Rise of a Republic | A CK2 World of Warcraft Fel World Quest

Turn 1
Turn 1: Winter Year 625​

Your capitol is shabby. Made out of blackened stone and hobbled together as quickly as possible, the Capitol Building is, to put it lightly, about as basic as it can be. Valorhills itself is hardly better. Dirt huts and block buildings make do for now. Though, with time, the Republic of Bravura will become as grand as the vision in your mind. Soon enough it will spread all across Armageddo What you have now was only the faintest whispers a few months ago and you know that your dreams will continue to be made reality.

With a diligent hand you have consolidated the nascent factions inside Bravura and encouraged cross-origin interactions to prevent a beginning of splinterization. While new factions may arise, you give yourself enormous credit for nipping the largest political threat to the permanence of Bravura in the bud before it can begin.

Due to being negative in base influence, all of the starter factions have disbanded. New factions will eventually arise again.

Still, other threats abound. You are running on the conjurations of mages, which may be cause for concern in time. Fel taint abounds around you, and the dangers of it gaining a foothold in the Bravurans is apparent. The demons hounded your steps here, and when they get their courage back, they will restart their onslaught. No problems that are insurmountable certainly, but all issues that will require work.

You take one more moment to consider yourself and then begin your day. Time to get to work on your dream again.


The Republic's Population: 486 people

1 Batch of Mages
1 Bundle of Druids
1 Posse of Priests
1 Rotisserie of Rogues
1 Gang of Imps
2 Teams of Builders


Fel Taint: 5%

For this turn, it is required that you select either Water from the Air or Bread and Water.
You can choose up to 6 actions to do this turn. Personal Actions are separate.

Emora Greenbreath is not one for paperwork "We've got demons nearby us Magistrate, and none of you should be any kind of happy until they are all dead"
[]GUARDS GUARDS GUARDS!!!: Without a defense force, you are at the complete mercy of adventurers. While adventurers are fine outside of areas you control, you really don't want to be at their mercy inside Valorhills.
DC 50

[]Quest: Hunt Demonic Animals!: Several demonic animals are around the area. While not the best food source, if you send out a quest to go hunt them and bring back their corpses, you should be able to get enough food to fill your stocks for the next few seasons.
Guaranteed Success (for now), Rolls determine results
Note: If you take this, it makes Water from the Air available as a stewardship choice.

[]Quest: Attack Legion Camp Despair: From your taping of Moonraven you secured the knowledge of the location of nearby legion basecamps. The closest, Legion Camp Despair is within striking distance of you, and vice versa. With suitable prompting, you can send quests to go clear them out and secure their treasures. Attacking the basecamp is a risk, and losses from a failed attack could be great. Leaving it alone however, could be a greater threat still.
1 Gang of Imps
DC 70

Belraa is smiling softly as she reads several correspondences. "Everyone is mostly happy with us. Sure there is grumbling about not going home, but things are, so far, pretty peaceful. Everyone is getting along so far."
Meeting the Adventurers: Several former soldiers have turned to adventuring without other work to do. Adventurers can be an unruly sort, but they are slowly and surely organizing themselves. A few new guilds have formed, and while they are now quite nascent and weak, over time they will likely grow stronger. It would be good to lay the groundwork for good relations.
DC 40

Elemental Diplomacy: Talking with the elements involves just that, talking. By combining your diplomatic efforts alongside the shamanistic ones, you may be able to improve your chances of coming to a more agreeable solution.
Note: This can only be taken in conjunction with Commune with the Elements under piety.
A successful Roll will assist in the action of Commune with the Elements.
DC 60

Baby Boom: While you are currently surviving, in order to truly continue into the future you will need to have a new generation be born. A campaign to encourage baby-making would help tremendously, especially as people are hesitant to raise children on Armageddo.
DC 70

Alcott nods as you pass him. "The mages have been compliant. They are capable of supplying us for a while yet next to this Leyline. However, relying on them for sustenance for too long will start to have ill effects."
[]Bread and Water: Your mages need to focus on conjuring up both food and water, as without both Bravura will collapse. With your mages help, you can start summoning a large amount of water and food to help sustain Bravura. Produces a mix of food and water depending on the roll.
Note: Can pull mages from other tasks.
Uses: 1 Batch of Mages
Guaranteed Success(for now), Rolls determine results

[]Water from the Air: Your mages will focus on extracting as much water as possible from the Arcane. With the breathing room gained by supplementing food with meat, your mages can focus on trying to form a small lake nearby Valorhills. Produces a mix of food and water depending on the roll.
Note: Requires Hunt Demonic Animals!
Can pull mages from other tasks.
Uses 1 Batch of Mages
Guaranteed Success(for now), Rolls determine results

[]Grow a Grove: With enough water you could begin the slow process of nature reclamation. A small group of druids and amateur hedge-mages seek to use left over seeds and the remains of trees to try and make a new forest. With time, the spread of nature could allow for the fel to be pushed back from the area, alongside giving additional sources of food.
Uses: 1 Bundle of Druids
Consumes: 1 Turn of Water
DC 50

Dalibo smiles as she sees you "Ah Magistrate, just what I needed, I have a couple of intriguing reports you may want to look over, and you should come to me with questions to answer."
[]Find Dissidence: With the collapse of factionalism in Bravura, one of the major threats to your vision has disappeared. However, it is unlikely for the republic's sanctity to be completely unthreatened for long. If you pick up the bar chatter, tea shop gossip and street talk you can find what sources of discontent are currently most threatening, if any.
Uses: 1 Rotisserie of Rogues
DC 30

[]Scout the area: You have scarcely an idea about the planet you are on, you have no idea what threats are coming and you have no idea whether where you're standing was once an ocean or a mountain. Armageddo is completely mysterious to you. Sending out scouts will give you important information about local terrain, eldritch threats and most importantly, legion camps. Plus, who knows what you may find scattered around the broken bones of a world.
Uses: 1 Rotisserie of Rogues
DC 50

Infiltrate the Legion Camps
From your taping of Moonraven, you have secured knowledge of many, hopefully all, of the legion camps nearby. With Dalibo's imps and scouts you may be able to get a permanent stream of information out of the Legion Camps. Of course, if discovered, you could alert the Camps and cause them to be both on tighter guard and much more eager to attack you.
DC 70

Jaye paces around her workstations. She is constantly moving around the makeshift Arcane Sanctum. "Hello Magistrate" She says, looking up after getting frustrated with a spell. "Is there something particular that you think should be focused on? Otherwise, please leave me to my work"
Clean the Leylines: The leylines are currently tainted and chaotic from being of a legion world. With effort you could stabilize and purify the leylines, which would make all sorts of arcane activities easier in the future.
Uses 1 Batch of Mages
Takes 3 Turns
DC 20

Portal Network: Jaye wants to build up a portal network around Armageddo generally, but around Valorhills specifically. With the assistance of a Batch of Mages you could begin the painstaking process of establishing a portal network. With that practice, Bravura will also gain that oh so useful resource of the ability to think about portals.
Uses 1 Batch of Mages
DC 50

Water-Generator: Your need for water is unceasing. With time and luck, you may be able to create a machine that can slowly convert Arcane energy into water continuously, without relying on mages as a constant source of water production.
Uses 1 Batch of Mages
Takes 4 Turns
DC 70

Build a Foundry: You are currently making do with an eclectic batch of smithies and workshops strewn about Valorhills. You could make a push to formally construct a central foundry, which would also allow for mass smelting and mining to begin again.
Uses 1 Team of Builders
Takes 2 Turns
DC 40

Build a Crystal Works: With a bit of effort, you could set up a jewel crafting and artificer shop to take care of both Eclectic Legion Tech and
Uses 1 Team of Builders
Takes 2 Turns
DC 40

Thytest is pleasantly hopeful. He has spent what time he can wandering around Valorhills healing what he can. "Good morning Magistrate. If there is no business to be done then I would like to go assist others." He says most days. He seems to be obsessing over the production of water by the mages.
Propoganda Blitz: While you are bought into this whole "republic" business, most other people are just amusing you because they find it useful. With a firm propaganda campaign you could start getting people to start buying into it.
DC 40

Purify the Land: With time, effort and the assistance of druidic and holy magics, you may be able to purify the land around Valorhills. Doing so would be expensive, but the dangers of leaving the land tainted in Fel may be even more.
Uses: 1 Bundle of Druids
1 Posse of Priests
DC 30

Commune with the Elements: Thytest Halfstorm wants to calm the Elements on Armageddo. While a mobile goal, it is unlikely for him to get anywhere with the land as corrupted as it is. He still insists on the importance, and you can always try. Thytest seems to forget that fickle elements can be dangerous.
DC 80

Make a Moonwell: Soria Farstrike, the Night Elf Priestess, has come to you with an offer. She seeks to use droplets of moon well water that she has carried with her to try and create a new Moonwell. It will be costly, it will be difficult and without access to Azeroth directly it may take a couple of tries but the results may be worth it. Moonwells have a natural cleansing effect especially with Fel and the source of both Arcane and Druidic magic would be priceless.
Uses: 1 Bundle of Druids
1 Posse of Priests
Consumes 1 Turn of Water
DC 80

Build a Church of the Light: Faith in the Light is common amongst the Bravuran. Several priests and paladins have pushed for the creation of a Church of light. If you get ahead of them, you may be able to keep them under some semblance of your control, but it would take time and precious resources to do so.
Uses: 1 Team of Builders
DC 30

You always have a little Personal Time, rare as it is.
Choose 1:

Focus your efforts: By spending your time assisting with a project, you may increase its likelihood for success. It can be exhausting, but for some things, the personal touch may be worth it
Spend your efforts on one particular regular action, adding your relevant stat to the roll.

Training: You've never been the best fighter, and that has been a consistent problem. You spent most of the fight with moon raven firing a couple arrows and looking quite stupid. You might have gotten one or two hits in, but other than that it was mostly a dud. You now have the resources to try and improve your skill… if you want to.
DC 50: Chance to unlock a new class (Currently you are an archer, which is a discount hunter)

Please vote in plans.

(Please let me know if you see typos and odd phrasing. I kind of rushed through this, and the formatting of the raw version made it difficult to proofread through)
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Clean the Leylines: The leylines are currently tainted and chaotic from being of a legion world. With effort you could stabilize and purify the leylines, which would make all sorts of arcane activities easier in the future.

Portal Network: Jaye wants to build up a portal network around Armageddo generally, but around Valorhills specifically. With the assistance of a Batch of Mages you could begin the painstaking process of establishing a portal network. With that practice, Bravura will also gain that oh so useful resource of the ability to think about portals.
What are the DCs and costs for these options?
What are the DCs and costs for these options?

Thanks for catching that and fixed* with

Clean the Leylines
Uses 1 Batch of Mages
Takes 3 Turns
DC 20

Portal Network
Uses 1 Batch of Mages
DC 50
Adhoc vote count started by Libandlearn on Mar 27, 2019 at 3:49 PM, finished with 54 posts and 1 votes.

  • [X] Plan: Essentials
    -[X]GUARDS GUARDS GUARDS!!!: Without a defense force, you are at the complete mercy of adventurers. While adventurers are fine outside of areas you control, you really don't want to be at their mercy inside Valorhills.
    -[X]Quest: Hunt Demonic Animals!: Several demonic animals are around the area. While not the best food source, if you send out a quest to go hunt them and bring back their corpses, you should be able to get enough food to fill your stocks for the next few seasons.
    -[X]Water from the Air: Your mages will focus on extracting as much water as possible from the Arcane. With the breathing room gained by supplementing food with meat, your mages can focus on trying to form a small lake nearby Valorhills. Produces a mix of food and water depending on the roll.
    -[X]Scout the area: You have scarcely an idea about the planet you are on, you have no idea what threats are coming and you have no idea whether where you're standing was once an ocean or a mountain. Armageddo is completely mysterious to you. Sending out scouts will give you important information about local terrain, eldritch threats and most importantly, legion camps. Plus, who knows what you may find scattered around the broken bones of a world.
    -[X]Build a Foundry: You are currently making do with an eclectic batch of smithies and workshops strewn about Valorhills. You could make a push to formally construct a central foundry, which would also allow for mass smelting and mining to begin again.
    -[X]Purify the Land: With time, effort and the assistance of druidic and holy magics, you may be able to purify the land around Valorhills. Doing so would be expensive, but the dangers of leaving the land tainted in Fel may be mores.
    -[X]Focus your efforts: By spending your time assisting with a project, you may increase its likelihood for success. It can be exhausting, but for some things, the personal touch may be worth it
    --[X]Scout the area:

Adhoc vote count started by Libandlearn on Mar 27, 2019 at 3:50 PM, finished with 54 posts and 1 votes.

  • [X] Plan: Essentials
    -[X]GUARDS GUARDS GUARDS!!!: Without a defense force, you are at the complete mercy of adventurers. While adventurers are fine outside of areas you control, you really don't want to be at their mercy inside Valorhills.
    -[X]Quest: Hunt Demonic Animals!: Several demonic animals are around the area. While not the best food source, if you send out a quest to go hunt them and bring back their corpses, you should be able to get enough food to fill your stocks for the next few seasons.
    -[X]Water from the Air: Your mages will focus on extracting as much water as possible from the Arcane. With the breathing room gained by supplementing food with meat, your mages can focus on trying to form a small lake nearby Valorhills. Produces a mix of food and water depending on the roll.
    -[X]Scout the area: You have scarcely an idea about the planet you are on, you have no idea what threats are coming and you have no idea whether where you're standing was once an ocean or a mountain. Armageddo is completely mysterious to you. Sending out scouts will give you important information about local terrain, eldritch threats and most importantly, legion camps. Plus, who knows what you may find scattered around the broken bones of a world.
    -[X]Build a Foundry: You are currently making do with an eclectic batch of smithies and workshops strewn about Valorhills. You could make a push to formally construct a central foundry, which would also allow for mass smelting and mining to begin again.
    -[X]Purify the Land: With time, effort and the assistance of druidic and holy magics, you may be able to purify the land around Valorhills. Doing so would be expensive, but the dangers of leaving the land tainted in Fel may be mores.
    -[X]Focus your efforts: By spending your time assisting with a project, you may increase its likelihood for success. It can be exhausting, but for some things, the personal touch may be worth it
    --[X]Scout the area:
[X] Plan: Essentials
-[X]GUARDS GUARDS GUARDS!!!: Without a defense force, you are at the complete mercy of adventurers. While adventurers are fine outside of areas you control, you really don't want to be at their mercy inside Valorhills.
-[X]Quest: Hunt Demonic Animals!: Several demonic animals are around the area. While not the best food source, if you send out a quest to go hunt them and bring back their corpses, you should be able to get enough food to fill your stocks for the next few seasons.
-[X]Water from the Air: Your mages will focus on extracting as much water as possible from the Arcane. With the breathing room gained by supplementing food with meat, your mages can focus on trying to form a small lake nearby Valorhills. Produces a mix of food and water depending on the roll.
-[X]Scout the area: You have scarcely an idea about the planet you are on, you have no idea what threats are coming and you have no idea whether where you're standing was once an ocean or a mountain. Armageddo is completely mysterious to you. Sending out scouts will give you important information about local terrain, eldritch threats and most importantly, legion camps. Plus, who knows what you may find scattered around the broken bones of a world.
-[X]Build a Foundry: You are currently making do with an eclectic batch of smithies and workshops strewn about Valorhills. You could make a push to formally construct a central foundry, which would also allow for mass smelting and mining to begin again.
-[X]Purify the Land: With time, effort and the assistance of druidic and holy magics, you may be able to purify the land around Valorhills. Doing so would be expensive, but the dangers of leaving the land tainted in Fel may be mores.
-[X]Focus your efforts: By spending your time assisting with a project, you may increase its likelihood for success. It can be exhausting, but for some things, the personal touch may be worth it
--[X]Scout the area:

We need food and water, a reliable defense force, knowledge of our surroundings, and to purify our area. Hopefully the Lake will give us a good number of turns of water, that will allow us to use the mages for other things.
I think I have got Combat and Classes set up. Here is the tentative rules, I am also putting this on the front page.

The calculation I use for Combat is a mix of levels, class based stat boosts and sometimes traits.
In order to model World of Warcraft classes(Ignoring DK's), I have given them CK2 stats in order of Primary Stat, Secondary Stat, and Spec Stat.

The calculation for combat is Primary Stat + Secondary Stat * 2 / 3 + Spec Stat / 3.

There are also Pre-Classes (ex. Fighter, Ranger, Apprentice) which use half of what the main class get and do not have specs.


{Slide=Demon Hunter}
Primary: Stewardship
Secondary: Piety

Havoc: Martial
Vengeance: Diplomacy

Primary: Stewardship
Secondary: Diplomacy

Balance: Piety
Feral: Intrigue
Guardian: Martial
Restoration: Learning

Primary: Martial
Secondary: Intrigue

Beast Mastery: Diplomacy
Marksmanship: Stewardship
Survival: Learning

Primary: Stewardship
Secondary: Piety

Arcane: Stewardship
Fire: Piety
Frost: Intrigue


Primary: Learning
Secondary: Piety

Brewmaster: Diplomacy
Mistweaver: Stewardship
Wind Walker: Intrigue

Primary: Piety
Secondary: Diplomacy

Holy: Learning
Protection: Stewardship
Retribution: Martial


Primary: Piety
Secondary: Learning

Discipline: Stewardship
Holy: Diplomacy
Shadow: Intrigue

Primary: Intrigue
Secondary: Martial

Assassination: Learning
Outlaw: Diplomacy
Subtlety: Stewardship


Primary: Diplomacy
Secondary: Stewardship

Elemental: Intrigue
Enhancement: Martial
Restoration: Piety


Primary: Intrigue
Secondary: Learning

Affliction: Martial
Demonology: Diplomacy
Destruction: Piety


Primary: Martial
Secondary: Stewardship

Arms: Learning
Fury: Piety
Protection: Intrigue


Adhoc vote count started by Libandlearn on Mar 29, 2019 at 11:05 PM, finished with 63 posts and 7 votes.

  • [X] Plan: Essentials
    -[X]GUARDS GUARDS GUARDS!!!: Without a defense force, you are at the complete mercy of adventurers. While adventurers are fine outside of areas you control, you really don't want to be at their mercy inside Valorhills.
    -[X]Quest: Hunt Demonic Animals!: Several demonic animals are around the area. While not the best food source, if you send out a quest to go hunt them and bring back their corpses, you should be able to get enough food to fill your stocks for the next few seasons.
    -[X]Water from the Air: Your mages will focus on extracting as much water as possible from the Arcane. With the breathing room gained by supplementing food with meat, your mages can focus on trying to form a small lake nearby Valorhills. Produces a mix of food and water depending on the roll.
    -[X]Scout the area: You have scarcely an idea about the planet you are on, you have no idea what threats are coming and you have no idea whether where you're standing was once an ocean or a mountain. Armageddo is completely mysterious to you. Sending out scouts will give you important information about local terrain, eldritch threats and most importantly, legion camps. Plus, who knows what you may find scattered around the broken bones of a world.
    -[X]Build a Foundry: You are currently making do with an eclectic batch of smithies and workshops strewn about Valorhills. You could make a push to formally construct a central foundry, which would also allow for mass smelting and mining to begin again.
    -[X]Purify the Land: With time, effort and the assistance of druidic and holy magics, you may be able to purify the land around Valorhills. Doing so would be expensive, but the dangers of leaving the land tainted in Fel may be mores.
    -[X]Focus your efforts: By spending your time assisting with a project, you may increase its likelihood for success. It can be exhausting, but for some things, the personal touch may be worth it
    --[X]Scout the area:
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Will there be any fall out to eating demonic animals politically or health wise? If we have a way to purify them and we won't face huge issues then it's a solid decision but if we don't and will, it is a rather big risk.

(Voted edited)

[X] Plan: Essentials
-[X]GUARDS GUARDS GUARDS!!!: Without a defense force, you are at the complete mercy of adventurers. While adventurers are fine outside of areas you control, you really don't want to be at their mercy inside Valorhills.
-[X]Quest: Hunt Demonic Animals!: Several demonic animals are around the area. While not the best food source, if you send out a quest to go hunt them and bring back their corpses, you should be able to get enough food to fill your stocks for the next few seasons.
-[X]Water from the Air: Your mages will focus on extracting as much water as possible from the Arcane. With the breathing room gained by supplementing food with meat, your mages can focus on trying to form a small lake nearby Valorhills. Produces a mix of food and water depending on the roll.
-[X]Scout the area: You have scarcely an idea about the planet you are on, you have no idea what threats are coming and you have no idea whether where you're standing was once an ocean or a mountain. Armageddo is completely mysterious to you. Sending out scouts will give you important information about local terrain, eldritch threats and most importantly, legion camps. Plus, who knows what you may find scattered around the broken bones of a world.
-[X]Build a Foundry: You are currently making do with an eclectic batch of smithies and workshops strewn about Valorhills. You could make a push to formally construct a central foundry, which would also allow for mass smelting and mining to begin again.
-[X]Purify the Land: With time, effort and the assistance of druidic and holy magics, you may be able to purify the land around Valorhills. Doing so would be expensive, but the dangers of leaving the land tainted in Fel may be mores.
-[X]Focus your efforts: By spending your time assisting with a project, you may increase its likelihood for success. It can be exhausting, but for some things, the personal touch may be worth it
--[X]Scout the area:
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Plan Settling In.

[X]Quest: Hunt Demonic Animals!: Several demonic animals are around the area. While not the best food source, if you send out a quest to go hunt them and bring back their corpses, you should be able to get enough food to fill your stocks for the next few seasons.
Guaranteed Success (for now), Rolls determine results
Note: If you take this, it makes Water from the Air available as a stewardship choice.

[X] Clean the Leylines: The leylines are currently tainted and chaotic from being of a legion world. With effort you could stabilize and purify the leylines, which would make all sorts of arcane activities easier in the future.
Uses 1 Batch of Mages
Takes 3 Turns
DC 20

[X]Water from the Air: Your mages will focus on extracting as much water as possible from the Arcane. With the breathing room gained by supplementing food with meat, your mages can focus on trying to form a small lake nearby Valorhills. Produces a mix of food and water depending on the roll.
Note: Requires Hunt Demonic Animals!
Can pull mages from other tasks.
Uses 1 Batch of Mages
Guaranteed Success(for now), Rolls determine results

[X] Purify the Land: With time, effort and the assistance of druidic and holy magics, you may be able to purify the land around Valorhills. Doing so would be expensive, but the dangers of leaving the land tainted in Fel may be even more.
Uses: 1 Bundle of Druids
1 Posse of Priests
DC 30

[X] Build a Church of the Light: Faith in the Light is common amongst the Bravuran. Several priests and paladins have pushed for the creation of a Church of light. If you get ahead of them, you may be able to keep them under some semblance of your control, but it would take time and precious resources to do so.
Uses: 1 Team of Builders
DC 30

[X]Scout the area: You have scarcely an idea about the planet you are on, you have no idea what threats are coming and you have no idea whether where you're standing was once an ocean or a mountain. Armageddo is completely mysterious to you. Sending out scouts will give you important information about local terrain, eldritch threats and most importantly, legion camps. Plus, who knows what you may find scattered around the broken bones of a world.
Uses: 1 Rotisserie of Rogues
DC 50

-[X]Focus your efforts: By spending your time assisting with a project, you may increase its likelihood for success. It can be exhausting, but for some things, the personal touch may be worth it
--[X]Scout the area:

Unfortunatly this combination is not valid as you need to take a water focus with the mages.

NVM you caught it.
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[X] Plan: Essentials
-[X]GUARDS GUARDS GUARDS!!!: Without a defense force, you are at the complete mercy of adventurers. While adventurers are fine outside of areas you control, you really don't want to be at their mercy inside Valorhills.
-[X]Quest: Hunt Demonic Animals!: Several demonic animals are around the area. While not the best food source, if you send out a quest to go hunt them and bring back their corpses, you should be able to get enough food to fill your stocks for the next few seasons.
-[X]Water from the Air: Your mages will focus on extracting as much water as possible from the Arcane. With the breathing room gained by supplementing food with meat, your mages can focus on trying to form a small lake nearby Valorhills. Produces a mix of food and water depending on the roll.
-[X]Scout the area: You have scarcely an idea about the planet you are on, you have no idea what threats are coming and you have no idea whether where you're standing was once an ocean or a mountain. Armageddo is completely mysterious to you. Sending out scouts will give you important information about local terrain, eldritch threats and most importantly, legion camps. Plus, who knows what you may find scattered around the broken bones of a world.
-[X]Build a Foundry: You are currently making do with an eclectic batch of smithies and workshops strewn about Valorhills. You could make a push to formally construct a central foundry, which would also allow for mass smelting and mining to begin again.
-[X]Purify the Land: With time, effort and the assistance of druidic and holy magics, you may be able to purify the land around Valorhills. Doing so would be expensive, but the dangers of leaving the land tainted in Fel may be mores.
-[X]Focus your efforts: By spending your time assisting with a project, you may increase its likelihood for success. It can be exhausting, but for some things, the personal touch may be worth it
--[X]Scout the area:
Turn 1 Results
[X] Plan: Essentials
-[X]GUARDS GUARDS GUARDS!!!: Without a defense force, you are at the complete mercy of adventurers. While adventurers are fine outside of areas you control, you really don't want to be at their mercy inside Valorhills.
-[X]Quest: Hunt Demonic Animals!: Several demonic animals are around the area. While not the best food source, if you send out a quest to go hunt them and bring back their corpses, you should be able to get enough food to fill your stocks for the next few seasons.
-[X]Water from the Air: Your mages will focus on extracting as much water as possible from the Arcane. With the breathing room gained by supplementing food with meat, your mages can focus on trying to form a small lake nearby Valorhills. Produces a mix of food and water depending on the roll.
-[X]Scout the area: You have scarcely an idea about the planet you are on, you have no idea what threats are coming and you have no idea whether where you're standing was once an ocean or a mountain. Armageddo is completely mysterious to you. Sending out scouts will give you important information about local terrain, eldritch threats and most importantly, legion camps. Plus, who knows what you may find scattered around the broken bones of a world.
-[X]Build a Foundry: You are currently making do with an eclectic batch of smithies and workshops strewn about Valorhills. You could make a push to formally construct a central foundry, which would also allow for mass smelting and mining to begin again.
-[X]Purify the Land: With time, effort and the assistance of druidic and holy magics, you may be able to purify the land around Valorhills. Doing so would be expensive, but the dangers of leaving the land tainted in Fel may be mores.
-[X]Focus your efforts: By spending your time assisting with a project, you may increase its likelihood for success. It can be exhausting, but for some things, the personal touch may be worth it
--[X]Scout the area:
Number of voters: 7

Turn 1 Results


[]GUARDS GUARDS GUARDS!!!: Without a defense force, you are at the complete mercy of adventurers. While adventurers are fine outside of areas you control, you really don't want to be at their mercy inside Valorhills.
DC 50
Roll: 1d100+14=16 GREATER FAILURE

The call goes out to recruit guardsman. Not much is heard back at first. This is for a couple reasons. First, Emora doesn't really put her heart into it. A few people show up, mostly the dregs who don't have the skills to do the job they were hired for. On that note, you don't even have the tax base to pay the guardsmen. While you were hoping that a guaranteed meal would suffice, at least for a couple months, the success of your efforts in belaying drought and starvation has cut into your ability to compel people to do the work you want, outside of vague definitions of authority. You still got guardsmen though, but now they are corrupt dregs likely to abuse their authority and tarnish both their name, and yours.

Guard Core established. It is becoming incredibly corrupt and operating based off of fines that they can elicit from anyone they can.
-1 General Opinion
Added Modifier: Corrupt Guard Core: -1 General Opinion per turn

Note: Doing more than one thing with an advisor will lead to their modifier being split up between the two actions.

[]Quest: Hunt Demonic Animals!:
Several demonic animals are around the area. While not the best food source, if you send out a quest to go hunt them and bring back their corpses, you should be able to get enough food to fill your stocks for the next few seasons.
Guaranteed Success (for now), Rolls determine results
Note: If you take this, it makes Water from the Air available as a stewardship choice.
Roll: 1d100+12=109 Ultimate Critical Success

Emora apparently took the ability to hunt demonic animals quite well. She coordinated several culling of the animals around Valorhills. Curiously, she was stymied multiple times by the efforts of one Jungnam Windfeet. He set out to gather together some of the more amendable animals to try and domesticate them. He gathered a small group to actually complete these efforts. Their relative success in selling Demonic Turtle eggs, led to a general effort to try and set up animal production of the few species brought over from Azeroth. For now, the efforts have not yielded much.

As far as the actual hunting went, it went spectacularly. While a few animals were corralled, the vast majority were slaughtered. Some adventurers took the meat for themselves, but the vast majority gave the corpses to you. You paid in the scraps of gold you had scavenged together from Moonraven's unmasking. You will have food galore for the next couple of years, guilds have formed and are starting to do their thing and people feel much safer without the threat of hostile animals attacking Valorhills.

Several Adventurer's guilds form. Jungnam Windfeet, a Region-Affecting Hero spurs the creation of animal husbandry which may produce food and other materials.
7 Turns of Food
Remove danger from Local Wildlife.


Belraa is smiling as she reads several letters. "Everyone is mostly happy with us. Sure there is grumbling about not going home, but things are, so far, pretty peaceful. Everyone is getting along."

You received a note on your desk one day when you were expecting Belraa to be in. Given that there are no pressing tasks for me, I am going to go take my own initiative to assist the efforts of the church of light.

Note: Assistants are heroes in their own right, and can and will do their own thing if left unoccupied.


Alcott nods as you pass him."The mages have been compliant. They are capable of supplying us for a while yet next to this Leyline. However, relying on them for sustenance for too long will start to have ill effects." He explains.

[]Water from the Air: Your mages will focus on extracting as much water as possible from the Arcane. With the breathing room gained by supplementing food with meat, your mages can focus on trying to form a small lake nearby Valorhills. Produces a mix of food and water depending on the roll.
Note: Requires Hunt Demonic Animals!
Can pull mages from other tasks.
Uses 1 Batch of Mages
Guaranteed Success(for now), Rolls determine results

The water comes, never ceasing. Formed out of the Arcane, it seems that the dregs of the world itself thirsts just as much as you do. Flowing out of the arcane with a consistency that never ceases. When it becomes clear that far more water was going to be produced than would be drunk, Alcott directed the mages to begin filling up a small create to the north of Valorhills. When it became clear that that might overflow to the east, and be lost to Bravura, Alcott instructs free craftsmen to dig an outlet to flow even further north, while also deepening the shallow depression there.

The initial lake is lost, But a far larger and far more secure lake forms. Named Lake Valiance, it soon becomes central to a second offshoot of Valorhills. The Mages claim a large portion of the lakefront nearest to Bravura, and continue their efforts there.
Bravurans take this as a sign. Several people sign up to be apprentices, and while many are rejected, others are not. The newly formed "Bravuran Mage's Guild" sets up shop between the lakefront and Jaye's growing Arcane Sanctum.

Dwarves in particular find this symbolic. Some, especially those with familiarity with Titan Lore, start talking about how Bravura is acting as the Titans once did. They begin theorizing that as Heirs to the Titans, Bravura should do as the Titans once did on Azeroth and endeavor to fix this world. Perhaps Bravura should not just endeavor to fix just this world, but also others. A number of Titansheir followers seek to become mages and some mages join the Titansheir faith.

Water Crisis alleviated completely. Apprentice mages trained with lake duties, keeping the lake level consistently high and allowing some water to escape into the rest of the world. Your legitimacy, and popular opinion, increase. You do lose the ability to control through rationing. Mage Quarter established along the lakefront. Mages are focused on Arcane and Frost Magic.
+1 General Opinion.
+1 Batch of Mages in 3 turns
Growth of the Titansheir* faith, especially amongst dwarves and mages.


Dalibo smiles as she sees you "Ah Magistrate, just what I needed, I have a couple of intriguing reports you may want to look over, and I had some questions

[]Scout the area: You have scarcely an idea about the planet you are on, you have no idea what threats are coming and you have no idea whether where you're standing was once an ocean or a mountain. Armageddo is completely mysterious to you. Sending out scouts will give you important information about local terrain, eldritch threats and most importantly, legion camps. Plus, who knows what you may find scattered around the broken bones of a world.
Uses: 1 Rotisserie of Rogues
DC 50
1d100+15+20(Personal)=53 Slim Success

"Gettin' better at this" Scout Errak said, looking at you.

"Thanks, I appreciate it. Figured I might as well spend some time practicing something while we are out here. " You responded.

"There is that Legion base. We could try doing something to it if you are looking for something to do. I could throw some explosives at em, an you could watch" He suggests.

"It's not worth it, we've got closer demons to beat if we want to, and I don't want to risk being exposed anyway." You answered.

"Actually, really please don't. I don't want to get the demons riled up just yet." You requested.

"Speakin as miss magistrate or little scaredy scout?" He questioned.

"Both. I am speaking as Both" you stated.

" 'Sat why you spent so much time trying to learn sneaking from ol Errak?" Scout Ema interjected.

"Somewhat" You answered, with a shrug.

"Whole lot a green an black zilch, with the odd demon or beastie to get your worries up. Don't know why you wanted to come out here." Scout Ema said.

"Partially to get a feel for everything is like up here. Partially to make sure this guy doesn't do something dumb like light a firecracker next to a Legion Base."

"I wasn't gonna." He protested.

"Sure" You replied.

"Legion Patrol, headed our directly way. I think they spotted something ." Scout Mira warned.

"You sure?" You asked, getting up to clean up the base camp.

"Yes, I smelled them on the wind. They are getting closer. We need to move for the night." She stated.

In the middle of the night, you wake. It is cold around you and a soft wind is blowing against your skin.

"So… this is the girl who seeks to fix a world." You heard.

"Who are you, this long night?" You asked with a voice low.

"One of many things with an interest in your endeavors." Words came, tickling your ear.

"And what way does your interest blow." You said in response.

"Away from the legion, for now." Said the wind, before it moved away.

Large amounts of the map opened up, knowledge of a new legion camp gained.


Jaye paces around her workstations. She is constantly moving around the makeshift Arcane Sanctum. "Hello Magistrate" She says, looking up after getting frustrated with a spell. "Is there something particular that you think should be focused on? Other wise, please leave me to my work"

[] Build a Foundry: You are currently making do with an eclectic batch of smithies and workshops strewn about Valorhills. You could make a push to formally construct a central foundry, which would also allow for mass smelting and mining to begin again.
Uses 1 Team of Builders
Takes 2 Turns
DC 40
Roll: 1d100+18-10=44 Slim Success:

Jaye is not interested in this endeavor at all. Preferring instead to spend time assisting with Lake Valiance, she has mostly allowed other people to take the reins. Luckily for her this has mostly worked out. A group of blacksmiths, engineers and miners have mostly taken the reins of the project. Jaye assisted with getting the space carved out and set up arcane infused tools should the Artisans wish to use them.
The Valorforge has grown since then, often using scrap and loot. For now it is not much, but in the future it may grow. You do start getting income from the repair requests.
Valorforge created. Mild implementation of an Enchanting Station. +100g from repairs. +50g per turn from repair taxes.


Thytest is pleasantly hopeful. He has spent what time he can wandering around Valorhills healing what he can. "Good morning Magistrate. If there is no business to be done then I would like to go assist others." He says most days. He seems to be obsessing over the production of water by the mages.

[]Purify the Land: With time, effort and the assistance of druidic and holy magics, you may be able to purify the land around Valorhills. Doing so would be expensive, but the dangers of leaving the land tainted in Fel may be mores.
Uses: 1 Bundle of Druids
1 Posse of Priests
DC 30
Roll: 1d100+13 = 25 Slim Failure:

"There wasn't much that happened. Sure we got some of the elves and some of the priests to go and make fools of themselves all around Valorhills. A few of the hills got cleaned up. The one we are standing on, the one named after you. Still, most of it just seemed to blow up against the wall.

The efforts failed. I mean, sure it did not fail terribly badly, but they still failed. Small patches of brown have appeared very close to the capital and on top of various hills. There've been attempts to have some fel-purged grass to seed, but none have really worked so far. Lakeside purification went better, thank goodness."

You were displeased by the report, it was not good for the corruption to remain so obstinate. You did take solace at your desk though. With your time spent assisting the scouting efforts, craftsmen had come in and improved your office. Soon enough you might even get a comfortable chair. You did have one question to ask Thytest about the scouting .

"Thank you Thytest, one quick thing before you leave, have the elements here been speaking with you at all?" You asked.

"Why you wishing you had sent me to talk to them instead? But to answer your question, nah, not really. There was a particularly crazed spirit of lava I tried to coax, but as I said, it was crazy. I've mostly been relying on elementals brought over from Azeroth to be honest." He explained

"Just thinking about what to do next. Thank you for the information." You responded

"Anyway, I am going to go…. Oh wait one more thing!" He said in the middle of his exit.

"Yes?" You responded

"Belraa spent some time helping out with the purification, and I think she managed to help out a bit. I know she was pushing for a church to be established, so you might get something about that soon."

General Failure. Small improvements made in incredibly critical areas. Fel proving resistant and both Druids and Priests are working on their own projects.

Personal Actions

Focus your efforts:
By spending your time assisting with a project, you may increase its likelihood for success. It can be exhausting, but for some things, the personal touch may be worth it
See: Scout the Area


Belraa and the Church of Light

Belraa comes into your office near the end March. She has come to tell you about the good news of how she managed to get the different factions of light-worshippers to combine and build a makeshift temple inside Valorhills. It is an eclectic mix of Human and Dranei design, but built on top of hill. It has a dwarves bunker layer as well. She offers for you to come at the opening of the new church.
She also forwards a request that the church of light be allowed to set up in a prime spot on the lake. She seems more hesitant about this offer, as it might anger others who are jockeying for the spot, including a group of druids, some deluded fisherman and the growing group of farmers and ranchers who are using the lake's water.

Vote: Allow the church of light to also establish itself near the Lake?

[] Yes, It will help to keep the lake clean of corruption.
Increased Church of Light Power. Passive Mild Purification of the Lake.

[] No, give it to the other claimants
Decreased Church of Light Power. Angers Church of Light.

[] It will be free for all beliefs and religions.
Spend 1 Action Point next turn with a team of builders and Posse of Priests to set up a "Terrace of Faiths" that will allow any faith, with permission, to set up next to the lake.
Effects Dependent on Piety Roll. Guaranteed Passive Mild Purification of the Lake.

Vote: Go to the church at its opening?
[] Yes, It will help connect with the many worshippers of the light in the Republic
Increased Church of Light Power. Large Increase of Light-Worshippers Opinion. Mild decrease of other faith opinions.

[] No, you do not want to give what may be an impression of favoritism towards the Church.
Decreased Church of Light Power. Decrease of Light-Worshippers opinion.

* If anyone wants a different name for Titansheir, you can recommend it.

From now on I think I am going to ask for Action rolls in thread.
Adhoc vote count started by Libandlearn on Apr 4, 2019 at 3:43 PM, finished with 71 posts and 7 votes.
Last edited:
[X] It will be free for all beliefs and religions.
[X] No, you do not want to give what may be an impression of favoritism towards the Church.

I don't want the Church of Light getting too powerful while we are at such a delicate stage right now. The last thing I want is for them to whip themselves into a fervor and try and crusade against the Legion before we're ready.

It helps that I also want the republic government to be unaligned with any religion. No theocracies here.
Excellently written, wow a lot happened here!

[X] It will be free for all beliefs and religions.
[X] No, you do not want to give what may be an impression of favoritism towards the Church.
[X] It will be free for all beliefs and religions.
[X] No, you do not want to give what may be an impression of favoritism towards the Church.
[X] It will be free for all beliefs and religions.
[X] No, you do not want to give what may be an impression of favoritism towards the Church.
[X] Yes, It will help connect with the many worshippers of the light in the Republic.
[X] It will be free for all beliefs and religions.

Any impression of favoritism can be easily dispelled by us attending the first ceremonies of every religion that invites us.

We're politicians. It's important that we be seen doing stuff.
[X] It will be free for all beliefs and religions.
[X] No, you do not want to give what may be an impression of favoritism towards the Church.

yeah, I've seen what happens when a civilization goes full light, it's almost like when a civilization goes full fel but with people being happy about it. well at least the ones not frozen forever in time. Good to have in small amounts as healers are always welcome and really good against fel energies but to much of one thing and all that.
[X] It will be free for all beliefs and religions.
[X] No, you do not want to give what may be an impression of favoritism towards the Church.
Turn 1 Rumors
  1. [X] It will be free for all beliefs and religions.
    Number of voters: 7

    Doctor Elsewhere, Zam, veekie, Captain Hunt, x0Nothing0x, ALanos, Lab_Accident
  2. [X] No, you do not want to give what may be an impression of favoritism towards the Church.
    Number of voters: 6

    Doctor Elsewhere, Zam, veekie, Captain Hunt, x0Nothing0x, ALanos
  3. [X] Yes, It will help connect with the many worshippers of the light in the Republic.
    Number of voters: 1


Turn 1 Rumors

Church of Light Reestablished on Brighthill: The Church of light has been reestablished. With the assistance of the Assistant of Relations, the church of light has created and sanctified a new building in the center of Valorhills. Those seeking priestly or paladiny training can go there to seek it out. Even more than the benefits for the devoted, the benefits for the ordinary faithful are great. Those who wish to seek the comfort of the light may find it in the auspices of Brighthill Church. Brighthill Church has multiple levels. The top and bottom levels are not often open t the public as they are the common training areas of both Priests and Paladins respectively. The head priest of the Church, one Amuk Goldbrew, has made sure that all are welcome in the Church. It notably includes symbols indicative of all the peoples of Bravura, and it seems he intends to try and truly smooth over as many differences in light worship as he can.
Church of Light established. Church of light viewed highly amongst all segments of Bravuran Society. Amuk Goldbrew is head priest. They are wildly popular and actions that anger them will effect general opinion. (60% presence)

New Tea Shop: The ever enigmatic, but always delightful Jungnam Windfeet has opened a tea shop. Using a plot of land he claimed, he has built himself both a small tea shop and a small dojo for those who are interested in learning pandaren techniques. Even for those with only a passing interest, or those who are only interested in having a delightful spot of tea, The Rosemary Whisper has many delights! The Rosemary Whisper also has Felturtles and small Felgrubs which they are attempting to domesticate and use! The ever-pleasant Soo-Yin serves tea when she can, and is often available for a nice chat.
The Rosemary Whisper has opened. A spot of Pandaria in Bravura, they are attempting to domesticate grubs and turtles and sell wonderful tea to those who stop by. Despite their usefulness, their opinions don't actually matter.

They Want Home!: A group of homesick Bravurans have cobbled together a plan for how to do so. They call themselves the Azerothian Association and have had great success making connections amongst many different sympathetic groups. For now, they are simply raising money and making plans on what would be the best way to go about it. They have based themselves out of a leather shop as many of its members are woods-folk nostalgic for the wilds of Azeroth. They are, for now, just trying to keep the dream of retour alive.
Azerothian Association established. Failure to do anything about returning to Azeroth will anger them and lower general opinion. (30% presence)

SAPPHIRE IS RECRUITING: Do you want to kill demons? Do you want to do anything other than sit around as the Fel slowly destroys your soul? We destroyed Legion Camp Despair. We keep the guards off of your back. Do you want to do the important work of bringing Heroic work to the front to douse demon destroyers? Do you want to be part of something great? Do you want to learn from the very best how to contribute to Bravura's safety? Do you want to carry important legion loot? Do you have strong arms for carrying demon destroying loot? If you answered yes to the fifth and last sentences, then you should join Sapphire.
Sapphire grows as a guild. They successfully attacked the nearby legion camp despair and offer to help with the growing guard corruption.
+10 Legion Attention

Gleam of Green: With Legion Camp: Despair cleared out, much of the Legion presence has moved to different camps. A few Flashes of Green have appeared at the Legion Camp to the Southeast that is colloquially called Crackling Crevice.
Legion demons have moved away from being nearby you. They have instead moved to establish themselves in the Southeast.


At this point, unlike the previous factions, unless you REALLY annoy the most popular ones, they will not be able to destroy the republic. However! They can and will affect general opinion, and it is wise to keep them happy. Though you should keep an eye on the two mentioned above, as they will be among the most powerful of the factions and are the two most likely to lead to a game over if handled improperly.
Last edited:
Turn 2
You get back to your impromptu desk and chair. Carved out of blackened stone, the building is squat and utilitarian. It, and the rest of the settlement, sit on top of a hill overlooking much of the surrounding area. Over the past month spare builders have been slowly improving the building on the inside. Your seat is much more comfortable now because it is covered in the leathers gained from the great hunt. You do wish they came in colors other than black, green and red. Your Assistants enter as well as a few aides.

Emora Greenbreath comes first, but as restless as she is she frequently leaves and returns, often with trophies. In her comings and goings she frequently bumps into Dalibo "accidentally". After all, she is blindfolded which means she can't see Dalibo's bright pink hair.

Dalibo, as is her custom, handles the stares in her direction with grace. It only makes her even more unnerving that she gives an impression that is opposite of both a Gnome and a Warlock. She is constantly getting messages from imps she sends to and fro, as well as reports from more conventional scouts.

Alcott Peddle remains at his desk during the day, except at noon, when he goes and tends to a small sapling he is growing a short distance away from the capitol building. He keeps his room softly lit and is brisk about his business. He mentions that gold is being used with water not being rationed. He is in worgen form when he recommends taxes.

You look towards Belraa and receive her report. She is constantly fielding meetings for your benefit. With her genuine heart she has done a lot to keep the relation between your Assistants more civil than it would otherwise be. Belraa constantly gives off a meek impression, helped by her horns curling over her ears. This impression is as much a feint as it is the truth. You've seen her call upon the light when she wants to. You know she is very good at it.

Jaye is most often at her Arcane Sanctum. You see her once everyday. She gives a report and then goes off to work on her own business. It is odd for her to do so when everyone else is. She looks annoyed about having to wait. Ah, you see a small mark on her right shoulder. She has formalized things with that High Elf then. You've read your histories. Elf romances bring far more trouble than they are worth. There is no end to the melodrama.

Thytest has begun managing the Terrace of Faiths. He says things are being managed well enough, but you know that it could end up a political minefield. He remains stout even as he manages all of the disparate people involved. So far things are looking well.

You finish with the reports and the orders. You take one last moment to think with yourself. You have, almost unbelievably, settled into a routine. On this fel-blasted land you have food, water, shelter and normalcy. It feels absurd. You finish your moment to recollect your thoughts.

Now let's see what else is on the docket today.

General Opinion: 60
Church of Light Opinion: 40
Azerothian Association: 40

Population ~470

Treasury 100g
+50g per turn

1 Batch of Mages
1 Bundle of Druids
0(1) Posse of Priests
1 Rotisserie of Rogues
1 Gang of Imps
1(2) Teams of Builders

7 Turns of Food
-1 Food Per Turn

Fel Corruption: 8%

You have 5 leftover actions, with one being taken up by Terrace of Faiths

Emora Greenbreath is not one for paperwork "We've got demons nearby us Magistrate, and none of you should be any kind of happy until they are all dead"
[]Quest: Hunt Demonic Animals!: Several demonic animals are around the area. While not the best food source, if you send out a quest to go hunt them and bring back their corpses, you should be able to get enough food to fill your stocks for the next few seasons.
DC 50
Cost 20g

[]Quest: Attack Legion Patrols!: Notice! With the fall of Legion Camp: Despair the legion has increased its patrols between the remaining legion camps. Punish them for this! Every patrol that succeeds is another plot against us that the demons will complete. Go and slaughter them, rewards for every demon killed will be waiting for you.
DC 40
Cost 100g

[]Replace the Corrupt: With a purge of the Guards core in progress, you will need to also recruit new guards to replace them. After all, how are you going to retain order in the city with a guard core. If you just get rid of them without any replacement they might just continue doing what they are doing without any connection to your government.
DC 30
Note: Must be taken with Oh Great, Guards.
Lowers the difficulty of Oh Great, Guards. Helps with follow up actions to Oh Great, Guards

Belraa is smiling as she reads several letters. "Everyone is mostly happy with us. Sure there is grumbling about not going home, but things are, so far, pretty peaceful. Everyone is getting along." She says. She then pauses "You've made some waves with the church though. That could go badly."
[]Meeting the Adventurers: Several former soldiers have turned to adventuring without other work to do. Adventurers can be an unruly sort, but they are slowly and surely organizing themselves. A few new guilds have formed, and while they are now quite nascent and weak, over time they will likely grow stronger. It would be good to lay the groundwork for good relations.
DC 40

[]Elemental Diplomacy: Talking with the elements involves just that, talking. By combining your diplomatic efforts alongside the shamanistic ones, you may be able to improve your chances of coming to a more agreeable solution.
Note: This can only be taken in conjunction with Commune with the Elements under piety.
A successful Roll will assist in the action of Commune with the Elements.
DC 40

[]Baby Boom: While you are currently surviving, in order to truly continue into the future you will need to have a new generation be born. A campaign to encourage baby-making would help tremendously, especially as people are hesitant to raise children on Armageddo.
DC 70

[]Mend Fences with the Church of Light: With your decision to not go to the opening day of the church you have irked the Church of Light in Bravura. Considering the size and sympathy of Light-Worshippers in Bravura, this might be a mistake. By sending Belraa you might be able to wave off some discontent, though it is just as likely to backfire. If you go yourself though it will almost certainly help calm their tensions.
DC 30

Alcott waves you over."The mages have done better than we could have believed. With a new lake, new possibilities are opening up. Unfortunately, we no longer have a way to get Bravurans to do what we want other than asking nicely. We will need a tax system soon."
[]Taxes, Sales and Taxes: With the switch from a strict rationing system to a now much more loose economy, you need to get in on it. Money from Valorforge's repairs has been trickling in, but it fluctuates and is often dependent on the activities of adventurers. By adding a blanket sales tax on everything in Bravura, you might begin to raise more revenue for government activities. Of course, it might prove a little unpopular.
DC 30

[]Don't Mine my Efforts: Prospecting for Ore started almost immediately. Small groups of Dwarven and Human Prospectors began fanning out into the nearby hills and establishing small speculative quarries and mines. With the help of your government, these prospectors could get help in their expansion in return for turning over the ownership of their claims to you. Of course, you are still taking a risk that the prospect could turn up zilch.
Uses: 1 Team of Builders
Cost: 50g
DC 40

[]Bread, just Bread: Your mages can focus on conjuring up food. With your mages help, you can start summoning a large amount of food to help sustain Bravura. Produces a large amount of food, though the food cannot be stored too long. It does reduce Fel-Corruption from food sources.
Note: Can pull mages from other tasks.
Uses: 1 Batch of Mages
DC 20

[]Grow a Grove: With enough water you could begin the slow process of nature reclamation. A small group of druids and amateur hedge-mages seek to use left over seeds and the remains of trees to try and make a new forest. With time, the spread of nature could allow for the fel to be pushed back from the area, alongside giving additional sources of food.
Uses: 1 Bundle of Druids
DC 50

Dalibo smiles as she sees you "Ah Magistrate, just what I needed, I have a couple of intriguing reports you may want to look over, and I had some questions for you that would be useful if you answered. I am still surprised you were willing to go out scouting yourself, but it seems to have been worth it considering the results."
[]Oh Great, Guards: The establishment of the Valorhills Guards was a catastrophe. It bleeds political support for your rule and they are making it difficult to do anything of importance. Youneed to get them out. You can make a move against them using fragments of old Alliance, Stormwind and Night Elf legal code to arrest them for their wrongdoings and corruption.
Uses: 1 Rotisserie of Rogues
DC 50

[]Find Dissidence: With the collapse of factionalism in Bravura, one of the major threats to your vision has disappeared. However, it is unlikely for the republic's sanctity to be completely unthreatened for long. If you pick up the bar chatter, tea shop gossip and street talk you can find what sources of discontent are currently most threatening, if any.
Uses: 1 Rotisserie of Rogues
DC 30

[]Scout the area: You have scarcely an idea about the planet you are on, you have no idea what threats are coming and you have no idea whether where you're standing was once an ocean or a mountain. Armageddo is completely mysterious to you. Sending out scouts will give you important information about local terrain, eldritch threats and most importantly, legion camps. Plus, who knows what you may find scattered around the broken bones of a world.
Uses: 1 Rotisserie of Rogues
DC 50

[]Infiltrate the Legion Camps
From your taping of Moonraven, you have secured knowledge of many, hopefully all, of the legion camps nearby. With Dalibo's imps and scouts you may be able to get a permanent stream of information out of the Legion Camps. Of course, if discovered, you could alert the Camps and cause them to be both on tighter guard and much more eager to attack you.
DC 60

Jaye paces around her workstations. She is constantly moving around the growing Arcane Sanctum. "Hello Magistrate" She says, looking up after getting frustrated with a spell. "Is there something particular that you think should be focused on? Other wise, please leave me to my work." You spot Astaren entering the sanctum sometimes when you leave.
[]Clean the Leylines: The leylines are currently tainted and chaotic from being of a legion world. With effort you could stabilize and purify the leylines, which would make all sorts of arcane activities easier in the future.
Uses: 1 Batch of Mages
DC 20

[]Portal Network: Jaye wants to build up a portal network around Armageddo generally, but around Valorhills specifically. With the assistance of a Batch of Mages you could begin the painstaking process of establishing a portal network. With that practice, Bravura will also gain that oh so useful resource of the ability to think about portals.
Uses: 1 Batch of Mages
DC 50

[]Water-Generator: Your need for water is unceasing. With time and luck, you may be able to create a machine that can slowly convert Arcane energy into water continuously, without relying on mages as a constant source of water production.
Uses 1 Batch of Mages
Takes 4 Turns
DC 40

[]Build a Crystal Works: With a bit of effort, you could set up a jewel crafting and artificer shop to take care of both Eclectic Legion Tech and allow for replication of Draenei crystalline wonders.
Uses 1 Team of Builders
Takes 2 Turns
DC 30

Thytest is pleasantly hopeful. He has his hands full with the creation of the Terrace of Faiths but so far everyone mostly trusts him as a relative outsider to the most relevant faiths.
[]Propoganda Blitz: While you are bought into this whole "republic" business, most other people are just amusing you because they find it useful. With a firm propaganda campaign you could start getting people to start buying into it.
DC 40

[]Purify the Land: With time, effort and the assistance of druidic and holy magics, you may be able to purify the land around Valorhills. Doing so would be expensive, but the dangers of leaving the land tainted in Fel may be moreso.
Uses: 1 Bundle of Druids
1 Posse of Priests
DC 30

[]Commune with the Elements: Thytest Halfstorm wants to calm the Elements on Armageddo. While a mobile goal, it is unlikely for him to get anywhere with the land as corrupted as it is. He still insists on the importance, and you can always try. Thytest seems to forget that fickle elements can be dangerous. With the creation of Lake Valiance, he wants to first see if he can make contact there.
DC 50

[]Make a Moonwell: Soria Farstrike, the Night Elf Priestess, has come to you with an offer. She seeks to use droplets of moon well water that she has carried with her to try and create a new Moonwell. It will be costly, it will be difficult and without access to Azeroth directly it may take a couple of tries but the results may be worth it. Moonwells have a natural cleansing effect especially with Fel and the source of both Arcane and Druidic magic would be priceless.
Uses: 1 Bundle of Druids
1 Posse of Priests
DC 80

[]Terrace of Faiths: With the Church of light having luck in its expansion, they pushed for a prominent position on the lakefront. In order to avoid annoying them without allowing them to receive too much power, you have instead pushed for
Uses: 1 Team of Builders
1 Posse of Priests
Note: Effects Dependent on Piety Roll. Guaranteed Passive Mild Purification of the Lake.
Already Taken

You always have a little Personal Time, rare as it is.
Choose 1:
[]Focus Your Efforts: By spending your time assisting with a project, you may increase its likelihood for success. It can be exhausting, but for some things, the personal touch may be worth it.
Choosing Focus Your Efforts multiple times in a row leaves you vulnerable to stress buildup. Stress lowers all stats.
Note: Spend your efforts on one particular regular action, adding your relevant stat to the roll. Please put what your are focusing on in this choice.


[]Train in the Range: You have long known your way with the bow and gun. It was useful to practice around Redridge and you often hunted for your own food. There are others in Bravura who can help you hone your skills along the path that you have always followed.
Effect: Move further up the Hunter Class Tree

[]Practice with the Scamps: You have a mind for Intrigue, Subtlety and Mischief. Several of the Scouts you have practiced with, alongside some of the more boisterous characters of Bravura can help you learn the ways of the shadows.
Effect: Move along the Rogue Class Tree

[]Make note of the Wind: You received an interesting conversation while you were scouting to the north. A voice on the wind spoke to you. You have talked enough with Thytest to know that the voice was likely of the Wind itself. You have not talked to Thytest about it, but it might be prudent to do so.
Effect Move along the Shaman Class Tree
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[X] Plan Removing Corruption
-[X] Replace the Corrupt
-[X] Meeting the Adventurers
-[X] Oh Great, Guards
-[X] Grow a Grove
-[X] Clean the Leylines
-[X] Practice with the Scamps

We need to get rid of the corrupt guards asap! They are easy ammunition for our future political opponents. We also need to start getting rid of the Fel Taint in the area, so cleaning up the Leylines and growing a Nature Grove should hopefully help with that. Finally, reaching out to the adventurer guilds should be helpful, since they can do things we can't, like attacking Legion Bases/Patrols. They are functionally our army right now.
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[X] Plan Removing Corruption
-[X] Replace the Corrupt
-[X] Meeting the Adventurers
-[X] Oh Great, Guards
-[X] Grow a Grove
-[X] Clean the Leylines
-[X] Focus Your Effort
--[X] Oh Great, Guards

We need to get rid of the corrupt guards asap! They are easy ammunition for our future political opponents. We also need to start getting rid of the Fel Taint in the area, so cleaning up the Leylines and growing a Nature Grove should hopefully help with that. Finally, reaching out to the adventurer guilds should be helpful, since they can do things we can't, like attacking Legion Bases/Patrols. They are functionally our army right now.

I just want to note that Focus Your Effort has a chance to cause Stress if taken multiple turns in a row and that will count this turn. Not that taking it is a bad choice or the wrong one, but I want to make sure that the rule is noticed as it is a new one.