Being the Holy Grail is Suffering... [Worm/FSN Quest]

[X] Make Labyrinth the final Master

I guess I'll give my two cents regarding this.

While many could argue that Labyrinth doesn't have enough motivation for this war, I felt the need to say otherwise. It is true she doesn't have any self motivation, but helping her friends, people that she is really indebted to, cure from their powers is a good enough motivation. Just see Kariya for an example like this, the guy was willing to go really far for helping Sakura and I could see Labyrinth also going far to help the people who helped her.

As for servant choices, I could think of some possible candidates.

Asterios seems to be a good choice and I felt the both of them share large amount of similarities in not only background, but also power. Both were initially thought up as something dangerous, as something to be sealed up (e.g Labyrinth and Asylum). Both wanted to better than what they are before. Also, the nature of their own power is also quite similar (Labyrinth shaker power and Asterios Labyrinth NP). Finally, it would be quite fitting for Labyrinth to have The Minatour as her servant.

Another good servant I could think of is Nightingale. Elle's wish here is to cure her friends of their power. Who better would help her in this endeavor than the angel of crimea herself. Also, I felt that both of them has a somewhat similar personality, which helps with compatibility between the two. Finally, I can see quite a lot people here wanting to see Nightingale and Amy meeting, so I guess that's a plus.

Finally, Frankenstein seem to be another potential good candidate. Both were in a way abandoned by their parents, and both of them are also quite similar in character. Also, Fran would fit in pretty well with Faultline crew, since similar to them, she was considered a monster and just wanted to become normal. And just a personal opinion here, Fran would bring a lot of good and fluffy moments, which to be fair Asterios could also do.

I was thinking of Kintoki, but he is a bit too lawful good and I could see people at this stage preferring a more neutral servant.
Underneath his helmet Mephistopheles grinned.
Whelp. It's nice to see Meph is getting his prepwork out of the way.
"I order you, by my authority as Ruler, to blow a hole out of here and help me kidnap your Master!"
Question? How many Command Seals does BB get?
Accord has such good taste in choosing our new home sweet home.
[X] Do not make Labyrinth the final Master

Don't get me wrong. I like Labyrinth, but I don't think she's Master material. She doesn't want it enough. Especially cause she would be getting a Berserker. She isn't firm enough to keep a leash on it and the Servant would be unlikely to listen to Faultline and company cause they're not the Master. If it was a different class than maybe, but here? No.
In other news, I'm really enjoying the chemistry between Grail, BB, and Accord.
For those who want to make her a Master cause they like her, please remember that the prize is a monkey's paw. All Masters are going to get some dose of suffering flung their way. And Labyrinth doesn't need the Grail to give her friends what they want. We could just mention Cauldren as a consolation prize and they would still get something out of this whole mess.
Also, besides the Servant, what does Labyrinth bring to the table? Not including the Faultline Crew. Is she ambitious enough to go after the competition? Or will she hang back and wait for the grownups to make most of the decisions?
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I finished Saber Wars. I don't think I'll finish this. You didn't have to farm as many materials nor did you need to spend materials to get materials either. Saber Wars' quests themselves may be more difficult. I say "may" because I have no idea what the later quests of Go West are like because of obvious reasons. is pretty bad.

Damn it. I get liking hard quests, but really? We need more events like the Counterfeit Heroes or the holidays. Which generally are lottos, because apparently I have a type.

I just want fun events, I want to play something that will make me laugh.
Adhoc vote count started by Summer Bones on Apr 23, 2018 at 8:29 PM, finished with 34 posts and 27 votes.

Adhoc vote count started by Summer Bones on Apr 23, 2018 at 9:04 PM, finished with 42 posts and 33 votes.

Adhoc vote count started by Summer Bones on Apr 23, 2018 at 9:27 PM, finished with 50 posts and 37 votes.
[X] Make Labyrinth the final Master

Is Labyrinth a great Master candidate, ehh not really. But I just want the selection to be over and I hope we can get a Saberface as a Berserker to spite Musashi.
Is Labyrinth a great Master candidate, ehh not really. But I just want the selection to be over and I hope we can get a Saberface as a Berserker to spite Musashi.
I'm confused over this need to get non-high quality(aggressive/ambitious) Masters. Isn't point to stir conflict?
The only Berserker Saberface is MHX and I don't think she would be in Labyrinth's line up.
[X] Do not make Labyrinth the final Master

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Miss Militia paused, but smiled, taking the card from him. "No problem Jimmy."

"Oh, and could you point me towards the nearest exit?"

She nodded, pointing down the hall. "You'll want to make a right at the end of the hall and then take the first left you see. Then just go straight."

"Thanks. Oh, and you aren't going to remember me or anything we've talked about, okay?"

Uh, Miss Militia has power reinforced memory right? So either Mephy's magic can override shard powers (scary) or MM was just playing along with the Master she see's in front of her so they won't take over more people But will probably shoot him real soon.
Uh, Miss Militia has power reinforced memory right? So either Mephy's magic can override shard powers (scary) or MM was just playing along with the Master she see's in front of her so they won't take over more people But will probably shoot him real soon.

Perhaps I'm mistaken, but wasn't it instead that she dreamed about her memories, not necessarily that she could recall them at will? She remembers the Entity vision because she had a dream about it, but her interlude said she had forgotten it until then. She won't remember Mephistopheles screwing with her until she takes a nap (which she doesn't need to do, so that will be a little while) in which case she will have knowledge of that happening.

Of course, this is provided that I am not mistaken and have not missed something. Worm is long, so something may have slipped through the cracks.
Perhaps I'm mistaken, but wasn't it instead that she dreamed about her memories, not necessarily that she could recall them at will? She remembers the Entity vision because she had a dream about it, but her interlude said she had forgotten it until then. She won't remember Mephistopheles screwing with her until she takes a nap (which she doesn't need to do, so that will be a little while) in which case she will have knowledge of that happening.

Of course, this is provided that I am not mistaken and have not missed something. Worm is long, so something may have slipped through the cracks.

She has perfect memory and never forgets. It's why she knows what Scion is but couldn't comprehend them as she was a child.

She also never sleeps.
Uh, Miss Militia has power reinforced memory right? So either Mephy's magic can override shard powers (scary) or MM was just playing along with the Master she see's in front of her so they won't take over more people But will probably shoot him real soon.
There's a difference between repressing memories and deleting them.
I'm going to quote from interlude 7.x of Worm, the bit that, to me, seems to imply that it is perfect recall through "dreams" as opposed to just perfect memory.

When she closed her eyes and let herself drift off, it was because she felt it was something she ought to do, not because she had to. Even then, she never dreamed. She remembered, instead, her mind replaying past events in perfect detail. And through some chance of fate, this meant she remembered the entity, and she remembered forgetting it, as paradoxical as that was.

So yeah, this implies to me that she will remember what she was hypnotized into forgetting, but not until her head hits that pillow. (Which by narrative rules means that her head will be hitting that pillow at some point.)
You could also just say that magecraft induced memory loss trumps worm memory loss. I can even think of 4 reasons for that to happen off the top of my head.
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