Being the Holy Grail is Suffering... [Worm/FSN Quest]

The Kaleidoscope.

The Fucking Kaleidoscope.

True Magic allowing for the operation of parallel worlds. Magic that messed with the multiverse itself. The Grail had learned what her powers were before, that she could see into and pull things from "pocket worlds", but this changed the implications of such a gift completely.

WHAT. NO, SERIOUSLY, WHAT? This completely blindsided me. It's a huge development, and most worrying of all, I DON'T KNOW WHAT IT MEANS. There are so many questions. Is Labyrinth straight up a Magician? Or is it a Tsubame Gaeshi type deal where it just taps into it a bit? Or a Kaliedostick deal? I'm very concerned. Is she even actually a parahuman? Does she know about Angra Mainyu? Will she find out about Angra Mainyu? WILL ZELRETCH SHOW UP?!?!? There are a lot of possibilities here that could be very bad for us. But hey, at least we know about it now instead of having a potential Magician frolicking around without our knowledge.

[] Berserker (Asterios)

[] Berserker (Caligula)

[] Berserker (Atalanta Alter)

This is a tough one. Asterios seems like the most stable of the three. Also probably the one that will lead to the most positive character development for Labyrinth and the crew. Also people keep talking about how his NP is redundant, but they're missing out on the fact that having both Labyrinth and Asterios means we can see how their powers interact. And considering we just found out that Labyrinth has some connection to the Second Magic, this could be very interesting.

Caligula's interesting in that his mistaking Labyrinth for Nero could be a neat balancing act to witness. Also his NP is the most unique of the three. However I'm not quite feeling him, plus we already have Romulus.

Atalanta is probably the least stable and will definitely drop everything to target Meph once she realizes what he's up to. It might take some time though, and he's a Caster, so the longer he has to set up, the stronger he'll be. Time is most definitely on his side. The loose end there is DInah, who could leak the info to this faction. The other thing to consider is whether or not they could actually beat Meph. Because I highly doubt Meph is dumb enough to get in a straight up fight with a Berserker. He'd try to deal with them some other way. Mayhaps we see what he's done with Lung?

I'll vote floof but I won't be upset if Atalanta wins, which seems likely.

[X] Berserker (Asterios)
[X] Berserker (Caligula)


Also SHIPPINGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG! Because TheoxLabyrinth is not weird at all.
It seems Caligula has little chance of winning. I'm not gonna hinder Danganronpa larping for the best clown, so I'm changing my vote for the minotaur. :drevil:

[X] Berserker (Asterios)
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Ughhh these choices are really are to decide. We got angry little-big brother, angry uncle, and angry big sister. But I'm going with:

[X] Berserker (Caligula)

Because I have a soft spot for the guy.
...wait, how many female servants do we have again? Excluding BB we only have Antoinette. Huh.

[X] Berserker (Atalanta Alter)
[X] Berserker (Atalanta Alter)

Pity there's no Saberface to spite Musashi, but Nyalter is also good. May have some conflict with Vista if Labyrinth orders her to attack Vista.