Once the Mystery Crossover is revealed/dicovered, should it be added to the title?

  • Yes

    Votes: 23 85.2%
  • No

    Votes: 4 14.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
It looks great! Hope you manage to get the pictures working. If not, it shouldn't be that big of a deal, hopefully. Although I am curious now...did you make your own sprite for sexy!Makoto? That'd certainly be interesting to see :D
I did not. You don't want to see my horrific attempts at the human form, trust me. I'm still embarrassed I subjected poor LuciDreamer to it!

I selected an image, but unsurprisingly it doesn't mesh exactly with my internal vision of what he looks like. Really, he ought to look like a genderswapped Miriam, with a cocky-as-fuck expression and short haircut, midway between Mondo and Ishimaru on the bara scale. Instead what I have is a kinda buff redheaded anime guy, which works well enough I suppose.

Fixing the image issue will probably mean trawling through the bbcode for the post, which... ugh. I'm probably going to spend tomorrow doing other work, but the character sheet is going to need work for a while yet; The "Other" tab isn't populated yet either, despite Aiko's introduction, the Teachers needing to be there (or have their own tab), maybe a tab for intel, physical descriptions... Lots of stuff can go in there. Plus, the mission itself.

It feels good to be back though.
I did not. You don't want to see my horrific attempts at the human form, trust me. I'm still embarrassed I subjected poor LuciDreamer to it!
*Desperately looks through thread to find what you are referring to*

*Unable to find it. Is sad.*

... was it something I threadmarked? Because I... honestly have no memory of it. But now I'm insanely curious. Curse my stupid lack long-term memory!

On an unrelated note, can anyone fill me in on any relevant Alpha Centauri lore? I don't know much about the game other than its association with the Civilization series, and the fact that its tangentially related to Beyond Earth.
*Desperately looks through thread to find what you are referring to*

*Unable to find it. Is sad.*

... was it something I threadmarked? Because I... honestly have no memory of it. But now I'm insanely curious. Curse my stupid lack long-term memory!

On an unrelated note, can anyone fill me in on any relevant Alpha Centauri lore? I don't know much about the game other than its association with the Civilization series, and the fact that its tangentially related to Beyond Earth.
This one.

And don't worry too much about the canon SMAC lore, since there really isn't a lot of one. Most of what you need to know can be found just by looking up the tech quotes on youtube and watching the first vid you find - Although I advise listening to them all, because a lot of them are actually really fucking wise. Really, though, it all ends up as backstory for Makoto. Mukuro doesn't know anything about Chiron either.
Ah, free at last to enjoy the return of the quest!
Black Operations.
~Toko Fukawa
'The Seductress in Red Tape'
I don't know which lines disturb me most when paired, but together they make me scream internally. Just why?
"The only thing we can do." She replied, her voice sounding deep and gravelly. "Survive."
But at what cost?
"Minimal, Lal. Minimal cost."
The quotation marks are gone from the middle line. Psionics among us!!
Your old IBU's are out of the question.
International Bitterness Units, International Biathlon Union, Itty Bitty Units... Okay, I give up, what is an IBU?
If you killed one of the Council Members, you would be a player of the killing game, and thus a target for Junko.
Whoa, whoa, what kind of rule is that and why does it need to be observed between close associates?
Isn't an escape of a SC member undesireable enough to overlook a transgression? Why is this necessary?
I mean, it's better for us that we don't get involved with the murders directly, it's just that the logic confuses me.
You change to Camera 2 and activate the speaker. "Junko, I have unidentified movement on the far roof. Moving to intercept."
I don't know where neuroscience labs are, but abandoning your post to run after a possible bait is not the wisest course of action.
They weren't interfering with the plan... were they? I am rereading the mission parameters:
Your purpose was to make sure nobody came upon the Student Council before they finished the killing game. As well, you were to make sure nobody escaped the carnage, even the survivor (unless, or rather until, that survivor was Junko herself).
...and I am puzzled about our reasons for running after the 'man in black' while leaving the escape routes unattended.
Some kind of nullifier perhaps?
Alright, we the readers know it's SMAC tech. What is it? I can't remember what could do that off the top of my head.
Welcome to the Second Book, Operatio. Missions will begin to take priority at this point - Mostly, you'll probably be working for Junko causing the Tragedy. Kidnappings, Mindbreaking, and Information Warfare are the key elements in this new chapter.
Damn, I thought we'd have a little more time than that. We barely had the opportunity to shed some of the Dependency, and then we picked it back up to balance out our Despair, leaving us barely with any progress!

*ahem* I mean, Junko is the best, as usual. Yaaay. You go, sis.
I really hope we get to keep Sayaka and Asahina alive. They lived until the start of DR1 in canon, so it should work here as well, right?
[x] Follow the Black Figure who moves with machine-like precision

I selected an image, but unsurprisingly it doesn't mesh exactly with my internal vision of what he looks like.
You had an image for Makoto!?

I seem to have missed everything. :cry:
Last edited:
[X] Follow the Black Figure who moves with machine-like precision

While there could be a case made that the one who actually has a smell could be more real and tangible than the other two, I have a feeling this is probably either Makoto or the mysterious Yeshua. He may very well have recovered from whatever it was that had him out of commission, after all. Therefore, I would personally expect either of them to have such near-superhuman skills in combat.

Then again, the whole "machine-like precision" could signify that it's not human and actually a construct, but who knows :V

Also, @Karnewarrior, your character sheet is bugged. The Juniors section is just a repeat of Class 78. Thought I'd let you know.

Edit: I just realized I said condition, not commission. I guess it works just fine like that, but I fixed it anyway.

I'm thinking the one that actually has a smell is Toko given her character sheet mention that she smell of human filth and blood.

Does anyone have any idea what the other Black Figures could be if they are real and tangible? I'm guessing the Large Black Figure could be either Sakura, Mondo, or Nidai......
International Bitterness Units, International Biathlon Union, Itty Bitty Units... Okay, I give up, what is an IBU?

Whoa, whoa, what kind of rule is that and why does it need to be observed between close associates?
Isn't an escape of a SC member undesireable enough to overlook a transgression? Why is this necessary?
I mean, it's better for us that we don't get involved with the murders directly, it's just that the logic confuses me.

I don't know where neuroscience labs are, but abandoning your post to run after a possible bait is not the wisest course of action.
They weren't interfering with the plan... were they? I am rereading the mission parameters...

...and I am puzzled about our reasons for running after the 'man in black' while leaving the escape routes unattended.
Check the character sheet. Inventory tab. IBU's are "Infantry Battle Uniform"s, basically your old combat fatigues from Fenris.

As far as the added rule goes, it's something Junebug made up, which really should explain the purpose in and of itself. Her whole thing is making people make themselves make a sadistic choice, after all, so making a rule like that increases the likelyhood Mukuro has to choose between failing a mission (psychologically awful for the Ultimate Soldier, obviously), and having to fight Junko to the death (Fun Fact: Junko will win if it comes to this).

Mukuro is basically extraneous, and neither sister honestly expects any escapees. Mukuro is worried about witnesses, though, and an obvious spy/assassin on the neighboring roof, entering into a room directly across from the Council Chambers, is almost certain to witness, if not already planning on interfering. An actual threat to the Plan, in other words.
I'm thinking the one that actually has a smell is Toko given her character sheet mention that she smell of human filth and blood.

Does anyone have any idea what the other Black Figures could be if they are real and tangible? I'm guessing the Large Black Figure could be either Sakura, Mondo, or Nidai......
i was thinking the fakes were psychic constructs due to the SMAC cross, given the fact that psychics seem to be an actual thing in that series. Ergo, the potential argument that the only one who has a smell is the real one.
The only way I can see of the other DR students being roped into this is via sexy!Makoto, and I don't think sexy!Makoto is all too willing to throw his friends (pawns) into the fire like this. Or, at least, not yet.

I say not yet, because of @Karnewarrior's earlier mention of sexy!Makoto's code name via WoG, which was apparently one of those "names to run away really fast from" or something like that. So I have a feeling that sexy!Makoto isn't nearly as innocent or kind as he seems and if it came down to it he'd probably sacrifice someone to save his own skin.
Check the character sheet. Inventory tab.
We have the Memetics Division Inventory Tab?

Byt the way, what do you think of this character sheet format? I think trying to juggle several scroll bars might be harder than using Accordion to cycle through the characters. And you can see their titles, which might be useful for those who aren't good with names. Granted, most people here probably remember them by virtue of having completed the games...

And you can actually look at it on the phone.

Class 78 (Freshmen)

Ikusaba Mukuro - The Ultimate Soldier


The current Ultimate Soldier, Sergeant Major of PMC and amoral money machine Fenris' 'Ragnarok Pack', First-Year of Hope's Peak Academy, and Lesser Despair Sister. Mukuro spent the vast majority of her short life in military training, being recruited by Fenris from her home orphanage at a young age. Skilled at combat, by largely useless in social situations.

  • COMBAT ANALYSIS – A: A superhuman capability to read opponents in combat. Only works with known variables and line-of-sight. At rank A, Combat Analysis allows you full access to all combat options and a fully accurate prediction of enemy movements (barring the interference of enemy skills).

    MARKSMANSHIP – B: An incredible ability to fire and utilized ranged weaponry such as guns and bows. At rank B, Marksmanship affords you access to many "trickshots" as well as a guarantee to hit any opponent (barring the interference of other skills).

    KNOWLEDGE (MILITARY) – C: An impressive knowledge of military affairs. At rank C, Knowledge (military) will give you extra information on the majority of world military and paramilitary forces, military procedures, and military organization.

    Junko Enoshima​

    Makoto Naegi​

    Sonia Nevermind, Sayaka Maizono, Kyouko Kirigiri​



    Chiaki Nanami, Akane Owari, Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu, Gundham Tanaka, Ibuki Mioda, Kazuichi Souda, Mahiru Koizumi, Mikan Tsumiki, Nagito Komaeda, Nekomaru Nidai, Peko Pekoyama, Ryota Mitarai, Ryota Mitarai (Imposter), Aoi Asahina, Byakuya Togami, Celestia Ludenberg, Chihiro Fujisaki, Hifumi Yamada, Kiyotaka Ishimaru, Leon Kuwata, Mondo Owada, Sakura Ogami, Toko Fukawa, Yasuhiro Hagakure, Hajime Hinata​

    Teruteru Hanamura, Saionji Hiyoko​


  • Faction interplay has not yet begun

    DESPAIR: 30%

Enoshima Junko - The Ultimate Analyst


The current Ultimate Fashionista, Ultimate Analyst, and self-proclaimed Ultimate Despair. Despite affecting a brainless air at times, Junko is actually a skilled manipulator and one of the smartest individuals on the planet. She is not to be underestimated under any circumstances, and she is notoriously fickle.

  • GENERAL ANALYSIS – A+: A superhuman ability to analyze things. Only works with known variables and line-of-sight. At rank A+, Junko is capable of analyzing, at will and on the fly, anything within line of sight, instantly coming to an understanding of the capabilities and mechanics of that object (barring interference of enemy skills). Furthermore, upon detailed examination, skill interference of less than rank A will be negated. Operates as rank A Analysis of any type and can interfere with any skill at will.

    FASHION – A: A superhuman ability to color-coordinate. At rank A, Junko's clothing is so chic and on fleek that she passively gains the benefit of rank D Social Maneuver.

    SOCIAL MANEUVER – A: A superhuman ability to negotiate social situations. At rank A, Social Maneuver allows Junko access to all social actions and allows her to effortlessly persuade people, bluff, or otherwise direct and lead.

    CONSTRUCTION – A: A superhuman ability to construct and build. At rank A, no construct is impossible for Junko to build, given the correct materials. Junko also can construct rank B and lower constructs with a large discount in material costs.

    MEMETICS – D: A vast knowledge of Memetics and their nature. At rank D, Junko can occasionally craft memes, boosting her Social Maneuver and Empath (push) skill by the level of the meme. Rank D memes can be beaten by any higher meme, or negate rank D memes.

  • Junko is the Leader of the DESPAIR faction.

Kirigiri Kyouko - The Ultimate Detective


The Ultimate Detective and scion of the Kirigiri family. Kyouko was born into the business of solving crimes and proving guilt, a task at which she excels beyond all others. The Kirigiri clan is secretive, and it's an open secret that they look upon Kyouko with distain for being open about her profession.

  • INVESTIGATION – A: A superhuman ability to investigate or discover. At rank A, Kyouko is capable of discerning the most minute movements of an individual by examining the area they occupied. At rank A, this skill is not impeded by natural factors. When interference occurs, Kyouko will be notified of the interference, with a small chance of discovering the culprit.

    SOCIAL MANEUVER – -E: A subpar skill at negotiating social situations. At rank -E, Social Maneuver will lock out some avenues of social manipulation and make Kyouko slightly vulnerable to social manipulation.

  • Kyouko's faction affiliation is unknown.

Sayaka Maizono - The Ultimate Pop Sensation


The Ultimate Pop Sensation, internationally famous J-pop Idol and actress, and possible clairvoyant. A childhood friend of someone who she believes is being impersonated by Makoto Naegi. Sayaka has played side roles in multiple movies and television shows, and released 6 albums as well as a hit single piece. Credited with singlehandedly destroying the South Korean pop scene, gangnam style.

  • MUSICALITY (SINGING) – B: An incredible singing ability. At rank B, Sayaka's singing is so angelic that it qualifies as a rank D meme, able to suggest emotional states and thought patterns onto the mind of anyone who hears her.

    MUSICALITY (INSTRUMENTS) – B: An incredible instrument playing ability. At rank B, Sayaka is so skilled at playing that it qualifies as a rank D meme, able to suggest emotional states and thought patterns onto the mind of anyone who hears her.

    MUSICALITY (DANCING) – B: An incredible dancing ability. At rank B, Sayaka is so skilled at dancing that it qualifies as a rank D meme, able to suggest emotional states and thought patterns onto the mind of anyone who sees her.

    LYING – C: An impressive capability to lie. At rank C, Sayaka is capable of second-level lies under certain circumstances, and her first-level lies are totally convincing so long as the target lacks contradictory information.

    MEMETICS – E(ex)?: A natural gift for Psionics allows Sayaka occasional glances into the minds of others. At rank E(ex), this talent is uncontrolled. This skill is in question, and may not be real.

    SOCIAL MANEUVER – C: A impressive ability to negotiate social situations. At rank C, Social Maneuver allows Sayaka access to a plurality of social actions and allows her to more easily persuade people, bluff, or otherwise direct and lead.

  • Sayaka's faction affiliations are unknown.

Ogami Sakura - The Ultimate Martial Artist


The Ultimate Martial Artist, and hardcore arena fighter. Sakura's body is a mass of solid muscle, and her unusual height and build can sometimes cause confusion as to her gender. Sakura possesses the heart of a dependable friend and pure maiden, however, and is fiercely loyal.

  • COMBAT ANALYSIS – EX: Sakura Ogami never fails a combat encounter. Run while you still can!

    SOCIAL MANEUVER – D: A vast ability to at negotiating social situations. At rank D, Social Maneuver allows Sakura to choose many social options, allowing for more flexible socializing.

  • Sakura's faction affiliation is unknown at this time.

Asahina Aoi - The Ultimate Swimmer


The Ultimate Swimmer, and probably the Ultimate Bubbly Personality as well. Hina seems to have infinite reserves of happiness and good cheer, as well as a fierce competative streak and a respect for strength in all forms.

  • SWIMMING – A: A superhuman ability to swim. At rank A, Hina is unrivaled in the water by any unaugmented human. She can also spend three times the normal length of time underwater without undergoing oxygen deprivation, and rolls at an advantage to stunning when underwater. This skill synergizes with Combat Analysis, increasing CA's level by one half rank per rank of Swimming when underwater.

    CHARISMA – E: An above average ability to influence and convince. This skill is granted to attractive characters without a rank in Social Maneuver, and can act as Social Maneuver of equivalent rank.

  • Hina's faction affiliation is unknown at this time.

Naegi Makoto - The Ultimate Lucky Student?


A mysterious young man who is sometimes oddly mystified by modern technology. Regardless, he carries the title of Ultimate Lucky Student, won in a drawing where no winning tickets were printed. He seems to have a strong religious bent, and is unusually strong for a supposedly average student.

  • SOCIAL MANEUVER - ??: Makoto Naegi has some level of Social Maneuver, but you do not yet know his limits. To learn his limits, they must be surmounted.

    LYING – A(ex): A superhuman capability to lie. At rank A(ex), Lying is impossible to detect without the consent of the liar or an A rank Analysis ability relevant to the lie. Due to special training, this ability is exempt from interference from Junko Enoshima.

  • Makoto is affiliated with an unknown faction.

Fukawa Toko - The Ultimate Writing Prodigy


The author of "So Lingers the Ocean", a best-selling romance novel that famously made fishermen the most attractive profession for the past year. Despite her genre choice, Toko has the look of a woman who's never known a man, and smells strongly of human filth and, strangely, blood.

  • CHARISMA – -E: An below average ability to influence and convince. This skill is granted to unattractive characters without a rank in Social Maneuver, and can act as Social Maneuver of equivalent rank.

    WRITING – A: A superhuman writing capability. At rank A, Toko's written word has the effect of a rank C meme if read fully. Characters with a Memetics or Writing skill equal to rank C can notice and choose not to be effected by the meme. Characters with lesser amounts of skill will read avidly and be effected by the meme.

  • Toko's faction affiliation is unknown at this time.

Fujisaki Chihiro - The Ultimate Programmer


As the Ultimate Programmer, Chihiro is naturally skilled at computers. She's also a terribly shy and diffident girl, managing to surpass even Mukuro herself in stutters-per-minute. Strangely, she seems to have gotten along well with Mondo Owada, who considers the frail girl a close friend.

  • HACKING – A: A superhuman ability to crack digital encryption. At rank A, no amount of digital defenses can prevent Chihiro from extracting information from a computer system.

    COMPUTER SCIENCE – A: A superhuman knowledge of computer systems. At rank A, Chihiro is capable of coding and designing fully sapient AI and any other program.

    SOCIAL MANEUVER – -E: A subpar skill at negotiating social situations. At rank -E, Social Maneuver will lock out some avenues of social manipulation and make Chihiro slightly vulnerable to social manipulation.

  • Chihiro's faction affiliation is unknown at this time.

Owada Mondo - The Ultimate Biker Gang Leader


The hulking boss of the Crazy Diamonds biker gang, and Ultimate Biker Gang Leader. Mondo is loud, brash, and unrelentingly masculine, making him unsurprisingly popular with girls who don't really know him that well. Interestingly, he's become quick friends with Chihiro Fujisaki, as well as Kiyotaka Ishimaru.

  • COMBAT ANALYSIS – E: An above average capability to read opponents in combat. Only works with known variables. At rank E, Combat Analysis allows Mondo to predict the nine most likely enemy movements, and access to some combat options (barring the interference of enemy skills).

    LUCK – E: An above average streak of luck. At rank E, situations involving luck will more often come out in Mondo's favor, unless opposed by an equal or greater Luck skill.

    SOCIAL MANEUVER – D: A vast ability to negotiate social situations. At rank D, Social Maneuver allows Mondo access to a extra choice of social actions and allows him to more easily persuade people, bluff, or otherwise direct and lead.

    RIDE – A: A superhuman ability to operate automotives and mounts. At rank A, Mondo is capable of preforming superhuman feats while riding a mount.

Ishimaru Kiyotaka - The Ultimate Moral Compass


Grandson of the late Toranosuke Ishimaru, Taka has dedicated his life to the eradication of corruption and rulebreaking in all it's forms. While a terribly annoying individual, it is often difficult to argue with Ishimaru, due to his rigid and unwavering commitment to rule-keeping.

  • COMBAT ANALYSIS – E: An above average capability to read opponents in combat. Only works with known variables. At rank E, Combat Analysis allows Taka to predict the nine most likely enemy movements, and access to some combat options (barring the interference of enemy skills).

    SOCIAL MANEUVER – C: A impressive ability to negotiate social situations. At rank C, Social Maneuver allows Taka access to a plurality of social actions and allows him to more easily persuade people, bluff, or otherwise direct and lead.

    KNOWLEDGE (MILITARY) – D: A vast knowledge of military affairs. At rank D, Knowledge (military) will give Taka information on the major groups of world military and paramilitary forces, military procedures, and military organization.

    KNOWLEDGE (POLITICS) – C: An impressive knowledge of political affairs. At rank C, Knowledge (politics) will give Taka information on the major movers and shakers in the political sphere, and contacts within the Japanese government, and some information and contacts outside of Japan. When interacting with political figures, Taka gains an extra rank in Social Maneuver.

  • Kiyotaka's faction affiliation is unknown at this time.

Yamada Hifumi - The Ultimate Doujin Author


The Ultimate Doujin Author, Hifumi is a rotund young man who is determined that the world accept his art, pornographic as it may - or may not! - be. His first and last love is Pudgy Princess Piggles, a pink mahou shoujo character aimed at young children. He is shockingly polite for an otaku, and resolutely uses a formal way of addressing others.

  • CHARISMA – -E: An below average ability to influence and convince. This skill is granted to unattractive characters without a rank in Social Maneuver, and can act as Social Maneuver of equivalent rank.

    ARTISTRY – A: A superhuman ability to create artistic works. At rank A, Hifumi is capable of crafting visual memes that act at rank D, and is capable of recognizing and connecting art styles to individuals with amazing precision.

    WEIGHT – D: This character is unusually heavy.

  • Hifumi Yamada's faction affiliation is unknown at this time. Assumed to be none, as he cannot fit through the door.

Ludenberg Celestia - The Ultimate Gambler


A professional liar and gambler given the title of Ultimate Gambler for her exploits. Celeste is not only incredibly lucky, but also a skilled liar. Her demeanor is very dignified and high-class, but sometimes stands at odds with her predatory comments and obviously selfish nature.

  • LYING – A: A superhuman capability to lie. At rank A, Lying is impossible to detect without the consent of the liar or an A rank Analysis ability relevant to the lie.

    LUCK – C: An impressive streak of luck. At rank C, situations involving luck will often come out in Celeste's favor, unless opposed by an equal or greater Luck skill.

Togami Byakuya - The Ultimate Affluent Progeny


CFO of Togami Industries, a multinational corporation with fingers in every pie, since age eleven, Togami is a consumate business man and egotist. Rumors of all sorts about around the Togami family, but Byakuya in particular is famed for openly and publicly selling refrigerators to Inuit natives in Alaska, and parkas to Brazilian natives deep in the Amazon.

  • FISCAL DOMINATION – A: A superhumanly large bank account. At rank A, Byakuya Togami has access to a functionally infinite sum of liquid capital.

    SOCIAL MANEUVER – C: A impressive ability to negotiate social situations. At rank C, Social Maneuver allows Byakuya access to a plurality of social actions and allows him to more easily persuade people, bluff, or otherwise direct and lead.

    COMBAT ANALYSIS – E: An above average capability to read opponents in combat. Only works with known variables. At rank E, Combat Analysis allows Byakuya to predict the nine most likely enemy movements, and access to some combat options (barring the interference of enemy skills).

    FASHION – D: A vast ability to color-coordinate. At rank D, Byakuya's clothing is quite chic , and he passively gains the benefit of rank E Social Maneuver in some situations.

    KNOWLEDGE (ECONOMICS) – A: A superhuman ability to predict the market. At rank A, Byakuya knows in advance one full week of market activity on the macro scale, and can plan accordingly.

    KNOWLEDGE (MILITARY) – D: A vast knowledge of military affairs. At rank D, Knowledge (military) will give Byakuya information on the major groups of world military and paramilitary forces, military procedures, and military organization.

    KNOWLEDGE (POLITICS) – D: A vast knowledge of political affairs. At rank D, Knowledge (politics) will give Byakuya information on the major movers and shakers in the political sphere, and contacts within the Japanese government.

    HATRED - E: A strange hatred has infested Byakuya's very soul, and he lashes out randomly. This trait rarely knocks Social Maneuver down one rank, without warning.

  • Togami is CFO of Togami Corporation, a one-time Steel production corporation who's product line expanded over time to include cars, computers, chemicals, and many other things. Togami's single-minded pursuit of personal profit prevents him from joining other factions, meaning he will always be a Togami affiliate.

Kuwata Leon - The Ultimate Baseball Star


The Ultimate Baseball Star, who has rejected his title in favor of pursuing a musical career. Kuwata is a fickle young man, the typical teenager, and doesn't often seem to know exactly what he wants to do with his life. Prone to assessing situations unrealistically, Kuwata is regardless a fit young man who is full of cheer.

  • SPORTS (BASEBALL) – A: A superhuman ability to play a sport. At rank A, Leon hits nothing but homeruns. When a baseball bat is present, Leon gains the effect of rank D Combat Analysis, Lockpicking, and unlocks special Social options.

    MUSICALITY (INSTRUMENTS) – E: An above average instrument playing ability. At rank E, Leon is skilled at playing multiple instruments, and can make a roll to attempt to create a rank E meme.

    MUSICALITY (SINGING) – -E: An incredible singing ability. At rank -E, Leon's singing is so terrible that he can cause mild headaches and discomfort to those who hear him.

    CHARISMA – E: An above average ability to influence and convince. This skill is granted to attractive characters without a rank in Social Maneuver, and can act as Social Maneuver of equivalent rank.

  • Leon's faction affiliation is unknown at this time.

Hagakure Yasuhiro - The Ultimate Clairvoyant


The eldest member of class 78 and the oldest non-staff at Hope's Peak Academy, Yasuhiro Hagakure won his place as the Ultimate Clairvoyant by successfully predicting that the HPA scout would have their wallet stolen before they left the building. A con-man by need, and idiot by nature, Yasuhiro is often found begging for money to pay back his debts and reparations.

  • FISCAL DOMINATION – -D: A paltry bank account. At rank -D, Yasuhiro is severely in debt, and may take odd actions at inopportune times.

    FOOL – D: A vast lack of knowledge. At rank D, this character receives the debuffs of rank -E Social Maneuver, Knowledge (Politics), Knowledge (Military), Knowledge (Economics), Knowledge (General), Knowledge (Science), Computer Science, Common Sense, and Combat Analysis. This skill also acts as Luck rank E, and causes Yasuhiro to be immune to memes of lesser rank than his Fool skill.

  • Yasuhiro's faction affiliation is unknown at this time.

Class 77 (Juniors)

Nanami Chiaki - The Ultimate Gamer


A sleepy "pro gamer" and current Ultimate Gamer at Hope's Peak Academy. Her lazy mood and tired expression are because she often stays up too late playing video games. Her skills are prodigious and varied, although she seems to have learned most of them from games, making her actual talents hard to discern.

  • [Known traits coming later]

  • Chiaki's faction affiliation is unknown at this time.

Owari Akane - The Ultimate Gymnast


Skilled acrobat and gymnast Akane Owari is a slum girl who's made her name as a three time olympic medalist before reaching the age of majority. Her rough exterior is only matched by her equally rough and rather quite gravelly interior. The only thing she likes more than climbing new heights is reaching new heights of pleasure through eating.

  • [Known traits coming later]

  • Akane's faction affiliation is unknown at this time.

Kuzuryu Fuyuhiko - The Ultimate Yakuza


While not technically the head of the Kuzuryu clan, Fuyuhiko is the scion of the family and heir apparent for the underworld throne the clan owns. As the Ultimate Yakuza, Fuyuhiko has already led his clan to great wealth and prosperity. Despite the seedy nature of his work and talent, Fuyuhiko is surprisingly fair and even gentle... At least until he becomes upset. Don't mention his height or babyface.

  • [Known traits coming later]

  • Fuyuhiko's faction affiliation is unknown at this time.

Tanaka Gundham - The Ultimate Animal Breeder


Self-proclaimed warlock, Dark Devil of the 18 and a Half Hells, Blood-Cryptomancer of the Shadow League of Shadows, and Ultimate Animal Breeder, Gundham Tanaka manages to be one of the most colorful personalities at a campus dominated by them. A full-time Chuunibyou, Gundham is always accompanied by his four hamsters: San-D, Jum-P, Maga-Z, and Cham-P.

  • [Known traits coming later]

  • Gundham's faction affiliation is unknown at this time.

Saionji Hiyoko - The Ultimate Traditional Dancer


The Ultimate Traditional Dancer, Hiyoko is an eminently childish young woman. Possessed of a petite stature and build, and abused as a child by demanding parents, Hiyoko is a shockingly crass and rude girl who exults in causing pain to others, mostly as a shield to keep herself from further harm.

  • [Known traits coming later]

  • Hiyoko's faction affiliation is unknown at this time.

Mioda Ibuki - The Ultimate Rock Star


Rock on! Ibuki Mioda is a cheerful girl, one utterly unassailable by, like, despair man! Despite, or maybe because of, her music being mostly death/scream metal fusion, Ibuki is actually a perpetually happy girl with not a care in the world. Flaunting her petite body for all it's worth, Ibuki enjoys adoration from her many fans with an innocent vigor, well deserving her title of Ultimate Rock Star.

  • [Known traits coming later]

  • Ibuki's faction affiliation is unknown at this time.

Souda Kazuichi - The Ultimate Engineer


A deiselpunk nerd and Ultimate Engineer, Kazuichi is one of the least fortunate individuals at Hope's Peak Academy. He's desprately in love with three things: Sonia Nevermind, his Hot-rod, and his dream of building a rocket and venturing into space. His hair is a dyed pink, and his teeth are filed to fine points, but Kazuichi is a typical, gentle young man.

  • [Known traits coming later]

  • Kazuichi's faction affiliation is unknown at this time.

Koizumi Mahiru - The Ultimate Photographer


The Ultimate Photographer, and self-reportedly one of the most normal students at Hope's Peak Academy. Despite her self-depriciation, Mahiru is an incredibly skilled photographer, producing pictures for publications as widespread as National Geographic from the tender age of seven years old. A staunch traditionalist, Mahiru can be harsh on men who don't meet her strict standards of masculine conduct.

  • [Known traits coming later]

  • Mahiru's faction affiliation is unknown at this time.

Tsumiki Mikan - The Ultimate Nurse


The Ultimate Nurse, Mikan is a very diffident girl, apologizing at the drop of a hat, and often beyond. Mikan is often wrapped in bandages due to her frequent pratfalls, which often leave her in sexually compromising positions. Mikan is a dutiful Nurse, capable of preforming almost any medical procedure to perfection.

  • [Known traits coming later]

  • Mikan's faction affiliation is unknown at this time.

Komaeda Nagito - The Ultimate Lucky Student


The Ultimate Lucky Student of the Second-year selection. Nagito is a self-depreciating individual, considering himself nothing special and wholly unfit to sit amongst his comrades. However, his incredible talent often puts his actions at odds with his own assessment. Nagito's luck is special and obvious, with his wants and desires almost never going unfulfilled, however, egregious use of his good luck almost always casts misfortune upon others, further trampling his self-esteem.

  • [Known traits coming later]

  • Nagito's faction affiliation is unknown at this time.

Nidai Nekomaru - The Ultimate Personal Trainer


Nekomaru Nidai is the Ultimate Personal Trainer, responsible for the training of multiple athletes who were at one time or another up for consideration as Hope's Peak students. Although none of his students made the cut, Nekomaru did, as his talents in training were eventually discovered and presented to the board. A large man, Nekomaru is a boundless source of testosterone-fueled energy, getting along well with Akane Owari.

  • [Known traits coming later]

  • Nekomaru's faction affiliation is unknown at this time.

Pekoyama Peko - The Ultimate Swordswoman


Ultimate Swordswoman by title, Pekoyama is actually a trained assassin for the Kuzuryu Clan. However, as Ultimate Swordswoman, Peko is able to put her skills to use bodyguarding the young Kuzuryu scion - Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu. With such a skilled martial artist on his side, could the young Kuzuryu be truly untouchable?

  • [Known traits coming later]

  • Peko's faction affiliation is unknown at this time.

Mitarai Ryota - The Ultimate Animator

Ryota Mitarai

The Ultimate Animator only because it sounds better than "Ultimate Recluse", Ryota is one of the most prodigious and talented individuals at the academy - and almost nobody knows him. Striking a deal with the Ultimate Imposter, Mitarai spends his days and nights working on an anime he's designing to bring the Ultimate Hope to any who see it.

  • [Known traits coming later]

  • Hostage of the DESPAIR faction

The Ultimate Imposter

Ryota Mitarai?

The Ultimate Animator only because it sounds better than "Ultimate Recluse", Ryota is one of the most prodigious and talented individuals at the academy - and almost nobody knows him. Striking a deal with the Ultimate Imposter, Mitarai spends his days and nights working on an anime he's designing to bring the Ultimate Hope to any who see it.

  • [Known traits coming later]

  • Imposter Ryota's faction affiliation is unknown at this time.

Nevermind Sonia - The Ultimate Princess


Sonia Nevermind, Firstborn Princess of the Novoselic Kingdom, Heir apparent to the Duchy of Plotsk, Duchy of Novoselia, Duchy of Harksk, Countess of Justines, Grodny, Novoselia, and Gradovostok, Lady of Ceremonies for the House of Nevermind, Lieutenant Commander of the 45th Novoselic Armored Battalion, Vice-Commander of the 3rd Novoselic Tank Corps, and accomplished markswoman and orator.

  • [Known traits coming later]

  • Sonia's faction affiliation is unknown at this time.

Hanamura Teruteru - The Ultimate Cook


Accomplished chef Teruteru is technically the Ultimate Cook, not the Ultimate Chef, but he prefers the latter title. While his cooking skills are fantastic, as befits an Ultimate Student, Teruteru is in the terrible habit of perving on any living thing in sight. Not even the chilly tomboy Mukuro Ikusaba is free of his predations. However, Teruteru is quite kind if his advances are ignored or tolerated.

  • [Known traits coming later]

  • Teruteru's faction affiliation is unknown at this time.

Last edited:
Class 78 (Freshmen)

Ikusaba Mukuro - The Ultimate Soldier


The current Ultimate Soldier, Sergeant Major of PMC and amoral money machine Fenris' 'Ragnarok Pack', First-Year of Hope's Peak Academy, and Lesser Despair Sister. Mukuro spent the vast majority of her short life in military training, being recruited by Fenris from her home orphanage at a young age. Skilled at combat, by largely useless in social situations.

  • COMBAT ANALYSIS – A: A superhuman capability to read opponents in combat. Only works with known variables and line-of-sight. At rank A, Combat Analysis allows you full access to all combat options and a fully accurate prediction of enemy movements (barring the interference of enemy skills).

    MARKSMANSHIP – B: An incredible ability to fire and utilized ranged weaponry such as guns and bows. At rank B, Marksmanship affords you access to many "trickshots" as well as a guarantee to hit any opponent (barring the interference of other skills).

    KNOWLEDGE (MILITARY) – C: An impressive knowledge of military affairs. At rank C, Knowledge (military) will give you extra information on the majority of world military and paramilitary forces, military procedures, and military organization.

    Junko Enoshima​

    Makoto Naegi​

    Sonia Nevermind, Sayaka Maizono, Kyouko Kirigiri​



    Chiaki Nanami, Akane Owari, Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu, Gundham Tanaka, Ibuki Mioda, Kazuichi Souda, Mahiru Koizumi, Mikan Tsumiki, Nagito Komaeda, Nekomaru Nidai, Peko Pekoyama, Ryota Mitarai, Ryota Mitarai (Imposter), Aoi Asahina, Byakuya Togami, Celestia Ludenberg, Chihiro Fujisaki, Hifumi Yamada, Kiyotaka Ishimaru, Leon Kuwata, Mondo Owada, Sakura Ogami, Toko Fukawa, Yasuhiro Hagakure, Hajime Hinata​

    Teruteru Hanamura, Saionji Hiyoko​


  • Faction interplay has not yet begun

    DESPAIR: 30%

Enoshima Junko - The Ultimate Analyst


The current Ultimate Fashionista, Ultimate Analyst, and self-proclaimed Ultimate Despair. Despite affecting a brainless air at times, Junko is actually a skilled manipulator and one of the smartest individuals on the planet. She is not to be underestimated under any circumstances, and she is notoriously fickle.

  • GENERAL ANALYSIS – A+: A superhuman ability to analyze things. Only works with known variables and line-of-sight. At rank A+, Junko is capable of analyzing, at will and on the fly, anything within line of sight, instantly coming to an understanding of the capabilities and mechanics of that object (barring interference of enemy skills). Furthermore, upon detailed examination, skill interference of less than rank A will be negated. Operates as rank A Analysis of any type and can interfere with any skill at will.

    FASHION – A: A superhuman ability to color-coordinate. At rank A, Junko's clothing is so chic and on fleek that she passively gains the benefit of rank D Social Maneuver.

    SOCIAL MANEUVER – A: A superhuman ability to negotiate social situations. At rank A, Social Maneuver allows Junko access to all social actions and allows her to effortlessly persuade people, bluff, or otherwise direct and lead.

    CONSTRUCTION – A: A superhuman ability to construct and build. At rank A, no construct is impossible for Junko to build, given the correct materials. Junko also can construct rank B and lower constructs with a large discount in material costs.

    MEMETICS – D: A vast knowledge of Memetics and their nature. At rank D, Junko can occasionally craft memes, boosting her Social Maneuver and Empath (push) skill by the level of the meme. Rank D memes can be beaten by any higher meme, or negate rank D memes.

  • Junko is the Leader of the DESPAIR faction.

Kirigiri Kyouko - The Ultimate Detective


The Ultimate Detective and scion of the Kirigiri family. Kyouko was born into the business of solving crimes and proving guilt, a task at which she excels beyond all others. The Kirigiri clan is secretive, and it's an open secret that they look upon Kyouko with distain for being open about her profession.

  • INVESTIGATION – A: A superhuman ability to investigate or discover. At rank A, Kyouko is capable of discerning the most minute movements of an individual by examining the area they occupied. At rank A, this skill is not impeded by natural factors. When interference occurs, Kyouko will be notified of the interference, with a small chance of discovering the culprit.

    SOCIAL MANEUVER – -E: A subpar skill at negotiating social situations. At rank -E, Social Maneuver will lock out some avenues of social manipulation and make Kyouko slightly vulnerable to social manipulation.

  • Kyouko's faction affiliation is unknown.

Sayaka Maizono - The Ultimate Pop Sensation


The Ultimate Pop Sensation, internationally famous J-pop Idol and actress, and possible clairvoyant. A childhood friend of someone who she believes is being impersonated by Makoto Naegi. Sayaka has played side roles in multiple movies and television shows, and released 6 albums as well as a hit single piece. Credited with singlehandedly destroying the South Korean pop scene, gangnam style.

  • MUSICALITY (SINGING) – B: An incredible singing ability. At rank B, Sayaka's singing is so angelic that it qualifies as a rank D meme, able to suggest emotional states and thought patterns onto the mind of anyone who hears her.

    MUSICALITY (INSTRUMENTS) – B: An incredible instrument playing ability. At rank B, Sayaka is so skilled at playing that it qualifies as a rank D meme, able to suggest emotional states and thought patterns onto the mind of anyone who hears her.

    MUSICALITY (DANCING) – B: An incredible dancing ability. At rank B, Sayaka is so skilled at dancing that it qualifies as a rank D meme, able to suggest emotional states and thought patterns onto the mind of anyone who sees her.

    LYING – C: An impressive capability to lie. At rank C, Sayaka is capable of second-level lies under certain circumstances, and her first-level lies are totally convincing so long as the target lacks contradictory information.

    MEMETICS – E(ex)?: A natural gift for Psionics allows Sayaka occasional glances into the minds of others. At rank E(ex), this talent is uncontrolled. This skill is in question, and may not be real.

    SOCIAL MANEUVER – C: A impressive ability to negotiate social situations. At rank C, Social Maneuver allows Sayaka access to a plurality of social actions and allows her to more easily persuade people, bluff, or otherwise direct and lead.

  • Sayaka's faction affiliations are unknown.

Ogami Sakura - The Ultimate Martial Artist


The Ultimate Martial Artist, and hardcore arena fighter. Sakura's body is a mass of solid muscle, and her unusual height and build can sometimes cause confusion as to her gender. Sakura possesses the heart of a dependable friend and pure maiden, however, and is fiercely loyal.

  • COMBAT ANALYSIS – EX: Sakura Ogami never fails a combat encounter. Run while you still can!

    SOCIAL MANEUVER – D: A vast ability to at negotiating social situations. At rank D, Social Maneuver allows Sakura to choose many social options, allowing for more flexible socializing.

  • Sakura's faction affiliation is unknown at this time.

Asahina Aoi - The Ultimate Swimmer


The Ultimate Swimmer, and probably the Ultimate Bubbly Personality as well. Hina seems to have infinite reserves of happiness and good cheer, as well as a fierce competative streak and a respect for strength in all forms.

  • SWIMMING – A: A superhuman ability to swim. At rank A, Hina is unrivaled in the water by any unaugmented human. She can also spend three times the normal length of time underwater without undergoing oxygen deprivation, and rolls at an advantage to stunning when underwater. This skill synergizes with Combat Analysis, increasing CA's level by one half rank per rank of Swimming when underwater.

    CHARISMA – E: An above average ability to influence and convince. This skill is granted to attractive characters without a rank in Social Maneuver, and can act as Social Maneuver of equivalent rank.

  • Hina's faction affiliation is unknown at this time.

Naegi Makoto - The Ultimate Lucky Student?


A mysterious young man who is sometimes oddly mystified by modern technology. Regardless, he carries the title of Ultimate Lucky Student, won in a drawing where no winning tickets were printed. He seems to have a strong religious bent, and is unusually strong for a supposedly average student.

  • SOCIAL MANEUVER - ??: Makoto Naegi has some level of Social Maneuver, but you do not yet know his limits. To learn his limits, they must be surmounted.

    LYING – A(ex): A superhuman capability to lie. At rank A(ex), Lying is impossible to detect without the consent of the liar or an A rank Analysis ability relevant to the lie. Due to special training, this ability is exempt from interference from Junko Enoshima.

  • Makoto is affiliated with an unknown faction.

Fukawa Toko - The Ultimate Writing Prodigy


The author of "So Lingers the Ocean", a best-selling romance novel that famously made fishermen the most attractive profession for the past year. Despite her genre choice, Toko has the look of a woman who's never known a man, and smells strongly of human filth and, strangely, blood.

  • CHARISMA – -E: An below average ability to influence and convince. This skill is granted to unattractive characters without a rank in Social Maneuver, and can act as Social Maneuver of equivalent rank.

    WRITING – A: A superhuman writing capability. At rank A, Toko's written word has the effect of a rank C meme if read fully. Characters with a Memetics or Writing skill equal to rank C can notice and choose not to be effected by the meme. Characters with lesser amounts of skill will read avidly and be effected by the meme.

  • Toko's faction affiliation is unknown at this time.

Fujisaki Chihiro - The Ultimate Programmer


As the Ultimate Programmer, Chihiro is naturally skilled at computers. She's also a terribly shy and diffident girl, managing to surpass even Mukuro herself in stutters-per-minute. Strangely, she seems to have gotten along well with Mondo Owada, who considers the frail girl a close friend.

  • HACKING – A: A superhuman ability to crack digital encryption. At rank A, no amount of digital defenses can prevent Chihiro from extracting information from a computer system.

    COMPUTER SCIENCE – A: A superhuman knowledge of computer systems. At rank A, Chihiro is capable of coding and designing fully sapient AI and any other program.

    SOCIAL MANEUVER – -E: A subpar skill at negotiating social situations. At rank -E, Social Maneuver will lock out some avenues of social manipulation and make Chihiro slightly vulnerable to social manipulation.

  • Chihiro's faction affiliation is unknown at this time.

Owada Mondo - The Ultimate Biker Gang Leader


The hulking boss of the Crazy Diamonds biker gang, and Ultimate Biker Gang Leader. Mondo is loud, brash, and unrelentingly masculine, making him unsurprisingly popular with girls who don't really know him that well. Interestingly, he's become quick friends with Chihiro Fujisaki, as well as Kiyotaka Ishimaru.

  • COMBAT ANALYSIS – E: An above average capability to read opponents in combat. Only works with known variables. At rank E, Combat Analysis allows Mondo to predict the nine most likely enemy movements, and access to some combat options (barring the interference of enemy skills).

    LUCK – E: An above average streak of luck. At rank E, situations involving luck will more often come out in Mondo's favor, unless opposed by an equal or greater Luck skill.

    SOCIAL MANEUVER – D: A vast ability to negotiate social situations. At rank D, Social Maneuver allows Mondo access to a extra choice of social actions and allows him to more easily persuade people, bluff, or otherwise direct and lead.

    RIDE – A: A superhuman ability to operate automotives and mounts. At rank A, Mondo is capable of preforming superhuman feats while riding a mount.

Ishimaru Kiyotaka - The Ultimate Moral Compass


Grandson of the late Toranosuke Ishimaru, Taka has dedicated his life to the eradication of corruption and rulebreaking in all it's forms. While a terribly annoying individual, it is often difficult to argue with Ishimaru, due to his rigid and unwavering commitment to rule-keeping.

  • COMBAT ANALYSIS – E: An above average capability to read opponents in combat. Only works with known variables. At rank E, Combat Analysis allows Taka to predict the nine most likely enemy movements, and access to some combat options (barring the interference of enemy skills).

    SOCIAL MANEUVER – C: A impressive ability to negotiate social situations. At rank C, Social Maneuver allows Taka access to a plurality of social actions and allows him to more easily persuade people, bluff, or otherwise direct and lead.

    KNOWLEDGE (MILITARY) – D: A vast knowledge of military affairs. At rank D, Knowledge (military) will give Taka information on the major groups of world military and paramilitary forces, military procedures, and military organization.

    KNOWLEDGE (POLITICS) – C: An impressive knowledge of political affairs. At rank C, Knowledge (politics) will give Taka information on the major movers and shakers in the political sphere, and contacts within the Japanese government, and some information and contacts outside of Japan. When interacting with political figures, Taka gains an extra rank in Social Maneuver.

  • Kiyotaka's faction affiliation is unknown at this time.

Yamada Hifumi - The Ultimate Doujin Author


The Ultimate Doujin Author, Hifumi is a rotund young man who is determined that the world accept his art, pornographic as it may - or may not! - be. His first and last love is Pudgy Princess Piggles, a pink mahou shoujo character aimed at young children. He is shockingly polite for an otaku, and resolutely uses a formal way of addressing others.

  • CHARISMA – -E: An below average ability to influence and convince. This skill is granted to unattractive characters without a rank in Social Maneuver, and can act as Social Maneuver of equivalent rank.

    ARTISTRY – A: A superhuman ability to create artistic works. At rank A, Hifumi is capable of crafting visual memes that act at rank D, and is capable of recognizing and connecting art styles to individuals with amazing precision.

    WEIGHT – D: This character is unusually heavy.

  • Hifumi Yamada's faction affiliation is unknown at this time. Assumed to be none, as he cannot fit through the door.

Ludenberg Celestia - The Ultimate Gambler


A professional liar and gambler given the title of Ultimate Gambler for her exploits. Celeste is not only incredibly lucky, but also a skilled liar. Her demeanor is very dignified and high-class, but sometimes stands at odds with her predatory comments and obviously selfish nature.

  • LYING – A: A superhuman capability to lie. At rank A, Lying is impossible to detect without the consent of the liar or an A rank Analysis ability relevant to the lie.

    LUCK – C: An impressive streak of luck. At rank C, situations involving luck will often come out in Celeste's favor, unless opposed by an equal or greater Luck skill.

Togami Byakuya - The Ultimate Affluent Progeny


CFO of Togami Industries, a multinational corporation with fingers in every pie, since age eleven, Togami is a consumate business man and egotist. Rumors of all sorts about around the Togami family, but Byakuya in particular is famed for openly and publicly selling refrigerators to Inuit natives in Alaska, and parkas to Brazilian natives deep in the Amazon.

  • FISCAL DOMINATION – A: A superhumanly large bank account. At rank A, Byakuya Togami has access to a functionally infinite sum of liquid capital.

    SOCIAL MANEUVER – C: A impressive ability to negotiate social situations. At rank C, Social Maneuver allows Byakuya access to a plurality of social actions and allows him to more easily persuade people, bluff, or otherwise direct and lead.

    COMBAT ANALYSIS – E: An above average capability to read opponents in combat. Only works with known variables. At rank E, Combat Analysis allows Byakuya to predict the nine most likely enemy movements, and access to some combat options (barring the interference of enemy skills).

    FASHION – D: A vast ability to color-coordinate. At rank D, Byakuya's clothing is quite chic , and he passively gains the benefit of rank E Social Maneuver in some situations.

    KNOWLEDGE (ECONOMICS) – A: A superhuman ability to predict the market. At rank A, Byakuya knows in advance one full week of market activity on the macro scale, and can plan accordingly.

    KNOWLEDGE (MILITARY) – D: A vast knowledge of military affairs. At rank D, Knowledge (military) will give Byakuya information on the major groups of world military and paramilitary forces, military procedures, and military organization.

    KNOWLEDGE (POLITICS) – D: A vast knowledge of political affairs. At rank D, Knowledge (politics) will give Byakuya information on the major movers and shakers in the political sphere, and contacts within the Japanese government.

    HATRED - E: A strange hatred has infested Byakuya's very soul, and he lashes out randomly. This trait rarely knocks Social Maneuver down one rank, without warning.

  • Togami is CFO of Togami Corporation, a one-time Steel production corporation who's product line expanded over time to include cars, computers, chemicals, and many other things. Togami's single-minded pursuit of personal profit prevents him from joining other factions, meaning he will always be a Togami affiliate.

Kuwata Leon - The Ultimate Baseball Star


The Ultimate Baseball Star, who has rejected his title in favor of pursuing a musical career. Kuwata is a fickle young man, the typical teenager, and doesn't often seem to know exactly what he wants to do with his life. Prone to assessing situations unrealistically, Kuwata is regardless a fit young man who is full of cheer.

  • SPORTS (BASEBALL) – A: A superhuman ability to play a sport. At rank A, Leon hits nothing but homeruns. When a baseball bat is present, Leon gains the effect of rank D Combat Analysis, Lockpicking, and unlocks special Social options.

    MUSICALITY (INSTRUMENTS) – E: An above average instrument playing ability. At rank E, Leon is skilled at playing multiple instruments, and can make a roll to attempt to create a rank E meme.

    MUSICALITY (SINGING) – -E: An incredible singing ability. At rank -E, Leon's singing is so terrible that he can cause mild headaches and discomfort to those who hear him.

    CHARISMA – E: An above average ability to influence and convince. This skill is granted to attractive characters without a rank in Social Maneuver, and can act as Social Maneuver of equivalent rank.

  • Leon's faction affiliation is unknown at this time.

Hagakure Yasuhiro - The Ultimate Clairvoyant


The eldest member of class 78 and the oldest non-staff at Hope's Peak Academy, Yasuhiro Hagakure won his place as the Ultimate Clairvoyant by successfully predicting that the HPA scout would have their wallet stolen before they left the building. A con-man by need, and idiot by nature, Yasuhiro is often found begging for money to pay back his debts and reparations.

  • FISCAL DOMINATION – -D: A paltry bank account. At rank -D, Yasuhiro is severely in debt, and may take odd actions at inopportune times.

    FOOL – D: A vast lack of knowledge. At rank D, this character receives the debuffs of rank -E Social Maneuver, Knowledge (Politics), Knowledge (Military), Knowledge (Economics), Knowledge (General), Knowledge (Science), Computer Science, Common Sense, and Combat Analysis. This skill also acts as Luck rank E, and causes Yasuhiro to be immune to memes of lesser rank than his Fool skill.

  • Yasuhiro's faction affiliation is unknown at this time.

Class 77 (Juniors)

Nanami Chiaki - The Ultimate Gamer


A sleepy "pro gamer" and current Ultimate Gamer at Hope's Peak Academy. Her lazy mood and tired expression are because she often stays up too late playing video games. Her skills are prodigious and varied, although she seems to have learned most of them from games, making her actual talents hard to discern.

  • [Known traits coming later]

  • Chiaki's faction affiliation is unknown at this time.

Owari Akane - The Ultimate Gymnast


Skilled acrobat and gymnast Akane Owari is a slum girl who's made her name as a three time olympic medalist before reaching the age of majority. Her rough exterior is only matched by her equally rough and rather quite gravelly interior. The only thing she likes more than climbing new heights is reaching new heights of pleasure through eating.

  • [Known traits coming later]

  • Akane's faction affiliation is unknown at this time.

Kuzuryu Fuyuhiko - The Ultimate Yakuza


While not technically the head of the Kuzuryu clan, Fuyuhiko is the scion of the family and heir apparent for the underworld throne the clan owns. As the Ultimate Yakuza, Fuyuhiko has already led his clan to great wealth and prosperity. Despite the seedy nature of his work and talent, Fuyuhiko is surprisingly fair and even gentle... At least until he becomes upset. Don't mention his height or babyface.

  • [Known traits coming later]

  • Fuyuhiko's faction affiliation is unknown at this time.

Tanaka Gundham - The Ultimate Animal Breeder


Self-proclaimed warlock, Dark Devil of the 18 and a Half Hells, Blood-Cryptomancer of the Shadow League of Shadows, and Ultimate Animal Breeder, Gundham Tanaka manages to be one of the most colorful personalities at a campus dominated by them. A full-time Chuunibyou, Gundham is always accompanied by his four hamsters: San-D, Jum-P, Maga-Z, and Cham-P.

  • [Known traits coming later]

  • Gundham's faction affiliation is unknown at this time.

Saionji Hiyoko - The Ultimate Traditional Dancer


The Ultimate Traditional Dancer, Hiyoko is an eminently childish young woman. Possessed of a petite stature and build, and abused as a child by demanding parents, Hiyoko is a shockingly crass and rude girl who exults in causing pain to others, mostly as a shield to keep herself from further harm.

  • [Known traits coming later]

  • Hiyoko's faction affiliation is unknown at this time.

Mioda Ibuki - The Ultimate Rock Star


Rock on! Ibuki Mioda is a cheerful girl, one utterly unassailable by, like, despair man! Despite, or maybe because of, her music being mostly death/scream metal fusion, Ibuki is actually a perpetually happy girl with not a care in the world. Flaunting her petite body for all it's worth, Ibuki enjoys adoration from her many fans with an innocent vigor, well deserving her title of Ultimate Rock Star.

  • [Known traits coming later]

  • Ibuki's faction affiliation is unknown at this time.

Souda Kazuichi - The Ultimate Engineer


A deiselpunk nerd and Ultimate Engineer, Kazuichi is one of the least fortunate individuals at Hope's Peak Academy. He's desprately in love with three things: Sonia Nevermind, his Hot-rod, and his dream of building a rocket and venturing into space. His hair is a dyed pink, and his teeth are filed to fine points, but Kazuichi is a typical, gentle young man.

  • [Known traits coming later]

  • Kazuichi's faction affiliation is unknown at this time.

Koizumi Mahiru - The Ultimate Photographer


The Ultimate Photographer, and self-reportedly one of the most normal students at Hope's Peak Academy. Despite her self-depriciation, Mahiru is an incredibly skilled photographer, producing pictures for publications as widespread as National Geographic from the tender age of seven years old. A staunch traditionalist, Mahiru can be harsh on men who don't meet her strict standards of masculine conduct.

  • [Known traits coming later]

  • Mahiru's faction affiliation is unknown at this time.

Tsumiki Mikan - The Ultimate Nurse


The Ultimate Nurse, Mikan is a very diffident girl, apologizing at the drop of a hat, and often beyond. Mikan is often wrapped in bandages due to her frequent pratfalls, which often leave her in sexually compromising positions. Mikan is a dutiful Nurse, capable of preforming almost any medical procedure to perfection.

  • [Known traits coming later]

  • Mikan's faction affiliation is unknown at this time.

Komaeda Nagito - The Ultimate Lucky Student


The Ultimate Lucky Student of the Second-year selection. Nagito is a self-depreciating individual, considering himself nothing special and wholly unfit to sit amongst his comrades. However, his incredible talent often puts his actions at odds with his own assessment. Nagito's luck is special and obvious, with his wants and desires almost never going unfulfilled, however, egregious use of his good luck almost always casts misfortune upon others, further trampling his self-esteem.

  • [Known traits coming later]

  • Nagito's faction affiliation is unknown at this time.

Nidai Nekomaru - The Ultimate Personal Trainer


Nekomaru Nidai is the Ultimate Personal Trainer, responsible for the training of multiple athletes who were at one time or another up for consideration as Hope's Peak students. Although none of his students made the cut, Nekomaru did, as his talents in training were eventually discovered and presented to the board. A large man, Nekomaru is a boundless source of testosterone-fueled energy, getting along well with Akane Owari.

  • [Known traits coming later]

  • Nekomaru's faction affiliation is unknown at this time.

Pekoyama Peko - The Ultimate Swordswoman


Ultimate Swordswoman by title, Pekoyama is actually a trained assassin for the Kuzuryu Clan. However, as Ultimate Swordswoman, Peko is able to put her skills to use bodyguarding the young Kuzuryu scion - Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu. With such a skilled martial artist on his side, could the young Kuzuryu be truly untouchable?

  • [Known traits coming later]

  • Peko's faction affiliation is unknown at this time.

Mitarai Ryota - The Ultimate Animator


The Ultimate Animator only because it sounds better than "Ultimate Recluse", Ryota is one of the most prodigious and talented individuals at the academy - and almost nobody knows him. Striking a deal with the Ultimate Imposter, Mitarai spends his days and nights working on an anime he's designing to bring the Ultimate Hope to any who see it.

  • [Known traits coming later]

  • Hostage of the DESPAIR faction

Mitarai Ryota - The Ultimate Imposter


The Ultimate Animator only because it sounds better than "Ultimate Recluse", Ryota is one of the most prodigious and talented individuals at the academy - and almost nobody knows him. Striking a deal with the Ultimate Imposter, Mitarai spends his days and nights working on an anime he's designing to bring the Ultimate Hope to any who see it.

  • [Known traits coming later]

  • Imposter Ryota's faction affiliation is unknown at this time.

Nevermind Sonia - The Ultimate Princess


Sonia Nevermind, Firstborn Princess of the Novoselic Kingdom, Heir apparent to the Duchy of Plotsk, Duchy of Novoselia, Duchy of Harksk, Countess of Justines, Grodny, Novoselia, and Gradovostok, Lady of Ceremonies for the House of Nevermind, Lieutenant Commander of the 45th Novoselic Armored Battalion, Vice-Commander of the 3rd Novoselic Tank Corps, and accomplished markswoman and orator.

  • [Known traits coming later]

  • Sonia's faction affiliation is unknown at this time.

Hanamura Teruteru - The Ultimate Cook


Accomplished chef Teruteru is technically the Ultimate Cook, not the Ultimate Chef, but he prefers the latter title. While his cooking skills are fantastic, as befits an Ultimate Student, Teruteru is in the terrible habit of perving on any living thing in sight. Not even the chilly tomboy Mukuro Ikusaba is free of his predations. However, Teruteru is quite kind if his advances are ignored or tolerated.

  • [Known traits coming later]

  • Teruteru's faction affiliation is unknown at this time.

Interesting. I didn't know this feature existed. It does look a lot better than the tabs, true.

I'm making a small modification to the Ryota and Imposter sections, since they're supposed to be a bit confusing for obvious reasons, but thanks. I'll put this up in the character sheet section soon.
Would it be possible for us to get information on the various Traits that someone can have? We know what Combat Analysis and General Analysis do per example, but not the other types, and we know what D/C/A ranks in Social Maneuver look like but not E and B ranks etc. talking about traits could not only help inform us what to expect but also generate more discussion about the quest.
Would it be possible for us to get information on the various Traits that someone can have? We know what Combat Analysis and General Analysis do per example, but not the other types, and we know what D/C/A ranks in Social Maneuver look like but not E and B ranks etc. talking about traits could not only help inform us what to expect but also generate more discussion about the quest.
While a list of possible traits would be pretty cool to have, I wonder if it could potentially spoil stuff, like for characters in the "Others" tab and sexy!Makoto. Like, there could be unique traits that someone might have, and while Karne could just omit them, there's still a possibility someone might figure something out we're not supposed to know yet from such a list.
While a list of possible traits would be pretty cool to have, I wonder if it could potentially spoil stuff, like for characters in the "Others" tab and sexy!Makoto. Like, there could be unique traits that someone might have, and while Karne could just omit them, there's still a possibility someone might figure something out we're not supposed to know yet from such a list.

A list of the stuff that has been somewhat referenced but not outright told would be fine i believe, like the Analysis traits and the Empath trait, as well as different ranks of the same trait, with new stuff being added as we know more about different types, no need for a full list
A full list could get really extensive. Like, Paths of Exile skill tree extensive. And Mukuro probably wouldn't have access to most of them, since stuff like Knowledge (Medicine) takes quite some time to rank up in. Plus every skill has 12 different descriptions based on skill level (EX > A > B > C > D > E > null > -E > -D > -C > -B > -A > -EX). Honestly, I'm not worried about spoilers with the skills, since there's plenty of planned stuff that over-laps so it'll be hard to tell what's exclusive to Planetborn and what's, say, Monica's potential skills if things get really fucking out of hand. After a certain point of technobabble, it's kind of hard to tell Deus Ex from SMAC, since it all's magic anyway.

But if I start trying to write the full list of skills, you might never get an update again. I'll grow old and grey before I finish!
Voting locked. Update is in the tubes (May come tonight or tomorrow).
Greetings from "sunny" Orlando Florida where the temperature is mildly chilly but my father is convinced he's about to get frostbite! On the other hand, the Wizarding World of Harry Potter is pretty fun.
Adhoc vote count started by Nevill on Dec 16, 2018 at 1:56 PM, finished with 24 posts and 9 votes.
Greetings from "sunny" Orlando Florida where the temperature is mildly chilly but my father is convinced he's about to get frostbite! On the other hand, the Wizarding World of Harry Potter is pretty fun.
That demon-ride stole my glasses from me and turned me into a blind, useless human-sized paper weight for an entire Spring Break. I'll never forgive it!

...glad you're having fun there! I always loved visiting Diagon Alley. The atmosphere there reminds me why I fell in love with the Harry Potter series when I was in Elementary School, and the performers are pretty cool. Are the bathrooms there still ungodly cramped?
I just had a thought, and I want to confirm: @Karnewarrior, given that we're not post-tragedy yet and not in the killing game, is is still technically possible to lower our Junko Dependency and Despair, right? It'll just be s lot harder given what we're doing this arc. After all, I'm assuming we're still going to need to attend class as to not seem suspicious, and all. And attending class means interacting with our classmates, and therefore getting more chances to branch out and not be so dependent on Junko.
Yes, there will continue to be opportunities to lower JDEP and Despair. In fact, by some point you'll have to hit zero Jdep, or you'll be killed.

If you take Exodus to be an introduction to your most important classmates for the coming cataclysm, you can think of Operatio as being an introduction to your most important Senpai for the coming cataclysm. I think you'll be surprised what some of them can do... Or will do.
No, actually, that threshold is a bit higher. But while you have a non-zero JDEP, you can't play the faction game, and if that situation continues long enough negative effects will occur. The negative effects may be invisible to the player too.
No, actually, that threshold is a bit higher. But while you have a non-zero JDEP, you can't play the faction game, and if that situation continues long enough negative effects will occur. The negative effects may be invisible to the player too.

Gotta remember to always check for invisi-text. Especially in a quest with as much mystery as this.

Also can't wait until we get to learn more about the faction game. Personal picks for who to get on our side one we get there(if they aren't already to deep into another's faction) are Sonia, Sayaka, Kyouko(our friends and very useful talents), Sakura, Nekomaru, Akane(The only three I think we can get ourselves that I'd worry about fighting), Fuyuhiko(For the criminal resources and getting Peko(the fourth person we can get that I'd worry about fighting) onside), and Nagito(to keep the crazy wildcard on a leash/unleash him against our enemies. Of course he may side with Junko because bla bla despair leads to greater hope). Picking up Togami and getting Toko/Jill on side would also be nice but I'm worried about what we did to him.

Of course all of this is wishful thinking if we don't get our JDEP down ASAP. With things ramping up this fast I'd be willing to let our Despair hit 40% or even the 50% threshold if it meant knocking the JPED into the range where we can start to form our faction(or at least prevent those hidden downsides). From what we know in story I'd say there are currently two KNOWN factions in play, "Makoto"'s and Junko's, but there is high likelihood to be one or two more with us being able to splinter from Junko to form our faction.

Edit: Decided to look at the faction pages of each character and found two things. First we already know of a third faction because Togami is a faction unto himself due to his absurd wealth and connections. This would likely change in the event of Junko's societal collapse happening. Second I found the joke at Hifumi's expense. Thanks for the laugh.
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Operatio II
In an instant, you decide on the machine-like figure - You have basically nothing to go on, in any case, but if you catch one you'll have information available.

Your target is dashing to the left, so you skid around another corner, into the Physics Department. The halls here are clean, but musty, clearly unused for years despite their shining chrome finish; the last person to study here, Ultimate Physicist Stephen Hawking, graduated long ago. The Figure dashes down the hallways with the speed of an Olympic sprinter, and you just barely follow.

The you turn a corner, and he's gone.

Cursing slightly, you draw your pistol and quickly load the ammo into it. The magazine sinks into the well with a satisfyingly lethal click. Armed and ready.

A small noise echoes from an open door. You kick it open, sweeping left and right in an instant, while ducking slightly just in case you were too slow. It's useless; the room is empty. You enter, slowly, keeping an eye on hiding spots and continuing to sweep the room.

You're tempted to use your last grenade to try to flush the figure out, but you're not even certain he's in here. Just before you decide to head back out into the hallway and hope to refind your target, something small strikes the floor to your left.

You whip right, recognizing the sound of a thrown stone, but there's nothing there. You whip around again, wondering if perhaps it was a ploy, but you again find nothing. But now you're certain that you're not alone in this room. Your heart beats in your ears, and a remote part of your mind wishes it would stop; it sounds so loud in the silence. The hairs on the back of your neck raise themselves, and you can feel your adrenal glands start to hit overdrive. The sensation forces you to smile as the huntress in your heart takes control.
Behind you
Spin. Fire. Gun is pulled to the side. The figure is there, hand raised blocking your arm. You snap one hand to break his arm, but he's already moving to the side, impossibly fast. He's heading around you, to strike from behind. You don't let him, kicking out a foot. Bring the gun to bear. Fire again. He dodges. How?

The figure throws a straight punch directly at your head. You catch it, and launch yourself over it in a catlike display of agility. Your feet cross behind his neck, and you twist your whole form around his arm. His neck should have snapped, but instead he jumps, spinning himself. Both of you slam to the floor, prone. Somehow, the Figure snakes his arm from your grip. There's no time to think about it. You kick, snapping his head back. There's a sharp crack, but no, it's just the mask on the helmet.

The Figure uses the momentum to propel himself backward, away from you. You aim the gun, but he dodges before you can put a bullet in him. All thought of non-lethal combat is out of mind, now. The figure scrabbles behind a desk, and you have to waste a precious instant getting into a position where you can even move.

One instant too long. Glass shatters against the side of your head; a retort in both form and function. You spin into a runners position and take off, ducking behind the desk with the Figure, who looks shocked at your sudden burst of speed. Your fist lashes out, knocking him in his hard gut. Your leg follows up the assault, slamming his head into the side of the table so hard it leaves a dent in the metal. He recovers faster than he should, scooting backwards and around the table. The fight moves back into the clear center of the lab.

He jabs at you the minute you're in range, but you push it to the side. Three more jabs in quick succession stops your assault, but you finally get an opening to throw a haymaker. The figure slips backward, your knuckles grazing the cracked visor of his helmet. He repostes with another set of jabs, all of which you manage to block. Then his foot hits your shin, and you have to force yourself to not buckle. The lost concentration costs you as the Figure throws his own haymaker, landing it into your temple. Grunting, you turn your fall into a roll, spinning to his side. He's not expecting the maneuver. Your fists snap out, again and again, landing a devastating barrage of punches into multiple soft points in his side. Then he kicks out, and you're forced back. But you leave a present.

A M84 stun grenade is generally not particularly more lethal than a firecracker. However, that doesn't mean it's safe. Like a firecracker, if someone happens to have the grenade on their person when it detonates, it can cause serious harm and potentially lost digits; in serious cases, they can even collapse lungs.

The flashbang grenade goes off directly next to the Figure's kidney, hooked onto his armor. The impact is relatively light, but the heat of the explosion melts a hole in the fabric of his suit, and the bright light and thunderclap hit both of you like ten minutes staring into the sun while your ear is pressed against any speaker currently being used by Ibuki Mioda. You're braced for both, but it still takes you a full minute to recover.

When you do, you notice the figure isn't moving. You point your gun at him, but almost immediately put it down; no living human is so still. Nor do you get the sense that the machine you're looking at is still active - instead, it only reacts to your probing foot with utter nothing. And it is a machine; the hole in the Figure's suit reveals a sparking matrix of tiny wires and oddly violet circiutry. It didn't just melt a hole in the suit, but in the machine underneath.

Feeling confident that the machine is "dead", you kneel to take the helmet off. But when you move to touch it, it lights up. Your gun immediately snaps back into position, but after a moment, it seems like it's not doing anything else. Just displaying a short, disturbing message.


Shit. Junko's going to be mad.

[ ] Stash the robot somewhere else, for Junko to look over later. (-20% Despair, +15% Junko Dependency)
[ ] Let the school handle cleanup, but give Junko the deets you got. (-5% Despair, +5% Junko Dependency, Junko will be upset)
[ ] Wait for the school, and give an excuse as to why you're out past curfew. (+5% Despair, -5% Junko Dependency, Junko will be very upset when she finds out)
[ ] Call Kyouko and tell her what happened. Then pretend like you didn't do that. (+10% Despair, -10% Junko dependency, +???% ???, Junko will be livid if she finds out, choose another option)
[ ] Call Makoto and ask him what he was doing in the Neurology department. (???)


I would normally lengthen the update by showing what happens tommorrow (your meeting with Mahiru), but unfortunately there's a lot that's going to be dictated by this decision. Some of the consequences aren't obvious, so make sure to think it through.
In an instant, you decide on the machine-like figure - You have basically nothing to go on, in any case, but if you catch one you'll have information available.

Your target is dashing to the left, so you skid around another corner, into the Physics Department. The halls here are clean, but musty, clearly unused for years despite their shining chrome finish; the last person to study here, Ultimate Physicist Stephen Hawking, graduated long ago. The Figure dashes down the hallways with the speed of an Olympic sprinter, and you just barely follow.

The you turn a corner, and he's gone.

Cursing slightly, you draw your pistol and quickly load the ammo into it. The magazine sinks into the well with a satisfyingly lethal click. Armed and ready.

A small noise echoes from an open door. You kick it open, sweeping left and right in an instant, while ducking slightly just in case you were too slow. It's useless; the room is empty. You enter, slowly, keeping an eye on hiding spots and continuing to sweep the room.

You're tempted to use your last grenade to try to flush the figure out, but you're not even certain he's in here. Just before you decide to head back out into the hallway and hope to refind your target, something small strikes the floor to your left.

You whip right, recognizing the sound of a thrown stone, but there's nothing there. You whip around again, wondering if perhaps it was a ploy, but you again find nothing. But now you're certain that you're not alone in this room. Your heart beats in your ears, and a remote part of your mind wishes it would stop; it sounds so loud in the silence. The hairs on the back of your neck raise themselves, and you can feel your adrenal glands start to hit overdrive. The sensation forces you to smile as the huntress in your heart takes control.
Behind you
Spin. Fire. Gun is pulled to the side. The figure is there, hand raised blocking your arm. You snap one hand to break his arm, but he's already moving to the side, impossibly fast. He's heading around you, to strike from behind. You don't let him, kicking out a foot. Bring the gun to bear. Fire again. He dodges. How?

The figure throws a straight punch directly at your head. You catch it, and launch yourself over it in a catlike display of agility. Your feet cross behind his neck, and you twist your whole form around his arm. His neck should have snapped, but instead he jumps, spinning himself. Both of you slam to the floor, prone. Somehow, the Figure snakes his arm from your grip. There's no time to think about it. You kick, snapping his head back. There's a sharp crack, but no, it's just the mask on the helmet.

The Figure uses the momentum to propel himself backward, away from you. You aim the gun, but he dodges before you can put a bullet in him. All thought of non-lethal combat is out of mind, now. The figure scrabbles behind a desk, and you have to waste a precious instant getting into a position where you can even move.

One instant too long. Glass shatters against the side of your head; a retort in both form and function. You spin into a runners position and take off, ducking behind the desk with the Figure, who looks shocked at your sudden burst of speed. Your fist lashes out, knocking him in his hard gut. Your leg follows up the assault, slamming his head into the side of the table so hard it leaves a dent in the metal. He recovers faster than he should, scooting backwards and around the table. The fight moves back into the clear center of the lab.

He jabs at you the minute you're in range, but you push it to the side. Three more jabs in quick succession stops your assault, but you finally get an opening to throw a haymaker. The figure slips backward, your knuckles grazing the cracked visor of his helmet. He repostes with another set of jabs, all of which you manage to block. Then his foot hits your shin, and you have to force yourself to not buckle. The lost concentration costs you as the Figure throws his own haymaker, landing it into your temple. Grunting, you turn your fall into a roll, spinning to his side. He's not expecting the maneuver. Your fists snap out, again and again, landing a devastating barrage of punches into multiple soft points in his side. Then he kicks out, and you're forced back. But you leave a present.

A M84 stun grenade is generally not particularly more lethal than a firecracker. However, that doesn't mean it's safe. Like a firecracker, if someone happens to have the grenade on their person when it detonates, it can cause serious harm and potentially lost digits; in serious cases, they can even collapse lungs.

The flashbang grenade goes off directly next to the Figure's kidney, hooked onto his armor. The impact is relatively light, but the heat of the explosion melts a hole in the fabric of his suit, and the bright light and thunderclap hit both of you like ten minutes staring into the sun while your ear is pressed against any speaker currently being used by Ibuki Mioda. You're braced for both, but it still takes you a full minute to recover.

When you do, you notice the figure isn't moving. You point your gun at him, but almost immediately put it down; no living human is so still. Nor do you get the sense that the machine you're looking at is still active - instead, it only reacts to your probing foot with utter nothing. And it is a machine; the hole in the Figure's suit reveals a sparking matrix of tiny wires and oddly violet circiutry. It didn't just melt a hole in the suit, but in the machine underneath.

Feeling confident that the machine is "dead", you kneel to take the helmet off. But when you move to touch it, it lights up. Your gun immediately snaps back into position, but after a moment, it seems like it's not doing anything else. Just displaying a short, disturbing message.


Shit. Junko's going to be mad.

[ ] Stash the robot somewhere else, for Junko to look over later. (-20% Despair, +15% Junko Dependency)
[ ] Let the school handle cleanup, but give Junko the deets you got. (-5% Despair, +5% Junko Dependency, Junko will be upset)
[ ] Wait for the school, and give an excuse as to why you're out past curfew. (+5% Despair, -5% Junko Dependency, Junko will be very upset when she finds out)
[ ] Call Kyouko and tell her what happened. Then pretend like you didn't do that. (+10% Despair, -10% Junko dependency, +???% ???, Junko will be livid if she finds out, choose another option)
[ ] Call Makoto and ask him what he was doing in the Neurology department. (???)


I would normally lengthen the update by showing what happens tommorrow (your meeting with Mahiru), but unfortunately there's a lot that's going to be dictated by this decision. Some of the consequences aren't obvious, so make sure to think it through.

Hey @Karnewarrior you didn't threadmark it.

Anyway hoo boy was that a fight and it turns out the one with machine like precision was in fact a machine. Knew we should have followed the blood smelling one. Most likely to be the actual person(With a moderate chance of being Toko as her description literally says she smells of many thing among which is blood). Anyway I'm pretty sure there is nowhere in this part of the DR universe that can make combat robots THAT powerful. It took the Ultimate Soldier going all out to take one of these things down. The closest thing would be the Towa Industries Monokuma bots but those are under Junkos control through Monaca Towa and they were only dangerous through numbers and the odd super robot. Then again Junko's killing game bots were strong enough that it could fight Sakura without instantly exploding but again Towa Industries produced. DRV3 had K1-B0 who's tech could be used to create a robot designed for single combat but V3 is likely irrelevant here. So the bot likely came from the SMAC half of this and I've never played that so I've got nothing.

Anyway behold invisi-text!
You whip right, recognizing the sound of a thrown stone, but there's nothing there. You whip around again, wondering if perhaps it was a ploy, but you again find nothing. But now you're certain that you're not alone in this room. Your heart beats in your ears, and a remote part of your mind wishes it would stop; it sounds so loud in the silence. The hairs on the back of your neck raise themselves, and you can feel your adrenal glands start to hit overdrive. The sensation forces you to smile as the huntress in your heart takes control.
Behind you
Spin. Fire. Gun is pulled to the side. The figure is there, hand raised blocking your arm. You snap one hand to break his arm, but he's already moving to the side, impossibly fast. He's heading around you, to strike from behind. You don't let him, kicking out a foot. Bring the gun to bear. Fire again. He dodges. How?
The Figure uses the momentum to propel himself backward, away from you. You aim the gun, but he dodges before you can put a bullet in him. All thought of non-lethal combat is out of mind, now. The figure scrabbles behind a desk, and you have to waste a precious instant getting into a position where you can even move.

Nothing much but its there.

Anyway here's my vote

[] Call Kyouko and tell her what happened. Then pretend like you didn't do that. (+10% Despair, -10% Junko dependency, +???% ???, Junko will be livid if she finds out, choose another option)

As the option is not crossed out I doubt its not allowed even if it says choose another option so I'm picking it. We've been using a light touch until now but we need to break from Junko before things really start to get out of hand(besides her sister going against her is going to cause her some Despair so she shouldn't go right to the more drastic consequences). The next best pick for me is probably the Makoto option. The other JDEP reducer says she WILL find out as opposed to this ones IF and the Makoto option is a mystery box. And when all other options seems bad/aren't going to win go for the mystery box
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I am severely tempted to call Kyouko, but the "choose another option" disclaimer is making me hesitate. We want to get our Junko Dependency down quickly, but would it be wise to do so in such a risky way? We might just wait for the school, just to be safe, or call Makoto to get whatever that would entail (hopefully less Junko Dependency, considering its Makoto, and it doesn't mention anything about telling Junko), but if someone makes a convincing argument to make our little sister so incredibly pissed off she will likely kill us then I will listen.

Edit: I mean, we no longer have -E Social Maneuver, but it's Junko. With SHSL Analyst powers, there's no way we can lie convincingly enough to her face and not have her find out. And even if the conversation was over the phone or text or something, she'd still figure something out. It's Junko.
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