Bite (In Which An Unfortunate Vampire Has An Unfortunate Time)

[x] Contain your temper, don't dismember him. Just ask him how to contact....Izzy...

He's cooperating but god I want to sock him good

[x] Make your threats a bit more... concrete. If just threatening him won't convince him to help you, perhaps thrashing him will.
[x] Make your threats a bit more... concrete. If just threatening him won't convince him to help you, perhaps thrashing him will.
[X] Fuck him, actually. You don't want what he has to know. Tear him to shreds and put a stake through his heart before he has a chance to object. BITE be damned.
[X] Convince him to talk by keeping your temper in check, cooperating with his worthless games, and keeping the brat placated.
-[X] Once you're done getting information, leave him on a wooden stake to let him think for a few hours about everything he's done wrong since meeting you.
You sigh in something close to relief as you make your decision, a smile crossing your lips as you show just the barest hint of your fangs. Until now your abject rage hasn't done much to make him uncomfortable, but as you grin with a dark satisfaction, you finally see the flickers of fear cross his face. At the moment, you can hardly conceive of anything more satisfying than that.

"Clearly, we're not going to be able to settle this like civilized people or even any sort of approximation to such. And so we're going to settle it a different way. My way. The fun way."

He scoffs. "Is that all? For a second there I was scared that you-"

You slam the heel of your hand into his nose and feel it crunch instantly, the entire structure of his skull bristling with cracks. He's weak. So deliciously weak that your mind immediately jumps to ways to extend this "fight."

The impact of your punch sends him sliding backward, before rolling heels-over-head down the street and into a group of zombies he knocks over like bowling pins. He climbs groggily to his feet, before shaking his head. You note his obvious pain when he does so and close in on it, diving in and slamming a fist into his temple before kicking his gut and sending him flying through the air away from you. You grin, watching him fall. Moments before he hits the ground, though, you feel something.

Call it a sixth sense, or perhaps it's merely your usual senses picking up on a change of air pressure behind you, but you feel something there and turn, just in time for a rotten fist, its skin already peeling, to collide with your chest and drop you immediately to the ground. A few of your ribs are fractured, but ultimately the punch accomplished little but to get your attention.

Another zombie, from the looks of him. From the feel of that punch, a super zombie. However, it's immediately obvious to you that it's not as strong as the first one you fought. It simply didn't hit as hard. It steps closer and reaches out with its open jaws to bite you, but you backhand it away and leap back to your feet, your chest already mending. You turn back to where you punted Lan and see him getting to his feet. Red blood is drooling from his mouth, but it shares its place with a grin. Did he know this thing was going to attack? Was he somehow commanding it?

You don't let him hold your attention for long, turning back to the super-zombie. It's righted itself and is once again approaching you. You pounce on it, using the same strategy as before. You strike at its head to knock it off-balance, before slamming your heel into its knee. You feel tendons stretch to the breaking point, but you haven't actually shattered any bones yet. At this point, you're uncomfortably close to the creature and you push it away. Still, excepting its sucker-punch, you're as-of-yet untouched in this encounter. You're doing rather well for yourself, wouldn't you say?

The undead creature is healing before your eyes, and you decide to press the offensive- your peripheral vision barely picks up on a fast-moving object in time for you to duck under it. In a moment you catch sight of the object's identity- the spinning heel of a certain smirking "funnyman." The moment he lands after his failed kick, he leaps- no, backflips over to the side of the super-zombie, before exaggeratedly bowing in your direction.

"I assume from the fact that Rick never checked back in that you're already acquainted with my Double-Ds. These babies are my personal strike force, generously provided by the Master himself. If ya'd come quietly and sign up, you could get two or three yourself!"

You step back, getting yourself into a proper solid stance. You grin at him. "And if none are still alive for me to take?"

"Oh no. You wouldn't darrrreeeee, would you?"

He winks. You pounce. He's weak and injured, a practically newborn redblood. Probably low-blooded as well. Even as he leaps back and his "Double-D" takes the hit for him, he refuses to shut up.

"Technically, I believe BITE calls them "Risen," but I honestly thought that was pretty lame. Thus, my own little personal moniker, the double-dead! Or, if you're not a spoilsport, the Double-Ds!"

As he speaks, you're currently in the process of spoiling his sport, tearing the right arm from the creature. "Risen" works fine for you, though you hate to, even indirectly, agree with this "Master" character. You kick it away and dive toward him, low to the ground. You even go as far as to grip the ground and pull yourself to him, closer and faster. He tries to leap away, but isn't fast enough. You slam him back down into the ground, shattering concrete around him as you do so. The rapidly-regenerating Risen charges you from behind, but you vault yourself off of Lan's body.

You are now, very definitely, "in the zone." So much so that when you sense another pair of eyes on you and glance up to see another rotten-looking fellow hanging from a street lamp, it not only doesn't sour your mood- it improves it. You twist your neck back to Lan. "Another of yours?"

"Third and final, C-C-C-COUNT!"

With that and a flourish, he presses one hand into the ground and throws himself into the air by it, kicking his legs in the air like an urban dancer, before landing. "Wanna get acquainted?"

This new "Risen," this one clearly female, leaps at you from its perch. It's quick, but you have little trouble slamming a fist into it as it drops, cracking its collar bone. It never even falls, righting itself in midair and landing on its feet. By the time its managed this, the first Risen has gotten to its feet and is attacking you, its severed arm perhaps a quarter of the way to regenerating. You catch its southpaw punch on your forearm and step back barely in time to avoid a savage-looking bite.

Your eyes flash to Lan for a split-second. He's far from recovered but is back on the offensive. You feel exhilerated. It's been very literally centuries since you've been able to enjoy a fight like this. Against the Janissary recently, your pleasure was soured by the holy silver wounds burning your very soul. Against the previous "Risen," that same pleasure was held back by your confusion- and indeed by the ease with which you defeated the creature.

Now? It's a three-on-one fight against regenerating, supernatural monsters, one of whom you want almost more than anything to punch until he's just sort of twitching. You are having more fun than you imagined possible, and you've just gotten started.

The female leaps at you once again, and you roll underneath it, leaving it, the male, and Lan all on one side of you, with nothing but darkness at your back. You lick your lips.

It's gametime.

[] Write in...
Double-Ds? DDs? Dudes? I'm okay with calling them dudes.

Does it take effort to command them effectively, I wonder? They do not look very bright, but from time to time we feel as if someone stares at us through their eyes. Can one 'assume direct control' to make them fight better? Or rather, do they do worse when one does not have time to direct them? That might be something that could decide our strategy here.

Anyone wants to try rushing Lan?
[X] Sure, they're fairly agile and can easily damage you, but not so much after you shred their heads off. Whenever you can, use your hand like a knife to decapitate the risen, then if you can manage it, crush the head.
-[X] However, more important then neturalizing them is making sure you don't get hit. Keep awareness of your surroundings and don't let them get a bite out of you, even if it means you take them down with a mutual strike. You're not some mortal with a giant sword meant to slay dragons, you're a vampire, and it's preferable that you don't infect whatever you make your next snack.

Adhoc vote count started by DMUA on Jan 12, 2019 at 7:33 PM, finished with 24 posts and 14 votes.

  • [x] Make your threats a bit more... concrete. If just threatening him won't convince him to help you, perhaps thrashing him will.
    [X] You swiftly follow the escaping figure.
    - [X] Trail him to where he's heading
    [X] Fuck him, actually. You don't want what he has to know. Tear him to shreds and put a stake through his heart before he has a chance to object. BITE be damned.
    [X] Convince him to talk by keeping your temper in check, cooperating with his worthless games, and keeping the brat placated.
    [x] Contain your temper, don't dismember him. Just ask him how to contact....Izzy...
    [x] Contain your temper, don't dismember him. Just ask him how to contact....Izzy...
    [X] Sure, they're fairly agile and can easily damage you, but not so much after you shred their heads off. Whenever you can, use your hand like a knife to decapitate the risen, then if you can manage it, crush the head.
    -[X] However, more important then neturalizing them is making sure you don't get hit. Keep awareness of your surroundings and don't let them get a bite out of you, even if it means you take them down with a mutual strike.
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Adhoc vote count started by DMUA on Jan 14, 2019 at 6:31 PM, finished with 19 posts and 12 votes.

  • [x] Make your threats a bit more... concrete. If just threatening him won't convince him to help you, perhaps thrashing him will.
    [X] Sure, they're fairly agile and can easily damage you, but not so much after you shred their heads off. Whenever you can, use your hand like a knife to decapitate the risen, then if you can manage it, crush the head.
    -[X] However, more important then neturalizing them is making sure you don't get hit. Keep awareness of your surroundings and don't let them get a bite out of you, even if it means you take them down with a mutual strike. You're not some mortal with a giant sword meant to slay dragons, you're a vampire, and it's preferable that you don't infect whatever you make your next snack.
    [X] Convince him to talk by keeping your temper in check, cooperating with his worthless games, and keeping the brat placated.
    [X] Fuck him, actually. You don't want what he has to know. Tear him to shreds and put a stake through his heart before he has a chance to object. BITE be damned.
    [x] Contain your temper, don't dismember him. Just ask him how to contact....Izzy...
    [x] Contain your temper, don't dismember him. Just ask him how to contact....Izzy...
    [X] Lan is very obviously a baby in the world of Vampires, and we've already fought and bested one of these "Risen." Individually they're nothing compared to us, together they're providing more fun than we've had in centuries. It's time we kick it up a notch, and show them what it means to be Count Zelemir, all in the name of fun.
    -[X] Focus first on incapacitating Lan. Crushing the bones in his legs or even dismembering them will ensure he can't go anywhere, and provide him with a great seat to watch as we play with his "Double-Ds." After that, its play time with the Risen. Go berserk, and tear them both limb from limb before going in for the kill. Don't hold back, show Lan what it means to be an actual Vampire.
    -[X] Once the Risen have been dealt with, go back to Lan and make him more agreeable to talk with, by crushing every bone in his body. If need be, we can show him the shiny present we've got hidden in our pack, and promise him that it'll hurt him much more than it hurts us.
[X] Sure, they're fairly agile and can easily damage you, but not so much after you shred their heads off. Whenever you can, use your hand like a knife to decapitate the risen, then if you can manage it, crush the head.
-[X] However, more important then neturalizing them is making sure you don't get hit. Keep awareness of your surroundings and don't let them get a bite out of you, even if it means you take them down with a mutual strike. You're not some mortal with a giant sword meant to slay dragons, you're a vampire, and it's preferable that you don't infect whatever you make your next snack.
[X] Lan is very obviously a baby in the world of Vampires, and we've already fought and bested one of these "Risen." Individually they're nothing compared to us, together they're providing more fun than we've had in centuries. It's time we kick it up a notch, and show them what it means to be Count Zelemir, all in the name of fun.
-[X] Focus first on incapacitating Lan. Crushing the bones in his legs or even dismembering them will ensure he can't go anywhere, and provide him with a great seat to watch as we play with his "Double-Ds." After that, its play time with the Risen. Go berserk, and tear them both limb from limb before going in for the kill. Don't hold back, show Lan what it means to be an actual Vampire.
-[X] Once the Risen have been dealt with, go back to Lan and make him more agreeable to talk with, by crushing every bone in his body. If need be, we can show him the shiny present we've got hidden in our pack, and promise him that it'll hurt him much more than it hurts us.
I'm afraid I need a bit more votes than this to choose a course of action, I'm afraid.
[X] Sure, they're fairly agile and can easily damage you, but not so much after you shred their heads off. Whenever you can, use your hand like a knife to decapitate the risen, then if you can manage it, crush the head.
-[X] However, more important then neturalizing them is making sure you don't get hit. Keep awareness of your surroundings and don't let them get a bite out of you, even if it means you take them down with a mutual strike. You're not some mortal with a giant sword meant to slay dragons, you're a vampire, and it's preferable that you don't infect whatever you make your next snack.