Oooooh now isn't that interesting. How'd you manage this? Somehow, whilst dreaming you managed to make it here! Heh. Very well, just for that, I shall grant you my blessing. Go forth, oh champion of Light. Oh, before I forget though... what's your name?
[/] Guowang Xiao Long [X] Gormund Cuna (Based on the Hound of Ulster)
[/] David Blood
[/] Gwynne Pendra
Righttt, right I knew that. You know, its been awhile since I've interacted with the mortal plane like this. What's happening in my new champion's life?
[X] Waaaagghhh waggggghh (Just Born)
[/] I'm about to enter Signal!
[/] Hmph. Nothing much. Just teen things, ya know?
[/] I just got assigned a team at Beacon!
Oh! Of course! So that's what those meant... Well, regardless, there is something I should tell you before I forget. Since I chose a champion, Darkness gets to as well!
Bye now! You'll forget all of this, but it was nice meeting you!
This quest is using the system created and refined in the Rooster Teeth forums, with a few small modifications.
The QM has ultimate power over the quest. A QM can overrule anything in the mechanics pdf to better suit the needs of the story. Nothing in this post is presented as the ultimate list of every possibility imaginable. It merely provides a backdrop for more to be built upon. Ultimately the goal of this game, like any game, is to have fun.
When a Character attempts an action they will roll a Skill Check. A Skill Check is any action that is more difficult than any normal everyday activity. Be it performing acrobatics, avoiding hazards, or attacking enemies. Skill Checks start by rolling 2d10 and adding the two resulting numbers together.
Next, the relevant two Base Attributes are added to the result. Which kinds of actions fall under what attributes will be covered in the Attributes Section. Any time in which both die have a result of 10 it is called a "Natural 20". A Natural 20 (also called a Critical Success) is regarded as an automatic success on a given check and usually means that it has been passed with flying colours. However, the same concept applies to two results of 1, which is called a Natural 2 or "Critical Failure". A Natural 2 automatically fails and can complicate things drastically.
It is almost always better to roll higher than it is to roll lower. Only the player's first two Natural dice can be a Critical Success or Failure. As the game continues, the player's pool of dice will increase, increasing to 3d10 and 4d10 and so on. But the two Natural Dice remain unique. Skill Checks are presented to players as the attributes that contribute most appropriately the task the character is trying to accomplish.
QMs do NOT need to present the threshold of a check to players that all the information is not available to them, such as making a leap of faith in the dark. All skill checks come in increments of 5, starting at 10.
Damage is different than a from Skill Check. Specifically when rolling attacks, a player rolls a skill check for accuracy to determine if they hit the opponent. If they succeed they may roll damage. Damage always starts as 1d6 and can be further modified from there. Damage is not always increased by an attribute, but other sources may contribute to it.
Champion Quest uses a mechanic called the Rule of Cool (RoC). The Rule of Cool is applied when the player does something so awesome that conventional logic is ignored. Like the source material of RWBY, the grander the spectacle is, then the more likely it will be to succeed. If the QM is impressed by a player's creativity or a particularly cinematic action, normal hindrances will be ignored and the upper limit of what is possible can be removed entirely. Anything is possible if the players roll high enough and the Rule of Cool is the stepping stone to accomplishing the impossible.
Ultimately, what is and is not "Cool" is for the QM to judge. Every QM is different, some being quite generous and others being more fickle. (and which am I? Bwahahahahaha) Most will fall somewhere in the middle. Players have no concrete way to generate RoC and instead must rely on their own creative processes rather than an in-game mechanic. RoC comes into play as an additional d10 added to the table. This extra die is given to every party member to add to every roll. If the player succeeds in their attempted action and impresses their GM, every member of the party will gain a d10. For every additional d10 available on skill checks, the party also gain an additional d6 for all damage rolls.
To generate RoC a player must firstly impress their GM with a cool idea, then succeed on the Skill checks required for the cool idea. Players also automatically generate RoC upon rolling a Natural 20. When RoC is generated, it does not come into play until the next immediate turn phase. This is unless the RoC was generated by a Natural 20, in which case the extra d10 is added immediately to that attempted roll and all subsequent rolls on the player's turn. RoC remains for every player until either the end of the encounter, a natural 2 is rolled, or if the player's actions stagnate.
Earning a low level of cool then sitting on it can cause it to decrease as well. RoC can stack infinitely, adding an additional d10 to the pool each time. However, with each additional level, the stakes are raised and characters must push the limits even further to gain that extra boost in damage, power, and skill. Generally, no more than one or two levels of RoC can be generated in a given encounter, but extremely long encounters with particularly creative players may breach that barrier.
The soft cap for RoC is +3d10, and anything beyond that requires performing the truly amazing or the downright impossible. a.k.a. Natural 20's no longer give RoC after this point.
Base Attributes are the primary definitions of a Character. By looking at their attributes one can see what they are good at and what they struggle with. Players Rank their six Attributes from 0 to 5. The attribute represented by 5 being their most adept. These numerical rankings are the number that is added to skill checks. Every Character is good at some things, but no one is good at everything.
Represents the Character's ability to manipulate the world through physical effort. STR is primarily used in melee attack rolls for accuracy and damage. Any check that involves the Character trying to physically overpower an obstacle uses STR.
Represents the Character's ability to move quickly or precisely. AGI is primarily used for ranged weapon accuracy. Checks that require sudden and rapid movement or fine, precise movements use AGI.
Represents the Character's stamina and durability. END primarily determines Health. Checks that involve withstanding a hazard or maintaining effort over a long period of time use END.
Represents the senses and the strength of a character's Aura. PER is primarily used in defensive checks and determines the amount of Aura a character has. Checks that require a keen eye or the ability to pick up on hidden clues use PER.
Represents the Character's ability to influence the world with their mind. WIL is used mostly for Semblance checks but can also be used for more conventional influence, such as lying or bribing. A Character's WIL score also determines their Initiative in combat.
Represents the Character's study and experience. DIS is primarily used to determine Capacity and Complexity of a Character's weapon. DIS is used for all Dust checks to bend the substance to the Character's desires. Checks that require a clear mind and controlled thoughts are DIS checks.
Skill Checks are a combination of two base attributes, using their ranking as a modifier to add to the character's d10 rolls. There are 15 total combinations of attributes, but a countless number of actions that a character can make. Some checks can be attempted again on failure. Some, however, cannot until a change occurs allowing a retry. Most physical checks, like acrobatics, can be retried on failure. Something like a Detection check cannot be retried, at least not until a change occurs such as new terrain, additional sets of eyes, or even simply waiting
Derived Statistics are determined using the Base Attributes. They are fixed pools that slowly decrease as various actions are taken. Each Derived Statistic has a unique effect when its value reaches 0.
END+1 Health is the amount of physical damage a Character can withstand before succumbing to their wounds. When Health reaches 0, the Character is knocked unconscious and left at the mercy of their enemies. Health is only recovered through medical attention.
PER+10 Aura is the physical manifestation of the soul. Every human and Faunas generates an Aura, and Huntsman and Huntresses have been trained in its use specifically. Aura is an extra layer of protection for its user and is depleted when attacks cannot be avoided. A Character can also attempt to influence the world around them with their Aura in the form of a Semblance. When Aura reaches 0, PER cannot be added to defensive rolls and Semblance uses cannot be attempted. Aura recharges 1 point every hour of non-strenuous action and fully recharges after a full night's rest.
DIS+1 Capacity is the amount of ammunition and Dust a Huntsman's or Huntress' weapon can hold. Using Ranged attacks or Dust depletes Capacity. Characters are considered to have an infinite amount of ammunition on their person, but a finite amount of ammunition is in a given magazine. If a Character possesses Dust, only one colour can be declared per reload. A Character may choose to use normal ammunition instead of the currently equipped Dust. When Capacity reaches 0, the character cannot use ranged attacks or Dust. Capacity is completely refilled anytime the character spends an action to reload.
Semblance is the active manifestation of the Character's soul. Every Huntsman and Huntress has a Semblance that is unique to them. Semblance checks are always a WIL Check and one other attribute. This second attribute depends on how the Semblance is being utilized. When a Character decides how they wish to utilize their Semblance, the GM determines what the secondary attribute will be. This varies from use to use, but some Semblances can favour a particular attribute. Semblances last 1 turn, and characters can keep the effect up with a WIL+END check each turn.
Before rolling a Semblance Check a character may choose to Empower their Semblance by reducing their Aura by 1 point to temporarily increase the dice pool for that check by 1d10. Semblances can also be used to make attacks. However, failing to bypass an enemy's defences with a Semblance roll reduces the character's Aura by 1, and the attack fails. This is in addition to any damage they took from Empowering the Semblance.
Every Character begins with a weapon. Most Huntsmen and Huntresses forge their own Weapons while some inherit them from family. Huntsmen and Huntresses spend almost their entire lives training with their signature weapon, to the point where it is no longer a tool but an extension of themselves. When using anything besides their signature weapon, including being unarmed, a character's damage is cut in half (rounding down).
There are three variants of melee weapons and three variants of ranged weapons. The chosen variant is decided at the beginning of weapon design and cannot be changed. None of these classifications are clearly defined, with many weapons relying more on how the weapon is wielded rather than what it is. Each variant relies on different base attributes to determine accuracy.
Every weapon begins as a single melee weapon with built in ranged component. All weapon damage is equalized at 1d6 regardless of the base weapon type. All Melee weapons can only be used against adjacent enemies, but add the character's STR score to total damage rolled. All Ranged weapons have a max range of 100ft and add no attribute to damage.
These weapons are designed to be wielded in two hands even if the character does not do so. Most bludgeoning weapons such as hammers, and shields fall under this variant, as do overly large claymores and scythes. Unarmed attacks and worn weapons such as gauntlets or boots are also Aggressive weapons.
Small weapons, wielded in one hand, and usually exceptionally small or thin. Daggers, rapiers or claw-like weapons usually fall under this variant.
Most Melee weapons fall under the Elegant variant. Elegant weapons are any variety that use specialized training to use. Straight swords, whip-like weapons and staves rely more on careful training than physical prowess. Weapons with capacity for Dust are almost universally Elegant, but are not limited to this single variant.
Heavy weapons are large or unwieldy, requiring a great deal of strength to use effectively. Heavy machine guns, shotguns, explosive launchers, and bows are all heavy weapons.
Energy weapons deal damage with bolts of pure energy, or by tapping into the Characters Semblance. These bolts are directed with force of will, bending and writhing toward the target, but cannot reach that which the wielder cannot see.
Accurate ranged weapons are best used when carefully aimed. Pistols, assault rifles, and sniper rifles fall squarely in this category. Most conventional firearms are Accurate weapons.
10: Simple- Beyond everyday action, but easy enough even for the unskilled. A test to "not fail".
15: Average- Impressive to normal civilians, but par for the course for Huntsmen and Huntresses
20: Challenging- Can only be accomplished by a normal human with a lifetime of training, natural talent, and luck.
25: Amazing- Feats well beyond the normal human, usually associated with popular culture action heroes.
30: Superhuman- Reserved for the very experienced Huntsmen and those with literal superpowers.
35: Legendary- Accomplishments that can last forever as rumour or myth.
40: Impossible- The very fabric of reality moves aside for the Huntsman. Even laws of nature stand in the way, but the Huntsman that accomplishes this task pays no heed.
Huntsman and Huntresses come into conflict with Grimm by the very nature of their profession. Being combat ready is not just the norm, but it is expected. It is rare to see pacifists seek this line of work.
In the RoC System, all obstacles Characters must overcome are set values, including enemy defences, attacks and damages. As with every skill check in the game, Enemy attack and defence thresholds come in increments of 5.
With RoC, Characters will "outgrow" most adversaries. As numbers are rolled higher against enemies, it becomes easier to dispatch them. Against defences this is demonstrated with passively dealing more damage at higher rolls as well as imparting detrimental status effects to enemies. Against attacks, players avoid weaker entities with ease and will have more opportunities to destroy them.
Any time the Characters come to a hazard that can do them harm, whether it be an entity actively trying to attack them or simply a part of the world that carries no particular malice. In such scenarios characters roll a Defense Check. Defense checks are one of five different rolls, and which attribute is rolled is dependent on how the character chooses to overcome the obstacle. Different defensive checks have different effects depending on which one is used and the outcome of the roll. Characters can generate RoC with a clever defensive action.
Preempting the strike, and redirecting the damage elsewhere. Melee attacks and most physical hazards like falling boulders can be parried but ranged attacks and incorporeal hazards like explosions cannot. When a Character successfully parries an attack, they immediately do 3 points of damage.
Moving out of the way as quickly as possible. Almost all attacks and hazards can be avoided by dodging except in special cases such as poison gas. Successfully dodging a hazard allows the character to immediately move up to 15ft away, or any action that does not require a roll.
Reliance on the durability of the body to absorb any ill effects. Characters can attempt to resist any hazard regardless of source. If a character does not succeed at making a resist defensive check, they may choose to take 1 point of damage to Health rather than the normal damage to Aura.
Semblances can be used to avoid damage, but which attack and hazards can be avoided are based on how the Semblance is used. The Character must have at least 1 point of Aura to make this check. When successfully using a defensive Semblance check, the Semblance is manifested as normal.
Dust Phial effects can be used to avoid damage, but which attack and hazards can be avoided are based on how the Dust is used. When successfully using a defensive Dust check, the Dust effect is manifested as normal. The Character consumes 1 Capacity to make this check.
Characters who avoid an attack by 5 or more may make a counter-attack as their reaction instead of the normal bonus for avoiding the attack. They may also choose to perform any sufficiently complex task that requires a roll or a simple action, but only characters who Dodge can move with this action. Characters may at any time choose to do nothing with their reaction.
Combat is held in a series of phases. Characters conduct their turn during the phase corresponding to their WIL score. Characters with a high WIL score lack hesitation in the face of the unknown and more naturally take the initiative in a dangerous situation.
Characters with higher WIL scores act before characters with low WIL scores. Characters with the same WIL occupy the same phase and can act individually or simultaneously. Acting individually is functionally identical to normal turn order, only the participants may choose to swap places at any time. Acting simultaneously requires weaving actions between two or more characters until their respective action budgets have been filled. Characters may also hold their turn until they see Characters with higher WIL scores act before characters with low WIL scores.
Characters with the same WIL occupy the same phase and can act individually or simultaneously. Acting individually is functionally identical to normal turn order, only the participants may choose to swap places at any time. Acting simultaneously requires weaving actions between two or more characters until their respective action budgets have been filled. Characters may also hold their turn until they see fit to act in a different turn phase.
If a Character holds their turn for the full round until their phase again, their held action is lost and their new turn begins. Enemies always act between phases, but characters holding their action may interrupt an enemy "between" the Phases. Enemies can hold their turn as well, but this is mostly limited to intelligent entities.
Players are not given a hard number of actions in a turn. Instead, they have an "Action Budget". The Action Budget is used all at once by players describing their actions for a turn. The limit on the number of actions is generally 3. This number can fluctuate based on the complexity of the tasks, level of RoC, or any number of situational modifiers, but 3 is usually appropriate.
Players who declare "I hit it with my axe" for their turn, only perform a single action, the remainder is lost, meanwhile, players who declare, "I run along the branches, dive on top of the Beowolf and stab him in the back," has almost entirely filled their action budget, losing any remainder. GMs decide when a player has exceeded their action budget for the turn, cutting the string of skill checks short.
Some checks require less effort than others, and some do not count against the action budget. Other actions consume more than one action in the budget, such as attacks, or careful movement. Talking and general communication do not usually count against the action budget.
Once the Player has finished describing their actions, the GM dictates what skills to roll, and what level difficulty the rolls will be. Players do not get to change their minds once the actions have been rolled unless the GM presents them the option. Failing Skill checks mid-action changes the nature of the turn spent, but the general momentum of the turn is maintained
Various actions that are combat-specific. Attacks and Semblances Characters may perform 1 attack or Semblance use per action, but not more than 2 such actions per turn. An "attack" is any action where the only intended result is direct damage to an entity. Semblances and Attacks pull from the same pool of two actions per turn. Attacks made with Dust phials consume both these actions.
Characters may perform 1 attack or Semblance use per action, but not more than 2 such actions per turn. An "attack" is any action where the only intended result is direct damage to an entity. Semblances and Attacks pull from the same pool of two actions per turn.
Movement is 15ft per action, but if the Character spends their whole budget running, the character can move 50ft
Reloading Capacity is 1 action. When reloading, a Character may declare 1 form of dust they possess.
Unarmed attacks are STR+END rolls that deal half damage.
Characters can consume one capacity to improve a non-attack skill check by 1 point. Typically movement based checks such as lift or acrobatics can be boosted, but so can non-physical checks such as Intimidation. Characters can also use a Capacity boost in conjunction with standard movement, or a ranged attack, in which case they immediately move 5ft in a given direction (directly away from their target in the case of a ranged attack). Which skill checks can be boosted vary by the situation, and their relevance is determined by the GM.
Consume a point of capacity to suppress an enemy in cover. Designate a specific enemy or piece of cover, and automatically roll an attack against them if they move into a targetable position.
Enemies can be knocked unconscious by bringing their Health to 0 exactly with lethal attacks. Non-Lethal attacks can be used to bring the target's Health to 0 without overkill, losing any remainder. To perform a Non-Lethal attack, a character may take disadvantage on the attack and cut all damage in half, and any bonus damage for beating defences is lost.
Additional Weapon allows Characters who spend any part of their turn making any normal attack, may make an additional attack using a single relevant attribute. Additional Melee attacks only roll STR, and additional Ranged attacks only roll AGI.
Characters can spend their entire action budget and their remaining Capacity, up to 5, on a single well-aimed charged attack to hit targets that would otherwise be beyond their capability. Characters to make a charge attack increase their attack roll by the amount of capacity consumed. Charge attacks can be melee or ranged attacks. Ranged Charge attacks consume 1 additional capacity without additional benefit as a normal ranged attack would.
Consume full action budget to Instantly kill a helpless target.
Characters roll a STR+PER Grapple check against an adjacent opponent. Human-sized opponents are held in place, while massive opponents are held onto, with higher levels of RoC being able to treat enemies as smaller than they actually are. Characters with Hooked weapons may roll their melee attack attributes instead of STR+PER, and any reach the weapon has also applied.
Characters may spend a full action budget to increase an ally's Health through touch. The Character spends 2 points of Aura for every point of Health recovered. This awakens unconscious Characters and also removes any status effects. This effect cannot be used to increase Aura, and Characters cannot use this on themselves. Characters may attempt to perform this feat over distances, using a WIL+PER Aura check equal to the number of feet away their target is. Characters can also perform this feat rapidly and must roll WIL+PER 20 for it to only consume 2 actions of the turn, and WIL+PER 30 for it to consume 1. The two modifiers of distance and time are added together if used at the same time.
Characters cannot miss when attacking an unaware target with a melee weapon. Characters are guaranteed a successful attack regardless of how low the attack roll, including on missed Targeted Strikes. However, missing the necessary threshold for a Targeted Strike result in normal damage and no status effect. Attack rolls of a Natural 2 still miss and critically fail. Only applies to the first melee attack while hidden to target.
Characters can roll a melee attack against a target at range. The maximum distance to the target cannot exceed the character's accuracy roll in feet, and no STR damage is added to successful attacks. The Character's weapon is dropped at target's feet. Characters can use the Green Dust Crystal to double this range limitation and return the weapon to their hand.
Declare a specific body part of the intended target. The Target's defences are increased by the amount specified. Missing this threshold results in a miss, even if the strike would hit the target's standard defence. Successfully hitting this threshold results in a status effect on target depending on selected body part. Base damage and bonus damage from RoC or Dust are applied, but passive bonus damage from bypassing defence is not.
Now, this all may seem like a lot, but wanna know a secret? Unless you specify in your vote? I'll do this stuff for you. Your choices don't need to be all mechanical, just, "I hit it with my axe!" or "I climb over the fallen tree!" Understand? Cool.
Personality: Kind and Excitable
Demographic: Upper-Middle Class Female Human From Patch
Age: 15
Birthday: October 31, 64 AGW
Handedness: Left
Aura Colour: Red
Hair Colour: Black and Red
Eye Colour: Silver
Complexion: Pale White
Height: 5'2" (1.57 meters)
Weight: 140 Pounds
Colour Scheme: Black and Red with Silver Highlights
Health: 3 | Aura: 14 | Capacity: 4
Speed: Exactly as it says on the tin. Ruby is able to propel herself with great bursts of speed, scattering rose petals as she does so. Ruby has also demonstrated the ability to completely dematerialized into a cluster of petals, however, in Ruby's current state it will take some time to develop this skill.
Crescent Rose: A high-calibre sniper scythe that Ruby designed and built during her time at Signal. Crescent Rose requires a great deal of skill to wield properly due to its complex design and the massive amount of recoil it produces upon firing. Rather than try to compensate for the recoil, Ruby uses it with her semblance to dart around her opponents as a whirlwind of gunfire and blade slashes.
Personality: Tsundere, Hard-Working
Demographic: High-Upper Class Female Human from Atlas
Age: 17
Birthday: December 21, 62 AGW
Handedness: Left
Aura Colour: Light Blue
Hair Colour: White
Eye Colour: Light Blue
Complexion: Pale White
Height: 5'3" (1.6 meters) in heels
Weight: 143 Pounds
Colour Scheme: White and Light Blue with Red Highlights
Health: 3 | Aura: 13 | Capacity: 6
Glyphs: Weiss can create snowflake-inscribed sigils which can be floating or on a surface, which can push objects, and which can be used as barriers, platforms, and accelerators. They can be modified via Dust, such as granting time dilation via lightning Dust or shooting fireballs via fire Dust. While they can also be used to summon copies of defeated foes, she is currently unable to do so, though she's working on it.
Myrtenaster: This custom-made fencing blade is referred to as a Multi-Action Dust Rapier, featuring a six-chamber revolving cylinder within the hilt, containing various Dust vials. Elegance, precision and versatility are what it's built around. Weiss is capable of enhancing her attacks using its Dust.
D Grade Dust: Fire x5, Ice x5, Lightning x5, Gravity x5, Wind x5, Earth x5
C Grade Dust: Fire x2, Ice x2, Lightning x2, Gravity x2, Wind x2, Earth x2
Personality: Diligent, Shy
Demographic: Middle-Class Male Human From Vale
Age: 18
Birthday: August 4, 62 AGW
Handedness: Right
Aura Colour: Bronze
Hair Colour: Light Brown
Eye Colour: Blue
Complexion: Pale White
Height: 6'0" (1.83 meters)
Weight: 230 Pounds
Colour Scheme: Brown and Bronze, with Tan Highlights
Health: 4 | Aura: 11 | Capacity: 2
Guillotine: A Shortsword Revolver combo, this weapon is at it's best when used by a skilled user. Luckily, Dove is extremely such. An equal to Pyrrha Nikos in skill, if nothing else, Dove is able to do amazing feats with the sword in hand. The revolver sees less use - more of an add-on so Dove isn't completely useless at range rather than something truly meant for combat.
[X] Gormund Cuna (Based on the Hound of Ulster)
[X] I just got assigned a team at Beacon! (I think this one is obvious lol. Note, however, that you will be on a team with the choices you didn't pick if you go with this. If you go with one of the other choices, your team will be more variable.
Myth. All of these are myth, as while I love Fate, I want to be true to RWBY. Thus, no crossover besides however much you consider Pyrrha to be based of Achilles or Jaune based of Jeanne d'Arc.
Now... That said? Im totally stealing Fate images for ease lol
Oooooo a Karna Quest? I'll be the first to admit, I've only read one quest with Karna as a main character, and that was kiddy Karna being summoned as the Servant.
Indeed. Keep in mind though that your background will be influenced by your chosen myth. So Karna will not have the most pleasant childhood, Gil will be born powerful, etc.
[X] David Blood (Based on Karna)
[X] I just got assigned a team at Beacon! (I think this one is obvious lol. Note, however, that you will be on a team with the choices you didn't pick if you go with this. If you go with one of the other choices, your team will be more variable.)
Childhood arcs are usually boring and drag on too long.
[X] David Blood (Based on Karna)
[X] I just got assigned a team at Beacon! (I think this one is obvious lol. Note, however, that you will be on a team with the choices you didn't pick if you go with this. If you go with one of the other choices, your team will be more variable.)
Childhood arcs are usually boring and drag on too long.
Eh, fair. To be honest, if I do a childhood arc then it will be a condensed one. More "Oh, Ruby is being attacked by Grimm and Yang needs to save her!" than, say, Xander Quest.
[X] Gormund Cuna (Based on the Hound of Ulster)
[X] I just got assigned a team at Beacon! (I think this one is obvious lol. Note, however, that you will be on a team with the choices you didn't pick if you go with this. If you go with one of the other choices, your team will be more variable.
Oooooo a Karna Quest? I'll be the first to admit, I've only read one quest with Karna as a main character, and that was kiddy Karna being summoned as the Servant.
[X] I'm about to enter Signal! (Note? Not all of the character choices go to Signal. This is just so everyone understands what the age means, more or less.)
[X] I'm about to enter Signal! (Note? Not all of the character choices go to Signal. This is just so everyone understands what the age means, more or less.)
[X] David Blood (Based on Karna)
[X] I just got assigned a team at Beacon! (I think this one is obvious lol. Note, however, that you will be on a team with the choices you didn't pick if you go with this. If you go with one of the other choices, your team will be more variable.)
[X] I'm about to enter Signal! (Note? Not all of the character choices go to Signal. This is just so everyone understands what the age means, more or less.)