[X] Stay and help Kaius and the others fight the monsters. Maybe you'll learn something.
-[X] Let the big guns take the big 'uns. Attack the weakest monster.
[X] Stay and help Kaius and the others fight the monsters. Maybe you'll learn something.
-[X] Let the big guns take the big 'uns. Attack the weakest monster.
[X] Stay and help Kaius and the others fight the monsters. Maybe you'll learn something.
-[X] Let the big guns take the big 'uns. Attack the weakest monster.

We have a pretty solid number advantage and our safe zone right over there, so things are probably going to be fine.
[x] There's no way you can take on three unknown level creatures in your first fight! Flee!
- [x] … under the picnic bench. Does the game care about physical obstacles? You're about to find out.
[X] Stay and help Kaius and the others fight the monsters. Maybe you'll learn something.
-[X] Let the big guns take the big 'uns. Attack the weakest monster.
[X] Stay and help Kaius and the others fight the monsters. Maybe you'll learn something.
-[X] Let the big guns take the big 'uns. Attack the weakest monster.
[X]Stay and help Kaius and the others fight the monsters. Maybe you'll learn something.
-[X] Let the big guns take the big 'uns. Attack the weakest monster.
—[X] play defensive, have Nebula use Shine to draw a monster's attention before floating out of range, while you be ready to use swap if it looks like she's about to get hit.
[X]Stay and help Kaius and the others fight the monsters. Maybe you'll learn something.
-[X] Let the big guns take the big 'uns. Attack the weakest monster.
—[X] play defensive, have Nebula use Shine to draw a monster's attention before floating out of range, while you be ready to use swap if it looks like she's about to get hit.
I don't think tanking for our companion as a general rule is that great an idea? As an emergency measure when Nebula's about to get taken down sure, but not as the go to. Otherwise, the strategy looks good to me.
[X] Stay and help Kaius and the others fight the monsters. Maybe you'll learn something.
-[X] Let the big guns take the big 'uns. Attack the weakest monster.

I don't think tanking for our companion as a general rule is that great an idea? As an emergency measure when Nebula's about to get taken down sure, but not as the go to. Otherwise, the strategy looks good to me.
Sounds like it has things backwards. We should swap out if we're going to get hit.
[X] Stay and help Kaius and the others fight the monsters. Maybe you'll learn something.
- [X] Take a support role. You and Nebula have some non-attack abilities.

But only long enough to observe and get an idea for how things work. Then decide whether to stick to support or get more aggressive. Also if we manage to shield the others from an attack or two we might make some friends (or at least friendly rivals, which is almost as good).
[X] Stay and help Kaius and the others fight the monsters. Maybe you'll learn something.
- [X] Take a support role. You and Nebula have some non-attack abilities.

But only long enough to observe and get an idea for how things work. Then decide whether to stick to support or get more aggressive. Also if we manage to shield the others from an attack or two we might make some friends (or at least friendly rivals, which is almost as good).
But we don't have any support moves? At all?
We have a Pet Attack and a Direct Attack, plus a castling move to swap out of hotspots with our pet if an enemy gets around them.
A couple of hopefully helpful reminders!

- The only safe zone you know of is yours, a fifteen minute bus ride away. The beacon is free from spawns but has no protection from attacks of its own.

- You have three abilities, but Nebula has two abilities of their own which are based on their color and type. (Violet Sprite)
[x] There's no way you can take on three unknown level creatures in your first fight! Flee!
- [x] … under the picnic bench. Does the game care about physical obstacles? You're about to find out.
But we don't have any support moves? At all?
We have a Pet Attack and a Direct Attack, plus a castling move to swap out of hotspots with our pet if an enemy gets around them.
I think he meant the one's our Sprite has
[X] Stay and help Kaius and the others fight the monsters. Maybe you'll learn something.
-[X] Let the big guns take the big 'uns. Attack the weakest monster.
Bam! Zap! Pow! Sparkle?
[x] Stay and help Kaius and the others fight the monsters. Maybe you'll learn something.
- [x] Let the big guns take the big 'uns. Attack the weakest monster.

There's no way you're going to miss out on your first combat opportunity! Not that you're going to be much help, probably, but you can let Kaius do the heavy lifting and try to get some experience (and experience) by picking off the weakest of the lot. The fleeing player and their entourage are rapidly getting close enough for their information show up in your HUD, and the three players at the other table have noticed the fight and are hurrying over towards you and Kaius.

Kaius Keen-Eyed
Level 8 AST

The Boulder
Level 7 MRT

Flamebringer Jordan
Level 1 AST

Level 1 SPR

Level 1

Level 1 MRT

Level 13
EP: 20/20

Level 5
EP: 6/15

Level 11
EP: 20/20

Based on the enemy EP circles that popped up, the lowest-level of them, the Shade, already took some damage from when the… the green Martialist, you're not going to call her The Boulder, was fighting it. You'd already decided to focus on the weakest monster, so you target it as you back away a few steps from the picnic bench, keeping it between you and the fight.

"Orange and Green are strong against each other," Kaius calls over to the other three, moving a hand in what looks like some kind of arcane gesture, but you realize after a moment must be him using the MRD interface. It looks much less stupid than you were afraid it would.

"What about matching colors?" That was - you're not going to call him Shadowninja either, but Shadow is okay, you guess? That was Shadow, from the group of other level ones.

"Let's do this, Leafy!" Jade, the other Spiritualist, points dramatically at the fiery Elemental. "Ground it!"

You experience a small amount of second-hand embarrassment (and although you wouldn't admit it, envy) over the teenage girl's enthusiasm - but not for long, because the battle is already getting underway. Jade's companion - a leonine creature with rocks for a mane - is running towards the fire Elemental. A bolt of orange lightning crackles down from the sky, hitting the Canoid as it leaps for the green Martialist and knocking it to the ground.

The Canoid is over ten levels higher than you, you realize. The introduction said that anything with a relative level more than ten won't attack you unless you attack it first, so you can probably safely ignore it. One less thing to worry about. Which is good, because right now you're trying to figure out how to attack at all.

You already have the Shade selected, so you glance down at your Abilities. You have Attack, Flare, and Swap. Flare isn't useful unless Nebula is near the monsters, since it's an AoE. Swap, no way that'll be useful with the sprite still right next to you, either. So you tap Attack and hope for the best.

Nebula darts forward a few feet, trailing sparkles, then points its tiny hands at the Shade, shooting a beam of violet light at it. The light beam disappears into the formless shadowy cloud - which immediatelychanges direction towards Nebula and shoots out several tendrils of inky… whatever it is. Nebula dodges, but one of them catches it in the leg and your sprite cries out in a discordant chime.

The Elemental is currently being punched by Shadow - you are impressed by the guts it takes to hit a glowing ball of fire with your hands, even a virtual one. Kaius is leading the Canoid to the side, which is considerate of him, considering how many of you are total newbies, and Green Martialist is doing something that involves being covered in glowing white plates.

Level 13
EP: 15/20

Level 5
EP: 3/15

Level 11
EP: 16/20

Annabelle Marie Jones
EP: 10/10
AP: 4/5

EP: 7/10
AP: 2/3

What next?

[] Let Nebula do its own thing; maybe the sprite will keep fighting the Shade its own.
[] Make Nebula attack the Shade again. It's almost down, no reason to take chances.
[] Let the shade get within range of Nebula and use Flare.
[] Try to figure out how to make Nebula use Mirage instead of Shine.
[] Write-in

QM note: Combat is not turn-based, but things do take time. A multi-step write-in strategy may not survive the encounter with the enemy, so to speak.
Adhoc vote count started by InspectorCaracal on Apr 18, 2019 at 9:26 PM, finished with 17 posts and 13 votes.

Adhoc vote count started by InspectorCaracal on Apr 19, 2019 at 12:03 AM, finished with 5 posts and 5 votes.

  • [X] Make Nebula attack the Shade again. It's almost down, no reason to take chances.
    [X] Let Nebula do its own thing; maybe the sprite will keep fighting the Shade its own.
    -[X] Try and punch the shade yourself
    [X] Cast Flare for a stylish finisher on the Shade!

Adhoc vote count started by InspectorCaracal on Apr 19, 2019 at 12:03 AM, finished with 5 posts and 5 votes.

  • [X] Make Nebula attack the Shade again. It's almost down, no reason to take chances.
    [X] Let Nebula do its own thing; maybe the sprite will keep fighting the Shade its own.
    [X] Let Nebula do its own thing; maybe the sprite will keep fighting the Shade its own.
    -[X] Try and punch the shade yourself
    [X] Cast Flare for a stylish finisher on the Shade!

Adhoc vote count started by InspectorCaracal on Apr 19, 2019 at 12:03 AM, finished with 5 posts and 5 votes.

  • [X] Make Nebula attack the Shade again. It's almost down, no reason to take chances.
    [X] Let Nebula do its own thing; maybe the sprite will keep fighting the Shade its own.
    [X] Let Nebula do its own thing; maybe the sprite will keep fighting the Shade its own.
    -[X] Try and punch the shade yourself
    [X] Cast Flare for a stylish finisher on the Shade!

Adhoc vote count started by InspectorCaracal on Apr 19, 2019 at 4:05 AM, finished with 7 posts and 7 votes.

  • [X] Make Nebula attack the Shade again. It's almost down, no reason to take chances.
    [X] Let Nebula do its own thing; maybe the sprite will keep fighting the Shade its own.
    -[X] Try and punch the shade yourself
    [X] Cast Flare for a stylish finisher on the Shade!
    [x] Let the Shade get within range of Nebula and use Flare.

Adhoc vote count started by InspectorCaracal on Apr 19, 2019 at 12:54 PM, finished with 8 posts and 8 votes.

  • [X] Make Nebula attack the Shade again. It's almost down, no reason to take chances.
    [X] Let Nebula do its own thing; maybe the sprite will keep fighting the Shade its own.
    -[X] Try and punch the shade yourself
    [X] Cast Flare for a stylish finisher on the Shade!
    [x] Let the Shade get within range of Nebula and use Flare.

Adhoc vote count started by InspectorCaracal on Apr 19, 2019 at 12:56 PM, finished with 8 posts and 8 votes.

  • [X] Make Nebula attack the Shade again. It's almost down, no reason to take chances.
    [X] Let Nebula do its own thing; maybe the sprite will keep fighting the Shade its own.
    [X] Let Nebula do its own thing; maybe the sprite will keep fighting the Shade its own.
    -[X] Try and punch the shade yourself
    [X] Cast Flare for a stylish finisher on the Shade!
    [x] Let the Shade get within range of Nebula and use Flare.
[X] Make Nebula attack the Shade again. It's almost down, no reason to take chances.
[X] Let Nebula do its own thing; maybe the sprite will keep fighting the Shade its own.

Tentatively, we do need to learn from this fight, and how independent Nebula can be is important.
[X] Let Nebula do its own thing; maybe the sprite will keep fighting the Shade its own.
-[X] Try and punch the shade yourself
We can fight alongside Nebula right?
[X] Make Nebula attack the Shade again. It's almost down, no reason to take chances.

So, thinking ahead a bit, I imagine that if the Shade goes down without too much trouble, we might want to try and figure out how to support the others with Mirage next. If only because Nebula likely will have taken some hits by then. Not sure how far the vote should actually plan ahead though.

Also, I immediately like Jade for naming her companion Leafeon.