Once the Mystery Crossover is revealed/dicovered, should it be added to the title?

  • Yes

    Votes: 23 85.2%
  • No

    Votes: 4 14.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Edit: I mean, we no longer have -E Social Maneuver, but it's Junko. With SHSL Analyst powers, there's no way we can lie convincingly enough to her face and not have her find out. And even if the conversation was over the phone or text or something, she'd still figure something out. It's Junko.

What's weird is that the most drastic visible option says IF she finds out while the less drastic one says she WILL(Makoto option might end up being more drastic but would likely pull us closer to being a part of his faction which I don't want in particular). For all we know this is so out of what Junko sees our character as she might actually make a slip up and we'd be able to take refuge in audacity. She may see pretty much everything(except whatever is going on with Makoto which is one of the scarier things about him) but she can misinterpret what she sees. Also kinda want to see what a livid Junko looks like.

Besides Junko has already lost one of her biggest aces which was getting Izuru on her side so now might be a good time to start breaking away.

Wait has Junko gotten her hands on the five tyke bombs(actually 4 type bombs and one tyke nuke) yet or do we not know?
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I don't think we know that just yet. I don't recall any mention of the Warriors of Hope/Hope's Peak Elementary kids.

Although that's right, she did lose Izuru, didn't she? I think we probably have Makoto to blame for that. SMAC tech is probably too tempting for him to investigate/take apart/whatever to resist an offer of joining Makoto's faction.

Also, I totally didn't notice the if/will thing. Hm. So there might be a chance she won't after all? But if it's up to a dice roll, then...I wouldn't really want to bet on that.
[X] Call Kyouko and tell her what happened. Then pretend like you didn't do that. (+10% Despair, -10% Junko dependency, +???% ???, Junko will be livid if she finds out, choose another option)
Although that's right, she did lose Izuru, didn't she? I think we probably have Makoto to blame for that. SMAC tech is probably too tempting for him to investigate/take apart/whatever to resist an offer of joining Makoto's faction.
Just wanted to comment on that. Sure at first he'd find the SMAC tech exciting as its completely unknown to him, but he be able to figure it all out very quickly as he has the Ultimate Mechanic, Ultimate Programmer, and Ultimate Analyst talents as well as any other relevant talents due to his nature as a conglomerate of all talents. The only thing that let Junko get him on side was seeing just how UNPREDICTABLE humans could act when pushed the right way. Izuru Kamakura CRAVES the unknown and unpredictable because of how boring his talents makes his existence. So either he was shown tech that was so unbelievably complex that even the conglomerate of all talents was unable to figure it out or he was shown something else that he couldn't just figure out after thinking for a few minutes(like the effects on people that despair can bring).
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[] Call Kyouko and tell her what happened. Then pretend like you didn't do that. (+10% Despair, -10% Junko dependency, +???% ???, Junko will be livid if she finds out, choose another option)

Threadmark the update please

Edit:Changed my vote
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Just wanted to comment on that. Sure at first he'd find the SMAC tech exciting as its completely unknown to him, but he be able to figure it all out very quickly as he has the Ultimate Mechanic, Ultimate Programmer, and Ultimate Analyst talents as well as any other relevant talents due to his nature as a conglomerate of all talents. The only thing that let Junko get him on side was seeing just how UNPREDICTABLE humans could act when pushed the right way. Izuru Kamakura CRAVES the unknown and unpredictable because of how boring his talents makes his existence. So either he was shown tech that was so unbelievably complex that even the conglomerate of all talents was unable to figure it out or he was shown something else that he couldn't just figure out after thinking for a few minutes(like the effects on people that despair can bring).
I don't know if it would count, but maybe he was shown some psychic stuff that blatantly broke the laws of physics or whatever? And since even someone with all that talent (including SHSL Physicist) probably wouldn't be able to figure out how something like that broke the laws of physics just by thinking on it for a couple of minutes, that, to me, seems like it would be enough to temporarily sway Izuru. At least until he figured it out. Which could take anywhere from a couple of hours (to the end of this operation) to a couple of days/weeks. Because let's be honest, it's Izuru we're talking here. He would, at most, need like a week or so for something truly and spectacularly outrageous. But even that might just be enough.

of course, we're making all kinds of assumptions here, but speculating is half the fun, innit? :V
Update threadmarked. Sorry about that. Not going to add anything to this discussion, though, besides the fact that I don't really roll dice for this quest unless it's for truly random things. That's not to say that the "if" issue will be entirely player driven (it will involve at least Mukuro and Kyouko both keeping the secret, so Kyouko's actions in the background will have effect), but I'm not planning on making any rolls to keep it.
I wonder if we can do something like this? Since informing Kyouko of what happened would not conflict with the other options.

[X] Call Kyouko and tell her what happened. Then pretend like you didn't do that. (+10% Despair, -10% Junko dependency, +???% ???, Junko will be livid if she finds out, choose another option)
-[X] Call Makoto and ask him what he was doing in the Neurology department. (???)
Adhoc vote count started by shanagan on Dec 30, 2018 at 9:34 PM, finished with 10 posts and 4 votes.

  • [X] Call Kyouko and tell her what happened. Then pretend like you didn't do that. (+10% Despair, -10% Junko dependency, +???% ???, Junko will be livid if she finds out, choose another option)

Adhoc vote count started by shanagan on Dec 30, 2018 at 10:43 PM, finished with 12 posts and 4 votes.

  • [X] Call Kyouko and tell her what happened. Then pretend like you didn't do that. (+10% Despair, -10% Junko dependency, +???% ???, Junko will be livid if she finds out, choose another option)
    [X] Call Kyouko and tell her what happened. Then pretend like you didn't do that. (+10% Despair, -10% Junko dependency, +???% ???, Junko will be livid if she finds out, choose another option)
    -[X] Stash the robot somewhere else, for Junko to look over later. (-20% Despair, +15% Junko Dependency)
    [X] Call Kyouko and tell her what happened. Then pretend like you didn't do that. (+10% Despair, -10% Junko dependency, +???% ???, Junko will be livid if she finds out, choose another option)
    -[X] Call Makoto and ask him what he was doing in the Neurology department. (???)

Adhoc vote count started by shanagan on Dec 31, 2018 at 1:14 AM, finished with 14 posts and 6 votes.

  • [X] Call Kyouko and tell her what happened. Then pretend like you didn't do that. (+10% Despair, -10% Junko dependency, +???% ???, Junko will be livid if she finds out, choose another option)
    -[X] Call Makoto and ask him what he was doing in the Neurology department. (???)
    [X] Call Kyouko and tell her what happened. Then pretend like you didn't do that. (+10% Despair, -10% Junko dependency, +???% ???, Junko will be livid if she finds out, choose another option)
    [X] Wait for the school, and give an excuse as to why you're out past curfew. (+5% Despair, -5% Junko Dependency, Junko will be very upset when she finds out)
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Yup. The Kyouko option will default to waiting for security if not paired with anything else, but you can choose anything else if you like.
Yup. The Kyouko option will default to waiting for security if not paired with anything else, but you can choose anything else if you like.
Oh that's what you meant by choose another option. We can add a sub vote. Well then this will be my new vote

[X] Call Kyouko and tell her what happened. Then pretend like you didn't do that. (+10% Despair, -10% Junko dependency, +???% ???, Junko will be livid if she finds out, choose another option)
-[X] Call Makoto and ask him what he was doing in the Neurology department. (???)

Because while I do have concerns about Makoto trying to bring us to his faction I'm always up for the mystery box. Plus he could help offset the Despair gain, boost our JDEP drop, or even reveal more info to us.

[X] Call Kyouko and tell her what happened. Then pretend like you didn't do that. (+10% Despair, -10% Junko dependency, +???% ???, Junko will be livid if she finds out, choose another option)
-[X] Stash the robot somewhere else, for Junko to look over later. (-20% Despair, +15% Junko Dependency)

I do want to point out that the end result of that combo is terrible as we gain 5% JDEP, loose 10 Despair(which is not a good enough trade off in my opinion). Side effects are that Junko gets to look over the bot but could turn out livid if she finds out about us telling Kyouko about the bot. Basically if we go with call Kyouko we should really go all in. As @Karnewarrior said we need to lower the JDEP or we WILL die either at Junko's own hands ala canon or at the hands of a rival faction aiming to weaken DESPAIR.

Also I just though about it but I have NO idea what +???% could be as JDEP and Despair are already accounted for. Only thing I can think of is a hidden additional modifier to Despair/JDEP.
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[X] Wait for the school, and give an excuse as to why you're out past curfew. (+5% Despair, -5% Junko Dependency, Junko will be very upset when she finds out)
[X] Call Kyouko and tell her what happened. Then pretend like you didn't do that. (+10% Despair, -10% Junko dependency, +???% ???, Junko will be livid if she finds out, choose another option)
-[X] Call Makoto and ask him what he was doing in the Neurology department. (???)

Oh, so that's why you said choose another option. I thought it was a warning from Mukuro's inner instincts. Welp.
[X] Call Kyouko and tell her what happened. Then pretend like you didn't do that. (+10% Despair, -10% Junko dependency, +???% ???, Junko will be livid if she finds out, choose another option)
-[X] Call Makoto and ask him what he was doing in the Neurology department. (???)

Yay mystery boxes
Who designs a humanoid machine to have vital parts in kidneys!?

The robot didn't seem that much different from what I would expect from DR tech. Its reflexes were uncanny, as was its human likeness, but it was nothing I wouldn't expect the combined efforts of several Ultimates to produce. Definitely some kind of an infiltrator unit. They wouldn't get a dedicated combat bot stuck with a form that was not designed to operate under extreme conditions.

All this talk about Izuru goes right over my head.

...a "Gotcha" instead of self-destruct? They aren't afraid of showing it off, then?

A bit bummed by the reveal we have to get the JDEP down to zero or no factions for us. I thought something like 20% is low enough to start acting behind the back... hey, we are actually doing it at our level. But eh, mechanics are mechanics.

I like the Kyouko option, less because of the benefits and more because she is the only unaffiliated Analyst we know. The other two, Junko and Makoto, have their agendas we may not be entirely on board with. And if you are to have a faction or even just an independent group of like-minded individuals, it won't go far without one.

[X] Call Kyouko and tell her what happened. Then pretend like you didn't do that. (+10% Despair, -10% Junko dependency, +???% ???, Junko will be livid if she finds out, choose another option)
-[X] Call Makoto and ask him what he was doing in the Neurology department. (???)
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Voting locked. Also, the character sheet has been changed to an accordion, and Aiko has been added. I'll probably get around to adding your teachers and any others in the other's tab... Eventually.

I can't promise that an update is coming today, but I should have some time this week, hopefully. School is starting again, but I quite enjoy running this quest.
And LuciDreamer updated Perfectly Normal High School, so I basically have to keep up. :V
Adhoc vote count started by shanagan on Dec 31, 2018 at 1:14 AM, finished with 14 posts and 6 votes.

  • [X] Call Kyouko and tell her what happened. Then pretend like you didn't do that. (+10% Despair, -10% Junko dependency, +???% ???, Junko will be livid if she finds out, choose another option)
    -[X] Call Makoto and ask him what he was doing in the Neurology department. (???)
    [X] Call Kyouko and tell her what happened. Then pretend like you didn't do that. (+10% Despair, -10% Junko dependency, +???% ???, Junko will be livid if she finds out, choose another option)
    [X] Wait for the school, and give an excuse as to why you're out past curfew. (+5% Despair, -5% Junko Dependency, Junko will be very upset when she finds out)
Operatio III

The name stabs through your brain like a lightning bolt.

And immediately runs into a major issue: Junko.

Your body twitches, as if to pace, but you've got no time to do that. Calling Kyouko is a smart choice; She's the daughter of the Principal, a certified detective (Ultimate Detective, even), level-headed, and kind. On the other hand, Junko despises her beyond all your other classmates. Calling Kyouko is almost a direct betrayal of your sister's trust. Not to mention letting Kyouko know anything even tangenital to the plan is dangerous in the extreme.

You find your phone in your hand before you think to take it out of your pocket. You stare at it long and hard, logical centers fighting against your loyalty to Junko. You shouldn't do this, but you should. You can't call her, but you want to. You shouldn't want to. You should hate her, just like Junko does. That's what family means.

With shaking fingers, you swallow what feels like cotton in your mouth and press the call button.
(-10% Junko Dependency)

bzzt. bzzt. bzzt. Ker-chik.

"This is Kyouko Kirigiri." Comes the cool voice on the other side of the line. You almost feel a shred of concern, but it passes, swallowed by a cool wave of the liquid nitrogen that is Kirigiri's emotions.


You can't say anything. There's a frog in your throat that won't come out, and now Kirigiri thinks you're a weirdo and you've still betrayed Junko and everything is falling apart and- (+10% Despair)

"Ikusaba, are you alright? Should we speak in person?"

"N-no!" You blurt, instinctively pushing the phone away and hissing at your own awkwardness. "I... It's..."

"..." You can hear Kirigiri breathing over the other side of the phone, waiting for you to finish. You think you hear a soft thump, like a book being shut.

"...Do you know... Uh, Robots?" Good job, idiot.

"...Robots." Kirigiri responds with a hint of dryness in her tone. "I'm familiar with the term, yes. What about them?"

"...One attacked me. I killed it."

There's a pregnant pause over the phone, and a slight creaking that makes you think of Kirigiri straightening in her chair. "Explain, please."

It's hard to begin, but once you do, it's easy to continue. You don't outright tell Kirigiri about the plan, of course, but you explain that you saw a mysterious figure enter the Neurology Department building while "outside". You explain what you saw the figure doing, you talk about the odd device he or she used on your grenade, and how they lost you, replacing themselves with a robot duplicate.

After you finish describing your fight with the robot in this laboratory, Kyouko hums. "I see. This is very concerning."

"T-that's an understatement."

"Do you have something sharp on you? A knife perhaps? I'd like you to cut part of the suit on the robot, if you're still at the lab."

"I... Yeah." You don't actually, but this fabric doesn't look to tough. You grip with both hands and pull, and sure enough the fabric tears away with relative ease. All you're presented with, however, is a perfectly smooth chassis. "What am I looking for?" You ask.

"As far as I know, the only company in the world with a working blueprint for a bipedal robot is Touwa Industries - have you seen those advertisements for that maid-bear?"

"The black and white one? Sure." Junko recently expressed an interest in that bear as well, or more specifically the manufacturer. "Why? I don't see any Touwa Industries signs on this thing."

"That's exactly why. If it wasn't Touwa, who was it?"

"Corporate Espionage? The Togami's?"

"Togami Corp? I doubt it - The Togami head and the Touwa CEO are in the same shady secret societies. I wouldn't put it past either of them, but by the same token they don't have anything to gain from doing it underhanded."

"Why am I not surprised that Togami's in the actual Illuminati?" You mutter idly as you try to roll the robot over, looking for any indication it's a Touwa robot. Instead, all you find is perfectly smooth steel.

"Because he's about as subtle about it as a bloodstain on a ballgown." Kirigiri replies.

"Heh. So, something else weird about this thing: it doesn't look like there's any joints, even though it was definitely moving them."

"Hmm." Kyouko hums, saying nothing.

"What are you thinking?"

"...Take some pictures and send them to me over E-mail. Make sure to take more than you'd think you would need. I'm going to contact my Father with a cover story and give you a chance to get out of there."


"Thank you for telling me about this, Mukuro." Kyouko says, letting a bit of earnest emotion slip into her methodical tone. "Make sure to get out safe."

"What about you?"

"I'm going to head to the Neurology department with Fujisaki-san and see if we can't glean something from what was stolen. Given what you told me, this operation was planned a long time ago."

"Oh. Okay."

"Go home and get some rest. Don't worry about the robot - The school will clean it up."

Kirigiri hangs up at that, leaving you alone with the steel machine. At least, you think it's steel.

At least you don't have to drag the thing over to one of the few lockers in the room big enough to hide it. Instead, you slip out of the room and into the hallway. You almost forget to put away your phone, but when you glance down at the weight in your hand something jumps out at you. You're not quite sure when you picked up Makoto's number - probably during one of the times he flirted with you, the embarrassing prat - but it's right below Kyouko's number in your phone. Besides being a poignant reminder of how few contacts you actually have in there, it's also a reminder of something far more subtle and difficult to put into words.

It's a lot easier to call him. You're even the one to speak first.


"Hey, Muumuu! What's-"

"What were you doing in Neurology?" You ask, trying to put as much ice into your tone as possible. You can't reach Kyouko's chilled deadpan, so instead you elect for a significantly more menacing, predatory growl. You even unconsciously back it up physically as your walk down the hall becomes more of a stalk.

"I have no idea what you're talking about." Makoto replies immediately, as if butter wouldn't melt in his mouth. "I've never been to Neurology."

"That's bullshit. I saw you there just a moment ago."

"Can't have. I've been in the first floor girl's bathroom."

"You know where- wait, what?"

"First floor girl's bathroom. The one by the gym?" Makoto says calmly.

"I know where it is!" You snap. "Why the fuck are you in the girl's bathroom?"

"I'm looking for the Chamber of Secrets." He says, unable to keep the amusement out of his voice. "...And helping one of our esteemed Senpai out with a stomach bug. Holding her hair and such."

Sure enough, you pause and there's a soft, female groan. "...I'm coming to supervise you."

"Fair enough, but I'll defend myself by saying I'm perfectly mature enough to-"

Hanging up, you stalk down the remaining two floors and nearly kick down the door to the girl's bathroom. Inside is a collection of stalls, assorted bins, and whatever didn't make it into the bins (Junko in particular loves doing such things to the poor janitorial staff). One of the stalls has the door open, and Makoto's head pops out soon after you enter.

"Hello, Muumuu!" He says like a man who isn't about to be strangled by the Ultimate Soldier in the girl's bathroom. "Say hi, Aiko-senpai."

There's an irritated grunt from inside the stall. You scowl as you turn the corner, finding Aiko-senpai knelt on the floor, her elbows resting on the porcelain. She's not vomiting right now, but judging by the sweat and blush, she's not far off. The yellow jacket you're used to seeing her in is on the floor, leaving her in a pretty generic uniform. Combined with her light brown hair and small stature, she somehow looks incredibly less Ultimate than usual. Almost generic, were it not for her heterochromia.

"Senpai, are you alright?"

She shakes her head. "I've been throwing up for hours. It has to have been something I ate." She retches, but nothing comes out.

"I just found-"

"You shut up." You snap. "Don't think you're out of the woods just because Senpai's here! What were you doing tonight?! Where did that robot come from!? What did you want from the Neurology computers?!"

Makoto raises his hands in front of him. "I didn't do anything, Mukuro! Honest!"

"He's been here since - URK!" Aiko's statement is interrupted by a retch, and the sickening sound of liquid hitting the water at the bottom of the toilet. Makoto jumps to gather her hair behind her head, and the acrid stench of the bathroom grows stronger.

"-Since a little while ago, when I passed by. An hour or so." Makoto finishes for her. "I wanted to get her to the nurse, but she hasn't stopped puking and I couldn't find a bucket."

"Kill me." Aiko croaks into the toilet.

"Later." You mutter idly, earning you a pair of angry looks. "I still don't believe you, Makoto. I know I saw you in the Neurology Department. You attacked me."

Makoto blinks in surprise. "Why in the world would I attack you? Besides the fact that I like you, I'd lose anyway."

You immediately feel a rush of heat to your cheeks. "Y-Y-You!" You stutter. "D-Don't just confess like th-that!"

"Wait, was that a confession?" Makoto asks honestly. Now he's the one on the receiving end of two venomous looks. "What?"

"You better take responsibili- HURGH!" Declares Aiko, the end of her statement vanishing into the toilet.

"Y-You..." You mutter, feeling incredibly conflicted. "Idiot... Idiot!" You can't continue investigating like this. You can barely think of anything except getting away from the source of all your frustration and rage. You storm out of the stall, slamming the bathroom door shut before spying a supply closet. You duck in, grab a bucket, return to the bathroom, and promptly hurl it at Makoto's inquisitive head, again peering out of the stall. It catches him full in the face, and you feel a rush of satisfaction before you slam the door on him again.



Your fury lasts you all the way to your bed before you remember that you completely forgot to debrief Junko.

"She's gonna be mad..." You mutter, drifting off to sleep despite the spike of fear.

You open your eyes to an angry plane of sky blue. There's a weight on your chest.

Junko lifts back, and slams a fist down directly into your eye, to quick even for you to stop. There's a significant throb of pain, enough to make you grunt heavily; you've got a black eye now, for sure.

"Where the fuck did you go last night?!"

"There was a-"

"I know about the little asshole on the cameras. I'm just wondering what my dear sister, who's only good for fighting, was doing not fucking eradicating that motherfucker and coming back to guard her baby sister!"

"I got caught up in-"

"In not even bothering to hide the evidence! The school has that robot now, you stupid cunt!" Junko's hands wrap around your throat, perfectly polished nails digging into the soft meat of your throat deep enough to draw blood. Your instincts scream at you to take her down but... It's Junko. She's probably the only person you could ever lose to, and she's your sister.

"J-Junko, please-"

"No! Do you understand what kind of situation you've put us in?! You're lucky the school thinks the robot killed the Student Council, because we could have been caught!"


"I don't give a shit! If you make one more mistake like this and leave me to clean up your mess a second time, I'm going to cut you out of the plan! You got that?! If you fuck up again, you're going to be waking up in your own tomb!"

"Junko-" You're starting to struggle to breath, and you can feel your own blood rolling down your neck.

Junko leans forward, smiling. "I love you big sis. Don't you love me?"

"I-I love you, Junko-"


"I-I love you!" Junko tightens her grip just a little, and you can feel a hot tear run down your cheek.

"And you're not going to do anything to hurt your little sister again, right?!"

"I p-promise I won't!" You're crying openly now, Junko's words cutting you to the quick.

Junko releases you, and her smile immediately turns innocent. "Good! You know, I really hate when I have to punish you, you know? Like, it hurts me on a deep, emotional level." Junko slides off you and onto the floor, her feet as silent as panther paws. "You already abandoned me at the orphanage to go fight in a war. I could have never seen you again, you know? So, like, please don't hurt me." She fixes you with puppydog eyes.

"I promise." You say, feeling at the small cuts on your neck. You don't think they'll be very noticeable... But the black eye throbbing in your skull might. "Junko... What's the excuse for..."

"Oh, that? Don't worry about it. Everyone already knows you got in a fight with a crazy last night, so just pass it off as that." Your sister shrugs. "I mean, Ultimate Soldier versus Evil Robot? People are probably expecting you to be all bandaged up and badass looking or something." She smiles. "I knew better, of course."

Junko spins and exits the room with a cutting remark. "You wouldn't look badass no matter what."

[ ] Write-in plans for today

You'll still have that chat with Koizumi, but after last night I think it might be best to give a extra vote to let you guys follow up on leads you might think of.
Needs to update the despair and junko dependency (which have not gotten an update in a while, or maybe that is just sporadic updates messing with my counting)

As for plans i got nothing right now, but i kinda dont want to interact with Makoto anymore however, either he is manipulating Mukuro or is an incredibly awkward illuminati teenager, both are something Mukuro does not need right now, and considering what we know about him its probably the first one.

Also wonder what changed with the Makoto call? And no comment on Junko behaviour.
Uh oh. We really are on thin ice here. If she finds out about Kyouko we're screwed. Thankfully, from the way things turned out she might just think Kyouko knows because she just zoned in on the rumors and not because we called her directly.

I'll think of something to vote for later, not feeling too good rn.
Needs to update the despair and junko dependency (which have not gotten an update in a while, or maybe that is just sporadic updates messing with my counting)
Sorry. I got called away to dinner and I forgot.
Should be accurate up to Operatio III. Or at least as accurate as it ought to be.
Should be accurate up to Operatio III. Or at least as accurate as it ought to be.

And on the sheet it has Despair: ???%

So interacting with "Makoto" did something to our despair but we have no idea what. We probably haven't hit any threshold but its still weird that we don't know.

I also feel that we need to stay away from "Makoto" for a while cause no matter how he tries to play it off I just get this slimy feeling whenever we interact with him. The scenario just felt way to off as he was "flirting" with a girl in the girl's bathroom while helping another girl with a stomach bug. It just reeks of manipulation to me and it almost feels like a cult leader trying to sway someone to join them even without any overt references to doing anything.
Honestly he's starting to feel more and more like Angie just with the cloud-cuckoo-lander replaced subtly and precision.

Anyway I got no idea what to do with the votes for now. Just not good with very open ended votes.
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Oh fuck, I just realized. Umesawa Aiko. Aka, this girl:

Aka one of the people that was SUPPOSED to die in the event we just did. But she's not. She's still alive, because she was sick.

What are the chances Makoto got her sick on purpose? To keep her alive so he could get her help on something (likely having to do with his goals)? She's a cosplayer, she makes costumes. Really, really good ones. She could make disguises and it'd probably count as part of her talent, meaning they'd come out as pretty much perfect. Just think of the havoc that could cause.

Still don't have any idea for the vote, but just needed to point this out because holy shit. Like, i didn't realize at first since she's such a minor character, but holy shit.
I think Makoto is about exactly as weird and potentially manipulative as he's always been, but if he's saved a member of the Student Council he definitely knew what was going on that night.

Still, I'm for any pro-Makoto action that doesn't get us murdered by our sister. Other than that, not particularly interested.
What are the chances Makoto got her sick on purpose?
...100%? I mean, it is all but explicitly stated that he personally poisoned her:
Makoto pats the small girl's shoulder - one of your esteemed third-year senpai, you think - hard enough to nearly buckle her, and turns. He says one more thing, which makes her bristle, and begins to walk away. The little girl sighs, and takes one last draught from the soda he gave her, before throwing it bodily into the trash can.
Aiko-Senpai stalks into the school building, ready for her Friday, but sneezes before she enters. Good, you hope that bitch catches a cold... Not because she's' talking to Makoto though. That would be petty.
Naturally, he also stayed behind for an alibi while sending out his agents... if he didn't do some memory manipulation outright.

On the other hand, Junko despises her beyond all your other classmates.
Does she? Where does this come from? Was there any interaction between the two, or even acknowledging of each other's presence? I can't remember anything off the top of my head.

It's true that Kyouko decided to investigate Junko, but she's only done it because of her ongoing investigation into Makoto. One would think that Junko might see this for an opportunity to turn it around, and find a way to set up the one she considers an actual threat.
"Do you have something sharp on you? A knife perhaps? I'd like you to cut part of the suit on the robot, if you're still at the lab."
I like how Kyouko goes straight to business even in the weirdest of circumstances. Good head on those shoulders.
"Why? I don't see any Touwa Industries signs on this thing."
Why would there be any signs pointing back to the manufacturer on an infiltrator robot?
Why would the lack of these signs prompt you to decide they are definitely not involved?
"Thank you for telling me about this, Mukuro." Kyouko says, letting a bit of earnest emotion slip into her methodical tone.
What's in it for her? Why does she think this important?
Or rather, why is she grateful for us involving her in this mess seemingly out of the blue?
He says like a man who isn't about to be strangled by the Ultimate Soldier in the girl's bathroom.
Sounds like an entry from a roguelike's Graveyard/Hall of Fame.
"Makoto Naegi, lvl 48 human priest. 28004947 xps. 19 updates.
He was killed by the Ultimate Soldier on the 1st floor of Hope's Peak Academy."
Makes for a good epitaph, if we could say so ourselves!
"Wait, was that a confession?" Makoto asks honestly. Now he's the one on the receiving end of two venomous looks.
...how very romantic. Must be every girl's dream to have the boy confess in a lavatory while holding someone vomiting violently in the bath stall.
Why is this Mukuro's life, again?
You know, I really hate when I have to punish you, you know?
I know you know we know, you know.
Sorry, couldn't resist. But it might've been a typo.
[ ] Follow the Black Figure who smells like blood
We smelled blood on Toko Fukawa earlier.
"I'm uncertain of that though. The particular scent is familiar, and not in a good way."

"Well, duh, it's blood. I dunno why she'd smell like blood though." You say, waving a hand in the air, Kirigiri blinks, and then nods.

"You're quite right that it is blood. I hadn't recognized it, since I have never smelled it so faintly, but you're quite right. Thank you, Iku- Mukuro."

"Don't mention it." You say, smiling softly. "But really, she smells like blood, but doesn't move like she fights or kills people."
Now would be a good time to check up on her, see if we recognize the smell or if there is anything out of place. If we find anything, we could then feed this information to Kyouko.

[x] Pay a visit to Toko Fukawa.

Officially, it could be about one of her books... Good thing we've had a thorough discussion with Kyouko earlier.

You'll still have that chat with Koizumi, but after last night I think it might be best to give a extra vote to let you guys follow up on leads you might think of.
You might want to list whatever is there that Mukuro picked up on? Half of the speculation going on in the thread is OOC information.
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I completely forgot about that small scene between Aiko and Makoto earlier. Thanks for pointing that out.

[X] Pay a visit to Touko Fukawa

It's true we don't really have any other leads, and while I don't think Fukawa is the one we're looking for it's the best guess we've got rn.

Edit: autocorrect. Touko and Tokiomi are not the same thing, not even remotely. Stop.