Philosopher's Champion (Worm OC Quest)

Are write-ins allowed? I want to try being a Corporate Hero. I feel it is a good compromise between Hero and Rogue, plus I've never played a quest as a Corporate Hero before.

@Keani , being a full-Rogue right now would be really challenging. Enough people know or suspect that we are a cape on our personal life that we have exactly zero chance of keeping our secret identity secret, and Japan apparently plays fast and loose with the unwritten rules. We'd have to spend a lot of time defending our family from kidnapping attempts, and until we made money and leveraged resources, we'd have no way to properly use Tinker powers, which, in this scenario, are a Force Multiplier (we create tinkertech gear that will remain with us when we change slots to combat-oriented powers, effectively bypassing the power limit slot.

By being Heroes, we have access to resources, teammates, and protection for our family, not to mention we are powerful enough that we are likely to become influential in the government-sponsored teams.

Corporate Heroes ties us to corporations, yes, but it is a lot easier to terminate our contract later than it would be with the government and we get more freedom, plus immediate access to resources.

[X] Had been living in Japan for generations. (Gain Japanese Heritage in case of ???)

I want us to be a household name in Japan, the pride and hope of the nation. Not being a gaijin helps.

[X] Path of the Hero, Japan was crawling with villains, the only reason they didn't take over was the organised Yakuza controlling the underworld and refusing to cede power to the newer Parahumans. How far would they go if they were left untouched? The Sentai Elite were but one organisation and despite their teams trying their best they could not be everywhere.

We could be villains, but meh. It's hard to roleplay effectively an evil alignment.

- [X] Get corporate sponsorship to form your own team, surely a few companies could be convinced to invest in you.

We are powerful, we are likely to be a media darling. I'd like to leverage that by founding our own team which we are mostly in control of, instead of taking orders we night not agree with from the higher-ups.

[X] Fujiwara Noburo (Noburo Fujiwara in western countries)

It's nice enough.

[X] Roll powers?- No

I want to change powers as soon as feasible into a Tinker slot, but since we have no resources to build anything at the moment, leave it for now.
You've convinced me

[X] Had been living in Japan for generations. (Gain Japanese Heritage in case of ???)

[X] Path of the Hero, Japan was crawling with villains, the only reason they didn't take over was the organised Yakuza controlling the underworld and refusing to cede power to the newer Parahumans. How far would they go if they were left untouched? The Sentai Elite were but one organisation and despite their teams trying their best they could not be everywhere.
- [X] Get corporate sponsorship to form your own team, surely a few companies could be convinced to invest in you.

[X] Fujiwara Noburo (Noburo Fujiwara in western countries)

[X] Roll powers?- No
I'll be closing the vote in 1 hour
Adhoc vote count started by phoenixfryre on Mar 1, 2019 at 3:36 AM, finished with 21 posts and 11 votes.
I won't change my vote but i do like the idea because i read an actual book about corporate sponsorship heroes Corpies it a great book and more people should ought read it very creative idea though.
Dude its an auto nope to a one shot death attack...
We are not expecting a one shot auto death.
As it stands a teleport that constantly drags us away from the fight is a tad useless in the middle of a city. If someone wants to get rid of us they just have to almost skim us and we would teleport 100 meters away to a different block with likely a buildings or two in the way.
If we want to be resistant to injury, we could just get a brute power and have something that would have practical use in situations that gives us defenses and does not drag us away from the fight every time we are even vaguely threatened with a bruise.

Besides with the telekinetic power that we have at our disposal (and a hypothetical thinker power to prevent people sneaking up on us) most people can stand against us long enough to be a threat.
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Rising Tide 1.1
And so the story begins.

[X] Path of the Hero, Japan was crawling with villains, the only reason they didn't take over was the organised Yakuza controlling the underworld and refusing to cede power to the newer Parahumans. How far would they go if they were left untouched? The Sentai Elite were but one organisation and despite their teams trying their best they could not be everywhere.
Number of voters: 10
Briefvoice, woody12, Gino, Loinvoyant, Ave Anathema, veekie, Lab_Accident, NathanMedium, johnny1010, MagisterShiryu

- [X] Join up with the government teams, they're not limited to the Sentai Elite
Number of voters: 7
Briefvoice, woody12, Gino, Loinvoyant, Ave Anathema, veekie, johnny1010

- [X] Get corporate sponsorship to form your own team, surely a few companies could be convinced to invest in you.
Number of voters: 2
Lab_Accident, NathanMedium

- [X] Remain an independent hero, it would be best to build a reputation before joining anyone.
Number of voters: 1

[X] Path of the Rogue, the time is not yet right to pick a side. You'll continue to poach villains locally but you don't wish to have any commitments just yet, you still have to get the handle of your power after all.
Number of voters: 2
Keani, Swiftwolfbeta


X] Had been living in Japan for generations. (Gain Japanese Heritage in case of ???)
Number of voters: 6
Loinvoyant, Ave Anathema, veekie, Lab_Accident, NathanMedium, MagisterShiryu

[X] Had recently moved to Japan from the States. (Gain American Heritage in case of ???)
Number of voters: 5
Briefvoice, woody12, Gino, Keani, johnny1010


[X] Kiryu Yakamuza.
Number of voters: 1

[X] Jean-Jaques Fou
Number of voters: 1

[X] Fujiwara Noburo (Noburo Fujiwara in western countries)
Number of voters: 5

Loinvoyant, Ave Anathema, veekie, Lab_Accident, NathanMedium

Power Vote:

[X] Roll powers?- No
Number of voters: 11

Briefvoice, woody12, Gino, Keani, Loinvoyant, Ave Anathema, veekie, Lab_Accident,NathanMedium, johnny1010, MagisterShiryu

[X] Roll powers?
Number of voters: 1
-[x] Roll slot one
Number of voters: 1
--[x] to Thinker.
Number of voters: 1

The building in front of you is just like any other building, tall and imposing, made with liberal use of steel. Though that's not the focus, from gently brushing against its structure you can already sense the unnatural constructs and many, many defences that are built in, you glance at your reflection, and fix your mask and enter the building.

Smiling at the receptionist (and politely ignoring the suspicious gazes from the security forces) you grin at her, "I'm here to register?"

"I thought you'd be bigger!" You would deny it, but you jumped a little as you turned to face the female, wearing a black and white stylised costume the smirking female member of the Sentai Elite stood behind you.

You gulped nervously, this was it. One of the most prestigious heroes in the world, a veteran of many Endbringer battles -The Sentai had to be- you bowed your head lightly, "An honour," You grinned nervously, "I'd give a name but I haven't thought of one just yet."

Her smile eased up as she shook your hand, "Sentai Black," She snorted softly after that, "Though I prefer Kana, come on boy. Follow me we'll get your paperwork done first."

You followed her to a nice and relaxed room, with bean bags and a low table set between the circle of bean bags and couches, your blink was met by an amused smile gracing the lips of the Sentai heroine seated on a beanbag, "Not meeting your expectations?

You swallowed as you sat down on another beanbag, "A little less formal than I expected."

You were answered by a chuckle, "We do junior recruiting with relaxed atmospheres, it helps calm the frayed nerves of recent triggers."

"So then," Her hand reached up as she removed her helmet, "Tell me recruit, what can you do?"

It was your turn to smirk, ignoring her unmasking other than taking note of the relatively mundane features of her face, "Everything."

She blinked before her playful smile turned into a more serious line, "Everything?"

Your grin didn't let go even as your eyes pulsed, reflecting your amusement, "Everything," You replied in deadpan.

"I'm a little skeptical of that," She sighed, "How about you fill out the forms first, we'll test out that 'everything' during power testing."

You just shrugged before looking over the forms and contracts, it was a tame contract. Basic stipulations of co-operating with the PR department for your costume, you'd have rights over any tinker equipment you made and you would be granted 30% of merchandise sales after the two month probationary period.

It was far more generous than the contract the 'Wards' had to sign in the United States, the name for your cape identity was left entirely to you if it wasn't indecent, you hummed in concentration. A decent name for a trump of your calibre,

[] Olympos, your powers were similar to Eidolon, might as well double down on the reputation and name yourself in the same vein.

[] Write-in (I'm sorry I can't think of any decent non-western name)

You smile in satisfaction and signed the bottom of the page, you were one of them now. A hero, a protector and a guardian.
[Gain trait: Hero] [+150 Alignment]
"Well," Your supervisor seemed to have regained her spark of amusement and put on her helmet, "Come on then, let's go and see what you can do, unless you have something to say?"

[] Tell her about the Yakuza problem, she might be able to help you, she is supposed to be a hero after all. Increased opinion from Sentai Elite, Sentai Black.

[] The Yakuza were heavily dug into the government, maybe you could trust her but can you trust the remaining parts of the bureaucracy that made the Sentai function? Besides as a member of Japan's Parahuman programme the Yakuza would know better than to harass you anymore. Lose opinion with Sentai Black, Sentai Elite if they find out

[] Write-in.

With that settled you moved on to the part that you were eagerly awaiting, power testing. Standing in the power testing room with Kana standing near you with an encouraging smile, "Now then mister anything, which power will you show?"

You tightened your lips, currently both of your powers were extremely high powered ones, one made sure you'd never received a hit whilst the other was practically Simurgh lite versions of telekinesis.

"Anything wrong?" Kana sounded worried, beginning to move towards you before you sighed.

The things you did to be a hero, "I'm thinking if I should let a power go to grab another one," Telekinesis seemed like the likely one you'd be able to easily replace, you nodded after deciding.




DC 50, Resistance fail. Roll for Power testing. (Not necessarily a bad thing to be honest.)

A complete switch through for power testing by using one of your slots, "Well then-"

"We are not ignoring the fact you just said you're grabbing powers," She gulped, "...Everything," she snorted, "Well this just went above my pay-grade."

You scrunched up your eyebrows, "Well then who am I supposed to report to?"

"Me, until the Prime Minister is informed," She clicked a recorder you hadn't noticed her picking up, "For the record what are your powers at the moment?"

You picked yourself of the ground with Telekinesis, "At the moment I have Telekinesis and a reactionary Teleport that moves me out of harm's way-" You blinked, you were facing Kana's back and in another blink were further up in the air and then down again on the ground. You huffed despite your amusement, "-I would-" Another blink and you were a few feet in the air. "-Not-" Your amusement was swiftly fading as you continued popping around the room as Kana tried to attack you.

You trusted the heroine to not actually hurt you but it got annoying quickly and the next time she moved in you lashed out with Telekinesis, holding her perfectly still.

You sighed, "Whilst I appreciate power testing, I also appreciate not being tossed around like a ping pong ball."

Kana smiled apologetically, "Sorry kid, needed to know how your power worked," She flashed again though this time stopping next to you, "Better here in a safe environment then out there."

"So you have more powers?" She asked excitedly.

You stared at her dryly, "You're more excited than I am, Kana."

"Well Eidolon's never frank about his power," She murmured something about egoistical green robed hero-complex idiots, "If you can do it then you're the second closest source we have to learn about Eidolon."

I sighed, "Hundreds," Noticing her cocked head you moved ahead and prepared to switch to a Blaster power, "I have hundreds of power," Your eyes flashed brightly as you switched powers.


Blaster 9 Anti-Matter: You can throw out controlled beams of Anti-Matter from your hands and eyes, the blast is self contained and has a controllable radius of 10-1000 Meters.

"Oh! What'd you get? Is it cool?"

You smiled dryly, "You're supposed to be the senior here, Kana."

"Oi come on! Stop holding back!" She pouted at me, but I stood impervious.

"I'm not throwing around Antimatter beams Kana," You gulped at the mention of the power, "This is the sort of stuff you attack Endbringers with, even if the Earth is protected the building can still be destroyed."

She just stared at you, "This is like Eidolon all over again," She sputtered briefly before sighing in mocking resignation, "Bullshit Trumps, if my education and science is right then a minuscule amount will only hurt the wall. Go on, it's on me if anything happens..."

You look at her, before looking at the reinforced target, before your eyes glowed and a tiny beam briefly left to attack the wall, it looked pathetic.

It stopped being pathetic extremely fast as a contained antimatter explosion roared as it decimated the wall it had enveloped like it was never there in the first place, you paled as your power echoed back to inform you how strong that was.


"Yes my adoryfying overpowered minion?"

You snorted, "I think I should shelf this for, uh, more lethal encounters."

"You'll find me in agreement, now please change that power before we're blamed for doing a Fatty Boy on Nagasaki," She glanced at me dryly, "Again."

You chuckled as you switched it out for a Shaker power,




Shaker 7 Geokinesis: You shape and twist shapes made of minerals or sand from any solid surface not connected to a living being.

You hummed appreciatively, "This is better..." You raised your arm, an arm made of graphene rose from the ground. "Geokinesis."

Your grin was matched by a playful pout by the heroine, "Is that proof enough?"

She stared at you before nodding, "And you're sure you aren't Eidolon's long lost son or something?"

You raised an eyebrow, "My family's been living in Kyushu for centuries, I'm pretty sure we're not related."

She nodded, "Well this is confirmation enough," she switched off the recorder. "And since further testing won't be needed you up for lunch with the team?"

"Or we can go on a patrol, see how you adjust to the duty?"

[] Go and have lunch with the Nagasaki team of the Sentai Elite, and maybe meet some other junior members, if there are any in Nagasaki.

[] Go for a patrol with Kana, it'd be good to learn the basics now and if you actually find some bad guys to bust, it'd be even better!

[] Go home, your parents suspect you're a parahuman but you're sure they'd rather hear it from you than Kana, when the two month probationary period is over.


Roll for powers? (Pick a category)

[] Roll both slots

[] Roll Geokinesis

[] Roll Combat Teleport
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[X] Yōkai

[X] Tell her about the Yakuza problem, she might be able to help you, she is supposed to be a hero after all.

[X] Go and have lunch with the Nagasaki team of the Sentai Elite, and maybe meet some other junior members, if there are any in Nagasaki.

[X]Roll both slots
-[X] Tinker
-[X] Tinker

Yokai are basicly spirits of all kinds. An Eidolon is a kind of spirit, like a specter or a phantom.
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[X] Yōkai
[X] Tell her about the Yakuza problem, she might be able to help you, she is supposed to be a hero after all. Increased opinion from Sentai Elite, Sentai Black.
[X] Go and have lunch with the Nagasaki team of the Sentai Elite, and maybe meet some other junior members, if there are any in Nagasaki.
[X] Roll Geokinesis
[X] Yōkai
[X] Tell her about the Yakuza problem, she might be able to help you, she is supposed to be a hero after all.
[X] Go and have lunch with the Nagasaki team of the Sentai Elite, and maybe meet some other junior members, if there are any in Nagasaki.
[X] Roll Geokinesis
-[x] Roll Thinker power
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An Eidolon is a kind of spirit, like a specter or a phantom.
The definition that he more likely refers to is : an idealized person or thing.
Although using the other meaning is easier to get to the offshoot feeling.

[x] Go home, your parents suspect you're a parahuman but you're sure they'd rather hear it from you than Kana, when the two month probationary period is over.
[x] Roll both slots
-[X] Tinker
-[X] Tinker
Did we just successfully join a government team without them asking our parents about it for two months.
I don't think Japan lets teenagers live that freely.
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I don't know, Japan's the kind of country where 8 year olds can take the train by themselves. Crime rate won't be as low as real life, but even so their culture is far less coddling then America's.

What you see in anime isn't entirely nonsense, some teens do live by themselves so they can be closer to a good school. They are far more self sufficent then an American of the same age, for the most part.
Did we just successfully join a government team without them asking our parents about it for two months.
I don't think Japan lets teenagers live that freely.

Firstly, Kudos for actually telling me what category you want, otherwise it's randomised and trust me Stranger and Master are there as well. Other than that I'm intentionally playing Japan with slight differences compared to the US Wards programme, they acknowledge the existence of trigger events and their effects on a minor and let said minor settle and learn to trust them before talking about their family. Primarily this is there because children might not want to talk about abusive parents from the outset, after two months of camaraderie their trust in you should be enough in a world of parahumans. In my opinion, it's just meant to be a more efficient way of dealing with teenage parahumans. One more notch on the 'Let's destabilise this country' list for Levi-Tan eh?
[X] Onmyōji

Basically a Japanese "wizard"... they were the court magicians of the Heian Period. For a character with such a versatile powerset, a "wizard" who can accomplish any magic seems appropriate.

[X] The Yakuza were heavily dug into the government, maybe you could trust her but can you trust the remaining parts of the bureaucracy that made the Sentai function? Besides as a member of Japan's Parahuman programme the Yakuza would know better than to harass you anymore.

Let's get the lay of the land and see how things really work before trusting the system that much. This is Worm after all.

[X] Go for a patrol with Kana, it'd be good to learn the basics now and if you actually find some bad guys to bust, it'd be even better!

Yay patrol!

[X] Don't roll.
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[X] Onmyōji

[X] Tell her about the Yakuza problem, she might be able to help you, she is supposed to be a hero after all.

[X] Go and have lunch with the Nagasaki team of the Sentai Elite, and maybe meet some other junior members, if there are any in Nagasaki.

[X] Don't roll.
I would also like to note, at this point of time Japan is probably one of the most if not the most stable country in the world, all the other developed nations have crisis's like Endbringers and S-Class threats hitting them and their infrastructure, Japan? No Endbringer attack and no outright S-Class with the Yakuza actually being a sort of buffer against Parahuman crime syndicates.
[X] Onmyōji

[X] Tell her about the Yakuza problem, she might be able to help you, she is supposed to be a hero after all.

[X] Go and have lunch with the Nagasaki team of the Sentai Elite, and maybe meet some other junior members, if there are any in Nagasaki.

[X] Don't roll.
[X] Tell her about the Yakuza problem, she might be able to help you, she issupposed to be a hero after all.

[X] Go and have lunch with the Nagasaki team of the Sentai Elite, and maybe meet some other junior members, if there are any in Nagasaki.

[x] Roll both slots
-[X] Tinker
-[X] Tinker

Cross-tinkering. Because tinker abilities are a force multiplier, and we are looking at tinker squared.
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[X] Yōkai

[X] Tell her about the Yakuza problem, she might be able to help you, she is supposed to be a hero after all.

[X] Go and have lunch with the Nagasaki team of the Sentai Elite, and maybe meet some other junior members, if there are any in Nagasaki.

[X]Roll both slots
-[X] Tinker
-[X] Tinker
[X] Onmyōji

[X] Tell her about the Yakuza problem, she might be able to help you, she issupposed to be a hero after all.

[X] Go and have lunch with the Nagasaki team of the Sentai Elite, and maybe meet some other junior members, if there are any in Nagasaki.

[X] Don't roll.
[X] Onmyōji

[X] Tell her about the Yakuza problem, she might be able to help you, she is supposed to be a hero after all.

[X] Go and have lunch with the Nagasaki team of the Sentai Elite, and maybe meet some other junior members, if there are any in Nagasaki.

[X] Don't roll.

Firstly, Kudos for actually telling me what category you want, otherwise it's randomised and trust me Stranger and Master are there as well. Other than that I'm intentionally playing Japan with slight differences compared to the US Wards programme, they acknowledge the existence of trigger events and their effects on a minor and let said minor settle and learn to trust them before talking about their family. Primarily this is there because children might not want to talk about abusive parents from the outset, after two months of camaraderie their trust in you should be enough in a world of parahumans. In my opinion, it's just meant to be a more efficient way of dealing with teenage parahumans. One more notch on the 'Let's destabilise this country' list for Levi-Tan eh?
Definitely true. I think the PRT's involvement of parents is mostly a matter of high individual rights, when you think about it, its more likely than not that a child would trigger out of domestic abuse(because you don't just randomly hit a trigger-worthy event).
So what's our game plan going to be Leviathan will attack in 1 month's time and i want to see if we can save Kyushu the only way i see that happening is with a high-level Thinker power to know an Endbringer is coming and with the use of multiple Tinker powers also i have question ?
if we have 2 Tinker power can we combined it to work together.
So what's our game plan going to be Leviathan will attack in 1 month's time and i want to see if we can save Kyushu the only way i see that happening is with a high-level Thinker power to know an Endbringer is coming and with the use of multiple Tinker powers also i have question ?
if we have 2 Tinker power can we combined it to work together.

Yeah, two tinker powers can be used together.
People, we are japanese. We work for a team named the Sentai Elite. WHERE IS YOUR GATTAI SPIRIT? Leviathan is coming, so obviously our best hope of defeating him is by building a giant, combining mecha to fight him in!
Jokes on you, the Sentai Elite already have a giabt robot building Tinker, unfortunately his robots don't join together to form a megazord.