AN: I keep coming up with quest ideas and then not doing them. This time, I'm going to give it a shot. This is probably a terrible idea, but we'll do it live!
Where in the City is Gemstone Diamond?
Everyone knows that magic doesn't exist. Oh, there are stories, internet tales, the like, but nobody really takes that seriously. Magic is the realm of childish fantasies and ancient, superstitious cultures, not the rational, modern world of science and technology that people actually live in.
They should know all this. After all, a lot of very persistent people worked very hard for a very long time to make sure they knew it.
Those people are the ones who know the truth: magic does exist. Spirits and spells, witches and warlocks, vampires and werewolves, and so many more things do actually lurk in the shadows. They don't rule the world; and most of them don't want to. Why would they? They have enough problems with their own lives. They just want to be left alone.
Thus, every magical person, human and non-human alike, was taught to
never reveal their nature to the Mundanes, especially since technology meant that any hint of the unnatural would be halfway around the world before any response could get its boots on. It took some doing, and there were many close calls, but they were able to keep their existence under wraps.
Then everything went to hell.
It all started in an instant, when a shadowy beast appeared from nowhere in the otherwise unremarkable American city of Mayberry. It started to wreak havoc, only to be defeated on
live television by a masked, armored girl with a diamond sword, who then vanished as suddenly as her enemy had appeared.
For the ordinary humans, it was a moment of awe tinged with fear. There had been rumor, myths, even urban legends of the supernatural, but now there was
proof. Proof that was resisting the best efforts of the skeptics, though some were still trying. What could it mean, and how would it change the world that just hours before they'd thought they had all figured out?
For the magical communities, it was cause for utter panic, since not only was their carefully-hidden world suddenly in danger of being blown wide open, they had
no idea who had caused it! They had to do something,
fast, or everything they'd fought for for centuries would be wiped away, but all normal avenues of misdirection were failing in the face of corroborated video evidence.
Everyone agreed: more needed to be known about this mysterious Diamond Girl, as the media had started calling her. And when things need to be discovered, it falls to you to find out.
You are…
[] A member of the Eldar Alliance
For centuries; the non-humans of the world, or Eldar as they call themselves, were rivals. They vied with one another for power and influence, sometimes bloodily so. However, as humanity grew in numbers and (unknowingly) claimed the title of Masters of the World, many of the ancient powers realized that they had to work together or go extinct alone. Thus, a loose alliance was formed to curb the most noticeable conflicts, allowing the vampires, werewolves, and many others continue their shadowy existence. They will lash out at any who threaten it. You are a Hunter, one whose mission is to discover and, if needed, eliminate those threats.
-More than a man: Although less numerous than humans, Eldar are almost universally stronger, faster, more magically gifted, or all of the above than even mortal magi.
-Ageless: While only a rare few Eldar are truly immortal, most measure their lives in centuries rather than decades, and thus have more experience to draw on.
Ancient Mistrusts: Not all eldar joined the Alliance, and even those who did have trouble forgetting their old rivalries. Thus, you can't always be completely confident of the loyalty of your allies.
Shackles of Birth: For all your strengths, your kind has its curses and drawbacks that can hinder you, such as the vampiric need to drink blood and weaknesses to certain metals or charms.
Vampire, Werewolf, Changeling, Artificial, Shade, The Accursed.
[] A member of the local Council of Magi
Mortal magicians have always been around, men and women able to tap into arcane powers through various methods to inflict their will upon the world. While there are many schools of magic, recently the various groups have started working together as the Masquerade is threatened more and more. You are a Fixer, a mage whose job it is to uphold the Masquerade for as long as possible, even though everyone knows in their hearts that it won't last forever. But it won't end because of this crazy upstart, not if you have anything to say about it.
Versatile: Because of the many different schools of magic, when magi work together they are able to overcome almost any challenge.
Blending In: Despite your powers, you are still human, and thus you can go almost anywhere a human can go.
The Pressure's On: Your superiors want this problem
solved, and if you're progress is not fast or steady enough for their liking, they will become impatient.
The Spotlight: The Mundanes have become very interested in the supernatural due to the Diamond Girl, so if you're not careful you may win the battle but lose the war of secrecy.
Witch/Wizard, Alchemist, Summoner, Druid, Augment, Psychic.
[] A Muggle: (Hard mode)
A baseline human, you wield no magical powers or hidden talents, but you find yourself drawn into the mystery of the Diamond Girl all the same. Maybe you're a police officer, trying to keep the peace. Perhaps you're a reporter, out for the scoop of the century. Or maybe you're a private investigator who happens to know a little more about the supernatural than you let on…
Little to hide: You may have your secrets, but they're nothing compared to those that others have to deal with, so you have more freedom in your actions.
Strength in numbers: You'll be getting plenty of help and support from like-minded humans.
Vanilla: You have no magical ability, and even if you knew it existed before the Diamond Girl you have little context as to its true nature. You will be at a
severe disadvantage in any situation requiring arcane arts or knowledge.
Recovery time: Magical people have many ways to quickly recover from wounds. Muggles? Not so much.
Officer, Reporter, PI.
Mechanics question: (see mechanics post for explanation.)
[] Less random: Only one d20 rolled for chance during events.
[] More random: Two d20s rolled for chance during events.