[X] There aren't lots of other kids on the island, aside from you. A few of Dad's merchant friends bring their kids, and you get to show them around and point at all the cool stuff you can see from the towers! Other than them though, you tend to play with the servant's children. When he first saw you making friends with a baker's son, he said it was "Important to have friends in low places." You don't get what he meant, but he's been encouraging you to play with them, so you do lots! You will friends in places low, and high.
[X] Even though you were very small, you still remember the first time your father gave you a lecture on just what made your family so powerful. It was so simple it was impossible for it to not stick with you. Money. The guilder was, even in the broken empire of his day, the lifeblood of everything. He explained in simple terms, that whoever held the strings of the purse, held the real power. He promised that, as you grew older he'd make sure to teach you how to keep your own pure under control, and despite his death, the memory sticks with you. Foundational Trait - Queen of the Purse Your father's tutoring, and your own understanding of where true power comes from in the Empire, have led to you developing a far greater understanding of rulership than most of your rivals.
[X] Followed your parents everywhere. Mum and Dad are the smartest, bestest parents anyone could have! So, of course, you spent a lot of time with them, watching them work, going to the temple. Dad even lets you play with his maps! One day, you're going to own a great big ship like him, and see the whole world! You will learn much about the family trade.
[X] Even though you were very small, you still remember the first time your father gave you a lecture on just what made your family so powerful. It was so simple it was impossible for it to not stick with you. Money. The guilder was, even in the broken empire of his day, the lifeblood of everything. He explained in simple terms, that whoever held the strings of the purse, held the real power. He promised that, as you grew older he'd make sure to teach you how to keep your own pure under control, and despite his death, the memory sticks with you. Foundational Trait - Queen of the Purse Your father's tutoring, and your own understanding of where true power comes from in the Empire, have led to you developing a far greater understanding of rulership than most of your rivals.
[X] There aren't lots of other kids on the island, aside from you. A few of Dad's merchant friends bring their kids, and you get to show them around and point at all the cool stuff you can see from the towers! Other than them though, you tend to play with the servant's children. When he first saw you making friends with a baker's son, he said it was "Important to have friends in low places." You don't get what he meant, but he's been encouraging you to play with them, so you do lots! You will friends in places low, and high.

Not sure about the second option.
[x] Followed your parents everywhere. Mum and Dad are the smartest, bestest parents anyone could have! So, of course, you spent a lot of time with them, watching them work, going to the temple. Dad even lets you play with his maps! One day, you're going to own a great big ship like him, and see the whole world! You will learn much about the family trade.

[x] Even though you were very small, you still remember the first time your father gave you a lecture on just what made your family so powerful. It was so simple it was impossible for it to not stick with you. Money. The guilder was, even in the broken empire of his day, the lifeblood of everything. He explained in simple terms, that whoever held the strings of the purse, held the real power. He promised that, as you grew older he'd make sure to teach you how to keep your own pure under control, and despite his death, the memory sticks with you. Foundational Trait - Queen of the Purse Your father's tutoring, and your own understanding of where true power comes from in the Empire, have led to you developing a far greater understanding of rulership than most of your rivals.

Adhoc vote count started by Raptor580 on Jan 27, 2019 at 1:43 PM, finished with 29 posts and 9 votes.

  • [X] There aren't lots of other kids on the island, aside from you. A few of Dad's merchant friends bring their kids, and you get to show them around and point at all the cool stuff you can see from the towers! Other than them though, you tend to play with the servant's children. When he first saw you making friends with a baker's son, he said it was "Important to have friends in low places." You don't get what he meant, but he's been encouraging you to play with them, so you do lots! You will friends in places low, and high.
    [X] Even though you were very small, you still remember the first time your father gave you a lecture on just what made your family so powerful. It was so simple it was impossible for it to not stick with you. Money. The guilder was, even in the broken empire of his day, the lifeblood of everything. He explained in simple terms, that whoever held the strings of the purse, held the real power. He promised that, as you grew older he'd make sure to teach you how to keep your own pure under control, and despite his death, the memory sticks with you. Foundational Trait - Queen of the Purse Your father's tutoring, and your own understanding of where true power comes from in the Empire, have led to you developing a far greater understanding of rulership than most of your rivals.
    [X] There aren't lots of other kids on the island, aside from you. A few of Dad's merchant friends bring their kids, and you get to show them around and point at all the cool stuff you can see from the towers! Other than them though, you tend to play with the servant's children. When he first saw you making friends with a baker's son, he said it was "Important to have friends in low places." You don't get what he meant, but he's been encouraging you to play with them, so you do lots! You will friends in places low, and high.
    [X] Like most children, you'd always hated being dragged to the temple. With its musty, claustrophobic halls, constant chanting, and endless sermons. To brighten up your visits, you began to sneak in candy. When you were caught, instead of being ashamed, you simply resorted to hiding it better. Soon, every child-friendly crevice in the temple had a small leather pouch with delicious candies! Foundational Trait - Candied secrets Thanks to an overly strict Sister of Sigmar, you learned how to sneak about at an extremely young age, certainly, it would be a useful skill in the future.
    [X] Followed your parents everywhere. Mum and Dad are the smartest, bestest parents anyone could have! So, of course, you spent a lot of time with them, watching them work, going to the temple. Dad even lets you play with his maps! One day, you're going to own a great big ship like him, and see the whole world! You will learn much about the family trade.
    [X] Even though you were very small, you still remember the first time your father gave you a lecture on just what made your family so powerful. It was so simple it was impossible for it to not stick with you. Money. The guilder was, even in the broken empire of his day, the lifeblood of everything. He explained in simple terms, that whoever held the strings of the purse, held the real power. He promised that, as you grew older he'd make sure to teach you how to keep your own pure under control, and despite his death, the memory sticks with you. Foundational Trait - Queen of the Purse Your father's tutoring, and your own understanding of where true power comes from in the Empire, have led to you developing a far greater understanding of rulership than most of your rivals.
    [X] There aren't lots of other kids on the island, aside from you. A few of Dad's merchant friends bring their kids, and you get to show them around and point at all the cool stuff you can see from the towers! Other than them though, you tend to play with the servant's children. When he first saw you making friends with a baker's son, he said it was "Important to have friends in low places." You don't get what he meant, but he's been encouraging you to play with them, so you do lots! You will friends in places low, and high.
    [X] When you were incredibly little, your Nanny spent countless hours drilling etiquette into you. For some reason, you just could not understand the differences between the many types of utensil you were expected to use. Of course, being a toddler you did not understand why she yelled at you, just that you didn't like it. So you broke out the heaviest weapon your three-year-old mind could conjure. A plate of dusted waffles! She took the plate, and the yelling stopped. A valuable lesson in the power of bribery. Foundational Trait - Of Waffles and Bribery Successfully bribing someone to like you, made you realise a fundamental truth of Imperial diplomacy, though you didn't realise it at the time. Bribes and a friendly smile grease the wheels of the machine of state.
    [X] There aren't lots of other kids on the island, aside from you. A few of Dad's merchant friends bring their kids, and you get to show them around and point at all the cool stuff you can see from the towers! Other than them though, you tend to play with the servant's children. When he first saw you making friends with a baker's son, he said it was "Important to have friends in low places." You don't get what he meant, but he's been encouraging you to play with them, so you do lots! You will friends in places low, and high.
[X] Followed your parents everywhere. Mum and Dad are the smartest, bestest parents anyone could have! So, of course, you spent a lot of time with them, watching them work, going to the temple. Dad even lets you play with his maps! One day, you're going to own a great big ship like him, and see the whole world! You will learn much about the family trade.

[X] After catching you spying on him training, the Captain of the Household Guard offered to train you. While this extremely early training (For you were but a babe) was more about teaching you physical skills like running, soon your close bond would grow into much more combat oriented work, teaching you much about warfare within the Empire. Foundational Trait - Warrior at heart Your time training under Sven "Black-hand" has made you an impressively capable fighter, while also leaving you exceptionally fit. You are, even if you don't follow a path of a warrior, supremely physically capable.

[X] Followed your parents everywhere. Mum and Dad are the smartest, bestest parents anyone could have! So, of course, you spent a lot of time with them, watching them work, going to the temple. Dad even lets you play with his maps! One day, you're going to own a great big ship like him, and see the whole world! You will learn much about the family trade.

[X] After catching you spying on him training, the Captain of the Household Guard offered to train you. While this extremely early training (For you were but a babe) was more about teaching you physical skills like running, soon your close bond would grow into much more combat oriented work, teaching you much about warfare within the Empire. Foundational Trait - Warrior at heart Your time training under Sven "Black-hand" has made you an impressively capable fighter, while also leaving you exceptionally fit. You are, even if you don't follow a path of a warrior, supremely physically capable.

In warhammer of any kind if there's one thing you need to know its how to kill things.
[X] There aren't lots of other kids on the island, aside from you. A few of Dad's merchant friends bring their kids, and you get to show them around and point at all the cool stuff you can see from the towers! Other than them though, you tend to play with the servant's children. When he first saw you making friends with a baker's son, he said it was "Important to have friends in low places." You don't get what he meant, but he's been encouraging you to play with them, so you do lots! You will friends in places low, and high.
[X] Even though you were very small, you still remember the first time your father gave you a lecture on just what made your family so powerful. It was so simple it was impossible for it to not stick with you. Money. The guilder was, even in the broken empire of his day, the lifeblood of everything. He explained in simple terms, that whoever held the strings of the purse, held the real power. He promised that, as you grew older he'd make sure to teach you how to keep your own pure under control, and despite his death, the memory sticks with you. Foundational Trait - Queen of the Purse Your father's tutoring, and your own understanding of where true power comes from in the Empire, have led to you developing a far greater understanding of rulership than most of your rivals.
[x] Followed your parents everywhere. Mum and Dad are the smartest, bestest parents anyone could have! So, of course, you spent a lot of time with them, watching them work, going to the temple. Dad even lets you play with his maps! One day, you're going to own a great big ship like him, and see the whole world! You will learn much about the family trade.

[X] Even though you were very small, you still remember the first time your father gave you a lecture on just what made your family so powerful. It was so simple it was impossible for it to not stick with you. Money. The guilder was, even in the broken empire of his day, the lifeblood of everything. He explained in simple terms, that whoever held the strings of the purse, held the real power. He promised that, as you grew older he'd make sure to teach you how to keep your own pure under control, and despite his death, the memory sticks with you. Foundational Trait - Queen of the Purse Your father's tutoring, and your own understanding of where true power comes from in the Empire, have led to you developing a far greater understanding of rulership than most of your rivals.
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[X] Followed your parents everywhere. Mum and Dad are the smartest, bestest parents anyone could have! So, of course, you spent a lot of time with them, watching them work, going to the temple. Dad even lets you play with his maps! One day, you're going to own a great big ship like him, and see the whole world! You will learn much about the family trade.
[X] Even though you were very small, you still remember the first time your father gave you a lecture on just what made your family so powerful. It was so simple it was impossible for it to not stick with you. Money. The guilder was, even in the broken empire of his day, the lifeblood of everything. He explained in simple terms, that whoever held the strings of the purse, held the real power. He promised that, as you grew older he'd make sure to teach you how to keep your own pure under control, and despite his death, the memory sticks with you. Foundational Trait - Queen of the Purse Your father's tutoring, and your own understanding of where true power comes from in the Empire, have led to you developing a far greater understanding of rulership than most of your rivals.
[X] There aren't lots of other kids on the island, aside from you. A few of Dad's merchant friends bring their kids, and you get to show them around and point at all the cool stuff you can see from the towers! Other than them though, you tend to play with the servant's children. When he first saw you making friends with a baker's son, he said it was "Important to have friends in low places." You don't get what he meant, but he's been encouraging you to play with them, so you do lots! You will friends in places low, and high.

[X] Even though you were very small, you still remember the first time your father gave you a lecture on just what made your family so powerful. It was so simple it was impossible for it to not stick with you. Money. The guilder was, even in the broken empire of his day, the lifeblood of everything. He explained in simple terms, that whoever held the strings of the purse, held the real power. He promised that, as you grew older he'd make sure to teach you how to keep your own pure under control, and despite his death, the memory sticks with you. Foundational Trait - Queen of the Purse Your father's tutoring, and your own understanding of where true power comes from in the Empire, have led to you developing a far greater understanding of rulership than most of your rivals.
[X] There aren't lots of other kids on the island, aside from you. A few of Dad's merchant friends bring their kids, and you get to show them around and point at all the cool stuff you can see from the towers! Other than them though, you tend to play with the servant's children. When he first saw you making friends with a baker's son, he said it was "Important to have friends in low places." You don't get what he meant, but he's been encouraging you to play with them, so you do lots! You will friends in places low, and high.

[X] Your mother picking you up and putting you on her lap, after you'd whined about having to dress up for the Temple. Instead of scolding you, she told you a story. About how, far away from the palace, there were strong women, called the Sisters. She told you how big and tough they were, and that, if you were good, and you prayed to Sigmar with her every night, one day you'd be big and strong, just like the Sisters! After that, you never missed a call to prayer. Foundational Trait - Faith in Sigmar Your faith in Sigmar has been very strong from an early age, and you have devoted considerable energies to practicing his tenants.
[X] There aren't lots of other kids on the island, aside from you. A few of Dad's merchant friends bring their kids, and you get to show them around and point at all the cool stuff you can see from the towers! Other than them though, you tend to play with the servant's children. When he first saw you making friends with a baker's son, he said it was "Important to have friends in low places." You don't get what he meant, but he's been encouraging you to play with them, so you do lots! You will friends in places low, and high.

[X] Even though you were very small, you still remember the first time your father gave you a lecture on just what made your family so powerful. It was so simple it was impossible for it to not stick with you. Money. The guilder was, even in the broken empire of his day, the lifeblood of everything. He explained in simple terms, that whoever held the strings of the purse, held the real power. He promised that, as you grew older he'd make sure to teach you how to keep your own pure under control, and despite his death, the memory sticks with you. Foundational Trait - Queen of the Purse Your father's tutoring, and your own understanding of where true power comes from in the Empire, have led to you developing a far greater understanding of rulership than most of your rivals.

Hell yeah the Marienburg train starts coming and it don't stop coming!
[X] There aren't lots of other kids on the island, aside from you. A few of Dad's merchant friends bring their kids, and you get to show them around and point at all the cool stuff you can see from the towers! Other than them though, you tend to play with the servant's children. When he first saw you making friends with a baker's son, he said it was "Important to have friends in low places." You don't get what he meant, but he's been encouraging you to play with them, so you do lots! You will friends in places low, and high.

[X] Your mother picking you up and putting you on her lap, after you'd whined about having to dress up for the Temple. Instead of scolding you, she told you a story. About how, far away from the palace, there were strong women, called the Sisters. She told you how big and tough they were, and that, if you were good, and you prayed to Sigmar with her every night, one day you'd be big and strong, just like the Sisters! After that, you never missed a call to prayer. Foundational Trait - Faith in Sigmar Your faith in Sigmar has been very strong from an early age, and you have devoted considerable energies to practicing his tenants.
[x] Followed your parents everywhere. Mum and Dad are the smartest, bestest parents anyone could have! So, of course, you spent a lot of time with them, watching them work, going to the temple. Dad even lets you play with his maps! One day, you're going to own a great big ship like him, and see the whole world! You will learn much about the family trade.

[x] Even though you were very small, you still remember the first time your father gave you a lecture on just what made your family so powerful. It was so simple it was impossible for it to not stick with you. Money. The guilder was, even in the broken empire of his day, the lifeblood of everything. He explained in simple terms, that whoever held the strings of the purse, held the real power. He promised that, as you grew older he'd make sure to teach you how to keep your own pure under control, and despite his death, the memory sticks with you. Foundational Trait - Queen of the Purse Your father's tutoring, and your own understanding of where true power comes from in the Empire, have led to you developing a far greater understanding of rulership than most of your rivals.
[X] There aren't lots of other kids on the island, aside from you. A few of Dad's merchant friends bring their kids, and you get to show them around and point at all the cool stuff you can see from the towers! Other than them though, you tend to play with the servant's children. When he first saw you making friends with a baker's son, he said it was "Important to have friends in low places." You don't get what he meant, but he's been encouraging you to play with them, so you do lots! You will friends in places low, and high.
[X] Even though you were very small, you still remember the first time your father gave you a lecture on just what made your family so powerful. It was so simple it was impossible for it to not stick with you. Money. The guilder was, even in the broken empire of his day, the lifeblood of everything. He explained in simple terms, that whoever held the strings of the purse, held the real power. He promised that, as you grew older he'd make sure to teach you how to keep your own pure under control, and despite his death, the memory sticks with you. Foundational Trait - Queen of the Purse Your father's tutoring, and your own understanding of where true power comes from in the Empire, have led to you developing a far greater understanding of rulership than most of your rivals.
[X] There aren't lots of other kids on the island, aside from you. A few of Dad's merchant friends bring their kids, and you get to show them around and point at all the cool stuff you can see from the towers! Other than them though, you tend to play with the servant's children. When he first saw you making friends with a baker's son, he said it was "Important to have friends in low places." You don't get what he meant, but he's been encouraging you to play with them, so you do lots! You will friends in places low, and high.

[X] Your mother picking you up and putting you on her lap, after you'd whined about having to dress up for the Temple. Instead of scolding you, she told you a story. About how, far away from the palace, there were strong women, called the Sisters. She told you how big and tough they were, and that, if you were good, and you prayed to Sigmar with her every night, one day you'd be big and strong, just like the Sisters! After that, you never missed a call to prayer. Foundational Trait - Faith in Sigmar Your faith in Sigmar has been very strong from an early age, and you have devoted considerable energies to practicing his tenants.
[X] There aren't lots of other kids on the island, aside from you. A few of Dad's merchant friends bring their kids, and you get to show them around and point at all the cool stuff you can see from the towers! Other than them though, you tend to play with the servant's children. When he first saw you making friends with a baker's son, he said it was "Important to have friends in low places." You don't get what he meant, but he's been encouraging you to play with them, so you do lots! You will friends in places low, and high.

[X] Your mother picking you up and putting you on her lap, after you'd whined about having to dress up for the Temple. Instead of scolding you, she told you a story. About how, far away from the palace, there were strong women, called the Sisters. She told you how big and tough they were, and that, if you were good, and you prayed to Sigmar with her every night, one day you'd be big and strong, just like the Sisters! After that, you never missed a call to prayer. Foundational Trait - Faith in Sigmar Your faith in Sigmar has been very strong from an early age, and you have devoted considerable energies to practicing his tenants.
[X] Followed your parents everywhere. Mum and Dad are the smartest, bestest parents anyone could have! So, of course, you spent a lot of time with them, watching them work, going to the temple. Dad even lets you play with his maps! One day, you're going to own a great big ship like him, and see the whole world! You will learn much about the family trade.
[X] Even though you were very small, you still remember the first time your father gave you a lecture on just what made your family so powerful. It was so simple it was impossible for it to not stick with you. Money. The guilder was, even in the broken empire of his day, the lifeblood of everything. He explained in simple terms, that whoever held the strings of the purse, held the real power. He promised that, as you grew older he'd make sure to teach you how to keep your own pure under control, and despite his death, the memory sticks with you. Foundational Trait - Queen of the Purse Your father's tutoring, and your own understanding of where true power comes from in the Empire, have led to you developing a far greater understanding of rulership than most of your rivals.
Alright, I'm off work. Unless there is any opposition, I'll shutter the vote and get writing the results turn.

Thanks all for participating!
[X] Followed your parents everywhere. Mum and Dad are the smartest, bestest parents anyone could have! So, of course, you spent a lot of time with them, watching them work, going to the temple. Dad even lets you play with his maps! One day, you're going to own a great big ship like him, and see the whole world! You will learn much about the family trade.

[X] After catching you spying on him training, the Captain of the Household Guard offered to train you. While this extremely early training (For you were but a babe) was more about teaching you physical skills like running, soon your close bond would grow into much more combat oriented work, teaching you much about warfare within the Empire. Foundational Trait - Warrior at heart Your time training under Sven "Black-hand" has made you an impressively capable fighter, while also leaving you exceptionally fit. You are, even if you don't follow a path of a warrior, supremely physically capable.
[X] There aren't lots of other kids on the island, aside from you. A few of Dad's merchant friends bring their kids, and you get to show them around and point at all the cool stuff you can see from the towers! Other than them though, you tend to play with the servant's children. When he first saw you making friends with a baker's son, he said it was "Important to have friends in low places." You don't get what he meant, but he's been encouraging you to play with them, so you do lots! You will friends in places low, and high.

[X] Even though you were very small, you still remember the first time your father gave you a lecture on just what made your family so powerful. It was so simple it was impossible for it to not stick with you. Money. The guilder was, even in the broken empire of his day, the lifeblood of everything. He explained in simple terms, that whoever held the strings of the purse, held the real power. He promised that, as you grew older he'd make sure to teach you how to keep your own pure under control, and despite his death, the memory sticks with you. Foundational Trait - Queen of the Purse Your father's tutoring, and your own understanding of where true power comes from in the Empire, have led to you developing a far greater understanding of rulership than most of your rivals.
[X] Followed your parents everywhere. Mum and Dad are the smartest, bestest parents anyone could have! So, of course, you spent a lot of time with them, watching them work, going to the temple. Dad even lets you play with his maps! One day, you're going to own a great big ship like him, and see the whole world! You will learn much about the family trade.
[X] Even though you were very small, you still remember the first time your father gave you a lecture on just what made your family so powerful. It was so simple it was impossible for it to not stick with you. Money. The guilder was, even in the broken empire of his day, the lifeblood of everything. He explained in simple terms, that whoever held the strings of the purse, held the real power. He promised that, as you grew older he'd make sure to teach you how to keep your own pure under control, and despite his death, the memory sticks with you. Foundational Trait - Queen of the Purse Your father's tutoring, and your own understanding of where true power comes from in the Empire, have led to you developing a far greater understanding of rulership than most of your rivals.
Earliest Childhood Results + 5th Birthday
[X] There aren't lots of other kids on the island, aside from you. A few of Dad's merchant friends bring their kids, and you get to show them around and point at all the cool stuff you can see from the towers! Other than them though, you tend to play with the servant's children. When he first saw you making friends with a baker's son, he said it was "Important to have friends in low places." You don't get what he meant, but he's been encouraging you to play with them, so you do lots! You will friends in places low, and high.

"Look! You can see them elfy ships coming in!" Ranald cried, from his position on the front of a great cannon. The bastard son of a baker and a scullery maid, he looked far grottier than you did, in his slightly ragged blouse and rough cloth pants. Though you weren't exactly clean yourself, ignoring smudges on your own clothing as you leaned over his shoulders to peer out into the wide blue ocean, looking for the gleaming spires of elf trade ships.

Lounging above you both on one of the parapets, staring out at the sea from her dad's gilded farseer, was Alian. She was an elf! She said she's older than you and Ranald put together, but you didn't believe her. She was barely any taller than you! "I wonder if my dad is on it. What do you reckon?"

"I dunno! It's always cool to see them though. They're so shiny, and gold!" You replied, and Ranald stared out at the sea in wide eyed amazement, leaning off the cannon barrel further, and further, until both you and Ailan have to grab him by the blouse and drag him back over the battlements.

You have made a wide circle of friends, including children of powerful families.

[X] Even though you were very small, you still remember the first time your father gave you a lecture on just what made your family so powerful. It was so simple it was impossible for it to not stick with you. Money. The guilder was, even in the broken empire of his day, the lifeblood of everything. He explained in simple terms, that whoever held the strings of the purse, held the real power. He promised that, as you grew older he'd make sure to teach you how to keep your own pure under control, and despite his death, the memory sticks with you. Foundational Trait - Queen of the Purse Your father's tutoring, and your own understanding of where true power comes from in the Empire, have led to you developing a far greater understanding of rulership than most of your rivals.

"But daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad!" Your whining was loud enough that even your unflappable father flinched. He took his quill off the book he was scribbling in to talk to you. He pushed his chair back, and after a moment, patted his lap.

"Up, sweetness. Let me explain." You tilted your head slightly, not sure what he was getting at. You trusted your dad though, so you climbed up into his lap and planted yourself down on one leg. He reached over his desk and grabbed a shiny coin, showing it to you. It had some old guy's face on it, which was really kinda weird.

"This, sweetness, is a Thaler. The currency of the empire." You made a grab for it while he's distracted, and he yoinked the coin away, making you huff. "Not yet. I know you want your allowance, but let me finish." He placed the coin down on his book, next to a bunch of numbers. There were a lot of zeroes, and even though you can count really high, you can't even get close to the numbers on the page!

"The Thaler is what makes the empire work. It's the most important thing in the whole world." He tapped it with his quill, using that weird voice you've seen him use with the other merchants!

"More important than Sigmar, Manaan, and the Emperor?" You knew that Sigmar was super important, he was the one who stopped all those mean chaos worshippers from hurting people! So was Manaan, because he made sure no sharks ate dads boats! You weren't too sure about the Emperor, because you've never met him. But he ran the best empire in the whole world, so he had to be important! You looked at your dad skeptically, and he laughed, ruffling your hair.

"Well, it's the most important after Sigmar and Manaan! The Emperor is far less important, sweetness. Don't worry about him. You see these numbers here?" He taps the big number next to the shiny coin. You nod, and he continued. "Those numbers represent these coins. And the coins they represent are why you have all this." He gestured around the incredibly rich room, to the globes you loved to spin, the books way too complicated for you to read, and to the hardwood desk.

"But it does more than that. It lets me get people to do things for me. Every man and woman in this building in this building works for me, because I give them Thalers for their efforts. With enough of these coins, you can get everything you want." His lecture was mostly lost on you, because it didn't explain why you couldn't have a larger allowance! All the other merchant's children got one, and dad was the bestest merchant there ever was!

"Now, as for why I denied expanding your allowance. I give you ten thalers a month, right?" You nod, unhappily. Alian got 20 of those really shiny elven sovereigns from her nanny every week! And Dad was the richest person ever! Your face crinkles in frustration at him pointing out how little you have compared to your merchant friends. "Now, say I gave you 20. What would you do with them?"

"Buy candy!!" You excitedly yelled your response, but he shook his head and tutted, tapping your nose with the feathered end of his quill as he reprimanded you.

"That's the problem, Magritta. Why spend your coins on candies, when you could save them, and invest in a candymaker? That way, not only do you get more Thaler, overtime turning profit, but you also get free candy." That immediately snapped you back to attention. Something clicked in your young mind, not unlike a lamp that was suddenly lit. Looking at the Thalers on the table, and the numbers next to them, you then looked back to dad.

"Could I get my allowance early? 'Cause I don't think what I have right now is gonna be enough!" Your brow furrowed as your young brain tried to work through the motions of mathematics well in advance of what you actually knew.

He laughed and nodded at your request. "Only if you promise not to waste it on candies! I want you to think about how you spend money, my sweet. It's important." He began to write on a piece of parchment, handing it over to you. You could count high enough to figure out how much money was on this! 30 Thaler, addressed to you.

You stared at the piece of paper, picturing all the candy stores in Marienburg. You knew all the best ones! There's so many you could have given your allowance to. Thinking hard though, you realised that you didn't know anything about owning shops! But you did know someone who was the absolute best at it! You handed it back to your Dad. He raised an eyebrow, and he looked down at you with a confused expression. "I wanna invest in you, you're the smartest dad ever!" You declared, proudly. He took the piece of paper and turned it over in his hand. You could hear the scratch of his quill, but you were far too busy giving him a hug to know what he was writing.

"Well, you've invested in the right man, sweetness. Why don't you and I go get some candies from the kitchen to celebrate?" That gets your attention, and you look at him excitedly as, despite being almost 5, he picked you up, cradling you in one arm, he effortlessly carries you off to the kitchen.

Foundational Trait gained - Queen of the Purse


Your fifth birthday was a truly spectacular affair, dozens of merchants in the gaudiest outfits you'd ever seen coming to pay their respects to you. And to dad, of course! He was the Mayor after all!. The pile of gifts in the middle of the room was a fixture of your attention, as your circle of close friends (Minus Ranald, dad said he was too scruffy for this party! Which was mean, but also true. He barely bathed!) chatterd away, you were mostly focused on a gift you had gotten at the start of the day from your Dad. An abacus!

You clacked away with it, eagerly experimenting with all the kinds of number combinations, working far faster than you could have managed in your own head. You are drawn away when you catch a tall, dark looking figure out of the corner of your eye. Looking up, you recognise it as your favouritest uncle! Marius!

"How is my favourite niece enjoying her birthday?" He asks, holding something behind his back as you rise up to give him a hug, and he returns it, rubbing your head affectionately.

"I'm doing good! Look at what I can do now!" You beg him for an equation, and he gives you something easy, that you could do in your head. You pout as you work, solving it extremely quickly with the aid of your new toy. He seems slightly startled with how quickly you work, but nevertheless gives you a grin and another head ruffle, congratulating you as your father approaches.

"Marius, good to see you." He clasps your uncle's hand firmly, doing that weird handshake they always use. You huff in frustration as they begin to talk, taking all the wind out of your accomplishment. The boy you had yet to notice stepped away from Marius's side, towards you.

"Hello, Princess. I'm Prince Karl, son of Prince Marius." He introduced himself, and you looked him over. He had the same mop of dark black hair on his head, ruddy red cheeks and a bright white smile as he extended his hand. You take it, slightly unsure, and the older boy practically shakes your arm off!

"It's good to meet you! Father has been meaning to introduce us, given what will happen." His speech is just like dad uses when he's entertaining guests at a formal dinner! The one where you have to put on that stupidly big puffy dress. He's even dressed like the boys at those parties, cravat puffed out to a silly degree.

"I am Princess Magritta, of Marienburg." You stiffly reply, not sure what to make of him. He's not like any of your male friends. He's too...you don't know the word for it!

"And I am Prince of the greatest city in the Empire!" You shake your head because that's just dumb! No city is better than Marienburg!

"I'm already Princess of Marienburg, and I don't have any brothers." He looks put out by your response and takes a step backward. He starts eyeing you a bit, and you grin proudly back at him. Nobody's city is better than yours!

"Yes, well….once our fathers are finished discussing things I suppose I shall be a Prince of Marienburg by marriage!" Your prideful grin fades at that announcement. You remember one of your friend's sisters talking about her dad arranging her marriage, but...

"What?" That's not….dad wouldn't do that! You like uncle Marius heaps but his son seems really weird! Dad's super nice, so you know he'd ask you first. Any worry fades when you catch your father and uncle Marius returning. He looks even more pale than usual, and you suddenly worry he's become sick. You're about to ask when he puts his hand on Karl's head.

"I'm sorry to interrupt, son. We can't stay, I've been informed of some issues in Altdorf, we have to leave at once." Your dad says something to Marius, but you can't understand what. Karl looks upset, sighing as he offers you his hand. You give him a handshake as your favouritest uncle pulls out a small book, with 'MAGRITTA'S LEDGER' inscribed along the front in gold.

"I knew you were a smart girl, so I've gotten you this. To help keep track of all the money you'll one day have." You take it and turn it over in one hand, and smile up at him. You wish he could stay, but you'll settle for hugs and head pats.

Soon after, he's gone. You get back to your party, comforting Ailan as her father fails to show up, arguing with friends over which gift is best, and marveling them with your incredible, unbeatable skills at addition!

Gained gifts - Abacus, Merchant's Ledger.
Yes this was a very enjoyable read. Not easy to write a child credibly, especially in the warhammer setting, but you are pulling it off quite well!