Being the Holy Grail is Suffering... [Worm/FSN Quest]

I was going to vote for Caligula, because I love him so dearly and he's an amazing tragedy. However...

[X] Berserker (Atalanta Alter)

Fuck Mephistopheles
Hello I just wanted to say that you might want to change king to emperor in Caligula's discription thing as no roman emperor would call themselves king as it was political suicide (Rome had a bad time with kings in there early history). Other then that great update as always looking forward to more.
Come on guys vote for the cute kitty please. You don't want the war to be a sausagefest do you?

Edit: It appears the vote tally system is broken and has stopped displaying new votes.

The above tally is missing 7 Atlanta and 6 Asterios votes.
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[X] Berserker (Asterios)

Atalante is by far the strongest choice, and now we're going to be pairing her up with a child while she has her psuedo mad enhancement on. I want to vote for her. However.

[] Berserker (Asterios)

One cannot deny the humor in such an act. Also I want my big fluffy Asterios in this story.
Forgot the X
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