[X] Do not make Labyrinth the final Master
Little girl. Murder monster blah blah blah.
Evil clown monster is being evil. Remember kids, Everything Thing Is Mephy's Fault. And if it isn't then he'll take credit for it anyway!
I really like how everyone was written! Accord has good chemistry with the Grail and BB, who's quick thinking saved a Master. One thing I really like about this quest is that it allows the characters to be funny. Worm doesn't have a lot of humor in it's fandom, but Fate just gets weirder and funnier the deeper you go and there mixed very well. Nothing is ever not serious, but it's never too serious that it can't be silly.
I've been grinding for like three hours so if doesn't make sense blame the god damned teared event quests. Is Zero a teared event quest?