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Far from the eight continents that occupies more than half of the world's space, lies Ayoth - a...
Far from the eight continents that occupies more than half of the world's space, lies Ayoth - a lone continent located millions of miles away from the dreaded Mid-Sea, lying on what they call as 'Leraus Ocean'.

It is fairly large, filled with fertile plains and towering mountains, adorned by various wonders of nature, such as dense forests, vast deserts, lengthy mountain ranges, and intricate underground caves.

The inhabitants of this land are no less than those from the eight main continents of Verattia, for they are of the same origin. The people of this land are no natives, instead, they have arrived here through the disasters of the forgotten Mid-Sea War, mainly due to the terrifyingly powerful torrents and hurricanes. Of course, they would have not survived such a thing without help from the gods.

The first civilization was established two years after the end of the Mid-Sea War, which laid the foundations for their rapid advancement in the various aspects of society. Now, the continent Ayoth rivals the populace of the two largest continents in the world combined, with four nations claiming territories all over the lands.


Etrea Kingdom
The first ever founded civilization, this kingdom was named after the king's first daughter - Etrea Lanser. This nation grew to be the center of culture and tradition, and paved way to the rise of the other civilizations. However, everything comes at a price. Only when the royal family decided to dirty their hands was the nation allowed to prosper and flourish. Its location, being near to the ocean, makes it fare quite well economically, despite being highly populated compared to the other nations, due to the many business opportunities presented by the vast deep blue. Not only that, but this has made their naval military strength is unrivalled in Ayoth.

Knowledge and wisdom are heavily valued here, for within their most protected archives and sanctuaries lie the key to unlocking the mysteries of the arcane arts. Several academies here are made solely for learning and practicing the art of magic. If one truly wishes to fully unlock their magic potential, this is the best place to be.​

Thorus Kingdom
Shortly after Etrea's tragic fall to her incurable illness, her elder brother, Heimir Lanser, left the kingdom hoping to repent for his inability to rid of sister's untimely demise. His travels beyond the confines of his homeland had him encounter various kinds of people not welcomed by his home. And seeing that their lack of proper shelter and unity was the consequence of his family's misdeeds, he atoned for their sins by forging a home for them under his watchful gaze.

This civilization, formed throughout decades, was the Thorus Kingdom, named after Heimir's best friend, who took over his rule when he fell to his old age without leaving an heir. Honed by hardships and trials, the people of this land are united, disregarding the differences in their appearance, social status, and even their opinions. Such traits make the people of this kingdom an irreplaceable ally, and a formidable enemy. As the saying goes, "beware the lone wolf, whose howl can call upon a battalion of its kin."​

Theocracy of Obil
Mourning for the loss of her beloved sister, Milda Lanser, eldest of the royal siblings, turned to the gods, praying day and night just waiting for a miracle to get her back. Unfortunately, no such answer was given, only silence. Furious at the gods, she channeled her rage by causing havoc to those who still worship them. She ordered her loyal soldiers to destroy and burn temples, ruin various images and idols, and even slaughter those who preached such a religion.

However, the consequences of her actions caught up to her faster than she had expected. Forced by the majority of the subjects, the king placed his only remaining daughter in exile, along with those who follow her beliefs. This only made her resentment towards the gods grow further, up to the point that she made her own religion, gathering believers and devotees as she roamed the lands in her exile. Soon enough, their numbers made their religion the most prominent one in the entirety of Ayoth. During the peak years of her religion, the Creed of Arce, she established a civilization far away from her origin, and her brother's growing fortress. She made various rules and turned into traditions by using the name of their made-up goddess. It was not long enough until the theocracy was at its peak.

But in the years she governed as the Arch Priestess of this unnamed civilization, her secrets were discovered by an ambitious and power-hungry priest named Obil. After her sins were revealed, and sentenced to death by her own followers, this priest succeeded her reign over the nation, and brainwashed those beneath him that he was a prophet of Arce, continuing the false religion of Milda. The Creed of Arce spread throughout the entirety of Ayoth, overcoming the old religion and turning it into nothing but an old myth. The Arch Priest Obil proclaimed the nation as a holy land and center of this false religion, gaining the respect and allegiance of the other nations. Up to this day, no one truly knows that the Creed of Arce is nothing but a broken woman's insult to the old gods.

The Theocracy of Obil has risen far deep into power, that they have their own means of creating produce to trade with the other kingdoms, and even a military force specifically made to hunt down and persecute heretics of any other religion.​

Socleidan Empire
The youngest of the Lanser siblings, Ecleid, left his home. Not because he resented the dirtied history of his family, nor the death of everyone's beloved Etrea. Instead, he left because he found the people of his homeland to be unbearably stupid and ignorant. The young Ecleid wandered off, his mind set on the future of Ayoth. His ever-growing intellect and wild imagination granted him the tools to secure what he calls as "Ayoth's future glory". He made complicated constructs that made his life easier, and travelled with it. The people who saw such creations and marveled at the grandeur of such objects, he had gained followers, and in time, students who helped him generate ideas as to how to further better the future of Ayoth.

It was not long until he had amassed an army that can crush any enemy they might encounter. With their constructs that combine the mysterious powers of magic and the flexibility of technology, they have made what is known to be Manatech. Using these powerful tools, Ecleid and his followers laid waste to a large portion of the land, surrounded by various natural resources, and claimed it as their own. In that very space, Ecleid changed his name to Socleid, detaching himself from the miserable past that is the Lanser royal family, and devoting his life to attain "Ayoth's future glory". In mere months, he led his followers to create an impregnable nation, and was crowned as it leader.

That very day, the patient predator known as the Socliedan Empire was born.​

Humans - A Human is the classic slate of all other races. Most of them were patterned by the gods, using the Humans as their base forms. In other terms, Humans are the plain mortals. They bear no modification, nor any innate features. During the old days, Humans could live up to five hundred (500) years, however, the Humans nowadays can only live up to a hundred and fifty (150) years at most. It is said that what makes them better than all is their very core - their unbreakable will, and their unfaltering hope.

Syrieth - In their native language, the word Syrieth means "of nature". Originating from the Caskarieth (god-born), the Syrieth carry their forefathers' traits. They are able to age eternally, but unfortunately, they could still die from other means. They commonly reside in areas where nature thrives, such as forests and jungles, using those as part of their hidden villages and cities. They appear much like a human, but with long and pointy ears, and a bit taller height. They are attributed to nature, and to the creatures in it. They have a good understanding of magic, but they are not the best at it.

Illieth - The Illieth are the opposite of the Syrieth. In their native tongue, their name means "of tainted". They too, originated from the Caskarieth, but they were headed to a different path, a different way of life. Whilst the Syrieth live in forests, they reside in darker areas - caves, ruins, and even underground tunnels. They also live in hidden villages and cities, of course. They are much like the Syrieth, but have pale gray to pure black skin, and the color of their eyes are always of dark shades. They commonly have bodily accessories and markings, though most are simply for looking tough. They have a better understanding of magic compared to the Syrieth, but they prefer to avoid using magic at all.

Dwarves - A Dwarf is a mortal half the size of a human. They usually have heavy amounts of facial hair, such as beards and goatees. They are mountain and underground dwellers, usually using some sort of highly complex mechanisms to traverse their strangely designed homes. Dwarves are able to age three to four times that of an average human. They have great skills in the arts of crafting and smiths, however, their attraction to treasure usually brings them to peril. It may not be of great use, but they have a very high tolerance of being drunk, thus they tend to use alcoholic drinks as if it was mere water.

Medians - A Median is a human with beastly features, which ranges from simply ears and tails, up to their entire body looking much like a beast itself, based on the purity of their blood. Medians live in various tribes, ruled by different Chiefs. Unlike most races, Medians tend to have great differences between each one of them, but their unity is far greater than any other. A Median ages like a regular human. Due to their strange appearance, they gain various abilities, based on their beastly counterpart, such as being able to pounce like a leopard, roar like a lion, swim like a fish, or even fly like a bird. They value honor and honesty above all.

Dragonkin - The Dragonkin look exactly like a normal human, except for the permanent tattoos that they bear upon birth. These tattoos are a sign that they are a Dragonkin, and glow when they use their ability, which is feared by most. The Dragonkin are very peaceful, and most of them live together in a secluded area which is extremely difficult to reach, let alone locate. They are able to age eternally, but will still die to other means. The Dragonkin can transform from their human forms into a dragon should they will it, and vice-versa. In the middle of their transformation process, their tattoos will glow as an indication. In their dragon forms, these tattoos are retained. The size of their dragon forms ranges from thrice the average human up to as large as a guild hall. They are still inferior compared to real dragons. This ability is rarely used, due to the many risks it possess.

Sanguini - A Sanguinus is a human with blood red eyes, and the ability to control their own blood for many things - both physically and magically. Their strange blood allows them to age twice as long as the average human. Although they may possess greater physique and magical prowess than regular humans, the Sanguini prefer to use non-combat means to attain their goals. Most Sanguini are found to be scholars and researchers, whilst others are low nobles. Sanguini tend to reside on a place swarming with people, where they could blend in without much trouble. Some of the uneducated assume that they are vampires, though they are far from such atrocities.

Etherborn - An Etherborn is a strange humanoid mortal, who looks exactly like an average human. The only thing that separates them from the latter is their glowing gem-hearts. These hearts of theirs make their eyes glow in the same color, as well as allow them to literally see mana. The glow of their eyes are indicators of their well being, if the glow grows dimmer, they are getting close to the verge of death. Unlike humans, if their hearts are damaged, they are doomed to die, because their gem-hearts cannot regenerate like the human heart. They have the best understanding of magic, and even anti-magic, since they can see how and where mana flows. Their ability to see mana can be controlled through mastery, making the user able to turn it on and off whenever they like it.

Karsai - Untella - Untella, in the native tongue of the Karsai, means "protected". The Karsai, all in all, are humanoids that are far taller and muscular than the Caskarieth, their skin are tougher, and they have tusks on their jaws. The Karsai are considered to be the physically strongest race of all. The Karsai - Untella have green-colored skin, and their tusks are smaller than usual. They live in various tribes that are constantly waging war with the Karsai - Khantaruz. The Karsai - Untella believes that having greater strength means that they are to act as stewards, both of the world and the mortals that live in it. The common Karsai ages thrice than a regular human.

Karsai - Khantaruz - Khantaruz, in the native Karsai tongue, is "overcome with force". The Karsai - Khantaruz have large tusks, and orange and brown colored skin. They are in conflict with the Untella for protecting everything, for they believe that the only way to survive in the world is to eliminate all competitors. They, too, live in tribes.

Aendariin - Almost identical to the human race, with the exception of the wings that sprout from their backs. While their wings provide them certain advantages such as flight and wind resistance, it is also one of their biggest weaknesses - often one of the main causes for their demise. The Aendariin aren't really seen out of their hidden sanctuaries, and are considered to be one of the rarest races, next to the Dragonkin.


In this land, despite the raging and seemingly endless war between each nation, many stories unfold, often overshadowed by heroic chronicles and exaggerated tales. Among them all, is your story.

But first, who are you?

[] Your name
[] Gender (Male/Female)
[] Race
Adhoc vote count started by Rainheart on Nov 1, 2018 at 12:10 PM, finished with 8 posts and 8 votes.

Adhoc vote count started by Rainheart on Nov 1, 2018 at 12:10 PM, finished with 8 posts and 8 votes.

Adhoc vote count started by Rainheart on Nov 1, 2018 at 12:11 PM, finished with 8 posts and 8 votes.

Adhoc vote count started by Rainheart on Nov 1, 2018 at 10:50 PM, finished with 15 posts and 12 votes.

Adhoc vote count started by Rainheart on Nov 1, 2018 at 10:50 PM, finished with 15 posts and 12 votes.
[X] Mace Leroy 'Saberbeard' Windson
[X] Male
[X] Dwarf

Black dwarf. Bald dwarf. Samuel L. Jackson. Mace Windu. Dwarf with a lightsaber! DWARF WITH A LIGHTSABER.

Wait...millions of miles...what the heck is this planet as big as the sun or something?
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honestly, I can understand the temptation to stick with Dragonkin given we didn't even get to the good bit where we transform and all, but I'd Like something different regardless.
Tallying the current votes. The next one will be final.
Adhoc vote count started by Rainheart on Nov 1, 2018 at 12:11 PM, finished with 8 posts and 8 votes.
Final vote tally.
Adhoc vote count started by Rainheart on Nov 1, 2018 at 10:50 PM, finished with 15 posts and 12 votes.
Character Creation
You are Zeke - a male Dragonkin. You were born in...

[] Etrea Kingdom (Strength or Magic Bonus)
[] Thorus Kingdom (Charisma or Wisdom Bonus)
[] Theocracy of Obil (Magic or Charisma Bonus)
[] Socleidan Empire (Intellect or Strength Bonus)
*Pick one from the bonuses present in your options.

Your father was a human soldier, who was in service until his untimely demise. Your mother was a Dragonkin, and though your time with her wasn't really much - it was enough for her to guide into what you are now. You learned from her about your kind, and how you are often hunted down by poachers for dragon-related loot that would be far more difficult to obtain if they targeted a real dragon. You also learned how to harness the abilities of your kin - the capability to transform into a dragon, albeit not on par with real ones. You mother passed away under an illness that simply couldn't be cured by the healers in your hometown.

Since then, you left your hometown, and headed off.

But enough of your past. Let's talk about the present.

[] You are a hero. A chosen one. The great goddess of destiny, Arce, has called upon you to act - to stop the endless war between the nations, before Ayoth turns to nothing but rubble. You have answered her call and began on your adventure. You've gotten a hint from her divine intervention, and you seek to investigate upon it - that something else is causing the war to extend its lifespan, and leading the land to its downfall.

[] The war has been tough on pretty much everyone. Most of your acquaintances have been forced into military service, and almost all of them have been reported as killed in action or missing. With the word out revealing your race, the military can't let such a powerful tool go to waste, and have opted to force you into service as well. Deciding that you are better off preserving your life rather than wasting it in some war, you decided to run away and stay in the shadows - but even dark alleys and abandoned homes won't keep you hidden for long.

[] You are in the war. You signed up to serve your nation, and is now acting as a soldier. The battles doesn't seem to end, and all sides have no plan on retreating. Fortunately, rumors have spread in your ranks - a hidden artifact that could bring your side to an advantageous point. And apparently, you and a few others have been tasked to find it. The only problem is, you have no idea what it is, where it is, and how you'll get it without getting killed in the front lines.​
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[x] Theocracy of Obil (Magic or Charisma Bonus)
[x] You are in the war. You signed up to serve your nation, and is now acting as a soldier. The battles doesn't seem to end, and all sides have no plan on retreating. Fortunately, rumors have spread in your ranks - a hidden artifact that could bring your side to an advantageous point. And apparently, you and a few others have been tasked to find it. The only problem is, you have no idea what it is, where it is, and how you'll get it without getting killed in the front lines.
[X] Socleidan Empire (Intellect Bonus)

[X] The war has been tough on pretty much everyone. Most of your acquaintances have been forced into military service, and almost all of them have been reported as killed in action or missing. With the word out revealing your race, the military can't let such a powerful tool go to waste, and have opted to force you into service as well. Deciding that you are better off preserving your life rather than wasting it in some war, you decided to run away and stay in the shadows - but even dark alleys and abandoned homes won't keep you hidden for long.
[X] Socleidan Empire (Intellect Bonus)

[X] You are a hero. A chosen one. The great goddess of destiny, Arce, has called upon you to act - to stop the endless war between the nations, before Ayoth turns to nothing but rubble. You have answered her call and began on your adventure. You've gotten a hint from her divine intervention, and you seek to investigate upon it - that something else is causing the war to extend its lifespan, and leading the land to its downfall.
[x] Theocracy of Obil (Magic or Charisma Bonus)
[x] You are in the war. You signed up to serve your nation, and is now acting as a soldier. The battles doesn't seem to end, and all sides have no plan on retreating. Fortunately, rumors have spread in your ranks - a hidden artifact that could bring your side to an advantageous point. And apparently, you and a few others have been tasked to find it. The only problem is, you have no idea what it is, where it is, and how you'll get it without getting killed in the front lines.
Are char specialty bonuses from different counties different somehow?

like, once's intimidation, another's inspiring or smth