[X] Play along. Go see her like she asked and lie through your teeth telling her courting Jun-ho - and only Jun-ho - is coming along fine.
--[X] Actually bring Jun-ho with you.
I mean like...we don't have a ton of backstory off of them but we've got a lot more in that regard than it's obvious.

They've got sort of shrine-robes, something restrained and modest that's been deliberately twisted to be the antithesis of everything it used to be and, like, generally when people take something that's clearly super important to them and go "I'm going to fuck this up until it's unrecognizable" it's not because they're coming from a great place. Like not to psychoanalyze but it does read as a mix of spiting others and spiting themselves y'know? Fucking up shit you used to love hurts and that hurt is kind of the point, 'cause you're trying to prove how much you don't really need it, how you've grown out of it, even while it's transparently obvious that you do still care 'cause if you didn't you could just move on like a normal person. I mean yeah it's plausible that the clothes don't mean anything, they're just something Takara picked up, but they've got enough of an overlap with Tamamo and there's enough detail dedicated to them that that seems really unlikely. And overall there's definitely a harder edge to them than the other love interests, and while they were playing with kid gloves in the cave they probably could've killed Belial and Jun-ho if they were actually angling for it.

I guess what I'm getting at is that calling it a Freudian excuse feels pretty uncharitable, Takara's had some shitty behavior but they're a long way from actively malevolent and they're pretty clearly working through some Stuff. For all that they flippantly talk about improving their love life the way a lot of their stuff is super sexualized it's kinda- it does smack a little of trying too hard? Not quite Makram's style of "notice me" but a pretty clear strain of leaning into it to the point of comedy. I mean sure some of that's just for the humor value but there's still a difference between, say, someone like Makram or Belial both who are pretty much nearly naked All The Time and aren't super shy about it (although Belial is now and then as a character thing). And Takara who is super over the top and thirsty as hell.

Honestly Takara is...really really sympathetic tbh, and I can't rightly see Eldingar staying mad at them once they actually talk. Because if there's anyone who's going to get it it's him. That kind of "I'm such a fractal fuckup I ruined everything and now I just kinda want to lay in the mess I made and not have to try anymore but hey, gotta keep going right?" You can draw pretty easy parallels between Takara in the field as they get the joke and Eldingar's reaction to melting his hoard on accident.
Mm, you picked up some stuff that I missed but that was sort of the point I was trying to make. I didn't exactly mean to play it all down by calling Takara's issues a Freudian excuse, it's just that I spend to much time on TV Tropes. Anyway, I'm beginning to see why Takara's on the Husbando map, despite being awful. However, there are two big obstacles in the way of that Husbando(?) status.

The first is that, currently, Eldingar has none of the hints that we do, so to him, Takara is just a thief that manipulated him and backstabbed him. He probably won't want to hear an apology or explanation, even if Takara offers either. Takara is actually pretty lucky that Eldingar is so bad at being a dragon though. If he were a typical dragon, there would be absolutely no chance of forgiveness or understanding, instead of just very little chance. Although, I guess if Eldingar were a typical dragon, he wouldn't be a suitable love interest for Takara and probably would deserve getting his map stolen. Huh.

Anyway, the other issue is a pretty classic one. "The first step to fix your problem, is admitting you have a problem." Now, we saw a little bit of that when Takara realized that they messed up by stealing the map. However, immediately after that they seem to have doubled down on their issues by deciding to steal Eldingar's potential boyfriends instead of admit they messed up and try to fix their mistake. Convincing Takara that they need to change will be difficult, especially compared to the others, who seem to just fall into Eldingar's metaphorical lap.

Huh. I've just realized that I've made several multi-paragraph posts about Takara now, while barely saying anything about the others and that last point is probably why. Takara is, weirdly enough, interesting. They're a challenge, in more ways than one. They others are cute or adorable or awesome and they clearly have their own stories but I'm not analyzing or focusing on them the way I am with Takara.

God, what does it say about me, that in what's basically a dating simulator, I can't help but choose the route with the annoying, possibly traumatized one that I hate.
You do a circuit of the secret crypt, crawling on your belly, both arms splayed out wide to sweep it all into an even bigger pile, tail trailing behind you to catch the straggling coins.
Once you have it all nice and collected in a larger pile at the back of the room you take a running start and dive into the side of it, arms extended like an arrow. Shink goes the mound of coins over your scales as you bury yourself halfway in and burrow the rest of the way, squirming under until only the tip of your snout and tail are peeking out either end.
I knew it! Scrooge McDuck is a dragon!

You spring up from the pile, coin jingling and rattling as it scatters in all directions. Your wings flap madly, leaving you to lurch awkwardly back and land flat on your ass as the ghost pursues. It's the Lord Éamon you saw in the dining room, it has to be, his features still obscured by grave-fog but you swear he's more defined now, his eyes blazing with unearthly light as-
"Gods yes I'm starving, give me everything you've got."

He just looks at you. Two and a half seconds later the key clunks home in the mental lock.

"... 'please'," you add sheepishly.
Belial is affecting him quite a lot.
"... do you want s-"

"Hm? What?" he answers immediately. "No I am afraid I must decline, this cursed body of mine rejects all forms of nourishment but the most wicked and vile."
I like the cut of his gib!
You set your stance and...

"(rhh... h-... hhhrrrr-....) hhhrrkk... HHHEEUUUUGGHHHH"

Regurgitate the new treasure straight onto the pile.

"What in Ormazd's fucking name are you doing?" Makram exclaims.
*LOL* again.

...Wait, we could have took the entire vault -afterall.

[X] Play along. Go see her like she asked and lie through your teeth telling her courting Jun-ho - and only Jun-ho - is coming along fine.
--[X] Actually bring Jun-ho with you.

Edit: Wait, is this thread what the Dragons and Racecars thread was parodying? Yes, I am somewhat slow about that.
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I absolutely did not expect Eldingar to vomit the gold up. That was amazing. Lyrros was also cool.

[X] Play along. Go see her like she asked and lie through your teeth telling her courting Jun-ho - and only Jun-ho - is coming along fine.
--[X] Actually bring Jun-ho with you.

Don't let her into the lair - she'll comment on shit. Keep it a safe space where Eldingar can feel at home and comfortable. Buildup Eldingar's emotional support network so that when there's a confrontation (there inevitably will be) he can fall back on it.

Do what she asks so that she can feel content and secure and won't become curious or push the issue. Jun-Ho will be able to corroborate Eldingar's story and seeing her son do what she's been telling him will probably make her not even try to question whatever we tell her - she's so used to him listening to her that him not following her precise orders won't even cross her mind.

Jun-Ho isn't very subtle so he might let something slip, but Eldingar can paper that over and his own lack of subtlety can be covered by the fact that Mama Eldingar has probably never seen him calm in her life.
[X] Invite her over. You feel confident with how things have been progressing. So confident, in fact, that you want to rub her nose into it. Show her the new digs and all the new wealth and boyfriends you've accumulated.
"This is a proud draconic tradition!" you protest. "How do you think dragons got all that wealth back to their hoards before the days of these ask-no-questions Plutocracy teams willing to work for dragons with discretion?"

I wonder, given we apparently vomited up a kite shield, does this mean that if we were to eat an adventurer or some such, we would be able to vomit up their freshly-polished equipment once they finished digesting?
[X] Invite her over. You feel confident with how things have been progressing. So confident, in fact, that you want to rub her nose into it. Show her the new digs and all the new wealth and boyfriends you've accumulated.

So, I guess that's what dragons consider a Money Shot. *buh-dum tish*
Makram appears to be entertaining Jun-ho with some kind of game, magically projecting a grid of brightly-coloured gems from his lamp that Jun-ho is swapping back and forth to try and create nicely-matching rows. To your visceral horror, doing so only makes them explode. To your surprise, Jun-ho is having the time of his life all the same. Yet another sign of extreme deviancy as a dragon. Further away by the cavern wall you spy Belial sitting with Abzu, having some manner of polite conversation while the diminutive wizard examines the incubus with endless fascination.
Huh. You know, on reflection it's interesting, narratively speaking, that we returned to find Makram absorbed in entertaining somebody else, with no implication of his seeming put-upon or otherwise tolerating this because he has to. More evidence for Tenfold's theory, I think; he's a nice person, simply used to being rejected.
This was one hell of an update.

But let's see if we can avoid Zerban's vore fetish from now on.

I wonder, given we apparently vomited up a kite shield, does this mean that if we were to eat an adventurer or some such, we would be able to vomit up their freshly-polished equipment once they finished digesting?
Knowing Eldingar, he'd eventually cough up a squeaky clean adventurer who would consider the whole experience refreshing.
whoo boy I nearly fall from my seat reading the instant-gold-polishing (and storage)-just-swallow-them-up bit
[X] Avoid her as long as possible. Send Ilyana back with the semi-truth that you're extremely busy travelling the world with your betrothed looking for enough gold to build a hoard worthy of the two of you and conducting renovations from afar.
Eldi just got happy I don't want to ruin his mood (although it seems it has been already ruined) in single update
have mercy, be kind to the precious blue dragon.
I remembered something. I wanted to take Jun-ho for credibility points but...
"N-no, not at all!" Jun-ho says quickly. "Just the contractors coming through! There's even a wine cellar now! For all the wine Makram brought you and everything. They brought it all down there."

"Afoxpersoncameindisguisedasyouandsaidtheymetyouandbeatusallupthenblewupyourtreasurepiletofindthemagicmapandleftandissacharcameintohelpusputitallbacktogetheragainhopingyouwouldn'tnoticewhilewefiguredoutwhattodo," Jun-ho blurts out at blinding speed.

"And now it's a short story," Makram comments.

"Andleftanoteforyou," Jun-ho adds explosively. He glances at the other three. "(I'm sorry I don't like lying.)"

Jun-ho's an awful liar.
[X] Play along. Go see her like she asked and lie through your teeth telling her courting Jun-ho - and only Jun-ho - is coming along fine.
This was one hell of an update.

But let's see if we can avoid Zerban's vore fetish from now on.


We shall eat ALL the golds, our pride as a dragon depends on it!

I had no idea I was still on Furaffinity. It is like I never closed the window to it, and feel right at home now. I feel like being Bruce the shark trying not to eat fish, but then he smells blood, as I am surrounded by dragons being dragons.

[X] Play along. Go see her like she asked and lie through your teeth telling her courting Jun-ho - and only Jun-ho - is coming along fine.
--[X] Actually bring Jun-ho with you.

Before and after, we can take Jun-ho on a nice little date. Though I don't know if he has a mortal form to hide as, even though eastern dragons are good shapeshifters in our world's stories much of the time. (I think this one dragon god out east was so lazy that he'd turn into something small like a mouse to hide just to avoid doing work if I am not wrong.) Though what if Jun-ho is not really a dragon at all? He turned into the Fire-breathing dog when we asked if he could shapeshift also, so maybe he could be pretending to be a dragon?

Then again, Mom and the family spy network would know if he wasn't a dragon, so I can close that case for now. I will be believe the noodle boy till I don't. He is ours and that is the important thing.
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[X] Play along. Go see her like she asked and lie through your teeth telling her courting Jun-ho - and only Jun-ho - is coming along fine.
--[X] Actually bring Jun-ho with you.
[X] Invite her over. You feel confident with how things have been progressing. So confident, in fact, that you want to rub her nose into it. Show her the new digs and all the new wealth and boyfriends you've accumulated.
This chapter...
Was fucking amazing.
I laughed so hard it made feel sick.
That is a good thing.
The mental image of Eldingar violantly disgorging money is hilarious.
I need some fan art of this amazing moment, I wil make my own crappy fan art if needed.

Yes Yun-ho, this is the legacy of your people
Puking gold.

I cannot for Lyrros, some of the other bois and maybe Takara seeing this proud, PROUD tradition.

What you said reminded me of the Overmind in Starcraft that tells you to embrace the glory that is your birthright. X3

And here @ZerbanDaGreat and everyone else, how funny and silly it looks with a dragon coughing up gold:

How did I do, everyone? I have not drawn in a very long time, and this was done in paint.net, with everything being rather simplified.

It actually made me think that dragons have more than one set of stomachs...

I wonder if they have a pouch for important storage things, like young or treasure. But this type of talk is stuff I am way too familiar with.
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[X] Avoid her as long as possible. Send Ilyana back with the semi-truth that you're extremely busy travelling the world with your betrothed looking for enough gold to build a hoard worthy of the two of you and conducting renovations from afar.