I will say that both Magnificent Bastard and True Magic would be GREAT for playing villains.

The first manipulating the lives of others for our benefit, clearling the dungeon, yes, but in a way that benefits us, and clears out any political rivals and/or enemies we might have along the way. The second, the undying PKer, bringing death and destruction wherever he goes. His guild, more of a cult built around him.

But, well, SV kind of hates playing real villains. The closest we get is somewhat morally grey, or innocent monster.
You've always had a knack for thinking ahead of others and planning long-term. Every major decision you make is calculated to maximize your future success, without closing off any options. Despite this, you never bet more than you can lose, so you can switch tracks the moment things start going belly-up. You're always three steps ahead of everything and everyone else, your losses only serving to further your interests.
Hmm, but why does the Xanatos option necessarily have to be Evil?

I feel it really depends on what 'Success' and 'Interests' is being prioritised.

If good ole Yuki's goal is to form a strong raid group - because frankly one person cant clear a boss - I could see her talents being put to curtailing idiots like Kibaou. And if Yuki were truly as smart as her Xanatos option implies, she'd realise that throwing everyone to the curb for herself is just going to end with her trapped in the game when all her pawns are eventually gone.
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I don't even want to address @Space Multiply because throwing that argument out is plain troll bait. No, playing as the marytr in a death game is not appealing to me in any way. Knowing that we have an extra life takes a lot of the tension out of everything besides. It only sounds interesting because it gives us one up on literally everyone else in the game which makes us the asshole regardless.

Which is where I address this:
Eh? Why would they hate us?

It's not like we locked them in here, after Kayaba started the Deathgame we found an exploit to reenable our respawn, but Kayaba patched it (and may be sending shit against us because we did so).

They might be jealous but they won't hate us. If the 'kayaba is trying to make your life hell' thing is true, if anything they'll be somewhat sympathetic.
Do you remember how everyone in SAO treated the beta testers? How much they hated them? Yeah? Well, imagine that, plus the fact that we also have a second life.

Bro, it wouldn't matter how noble you acted, how self sacrificing you came off, people would hate you so fucking much just because of how unfair of an advantage you have.

And, no lying about it wouldn't help because, what if you died in front of the people you lied to? No. This is not more appealing than Magnificent Bastard.
I wasn't even arguing for Lich Guy. I'm Sunshine In Bottle all the way, but it just accentuated my point better to use the other one.

Hmm, but why does the Xanatos option necessarily have to be Evil?

I feel it really depends on what 'Success' and 'Interests' is being prioritised.

If good ole Yuki's goal is to form a strong raid group - because frankly one person cant clear a boss - I could see her talents being put to curtailing idiots like Kibaou. And if Yuki were truly as smart as her Xanatos option implies, she'd realise that throwing everyone to the curb for herself is just going to end with her trapped in the game when all her pawns are eventually gone.

Than I suggest making a trait that isn't as obviously despicable as Xanatos. Something along the lines of a community leader who tries their best, instead of someone who just thinks their smarter than everyone else. Not that I don't think it can't be done right, but like my plan suggest, I role play, so I have to think of those consequences insofar as I understand them.
Do you remember how everyone in SAO treated the beta testers? How much they hated them? Yeah? Well, imagine that, plus the fact that we also have a second life.

Bro, it wouldn't matter how noble you acted, how self sacrificing you came off, people would hate you so fucking much just because of how unfair of an advantage you have.

And, no lying about it wouldn't help because, what if you died in front of the people you lied to? No. This is not more appealing than Magnificent Bastard.
In reverse order:
I don't consider either appealing.

Untrue. They would only hate us if we're not actually using said advantage properly. So if we're the guy that's faffing around in towns and in the backline instead of throwing ourself into clearing.

That was because most of the Beta Testers kind of abandoned the rest of the players (who were in a panic) when the deathgame started, fucking off to do quests and gain levels (which killed a good number of them since there knowledge wasn't 100% accurate anymore) . Even then, Kibaou was the one inflaming things (before getting shot down by Argo's Guide being a thing). And even then, it wouldn't have gotten cemented if Kirito hadn't gone full dumbass and played up being a villain to keep the rest of the raid from getting demoralized with the death of their leader (turning despair into fury).
We really should make sure Diavel doesn't die. He'd be a massive help in clearing the game. He has a good head on his shoulders, he's just a bit dumb at times.

We have a awesome leader right there! We should use him, since he's one of the beta testers who actually attempted to help everyone else. Argo to, though fleecing people for the prime information is a bit jerky.
In reverse order:
I don't consider either appealing.

Untrue. They would only hate us if we're not actually using said advantage properly. So if we're the guy that's faffing around in towns and in the backline instead of throwing ourself into clearing.

That was because most of the Beta Testers kind of abandoned the rest of the players (who were in a panic) when the deathgame started, fucking off to do quests and gain levels (which killed a good number of them since there knowledge wasn't 100% accurate anymore) . Even then, Kibaou was the one inflaming things (before getting shot down by Argo's Guide being a thing). And even then, it wouldn't have gotten cemented if Kirito hadn't gone full dumbass and played up being a villain to keep the rest of the raid from getting demoralized with the death of their leader (turning despair into fury).
You act like people are going to act and feel rationally. They aren't. They will hate you because you're the one right there in their face, throwing yourself at the mobs because you don't have as much to fear as they do. It'll come off to a significant portion as you flaunting your shiny little free life.

Also, I'm assuming, and OP hasn't said different that all the original cast will exist. Which means all of them will still do the same things unless we change it... which can cause everything to go wrong.
Something I realized about my plan; it'll let us be a pseudo Ciaphas Cain. Well look like an utter badass to everyone else, but be panicking on the inside.
I'd rather be hated, helping others, than loved, knowing I'm not doing the best I can.

I really need to stop arguing for a vote that isn't mine.

Saving Diavel would allow us to make the changes without worry, since his survival is a big net gain. I'm actually fine with either option now, as long as we link with him.

He's pretty. Prime husbando material!
More than 10,000 players, because guess what? Games are made to make a profit from them, regardless of whether or not they are huge deathtraps. 10,000 sales for any MMORPG would be considered the biggest commercial failure in history.
This is actually pretty interesting, simply due to the variance in playerbase it'll introduce. A lot more guilds, a lot more clearers and a lot more idiots and psychopaths.

Take that and throwing in the ability to use magic to create things? I imagine we'd be seeing a lot of interesting items, requests and threats. Imagine if LC got to make a request to Kayaba~

They would only hate us if we're not actually using said advantage properly.
Actually this might be quite tricky, when everyone isn't thinking straight due to stress from being literally in a death game or losing friends. Hearing someone just casually come back to life after their friend just died probably leads to conclusions like 'Kayaba's agent' ,an 'NPC created by Kayaba', etc

Particularly so when you can't do the glitch for other people. Its the type of doubt that cant really be dispelled, since most people would think the insane genius who designed this system would at least get the most crucial element of the deathgame down.

(Mind you, Heathcliff, who is a lot more influential than Kibaou will be personally leading the witch hunt against us, in that option)

Edit: Not to say we shouldnt try, but its quite a set of hurdles and might not be the experience some people want to tackle.
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We really should make sure Diavel doesn't die. He'd be a massive help in clearing the game. He has a good head on his shoulders, he's just a bit dumb at times.
I don't know about that. He's certainly a natural leader, but greedy enough to make sure he was the one who would get the last attack for the best drop.

You act like people are going to act and feel rationally. They aren't. They will hate you because you're the one right there in their face, throwing yourself at the mobs because you don't have as much to fear as they do. It'll come off to a significant portion as you flaunting your shiny little free life.

Also, I'm assuming, and OP hasn't said different that all the original cast will exist. Which means all of them will still do the same things unless we change it... which can cause everything to go wrong.
This is actually pretty interesting, simply due to the variance in playerbase it'll introduce. A lot more guilds, a lot more clearers and a lot more idiots and psychopaths.

Take that and throwing in the ability to use magic to create things? I imagine we'd be seeing a lot of interesting items, requests and threats. Imagine if LC got to make a request to Kayaba~

Actually this might be quite tricky, when everyone isn't thinking straight due to stress from being literally in a death game or losing friends. Hearing someone just casually come back to life after their friend just died probably leads to conclusions like 'Kayaba's agent' ,an 'NPC created by Kayaba', etc
SOlid points.

We could always just, you know, not tell people. Completely change our look and act whenever we respawn, as well as moving towns. We'll probably end up being a rumor eventually, sure, but there's less hate.
Diavel died because he decided to be an asshole and put himself above everyone else. Also, his death was a plot point for Kirito. Nah, he can stay dead.
SOlid points.

We could always just, you know, not tell people. Completely change our look and act whenever we respawn, as well as moving towns. We'll probably end up being a rumor eventually, sure, but there's less hate.
We... we literally can't do that. Your avatar becomes you after the mirror thing, remember? (Unless OP is changing that.) We can't change our avatar besides. All we can do is get new armor to change our look and none of that covers our face, besides cloaks with hoods. And, then we become the people suspiciously always hooded.

And, you think Kayaba's not gonna be a dick and out us for maximum chaos the first chance he gets? None of that works.
Solid points.

We could always just, you know, not tell people. Completely change our look and act whenever we respawn, as well as moving towns. We'll probably end up being a rumor eventually, sure, but there's less hate.
Possibly with Magic? Main problem I forsee would be then utilising the respawning well enough to make a big impact.

Want to be the suicidal bait for the raid group? Suicide scouted the boss and got all the info? Clearers might not just trust some random lad that showed up outta nowhere.

Because SAO's a game that requires so much cooperation and teamwork to do major things, not having a strong rep can be a problem. Worse still if someone is actively poisoning the well (Heathcliff)

I realise I forgot to vote

[X] Plan Magnificent Bastard
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I don't know about that. He's certainly a natural leader, but greedy enough to make sure he was the one who would get the last attack for the best drop.

Diavel isn't someone who can't change. He's not even an antagonist.

Sure, he wanted the last drop, but in order to do so, he didn't kill steal; he was willing to get in on the action himself and he made a plan that had no casualties other than himself, because he didn't realize that the game changed. That's phenomenal; honestly the players wouldn't care because their glorious leader, a guy willing to go on the front lines, slew a boss, and they'll eat it up, because they want to believe in him.

Honestly, it would be a great plan if that was what he intended. Even if it wasn't, he doesn't deserve to die.

Diavel died because he decided to be an asshole and put himself above everyone else. Also, his death was a plot point for Kirito. Nah, he can stay dead.

Diavel doesn't deserve to die.

Though this does clear it up. Some people are voting for Magnificent Bastard because they can back up the villainy. No one really deserves to die in this game, but it happens anyway.

You seem awfully keen on sticking to canon rails, when the situation was really shitty at the end. The only people who ended up happy was Kirito (who's a terrible person) and Asuna (who's fine but not worth everyone else in the game).

And anyways, this game is probably going to be inspired by Abridged, since the GM mentioned Kayaba watching Inception. In which case, Diavel doesn't even have that flaw.

I don't understand why you would want him to die. I don't understand at all.
Diavel isn't someone who can't change. He's not even an antagonist.

Sure, he wanted the last drop, but in order to do so, he didn't kill steal; he was willing to get in on the action himself and he made a plan that had no casualties other than himself, because he didn't realize that the game changed. That's phenomenal; honestly the players wouldn't care because their glorious leader, a guy willing to go on the front lines, slew a boss, and they'll eat it up, because they want to believe in him.

Honestly, it would be a great plan if that was what he intended. Even if it wasn't, he doesn't deserve to die.

Diavel doesn't deserve to die.

Though this does clear it up. Some people are voting for Magnificent Bastard because they can back up the villainy. No one really deserves to die in this game, but it happens anyway.

You seem awfully keen on sticking to canon rails, when the situation was really shitty at the end. The only people who ended up happy was Kirito (who's a terrible person) and Asuna (who's fine but not worth everyone else in the game).

And anyways, this game is probably going to be inspired by Abridged, since the GM mentioned Kayaba watching Inception. In which case, Diavel doesn't even have that flaw.

I don't understand why you would want him to die. I don't understand at all.

Bro, his whole entire death was his own fault. He died because he got greedy. If you're in a death game and you decide to put yourself above just fucking killing the damn boss and being done with it, and die for it, I am not mourning you man nor am I going out of my way to essentially go back in time to save your ass just so you can pull this again somewhere down the line.

And, he refused the potion too? He could have lived if he wanted but decided to die.

Please stop caping for this man.
Oh shit. A new Birdsie quest.

A SAO based one at that. Hrrrgh, I wanna reach floor 100 this time.

I hope Yuki is better. I hope she has a reason to do things. I hope she tries to help people.
[X] the death Seeker plan

[X] Adventure Quest

After the announcement, you...

[X] Did the thing - you researched, looked for clues, asked questions to beta testers, so that you could master the game's mechanics before it was even out.

What is your attribute?

[X] Propose... @Birdsie

Baby Don't Fear the Reaper, nor the sun in the Moon : you almost have a complete of complete and utter offense with little or no defense like a glass Cannon with a very much a death seeking mentality

During a poll by the developers regarding the game, you voted...

[X] That the game should be one, large, open world.

And finally, the real kickers.

[X] Name: Brenda Le Roux
[X] Age: 21
[X] Username: Andraste
[X] Avatar:

Select a starting class, specialties available later:

[X] Rogue.

One last, perhaps most important question. What is your gender?

[X] bonnie/girl
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I feel a need to make a certain plan just cuz I can. But not here on my phone. So instead, I'll vote for my preferred option instead.

[X] Plan Sunshine in a Bottle
[X] Plan Chunni Invasion

[X] The Elder Scrolls.

[X] Did the thing - you researched, looked for clues, asked questions to beta testers, so that you could master the game's mechanics before it was even out.

[X] Roleplaying Nerd *Proposition by @Space Multiply*: Through thick and thin, you stay in character, stubbornly sticking to whatever personality you assigned to the pixels you played. You acting skills are awesome, able to pass yourself off as anyone of any background with the right disguise. Identity was just a costume to wear, right?

[X] That the game should be a floating castle made up of floors.

[X] Name: Kobayashi Haruto
[X] Age: 15
[X] Username: Dark Lord Maou
[X] Avatar:
[X] Mage.

[X] Guy.

Behold! Going full Chunni! Whilst Sunchine in a Bottle takes the role of a roleplayer, my plan is going even further than that!

What? I like comic relief in my death games, don't you?
I want True Magic because I find it interesting to be the one person who can't die. For one, it almost garuntees we will be Awesome. Beyond finding other bugs that we can abuse (increased chance of finding a rogue AI also), risks are far lesser for us when we are grinding XP. There presumably is SOME penalty to death, but since it's not ACTUAL death, that means we can grind a lot more aggressively than other players can, resulting in far higher levels. That can result in a number of other fun situations, like the "My numbers are bigger than yours" situation, or even plausibly soloing a dungeon.

What's more, because we can't die, it removes a good amount of risk from situations, allowing us to do more of what we want to do without having ot worry about perma-death.