[X] Run past the Green Martialist to get her between you and the Elemental.
-[X] Try dodging with Swap, if the Elemental throws another fireball at you.

The Boulder got us into this mess by baiting the monsters towards the gathering spot. A bit of a role reversal seems fair. As for swap, if I understood the scene right, Nebula is right next to us, assuming turning into the Mirage doesn't screw with that, so using Swap does fairly little to actually get us to safety. We could maybe dodge an attack with it though.
Since it's been brought up a couple of times, I do want to confirm that there is an easy way to bypass the effects of Mirage as a player. Our Heroine hasn't figured it out yet because she's never used Mirage before and it's been about five seconds since it took effect. Although that does mean the other three new players may not know how, either.

(Well, and she was busy being attacked for the first time, which is rather distracting when an attack is "a very realistic-looking fireball flying towards your actual face".)
Does that somehow related to navigating by the interfact and circles and all that stuff instead of eyesight? That would be my go to idea.
Wait, how does the Elemental determine who to attack? If it attacks the last person who hit it, then it should focus on the Green Martialist next, which means that running past her is staying in the path of the next attack, especially if she dodges it.

I agree with Edgedancer about how Swapping isn't likely to be useful at the moment because Nebula is probably right next to us. Maybe we can send her in a different direction and then Swap if the Elemental attacks us, but I don't think the fight will last much longer. The Elemental is down to 4 EP, the Black Martialist is still out there, and the Green Martialist is still fighting. The Astralists have finished off the Canoid so they can help IF they figure out how to see through the Mirage.

I'm going to stick with running away in a zig-zag pattern for now. We just need to buy a little time for the others to kill it off, and I'm hoping that Mirage will make it harder for the Elemental to target us.
Does that somehow related to navigating by the interfact and circles and all that stuff instead of eyesight? That would be my go to idea.
Yes and no. That's one way to do it, but there's a better one. (Remember, realistic or not, it is all still technically video game graphics.)

Wait, how does the Elemental determine who to attack?
Aggro management is a very important mechanic!
Adhoc vote count started by InspectorCaracal on Apr 21, 2019 at 6:02 PM, finished with 11 posts and 7 votes.

  • [X] Use Swap. This is literally what its for.
    [X] Run past the Green Martialist to get her between you and the Elemental.
    -[X]If she protests just say " Hey nothing like a Boulder for cover right!?"
    [X] Try to punch the Elemental. You can fight too, can't you?
    [X] Run back to where you think Jade is.
    -[X] Write-in: Run in a zig-zag pattern to make you harder to hit.
    [X] Run past the Green Martialist to get her between you and the Elemental.
    -[X] Try dodging with Swap, if the Elemental throws another fireball at you.
    [X] Run past the Green Martialist to get her between you and the Elemental.
Last edited:
Right in the sniffer
[X] Run past the Green Martialist to get her between you and the Elemental.
-[X] Try dodging with Swap, if the Elemental throws another fireball at you.

I know technically that subvote didn't win but the write-in option of Swap got enough interest that I feel it deserves an honorable mention.

The green Martialist is the only one you've seen with any kind of armor on, so even though you don't know how much health she has left, you're pretty sure she's got better defenses than any of the rest of you. Which makes her the perfect option to take point on any more attacks from the Elemental.

Retreat is the better part of valor or however the hell that quote goes, so you book it. Right past the Martialist, just in case the Elemental is still targetting you.

"The Boulder will protect you!" declares the Martialist as you race past, giving you an exaggerated thumbs-up.

You give a half-hearted thumbs-up in response over your shoulder, your attention on your own abilities. Assuming Nebula stays wherever it is, if the Elemental chases you, you can still get aw—


Something hits your shins and you fall forward into something, faceplanting into a flat wooden surface. …did you just run into a picnic bench? You did. If your face didn't hurt so much, you'd be so embarrassed.

XP: 20​

There's the musical tone again and your phone vibrates, again, as your experience bar fills up another good chunk of the way. You gingerly prod at your nose, trying to decide if you broke it or not. Probably not, but… Wait a second, if you got experience, that means the Elemental was defeated. A quick glance at the Enemy EP section of your HUD confirms your assumption: there's no enemies listed there anymore.

That was… well, that was one way to start off your Chromata gaming career. Filling up a third of your experience bar, good. Smashing your face, bad, avoid in the future.

Sitting down on the picnic bench, you look around at the illusion. Figuring out how to turn it off seems important… but also not that hard? If nothing else, you're completely certain that desummoning Nebula will end any of its ability effects. More important is figuring out why an ability that says "to confuse your opponent" is ruining your ability to see.

"Mirage?" Kaius appears out of the snowstorm, stepping around the table. "Is that— what the hell happened to your face?!" Whatever he was going to say is completely lost in his horrified alarm.

"Ran into the bench here," you mutter. "Couldn't see where I'm going."

The words are already coming out nasal and muffled from the swelling. Explaining this to your coworkers is going to so awkward.

"Couldn't see…?" Kaius is still frowning at you in concern, so you gesture at the imaginary snowstorm. He looks around, still frowning, until his expression shifts in sudden comprehension. "Oh! You're still on default settings."

"There are settings?" You regret the question as soon as it's out of your mouth. Of course there are settings. It's a video game.

"Of course there are settings." Kaius doesn't seem the type to forgive stupid questions. "It's under Settings, in the phone app."

You had completely forgotten that there was a phone app.

[] Take out your phone.
- [] Check out the Settings menu to figure out how to see through your own Mirage.
- [] Look at what else is in the app.
[] Your phone can wait. Desummon Nebula and talk to the other players.
[] Screw it, you only have 3 EP and your face hurts. Find the nearest safe zone to log off for the day.
[X] Your phone can wait. Desummon Nebula and talk to the other players.

While I really want to check out the phone app, leaving our fellow players wandering around in a snowstorm is a bad idea. We should probably check it before leaving the beacon though, in case there's some way to make getting to the nearest safe zone easier.
[X] Your phone can wait. Desummon Nebula and talk to the other players.

Best to do this now while we've got them around to chat with, as opposed to later when we're in the comfort of our own home.
[X] Your phone can wait. Desummon Nebula and talk to the other players.

We are the most graceful.

So, are there any deeply puzzled civilians wondering why these people are running around making wizard gestures?
[X] Your phone can wait. Desummon Nebula and talk to the other players.

Oh, definitely. You all have been quite the spectacle for the people having picnic dinner at the park.
Is it too much to hope that no one recorded our, ahem, encounter with the picnic table?
Just par for the course I bet for Chromata players! MC's just going to have to get used to the LARP reputation she's going to pick up.
...Unless Swap actually WORKS...But I doubt it works like that...Right?
I am very much looking forward to the first time she activates Swap.

Is it too much to hope that no one recorded our, ahem, encounter with the picnic table?
Adhoc vote count started by InspectorCaracal on Apr 22, 2019 at 12:18 AM, finished with 9 posts and 6 votes.
InspectorCaracal threw 1 20-faced dice. Reason: video Total: 9
9 9
[X] Your phone can wait. Desummon Nebula and talk to the other players.

It seems no one else was bothered by the mirage because they used their settings but there are other level 1s so we should be considerate just in case.

How much xp do we need to level up? 60?
[X] Your phone can wait. Desummon Nebula and talk to the other players.

Yeah, probably best to play it save for our fellow noobs.
How much xp do we need to level up? 60?
It's 100 XP per level. We got 14 XP from the Shade and 20 XP from the Elemental so we're about a third of the way through.

We also got 1 Ember Stone from the Elemental, which has me wondering how the loot and XP system works. Did everyone involved in that fight get loot? If so, was it the same loot for everyone? Did everyone get the same amount of XP? Hopefully, talking to the other players will help us figure that out.
I regret trying to make clever update titles
[x] Your phone can wait. Desummon Nebula and talk to the other players.

You'll have plenty of time to check out the mobile app component of Chromata and learn how that works when you're not logged in. Right now, you're out with five other players who you can talk to and learn more about the game from. And… probably not make any friends, since the, uh, The Boulder is the only one who looks your age. (You feel like after you attempted to throw her under the bus like earlier, it's only fair to at least accept her character name.)

Selecting Nebula's EP circle, you tap it again. The snowstorm disappears in a shower of violet sparkles, which quickly dissipate.

"You were going to ask something?" you say to Kaius.

"I was— oh, Mirage. I was going to ask if that was your doing, but I already figured it out."

You're tempted to ask how he knew the name of the ability you used, but you are pretty sure the answer is going to be something about the game settings again, which is not that helpful.

"Are you okay?!" Jade hurries over, looking worried. "I couldn't see anything! I knew Drew hadn't lost yet, but… hey! Did you hit her?" She puts her hands on her hips and glares angrily at Kaius. "What the hell, man!"

"What?" Kaius looks annoyed, once he gets over being startled. "No, of course not, are you stupid?"


"Hey, look, easy." You hold up your hands and give Jade your best smile. "Kaius is okay, he's been helping me out. I couldn't see anything either and I ran into the picnic bench here, that's all."

"Seriously, just turn off ally area effects," Kaius mutters, still annoyed.

"In my defense, I started playing less than an hour ago," you counter.

"We started earlier today." Jade is still giving Kaius the stink-eye. "We haven't done a lot of fights yet, though. We're still figuring out the party system."

Your ears perk up, metaphorically speaking. "So there is a party system?"

"Yeah! You get your party member health circles right near your pet - well, you would, don't know about mister Orange over here." She jerks her head towards Kaius. "Jordan says it's the same place. And you can tap on someone's circle to see their abilities and how many points they have left, also like your pet, plus you get a compass pointer showing you where they are."

"Sounds like our companions are treated like special party members," you muse aloud.

"Hey, yeah, that's a good point!" Jade beams. "Your fairy is pretty awesome, by the way."

"Thanks." You smile back. "I like your Leafeon."

"Poor Leafeon." She instantly looks woeful. "I got him knocked out in his first big fight."

"It was ten levels higher," Kaius points out. "It was inevitable, really."

Jade glares. You give him a look, too, even though you have a feeling he's trying to be reassuring, because he sucks at being reassuring and honestly he shouldn't try.

"Well that sucked." Shadowninja trudges over, looking frazzled. His smoke cloud effect is gone, so now you can make out his outfit: a slightly armored-looking secret agent stealth kind of thing. Or maybe a professional cat burgler, but with more leather.

The red Astralist, Jordan, is with him, trying and failing not to look too pleased with himself. "But none of us were defeated," he points out, clapping Shadow on the shoulder. "And we all got a good chunk of XP out of it!"

"Yeah, but I still can't do anything until I get back to a safe zone and recover." Shadow sighs, then looks you over briefly. "Did you do that snowstorm thing?"

"That was me," you agree. "My companion has an ability called Mirage."

"Spiritualist sounds like a tough class to play," Jordan says. "Keeping track of your pet and all that."

"It's not that bad?" You shrug. Jordan and Shadow (who you think must be Drew) are definitely looking at your face, but apparently are too polite to say anything or something? You appreciate not having to explain it again, at least, even if it's not any less awkward having two teenagers trying not to stare. "I don't have anything to compare it to, though."

Shadow cleared his throat. "Hey, uh. I only have one energy point left… can we get back to the safe zone? Soon?"

"Good idea." Jade looks at you. "Do you want to come too? It's at our school right now, but I don't think they'll care if you show up just this once... We haven't picked new spots for them yet?"

"There's another one, closer," Kaius cuts in. "Not mine. There's a coffee shop on the other side of the park that someone put a safe zone over."

"The Boulder hears you discussing safe zones!" The green Martialist… poses, her arms folded across her chest as she grins. "And would like to accompany you. While The Boulder does not require assistance, she does require a safe zone and thinks it is best to travel in numbers."

Annabelle Marie Jones
XP: 34%
EP: 3/10
AP: 3/5

EP: 7/10
AP: 0/3

QM note: You've been at the park for about twenty minutes.

[] Go to the coffee shop safe zone with Kaius and The Boulder.
[] Go to the nearby highschool's safe zone with the three teenagers.
[] Hang out at the Beacon until Nebula is back at full energy, then explore the park.
[] That's enough for today. Go home, log out, put a cold compress on your poor face.

[] [Contacts] Ask for contact info from the group(s) you're not going with.
[] [Contacts] Ask for contact info from everyone.
[] [Contacts] Don't ask for anyone's contact info.
Adhoc vote count started by InspectorCaracal on Apr 22, 2019 at 3:44 PM, finished with 3 posts and 3 votes.

Adhoc vote count started by InspectorCaracal on Apr 22, 2019 at 3:44 PM, finished with 3 posts and 3 votes.

Adhoc vote count started by InspectorCaracal on Apr 22, 2019 at 4:46 PM, finished with 5 posts and 5 votes.

Adhoc vote count started by InspectorCaracal on Apr 22, 2019 at 6:53 PM, finished with 5 posts and 5 votes.

Adhoc vote count started by InspectorCaracal on Apr 22, 2019 at 10:53 PM, finished with 8 posts and 8 votes.
[X] Go to the coffee shop safe zone with Kaius and The Boulder.

I'm just deeply entertained by The Boulder, to be honest.

My introverted impulses vs efficient gaming ideas are in conflict so I'm going to think about the contacts question for a bit.
Hm going with The Boulder or with Jade... Green seems to be a lucky color indeed. Fuck it, theatrics win. Definetly getting Jade's number though.

[X] Go to the coffee shop safe zone with Kaius and The Boulder.
[X] [Contacts] Ask for contact info from everyone.
because last time a few people took the vote I copy-pasta'd from him as my own for some reason.
[X] Go to the coffee shop safe zone with Kaius and The Boulder.
[X] [Contacts] Ask for contact info from everyone.

The coffee shop safe zone is closer, and Kaius and The Boulder are closer in age to Annabelle than the teenagers. I'd also like avoiding setting off any alarm bells by showing up at a high school that Annabelle is too old to go to.

While it feels really awkward to ask for everyone's contact info, Annabelle doesn't have to keep in contact with everyone. This is more about creating a network for people to ask each other questions about the game. It's been noted that the game is so new it doesn't have much of a fan wiki yet.
[x] Go to the coffee shop safe zone with Kaius and The Boulder.
[x] [Contacts] Ask for contact info from the group(s) you're not going with.