When the deadline comes I'll betray myself. It's my own fault for arguing for immortality out of contrarianism.
AKA, if you want easy mode, vote this, because you want to be a boring shounen protag.
I personally like Easy Mode. Worrying about every single action possibly being our last if we don't choose perfectly detracts from a lot of the fun and encourages us to never do anything exciting. Why risk our lives grinding level appropriate mobs who pose an actual threat, when we could grind level 1 mobs for forever, and not doom this quest to an early game over?
[X] Plan: This old rasta motherfucker is going to kick ya punky little asses!

Ffffffffffuck it.
Why risk our lives grinding level appropriate mobs who pose an actual threat, when we could grind level 1 mobs for forever, and not doom this quest to an early game over?
Have you played WoW or Pokemon gen 5 and beyond? EXP decreases by level. To the point that a big enough gap is probably giving 0 EXP period. That's how that can be balanced in the quest. Also, I take back the easy mode statement. I meant God Mode. Easy mode is having high stats. God mode is the respawn ability. No effort. No difficulty. No risk. No drawbacks besides a reputation malice. That's all. People won't like us and the developer will want us to suffer, but in the grand scheme of things, that's not even a problem for us. Cuz we don't have to worry about anything. It's boring. It's uninteresting. And there's no risk.
If you can't see value of playing my character then....

Seriously no want play Risky-Celtic Heroine?

I see more value in your plan than the other girl vote, because at least it's intentionally playing into the darker elements of SAO's setting, and more humble.

Your just to late, so your boned. I was to dismissive before due to my salt. Hopefully the dismissed plans are NPC's right?

Yours would have been popular. Cause your a grill. And apparently SV only plays grills now (whose salty not me)
Last edited by a moderator:
Have you played WoW or Pokemon gen 5 and beyond? EXP decreases by level. To the point that a big enough gap is probably giving 0 EXP period. That's how that can be balanced in the quest. Also, I take back the easy mode statement. I meant God Mode. Easy mode is having high stats. God mode is the respawn ability. No effort. No difficulty. No risk. No drawbacks besides a reputation malice. That's all. People won't like us and the developer will want us to suffer, but in the grand scheme of things, that's not even a problem for us. Cuz we don't have to worry about anything. It's boring. It's uninteresting. And there's no risk.
I know they have that, and I was being metaphorical. The point still stands that perma-death being a very real threat discourages us from doing anything fun or risky, because one bad roll results in the quest ending and that being that. As such, we are encouraged to go after the easiest prey we can while still getting XP.

It's far from God Mode. We still CAN Perma-die, just the odds drop dramatically. We do have to worry about stuff, but those worries aren't worrying about the quest ending in a Bad End, the story will still go on. Because in SAO, bad-ends lurk around every corner, and it's rare for someone to complete a MMO without EVER dying. Where is the fun in not being able to do anything fun, for fear of it being the LAST thing you ever do?
......seriously dude? Seriously?

Tell me, did you even read the first post of the thread?
Metaphorical roll. Just because there are no literal rolls, the fact that the outcomes of our actions are semi-randomized (from our POV, not knowing the outcome and as such there are numerous possibilities), there is the equivalent of a dice roll.

Lets say we are fighting a boss, and we decide "Hey, lets use our super-duper strong fire attack!", but unbeknownst to us, the boss gets stronger when hit with fire, and our attack makes him strong enough to 1 hit us. Bam, game over, because we didn't know that feature of the boss that the QM decided in advanced. No literal dice rolls, that is just the result of our actions, it's only being a dice-roll in the sense that we have no idea what the QM decided on before hand.
Trondason does not want to play an actual quest, just read a fanfiction with no risks.

This is nothing new, nor should it be treated as such.
That's a narrative and mechanical ass pull and a terrible example. Rule one of GMing is never try to end the story. You want your boss to buff from fire damage, you pepper some cues around it's lair so that a savvy player has a chance to think "huh, maybe all this lava is a sign of fire resist."
Lets say we are fighting a boss, and we decide "Hey, lets use our super-duper strong fire attack!", but unbeknownst to us, the boss gets stronger when hit with fire, and our attack makes him strong enough to 1 hit us. Bam, game over, because we didn't know that feature of the boss that the QM decided in advanced. No literal dice rolls, that is just the result of our actions, it's only being a dice-roll in the sense that we have no idea what the QM decided on before hand.
That's a narrative and mechanical ass pull and a terrible example. Rule one of GMing is never try to end the story. You want your boss to buff from fire damage, you pepper some cues around it's lair so that a savvy player has a chance to think "huh, maybe all this lava is a sign of fire resist."
Or it's a slamander. Or it's on fire. Or it uses fire based attacks or it's 'minions' are fire based.

See Tron? This is a bunch of ways to narrativly hint a fire buff. And z3r0 is right. It's a giant ass pull and terrible example.
Also there's the whole "you aren't in control, it's not your Quest, and if you don't trust the QM to be fair then maybe you shouldn't participate" thing, also known as Rule -1 of D&D: Nobody can force you to play at a table. If you don't have fun it's not worth your time, and you'll be better served doing something else.
[X] Plan Sunshine in a Bottle

Unless my plan gets a massive following in the next hour, I'll vote for Sunshine unless Magic is winning. I may not like the leading two votes, but I'd rather not leave if the one I really don't like, Magic, wins and I could have helped prevent it.
Adhoc vote count started by DarkKing98 on Apr 20, 2018 at 1:58 PM, finished with 116 posts and 38 votes.

  • [X] Plan Magnificent Bastard
    [X]True Magic
    [X] Plan Sunshine in a Bottle
    [X] Plan: This old rasta motherfucker is going to kick ya punky little asses!
    [X] Plan Charismatic Sociopath.
    [X] Witcher.
    [X] Were invited to participate in the beta testing and spent most of your time every day doing that, becoming unattached from the real world.
    [X] I Draw Forth... Pot of Greed!: You believe inthe spleen of the cards. Being a charismatic person with little empathy for people over the internet has led many to believe you are a high-functioning sociopath. Maybe they're right, or maybe you just know what to say to make them think so. Also, you excel at strategy and minigames.
    [X] That the game should be one, large, open world.
    [X] Name: Jack Delacurse
    [X] Age: 24
    [X] Username: Crocodile
    [X] Mage.
    [X] Guy
    [X] Avatar:
    [X] Plan: Black Knight with a heart of gold.
    [X] Plan: This old rasta motherfucker is going to kick ya punky little asses!
    [X] An ungodly fusion of Dungeons & Dragons,the paper mario rpg series,Elder scrolls\fallout,bloodborne,Zelda,La mulana,.....and fucking metroid.
    [X] Did the thing - you researched, looked for clues, asked questions to betatesters, so that you could master the game's mechanics before it was even out.
    [X] I Draw Forth... Pot of Greed!: You believe inthe spleen of the cards. Being a charismatic person with little empathy for people over the internet has led many to believe you are a high-functioning sociopath. Maybe they're right, or maybe you just know what to say to make them think so. Also, you excel at strategy and minigames.
    [X] That the game should be one, large, open world.
    [X] Fighter.
    [X] Name: Akoni Wright
    [X] Age: 56
    [X] Username: Big Bad Poppa
    [X] Avatar\apperance:
    [X] Guy
    [X] Plan Magnificent Bastard
    [X] Something else... (Write-in.)
    -[X] Eve Online
    [X] Did the thing - you researched, looked for clues, asked questions to betatesters, so that you could master the game's mechanics before it was even out.
    [X] The Xanatos: You've always had a knack for thinking ahead of others and planning long-term. Every major decision you make is calculated to maximize your future success, without closing off any options. Despite this, you never bet more than you can lose, so you can switch tracks the moment things start going belly-up. You're always three steps ahead of everything and everyone else, your losses only serving to further your interests.
    [X] That the game should be a floating castle made up of floors.
    [X] Name: Yuki Makoto
    [X] Age: 25
    [X] Username: Weltschmerz
    [X] Avatar:
    [X] GrillGamer?...
    [X] Plan "Let's be Kirito but better"
    ---[X] The Elder Scrolls.
    ---[X] Were invited to participate in the beta testing and spent most of your time every day doing that, becoming unattached from the real world.
    ---[X] Fear Not The Ganker: Your combos are crazy, and you are an excellent multitasker and respond well to combat. Your APM is heads and shoulders above that of the other players.
    ---[X] That the game should be a floating castle made up of floors.
    ---[X] Name: Kazuto Kirigaya
    ---[X] Age: 16
    ---[X] Username: Kirito
    ---[X] Avatar: Just Kirito's appearance
    ---[X] Fighter
    ---[X] Guy.
    [X] Plan Sunshine in a Bottle
    [X] The Elder Scrolls.
    [X] Broke your piggybank, worked part-time and begged your parents for extra pocket dough to buy the game with all DLCs when it came out. Pre-ordering has its perks.
    [X] Propose...
    - [X] Roleplaying Nerd: Through thick and thin, you stay in character, stubbornly sticking to whatever personality you assigned to the pixels you played. You acting skills are awesome, able to pass yourself off as anyone of any background with the right disguise. Identity was just a costume to wear, right?
    [X] That the game should be one, large, open world.
    [X] Name: Tutku Tiryaki
    [X] Age: 15
    [X] Username: S0u1_N0mad
    [X] Avatar: Sandstorm
    [X] Guy
    [X] Plan: Black Knight with a heart of gold.
    [X] World of Warcraft
    [X] Broke your piggybank, worked part-time and begged your parents for extra pocket dough to buy the game with all DLCs when it came out. Pre-ordering has its perks.
    [X] Shy Loner: You've never been good at interacting with people. For some reason, talking with others just makes you a little panicky. You're fine with people you're close to, but strangers have you on edge. You made an effort to learn how to stay calm in such situations, but that somehow translated to looking 'cool and aloof'. You've got no idea how.
    [X] That the game should be a floating castle made up of floors.
    [X] Name: Owen Sanders
    [X] Age: 17
    [X] Username: Oswald
    [X] Avatar:
    [X] Fighter.
    [X] Guy
    [X]True Magic
    [X] The Elder Scrolls.

    [X] Broke your piggybank, worked part-time and begged your parents for extra pocket dough to buy the game with all DLCs when it came out. Pre-ordering has its perks.

    [X]1337 Trollgamer: The secrets of magic are open before you. By magic, I mean the ability to find exploits and glitches, including the capacity to enable the Respawn
    [X] That the game should be one, large, open world.

    [X] Name: Altro Nestorum

    [X] Age: 16

    [X] Username: Aldrich

    [X] Avatar:
    [X] Mage.


    [X] Plan Sunshine in a Bottle
    [X] Plan Sunshine in a Bottle
    [X] the death Seeker plan
    [X] Adventure Quest
    [X] Did the thing - you researched, looked for clues, asked questions to betatesters, so that you could master the game's mechanics before it was even out.
    [X] That the game should be one, large, open world.
    [X] Name: Brenda Le Roux
    [X] Age: 21
    [X] Username: Andraste
    [X] Avatar:
    [X] bonnie/girl
Do you remember how everyone in SAO treated the beta testers? How much they hated them? Yeah? Well, imagine that, plus the fact that we also have a second life.
AKA, if you want easy mode, vote this, because you want to be a boring shounen protag.

I think of it more like being Saitama from One Punch Man. We can't permanently die, sure. But that's only one aspect of the situation. We also have to interact with other players, deal with a murderous GM out to get us, and other stuff.

Also, this is a forum quest. I admit I haven't played a whole lot of them, but I have yet to see a quest where the MC died. Even temporarily. If we go the non-immortal route and join in a raid against a floor boss, I predict a 100% chance that our HP won't reach zero. We might beat the boss ourselves, we might dick around with some elaborate troll while other people beat it, or we could fight, get knocked into the red and have to flee.

If we respawn, we can totally lose. We can go in with the intention of soloing a boss monster, kick it'ass for a bit with our incredible powers, and wind up getting chopped in half due to a mistake. If that happens, we'd have to pick ourselves up and try again.

A whole bunch of players hate us because they're antisocial nerds who don't like that they aren't the special snowflakes that get to be the hero? Well... that could give us a reason to disguise ourselves as an NPC and troll people if doing so lets us go unnoticed for a bit while we do something.

Another thing: I think this is the only option so far that gives us a legit superpower. Like how Superman is bulletproof so he can give mobsters an ass kicking without breaking a sweat and later get in a fight with Godzilla. Or Batman can fight supervillains and afford to have his spine replaced after Bane snaps him in half like a pretzel.

We'd be a guy with great power (not dying when killed and occasionally exploring glitches) great responsibility (get everyone out of this death game before we all die for real) and a supervillain who hates us (the killer GM who got us in this mess).

So yeah, being immortal has downsides and along with great combat application that might let us become a shonen protagonist who saves everyone despite lots of angry nerds hating our guts? That sounds like the ingredients to making a decent storyline.
There's nothing saying we have to be nice to people, hell if other players try and start something then they can burn.

Also Immortality doesn't mean jackshit if we don't have power to back it up. Hell one way for Kayaba to get back at us is to make so if we get killed by a player we not only drop our loot but the player doesn't get a PK Rank and stays green.

Immortality is much of a curse as a blessing...especially if you got it from cheating a very powerful god.
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Well... that could give us a reason to disguise ourselves as an NPC and troll people if doing so lets us go unnoticed for a bit while we do something.
We can't disguise ourselve's as an NPC. That's the RPer Trait.
great responsibility (get everyone out of this death game before we all die for real
Where in the world did you get the impression that we are Spiderman?
and a supervillain who hates us (the killer GM who got us in this mess).
He wanted everyone dead in the first place. We just get the honor of being the one he wants dead first. This can easily be achieved with any other route with good planning and playing.
So yeah, being immortal has downsides and along with great combat application that might let us become a shonen protagonist who saves everyone despite lots of angry nerds hating our guts? That sounds like the ingredients to making a decent storyline.
Or, our character isn't made of such a kind of moral fiber, along with the immense amounts of stupidity that involves being a Shonen protag, and we just end up a loner who's hated by a large portion of people without any hope of having any friends. AKA, Kirito with a respawn ability.

As I stated before, being hated by everyone is a non-issue due to the easy ability of just not interacting with others. Killer GM throwing shit at us in a rage causes us some inconvenience but nothing crippling due to the immortality of respawn. It's not interesting. It's boring and predictable and has been treaded a thousand times before, and will a thousand times again, and basically us as Kirito 2.0; Respawn Edition.
Trondason does not want to play an actual quest, just read a fanfiction with no risks.

This is nothing new, nor should it be treated as such.
No, what I want is a game that won't spontaneously end. Video Games you can always start again if you die, most quests aren't that way.
That's a narrative and mechanical ass pull and a terrible example. Rule one of GMing is never try to end the story. You want your boss to buff from fire damage, you pepper some cues around it's lair so that a savvy player has a chance to think "huh, maybe all this lava is a sign of fire resist."
Or it's a slamander. Or it's on fire. Or it uses fire based attacks or it's 'minions' are fire based.

See Tron? This is a bunch of ways to narrativly hint a fire buff. And z3r0 is right. It's a giant ass pull and terrible example.
I have seen too many instances where the player base only sees said hints afterwards. I don't really want to stake the future of the quest on us seeing something that the QM thinks is obvious but that's only because he already knows how it all fits together.

Plus, it's a SAO quest. SAO is littered with similar ass pulls. Like trap rooms that disable your teleportation crystals and spontaneously summons several high-level monsters. There was no way to know it was a trap room beyond paranoia, and Kirito only survived by virtue of being the Protagonist, something I would expect Birdsie to NOT give us.
Also, this is a forum quest. I admit I haven't played a whole lot of them, but I have yet to see a quest where the MC died. Even temporarily. If we go the non-immortal route and join in a raid against a floor boss, I predict a 100% chance that our HP won't reach zero. We might beat the boss ourselves, we might dick around with some elaborate troll while other people beat it, or we could fight, get knocked into the red and have to flee.
I have, and it's usually because the player base did something dumb, not seeing some clue that was obvious in retrospect, got too big for their britches expecting themselves to survive by virtue of being the MC, or similar things.
Also there's the whole "you aren't in control, it's not your Quest, and if you don't trust the QM to be fair then maybe you shouldn't participate" thing, also known as Rule -1 of D&D: Nobody can force you to play at a table. If you don't have fun it's not worth your time, and you'll be better served doing something else.
I trust the QM to play the setting straight. And that is to make SAO a giant death-trap. It is a game in which people die, a lot. MMOs in general tend to be death-traps, and I don't really expect Kayaba to go and rebalance the game, making it easier because it's game over when someone dies.

I'm not in control, but neither are you. We are both arguing for the pros/cons of a plan, trying to get the plan we want to win.

If @Birdsie Wants to weigh in on the projected difficulty level of this quest, that would solve a fair bit of this discussion. I'm expecting a Bad End to be a very real possibility, as is the case in SAO.
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I have seen too many instances where the player base only sees said hints afterwards.
We overlook something blatantly obvious, we deserve the death honestly.
Plus, it's a SAO quest. SAO is littered with similar ass pulls. Like trap rooms that disable your teleportation crystals and spontaneously summons several high-level monsters. There was no way to know it was a trap room beyond paranoia, and Kirito only survived by virtue of being the Protagonist, something I would expect Birdsie to NOT give us.
That's a trap. NOT a 'boss has some unexpected element absorption/buff' thing. The former was in a dungeon revolving around the ability to respawn, which is taken away and what makes it a deadly trap in the first place. The latter, is poor game design.
I trust the QM to play the setting straight. And that is to make SAO a giant death-trap. It is a game in which people die, a lot. MMOs in general tend to be death-traps,
And thus, you want the ability to spit on the setting with respawn immortality. Yup. Great logic there. Wanting the game to be true to itself, whilst wanting the ability to spit on literally the only danger in the game. Gotta give you props on how blind you have to be not to see the failure in logic in this.
If @Birdsie Wants to weigh in on the projected difficulty level of this quest, that would solve a fair bit of this discussion. I'm expecting a Bad End to be a very real possibility, as is the case in SAO
Tagging people don't work with edits.

Edit: Also, you want a 0% chance of failure. Which takes a lot of fun out of a SAO quest. The fear of failure meaning our death. You want a way to win, which is guaranteed. Which is boring in any combat situation. Only fun in this quest would be the social aspect. Which surprise surprise, the respawn immortality burtually murders any chances of having a social game.
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And anyways, this game is probably going to be inspired by Abridged, since the GM mentioned Kayaba watching Inception. In which case, Diavel doesn't even have that flaw.
I'll be honest with everyone here. On my first run through SAO, I thought: "Hey, this is cool!" And then I realized: "Hey, this is not so cool, but I might as well finish watching it now that I've started it."

And then I've seen Abridged and I appreciated it for being cooler than the original. Anyway, yeah, there'll be a few references to the abridged version, and maybe, just maaaybe a cat that learned how to play.
Baby Don't Fear the Reaper, nor the sun in the Moon : you almost have a complete of complete and utter offense with little or no defense like a glass Cannon with a very much a death seeking mentality
Immortality is become Frisk.
Not really because you don't "reload a save," as much as you "reappear after death." All things you did stay the same. You just get to be reborn each time you die.
God mode is the respawn ability. No effort. No difficulty. No risk. No drawbacks besides a reputation malice.
Who said there are no drawbacks?
We can't disguise ourselve's as an NPC. That's the RPer Trait.
There are also spells for that.
He wanted everyone dead in the first place.
Correction: he wanted everyone to be weak mortal trash compared to his godly self.
I'm expecting a Bad End to be a very real possibility, as is the case in SAO.
It is. You can die.

And now... the moment we've all waited for... Or, actually, screw it. I'll wait an hour until tallying the votes. I have time tonight, so why not?
Adhoc vote count started by Birdsie on Apr 20, 2018 at 2:44 PM, finished with 122 posts and 38 votes.

  • [X] Plan Magnificent Bastard
    [X]True Magic
    [X] Plan Sunshine in a Bottle
    [X] Plan: This old rasta motherfucker is going to kick ya punky little asses!
    [X] Plan Charismatic Sociopath.
    [X] Witcher.
    [X] Were invited to participate in the beta testing and spent most of your time every day doing that, becoming unattached from the real world.
    [X] I Draw Forth... Pot of Greed!: You believe inthe spleen of the cards. Being a charismatic person with little empathy for people over the internet has led many to believe you are a high-functioning sociopath. Maybe they're right, or maybe you just know what to say to make them think so. Also, you excel at strategy and minigames.
    [X] That the game should be one, large, open world.
    [X] Name: Jack Delacurse
    [X] Age: 24
    [X] Username: Crocodile
    [X] Mage.
    [X] Guy
    [X] Avatar:
    [X] Plan: Black Knight with a heart of gold.
    [X] Plan: This old rasta motherfucker is going to kick ya punky little asses!
    [X] An ungodly fusion of Dungeons & Dragons,the paper mario rpg series,Elder scrolls\fallout,bloodborne,Zelda,La mulana,.....and fucking metroid.
    [X] Did the thing - you researched, looked for clues, asked questions to betatesters, so that you could master the game's mechanics before it was even out.
    [X] I Draw Forth... Pot of Greed!: You believe inthe spleen of the cards. Being a charismatic person with little empathy for people over the internet has led many to believe you are a high-functioning sociopath. Maybe they're right, or maybe you just know what to say to make them think so. Also, you excel at strategy and minigames.
    [X] That the game should be one, large, open world.
    [X] Fighter.
    [X] Name: Akoni Wright
    [X] Age: 56
    [X] Username: Big Bad Poppa
    [X] Avatar\apperance:
    [X] Guy
    [X] Plan Magnificent Bastard
    [X] Something else... (Write-in.)
    -[X] Eve Online
    [X] Did the thing - you researched, looked for clues, asked questions to betatesters, so that you could master the game's mechanics before it was even out.
    [X] The Xanatos: You've always had a knack for thinking ahead of others and planning long-term. Every major decision you make is calculated to maximize your future success, without closing off any options. Despite this, you never bet more than you can lose, so you can switch tracks the moment things start going belly-up. You're always three steps ahead of everything and everyone else, your losses only serving to further your interests.
    [X] That the game should be a floating castle made up of floors.
    [X] Name: Yuki Makoto
    [X] Age: 25
    [X] Username: Weltschmerz
    [X] Avatar:
    [X] GrillGamer?...
    [X] Plan "Let's be Kirito but better"
    ---[X] The Elder Scrolls.
    ---[X] Were invited to participate in the beta testing and spent most of your time every day doing that, becoming unattached from the real world.
    ---[X] Fear Not The Ganker: Your combos are crazy, and you are an excellent multitasker and respond well to combat. Your APM is heads and shoulders above that of the other players.
    ---[X] That the game should be a floating castle made up of floors.
    ---[X] Name: Kazuto Kirigaya
    ---[X] Age: 16
    ---[X] Username: Kirito
    ---[X] Avatar: Just Kirito's appearance
    ---[X] Fighter
    ---[X] Guy.
    [X] Plan Sunshine in a Bottle
    [X] The Elder Scrolls.
    [X] Broke your piggybank, worked part-time and begged your parents for extra pocket dough to buy the game with all DLCs when it came out. Pre-ordering has its perks.
    [X] Propose...
    - [X] Roleplaying Nerd: Through thick and thin, you stay in character, stubbornly sticking to whatever personality you assigned to the pixels you played. You acting skills are awesome, able to pass yourself off as anyone of any background with the right disguise. Identity was just a costume to wear, right?
    [X] That the game should be one, large, open world.
    [X] Name: Tutku Tiryaki
    [X] Age: 15
    [X] Username: S0u1_N0mad
    [X] Avatar: Sandstorm
    [X] Guy
    [X] Plan: Black Knight with a heart of gold.
    [X] World of Warcraft
    [X] Broke your piggybank, worked part-time and begged your parents for extra pocket dough to buy the game with all DLCs when it came out. Pre-ordering has its perks.
    [X] Shy Loner: You've never been good at interacting with people. For some reason, talking with others just makes you a little panicky. You're fine with people you're close to, but strangers have you on edge. You made an effort to learn how to stay calm in such situations, but that somehow translated to looking 'cool and aloof'. You've got no idea how.
    [X] That the game should be a floating castle made up of floors.
    [X] Name: Owen Sanders
    [X] Age: 17
    [X] Username: Oswald
    [X] Avatar:
    [X] Fighter.
    [X] Guy
    [X]True Magic
    [X] The Elder Scrolls.

    [X] Broke your piggybank, worked part-time and begged your parents for extra pocket dough to buy the game with all DLCs when it came out. Pre-ordering has its perks.

    [X]1337 Trollgamer: The secrets of magic are open before you. By magic, I mean the ability to find exploits and glitches, including the capacity to enable the Respawn
    [X] That the game should be one, large, open world.

    [X] Name: Altro Nestorum

    [X] Age: 16

    [X] Username: Aldrich

    [X] Avatar:
    [X] Mage.


    [X] Plan Sunshine in a Bottle
    [X] Plan Sunshine in a Bottle
    [X] the death Seeker plan
    [X] Adventure Quest
    [X] Did the thing - you researched, looked for clues, asked questions to betatesters, so that you could master the game's mechanics before it was even out.
    [X] That the game should be one, large, open world.
    [X] Name: Brenda Le Roux
    [X] Age: 21
    [X] Username: Andraste
    [X] Avatar:
    [X] bonnie/girl
Also, if the "Magnificent Bastard" wins then I might have to postpone the Quest for some time to ask my sensei/guru on how to properly write one. He knows everything about writing.