[x] Go find Jun-ho.
I like our long dragon buddy.
I like our long dragon buddy.
straight up i guffawed."Say 'please'," he says.
"... I don't follow."
"Say 'please'."
"I think I must be mishearing you."
"Say 'please' and I'll help you for as long as you want."
"Is this 'puh-leese' a foreign word?"
He doesn't. "I received a vision. I'm not... exactly some kind of full-time prophet but I know what I saw is real, and what I saw is that you have a very interesting destiny laid out before you. One with a great many possible futures, some separated by only a razor-thin margin of choices. I came to offer-"
At which point this becomes an Undertale Let's Play
are you implying he's not also a husbando