%. Cost: 0. Reward: Random one-time amount of Wealth, other things.

[] Turn Plants into Gold: Selling off that stockpile of Flora in your inventory should bring in some funding for your future efforts...
Chance of Success: 70%. Reward: Sell the Various Herbs, Plants, Flowers, Berries, and Fungi for a one-time +7 Wealth.

[] Turn Unknown Plants into Gold: Selling off that stockpile of mysterious Flora in your inventory should bring in some better funding for your future efforts...
Chance of Success: 70%. Reward: Sell the Unknown Herbs and Flowers for a one-time +9 Wealth.

[] Even more Farming for Food and Cash: The herbalist's farm is doing very well and is turning in large profits already. However, there is still room for more improvement. Why not give her a bit more help to expand her farm's potential?
Chance of Success: 75%. Cost: 5. Reward: Income +5, random stuffs.

[] Business Expansion: Those three shops stationed at your headquarters are doing quite well for themselves, but they could be doing better. Why not you invest into one or some of them to expand their profits and operations?
Chance of Success: 80%. Cost: 5. Reward: Income +5, random stuffs.
-[] Tailor's Shop
-[] Butcher's Shop
-[] Battlefield Salvage Shop

[] 'Ore Mining for Wealth: Your active mine is producing ore and crystals at a steady pace, but it could be better. Why not invest into the mine and made it more productive than ever before?
Chance of Success: 60%. Cost: 5 Reward: Income +10, random stuffs.
-NOTE: Mining and Smelting operations suspended. Selecting this option will resume operations.

[] Another Case of Mining for Wealth: You have the first mine you have earned up and running right now, but the second one you won from Bethany is still inactive. Why not you hire some more workers to work in that mine too?
Chance of Success: 70%. Upkeep: 15. Reward: Income +25, random stuffs.

[] Better Smelting for Wealth: Your smelter is currently producing quality iron from ore, but things could be better. Why not invest into the mine and made it more productive than ever before?
Chance of Success: 70%. Cost: 8. Required: 1 Science/Engineering Team. Turns to complete: 1. Reward: Income +6, random stuffs.
-NOTE: Mining and Smelting operations suspended. Selecting this option will resume operations.

[] Oil Extraction for Wealth: One of your mines is sitting on an oil reservoir and, from what you can tell, it is rather big. Having crude oil means that many pieces of modern technology is now possible, but you need to start to gather the oil from the mine. While it is possible to do it with buckets, maybe a proper oil-extracting facility would be in order...
Chance of Success: 65%. Cost: 13. Required: 1 Science/Engineering Team. Turns to complete: 2. Upkeep: 10. Reward: Income +15, random stuffs.
-NOTE: Mining and Smelting operations suspended. Selecting this option will resume operations.

[] Resume Mining and Smelting Operations (Free Action): The only operational mine that you had was idled due to safety concerns brought by the invading Xelmians along with whatever else out there. Despite risks of attack, you should get it up and running again so you can earn money from it again...
Chance of Success: 100%. Cost: 0. Reward: Idled mine will be operational again; income and upkeep will be calculated as normal..

[] Doing the Pharma, Part 1: You have the knowledge and plans to manufacture modern medicines and hygiene items at a larger scale than what you are currently doing in a laboratory, but you lack the infrastructure to do so. While you would love to build up your capacities to the massive standards of the major pharmacy companies of your world, you realize that you must start from somewhere. Building a small dedicated facility for these items would be a good start…
Chance of Success: 73%. Cost: 13. Required: 1 Science/Engineering Team. Turns to complete: 2. Upkeep: 10. Reward: Income +15, random stuffs.

[] Industrial-Grade Chemistry, Part 1: Chemistry is one of the cornerstones for modern science. Having a steady supply of chemicals to play around in test-tubes will be vital for advanced research and technology down the road. However, since there is no major chemical plant around in this world right now, you might as well start one up yourself. It can't be that bad. Your Foundation will construct a small chemical plant to manufacture common chemicals necessary for more advanced research and technologies.
Chance of Success: 73%. Cost: 13. Required: 1 Science/Engineering Team. Turns to complete: 2. Upkeep: 10. Reward: Income +15, random stuffs.

[] Improving that Factory: The new factory is already serving you quite well as goods and parts are pouring from its conveyor belts and tables. However, things could be better and the factory could be improved in many different ways. Plans and ideas are being brainstormed, but you do need to figure out what direction the new factory should be taken to...
Chance of Success: 70%. Cost: 10. Required: 1 Science/Engineering Team. Turns to complete: 2. Upkeep: 2. Reward: Improved income and other effects based on what add-ons were selected.
-[] Firearms Machine Shop (+3 Income, Decreased costs and upkeep with actions and assets involving firearms)
-[] Scrap and Salvage Recycling Center (+5, Improved Loot Rolls after intense combat)
-[] Woodworking Shop (+5, Decreased costs for construction actions)

[] Wandering Merchant Caravans: Trading between various populations is the backbone of any strong economy and it is no different in this world. Sponsoring a merchant caravan to help establish a new trade route to a location in return for a cut of their profits sound like a good way to start earning quite a bit of money, though there's always a risk of bandits attacking your profits. Ah well, that's the cost of being a merchant in these troubled times…
-[] Lightwood Forest Tribes, Summia's home village of Sun Elves, rare cousins of the Dark Elves. (Chance of Success: 75%. Cost: 8. Required: 1 Tier-2 combat group. Turns to complete: 2. Reward: +12 Income, random stuffs and events.)
-[] Gold Meadows Warrens, local population of Bunny-people and good source of labor and recruits. (Chance of Success: 90%. Cost: 5. Required: 1 Tier-1 combat group. Turns to complete: 1. Reward: +8 Income, random stuffs and events.)
-[] The Region of Breadshire, the local breadbasket for the region, including Greenhill. (Chance of Success: 93%. Cost: 5. Required: 1 Tier-1 combat group. Turns to complete: 1. Reward: +7 Income, random stuffs and events.)
-[] Black Meadows Warrens, The home warrens for the Black Rabbits and their original destination before they met you. (Chance of Success: 70%. Cost: 9. Required: 1 Tier-2 combat group. Turns to complete: 2 Reward: +16 Income, random stuffs and events.)
-[] Fortified Commerce city of Regaliona, One of the five major commerce hubs in Leofarinia outside the capital and the closest of the five to your headquarters. (Chance of Success: 55%. Cost: 10. Required: 2 Tier-2 combat groups. Turns to complete: 2 Reward: +20 Income, random stuffs and events.)
--[] Increase the amount of personnel and wealth assigned to this task for better results (input the additional personnel).
NOTICE: Picking any of these options will eliminate the corresponding counterpart in Old Tower Warrens Request - Help Establish Trade Routes.

[] Improving Merchant Caravans: Trading has already been started between a couple of places, but things could be much better. You will sponsor more efforts to improve the profitability of trade routes you helped establish. This should help increase income flow, though the risk of bandit attacks will increase as well…
-[] Town of Ironhil, the local seat of power for the region and sits on the crossroads to other regions. (Chance of Success: 80%. Cost: 4. Required: 1 Tier-2 combat group. Turns to complete: 1 Reward: +5 Income, random stuffs and events.)
--[] Increase the amount of personnel and wealth assigned to this task for better results (input the additional personnel).

[] Old Tower Warrens Request – Help Establish Trade Routes: It looks like those Bunnies from the Old Tower Warrens have requested your help in establishing some trade routes to help benefit the Warrens' economy. While they can provide the guards to escort the merchants around, they want to you to use your clout, reputation, and good word to make sure the deal goes through smoothly. Of course while they promise a cut of the profits, it would be smaller than if you and your Foundation oversaw the transactions and establishment of the trade routes yourself...
-[] Lightwood Forest Tribes, Summia's home village of Sun Elves, rare cousins of the Dark Elves. (Chance of Success: 75%. Cost: 2. Turns to complete: 2. Reward: +5 Income, random stuffs and events, Old Tower Warrens's gratitude.)
-[] Gold Meadows Warrens, local population of Bunny-people and good source of labor and recruits. (Chance of Success: 90%. Cost: 1. Turns to complete: 1. Reward: +3 Income, random stuffs and events, Old Tower Warrens's gratitude.)
-[] The Region of Breadshire, the local breadbasket for the region, including Greenhill. (Chance of Success: 93%. Cost: 1. Turns to complete: 1. Reward: +3 Income, random stuffs and events, Old Tower Warrens's gratitude.)
-[] Black Meadows Warrens, The home warrens for the Black Rabbits and their original destination before they met you. (Chance of Success: 70%. Cost: 4. Turns to complete: 2 Reward: +7 Income, random stuffs and events, Old Tower Warrens's gratitude.)
-[] Fortified Commerce city of Regaliona, One of the five major commerce hubs in Leofarinia outside the capital and the closest of the five to your headquarters. (Chance of Success: 55%. Cost: 5. Turns to complete: 2 Reward: +9 Income, random stuffs and events, Old Tower Warrens's gratitude.)
--[] Increase the amount of personnel and wealth assigned to this task for better results (input the additional personnel).
NOTICE: Picking any of these options will eliminate the corresponding counterpart in Wandering Merchant Caravans.

[] Renting Out Property (Free Action): With the chaos flowing in the world at large, it will be difficult to adequately defend your non-essential properties from attack while still having enough forces to successfully take action against your enemies. However, the income from those properties is still useful and necessary. Therefore, you shall rent out a part of the ownership of a property (and its profits) to a trusted partner that can protect it to a satisfactory level while freeing up more of your forces for the war at large...
Cost: Half of the selected non-essential properties' profits. Reward: Selected non-essential properties will be protected from harm from all but the more determined and fierce-some attacks.

[] Selling Out Property (Free Action): With the war flowing in the world at large, it will be difficult to adequately defend your non-essential properties from attack while still having enough forces to successfully take action against your enemies. And having properties outside your ability to protect them will be a liability . Therefore, you shall sell the properties and sacrifice all future profit from them for a quick cash injection to both free up troops and gain more funds to use for the war at large...
Cost: A selected non-essential property is sold. Reward: A one-time influx of wealth of a random but large number.

Intrigue: The Xelmian Invasion is here and it's obvious that the enemy is very angry at you, judging from the increased subversive attacks against your Foundation. You can positively conclude that the attacks will increase even more, both in number and severity as you undertake more actions during the war. Therefore, you will need to make sure that your agents are up to the task of spying on the enemy and performing counter-intelligence actions. Thankfully, with the Xelmians roaming about, there will be plenty of opportunities to mess with them and hurt in so many different ways that it might make Asalya cry.

Pick 1:

[] Help Wanted, Agents of the Shadows: With everything going on all at once in recent times, you should probably expand your personal spying division to investigate various happenings and peoples of interest, and to take some covert actions if necessary.
Cost: 15. Reward: Random amount of Intrigue hirelings and/or creatures of variable quality, and maybe an adviser (Dice roll to determine what you get).
-[] Increase the amount of Wealth spent on this task for better results (input amount).

[] Help Wanted, A Personal Agent of the Shadows +1!: You would definitely need someone more experienced in this matter, since the consequences of failure for anything intrigue would be embarrassing at best, deadly at worst. Why not you go look around for a spy or private agent?
Chance of Success: 50% Cost: 30. Reward: An Intrigue Adviser.

[] Help Wanted, The Red-Eyed-Monster: In a recent conversation with Stiletto, the assassin brought up the possibility that her teacher, the dreaded Red-Eyed-Monster of the Red Knives, could be hired to be your personal spymaster and intrigue adviser. The price would be a bit expensive, but if you want an adviser with any guarantee of loyalty, the Monster would be your best bet...
Chance of Success: 90% Cost: 40. Reward: The Red-Eyed-Monster as an Intrigue Adviser.

[] Into the Inn Again for More Inn-formation: You know now that the village inn might is a good place for information, judging from the results of past months. Why not you go down there to see what kind of rumors and tidbits you can find again?
Chance of Success: 75%. Cost: 5. Reward: Random Pieces of Information.
--[] Increase the amount of personnel and wealth assigned to this task for better results (input the additional personnel).

[] Scout Out the Village: A rather good way to get information about a place is just to walk around the place, gather information just by observing and maybe small talk. Then, once that is done, you will sort through all the notes and see what kind of picture you can paint of this village…
Chance of Success: 65%. Reward: Random Pieces of Information.
--[] Increase the amount of personnel and wealth assigned to this task for better results (input the additional personnel).

[] Make a Profile, Annabelle: The local head priestess, Annabelle Hope, sure does have a lot of titles and power behind her, but you really do not know too much about her other than that. You should go around and get some background info about her, just to know her better...
Chance of Success: 50%. Reward: Basic Profile of Annabelle Hope made.
--[] Increase the amount of personnel and wealth assigned to this task for better results (input the additional personnel).

[] Make a Profile, Raymond: Captain Raymond is the local commander of the Leofarinian Army's Garrison at Greenhill and your point of contact for Leofarinian Army. He seems normal enough, but one could never be so sure. You should do some background checking on him, just in case...
Chance of Success: 50%. Reward: Basic Profile of Captain Raymond made.
--[] Increase the amount of personnel and wealth assigned to this task for better results (input the additional personnel).

[] Make a Profile, Gordan: Gordan is the village head of Greenhill who has a very interesting and decorative past as a former adventurer for Aquaguard, one of Leofarinia's hostile neighbors. While he seems honest about his history, you should do some background checking on him, just in case...
Chance of Success: 30%. Reward: Basic Profile of Gordan made.
--[] Increase the amount of personnel and wealth assigned to this task for better results (input the additional personnel).

[] Make a Profile, Asalya Se Xelma: Asalya Se Xelma is the Xelmian Princess who is in overall command of the Xelmian Invasion that is killing Leofarinia and threatening you. This logically makes her your enemy and makes the action of looking into her backgrounds for a possible weakness a sound plan...
Chance of Success: 60%. Reward: Basic Profile of Asalya Se Xelma made.
--[] Increase the amount of personnel and wealth assigned to this task for better results (input the additional personnel).

[] Make a Profile, Katyra Se Xelma: Katyra Se Xelma is the Xelmian Princess who is in overall command of the Xelmian Invasion into the Stormy Sands Desert into the south. She is also Asalya's little sister. While she is not a direct threat to you, she is a family member to Asalya and an enemy just by association. Therefore, you probably would want to start researching about her in the event she does become a threat.
Chance of Success: 60%. Reward: Basic Profile of Katyra Se Xelma made.
--[] Increase the amount of personnel and wealth assigned to this task for better results (input the additional personnel).

[] Keeping Tabs, Bethany: Bethany is dangerous in more than one way. She is cunning. She is ambitious. She is an accomplished warrior with resources and contacts. She has made a fool out of you. She has your stolen electronics. And she has a goal. Anybody with such combination of traits and accomplishments can be a powerful enemy of yours. You should try to keep an eye on her and her actions, but since she has quite a bit of skill in intrigue, this may be difficult...
Chance of Success: 20%. Cost: 9 Reward: Location and actions of Bloody Bethany Bunny tracked.
--[] Increase the amount of personnel and wealth assigned to this task for better results (input the additional personnel).

[] The Maybe Corrupt Merc Company: That Deathwood Company has quite a lot of rumors about them, some of them sleazy and unsavory, some of them a bit more alarming. You should try to investigate these rumors to the best of your abilities and sort through what's true from what's false, and what's still unknown.
Chance of Success: 55%. Cost: 5. Reward: Information about Deathwood Company complied and sorted out, with emphasis on possible corruption issues.
--[] Increase the amount of personnel and wealth assigned to this task for better results (input the additional personnel).

[] Plant Informants: The first step in espionage against any organization or population is to gather information about your targets and keep a look out for any opportunities. You will send your agents out to plant informants in a location or organization of your choice.
Chance of Success: 70%. Cost: 10. Required: 1 Tier-2 Intrigue groups. Reward: Informants planted in location or organization of your choosing, intelligence reports generated at end of every turn, further action against target unlocked.
-[] Kingdom of Brava, Leofarinia's hostile neighbor to the north and the birth nation for Bethany.
-[] Aquaguard, Leofarinia's hostile island neighbor to the south and the birth nation for Gordan.
-[] Welmert, Leofarinia's hostile neighbor to the west.
-[] The Stormy Sands Desert region to Leofarinia's south.
--[] Increase the amount of personnel and wealth assigned to this task for better results (input the additional personnel).

[] Expand Informant Network: Having more informants within an area will be critical for any intelligence effort, be it information gathering, sabotage, or assassination. You will expand the informant network within an area, both in pure numbers and the amount of access the informants have based on their position in life…
Chance of Success: 60%. Cost: 15. Required: 1 Tier-2 Intrigue groups. Reward: Informant network within location or organization expanded, granting more intelligence reports, boosting probability of success of actions against target, and unlocking more advanced actions against target.

[] Spy Action – Xelma: Now that your agents have some sort of foothold in Xelma, maybe it's time to do some more focused information gathering on something in particular? Not that you're dismissing the informants' reports as useless, but there might be something that you are missing if you rely on the informants alone…
(Chance of Success: 80%. Cost: 8. Required: 1 Tier-2 Intrigue groups Reward: Information about a particular topic regarding Xelma.)
-[] Current Military Plans and Troop Movements
-[] Royalty and Nobility Political Affairs
-[] Economic Data
-[] Foreign Affairs
-[] Research Efforts
-[] Locations of the Leaders

[] Sabotage Action – Xelma's Invasion (Free Action): Now that your agents have some sort of foothold in Xelma and her armies, maybe now it's time to do some mayhem-making? With the invasion here, any chaos among the Xelmian ranks could only mean a weakened invasion force that will reduce the amount of pressure on you when you conduct your combat actions. Alternatively, you could direct your attention to the Xelmian Expedition into the Stormy Sands Desert and try to sabotage that effort instead.
Cost: 0. Reward: Enables Sabotage Actions During Combat Event Mini-Turn - "The Defense against the Xelmian Invasion".

[] Sabotage Action – Xelma's Expedition: Now that your agents have some sort of foothold in Xelma and her armies, maybe now it's time to do some mayhem-making? While you could direct your attention to the Xelmian Invasion, you could instead direct your attention to the Xelmian Expedition into the Stormy Sands Desert and try to sabotage that effort instead. After all, anything that hurts the Xelmian military can't bad for you, and denying Xelma its goals of conquest and exploitation in the desert could have a positive effect on your efforts against Xelma here in Leofarinia.
(Chance of Success: 85%. Cost: 8. Required: 1 Tier-2 Intrigue groups Reward: Xelmian efforts weakened, random stuffs.)
-[] Destroy Expedition Supplies
-[] Steal Expedition Supplies
-[] Poison/Taint Expedition Food/Water Supplies
-[] Bribe Xelmian forces to desert/defect
-[] Destroy Invasion Siege Equipment
-[] Assassinate Soldiers
-[] Assassinate Invasion Officials
-[] Create Obstacles and Traps
-[] Steal Logistics Animals
-[] Release Logistics Animals
-[] Kill Logistics Animals

[] Counter-Intelligence Actions (free action): You have this dreadful feeling that, with your organization becoming well known as it is, your enemies will start to send in agents of shadows to undermine you however you can. You might as well do something about that, yes? You will assign intrigue personnel to protect your Foundation from any subversive plots by enemy agents.
Required: 1 intrigue group. Reward: the assigned groups will keep a lookout for enemy agents and will work to stop any intrigue action undertaken by any enemy.

Learning: Between the new research into magic and the other various subjects you can and should research in regards to future technology, your work is never done. That being said, it's obvious that you all can't afford to slack off as your survival and that of the Foundation's might as well depend on your organization's ability to research and develop new technologies to help you survive this war and other future wars...

(Note: Options marked with an * requires a military escort assigned to the task, please specify which unit type and amount)
Pick 2:

[] Help Wanted, a Personal Assistant (Hunchback Not Required.): While you are sure that your researching capabilities are fine enough at this point, having more capacity will not hurt. And who knows? Maybe you can find someone special. You will endeavor to find a suitable assistant to manage your research projects.
Chance of Success: 50% Cost: 30. Reward: A Learning Adviser.

[] DIY Research (Free Action): With all of the new tasks that would require supervision from a Science/Engineering Team, maybe you can lend a hand and do some of the research yourself, freeing up some personnel for other tasks.
Joan Frank will do some research and fulfill the Science/Engineering Team requirement for one research task. Note that with this action, you cannot apply her personal bonuses for any other task this turn.

[] Learn about the World: You are in a new world, one that is relatively fresh, unexplored, and, most of all, completely unknown to you and your company! To better survive and thrive in this world, you should assign a team or two to go out into the world, do some studies, and gather knowledge about the world.
Chance of Success: 75% Cost: 20. Required: 1 Science/Engineering Team Reward: Knowledge about a subject of choice, random stuffs.
-[*] World History Thus Far: What is this world's past and present like, and what could you speculate about its future? (Note: -35% Successes, +15 Cost due to recent events)
-[*] Geological Studies: Survey the local terrain to see what the environment is like and kind of mineral resources you can potentially exploit…
-[*] Ecological Studies: Study the local flora and fauna and see how you can make use of both for future use…
-[*] Other-Species Studies, Bunny-people: Study the traits and culture of the human-like species with bunny ears and fur!
-[*] Other-Species Studies, Dark Elves: Study the traits and culture of the variant of elves with snow-white hair and coal-black skin!

[] Reinvent the Wheel: Your company has been pulled into another world with a much less than ideal technology and infrastructure base. It may be wise for you and your company to focus their efforts into re-research, re-design, and re-develop the various technologies that you all know and love back at home. With many years of built up knowledge in your computers and in your heads, this should be simple… right?
Chance of Success: 75% Cost: 20. Required: 1 Science/Engineering Team Reward: Rediscovered knowledge and designs from your home world, random stuffs.
-[] Production Tech II: Focus your efforts on developing the technology to build up a basic industrial base. (Note: +5% Successes, -8 Cost due to recovered files.)
-[] Military Tech II: Focus your efforts to redevelop some common and maybe exotic technology for a modern fighting force. (Note: +18% Successes, -6 Cost due to recovered files.)
-[] Electronics I: Focus your efforts on basic electronics, basic computers, and the production of both. (Note: +5% Successes, -8 Cost due to recovered files.)
-[] Chemistry and Materials I: Focus your efforts on rediscovering the myriad of common but vial chemicals and materials. (Note: +5% Successes, -8 Cost due to recent research.)
-[] Infrastructure Tech I: Focus your efforts on developing technology required to support an efficient operation.
-[] Commercial Appliances Tech I: Focus your efforts on developing common commercial appliances found back at home. (Note: +10% Successes, -6 Cost due to recovered files.)
-[] Robotics I: Focus your efforts on developing basic robots and other kinds of automated machinery that think and move. (Note: +18% Successes, -6 Cost due to recovered files.)
-[] Power Plants I: Focus your efforts on developing power plants for additional energy generation. (Note: +15% Successes, -5 Cost due to recovered files.)

[] Magical Studies III: Now that you have some background knowledge into magic and how it works in this world thanks to the tutelage by your mages, maybe it's time to look deeper into the whole magic phenomenon and its secrets...
Chance of Success: 65% Cost: 20. Required: 1 Tier-3 Research Team Reward: More Advanced knowledge about Magic, random stuffs.

[] Focused Magical Studies: Now that you have some background knowledge into magic and how it works in this world thanks to the tutelage by your mages, why not you look into specific fields of magic and magical topics to help further develop applications for magic.
Chance of Success: 80% Cost: 12. Required: 1 Tier-3 Research Team Reward: Focused knowledge about a particular field or topic of magic, random stuffs.
-[] Fire Magic
-[] Ice Magic
-[] Thunder Magic
-[] Light Magic
-[] Divine Materials and Crafting
-[] Healing Magic
-[] Divine Blood
-[] Summoning Magic

[] Spell-Engineering – Prologue: With the recent breakthroughs in quantifying the chances, effects, and magnitudes of a magic spell, you are confident that you can take the first steps in developing, improving, and optimizing magic spells for your forces to use for any reason. However, before you can do that, there are some groundwork that needs to be done, like getting a good list of spells in use by your forces and any possible element, school, and other parts of a spell. That, and to get all of the data into a computer for further review and planning…
Chance of Success: 70% Cost: 10. Required: 1 Tier-3 Research Team Reward: Fundamental Knowledge required to conduct improvement and optimization projects into magic spells, random stuffs.

[] Magi-Tech Research and Development – Prologue: With the recent breakthroughs and research in all things magical, you are optimistic that you can begin research and development into combining magic with science and technology, just like in those anime and manga shows you like to watch back during your college years. All of this is purely theoretical at this stage, and it is obvious that some planning, brainstorming, and analysis into whatever magical information you have in your grasp will be needed before more serious projects could take place...
Chance of Success: 70% Cost: 10. Required: 1 Tier-3 Research Team Reward: Fundamental Knowledge required to conduct research and development projects into combining magic with technology and science, random stuffs.

[] Build Up Computer Network: You have a computer network already, but with the busy days ahead, it may be wise to re-purpose and refurbish some of the old computers in storage for additional computing power and storage… and maybe for other purposes down the line…
Chance of Success: 75% Cost: 10. Required: 1 Science/Engineering Team Reward: Your computer network will be expanded…

[] Autopsy Research: You have a large pile of corpses just sitting around and doing nothing other than being creepy. Perhaps you should do some autopsy on those corpses, just to learn about the biology about the locals around here…
Chance of Success: 75% Cost: 5. Required: 1 Science/Engineering Team Reward: Biology Knowledge gained for a particular creature or species.
-[] Werewolves Autopsy Research
-[] Lesser Wolves Autopsy Research

[] Creatures and Monsters Research: You have some specimens of a creature or monster in your possession. Why not you study them to gain knowledge of them for future use? It is just as good as doing an autopsy…
Chance of Success: 75% Cost: 5. Required: 1 Science/Engineering Team, 1 group of creatures Reward: Biology Knowledge gained for a particular creature or species.
-[] Animated Statues Research
-[] Lesser Shield Angel Research
-[] Lesser Wolves Research
-[] Lesser Divine Flame Elemental Research

[] Improved Biology Research: Now that you have some basic knowledge of the inner fleshy workings of a few kinds of species and creatures, perhaps it is time to advance your knowledge of such things for future applications? Such applications range from basic things to more… exotic things out of those sci-fi fiction and movies you used to read…
Chance of Success: 75% Cost: 5. Required: 1 Science/Engineering Team Reward: More Biology Knowledge gained for a particular creature or species.
-[] Human Biology Research
-[] Bunny-people Biology Research
-[] Dark Elves Biology Research
-[] Thorn Throwers Research

[] Chemistry Research: Chemistry is one of the foundations for modern life and science, and your Foundation is more than equipped for research into such things in its history. It is time to start breaking out the Bunsen burners and chemical beakers again.
Chance of Success: 80% Cost: 10. Required: 1 Science/Engineering Team Reward: Knowledge of a field of Chemistry gained, other stuffs.
-[] New World Flora Medicines
-[] New World Flora Chemical Processing
-[] Basic Plastics
-[] New World Flora Plastics
-[] New World Flora Poisons for Melee Weapons
-[] New World Flora Poison Gas Weapons
-[] Basic Explosives
-[] Gasoline and Petroleum Fuels

[] Modern/Future Medical Research: The recent breakthroughs in medical technology has made possible more advances in medical research. Maybe it is time to start developing more exotic medicines and medical devices?
Chance of Success: 75% Cost: 12. Required: 1 Science/Engineering Team Reward: Medical Technology and Knowledge gained, other stuffs.
-[] Advanced Modern Medicines
-[] Basic Combat Drugs
-[] Advanced Bandages
-[] Prosthetics
-[] Life Support Devices
-[] Body Conditioning Tools
-[] Generic "Strong Buddy" Enhancers

[] Modern/Future Military Research: The recent breakthroughs in military technology has made possible more research into ways to kill people. Maybe it is time to start developing better weapons, armor, and gear?
Chance of Success: 75% Cost: 12. Required: 1 Science/Engineering Team Reward: Medical Technology and Knowledge gained, other stuffs.
-[] Advanced Small Arms
-[] Advanced Heavy Weapons
-[] Grenades, Mines, and Other Explosive Weapons
-[] Improved Melee Armor
-[] Improved Melee Weapons

[] Applied Biology Research – Bunny-People: Recent advances and research into the Biology of the Bunny-People have made possible potential development into applications for your research. Maybe it is time to turn all of those theories, brainstorming, and data into something useful for the Bunny-People's physical health and body?
Chance of Success: 70% Cost: 7. Required: 1 Science/Engineering Team Reward: Potential Application developed into reality, other stuffs
-[] Nutrient Supplements
-[] Better Nutritional Plans
-[] Energy Consumables
-[] Body-Conditioning Plans
-[] Common Vaccination-Packages
-[] Specie-specific Medicines
-[] Specie-specific Combat Drug

[] Reverse Engineering Research: You have recently encountered pieces of advanced technology not even known to you back on Earth. Their secrets beckon you to have your Foundation dive in and figure out how they work and how are they made. You might as well give in to their beckoning…
Chance of Success: 80% Cost: 6. Required: 1 Science/Engineering Team, Items as specified Reward: Pieces of Advanced Technology reverse engineered and secrets gained, other stuffs
-[] Security Robots Wreckage
-[] Robotics Kits
-[] Laser Pistol Kits
-[] Bottles of Unknown Enhancers

[] Leofarinian Army Request - Military Research: Captain Raymond of the Leofarinian Army's Greenhill Garrison has requested that you help out with the defense of Leofarinia in his latest letter to you. While you could possibly contribute by sending your armed forces to help out the overburdened garrison, donating your research time into more militant applications is a viable alternative as well. After all, you should have something that he would be impressed by…
Chance of Success: 95% Cost: 5. Required: 1 Science/Engineering Team Reward: Knowledge and Technology gained and shared with Leofarinian Army, improving effectiveness, random one-time small amount of Wealth, random loot, Leofarinian Army's Greenhill Garrison's gratitude.
-[] Better Melee Weapon Designs
-[] Better Ranged Weapon Designs
-[] Better Armor Designs
-[] Gunpowder Knowledge

[] Summoning Ritual Research: During your faith studies last month, you have learned a bit about summoning rituals and how that they can be used to summon various divine creatures for various applications and tasks. You should investigate into how they work and see if the rituals can be fine-tuned a bit…
Chance of Success: 60% Cost: 10. Required: 1 Science/Engineering Team and 1 Sisters Initiates Team Reward: Knowledge of summoning rituals, other stuffs.

[] I Need a Medic Over Here!: Thanks to recent advances in medical and hygiene technology, you can now train and equip field medical personnel to be deployed onto the battlefield. These field medics are skilled in various kinds of first aid and they should be able to reduce casualty rates in whatever conflict or battle they are deployed in.
Chance of Success: 60% Cost: 10+4 for each additional group beyond the first. Required: 1 Science/Engineering Team and 1 personnel group of any kind, up to 4 may be trained at the same time. Reward: Said personnel groups converted to a field medic groups that can be deployed to a battle to reduce casualties on top of their regular duties.

[*] Ruins-Exploring!: Now that you have access to the ruined mall that you are surprised to see, why not you send over a team over there to explore them again? While you are unsure that you are going to find anything new and the amount of loot will be small in comparison to before, there's a chance that something new will be discovered…
Chance of Success: 70% Cost: 15. Required: 1 Science/Engineering Team Reward: Mall ruins explored, random stuffs.

[*] Dungeon-Exploring!: From the reclaimed computer networks, you have discovered that there is a massive complex that is twenty floors deep beneath the mall. Each of them holding great danger, but great treasure in the form of future technology. Despite the risks, it maybe worth it to try to explore these floors and recover any technology that will be of use to you.
Chance of Success: 30% Cost: 15. Required: 1 Science/Engineering Team Reward: Mini-turn: "Exploring The Dungeon Part I", random stuffs.

Piety: While you did summon a couple of things, that does not make you a convert!

Pick 1:

[] Help Wanted, Someone Pious: Let's be honest. You are not a pious person and with the amount of work you have to do in order to kick the Frank Foundation into high gear, you probably will not have time for matters of faith. Why not you find and hire someone who will manage such faithful affairs for you?
Chance of Success: 70% Cost: 25. Reward: A Piety Adviser.

[] Help Wanted, Pious People: Under normal circumstances, you figured that your current group of religious experts will be good enough for all of your needs. However, with the war going on right now, you kind of need your Sisters of the Mace and Sisters Initiates to be serving on the battlefield, leaving none for anything religious that you need to get done. Therefore, you shall allocate some resources to hire a number of religious workers and experts.
Chance of Success: 60% Cost: 25. Reward: A random amount of groups of religious specialization.

[] An Even More In-depth Faith Study, The Temple of the Divine Word: Those Temple of the Divine Word priests and priestess who brought you here, what do they believe in and what are their dogmas? Maybe it is time for a more in-depth look into their belief system?
Chance of Success: 65% Cost: 15 Required: 1 Sisters Initiates Team. Reward: More Information about the belief system of The Temple of the Divine Word.

[*] Other Faith Investigations: Surely with the amount of diversity in cultures and species, there surely have to be other faith systems out there. Invest some time and resources into investigating other religions.
Chance of Success: 65% Cost: 10 Required: 1 Sisters Initiates Team. Reward: Information about the belief system of other significant religions.

[] A Divine Summoning: With some knowledge of summoning rituals in hand, maybe it is time to try to get some divine help for your organization. Your Sisters Initiates and War-Sisters of the Mace will perform a ritual to try to summon a divine creature to aid you in whatever you need.
Chance of Success: 72% Cost: 8 Required: 1 Sisters Initiates Team and 1 War-Sisters of the Mace team. Reward: A random divine creature is summoned and added to your forces list.
-[] Use the Minor Summoning Enhancer Scroll to make the result better.

[] Heavenly Summoning Halls: Your Sisters Initiates and War-Sisters of the Mace both have come to you with a proposal to establish and construct a dedicated summoning shrine to conduct your summoning rituals within. They claim that using a dedicated temple or shrine instead of a random warehouse would help decrease the costs of summoning and help improve the chances of both actually summoning something and summoning something quite strong. While you have lingering doubts about this whole plan, they seem convinced that their plan is a sound one...
Chance of Success: 80% Cost: 10 Required: 1 Sisters Initiates Team. Reward: Summoning Shine constructed on your headquarters campus, increasing chances of summoning success and decreasing summoning costs.

[] Divine Intervention Investigations: With the latest lessons into the Temple of the Divine Word's history, you have gained knowledge of various events, artifacts, and beasts of importance to the religion. While most of them could be written off as distorted legends, some of them seemed credible enough to be worth investigating. Since you can't investigate them myself, you shall send someone else in your place to investigate...
Chance of Success: 50% Cost: 10 Required: 1 Tier-3 combat or intrigue group. Reward: A divine event, artifact, or beast is investigated, random stuffs.
-[] The Blue Stone of the Second King
-[] The Rotted Skeleton of the Evil Red Dragon

Personal: With all of the mayhem going on right now, free time is even more precious than gold right now. And because of that, you intend to maximize the utility of said free time you have…

Pick 1:

[] Movie Nights!: You have a large LCD TV in one of the more spacious rooms and you have a nice collection of movies on your network, for SOME reason. Why not organize some movie nights to pass the time and take all of your minds off the situation at hand? Besides, you're sure that you have something that your new world employees would like...
Chance of Success: 90% Reward: Random stuffs.

[] Organize Your Computer Even More: Your personal computer is more organized than ever in so many years, but there is a section of your computer that still needs attention. Why not take this time to clean up a bit more?
Chance of Success: 90% Reward: Your computer is more organized, Random stuffs.

[] Friday Fun Games Fun!: There is a number of associated computer games on your network for SOME reason. And you have a computer network. Why not organize some gaming nights to pass the time and releasing some stress by losing at some games? Besides, you're sure that your new world employees would appreciate this cultural experience...
Chance of Success: 90% Reward: Random stuffs.

[] Mutual Training – Sunnia: The two of you agreed to train each other in different areas of skill as a means to build each other's personal strength and wisdom. It is also good bonding time as well, so why not get started?
Chance of Success: 60% Reward: Each involved character gain a point in a trait of choice.
-Joan Frank
--[] Martial
--[] Stewardship
--[] Piety
--[] Diplomacy
--[] Intrigue
--[] Learning

[] Favors for Computer Access – Jennifer: The two of you have made an ongoing deal: in exchange for some hours of private access to your computer network for learning, you head mage will use her connections and resources to procure something for your company. Might as well use it up now, right?
Chance of Success: 80% Reward: Each involved character gain a point in a trait of choice.
-[] A book about magic (Cost: 10, a guaranteed selection of books that will increase the level of magical knowledge about a randomly-selected specialization by one.)
-[] A shipment of divine material (Cost: 10, a guaranteed shipment of divine material to use for whatever reason)
-[] Some magic users (Cost: 10, a guaranteed random Tier-3 squad of magic specialization)

[] Chatting with people: You should make casual talk with your friends and allies. After all, having a peer to socialize with could be healthy for you…
Chance of Success: 70% Reward: Random stuffs.
-[] Sunnia of Lightwood Forest, the young Sun Elf logistics officer and your current Stewardship Adviser.
-[] Annabelle Hope, Head Priestess of the Temple of the Divine Word
-[] Sister Melancholy, Sister of the Mace for the Temple of the Divine Word
-[] Sister Hollybrook, Sister of the Mace for the Temple of the Divine Word
-[] Sister Catherine, Priestess Initiate for the Temple of the Divine Word
-[] Raymond Evans, Senior Researcher for The Frank Foundation
-[] Captain Raymond, Commanding Officer of the Leofarinian Army's Greenhill Garrison.
-[] Gordan, the Village Head of Greenhill and former adventurer from Aquaguard.
-[] Rebecca, the brave Commanding Officer of the hired Black Rabbits group.
-[] Commanding Officer of the rescued Sunset Phalanx group.
-[] Vania the Violent, the leader of the hired Stone-Breaker Berserkers group.
-[] Angelina, that summoned Lesser Shield Angel that you have named.
-[] Jennifer, Head Mage of the Enlightened Torch Mages group.
-[] Stiletto, the Head Assassin of the Red Knives group.
-[] Alice, Commanding Officer of the Onyx Rabbits Bunny-Halberdiers group.
-[] Commanding Officer of the Storm-Riders Fast Cavalry group.
-[] Commanding Officer of the Golden Wolves Berserkers group.
-[] Fira, that summoned Lesser Divine Flame Elemental that you have named.
-[] Oceana, that summoned Lesser Divine Water Elemental that you have named.
-[] Victoria, the leader of the Blood Dancers Bunny-Berserkers group.
-[] The Hired Herbalist.

Note: specify a topic to discuss if you want, or you can leave it GM's choice.


That should be everything. Votes will be up for awhile, so take your time in planning.
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We need more diplomacy actions. Can we get a diplomacy adviser?

I think this is our last prep turn, and then we have to take the battle to the enemy.

@dnzrx Didn't we get Poison Gas Research last turn? I don't see any new actions around that.

Here is my draft plan, what are people's thoughts?

[] Plan Final Prep
-[] The Changing Face of the Battlefield
--[] Bolt-Action Sniper Rifles (Cost: 9, Upkeep 3)

Rifles are the weapon that changed combat the most. That seems like the one to make our automatic improvement.

-[] Order of the Steel Helm Request – Help Clean Out the Bandit Filled Mine
--[] Assigned Steel Helm Request: (1) War-Sisters of the Mace, Sister Melancholy, (2) Veteran Foundation Spearmen, (1) Veteran Foundation Archers, (1) Veteran Foundation Swordsmen, (6) Basic Foundation Spearmen, (4) Basic Foundation Archers, (4) Basic Foundation Swordsmen, (1) Lesser Shield Angel, (1) Lesser Divine Flame Elemental, (1) Lesser Divine Water Elemental

Make another friend. Get some more resources. Blood some of our green forces.

-[] Your Sought After Relations – The Royalty of Leofarinia

Can't put off the royalty.

-[] Improving that Factory (Cost 10, 1 Sci/Eng Team)
--[] Scrap and Salvage Recycling Center (+5, Improved Loot Rolls after intense combat)

We are about to enter into a lot of combat, so might as well get this improvement now. Alternative is to get that Chemistry plant up an going.

-[] Old Tower Warrens Request – Help Establish Trade Routes
--[] The Region of Breadshire, the local breadbasket for the region, including Greenhill. (Cost 1)

Make friends, smallest loss of income of the various options (compared to doing it alone), also with 93% success chance does not require additional forces. Plus it's always good to secure food supplies.

-[] Renting Out Property (Abandoned Mine with Mining and Smelting operations)
-[] Renting Out Property (Fortified Mining Camp)

Rent out the properties we are not using right now, might as well get what we can from them without having to expend resources to defend them.

-[] Spy Action – Xelma (Cost 8, 1 Tier-2 Intrigue group)
--[] Current Military Plans and Troop Movements
--[] Agents assigned Spy Action: (1) Tricksters, (2) Veteran Agents, (2) Basic Agents

-[] Sabotage Action – Xelma's Invasion (Free Action)
--[] Agents assigned Sabotage Action: (1) Red Knives Bunny-Assassins, Stiletto, (1) Sniper Agents, (2) Basic Agents

-[] Counter-Intelligence Actions (free action)
--[] Agents assigned Counter Intelligence: (1) Tricksters, (2) Veteran Agents, (2) Basic Agents

Continue the sabotage, gather info for battle next turn.

-[] I Need a Medic Over Here! (Cost 10, 1 Sci/Eng Team)
--[] Personnel assign to Medic Training: (3) Basic Foundation Spearmen
--[] Joan's Personal Attention: I Need A Medic

Get medic teams ready for the big combat turn. This has the lowest chance of success in the learning field, so give it Jane's personal attention. Alternative is maybe some magic research if we need the Sci/Eng team elsewhere. Or perhaps we get the adviser? We need the actions after all...

-[] Leofarinian Army Request - Military Research (Cost 5, 1 Sci/Eng Team)
--[] Gunpowder Knowledge

Let's give them the gunpowder knowledge.

-[] Heavenly Summoning Halls (Cost 10, 1 Sisters Initiate Team)

Let's get the bonus to summoning so we don't keep wasting it.

-[] Mutual Training – Sunnia
--[] Joan Frank
---[] Martial
--[] Sunnia
---[] Learning

Train in Martial, since we are going to need it.

Running Total Cost: 65
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--[] Bolt-Action Sniper Rifles (Cost: 9, Upkeep 3)

Rifles are the weapon that changed combat the most. That seems like the one to make our automatic improvement.
Sniper rifles are very much a specialist tool. Very useful for a few of our spies, but less useful at a battlefield scale.

Like, yes, if you had a kill zone perfectly set up to receive an enemy force, they'd be an unholy terror. But therein lies the problem: sniper rifles are, primarily, a defensive tool. Even used offensively, you still need to set up a nest for them. We need something that our people can carry around with them in the fields and the muck, and then shoot at a moment's notice. And, ideally, something that would allow a single soldier to reliably take on a slightly larger group.

For that, the best options are either the AK47, or the shotgun.

The shotgun is closest to the original rifles which, as per your point, changed the face of warfare. In games they tend to emphasize the pellet shells and have an AOE effect, which is good if our people get cornered by groups of enemies*. But if you outfit them with slugs, then it turns into a single-target rifle you can reliably aim and shoot at medium distances.

*though, realistically, the spread on those pellets isn't all that large. Shotgun AOE is seriously overused in games.

As for the AK, it's kind of an obvious solution. Similar to the shotgun-with-slugs (or, with realistic representation, pellets), it can reliably fire and hit at medium distances. What it lacks in spread, it makes up for with rate of fire, and each bullet will of course have the full power of a bullet behind it rather than a pellet.

But automatic weapons are hungry machines. They go through ammo a lot faster than the pump-action shotties will, and every bullet fired also increases your time spent cleaning and maintaining the gun. There's a good reason the upkeep on these is almost double the shotgun upkeep.
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Sniper rifles are very much a specialist tool. Very useful for a few of our spies, but less useful at a battlefield scale.

Like, yes, if you had a kill zone perfectly set up to receive an enemy force, they'd be an unholy terror. But therein lies the problem: sniper rifles are, primarily, a defensive tool. Even used offensively, you still need to set up a nest for them. We need something that our people can carry around with them in the fields and the muck, and then shoot at a moment's notice. And, ideally, something that would allow a single soldier to reliably take on a slightly larger group.

I think the reference to these rifles as "sniper rifles" is a misnomer due to modern thoughts about guns.

Bolt action sniper rifles are bolt action rifles. Bolt action rifles have a decent rate of fire, easily equal to archers, and with massively better range. They do not require sniper nests to be effective weapons. During early WWI massed bolt action rifles competed with early machines guns in rate of fire. They are superior in ruggedness and mechanical simplicity to automatics for operation in mud and other field situations, are easier to fix in the field, and they are available to fire at a moment notice. That's why they lasted for so long in military use as the standard issue rifle.

They have since been relegated to the niche role of sniper rifles due to their superior accuracy with the development of a reliable assault rifle, (like the AK-47), but against swords and arrows, a bolt action rifle easily changes the state of warfare.

I guess we should leap straight to AK-47, since it's available. But the difference between bolt action rifles and archery is much bigger than the difference between bolt action rifles and assault rifles.

Updated draft plan to use assault rifles instead of bolt action rifles.
We need more diplomacy actions. Can we get a diplomacy adviser?

I think this is our last prep turn, and then we have to take the battle to the enemy.

Advisors are expensive... also somewhat random.

And I'm not sure we can afford to wait another turn...

@dnzrx Didn't we get Poison Gas Research last turn? I don't see any new actions around that.

Look at the options we had during the combat mini turn.

Here is my draft plan, what are people's thoughts?

[] Plan Final Prep
-[] The Changing Face of the Battlefield
--[] Bolt-Action Sniper Rifles (Cost: 9, Upkeep 3)

Rifles are the weapon that changed combat the most. That seems like the one to make our automatic improvement.

-[] Order of the Steel Helm Request – Help Clean Out the Bandit Filled Mine
--[] Assigned Steel Helm Request: (1) War-Sisters of the Mace, Sister Melancholy, (2) Veteran Foundation Spearmen, (1) Veteran Foundation Archers, (1) Veteran Foundation Swordsmen, (6) Basic Foundation Spearmen, (4) Basic Foundation Archers, (4) Basic Foundation Swordsmen, (1) Lesser Shield Angel, (1) Lesser Divine Flame Elemental, (1) Lesser Divine Water Elemental

Make another friend. Get some more resources. Blood some of our green forces.

I agree with @Phant0m5 that sniper rifles may not be the best choice for general armaments...

And as I already said we may want to engage the enemy now. If so then attacking a mine may not be the best call.

-[] Your Sought After Relations – The Royalty of Leofarinia

Can't put off the royalty.

Probably a good idea yes.

-[] Improving that Factory (Cost 10, 1 Sci/Eng Team)
--[] Scrap and Salvage Recycling Center (+5, Improved Loot Rolls after intense combat)

We are about to enter into a lot of combat, so might as well get this improvement now. Alternative is to get that Chemistry plant up an going.

-[] Old Tower Warrens Request – Help Establish Trade Routes
--[] The Region of Breadshire, the local breadbasket for the region, including Greenhill. (Cost 1)

Make friends, smallest loss of income of the various options (compared to doing it alone), also with 93% success chance does not require additional forces. Plus it's always good to secure food supplies.

-[] Renting Out Property (Abandoned Mine with Mining and Smelting operations)
-[] Renting Out Property (Fortified Mining Camp)

Rent out the properties we are not using right now, might as well get what we can from them without having to expend resources to defend them.

Yeah, more income and loot from combat may be a good investment. Especially if we decide to fight now rather than later.

I'm not sure a +3 income bonus is enough to justify a stewardship action though...

And yeah, renting out those mines is probably a pretty good idea. I don't like having to garrison a lot of different places so a free action to get something out of them sounds good.

-[] Spy Action – Xelma (Cost 8, 1 Tier-2 Intrigue group)
--[] Current Military Plans and Troop Movements
--[] Agents assigned Spy Action: (1) Tricksters, (2) Veteran Agents, (2) Basic Agents

-[] Sabotage Action – Xelma's Invasion (Free Action)
--[] Agents assigned Sabotage Action: (1) Red Knives Bunny-Assassins, Stiletto, (1) Sniper Agents, (2) Basic Agents

-[] Counter-Intelligence Actions (free action)
--[] Agents assigned Counter Intelligence: (1) Tricksters, (2) Veteran Agents, (2) Basic Agents

Continue the sabotage, gather info for battle next turn.

I'd really like to get that new advisor action in here... But 40 wealth is going to be very difficult to make space for.

And mostly somewhat feel that we may want to send more agents out to sabotage if we are going to do it. Last turn made it clear that while we can do things with one group per action we may not want to. And given how deeply we infiltrated Xelma I doubt we need that many agents on a spy mission there.

-[] I Need a Medic Over Here! (Cost 10, 1 Sci/Eng Team)
--[] Personnel assign to Medic Training: (3) Basic Foundation Spearmen
--[] Joan's Personal Attention: I Need A Medic

Get medic teams ready for the big combat turn. This has the lowest chance of success in the learning field, so give it Jane's personal attention. Alternative is maybe some magic research if we need the Sci/Eng team elsewhere. Or perhaps we get the adviser? We need the actions after all...

-[] Leofarinian Army Request - Military Research (Cost 5, 1 Sci/Eng Team)
--[] Gunpowder Knowledge

Let's give them the gunpowder knowledge.

I'm rather unsure why you are assigning three groups to medic training... It only converts one. And yeah, this action is kinda expensive for what it gives us IMO.

As for handing out gunpowder knowledge... I'm not fond of the idea of losing track of that. The more people have it the easier it is stolen.

-[] Heavenly Summoning Halls (Cost 10, 1 Sisters Initiate Team)

Let's get the bonus to summoning so we don't keep wasting it.

We don't have many other good choices here yeah...

-[] Mutual Training – Sunnia
--[] Joan Frank
---[] Martial
--[] Sunnia
---[] Learning

Train in Martial, since we are going to need it.

Not a bad choice though honestly we shouldn't be running any fights personally...

Running Total Cost: 65

And this bit kinda may end up being a problem. We need money to run mini turn actions. If we spend all of our money during the turn that could end up being a problem. Though I guess the mine and the army request could end up giving us immediately usable loot.
Advisors are expensive... also somewhat random.

But the action economy is really in favor of it....

Yeah, more income and loot from combat may be a good investment. Especially if we decide to fight now rather than later.

It takes 2 turns to complete, so it won't be ready until the end of next turn at the earliest. That's why I was leaning towards making this a final prep turn.

I'm not sure a +3 income bonus is enough to justify a stewardship action though...

Well it's one of the few 1 turn trade options, and the cost is only 1, so we triple our investment.

I'm rather unsure why you are assigning three groups to medic training... It only converts one. And yeah, this action is kinda expensive for what it gives us IMO.

Does it convert only one group? If we can only convert one group then it's rather expensive for what we get, but if we can convert three groups at once, then making it so fewer of our forces die seems like a huge payoff.

And this bit kinda may end up being a problem. We need money to run mini turn actions. If we spend all of our money during the turn that could end up being a problem. Though I guess the mine and the army request could end up giving us immediately usable loot.

Current wealth is 67, and we have monthly income of 64 (after closing down the mining and smeltering operations). So I feel like this is leaving room for mini turn expenses.

I'll write up a battle now plan as well. See how that looks.
A draft for a plan to start the major battles now.

[] Plan Battle Now
-[] Combat Action – Xelmian Invasion
-[] Strategy Planning Sessions (Cost 3)
-[] Improved Recruitment (Cost 5)

Need better recruitment if we are going to be having people die all over the place.

[] Your Sought After Relations – The Royalty of Leofarinia

[] Industrial-Grade Chemistry, Part 1 (Cost 13, 1 Sci/Eng Team)
[] Improving that Factory
-[] Scrap and Salvage Recycling Center (Cost 5, 1 Sci/Eng Team)

-[] Renting Out Property (Abandoned Mine with Mining and Smelting operations)
-[] Renting Out Property (Fortified Mining Camp)

-[] Spy Action – Xelma (Cost 8, 1 Tier-2 Intrigue group)
--[] Current Military Plans and Troop Movements
--[] Agents assigned Spy Action: (1) Tricksters, (2) Veteran Agents, (2) Basic Agents

-[] Sabotage Action – Xelma's Invasion (Free Action)
--[] Agents assigned Sabotage Action: (1) Red Knives Bunny-Assassins, Stiletto, (1) Sniper Agents, (2) Basic Agents

-[] Counter-Intelligence Actions (free action)
--[] Agents assigned Counter Intelligence: (1) Tricksters, (2) Veteran Agents, (2) Basic Agents

[] Focused Magical Studies (Cost 12, research group)
-[] Light Magic
--[] (1) Enlightened Torch Dark Elvish Light Mages

-[] Leofarinian Army Request - Military Research (Cost 5, 1 Sci/Eng Team)
--[] Gunpowder Knowledge

I feel that letting the army know about gunpowder only makes sense. Information hording almost never works. Better to spread it among our allies and gain the rewards and improved relations right away.

-[] Heavenly Summoning Halls (Cost 10, 1 Sisters Initiate Team)

-[] Mutual Training – Sunnia
--[] Joan Frank
---[] Martial
--[] Sunnia
---[] Learning

While we shouldn't be leading battles, martial might have other benefits, such as empowering us to make better learning actions for war making purposes.

Running Total Cost: 61
But the action economy is really in favor of it....

It takes 2 turns to complete, so it won't be ready until the end of next turn at the earliest. That's why I was leaning towards making this a final prep turn.

Well it's one of the few 1 turn trade options, and the cost is only 1, so we triple our investment.

Does it convert only one group? If we can only convert one group then it's rather expensive for what we get, but if we can convert three groups at once, then making it so fewer of our forces die seems like a huge payoff.

Current wealth is 67, and we have monthly income of 64 (after closing down the mining and smeltering operations). So I feel like this is leaving room for mini turn expenses.

I'll write up a battle now plan as well. See how that looks.

The issue with our action economy is that while our action cap is one limit our wealth income is a another limit. We need to invest a lot of income in getting an advisor which can easily mean losing quite a few actions right then and there or at least being forced to pick less useful options. We'd need to really consider how much a diplomacy action is worth to us.

And I missed that it took two turns... Probably not worth it then.

And no matter how cheap in wealth the action is it still costs an action...

[] I Need a Medic Over Here!: Thanks to recent advances in medical and hygiene technology, you can now train and equip field medical personnel to be deployed onto the battlefield. These field medics are skilled in various kinds of first aid and they should be able to reduce casualty rates in whatever conflict or battle they are deployed in.
Chance of Success: 60% Cost: 10. Required: 1 Science/Engineering Team and 1 personnel group of any kind. Reward: Said personnel group converted to a field medic group that can be deployed to a battle to reduce casualties on top of their regular duties.

And only giving one medic group is pretty clear.

And keep in mind that we only get our monthly income after the miniturn. So those 64 wealth are not going to be available for that. What we'd have is 2 wealth plus whatever immediate loot we get from results this turn.
The issue with our action economy is that while our action cap is one limit our wealth income is a another limit. We need to invest a lot of income in getting an advisor which can easily mean losing quite a few actions right then and there or at least being forced to pick less useful options. We'd need to really consider how much a diplomacy action is worth to us.

Most of the Diplomacy actions are free, they just take an action. So if there is anywhere to have more actions before increasing our wealth that is it.

And keep in mind that we only get our monthly income after the miniturn. So those 64 wealth are not going to be available for that. What we'd have is 2 wealth plus whatever immediate loot we get from results this turn.

Well, then that means we would have to take the cheapest cost stewardship action. Wouldn't it? So shouldn't we take the Cost 1 Stewardship action that also makes better friends with the Old Warren?
I think the reference to these rifles as "sniper rifles" is a misnomer due to modern thoughts about guns.

Bolt action sniper rifles are bolt action rifles. Bolt action rifles have a decent rate of fire, easily equal to archers, and with massively better range. They do not require sniper nests to be effective weapons. During early WWI massed bolt action rifles competed with early machines guns in rate of fire. They are superior in ruggedness and mechanical simplicity to automatics for operation in mud and other field situations, are easier to fix in the field, and they are available to fire at a moment notice. That's why they lasted for so long in military use as the standard issue rifle.

They have since been relegated to the niche role of sniper rifles due to their superior accuracy with the development of a reliable assault rifle, (like the AK-47), but against swords and arrows, a bolt action rifle easily changes the state of warfare.

I guess we should leap straight to AK-47, since it's available. But the difference between bolt action rifles and archery is much bigger than the difference between bolt action rifles and assault rifles.

Updated draft plan to use assault rifles instead of bolt action rifles.
See, normally I would actually agree with you there. A simple bolt action rifle would be easier to make, faster to churn out, easier to train, and much easier on maintenance than the other options, like the AK47. That's kind of what I was getting at with the shotguns, when you use slugs instead of pellets. It has all the advantages of an early bolt action, but using shells and pump action instead of cartridges and bolt action. Assuming you rifle your shotguns, anyway, although that is a thing that happens, depending on the model.

The problem there is that the sniper rifles were never described as "a simple bolt action rifle with a scope or targeting reticle attached", which is what early sniper rifles actually were. They were always called "sniper rifles", which presents a problem because a the wording seems more like a DMR, which is the bolt action rife's bigger, bulkier brother. It's just not suitable to hand out to everyone and expect people to make decent use of it.

As things stand, and assuming we aren't told by our QM that the snipers are, in fact, regular bolt action guns with scopes, I'd really rather start by producing shotguns over AKs. For the exact same reasons we'd want bolt action guns, no less.

Also, AKs have almost double the upkeep cost, which is kinda gross.
This is my general idea for final prep work

[X] Plan Battle Prep
-[] The Age of Gunpowder
--[] AK-47 Assault Rifles (Cost: 5)
—[] Basic Foundation Archers
-[] Strategy Planning Sessions (cost: 3)

AK-47 is easy to train and makes our unit more useful, strategy now Incase we need another turn

-[] Your Sought After Relations – The Royalty of Leofarinia

Royalty, lets not annoy them

-[] Business Expansion
—[] Battlefield Salvage Shop(cost :5)
-[] Industrial-Grade Chemistry, Part 1 (cost :13)
-[] Renting Out Property (Abandoned Mine with Mining and Smelting operations)
-[] Renting Out Property (Fortified Mining Camp)

Salvage should be obvious, chem cause we're tech up fast and we need to start making supplies to keep up

-[] Spy Action – Xelma (Cost: 8)
--[] Current Military Plans and Troop Movements
—-Agents assigned Spy Action: (1) Tricksters, (2) Veteran Agents, (2) Basic Agents
-[] Sabotage Action – Xelma's Invasion (Free Action)
--[] Agents assigned Sabotage Action: (1) Sniper Agents, (1) Tricksters, (2) Basic Agents
-[] Counter-Intelligence Actions (free action)
--[] Agents assigned Counter Intelligence: (1) Red Knives Bunny-Assassins, Stiletto, (2) Veteran Agents, (2) Basic Agents

Pretty much same as other plans, but I moved better intel group to counter

-[] Leofarinian Army Request - Military Research(cost:5)
--[] Better Ranged Weapon Designs
-[] I Need a Medic Over Here! (Cost:10)
— Basic Foundation Spearmen

Even if we give the army gunpowder, they don't have time to train in it, medic are too useful not to have

--[] Heavenly Summoning Halls (Cost 10)

We are terrible at summoning and need all the help we can get

-[] Mutual Training – Sunnia
--[] Joan Frank
---[] Martial
--[] Sunnia
---[] Learning

Total cost: 46
I'm going to comment on things here before I exit for the day

Well there is a king or a queen? And how many princes and principess?

I mean a hug...

There is a king and queen. And there are princes and princesses, but the exact number is somewhat a secret to make any plot to destroy Leofarinia by eliminating the royal family harder to succeed.

Joan doesn't just give out hugs at random unless explicitly requested or if the subject needs it for serious emotional support. A carryover practice from modern business professional habits.

@dnzrx Didn't we get Poison Gas Research last turn? I don't see any new actions around that.
You did get Poison Gas research, but there's not really any opportunity to deploy it until the combat mini-turns, so it would seem nothing has happened.

...Unless you want to gas those bandits in the fort or in the mine...

On another note, it seemed that I have a typo which I have now fixed.

Need better recruitment if we are going to be having people die all over the place.
Was there any doubt that we will be seeing lots of death during this quest?

On another note, I was thinking that I should include a death tally, to keep track how many people died during this quest.

See, normally I would actually agree with you there. A simple bolt action rifle would be easier to make, faster to churn out, easier to train, and much easier on maintenance than the other options, like the AK47. That's kind of what I was getting at with the shotguns, when you use slugs instead of pellets. It has all the advantages of an early bolt action, but using shells and pump action instead of cartridges and bolt action. Assuming you rifle your shotguns, anyway, although that is a thing that happens, depending on the model.

The problem there is that the sniper rifles were never described as "a simple bolt action rifle with a scope or targeting reticle attached", which is what early sniper rifles actually were. They were always called "sniper rifles", which presents a problem because a the wording seems more like a DMR, which is the bolt action rife's bigger, bulkier brother. It's just not suitable to hand out to everyone and expect people to make decent use of it.

As things stand, and assuming we aren't told by our QM that the snipers are, in fact, regular bolt action guns with scopes, I'd really rather start by producing shotguns over AKs. For the exact same reasons we'd want bolt action guns, no less.

Also, AKs have almost double the upkeep cost, which is kinda gross.

Those bolt-action sniper rifles are basically hunting/target shooting bolt action rifles with inexpensive scopes attached to them. The ones liberated from the mall seem to be modernized and Americanized Mosin–Nagant rifles (ironic now that you think about it) and that platform will be used for the basis of your new rifles to be produced from your new factory, with quite a few improvements. The ammo would be the same one being used for your Maxims: .30-06 Springfield.

Main problem is on the ammo side of things. Training and operation of automatic weapons can burn up ammo quickly and you don't have a dedicated factory to make ammo quickly (until you build that machine shop). The AK-47's are easy enough to build, since the plans are on your computer network.
Those bolt-action sniper rifles are basically hunting/target shooting bolt action rifles with inexpensive scopes attached to them. The ones liberated from the mall seem to be modernized and Americanized Mosin–Nagant rifles (ironic now that you think about it) and that platform will be used for the basis of your new rifles to be produced from your new factory, with quite a few improvements. The ammo would be the same one being used for your Maxims: .30-06 Springfield.

That makes me feel we should switch back to the Bolt Action Rifles. If only to standardize the ammunition,
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@dnzrx Is it possible to assign more than one group of personnel to medic training?

Something like this:

-[] I Need a Medic Over Here! (Cost 10, 1 Sci/Eng Team)
--[] Personnel assign to Medic Training: (3) Basic Foundation Spearmen
@dnzrx Is it possible to assign more than one group of personnel to medic training?

Something like this:

-[] I Need a Medic Over Here! (Cost 10, 1 Sci/Eng Team)
--[] Personnel assign to Medic Training: (3) Basic Foundation Spearmen
I guess, although the action is obviously not built for such things since it was devised when the Foundation's Armed Forces is very small.

I'll modify the action in the morning when I have some time to think on how to revise that particular action, but rest assured that assigning additional groups to that particular action will bring about additional costs.
1 i am for the shotgun, why? Remember we are giving guns to at random to people who fight in close combat, and think that charge is a must in a fight! And the unkeep & cost is lower!

And don´t forget that now the enemy fear the Thunder... well les us give them another Thunder to fear!!!

[] Resume Mining and Smelting Operations (Free Action):

Now we got a lot more troops to spare for guards, and we need more income! We shold put our green troops here,

I got work now will write more after.
That makes me feel we should switch back to the Bolt Action Rifles. If only to standardize the ammunition,

Maybe, but on a battlefield RoF is going to matter...

[] Resume Mining and Smelting Operations (Free Action):

Now we got a lot more troops to spare for guards, and we need more income! We shold put our green troops here,

My objection to this is still the same as it was. Needing to divide our troops weakens us. And any troops assigned to guard duty are troops that aren't doing other useful things. We should avoid leaving ourselves vulnerable to defeat in detail unless we have a really compelling reason to do it.
Maybe, but on a battlefield RoF is going to matter...
Depending on the number of guns we can throw at the enemy I can't see it mattering much. Maybe against peer opponents with their own rifles and automatic firearms, however our current opponents do not have firearms. This is not to say that RoF is not important, after all being able to cut down dozens of soldiers in a matter of moments at range is frightening and will have huge morale impacts against anyone who directly faces us, but it's not as important as it could be. That said I'm uncertain about what kind of "average" we're using for archers in the setting, and while a properly machined bolt action with a properly trained or practiced wielder (The Lee Enfield comes to mind) can be fired relatively quickly the question becomes if one can do so accurately and consistently.

That said, when it comes to RoF we do have the Maxims so I don't think we need to worry about how much lead we can throw down range.
Depending on the number of guns we can throw at the enemy I can't see it mattering much. Maybe against peer opponents with their own rifles and automatic firearms, however our current opponents do not have firearms. This is not to say that RoF is not important, after all being able to cut down dozens of soldiers in a matter of moments at range is frightening and will have huge morale impacts against anyone who directly faces us, but it's not as important as it could be. That said I'm uncertain about what kind of "average" we're using for archers in the setting, and while a properly machined bolt action with a properly trained or practiced wielder (The Lee Enfield comes to mind) can be fired relatively quickly the question becomes if one can do so accurately and consistently.

That said, when it comes to RoF we do have the Maxims so I don't think we need to worry about how much lead we can throw down range.

We are outnumbered and have a limited ability to produce rifles. So IMO RoF is likely to matter a fair bit. Because the simplest most obvious enemy plan for beating our advantage is to charge into close range ASAP.

As for the 'Maxims'... We don't have those. We have one Maxim gun. Now don't get me wrong that one will certainly not be useless but we kinda need more than one rapid firing weapon to have a significant impact.
[X] Plan Marching To War
-[X] Combat Action – Xelmian Invasion (Free Action)
-[X] Strategy Planning Sessions
-[X] The Changing Face of the Battlefield
--[X] Bolt-Action Sniper Rifles
---[X] Georgia Bonus

-[X] Your Sought After Relations – The Royalty of Leofarinia

-[X] Business Expansion
---[X] Battlefield Salvage Shop
-[X] Improving that Factory
--[X] Firearms Machine Shop
---[X] Sunnia Bonus
-[X] Renting Out Property (Abandoned Mine with Mining and Smelting operations)
-[X] Renting Out Property (Fortified Mining Camp)

-[X] Spy Action – Xelma
--[X] Current Military Plans and Troop Movements
---[X]Agents assigned Spy Action: (1) Tricksters, (2) Veteran Agents, (2) Basic Agents
-[X] Sabotage Action – Xelma's Invasion (Free Action)
--[X] Agents assigned Sabotage Action: (1) Sniper Agents, (1) Tricksters, (2) Basic Agents
-[X] Counter-Intelligence Actions (free action)
--[X] Agents assigned Counter Intelligence: (1) Red Knives Bunny-Assassins, Stiletto, (2) Veteran Agents, (2) Basic Agents

-[X] Leofarinian Army Request - Military Research
--[X] Better Armor Designs
-[X] Reverse Engineering Research
--[X] Laser Pistol Kits
---[X] Joan Bonus

-[X] Friday Fun Games Fun!
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As for the 'Maxims'... We don't have those. We have one Maxim gun. Now don't get me wrong that one will certainly not be useless but we kinda need more than one rapid firing weapon to have a significant impact.

I thought we had one Maxim battalion, which probably has multiple Maxim guns.

Anyway, I think we are getting distracted from the biggest decision. Are we going to wait another turn before fighting, or are we going to fight this turn?

I'd like to get a feel of which is the popular choice right now.
I thought we had one Maxim battalion, which probably has multiple Maxim guns.

Anyway, I think we are getting distracted from the biggest decision. Are we going to wait another turn before fighting, or are we going to fight this turn?

I'd like to get a feel of which is the popular choice right now.

Well, our odds of winning this immediate fight probably do go up a bit if we wait a turn... But the downside is that it adds another turn before we can do something about the other invasion forces. And honestly we don't gain that much extra combat strength by waiting. The question is how long we think we can afford to wait. Can we afford to only do something about the rest of the invasion on turn 13 at the earliest?
Well, our odds of winning this immediate fight probably do go up a bit if we wait a turn... But the downside is that it adds another turn before we can do something about the other invasion forces. And honestly we don't gain that much extra combat strength by waiting. The question is how long we think we can afford to wait. Can we afford to only do something about the rest of the invasion on turn 13 at the earliest?
Honestly the only combat advantages we bring to the table are our ability for very effective small-scaled terror/assassination missions with our guns and mass elimination of combatants via poison gas. Both will gradually lose their effectiveness when the information for the guns and gas comes out and worse the enemy will be inspired and we will see their magic counterparts on the other side soon.

I think we will be most effective in this war by quickly assassinate the head of this operation/the princess and supply our ally with better armour/weapon design so that their superior numbers can pull their weight.