[X] Spire excavation. If sprucing the place up is part of Mother's stipulations, you might as well kill two birds with one accurately-thrown chisel. Knock through that front door she's always nagging you about and get tunnelling, hollow out some rooms and nooks for everyone. This is where the cost gets noticeable.

Be the responsible dragon you can always vaguely pretend to be, Eldringar.

(plus by the sounds of things I suspect Belial might actually know a thing or two regarding contracts and actual Doing Work Stuff that I doubt Eldringar himself possesses ssssooo...

...here's to the dream dad teaching the difference between getting screwed and getting screwed over?)
That was sweet.

[X] Spire excavation. If sprucing the place up is part of Mother's stipulations, you might as well kill two birds with one accurately-thrown chisel. Knock through that front door she's always nagging you about and get tunnelling, hollow out some rooms and nooks for everyone. This is where the cost gets noticeable.

You can't trust that magical stuff. You want good solid dwarf work (incredibly lethal traps at discount). It gives a certain stability and suggests the possibility of permanence.

Also, Eldingar is going to want/have to seriously start replenishing his hoard sooner rather than later. "I'm going out to get treasure. Actual, no shit treasure this time, not romantic partners." May start by finding a husbando/nbae who knows something about business, since it's almost certain someone is skimming off of the top.
(plus by the sounds of things I suspect Belial might actually know a thing or two regarding contracts and actual Doing Work Stuff that I doubt Eldringar himself possesses ssssooo...

...here's to the dream dad teaching the difference between getting screwed and getting screwed over?)

Well, if he's standing in for a daddy figure, I hope he teaches us how to grill, too.
You eventually settle on jumping off the cliff. You're pretty confident that was the best course of action.
We've all been there buddy.
"I wish you'd stop being so calm about everything," you grumble, flouncing across the room and sitting down beside him. "You make me feel so melodramatic."

"You kind of are," he says.

"Silence!" you demand.
"C'mon you big blue baby, I want something to sit on back at the spire that isn't a rock."

You grumble ambiguously and stay right where you are. He looks at you in silence for a moment.

"Wow, you really didn't jump on that?" he remarks.

"Nah, s'your job."

[X] Spire excavation. If sprucing the place up is part of Mother's stipulations, you might as well kill two birds with one accurately-thrown chisel. Knock through that front door she's always nagging you about and get tunnelling, hollow out some rooms and nooks for everyone. This is where the cost gets noticeable.
[X] Spire excavation. If sprucing the place up is part of Mother's stipulations, you might as well kill two birds with one accurately-thrown chisel. Knock through that front door she's always nagging you about and get tunnelling, hollow out some rooms and nooks for everyone. This is where the cost gets noticeable.
You lapse into anxious silence, stealing sidelong glances at the incubus as he rifles through his thoughts. Your eyes slowly wandering longer and lower, trailing along the contours of scarlet-skinned brawn and the shape of the hips only barely hidden by the- o-oh dear your heart's quite picking up the pace this is not a good look for you. Glad that a dragon can't blush you force your eyes forward, clenched fists pressed against your thighs.

It's kinda a small thing, and a bit silly to highlight since narratively it's a necessary thing, but it's nice how the Quest doesn't shy away from the eyecandy exactly, presenting men as attractive and appealing and all that jazz. It's the kind of thing that you don't think a lot about but having a dude sort of focused in as an object of desire is really nice.

"Perfect. You head there and- oh hang on." He pauses mid-gesture. "Dooo you want me to cover for you? I kind of assumed but that wasn't great of me."

"Oh. Oh, no that... that was considerate. I'd like this to be private too."

I like this a lot from a story choice standpoint too tbh. In harem comedies (which this is, albeit with a self-evident twist and a bit of a dark streak) and romantic stuff in general, it's really really common for misunderstandings and plots based around "poor communication" or "character decides to be really petty" or shit like that. Y'know the kind where there's drama solely for the sake of drama or the relationship is on the rocks because fuck we need that third act break up. Where it all could be solved in about five minutes if the people involved just sat down and talked to each other. I like that part of what Belial's teaching, just with how he talks and acts, is how to be pretty...straightforward?

He doesn't leave loads of ambiguity in what he says, he makes it clear what he's offering and that doesn't make it any less sweet or sincere. And him talking to Makram and Jun-ho doesn't have any shades of the semi-expected lying-to-them-for-shenanigans stuff. It's just so that Eldingar has some privacy with this, which he's more than entitled to.

Tbh I'm 90% sure Makram knows what's going on anyway and I am low-key looking forward to him explaining it to Jun-ho. :V

You eventually settle on jumping off the cliff. You're pretty confident that was the best course of action.


did i do it right

... it can wait. You're comfy.

And moving would disturb Belial.

That'd just be... a travesty...

Ngl, not totally surprised that demons work based off of cat rules. It's illegal to move a cat when it's sleeping on top of you, same shit applies.

There's an unmistakable sway to his hips as he walks, a certain way they 'pop' each time the heel-claws strike the floorboards with an audible clack. It looks ingrained, unconscious and yet selfconscious, like he's walked like that for so long he can't stop even now he's let himself go a little, let alone how odd it looks on someone with his build.

God this is just straight up cute as hell. This like six-foot plus demon dude with a brawny as fuck build and a bit of a belly just kind of unconsciously putting a bit of a flirty sway in his walk because he's so used to it and doesn't really want to knock it off just 'cause he's a bit older.

[X] Spire excavation. If sprucing the place up is part of Mother's stipulations, you might as well kill two birds with one accurately-thrown chisel. Knock through that front door she's always nagging you about and get tunnelling, hollow out some rooms and nooks for everyone. This is where the cost gets noticeable.


[X] Wizardly bullshit. After that encounter with Abzu's living arrangements and the power they displayed, you're starting to get some ideas. If you can contract out some of that space-folding bullshit then everyone could have exactly what they want without infringing on your precious lair-space. Probably so expensive you will have an actual anxiety attack if you don't immediately replenish your hoard somehow.

If we're going to remodel the lair, it should be a lair worthy of a dragon. Read: completely excessive.
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[x] Spire excavation. If sprucing the place up is part of Mother's stipulations, you might as well kill two birds with one accurately-thrown chisel. Knock through that front door she's always nagging you about and get tunnelling, hollow out some rooms and nooks for everyone. This is where the cost gets noticeable.

First, that was sweet, it was obvious that Eldingar was really starved of intimacy/connection.
Second, I really really glad we chose to did that with Belial, I think he's the most experienced (of all LIs that we met) in this sort of things and it really shows.
Might not be the best night to remember but heck it was a good night.
You awaken on your side, weak morning sunlight filtering through the window before your sleep-heavy eyes. For a moment, just one heartstopping moment, you think it was dream. Not just a dream but a dream-dream, as in completely original fantasy, and Belial never really did all that for you and you never had that conversation by the cliff and you're obviously in town on completely different and...

... and you feel his arms around you. His weight and warmth pressing against your back. He has you held tight in his arms and his horned brow pressed against the back of your neck, breathing the slow, deep breaths of a dreamer in his own right. You cast your eyes around as far as you can, scarcely daring to breathe, much less move a muscle. The sheets are all bunched up at the foot of the bed, kicked to the floor of kicked to tattered shreds or both. The incubus was all the warmth you needed in the night.
It's always there isn't it? The worry, that everything that good have happened are just accidents, they're just toying with you, they didn't really care about you.
gosh this can really hits home sometimes, I wish I can experience the same in the future :p

I admit Belial isn't really my first choice for Eldingar, I'm in the camp "Let wait and see all of the LI first" but I don't really mind if they end up together.
[X] Spire excavation. If sprucing the place up is part of Mother's stipulations, you might as well kill two birds with one accurately-thrown chisel. Knock through that front door she's always nagging you about and get tunnelling, hollow out some rooms and nooks for everyone. This is where the cost gets noticeable.
This was a lovely update, Thank you!

[X] Spire excavation. If sprucing the place up is part of Mother's stipulations, you might as well kill two birds with one accurately-thrown chisel. Knock through that front door she's always nagging you about and get tunnelling, hollow out some rooms and nooks for everyone. This is where the cost gets noticeable.
[X] Wizardly bullshit. After that encounter with Abzu's living arrangements and the power they displayed, you're starting to get some ideas. If you can contract out some of that space-folding bullshit then everyone could have exactly what they want without infringing on your precious lair-space. Probably so expensive you will have an actual anxiety attack if you don't immediately replenish your hoard somehow.
[X] Spire excavation. If sprucing the place up is part of Mother's stipulations, you might as well kill two birds with one accurately-thrown chisel. Knock through that front door she's always nagging you about and get tunnelling, hollow out some rooms and nooks for everyone. This is where the cost gets noticeable.
Now that I've had a chance to sit down and read this properly, something about Belial has come into focus: he is patient in a way that few people manage to be. Out of all the cast we've seen so far, he's the only one who is grown-up enough to believably be able to maintain a relationship, romantic or otherwise. @ZerbanDaGreat, if you're trying to show that he's been around the block a few times, then you've succeeded beautifully.

He pauses mid-movement, noticing you notice out of the corner of his eye. "Something up?" he asks, his tone edged in something you can't quite place.

"Nothing, just... heh. You look great today."

"Oh." For a moment, just a moment, he's disarmed. He lowers his arms and looks down at himself, no more than a glance. One half-curled hand hovering by his chin as a smile slowly spreads across his face. "Thank you."

Aww, for all his virtues and experience, Belial is still nervous about the morning after. I suspect he's used to being a convenient plaything for a night, only to be discarded.

I wonder how long it'll take him to realize that he's now one of Eldingar's treasures? :D

And now, we examine the voting options!

[ ] Just furniture. Dirt-cheap to the point to where you doubt you'll even notice the loss, and the bare minimum to appease the men living in your spire. Somethingsomething it's like camping or whatever Abzu said.

This one isn't going to go over well. No.

[ ] An outbuilding. Just throw up a nice, roomy apartment-style thing behind the spire where your current lair-mates can have all the space and privacy they need with room to expand for the other five. Pocket-change, really.

It's fairly exposed, particularly since Eldingar's home gets some rather energetic weather, which makes it far too temporary. Also no.

[X] Spire excavation. If sprucing the place up is part of Mother's stipulations, you might as well kill two birds with one accurately-thrown chisel. Knock through that front door she's always nagging you about and get tunnelling, hollow out some rooms and nooks for everyone. This is where the cost gets noticeable.

This one is tempting, in no small part because it will meaningfully reshape the environment in which Eldingar spends his time. Given how much of a mess he is psychologically, that's a good thing. It won't come cheap, though.

[ ] Wizardly bullshit. After that encounter with Abzu's living arrangements and the power they displayed, you're starting to get some ideas. If you can contract out some of that space-folding bullshit then everyone could have exactly what they want without infringing on your precious lair-space. Probably so expensive you will have an actual anxiety attack if you don't immediately replenish your hoard somehow.

This one is too much, too soon. Warping reality isn't done casually, and Eldingar really should put some serious time and effort into investigating his options before he burns what's left of his physical horde. Even worse, it lets him shove everyone out of his sight and pretend they don't exist. That's an easy way to backslide. No.
Well that was a lovely piece Zerban continues to handle the plot and interactions in a tasteful and engaging way.

I don't want to bandwagon but the excavation option looks like it could yield interesting results so.

[X] Spire excavation. If sprucing the place up is part of Mother's stipulations, you might as well kill two birds with one accurately-thrown chisel. Knock through that front door she's always nagging you about and get tunnelling, hollow out some rooms and nooks for everyone. This is where the cost gets noticeable
[X]Spire excavation. If sprucing the place up is part of Mother's stipulations, you might as well kill two birds with one accurately-thrown chisel. Knock through that front door she's always nagging you about and get tunnelling, hollow out some rooms and nooks for everyone. This is where the cost gets noticeable.

We can breathe lightning, so: Plasma deep drilling technology - Wikipedia
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[X] Wizardly bullshit. After that encounter with Abzu's living arrangements and the power they displayed, you're starting to get some ideas. If you can contract out some of that space-folding bullshit then everyone could have exactly what they want without infringing on your precious lair-space. Probably so expensive you will have an actual anxiety attack if you don't immediately replenish your hoard somehow.

This'll give us an excuse/reason to go out and see more of the world! And possibly meet the rest of the cast!
That was cute as hell.

[X] Spire excavation. If sprucing the place up is part of Mother's stipulations, you might as well kill two birds with one accurately-thrown chisel. Knock through that front door she's always nagging you about and get tunnelling, hollow out some rooms and nooks for everyone. This is where the cost gets noticeable.
[X] Wizardly bullshit. After that encounter with Abzu's living arrangements and the power they displayed, you're starting to get some ideas. If you can contract out some of that space-folding bullshit then everyone could have exactly what they want without infringing on your precious lair-space. Probably so expensive you will have an actual anxiety attack if you don't immediately replenish your hoard somehow.
[X] Spire excavation. If sprucing the place up is part of Mother's stipulations, you might as well kill two birds with one accurately-thrown chisel. Knock through that front door she's always nagging you about and get tunnelling, hollow out some rooms and nooks for everyone. This is where the cost gets noticeable.
[X] Spire excavation. If sprucing the place up is part of Mother's stipulations, you might as well kill two birds with one accurately-thrown chisel. Knock through that front door she's always nagging you about and get tunnelling, hollow out some rooms and nooks for everyone. This is where the cost gets noticeable.
[X] Spire excavation. If sprucing the place up is part of Mother's stipulations, you might as well kill two birds with one accurately-thrown chisel. Knock through that front door she's always nagging you about and get tunnelling, hollow out some rooms and nooks for everyone. This is where the cost gets noticeable.

Such cute interactions between the characters this update. Masterfully done depiction of someone's first time, although speaking as one who hasn't done it yet all I've got is media to go by there :p
The spire thing makes me feel bad for Eldingar's as his hoard gets smaller. It is a good option, but I worry about him.

I really, really liked the latest chapter. you wrote gay dragon stuff better and more tactful in a way I don't see that often compared to a lot of gay dragon stuff.