Dethroning The Old Death (A Riot Quest)(ALWAYS RECRUITING)

When your God fully forms, how should I determine their actions?

  • NPC Ally

    Votes: 28 65.1%
  • Quest Protagonist (players vote on deity's actions in addition to Riot Actions)

    Votes: 15 34.9%

  • Total voters
Idea: Character Who lost all memory, was found by the Morth Cult and helpt back into a functional state, decides to stat With These Nice people as they helped him in his feet.

But Ofcourse, its your character, just an idea
OK, that's just to cliche. Also a bit lazy as far as backstories go.
I had an idea that fits nicely with this turn report. Let's see if it works.

Player: JbeJ275
Name: Jake Baxter
Description: Young Human Male, brown hair blue eyes, Carries a Mandolin, Wears oranges and reds, Seems cocky but is given to fits of melancholy when he drinks
Backstory: As a boy, a solider of no particular rank or renown but one who saw the same horrors. He was a musician in the army and so took up the trade on his discharge. Since then he has been a wandering bard, serving as a friendly face and a source of music. He never forgot the dead though and when he came to a village that pledged to improve these lives he embraced the faith with an open hand.
Stats: Stats: Preaching 2 Mysticism 0 Subversion 3 Administration 0
Skill Tags: FREINDLY FACE: Play music for a man and you may well have known him for a month. Wherever he goes he's treated like a local which helps conversion, information gathering and general travel.
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Well, good to see if nothing else that we're the fun ones!

Okay. So, speaking specifically about the action I was involved in, the play (and storytelling in general) seems like a pretty good way to shape what Morth actually is. What it doesn't seem to do is bring in new followers. Good to keep in mind for future reference.

@Zedalb , @The Froggy Ninja , @always_confused , can I suggest we all work together to do one big push for more followers? It strikes me that with the success of the festival behind us, we're probably pretty popular right now with the town. We could capitalise on that with the right vignettes.
Well, good to see if nothing else that we're the fun ones!

Okay. So, speaking specifically about the action I was involved in, the play (and storytelling in general) seems like a pretty good way to shape what Morth actually is. What it doesn't seem to do is bring in new followers. Good to keep in mind for future reference.

@Zedalb , @The Froggy Ninja , @always_confused , can I suggest we all work together to do one big push for more followers? It strikes me that with the success of the festival behind us, we're probably pretty popular right now with the town. We could capitalise on that with the right vignettes.

I suppose I don't really have any complaints. I'd prefer to track down the self-proclaimed inquisitor and put a stop to their activities, but strike while the iron is hot and all that. That and no point in going for an action if I can't get backup.
Well, good to see if nothing else that we're the fun ones!

Okay. So, speaking specifically about the action I was involved in, the play (and storytelling in general) seems like a pretty good way to shape what Morth actually is. What it doesn't seem to do is bring in new followers. Good to keep in mind for future reference.

@Zedalb , @The Froggy Ninja , @always_confused , can I suggest we all work together to do one big push for more followers? It strikes me that with the success of the festival behind us, we're probably pretty popular right now with the town. We could capitalise on that with the right vignettes.
Well, at least part of that is that you had four separate actions all tied together with that Lantern Festival, which lead to massive synergy bonuses. Seriously, let me lay it out for you.

1: There was a Festival with a really high roll, even without synergy modifiers.
2: Two separate storytelling actions were rolled into the Festival, adding even more to the fun times for everyone involved.
3: Because the festival was so awesome, people went even if they weren't interested in the Eternal Candle-Bearers at the time.
4: Many of the people going to the awesome festival got interested in the religion that way, which boosted recruitment through the roof. Seriously, in just two months you've converted almost half the town.
5: On top of all this, you were still riding high on your good PR from last turn.

It all added together to get the results that you got.
@Zedalb , @The Froggy Ninja , @always_confused , can I suggest we all work together to do one big push for more followers? It strikes me that with the success of the festival behind us, we're probably pretty popular right now with the town. We could capitalise on that with the right vignettes.
I don't think my +5 to recruitment is going to be as useful to the cause as a whole as my +45 to wizardy shit.
[X] Acquire/Make Equipment
-[X] Mundane
--[X] Badger Training Facility

Suffering from a bad case of "oof ow my soul" after perhaps leaving a bit more of himself with a plane that did not currently exist than planned (oh well, guess Morth was going to get that anyway some day), Uzorkh does something much less metaphysically destructive (though perhaps more physically destructive).

Namely, raising badgers. Inspired by a source of badger-bags it is probably best not to think about, the rather unreal-looking cultist begins an unusual case of getting the legal paperwork out of the way to handle a badger sett and start some form of domestication initiative, getting the ecological research, veterinary crew, and food providers lined up just to start this iffy mission for somewhat-trained killing machines. This is a mundane administrative task, done at a leisurely pace to avoid the aggravation of an overspread soul.

(I was originally going to go and start templeing up, but given that we've got a bit of persecution already, a front building would perhaps be more appropriate. Then I just decided to take a one-off line and run with it.)
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SCRIPTURE: it's the greatest shame
And he's gone from us now and it's the greatest shame
And his spirit still lives among the candle's flame
And his soul's doing well in the Matron's care
And he will live forever there
You know, he will live forever there

On the sickness finished him the other day
He said, he wouldn't give up oh no way
I would have feared for his suffering but not today
The matron will make sure, he's okay
And even those who go to her, full of sin
They'll be made clean and then again begin
Those who are forgiven, they still get to win, yeah
So maybe you can see why I grin...

And he's gone from us now and it's the greatest shame
And his spirit still lives among the candle's flame
And his soul's doing well in the Matron's care
And he will live forever there,
You know, he will live forever there

(To be sung with the tune and for that matter the mood of Cats in the Cradle)

This isn't really a vignette, it's closer to scripture but not literal scripture. I just listened to Cats in the cradle and the mix of patience and wistfulness made me think of this sort of thing.
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I just think that at this early stage training missionaries will yield better long term results. if we train one, then that's + 15 to recruitment rolls basically forever.

I mean there's really no reason we can't do both- there's five of us with preaching scores of three or above, so we can certainly split our efforts without screwing our rolls. We could probably do two of us do preaching and the other three could train missionaries, or vice versa.
VIGNETTE: Kits in the Cradle
A vignette for @Nedben 's badger raising exercise!

Kits in the Cradle

"You went into the godwomb."


"You went. Into. The godwomb. WIthout consulting the rest of us."


"I see."

A pause. Danaal reached into his ragged waistcoat, produced a bottle of what might be whiskey but certainly didn't belong to him, took a pull, and glared.

"You realise how thoroughly, stupidly dangerous that was?"

Uzorkh raised a (slightly see-through) eyebrow, and gestured to himself. The magical backlash had rendered him transparent. Danaal considered.

"Fair enough." He offered the bottle. Uzorkh drunk, and went back to his paperwork. "So what are you up to now?"


"Yes, I can see that. In aid of what?"


"Uzorkh, for Morth's sake-"

"She's not even conscious yet, and you're already taking her name in vain-"

"What are you bloody doing?"

"...You remember what Soppo discussed?"

"The inquisitor?"

"No- well, yes, but specifically how she freed the bait."

"Where she-"

A pause.


"Don't you dare laugh."

"Well it's that or cry. I mean, bloody hell, why?"

Uzorkh gave him a wry look. "I thought a playwright of all people might appreciate preparations for a dramatic reveal."

"I prefer propagandist."

[X] Liaise With Authorities.

Good things can happen if we get official sponsership. Maybe even help funding the temple.

"Well I was not going to visit this Morth god, but then the mayor supported her so..."
VIGNETTE: Trial and Error (Or Why It's A Bad Idea to Let Hermes Near Animals)
Trial and Error
Or Why It's a Bad Idea to Let Hermes Near Animals.​

Hermes stood in his makeshift lab surrounded by a set of glowing liquids, a burning candle and an assortment of small forest critters in wicker cages.
"Let's do some Science," Hermes says, forming goggles over his eyes.
Trial 1:
Subject 1 (local blue jay) released a scream that knocked out everyone in a 16 meter radius for exactly 1 hour 14 minutes and 4 seconds, based on lab clock. It appears to be fine but there is a smaller, glowing version of the subject floating within its beak that mirrors all of its movements. Unavailable optic instruments would be required to be sure but a small, brighter dot within the apparition indicates that it might be recursive.
Status: Failure

Test 4:
Subject 4 (local field mouse) has become highly luminescent, translucent and conditionally intangible. Tentative hypothesis is that the subject's soul become so strengthened it subsumed the body, turning it into a kind of "living ghost".

Status: Failure
Test 9:
It... It just exploded.

Status: What?

Test 15:
Subject 15 (local long-eared hedgehog) moved in slow motion for 3 days, 2 hours and 4 minutes, before collapsing, apparently comatose.
Status: Failure?

Test 17:
Subject 17 (local blue jay) appears to be glowing to the naked eye, but the glow does not appear in mirrors or to light detecting spells. No other obvious effects.
Status: Failure

Test 15 (cont.):
Approximately 3 days and 16 hours after the conclusion of Test 15, a translucent, floating hedgehog was reported to be going around town. Subject 15's body is now medically dead. The apparition is most likely Subject 15 but has so far evaded capture through superior three dimensional movement, diminutive size, and apparent intangibility.
Status: Still Failure

Test 64:
Subject immediately died and became a ghost. Again. Also the ghost animals have started following me. I think one of them wanted to play fetch.
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@ all the crafters/Mystic inclined folks, are we still planning to make a Subversion Mask this next turn for spying on Zerrakh cultists? If not, anyone need help on their magic research, or shall I begin research into various potions since Rituals are not the most feasible of actions until Morth awakens.
Considering how the inquisitor hates Zerrakh if we could somehow convince him we're not Zerrakh and in fact, hate Zerrakh as well, he could be useful pointed somewhere else.
Curiously, did you like the method I came up with for Soppo extracting the volunteer?
It was good, thank you for that :rofl:
Especially since Soppo thinks the inquisitor is an amateur. Though, I do think she'd show a different, more sadistic side if she actually got pissed off.

Btw, Zedlab pointed out that the description of my tag doesn't quite match up how I was discussing it, could I switch it to this?
@I just write could I clarify and reword my tag to this:
[DEATH'S_ JESTER] Expert skill melded with a playful mindset and an undertone of sadism, Soppo has a particular talent for 'trolling'.
E.g. Acts of mischief & subterfuge. Actions that could get a rise out of people (her allies included) or cause people distress.

It doesn't affect the past turns and with the added clarity, it'd save everyone some head-scratching & trouble on deciding when it should be applied. Thank you :D
@ all the crafters/Mystic inclined folks, are we still planning to make a Subversion Mask this next turn for spying on Zerrakh cultists? If not, anyone need help on their magic research, or shall I begin research into various potions since Rituals are not the most feasible of actions until Morth awakens.
I mean, I kind of want to do that, but apparently my skill tag doesn't apply to artificing, even with a vignette on how I used alchemical methods, and I really want to make an actual potion.
Question: Before I attempt to make my own thing, what exactly does Liaising with the Authorities mean? I mean, legality (and possibly political-y) stuff is obvious, but how so?

Also, we apparently converted half the town. Neat. I mean, probably has to do with the Old Death being a... really horrible kind of Chaotic Evuls, but still, nice.