Okay... well, if the bubble's strong enough to hold Kari, it's probably not going to immediately pop if you mess with it. Still, you really don't want to leave her fate up in the air like this. Mostly because Tai would kill you if you did.
"Kari, you want to come down now?" You ask, though you're not really giving her a choice unless she has a really good reason for sitting with Bukamon in a bubble. And you're not sure a good reason for something like that even exists. It just seems dumb, that's all.
"...Yeah, that sounds good," Bukamon decides from his spot on the girl's shoulder. "Come on, Kari, talk to us."
"Huh...? Oh... we can come down? That's nice..." Something's wrong. So you should probably land as soon as you possibly can. Particularly when she looks so pale.
"Birdramon, see if we can't get her safely to the ground somehow," You instruct your partner. "Maybe with your wings?"
Not that Birdramon needs much instruction for this. You've both been watching some of the same shows growing up, after all, even if you're pretty sure that your Digimon has no taste. And you're pretty sure it will work, if only because the DigiWorld is one of those places where conventional physics tend to just curl up in the corner and die.
...Maybe you shouldn't be taking old cartoons as a lesson for how life works in this world, but you've always been told they were accurate, so it's not that big a deal, right? Right.
Your plan works, for the most part. Up until you get close to the ground of the savanna and the bubble pops itself on a tree. So now you need to get Kari and Bukamon down.
Bukamon's the easy part. He just leaps from the top branch of the tree onto Birdramon's head without a second thought. "Come on, Kari!" He calls back. The girl simply clings tightly to the branch she landed on, shaking her head. "Can't... scared."
Well, this could be a problem.
Sora's DS: 450/462
[ ] Try and get Birdramon closer in.
[ ] Climb up to her yourself.
[ ] Try to distract her by talking about something. (What?)
[ ] ...Maybe she can stay there a little longer? You're sure Izzy has some way to help!