The first thing Cu did was review the information file she'd been given about the school. Rose Fields was founded by the Greenmoon Alliance after quarrels over where an alliance wide school would be located. Specifically, it was built atop the Rose Abyss, a chasm in the fabric of the universe full of monstrous creatures and beings but also many precious resources and treasures. The abyss had no claims on it, so it was viewed as a good place to situate a school meant to bring together students from all the alliance factions. Using materials supplied by all the alliance members and looted from the abyss, the void station that would become the school was built.
The school's core policy was to encourage both competition and cooperation. It provided a place for alliance factions to display their young cultivators' prowess through assorted simulations and missions, both combat and noncombat. Those that won competitions would receive valuable prizes for themselves and prestige for their factions. However, there were also many cooperative scenarios that required students from different factions to work together. Thus this policy allowed the factions to show off but also encouraged cooperation between them. As a direct consequence, conflict outside the competitive scenarios was greatly discouraged, though it wasn't uncommon for teams to prank each other.
The school reflected the composition of the alliance, so Cu could expect to deal with plenty of humans, as well as Syrans, Dancers, Eternals, X!eng, and assorted minority species. She could also expect to be away from the hive for about four years.
Cu closed the file and glanced at her teammates, who all had their displays open. Out of curiosity, she looked at what they were doing. Gam was doing a review to make sure his knowledge of alien etiquettes was firm in his mind. Null had two files open, one on Alliance robots and one on the creatures of the Rose Abyss. And Smile... was watching a X!eng comedy show. Cu wasn't sure what she got out of it, as the jokes and routines performed with many wigglings of the X!eng's tentacles were completely incomprehensible to her, but judging from the way Smile's antennae twitched, she found them hilarious.
"Excuse me. Could we talk? As hivemates." Cu said to Smile. She had decided it was best to get to know the trickster, since it would hopefully let her get a better idea of what to expect from the unpredictable person.
"Decided to get to know the trickster better, huh? Sure thing." Smile put her show on pause, closing her display.
"Yes. I knew from your dossier you were into alien comedy shows. But I didn't know they could get that..." Cu paused, trying to think of a polite phrasing.
"Weird? Incomprehensible? Yeah, different expectations, different ways to subvert those expectations." Smile popped her display back up and issued a command to jump back in the video. "See this part here? About the X!eng who names all her hatchlings? To them it's absurd because they can't do that when they have countless mothers each lying thousands of eggs in a single go. They usually just dump the eggs in the wilderness and move on. The ones that survive long enough have a chance to get adopted. Only then do they get named. So naming the hatchlings right after they hatch's way too premature."
Cu's antennae curled. "Yes, I'm aware of that, but thinking about it is..."
"Tragic, right? But it's the way they do things out of necessity. Really, this section is kind of black humor." Smile jumped ahead in the video. "We'll skip this bit that's hard to translate wordplay. Okay, here's a joke about the X!eng that came back from the dead and..."
After discussing alien humor for a while, Cu said, "You really know a lot about this stuff. And I feel like I get a few of those jokes now."
"Yeah, I got into it at first because it was weird and didn't make sense? And I found that enjoyable? But then I started making more of a study of it and learned a lot about alien culture and such... Which got me assigned to this team, I guess."
"Or at least on the list I had to pick from."
"Decided a trickster would be useful, huh? Looking at some of what we'll be doing, I can see that. Glad to be of use to the hive."
It was then that Harmony announced they were about to arrive, as an screen appeared showing the nearing flower (identified by her display as a rose) shaped station.
Humans were even more strange looking close up, Cu mused as she watched the approaching black haired male human in a flowing red robe with rose shaped motifs picked out in delicate lines of golden thread. The official uniform of the school, from what she'd read. He looked over her and the others then spoke, "Greetings, Cuddle Earth of Great Heavenly Void, I am Pan Liang, Head Dean of the Rose Fields school. It's a honor to have you here."
Cu held her discomfort at the formality in check. From what Gam'd told her, this was their way of showing respect to her hive. She spoke the phrase he had instructed her to say. "Greetings, it is a honor to attend your renowned school."
"It is my pleasure. This student, Awesi, will give you a tour of our facilities, or if you need to rest, show you to your suite." He indicated the darker skinned girl in a similar red robe with white embroidering next to him. "Until we meet again."
With the Dean's departure, Awesi gave a curt nod. "C'mon, let's get this tour over with."
Cu didn't object, nor did the other Myrmidons. This was closer to how the hive did things. The tour through the winding rosy halls of the station came with brief explanations of each stop such as "Library," "Farms. Don't enter without permission," and "Best place to buy kebabs." Cu was certain that last one wasn't an official tour stop, especially since the cook in the food court stall looked rather like an older version of Awesi. Family? But she wasn't about to object since it was just the human showing loyalty to her family. Which Cu could understand. It was like hive loyalty.
"I'll be sure to buy some kebabs from here," Cu said, which got her a small smile in return. Harmony gave her a thumbs up.
The tour drew to a close as they entered the student residential section. "And here are the fancy rooms. This one's yours. All of you're really staying in the one suite?"
"That's what we're comfortable with," Null said.
The suite turned out too extravagantly furnished for the tastes of Cu and the others, so they wound up taking down unnecessary rose themed decor. Quickly, one room was designated as a workshop for Cu and anyone else who might need one, the room with the beds was designated as the sleeping space, and another as a general use room because they didn't know what to do with it.
"This is way too big," Smile said. No one voiced disagreement.
After settling in, Cu completed the student intake paperwork and indicating agreement with the school's rules, then left to wander a little on her terms. Eventually she reached a garden (at least it wasn't full of roses) with some other students mulling around.
Who did Cu talk to?
[ ] The squid-like blue speckled X!eng muttering to himself over a disassembled talisman.
[ ] The cat-like red furred Syran cleaning a very peculiar looking gun.
[ ] The tall lithe plant-like Dancer observing the garden while meditating.
[ ] The lizard-shaped voidbeast talking to a held miniature aquarium that felt far bigger than it looked.
[ ] Awesi who was loafing on a bench reading something on her display.