[X]True Magic

v2 would be ok, but it seems to remove the real draw of the original plan for me. The idea of a resurrection mechanic in SAO is fascinating to me.

As a immortal, it is our public duty to sacrifice ourselves for the good of other players. Not a choice. A duty.
That is part of what fascinates me. Anyone else dies in this game, they are gone for good. We die, and we can come back and go again. It will be our duty to use this power to help our fellow prisoners, to stay ahead of the front lines as a scout and forward attacker. To do otherwise would be almost evil.

But at the same time, doing so will bring attention upon us, and this world's God will want us dead more than anything. So, we will have to make the choices between our own safety, and everyone else's.

And that's before any potential interesting drawbacks from the resurrection itself.

[X] Plan Sunshine in a Bottle

Wow, okay my choice would have been for the true magic path. The ability to glitch the system so unique effects could occur like permanent aoe spells, healing potions that tame monsters, spoke to me.

Due to the rewrite dividing the vote, I don't like the rewrite. I choose strategic voting.

I hate Magnificent Bastard because it is similar to sunshine, and mocks parodies of dungeon crawls and open worlds.
Then vote for the original True Magic plan. It's still up and viable.
.....I'm gone for a few hour and after coming back due to being tagged I see the plan I voted for has been spilt into two versions.

What the hell happened?
I got tired of people complaining that the Glitch Lich was to OP and gave in, asking to remove Just That Part in return for everything else being boosted.

So basically- I was an idiot.

Version Two is the same, is slightly more reliable
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That is part of what fascinates me. Anyone else dies in this game, they are gone for good. We die, and we can come back and go again. It will be our duty to use this power to help our fellow prisoners, to stay ahead of the front lines as a scout and forward attacker. To do otherwise would be almost evil.


Why do you betray me like this. I thought we were fellow soldiers of Normandy. That you would have my back and vote for Sunshine in a bottle.


(It's my fault for pulling all the stops to combat Bastard but backstab)
I got tired of people complaining that the Glitch Lich was to OP and gave in, asking to remove Just That Part in return for everything else being boosted.

So basically- I was an idiot.

....Were there really that many people who were not only short sighted enough to ignore all the downsides to respawning, but to also complaining about it enough that it resulted in a second version?

WOW thats sad.

Oh well fuck em. Sticking to the original plan.
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Come back to me my precious. Let's play together, please!

I take it all back! Ressurection is like playing Fire Emblem on Casual Mode! You don't want to do that right? Lunatic all the way.
Ressurection is just the most obvious benefit of True Magic.

And, Perhaps most importantly, It turns the focus into desperately trying to maintain that same immortality as 'god' tries to find that annoying gnat sipping from his pool.

If you are playing Fire Emblem, Then True Magic is playing Planescape: the Tormented.
I take it all back! Ressurection is like playing Fire Emblem on Casual Mode! You don't want to do that right? Lunatic all the way.

I said it once I'll say it again.


If we want to make game comparisons why not use the soul series after all you can revive an infinite amount of times so all of the games have to be cake walks right?
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Ressurection is just the most obvious benefit of True Magic.

Also True Magic is the only plan here that features an actual mage character. The others are rogues. And yes, I know that many quests go the predictable route of choosing the mage class but c'mon, it's got magic!

If an MMO has healers at all then a party is going to want one, and I'm curious what kind of exotic healer/spellcaster options can be cooked up. Some variation of the TF2 Medic or Mercy from Overwatch where we continually heal a target with a beam? Be able to cast restoration magic while wearing plate mail or some crafted robes that reduce mana costs to zero? Some oddball variation where we write up contracts, set down healing dispensers, or have an aura that heals people around us as we charge into battle?

I'm kinda interested in what magic stuff would be possible in a modified SAO.

Edit: Actually, hell. Skyrim has the most awesome necromancy system I've seen in a game. You can do stuff like kill an enemy, raise it as a zombie, and kill it again to essentially double your experience on top of leveling Conjuration. Even more if you kill it with a summoned weapon.

Then the Master spells of conjuration include a permanent necromancy effect that lets you raise a zombie thrall permanently, and if they die you can just reanimate the corpse. With perks you can have two of these bad boys.

Now imagine if that effect worked on other players? Like, if someone dies we have a minute or so to cast a necromancy spell to reanimate their Avatar and give them a temporary respite from dying for real. With the master level reanimation being basically permanent (but they can still be killed again as a zombie and we'd have to recast the spell of that happened).

Point is: Magic gives you options for being a hero or even doing Xanatos Roulette manipulative bastard shenanigans. If your Xanatos doesn't have access to magic, or bazillions of dollars from some multinational conglomerate that somehow exists in the game... I don't see how he's gonna be making big plans.

Kinda similar thing with a roleplayer. But I can see why role-playing as a studious wizard nerd might not have the same effect as a dashing rogue. Personally, I think the knight in shining armor persona really lends itself to RPing.

Funny story, when I started playing Skyrim I could never finish it. I'd try for some super optimized mage build, or sneaky rogue, then hear about another build and try that...

The first time I actually beat Skyrim was when I said "screw it!" and made myself up a sword and shield heavy armor wearing Kajjit. I was this big cat running around in plate mail not taking anything seriously. I ramped up my Alteration skill, took the perks that grant magic resist, enchanted more magic resist on my armor plus the Atronach stone... I was a crazy cat in shining armor with like 80% something magic absorption and magic resist on top. Mages couldn't touch me and any enemies I couldn't stab to death I would summon Deadric Thralls to fight them while I desperately cast restoration on myself.

Fun fact, I think at high enough magic absorption you can absorb more mana from spells cast on yourself than you actually spend, even if the effect absorbs much of the actual healing effect.

That character was hilariously broken and fun to play.
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Come back to me my precious. Let's play together, please!

I take it all back! Ressurection is like playing Fire Emblem on Casual Mode! You don't want to do that right? Lunatic all the way.
I'm not changing back :(. Indecission is a problem I have, and switching back took time before I chose. I returned to true magic because as cool as a master of disguise is I could not solve faking a mage as a rogue. Limiting the play potential of the build. I also feel that it might be a little boring story-wise.

Okay, you are a master of wearing faces, manipulator, loner, villian, sage, mathematician, tiger, sailor. What can you do in a death game? Infiltrate, info gathering, stab players who trust you in the back, steal valuable goods.

Can you escape a death game by being a manipulative dick?

I like exploring, doing nothing productive, but I can't see a playstyle as a master of disguise I can enjoy inside a death game. If it wasn't a death game I'd love the build, still do. I don't see how it won't feel repetitive after awhile in a death game. Infiltrate this group, do something, rinse and repeat. With no pk on the unworthy, a focus on early game stealth gains, the build will likely see disuse shedding many faces for one face eventually. For what is an actor without an audience to amaze? Like the PC is all alone disguised as a white common sheep on a floor with no players, for days, when the PC would never be allowed by us to walk that path.
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[X] True Magic
[X] True Magic v2

I'm just going to say the whole way this vote is handled is ridiculous, and it's absurd one of the main options is being split. If it's mandatory that it had to be changed into the new version, then that should just be what the old plan is changed to now, and everyone who voted for it informed so so they can change their votes if they want to. If it's not and the old plan can still be voted for and be valid it shouldn't have been changed. I don't even fully understand what's going on with this nonsense, there's literally no reason to have a v2.
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Just allow multiple voting. Makes life so much easier.

Also if the Glitch wins,can we be Vanelope Von Schweetz?

If not, then Solair ahoy! I got tired of reading a 'special' MC which has a broken system from all the CN npvels ive read and dropped.
It will be our duty to use this power to help our fellow prisoners, to stay ahead of the front lines as a scout and forward attacker. To do otherwise would be almost evil.
I don't get this. I seriously don't get this. Where the hell do you guys get the asinine idea that we'd be under ANY obligation to help due to gaining near God Mode? We have no such obligation. And odds are, the character will feel no sense of obligation either. Especially with the assholes that'll hate them for their blatantly obvious cheating.
Explain to me, how pray tell, respawning can actually hurt us rather than inconvenience or annoy us at most? What kind of respawn mechanic that even the BETA TESTERS and anyone who'd look around for information on the game wouldn't know about? Unless the maniac decided to change the respawn mechanic the absolute last second in case someone could glitch it back on for themselves, which I doubt he did because why would he, I don't see how the respawn mechanic would hurt us in any major way.
I don't get this. I seriously don't get this. Where the hell do you guys get the asinine idea that we'd be under ANY obligation to help due to gaining near God Mode? We have no such obligation. And odds are, the character will feel no sense of obligation either. Especially with the assholes that'll hate them for their blatantly obvious cheating.
If you're in a situation where something needs to be done, and there is a chance that anyone who tries it will die except you who are all but guaranteed to survive, and you don't feel like just maybe you should volunteer, then you have a cripplingly underdeveloped civic duty gland.
If you're in a situation where something needs to be done, and there is a chance that anyone who tries it will die except you who are all but guaranteed to survive, and you don't feel like just maybe you should volunteer, then you have a cripplingly underdeveloped civic duty gland.
There's a difference between helping get things that need to be done and what's being suggested. One is helping out on killing floor bosses or whatever. The other is trying to become a slave to the masses and trying to do every little thing to help them or just outright being a living meat shield.
There's a difference between helping get things that need to be done and what's being suggested. One is helping out on killing floor bosses or whatever. The other is trying to become a slave to the masses and trying to do every little thing to help them or just outright being a living meat shield.
Yeah, because that's really what we're going to do if True Magic wins. :rolleyes:
I don't get this. I seriously don't get this. Where the hell do you guys get the asinine idea that we'd be under ANY obligation to help due to gaining near God Mode?

Well... since we're all stuck in a Death Game full of death monsters that kill people, and the only way out is for the players to beat castle Aincrad or something, and this all takes place in a virtual world while our real body is slowly wasting away and could die for real if someone in the real world pulls the plug and we have a death trap on our head ready to microwave our brain if the connection so much as flickers...

Well, the sooner we beat this damn thing and escape, the better. Accomplishing that will require working with other people or at the very least powerlevelling our own guy to a degree that's almost indestingushable from working with others since we're going to be killing floor bosses either way. Our respawn ability would allow us to take risks that others might not be able to. So, if we want to win this Death Game, we'd have to suck it up and help out.

I think that explanation should work for the Enlightened Self-Interest: Sociopath Edition. There are other reasons, but I think you need to possess a soul to understand them.

Alright then. What pray tell, do you think we will do, if literally the most boring option wins?

If Manipulative Bastard wins, I imagine the QM would have to pause the game for a few days to write up a new plot to justify such a weird trait, our character would basically be Kirito 2.0 except weaker since we'd spend less time relentlessly powerlevelling and more time pointlessly screwing around with other players since we're in a goddamm MMO and don't have access to all the billions of dollars, high tech robots, and time travel that David Xanatos had in the Gargoyles cartoon.

So if the most boring option wins, we'd be stuck playing as a completely mortal, non-spellcasting, smart-ass in a butt-kicking competition. And the enemy monsters are all giant feet.
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Aaah. Spur of the moment stuff. Not really thought out, or be taken seriously to be honest.

[] The Casual 'Genius': Things always come easy to you. Whether they be real life or online. Games weren't really any different. They were fun, and helped pass the time. Not to mention helped elevate your sense of self awesomenesss. Thing is, anything too hard and you pass it off as not worth your time, or too lazy, or any other form of excuse to not do it because failure meant losing your Genius status.
+ Generally head and shoulders above the average individual in almost any situation-related aspect.
- Increased difficulty when faced with arduous situations. May flat out lock out options deemed "not worth your time" because they happened to be too hard.

[] Faceless In Majority: You're just another pawn on the chessboard. Not a knight. Not a rook. Not even a bishop. You're nobody special, regardless of how good you actually are.
+\- People don't really notice you unless you actively try to draw their attention. What would God want with just another dude?
-\+ You're mostly just another average player. And you know you have limits.

Votes will be tallied in like six hours.
Adhoc vote count started by Birdsie on Apr 21, 2018 at 8:48 AM, finished with 272 posts and 48 votes.

  • [X] Plan Magnificent Bastard
    [X] Plan Sunshine in a Bottle
    [X]True Magic
    [X]True Magic
    [X] True Magic v2
    [X] Plan: This old rasta motherfucker is going to kick ya punky little asses!
    [X] Plan: Black Knight with a heart of gold.
    [X] True Magic v2
    [X] Plan Charismatic Sociopath.
    [X] Witcher.
    [X] Were invited to participate in the beta testing and spent most of your time every day doing that, becoming unattached from the real world.
    [X] I Draw Forth... Pot of Greed!: You believe inthe spleen of the cards. Being a charismatic person with little empathy for people over the internet has led many to believe you are a high-functioning sociopath. Maybe they're right, or maybe you just know what to say to make them think so. Also, you excel at strategy and minigames.
    [X] That the game should be one, large, open world.
    [X] Name: Jack Delacurse
    [X] Age: 24
    [X] Username: Crocodile
    [X] Mage.
    [X] Guy
    [X] Avatar:
    [X] Plan "Let's be Kirito but better"
    ---[X] The Elder Scrolls.
    ---[X] Were invited to participate in the beta testing and spent most of your time every day doing that, becoming unattached from the real world.
    ---[X] Fear Not The Ganker: Your combos are crazy, and you are an excellent multitasker and respond well to combat. Your APM is heads and shoulders above that of the other players.
    ---[X] That the game should be a floating castle made up of floors.
    ---[X] Name: Kazuto Kirigaya
    ---[X] Age: 16
    ---[X] Username: Kirito
    ---[X] Avatar: Just Kirito's appearance
    ---[X] Fighter
    ---[X] Guy.
    [X] the death Seeker plan
    [X] Adventure Quest
    [X] Did the thing - you researched, looked for clues, asked questions to betatesters, so that you could master the game's mechanics before it was even out.
    [X] Propose... @Birdsie
    [X] That the game should be one, large, open world.
    [X] Name: Brenda Le Roux
    [X] Age: 21
    [X] Username: Andraste
    [X] Avatar:
    [X] bonnie/girl
our character would basically be Kirito 2.0
Manipulative Bastard wins,
Ha ha very funny. We all know that Kirito 2.0 is True Magic. Seriously, all we'd be doing with True Magic is powerleveling with reckless abandon since we'd be the only ones capable to do so with the immortality of respawns. And since I'm pretty damn certain that respawning in and of itself has very little to no negative consequences, we don't need to worry about dying to some random monster at all. So, all together yeah, we'd be Kirito 2.0: Respawn Edition. Because grind grind grind, is the way of that future.
No, that's not what it is at all.

You can beat someone who is doing the Xanatos Gambit, a bunch of fucking Gargoyles managed. It does, however, make and keep things interesting.

Especially since we're Xanatos.

Imagine us predicting the whole PKer/Laughing Coffin thing and always being three steps ahead as we crush the entire idea, the entire concept of them even as they think they're particular brand of chaos is winning?

Imagine turning all of that into destorying Kayaba and making sure that he never gets to enjoy watching us flounder around in the little fish bowl he sat us in?
The thing is, WE'RE the ones that are supposed to be making the plans. I love the idea of having a plan for any outcome, but is there any reason we can't do that as either Sunshine or True Magic? They would even give us an advantage, in that we aren't seen as a jerk who intentionally goes around manipulating people (at least until we vote in one too many plans that do just that). Plus being able to exploit glitches ("Hey, Kirito, I found a control panel for the game! Lets go hack Kayaba into being mortal for a bit!") or pretend to be someone else("Holy ****, I just saw Heathcliff telling someone that he's actually Kayaba!") would provide an extra thing that we can use in our plots.
We are a hivemind of eldritch abominations inhabiting the mind of one of the players. We have advanced knowledge of some of what to expect, and if we want to do this we can ask the QM to keep everything the same as cannon so that our out of character knowledge still works. There is no reason that we need the QM to think up the plans for us, we can make them ourselves. Therefore, even if we want to try Xanatos Gambits, we can still be a non-Yuki character. Just gather as much information about what is happening as possible (easier as Sunshine), gather resources (a.k.a. Make friends and allies), figure out as many possible outcomes to the current plan as possible, then make a plan for each possibility.
This is strictly better than making the QM do our thinking for us, since it means he can update faster(since he isn't trying to think up a thousand plans for us), and there is a chance of us missing something (which makes it interesting).

Yuki is a 25 year old girl. How are we expected to believe that she can do anything to Kayaba? He's the master of the world, through his own talents, and as long as people are trapped here, he gets his rocks off. Either you play his game like he wants, or beg Kirito to release everyone if he ever gets to the motherboard instead of reviving his daughteru.
Don't play the game, play Kayaba. We have OOC knowledge about what he's like, use it. Kirito got him to end the game early because he likes a challenge and is overconfident. Use that and other character traits to trick him into whatever we want him to do. Extremely hard, but possible.
I think true magic would work better if that character was a beta tester (I don't even know their name).

Since that opens the narrative of them intentionally not reporting a glitch to exploit it at launch, instead of just being some weirdo who fell into the lake of unkillable. That makes sense instead of just being eye rolling.

I understand the appeal of all 'civic duty' stuff, but I still think True Magic is a bit to much of a 'protagonist' power for it to really work. It seems like it would swallow our entire skill set, so even if at heart we're a healer or a buffer, the safest option is just to smash our head against something until it breaks.

I like the other traits suggested that build upon some sort of prestablished character, because it helps to make them distinct. Like an actual member of the cast who could have been here, and not someone who would not had been allowed to be in the show/novel/story.
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