Sauron in Tokyo (Lord of the Rings/Sailor Moon Merge)

[x] Ignore them all. You just realized something of great importance. Makoto declared you a book character. This means one thing. Some deadbeat owes you royalties for using your likeness!
[x] Ignore them all. You just realized something of great importance. Makoto declared you a book character. This means one thing. Some deadbeat owes you royalties for using your likeness!
[x] Ignore them all. You just realized something of great importance. Makoto declared you a book character. This means one thing. Some deadbeat owes you royalties for using your likeness!
April Fools!

Surprise surprise, the chapter today was not real. The actual chapter is like 1/5 of the way done so no promises on when it'll come out.
Illusionary Chair
[x] Visit the person in the apartment.
[X] Teach Ami magic at the abandoned house.
-[X] Illusion
[X] Teach Mamoru magic at the abandoned house
-[X] Illusion

Necklace 1: 17, taken off.
Bracelet 1: 12, doesn't wear.
Bracelet 2: Leaves hospital
Ring 1: 62, 30 P
Weak Necklace 2: Unknown
Weak Earring: 90, +40 P
Weak Bracelet 3: 95, +40 P
Weak Ring 2: 91, +40 P

Rolled 64, Reika

You decide to visit the person in the apartment once more. You sneak out of Makoto's apartment and sneak in the other, whilst all others are unaware of your activities.

You stand by the door once more, certain you will be able to do better this time. You jump, and grab the handle with your paws.

Lock-picking: 68, Req 30 = Success

Unlike before, you are prepared for it being slippery and adjust your grip. You claw into the lock, and when you hear the click you turn and pull. The door opens.

You walk inside, heading to the presence you seek. You find her in a bedroom, and once more it is a teenage girl–closer to Chiba's age, however.

You jump onto the bed and claw at her face, just enough to wake her up.

"Wha–a cat? That's," she mumbles then yawns. You wait patiently as she sits up and looks at you for real.

"Greetings. I am Tevildo, Lord of Cats, and I have come to ask for aid."

"Aid?" She latches onto that one word in her confusion.

"Indeed. You see, terrible monsters have invaded your fair city. I have been gathering those with innate magical potential to teach them how to fight off these monsters."

"And I'm one of these people? No, I must be hallucinating."

You pause for a moment. "What is your name?"

"Nishimura Reika."

Convince her to join you: 53 + 50 (Bewitching Voice) = 103, Req 70 = success

"Nishimura, you are not dreaming. This is serious and real. I am asking you to join me, work under my command in defending this great city." You put power into your voice, sure she will shrug it off as a dream otherwise.

"I-yes. Something tells me you are right. I'll join you."

"Good. I will be seeing you." You jump away, leaving her to go back asleep.

You travel to Chiba's apartment in the morning. Scratching his door, you are let inside.

"Hello?" He asks warily.

"If we are going to be working together I think it would be a good idea for me to teach you magic. At six tonight meet me in the abandoned house."

"I already have powers, I don't need more. These are bad as they are."

Convince: 64, Req 20 = Success

"Indeed. But by teaching you my kind of magic, I believe you my find a solution to your problem. In any case, I do not plan on teaching strictly combat magic tonight."

He sighs. "I suppose I should. I'll go."

"Good. You will not regret it."

Later that day, you enter Mizuno's apartment. She opens the door as you scratch at it, and quickly follows you out the building.

"What were you doing? What if my mom caught you?" Her mother? As if she could do anything to you.

"That would be no problem. Now come; I want to teach you magic."

"Magic? What kind?" Her expression brightens in excitement.

"Illusions. I will tell you more when we get there."

The two of you travel to the abandoned house, Mizuno's worries about her mom abandoned at the thought of learning something new.

When you enter, you can see Chiba already there.

"Hello Ami," he greets her.

"Hi Mamoru," she responds. You direct the two of them to sit down.

"Why isn't Makoto here?" Chiba asks. "Not good enough?"

"Incorrect," you reply, "teaching more than two people at once would be suboptimal. Teaching magic must be hands on and cannot be too large of a class. In addition, I believe she prefers the more physical aspects of magic."

"I see."

"The magic I am going to teach the two of you today is Illusion. It allows one to project an image away from themselves, both visually and for the other senses.

Teaching Rolls:
Mamoru: 32, Req 40 = failure
Ami: 56 + 10 (quick study) = 66, Req 40 = Success.

"Gather your magic and push it out of your body. Imagine it in the shape of a chair, or another familiar inanimate object."

The two of them try as you said for a few hours, with you giving them intermittent advice. Finally, Mamoru gives up.

"It's not working." Mamoru frowns at the repeated failures, sticking his hand out palm forward but causing nothing to happen.

"I've got it!" Ami shouts, and true enough a wooden chair appears in front of her. You walk up to it and tap on it with a paw, the force from your touch causing it to fade away.

"Passable enough," you praise her. You look at Mamoru, but say nothing. Back when you were the lord of Mordor you would have him punished for his failure, but such actions here could drive your pawns away.

"Perhaps your curse is interfering with your control of your magic. All the more imperative that we work to cure you." Even failures can be turned to your advantage; his failure to learn magic will just pull him further into your debt.

"Maybe. Have you figured out how to fix me?"

"No," you reply, "I will likely need to see it in action first."

"I'm done for the day then, it's getting late. You should go home too, Ami."

"Okay, I will. Let's go to the bus then." The three of you leave the house and head to the bus together. Chiba asks Mizuno pointless questions such as her schoolwork, so you ignore their conversation.

You get on the bus and say your goodbyes, each getting off at your own stops.

When you reach Makoto's house again you greet her, but do little else this day.

+140 P
Ami learns illusion

Choose 3
[] Sleep without going out this night. If you go too many days without this you may get tired.

[] Forge something. Choose any combination and however many you want.
-[] Morgul-blade: A dagger than when strikes someone, slowly reaches heart even if not lethal wound. Turns victim into a wraith. Costs 10 P
-[] Minor Ring of Power: Increases the wearer's strengths and weaknesses. Costs 50 P
-[] Great Ring of Power: On par with the Nine, greatly increases wearer's strengths and weaknesses. Costs 200 P
-[] Energy Absorbing Stone: Absorbs energy from any human who touches it. Costs 5 P
-[] Weaker Variant Stone: Absorbs less than half of the normal stone's energy. Costs 5 P
-[] Sword: Magic sword that's blade never dulls. Costs 10 P
-[] Bow: Magic bow that's arrows fly true and far. Costs 10 P
-[] Shining Armor: Armor that inspires loyalty and inspiration to all who see it. It is unnaturally strong. Costs 15 P
-[] Terrifying Armor: Powerful and unnaturally strong armor that inspires terror in all who see it. Costs 15 P
-[] Shield: A magic shield that is unnaturally strong. Costs 10 P
-[] Mace: A magic mace that will never break and can crush with more force than it would seem. Costs 10 P

[] Hand out Energy Absorbing Stones. (Currently have: 10 Weak)
-[] How many?
-[] Observe local gift packaging, wrap the stones up as anonymous gifts and deliver them disguised as a taciturn postman.
-[] Give one to Mamoru
-[] Write-in how

[] Retieve the missing Energy Absorbing Stone.

[] Search for another of the youma.
-[] Optional: Go to the group of cats to see if they found anything.

[] Search for another of the unusually powerful people.
-[] Specifically search for Luna.
-[] Specifically search for Sailor Moon.
-[] Search for someone else.

[] Visit the shrine maiden.
-[] Try to recruit her.
-[] Kill her.
-[] Write-in.
-[] Optional: Go to her grandfather instead, as he also has power.
-[] Optional: Go in your Annatar form.

[] Teach Makoto magic at the abandoned house.
-[] Inspire Fear
-[] Illusion
-[] Lightning (more powerful than fire)
-[] Practice Magic Blast
-[] Practice Fire
-[] Practice Brawling (Involves you shape shifting into a human)
-[] Practice Block
-[] Write-in

[] Teach Ami magic at the abandoned house.
-[] Inspire Fear
-[] Fire
-[] Hand-to-hand combat. (Makoto teaches)
-[] Practice Magic Blast
-[] Practice Block
-[] Practice Illusion
-[] Write-in

[] Teach Mamoru magic at the abandoned house
-[] Inspire Fear
-[] Illusion
-[] Magic Blast
-[] Hand-to-hand combat. (Makoto teaches)
-[] Practice Block
-[] Practice Sword Fighting
-[] Write-in

[] Teach Reika magic at the abandoned house
-[] Inspire Fear
-[] Illusion
-[] Magic Blast
-[] Hand-to-hand combat. (Makoto teaches)
-[] Write-in

[] Write a more advanced book of magic. This would include things such as human sacrifices, as well as more advanced techniques in general.
-[] Write-in what you do with it.

[] Invest Will in one of your allies. It will help you control them, but may give them insight into your true being. Will roll to see if they agree to this.
-[] Makoto
-[] Ami
-[] Mamoru

[] Get money.
-[] Rob a bank in cat form.
-[] Sell rocks disguised as gold.
-[] Burgle easily carried valuables from buildings
-[] Write-in

[] Find people to join you in an organization. You will need manpower, just cats won't do.
-[] Optional: Name your organization.
-[] Put up signs advertising for a job working for a new business. You will have them show up to a meeting on a specific day later in the house.
-[] Find the poor and downtrodden, and have them work for you.
-[] Find an influencial/wealthy/powerful person in their twilight years who will be open to serving you, use compelling voice to convince them if neccessary.
-[] Write-in

[] Find a building to buy/rent as a base of operations. (Requires getting money first.)
-[] Optional: Have the homeless you have found move there. You will need to supply money to pay for their utilities.

[] Write-in

AN: Sorry for the long update time and short update, this story is kinda dragging on a bit and has gotten boring to write. All the interesting stuff happens like 30 updates from now, at the very least. I did not anticipate SM being quite this drawn out, though my ruthless attempts at adherence to canon may be a part of that.
Adhoc vote count started by GilcuruLend on Apr 27, 2018 at 4:55 PM, finished with 376 posts and 9 votes.

  • [X] plan recruitment
    [X] Sleep without going out this night. If you go too many days without this you may get tired.
    [X] Visit the shrine maiden.
    -[X] Try to recruit her.
    -[X] Write in: Bring Ami with you to vouch for your good intentions
    [X] Teach Reika magic at the abandoned house
    -[X] Hand-to-hand combat. (Makoto teaches)
    [X] Sleep without going out this night. If you go too many days without this you may get tired.
    [X] Search for another of the unusually powerful people.
    -[X] Search for someone else.
    [X] Teach Makoto magic at the abandoned house.
    -[X] Illusion
    [X] Forge something. Choose any combination and however many you want.
    -[X] Morgul-blade: A dagger than when strikes someone, slowly reaches heart even if not lethal wound. Turns victim into a wraith. Costs 10 P
    -[X] Great Ring of Power: On par with the Nine, greatly increases wearer's strengths and weaknesses. Costs 200 P
    -[X] Terrifying Armor: Powerful and unnaturally strong armor that inspires terror in all who see it. Costs 15 P
    [X] Create Form: Creates a new form you can shift into at any time. Costs 100 P
    -[X] Sauron the Abhorred
    [X] Shift Form: Takes a few seconds. Costs 5 P
    -[X] Sauron the Abhorred
    [X] Visit the shrine maiden.
    -[X] Kill her. Wear non-redundant weapons and armor, and the ring. Use the Morgul-Blade on the maiden. Be liberal with magic to ensure success, and not get burned again.
    -[X] Kill her Grandpa while you're at it.
[X] plan recruitment
[X] Sleep without going out this night. If you go too many days without this you may get tired.
[X] Visit the shrine maiden.
-[X] Try to recruit her.
-[X] Write in: Bring Ami with you to vouch for your good intentions
[X] Teach Reika magic at the abandoned house
-[X] Hand-to-hand combat. (Makoto teaches)
AN: Sorry for the long update time and short update, this story is kinda dragging on a bit and has gotten boring to write. All the interesting stuff happens like 30 updates from now, at the very least. I did not anticipate SM being quite this drawn out, though my ruthless attempts at adherence to canon may be a part of that.
Could let us do things by week, condense events to make them more interesting and get to the real good stuff faster.
Could let us do things by week, condense events to make them more interesting and get to the real good stuff faster.
That's a good idea. I was considering it before but I suddenly got an idea on how to implement it.

New system: Each turn you have a limited amount of actions, each thing you do takes a different amount of them. Still list what you do in the order you do it in, but they will take place over the course of a week instead of a day.
12 Actions
[] Forge something. Choose any combination and however many you want. 0 Actions
-[] Morgul-blade: A dagger than when strikes someone, slowly reaches heart even if not lethal wound. Turns victim into a wraith. Costs 10 P
-[] Minor Ring of Power: Increases the wearer's strengths and weaknesses. Costs 50 P
-[] Great Ring of Power: On par with the Nine, greatly increases wearer's strengths and weaknesses. Costs 200 P
-[] Energy Absorbing Stone: Absorbs energy from any human who touches it. Costs 5 P
-[] Weaker Variant Stone: Absorbs less than half of the normal stone's energy. Costs 5 P
-[] Sword: Magic sword that's blade never dulls. Costs 10 P
-[] Bow: Magic bow that's arrows fly true and far. Costs 10 P
-[] Shining Armor: Armor that inspires loyalty and inspiration to all who see it. It is unnaturally strong. Costs 15 P
-[] Terrifying Armor: Powerful and unnaturally strong armor that inspires terror in all who see it. Costs 15 P
-[] Shield: A magic shield that is unnaturally strong. Costs 10 P
-[] Mace: A magic mace that will never break and can crush with more force than it would seem. Costs 10 P

[] Hand out Energy Absorbing Stones. (Currently have: 10 Weak) 1 Action per 10 handed out. (Round up)
-[] How many?
-[] Observe local gift packaging, wrap the stones up as anonymous gifts and deliver them disguised as a taciturn postman.
-[] Give one to Mamoru
-[] Write-in how

[] Retrieve the missing Energy Absorbing Stone. (2 Actions)

[] Search for another of the youma. (3 Actions)
-[] Optional: See if your cats found anything. (Only 2 Actions)

[] Search for another of the unusually powerful people. (2 Actions)
-[] Specifically search for Luna.
-[] Specifically search for Sailor Moon.
-[] Search for someone else. (1 more action)

[] Visit the shrine maiden. (3 Actions)
-[] Try to recruit her.
-[] Kill her.
-[] Write-in.
-[] Optional: Go to her grandfather instead, as he also has power.
-[] Optional: Go in your Annatar form.

Teaching options: 2 Actions each, only 1 additional Action cost if you teach or train 2 the same thing
[] Teach Makoto magic at the abandoned house.
-[] Inspire Fear
-[] Illusion
-[] Lightning (more powerful than fire)
-[] Practice Magic Blast
-[] Practice Fire
-[] Practice Brawling (Involves you shape shifting into a human)
-[] Practice Block
-[] Write-in

[] Teach Ami magic at the abandoned house.
-[] Inspire Fear
-[] Fire
-[] Hand-to-hand combat. (Makoto teaches)
-[] Practice Magic Blast
-[] Practice Block
-[] Practice Illusion
-[] Write-in

[] Teach Mamoru magic at the abandoned house.
-[] Inspire Fear
-[] Illusion
-[] Magic Blast
-[] Hand-to-hand combat. (Makoto teaches)
-[] Practice Block
-[] Practice Sword Fighting
-[] Write-in

[] Teach Reika magic at the abandoned house.
-[] Inspire Fear
-[] Illusion
-[] Magic Blast
-[] Hand-to-hand combat. (Makoto teaches)
-[] Write-in

[] Write a more advanced book of magic. This would include things such as human sacrifices, as well as more advanced techniques in general. (3 Actions)
-[] Write-in what you do with it.

[] Invest Will in one of your allies. It will help you control them, but may give them insight into your true being. Will roll to see if they agree to this. (2 Actions)
-[] Makoto
-[] Ami
-[] Mamoru

[] Get money. (3 Actions)
-[] Rob a bank in cat form.
-[] Sell rocks disguised as gold.
-[] Burgle easily carried valuables from buildings
-[] Write-in

[] Find people to join you in an organization. You will need manpower, just cats won't do. (4 Actions)
-[] Optional: Name your organization.
-[] Put up signs advertising for a job working for a new business. You will have them show up to a meeting on a specific day later in the house.
-[] Find the poor and downtrodden, and have them work for you.
-[] Find an influencial/wealthy/powerful person in their twilight years who will be open to serving you, use compelling voice to convince them if neccessary.
-[] Write-in

[] Find a building to buy/rent as a base of operations. (Requires getting money first.) (3 Actions)
-[] Optional: Have the homeless you have found move there. You will need to supply money to pay for their utilities.

[] Write-in

Uh, we can do a vote. How about rate this post insightful if you want to switch to this, rate this post funny if you don't want to switch to this.
Adhoc vote count started by GilcuruLend on Apr 22, 2018 at 1:21 AM, finished with 364 posts and 3 votes.

  • [X] plan recruitment
    [X] Sleep without going out this night. If you go too many days without this you may get tired.
    [X] Visit the shrine maiden.
    -[X] Try to recruit her.
    -[X] Write in: Bring Ami with you to vouch for your good intentions
    [X] Teach Reika magic at the abandoned house
    -[X] Hand-to-hand combat. (Makoto teaches)
    [X] Sleep without going out this night. If you go too many days without this you may get tired.
    [X] Search for another of the unusually powerful people.
    -[X] Search for someone else.
    [X] Teach Makoto magic at the abandoned house.
    -[X] Illusion
    [X] Forge something. Choose any combination and however many you want.
    -[X] Morgul-blade: A dagger than when strikes someone, slowly reaches heart even if not lethal wound. Turns victim into a wraith. Costs 10 P
    -[X] Great Ring of Power: On par with the Nine, greatly increases wearer's strengths and weaknesses. Costs 200 P
    -[X] Terrifying Armor: Powerful and unnaturally strong armor that inspires terror in all who see it. Costs 15 P
    [X] Create Form: Creates a new form you can shift into at any time. Costs 100 P
    -[X] Sauron the Abhorred
    [X] Shift Form: Takes a few seconds. Costs 5 P
    -[X] Sauron the Abhorred
    [X] Visit the shrine maiden.
    -[X] Kill her. Wear non-redundant weapons and armor, and the ring. Use the Morgul-Blade on the maiden. Be liberal with magic to ensure success, and not get burned again.
    -[X] Kill her Grandpa while you're at it.
That's a good idea. I was considering it before but I suddenly got an idea on how to implement it.

New system: Each turn you have a limited amount of actions, each thing you do takes a different amount of them. Still list what you do in the order you do it in, but they will take place over the course of a week instead of a day.
12 Actions
[] Forge something. Choose any combination and however many you want. 0 Actions
-[] Morgul-blade: A dagger than when strikes someone, slowly reaches heart even if not lethal wound. Turns victim into a wraith. Costs 10 P
-[] Minor Ring of Power: Increases the wearer's strengths and weaknesses. Costs 50 P
-[] Great Ring of Power: On par with the Nine, greatly increases wearer's strengths and weaknesses. Costs 200 P
-[] Energy Absorbing Stone: Absorbs energy from any human who touches it. Costs 5 P
-[] Weaker Variant Stone: Absorbs less than half of the normal stone's energy. Costs 5 P
-[] Sword: Magic sword that's blade never dulls. Costs 10 P
-[] Bow: Magic bow that's arrows fly true and far. Costs 10 P
-[] Shining Armor: Armor that inspires loyalty and inspiration to all who see it. It is unnaturally strong. Costs 15 P
-[] Terrifying Armor: Powerful and unnaturally strong armor that inspires terror in all who see it. Costs 15 P
-[] Shield: A magic shield that is unnaturally strong. Costs 10 P
-[] Mace: A magic mace that will never break and can crush with more force than it would seem. Costs 10 P

[] Hand out Energy Absorbing Stones. (Currently have: 10 Weak) 1 Action per 10 handed out. (Round up)
-[] How many?
-[] Observe local gift packaging, wrap the stones up as anonymous gifts and deliver them disguised as a taciturn postman.
-[] Give one to Mamoru
-[] Write-in how

[] Retrieve the missing Energy Absorbing Stone. (2 Actions)

[] Search for another of the youma. (3 Actions)
-[] Optional: See if your cats found anything. (Only 2 Actions)

[] Search for another of the unusually powerful people. (2 Actions)
-[] Specifically search for Luna.
-[] Specifically search for Sailor Moon.
-[] Search for someone else. (1 more action)

[] Visit the shrine maiden. (3 Actions)
-[] Try to recruit her.
-[] Kill her.
-[] Write-in.
-[] Optional: Go to her grandfather instead, as he also has power.
-[] Optional: Go in your Annatar form.

Teaching options: 2 Actions each, only 1 additional Action cost if you teach or train 2 the same thing
[] Teach Makoto magic at the abandoned house.
-[] Inspire Fear
-[] Illusion
-[] Lightning (more powerful than fire)
-[] Practice Magic Blast
-[] Practice Fire
-[] Practice Brawling (Involves you shape shifting into a human)
-[] Practice Block
-[] Write-in

[] Teach Ami magic at the abandoned house.
-[] Inspire Fear
-[] Fire
-[] Hand-to-hand combat. (Makoto teaches)
-[] Practice Magic Blast
-[] Practice Block
-[] Practice Illusion
-[] Write-in

[] Teach Mamoru magic at the abandoned house.
-[] Inspire Fear
-[] Illusion
-[] Magic Blast
-[] Hand-to-hand combat. (Makoto teaches)
-[] Practice Block
-[] Practice Sword Fighting
-[] Write-in

[] Teach Reika magic at the abandoned house.
-[] Inspire Fear
-[] Illusion
-[] Magic Blast
-[] Hand-to-hand combat. (Makoto teaches)
-[] Write-in

[] Write a more advanced book of magic. This would include things such as human sacrifices, as well as more advanced techniques in general. (3 Actions)
-[] Write-in what you do with it.

[] Invest Will in one of your allies. It will help you control them, but may give them insight into your true being. Will roll to see if they agree to this. (2 Actions)
-[] Makoto
-[] Ami
-[] Mamoru

[] Get money. (3 Actions)
-[] Rob a bank in cat form.
-[] Sell rocks disguised as gold.
-[] Burgle easily carried valuables from buildings
-[] Write-in

[] Find people to join you in an organization. You will need manpower, just cats won't do. (4 Actions)
-[] Optional: Name your organization.
-[] Put up signs advertising for a job working for a new business. You will have them show up to a meeting on a specific day later in the house.
-[] Find the poor and downtrodden, and have them work for you.
-[] Find an influencial/wealthy/powerful person in their twilight years who will be open to serving you, use compelling voice to convince them if neccessary.
-[] Write-in

[] Find a building to buy/rent as a base of operations. (Requires getting money first.) (3 Actions)
-[] Optional: Have the homeless you have found move there. You will need to supply money to pay for their utilities.

[] Write-in

Uh, we can do a vote. How about rate this post insightful if you want to switch to this, rate this post funny if you don't want to switch to this.

I like it, this way we can devolp more coherent and focused plans.
[X] Sleep without going out this night. If you go too many days without this you may get tired.
[X] Search for another of the unusually powerful people.
-[X] Search for someone else.
[X] Teach Makoto magic at the abandoned house.
-[X] Illusion

Lets continue cornering the market on Senshi. Theres just one left to grab unopposed
[X] Forge something. Choose any combination and however many you want.
-[X] Morgul-blade: A dagger than when strikes someone, slowly reaches heart even if not lethal wound. Turns victim into a wraith. Costs 10 P
-[X] Great Ring of Power: On par with the Nine, greatly increases wearer's strengths and weaknesses. Costs 200 P
-[X] Terrifying Armor: Powerful and unnaturally strong armor that inspires terror in all who see it. Costs 15 P
[X] Create Form: Creates a new form you can shift into at any time. Costs 100 P
-[X] Sauron the Abhorred
[X] Shift Form: Takes a few seconds. Costs 5 P
-[X] Sauron the Abhorred
[X] Visit the shrine maiden.
-[X] Kill her. Wear non-redundant weapons and armor, and the ring. Use the Morgul-Blade on the maiden. Be liberal with magic to ensure success, and not get burned again.
-[X] Kill her Grandpa while you're at it.

Broken records can be deadly weapons.
[X] Sleep without going out this night. If you go too many days without this you may get tired.
[X] Search for another of the unusually powerful people.
-[X] Search for someone else.
[X] Teach Makoto magic at the abandoned house.
-[X] Illusion
[X] Sleep without going out this night. If you go too many days without this you may get tired.
[X] Search for another of the unusually powerful people.
-[X] Search for someone else.
[X] Teach Makoto magic at the abandoned house.
-[X] Illusion
Shouldn't that be 150, or did we lose 10 somewhere?
You lost ten when convincing Reika using Bewitching Voice.
Adhoc vote count started by GilcuruLend on Apr 23, 2018 at 12:38 AM, finished with 370 posts and 7 votes.

  • [X] Sleep without going out this night. If you go too many days without this you may get tired.
    [X] Search for another of the unusually powerful people.
    -[X] Search for someone else.
    [X] Teach Makoto magic at the abandoned house.
    -[X] Illusion
    [X] plan recruitment
    [X] Sleep without going out this night. If you go too many days without this you may get tired.
    [X] Visit the shrine maiden.
    -[X] Try to recruit her.
    -[X] Write in: Bring Ami with you to vouch for your good intentions
    [X] Teach Reika magic at the abandoned house
    -[X] Hand-to-hand combat. (Makoto teaches)
    [X] Forge something. Choose any combination and however many you want.
    -[X] Morgul-blade: A dagger than when strikes someone, slowly reaches heart even if not lethal wound. Turns victim into a wraith. Costs 10 P
    -[X] Great Ring of Power: On par with the Nine, greatly increases wearer's strengths and weaknesses. Costs 200 P
    -[X] Terrifying Armor: Powerful and unnaturally strong armor that inspires terror in all who see it. Costs 15 P
    [X] Create Form: Creates a new form you can shift into at any time. Costs 100 P
    -[X] Sauron the Abhorred
    [X] Shift Form: Takes a few seconds. Costs 5 P
    -[X] Sauron the Abhorred
    [X] Visit the shrine maiden.
    -[X] Kill her. Wear non-redundant weapons and armor, and the ring. Use the Morgul-Blade on the maiden. Be liberal with magic to ensure success, and not get burned again.
    -[X] Kill her Grandpa while you're at it.
    [X] plan recruitment
    [X] plan recruitment
Adhoc vote count started by GilcuruLend on Apr 25, 2018 at 5:02 PM, finished with 371 posts and 8 votes.

  • [X] plan recruitment
    [X] Sleep without going out this night. If you go too many days without this you may get tired.
    [X] Visit the shrine maiden.
    -[X] Try to recruit her.
    -[X] Write in: Bring Ami with you to vouch for your good intentions
    [X] Teach Reika magic at the abandoned house
    -[X] Hand-to-hand combat. (Makoto teaches)
    [X] Sleep without going out this night. If you go too many days without this you may get tired.
    [X] Search for another of the unusually powerful people.
    -[X] Search for someone else.
    [X] Teach Makoto magic at the abandoned house.
    -[X] Illusion
    [X] Forge something. Choose any combination and however many you want.
    -[X] Morgul-blade: A dagger than when strikes someone, slowly reaches heart even if not lethal wound. Turns victim into a wraith. Costs 10 P
    -[X] Great Ring of Power: On par with the Nine, greatly increases wearer's strengths and weaknesses. Costs 200 P
    -[X] Terrifying Armor: Powerful and unnaturally strong armor that inspires terror in all who see it. Costs 15 P
    [X] Create Form: Creates a new form you can shift into at any time. Costs 100 P
    -[X] Sauron the Abhorred
    [X] Shift Form: Takes a few seconds. Costs 5 P
    -[X] Sauron the Abhorred
    [X] Visit the shrine maiden.
    -[X] Kill her. Wear non-redundant weapons and armor, and the ring. Use the Morgul-Blade on the maiden. Be liberal with magic to ensure success, and not get burned again.
    -[X] Kill her Grandpa while you're at it.
[X] plan recruitment
[X] Sleep without going out this night. If you go too many days without this you may get tired.
[X] Visit the shrine maiden.
-[X] Try to recruit her.
-[X] Write in: Bring Ami with you to vouch for your good intentions
[X] Teach Reika magic at the abandoned house
-[X] Hand-to-hand combat. (Makoto teaches)

Hmmm... if we manage to get Rei on our side, we might actually get a new base for our growing army (at Rei's shrine). That would fill one of my boxes of concern, for the moment.
Rei and her grandfather can detect evil. Why do we keep voting to go for the one who can detect us before grabbing all the other senshi?
Rei and her grandfather can detect evil. Why do we keep voting to go for the one who can detect us before grabbing all the other senshi?

because if we can convince her that we're not actively malign and get her to work with us, it will remove a method Luna could use to bring the Senshi back over to her side.