Myrmidon's Ascension (Xianxia/cultivation)

Yay, my favorite Space Bug Cultivation Quest returns! What wacky hijinks will our band of misfits get into next time?!

Having a scene where all the characters we didn't get to pick come and are interesting at us is just mean. After your taunting, I'll always wonder what it would've been like to have falling shuttles, fluffy tails or sentient sometimes-donuts. Don't bully me, QM :cry:.

Honestly I'm taking this as a compliment that I've managed to create interesting characters.

We actually don't really know enough about the forms competition will take place within the sect, nor the kinds of missions we might get up to, to really understand the benefits of these choices. Given this relative lack of information, probably best just to pick the one best-suited to us, and rely on our team's rather profound ability to customize.

Any of the mecha will serve you well, just in different ways. Also more info about the school'll come in the next update.

Also, I've been working on Cu's character sheet. I'll inform you all when it's finished.
[X] The Rainbow Prism

Violet Mirage seems too similar to a certain other xianxia protagonist's skill set IMO
Well, another tie and no further votes coming in. I've decided on a compromise solution: the Rainbow Mirage, with an emphasis on illusions and lasers. It doesn't particularly excel outside those two areas, but those two areas're pretty good.
Bon Voyage
Rainbow Mirage

In the end, Cu deliberated over her choices for half an hour before she decided to request an expanded list of available mecha to see if one stuck her eye more than the initial options she had been offered, and she got a list that included mothballed mecha and mecha deemed less suitable fits for her. She quickly glanced across the list, promising herself that she'd go back to the original list if nothing immediately appealed to her. Then she glanced across a listing and stopped. It was a mecha that was a throwaway project by one of the mecha artificers, who had the idea that combining light and illusions in a single mecha would be a good fit and did it just for fun, incorporating ideas from both the Violet Mirage and the Rainbow Prism. Such random projects were not uncommon with spare resources which the hive had plenty of, and the hive allowed them because allowing artificers to express their creativity helped with creating innovation. While the artificer's conjecture on the good thematic fit turned out correct, the trouble turned out to be finding someone to pilot it, since it benefited most from a pilot with a combination of Star and Dream elements, not the most common combination in the hive.

But it was perfect for Cu. The only issue was that it was currently mothballed and would require some time to become ready. Regardless, she placed a request for it, confirming that she understood it wouldn't be immediately available. The approval came in soon after, along with a personal note from the Mecha Department officer responsible for the approval, saying that she was glad the Rainbow Mirage'd finally see use and asking Cu to take good care of it. Cu's antennae twitched in minor surprise at the note. Out of curiosity, she did a search on both the officer and the Rainbow Mirage. The results informed her that said officer (Ruby Eyes) was a personal friend of the mecha's artificer and expressed her admiration for the design, placing a priority alert directing any requests for it to her desk. Huh.

Cu didn't have much time to think about it as her departure was scheduled soon, so she took the void tunnel to Bay 3, where she found more people than she expected waiting. But she barely noticed them as the feeling of an endless, eternally twilight forest floating in the void embraced her. It felt warm yet lonely, a rare emotion for a Myrmidon in her hive. For a moment, she hesitated to step forward against the gentle pressure, but then she felt a light urging from it to continue onward. So she did so, and it was almost like walking through a soft wall which yielded readily before her. Soon enough, she found herself standing before the iridescent egg shaped mecha dropship that would be transporting her team and their mecha to the school. Right in front of her, and clearly the source of the pressure, was a tall Myrmidon with a strange bark like cast to her deep black shell. "Greetings, I am Spark Berry," said the Director, "I've come to see you and the others off."

"Ah, thank you..." An eighth realm cultivator was more overwhelming than Cu had expected, but she found that she could move more easily now that she was beginning to acclimate.. It was only then that she noticed the massive Myrmidon towering over her and everyone else, giving off a less intense but still powerful feeling of deepest void. The Mother. An ancient seventh realm cultivator as well as the mother of everyone in the hive.

Void Eyes spread her arms in a welcoming gesture. "My children. I wanted to see you for this historic departure. And believe me, I've seen enough events in the hive to know this is historic. You will be the first to go to an outside school. The first to live with aliens full time. You will be representing the hive. But do not feel pressured, I am confident that your usual diligent performance will be enough to give us a good showing." Her antennae twitched in a mischievous manner. "And bring me back some alien treats, okay? I've been craving some."

"Very well, Mother." While the Mother had no special authority, everyone was naturally inclined to protect and indulge her.

"I won't be holding you up any further. I have eggs to lay, after all," Void Eyes said, "Good luck at the school."

Spark Berry nodded. "Good luck to you as well. Cu, take this and review it. It's important."

Cu glanced at the data package that had popped up on her message display. It was labelled as a complete education package for those preparing to become squad leader, complete with tactical lessons, lessons on leadership, and arts for her to practice. "Thank you," she said, reflecting back to Gam's words about how the hive wouldn't just leave her hanging.

"Well, then, I'll go back to my ascension preparations," Spark Berry said. It was common knowledge in the hive that she was preparing for ascension, though she had been preparing for over half a century.

The two powerful cultivators departed, stepping into the void tunnel along with their staff, and with that, Cu could focus on her teammates. She took a moment to refocus herself then did her final checks and getting affirmations from the others that they had completed theirs as well. Then, in union, they all stepped onto the dropship. Harmony headed straight to the pilot's seat while the others took their seats. The bay opened, letting the void in, and the ship launched into its natural habitat with what almost seemed like a feeling of joy.

During the trip, Cu has enough time to talk to one of the others. Who does she talk with?
[ ] Harmony is busy with her piloting.
[ ] Gam.
[ ] Smile.
[ ] Null.
Ooo, Whynotboth Get

[X] Smile.

Incidentally, we probably want a Team/Squad sheet informational threadmark by this point so new players have an easy reference for who they're talking to.
Yeah, character sheet might help, at least for the squad. So the Mother's role is birthing the Hive but outside of that their power is more honourary than political? Guessing she isn't raising them all herself so there's probably communal child care but that raises the question of a Myrmidon's typical life cycle.

[x] Null.

Harmony and Null are the two that interest me the most but Null's the only one available. The other two have proven themselves interesting in talking to them but I still prefer Null, there's also the possibility of collaboration in our craft and their research, which I'd like to facilitate.
[X] Null

So a bullethell mirage?

Maybe we can make mirages out of allies bullets?

Sheesh. The anticipation for the Mek is starting to be worse than the actual school enviro is.

Also I hope the alliance is with humans. After all, it is the specie we know (ooc) the most about. And the one most likely to lead to alien matchmaking shenanigans.
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It sounds like we have laser cannon barrages mixed with holographic projectors so they can't tell which is a laser and which is a hologram
so a bullethell mirage. Ok I can live with that.

Would be a good non-lethal intimidator at the leastalso
Hilarious to those not used to our tech.
Character sheets
Character Sheets

Cuddle Earth
Upper 1st Realm

Creation: A+
An in-depth knowledge of the production sciences, primarily formations, but pill-making and talismans are available at B+.
Art: Unformed Form. A basic void crafting art that excels at creating flexible, changeable formations, pills, and talismans.

Mind: A-
Perception, mental strength, and general analysis ability. Also covers messing with dreams and other mental abilities.
Art: Unformed Mind. A basic void mental enhancement art that allows shifting mental strengths around, enhancing individual mental faculties as needed.

Leadership: C and rapidly increasing
The ability to inspire and lead as well as combat tactics. Cu is still assimilating the lessons imparted by the expert system.
Art: Unformed Leadership. A basic void tactical leadership art that makes shifting tactics and formations easier.

Mobility: B-
All-around mastery of movement and evasion.
Art: Unformed Step. A basic but very powerful void movement art drawing upon one of the void element's greatest strengths.

Social: C+
Social astuteness, especially toward romance, and charisma
Art: Rose's Charm. A dream social art created by aliens that especially enhances awareness of the connections between others, particularly romantic ones.

Combat: C
Generalized mastery of personal combat. Cu uses energy blades and is learning to use lasers.
Art: Unformed Light. A basic void combat art involving energy blades and lasers.

Best formations:
Everchanging Void Defense: A defensive void formation whose primary strength is its inscrutability. Once comprehended, it is very easy to break through, but that isn't a trivial task as the formation constantly changes, weaknesses disappearing before they can be exploited. Cu has added illusions and lights to it, making more difficult to understand. It requires refreshment every 3 days.
Falling Through the Void: A void transportation formation that allows anyone with a void affinity to voidstep to a known location hundreds of meters away. The reusable version lasts 8 hours but is more expensive than the one-time version. It can be locked so only specific people can use it. Those with comparable formation knowledge can with effort break the lock.
Field of Mirages: A basic dream formation that afflicts anyone who enters it with illusions. Breaking free requires either time, a strong enough mind, or high enough formations skill.
Harsh Starlight: An offensive star formation that fires lasers at specified targets within its long range. It can be set to attack all except selected persons, attack a list of selected persons, or attack everyone.

Game Break
Upper 1st Realm

Diplomacy: A+
In-depth knowledge of customs, psychology, and overall charisma.
Art: Unformed Words. A basic void social art capable of adjusting to any social situation without giving a clear fix on the user.

Awareness: A-
Attention to the finer details around him, especially of social situations.
Art: Unformed Awareness. A basic void sensory art that allows shifting around what gets noticed most easily. Gam usually has it focused on social aspects.

Solidity: B+
Resilience both mental and physical.
Art: State of Solidity. A basic gem/earth art that provides all-around resilience, extending some of it to allies.

Combat: B-
Generalized mastery of personal combat. Gam uses guns.
Art: Unformed Bullets. A basic void combat art revolving around the use of bullet-flinging guns.

Mobility: C+
All-around mastery of movement and evasion.
Art: Unformed Step. Yes, this is a very common art within the hive.

Covert: C
Many diplomats at least dabble as spies. Gam is no exception, though this is not his primary field.
Art: Unformed Face. A basic void espionage art that helps one blend into a variety of situations and get away with things one might not otherwise. One of the more effective basic espionage arts.

Harmony to All
Upper 1st Realm
Flowing Motion: A+
Mobility techniques of the United Temple of Harmony. Also, ability to pilot any vehicle.
Art: Harmonious Movement. A basic harmony/void movement art that helps one be in the spot most harmonious to ones intent at all times. Some of the benefit can be shared with others.

Harmony: A-
The ability to create a state of peace. Can potentially stop fights or lessen the impact of attacks.
Art: Harmonious Foundation. A basic harmony art that is the starting step on the path practiced by the United Temple of Harmony. An odd art that can end fights before they start, nullify attacks, and help others feel at peace.

Firm Hand: B+
The martial arts of the United Temple of Harmony. Especially good at nonlethal takedowns but can be lethal if necessary. Harmony uses pure essence for her attacks.
Art: Necessary Firmness. A basic harmony combat art that recognizes the occasional tragic need for combat and seeks to minimize its impact.

Pure body-mind: B-
Mind and body purified through pain, making both more resistant.
Art: Harmonious Body. A rather masochistic harmony personal enhancement art that improves overall parameters.

Serendipity: C+
Living in harmony with the world causes fortune to smile upon her as well as guiding her to act at the right time.
Art: Correct Place and Time. A harmony fortune art. Like many but not all fortune arts it has no active techniques, only passive ones.

Teamwork: C
All Myrmdions naturally excel at teamwork, but Harmony especially excels at it, building further upon the innate Myrmdion teamwork bonus.
Art: Harmonious Action. A harmony art that enhances all united team efforts the user takes part in. For everyone doing the same thing, their teamwork becomes more effective.

Null Music
Upper 1st Realm

Beast: A+
In-dept knowledge of and ability to command spirit beasts.
Art: Unformed Beast. A basic void beast mastery skill that helps one understand beasts, win their loyalty, and boost their performance.

Combat: A-
Generalized mastery of personal combat. Null uses built-in weaponry.
Art: Machine:Unformed:Lethality. A basic void/metal combat skill used by many of the hive's robots which focuses on using ones robotic body to its maximum extent.

Analysis: B+
Powerful sensors and processors able to sense and swiftly analyze many things. Helps defend against mental and spiritual attacks as well.
Art: Machine:Sense:Mind. A widely used basic metal element art that helps robots optimize their senses, analysis, and mental and spiritual defenses.

Machine: B-
The rhythm of the machine, overall strength of Null's body and smoothness of function.
Art: Machine:Rhythm:Body. A widely used basic metal element art that helps robots optimize their body's functions and physical defenses.

Mobility: C+
All-around mastery of movement and evasion.
Art: Unformed Step. The hive's most common basic movement art.

Enhancement: C
The ability to enhance others in many fields.
Art: Machine:Group:Strength. A basic metal element all-round buff art widely used by robots. Not as strong as more specialized buff skills but has something to help just about every person.

Smile Sphere
Upper 1st Realm

Path of Transgression: A+
The path that helps her trespass on others' property and expectations. Getting into places others don't want her to be, stealing things others don't want her to, finding the best way to go against someone's sense of what should be.
Smile has no proper arts, instead using chaotic, shapeless essence guided by her paths.

Path of Liars: A-
The path that helps her lie. Disguising herself, using words to mislead others, creating illusions.

Path of Chaos: B+
The path that helps her sow chaos. Throwing opponents into chaos with unpredictable attacks, performing sabotage, generally creating a big mess of things.

Path of Not Dying: B-
The path that helps her survive. Getting out of places others don't want her to be, evading or withstanding attacks, living through the direct consequences of her actions.

Path of Foolishness: C+
The path of unexpectedness. Making someone laugh, finding an outside of the box way to do things, perceiving things others might not.

Path of Fool's Luck: C
The path of extreme luck, or so it seems.

S is legendary, A is excellent, B is rather good, C is decent, D is mediocre, and F is awful. This is comparative to ones level of cultivation.
When one goes up a level within a realm (i.e. from mid to upper 1st realm, all skills go down by one sign (i.e. A+ becomes A, A- becomes B+.) When one goes up a realm (i.e. from peak 1st realm to lower 2nd realm), all skills go down by one entire letter grade (i.e. A+ becomes B+). Training in related arts will make skills go up.
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