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There were few things you've wanted in life. Yet, as cruel as the world was, the things that one...
Daily School Life - 0


Ostensibly Hope
There were few things you've wanted in life. Yet, as cruel as the world was, the things that one wanted were never the easily accessible ones. The kind of goals which you'd set would turn into a long list of failures. Regardless, your mother has taught you that no matter how hard it was, if you smiled, things would turn out okay.

So you smiled a lot. Through the disdainful stares of your father, and the occasions when your mother would get that far away look in her eyes, as if she was seeing someone else where you stood. When your brother got hurt by her, you smiled, trying to cheer him up. Maybe that wasn't the best choice, he didn't seem very happy.

You haven't seen your mother since then. Your big sister said she was at the hospital, but you couldn't visit her. Dad still came home every day as if nothing had happened.

It took you years to realize what had happened. How he had broken her down until she saw no other way to escape him. How he forced this marriage on her for his own ego. Yet, despite all that, you smiled at him when he passed you in the house.

You'd show him that despite his attempts to raise your brother to become the greatest hero, you'd take that title.

Because your father, Todoroki Enji, was an arrogant prick.

A letter had arrived just a few days ago, addressed to you. Well, multiple letters really, but only one of them mattered.

What were the names written on the envelopes?

[] Todoroki ______

This is where most of your issues were stemming from. Three recommendation letters from three separate schools. You can't really attend all of them, and whichever you choose is likely going to be the one you're stuck with for the rest of your education. The fact that your name was what earned you those letters left a bad taste in your mouth, but it didn't matter-

You'd have passed any exam they gave you anyway.

In the end, though, the choice was clear.

What did that clarity lead you to?

[] U.A. High, your father's alma mater and your brother's chosen school. It has some of the best facilities in the world, not just the country, and peerless teachers.
[] Shiketsu High, a more militant and proper school. Students are expected to uphold the values of the school even outside of the premises. Some heroes from that school are in the top pro hero rankings nowadays.
[] Ketsubutsu Academy, a public-funded hero school, remarkably resilient even in the times where most children prefer the private schools. One might say it's a place for rejects that didn't make the cut elsewhere, but their students have often clashed with those of U.A. during inter school events, and not rarely come out victorious.

Sure, you haven't inherited the same quirk as your twin, but that didn't matter to you. People who used their quirks as an excuse to decide on who could or couldn't be a successful hero were just like your father. You had your own aces up your sleeves. If you had to describe your quirk, you'd say it's...

[] … like the spotlight shining onto a movie star.
[] … kind of a drag to explain.
[] … unappealing and loud, like a kindergarten class.
[] … a vegetable knife, straight and narrow.
Character Sheet
Todoroki Rin
First-Year Shiketsu High Student
(Endeavor's Daughter)

Age: 15

Quirk: Rime

Your Quirk allows you to draw moisture from the air and freeze it into ice crystals at a rapid pace. The crystals form a thin sheet on your body, which you can manipulate into any form you wish, whether that's a proper suit or a proper dress. The ice might be thin, but sturdy and shiny, allowing you to stand out and increase the power of your punches or kicks. In rainy weather or near large bodies of water, your power turns ridiculously strong.
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Current Goals and Obsessions
Goal-based Advancement
EXP bars and the like don't fit into my idea of the setting. As you are a student, and aren't just supposed to grind power levels up to a max, you're going to make a list of goals. Things that you wish to accomplish, be their minor or major, with bonuses and perks granted based on how and how well you accomplish (or fail) those goals. Being able to come back from a failure is as important as taking the momentum of your successes and building up on them. Goals are split up into three categories.

Minor goals grant you minor perks. These might not always improve your overall skill at being a hero, but can be things like a 'healthy state of mind' for a given period, or 'a favor you can call in'. Minor goals are usually easy to accomplish. At any given point, you have three minor goals.

Major goals grant you more significant perks. Achieving a major goal can take up an entire arc, or sometimes more. There's a good chance you fail them if you don't dedicate yourself enough, and even then, not all things we set out to do might work. Achieving a major goal often comes with a good, tall step into the direction of becoming a successful hero. At any given point you have up to two major goals.

Obsessions. You, Todoroki Rin, are spiteful. There's possibly no other hero in the world who has become such out of such hostile emotions. Where others see a weakness, you have a certain drive. You can't always pick your obsessions, and there's no limit to how many you can have, but achieving them has consequences on a scale that you can't fathom. Simply having an obsession can shift where things go.

Minor Goals:
Dealing with Shoto.

Make a nice costume, half of being a hero is how you present yourself!

Get the top-score in the next exam!

Major Goals:

Become Class Rep!!!
Shiketsu chooses their class reps not just among those with the best grades, but those who uphold the values of the school the best. Establishing yourself as Class Rep is just one more step into the direction of being a top ranked pro hero.


Spite towards Endeavor
Your entire reason to apply to hero school. You want to surpass him to look down on him and crush him mentally, as he did to your mother.

Envy towards Shoto
Your relationship with your brother is strained, to say the least. Though you wouldn't say you hate him, it's hard to look at him. It's easy to forget that it was Endeavor, not Shoto, who caused your mother to be hospitalized. His scar is a reminder of your failure to protect her.

Daily School Life Arc
Yoarashi Inasa's Eyes
That look in his eyes makes you uncomfortable. He reminds me too much of your father. He's too young to look at people like that, whatever your family has done to him might end up biting you in the back eventually, you're going to have to deal with that sooner rather than later.

Success comes with perks
[You've Won A Fight]
The way you've won it might make some people think you were violent, but to those with keen eyes, you've shown a great deal of restraint. Sunbreaker has his eye on you, and some of your classmates have respect for your fighting prowess. (The fact that your quirk was a hard counter to hers is conveniently ignored).

You've also won a little sister.
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[X] Torodoki Rin
Rin is a good name. A solid name. A proud name. The sort of name a Best Girl would have. It should be ours!
[X] Shiketsu High
If our stated goal is to overcome our brother, we should do it a different school. Mostly because then when we fight him and beat him up, we'll get praised for it!
[X] … kind of a drag to explain.
Everyone knows it's a standard of questing to pick the most esoteric option available even if there's something more sensible available, and I see no reason not to continue the trend!
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[X] Todoroki Himari
Disregard Magery, acquire non-fate name. Himari is weirdly sweet for a girl from marriage like that, but whatever.
[X] Shiketsu Academy
[X] … kind of a drag to explain.
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Ok, so I mostly just like the sound of the first power description for no reason. Then, trying to think of names that would fit that, I suggest the highly generic Hikari meaning "light".

[x] Todoroki Hikari
[x] … like the spotlight shining onto a movie star.

No idea about school choice there. I agree with Magery about not doing UA, but can't decide between the others.
[X] Todoroki Rin 轟 凛

凛 - Rin, meaning cold, severe, dignified totally sounds like something Endeavour would call his child. All his children are named after something to do with fire or ice (Shōto - freeze, Fuyumi - Winter, Natsuo - Summer, Toya - Lamp Arrow(?). Thanks to @Erebeal for pointing that out to me).

[X] … like the spotlight shining onto a movie star.

And now, to directly juxtaposition the above, let's have our protagonist be somewhat cheerful, or as much as someone can from the Todoroki family anyway. Doom and gloom is miserable to read :V

[X] Shiketsu High, a more militant and proper school. Students are expected to uphold the values of the school even outside of the premises. Some heroes from that school are in the top pro hero rankings nowadays.

I don't think Endeavour would send one of his failures through UA, and honestly? A change of setting and a chance to play around with new characters would be greatly appreciated. Maybe he sent her here to straighten out her attitude? Maybe she wants to show up her brother and can't stand to be associated with the same place as her father? Plenty of interesting narrative angles to be found.

Plus the uniform looks awesome.
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Ok, I'm convinced by @Xepheria
[X] Todoroki Rin
[X] … like the spotlight shining onto a movie star.
[X] Shiketsu High, a more militant and proper school. Students are expected to uphold the values of the school even outside of the premises. Some heroes from that school are in the top pro hero rankings nowadays.

Also, even better, we can have Rinrin as a perfectly legit nickname meaning literally double cold (凛々)

that being said, if people want to be straight like a vegetable knife I'd recommend Hitomi (一冬深). Characters being one winter intensify, with one often being used in words meaning straight. It fits so well. It's clearly meant to be.
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[x] Todoroki Hikari
[x] … like the spotlight shining onto a movie star.
[X] U.A. High, your father's alma mater and your brother's chosen school. It has some of the best facilities in the world, not just the country, and peerless teachers.

Would be interesting to contrast our twin and honesty its just too different going to Shiketsu High even if we did get named characters from that school.
[X] Todoroki Hitomi
[X] a vegetable knife, straight and narrow
[X] Shiketsu High, a more militant and proper school. Students are expected to uphold the values of the school even outside of the premises. Some heroes from that school are in the top pro hero rankings nowadays.





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Would be interesting to contrast our twin and honesty its just too different going to Shiketsu High even if we did get named characters from that school.
Mmm, the worry I'd have with UA is that it's easy for such things to slip into "canon rehash but with OC" rather than the story doing its own thing... Going to another school forces that - though you're right that it loses the opportunities to play of our twin.
Mmm, the worry I'd have with UA is that it's easy for such things to slip into "canon rehash but with OC" rather than the story doing its own thing... Going to another school forces that - though you're right that it loses the opportunities to play of our twin.
Admins are unlikely to put siblings into the same class. If you're expecting to mess around in canon stuff, you're in for a bad time.
[X] Torodoki Rin
[X] a vegetable knife, straight and narrow
[X] Ketsubutsu Academy, a public-funded hero school, remarkably resilient even in the times where most children prefer the private schools. One might say it's a place for rejects that didn't make the cut elsewhere, but their students have often clashed with those of U.A. during inter school events, and not rarely come out victorious.
[X] Todoroki Rin
[X] … like the spotlight shining onto a movie star.
[X] Shiketsu High, a more militant and proper school. Students are expected to uphold the values of the school even outside of the premises. Some heroes from that school are in the top pro hero rankings nowadays.
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[X] Todoroki Rin
[X] Shiketsu High, a more militant and proper school. Students are expected to uphold the values of the school even outside of the premises. Some heroes from that school are in the top pro hero rankings nowadays.
[X] … kind of a drag to explain.

edit: I forgot badass Inasa goes to Shiketsu. changing my vote
Adhoc vote count started by JiggyStreet on Jan 7, 2019 at 10:40 AM, finished with 26 posts and 16 votes.
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[X] Todoroki Rin
[X] … like the spotlight shining onto a movie star.
[X] Shiketsu High, a more militant and proper school. Students are expected to uphold the values of the school even outside of the premises. Some heroes from that school are in the top pro hero rankings nowadays.

Disregard this (and sanity too), pursue Toga.
would that even be possible? (I mean just out of curiosity not some weird attraction or anything, even if she is kinda scary hot:oops:)
[X] Torodoki Rin
[X] a vegetable knife, straight and narrow
[X] Ketsubutsu Academy, a public-funded hero school, remarkably resilient even in the times where most children prefer the private schools. One might say it's a place for rejects that didn't make the cut elsewhere, but their students have often clashed with those of U.A. during inter school events, and not rarely come out victorious.
[X] Todoroki Himari
[X] Ketsubutsu Academy
[X] … kind of a drag to explain.
[X] Todoroki Rin
[X] … like the spotlight shining onto a movie star.
[X] Shiketsu High, a more militant and proper school. Students are expected to uphold the values of the school even outside of the premises. Some heroes from that school are in the top pro hero rankings nowadays.

Military uniform, check. Flashy quirk, check. Goal to one up the rest of the family, CHECK.
[X] Todoroki Rin
[X] … kind of a drag to explain.
[X] Shiketsu High, a more militant and proper school. Students are expected to uphold the values of the school even outside of the premises. Some heroes from that school are in the top pro hero rankings nowadays.