Warrior from Afar: A Warhammer Fantasy Quest (Warhammer/Megaverse Crossover)

[X] Girl
[X] Angeline
[X] Just in time for a new mess to ravage the land: born just as a war between hell dimensions spilled onto earth. Techno-wizardry and more hybrid kinds of magic both good and ill have been created. (variety option)
[X] The Primeval East beyond the Mississippi: Eco Wizardry, mutants, Atlantean magic, voodoo, unique techno-wizardry
[X] Boy
[X] John Fitzroy
[X] Just in time for a new mess to ravage the land: born just as a war between hell dimensions spilled onto earth. Techno-wizardry and more hybrid kinds of magic both good and ill have been created. (variety option)
[X] The Wild New West: the heart of Techno-wizardry, cyborg cowboys, the magic slaying mutants known as psi-stalkers.
[X] Boy

[X] D. C. Frederick Dupre

[X] Just in time for a new mess to ravage the land: born just as a war between hell dimensions spilled onto earth. Techno-wizardry and more hybrid kinds of magic both good and ill have been created. (variety option)

[X] The Burning south: Vampire hunters, necromancers, were-beasts, dark soul magic, genetically engineered creatures
Adhoc vote count started by King50000 on Apr 10, 2019 at 7:25 AM, finished with 13 posts and 9 votes.
[X] Girl
[X] Angeline
[X] Just in time for a new mess to ravage the land: born just as a war between hell dimensions spilled onto earth. Techno-wizardry and more hybrid kinds of magic both good and ill have been created. (variety option)
[X] The Primeval East beyond the Mississippi: Eco Wizardry, mutants, Atlantean magic, voodoo, unique techno-wizardry
How the fuck did the banana republics get their hands on nukes?

*shrugs* NEMA made some VERY stupid policy decisions in the past apparently. Maybe they justified it by giving them futuristic non-neutron generating clean nukes and figured hey it can't be any worse than giving them building destroying MOABS or smart bombs.

You guys have till Thursday at 6pm EST to vote
[X] Boy
[X] John Fitzroy
[X] Just in time for a new mess to ravage the land: born just as a war between hell dimensions spilled onto earth. Techno-wizardry and more hybrid kinds of magic both good and ill have been created. (variety option)
[X] The Wild New West: the heart of Techno-wizardry, cyborg cowboys, the magic slaying mutants known as psi-stalkers.

Futuristic Yee-Haw
[X] Girl
[X] Angeline
[X] Just in time for a new mess to ravage the land: born just as a war between hell dimensions spilled onto earth. Techno-wizardry and more hybrid kinds of magic both good and ill have been created. (variety option)
[X] The Primeval East beyond the Mississippi: Eco Wizardry, mutants, Atlantean magic, voodoo, unique techno-wizardry
*shrugs* NEMA made some VERY stupid policy decisions in the past apparently. Maybe they justified it by giving them futuristic non-neutron generating clean nukes and figured hey it can't be any worse than giving them building destroying MOABS or smart bombs.
What the fuck? I can't even imagine how many idiot balls they must have had to cram up their goddamn assholes to somehow think that was anything approaching a good idea! For god's sake, why? What even possible purpose could it serve?
What the fuck? I can't even imagine how many idiot balls they must have had to cram up their goddamn assholes to somehow think that was anything approaching a good idea! For god's sake, why? What even possible purpose could it serve?

*Shrugs* they were dealing with a new Cold War and thus much like the US made mistakes in dealing with the USSR (such as the Iran contra deal) NEMA fucked up with the banana republics.
[X] Girl
[X] Angeline
[X] Just in time for a new mess to ravage the land: born just as a war between hell dimensions spilled onto earth. Techno-wizardry and more hybrid kinds of magic both good and ill have been created. (variety option)
[X] The Primeval East beyond the Mississippi: Eco Wizardry, mutants, Atlantean magic, voodoo, unique techno-wizardry
[X] Boy
[X] John Fitzroy
[X] Just in time for a new mess to ravage the land: born just as a war between hell dimensions spilled onto earth. Techno-wizardry and more hybrid kinds of magic both good and ill have been created. (variety option)
[X] The Wild New West: the heart of Techno-wizardry, cyborg cowboys, the magic slaying mutants known as psi-stalkers.
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[X] Boy
[X] John Fitzroy
[X] Just in time for a new mess to ravage the land: born just as a war between hell dimensions spilled onto earth. Techno-wizardry and more hybrid kinds of magic both good and ill have been created. (variety option)
[X] The Wild New West: the heart of Techno-wizardry, cyborg cowboys, the magic slaying mutants known as psi-stalkers.
[X] Boy
[X] John Fitzroy
[X] Just in time for a new mess to ravage the land: born just as a war between hell dimensions spilled onto earth. Techno-wizardry and more hybrid kinds of magic both good and ill have been created. (variety option)
[X] The Wild New West: the heart of Techno-wizardry, cyborg cowboys, the magic slaying mutants known as psi-stalkers.
[X] Boy
[X] John Fitzroy
[X] Just in time for a new mess to ravage the land: born just as a war between hell dimensions spilled onto earth. Techno-wizardry and more hybrid kinds of magic both good and ill have been created. (variety option)
[X] The Wild New West: the heart of Techno-wizardry, cyborg cowboys, the magic slaying mutants known as psi-stalkers.​
... I'm not sure!

I don't really want to just jump on the bandwagon; my own obsessive need to lay out the pro/con justification for a course of action besides, I learned from my own quest (singular, dormant) that nothing kills a QM's soul faster than people just voting for the first path someone puts together, with no elaboration or interest beyond "we're participating."

I'm ok with the name, but the time for birth and the chosen area have SO MANY OPTIONS!

...Screw it. I'll try to make up my mind.

[X] Boy

Going by the name of:

[X] Write-in: Alfred Flarsell

Because I might as well provide something new!


Power vs variety...

If there's anything I've learned about Zrayz's writing abilities, it's that power is easily handled by a competent author willing to Give Sauron A Death Star (if Frodo Gets A Lightsaber). If there's anything I've learned about writing quests, it's that variety is fascinating and increases interest from the author and readers, yet it demands proportionality more effort- meaning that even if the quest isn't abandoned, it requires more and more time, and updates less (and I don't even want to think about what multiple quests mean).


[X] Just as the shit hit the fan: born right around the dawn of the dimensional rifts, magic and psychic powers are more powerful but less understood (power option)

Screw it. Zrayz can handle the power option, I'd love to be around At The Beginning for once, and I want more updates!

In the:

[] Frozen North: Tundra Rangers (future mounties), Sasquatch, Inuit shamans, techno-magic headhunters

... I hate the cold! That is definitely a valid reason to stay away from an interesting option!

[X] The Burning south: Vampire hunters, necromancers, were-beasts, dark soul magic, genetically engineered creatures

Necromancy can be interesting, as well as the others. (Choice: Necromancy. It's so rarely done)

[] The Primeval East beyond the Mississippi: Eco Wizardry, mutants, Atlantean magic, voodoo, unique techno-wizardry

Atlantis seems interesting, and I'd love to see some symbolic magic. Techno-wizardry can also be interesting.

[] The Wild New West: the heart of Techno-wizardry, cyborg cowboys, the magic slaying mutants known as psi-stalkers.

No. Just no. No psi-stalkers. Staying far away from that place.
Vote is closed. Yeehaw! Johnny boys gotta deal with demons in the New West!
Adhoc vote count started by Zrayz10 on Apr 11, 2019 at 6:40 PM, finished with 19 posts and 12 votes.
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Character Creation: Part 3
[] Just in time for a new mess to ravage the land: born just as a war between hell dimensions spilled onto earth. Techno-wizardry and more hybrid kinds of magic both good and ill have been created. (variety option)
[] Boy
[] John Fitzroy
[] The Wild New West

OHHHHH! Give me a home where the dinosaurs roam! Where there's a demon and vamp to slay! Where seldom is heard a discouraging word and the rad counters crackle all day! - Jack "Black Jack" Davis, Cyborg Mercenary from Arzno circa 98 P.A (Post Apocalypse)

Ah, the West...whether it's old or new it's always bound to be wild! That's something everyone has come to understand and appreciate since the shit hit the fan 300 years ago. It was into this mess that you were born. Your name is John Fitzroy and you've roamed these parts from as far north and east as what used to be the magical Kingdom of Tolkeen in Minnesota to as far south and west as the battered ruins of Pheonix.

Yes, this is quite a big place and a man can either find great riches or a swift death if he doesn't know what he's doing. After all, there are quite a few things that can kill you here. The demons, the mutants, the dragons, the vampires, the flipping temporally shifted dinos and those damnable bug men known Xiticx and their hives up in North Dakota!

Across these lands, many peoples roam. From the Native Americans who have roamed the land for over a thousand years to the newly arrived Dimensional beings (D-bees for short) who arrived willingly or not during the calamity that reshaped the world 300 years ago, to the Psi-Stalker mutants who evolved in the wake of the disaster, and everybody in-between.

As for you, you can trace your origins back to:

[] Another world: In truth, John Fitzroy is just a humanized name you took for yourself. You were sick of people mispronouncing your real one (D-Bee background, more choices next turn)
[] The clans of the were-jaguars: Your people have only recently returned to this world and it's a good thing that you did what with all these damned blood-sucking vamps down south and all those magic-hating dipshits from the Coalition States out East. (Were-beast background)
[] From one of the resurgent tribes: As a toddler, your parents were killed leaving you to be adopted by a traveling shopkeeper who found you and named you. It was only later when a chance run-in with a member of your parent's tribe and the return to your true home in...
-[] A tribe which had no use for the superstitions of the past (Modern Native: embraces tech, shuns the old ways)
-[] A tribe which greatly admired magic but did not worship it (Renegade Native: Ok with both Tech and Magic, loves to combine them! No help from the spirits)
-[] A tribe which respected magic and the spirits but did not fully give themselves to them (Cautiously Renegade Natives: wields Techno-wizardry and modern weapons to a degree but respects the old ways enough for the spirits to give them minor gifts)
-[] A tribe which has fully embraced its traditional roots (Traditional Native: Modern tech is bad the spirits and magic are all you need.)
[] A good old red-blooded descendant of the old American empire (generic non-Native American background)
-[] write in what you look like (just cause you got an Anglo-Norman sounding name doesn't necessarily mean you're necessarily a white guy :p)
[] One of the Psi-stalker tribes: you like all in your tribe are mutants specifically evolved to hunt the supernatural. You hunt supernatural beings like bloodhounds after a fox, have psychic powers, barely need any solid food or water and when fighting supernaturally tough foes become supernaturally tough yourself. Except for the need to feed on magical beings every three weeks and the lack of body hair you could easily pass for human.
[] The dragons: No seriously you're a dragon, you just shapeshift and take a human name to avoid freaking people out...or conversely having to deal with their worship.
[] Atlantean refugees: you are incredibly long-lived, magically and or psionically powerful and can never be shapeshifted against your will. Other than your inability to breed with them you could easily pass for a human. To avoid tipping people off you have adopted a human name.
[] The keepers of the desert: those people from the Old American city of Salt Lake who were driven out after mutating. Some of your people look almost normal while others are horribly mutated but bear great power. Either way, all of you have night vision, have a natural resistance to being possessed, can sense buried water emit low levels of radiation so to avoid hurting people and to avoid being hurt yourselves your people wander the deserts.
-[] you look normal but are unnaturally tough
-[] are mutated looking
--[] immune to magic
--[] immune to illusions and psychics
--[] can emit energy
--[] ridiculously strong and tough
--[] are a beacon of holy energy
--[] control animals
--[] psychic
--[] supernaturally fast
--[] magical
--[] teleporter
--[] natural hunter (magic powers devoted to hunting)
--[] fire bug (fireproof and are pyrokinetic)
--[] illusion powers and escape artistry
--[] a master of hexing and nullifying magic
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[X] The dragons: No seriously you're a dragon, you just shapeshift and take a human name to avoid freaking people out...or conversely having to deal with their worship.
[X] The dragons: No seriously you're a dragon, you just shapeshift and take a human name to avoid freaking people out...or conversely having to deal with their worship.

When there's an option to be a dragon, choose to be the Dragon.[I'm just hoping we also get both magic and tech options as Rifts Earth tech is pretty nice thing to have.]
[X] A good old red-blooded descendant of the old American empire (generic non-Native American background)
[x] From one of the resurgent tribes: As a toddler, your parents were killed leaving you to be adopted by a traveling shopkeeper who found you and named you. It was only later when a chance run-in with a member of your parent's tribe and the return to your true home in...
[x] A tribe which greatly admired magic but did not worship it (Renegade Native: Ok with both Tech and Magic, loves to combine them! No help from the spirits)
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