[] Plan Magnificent Bastard

Edit: I'm changing my vote. Plan Sunshine in a Bottle has grown on me.

[X] Plan Sunshine in a Bottle
Last edited:
[X] Plan Magnificent Bastard

Because playing as someone who always has a plan for each and any possibility and is also incredibly charismatic is more interesting than the other proposed characters.
[ ] PC Master Race - When the nervegear first came out, it was an expensive bug-ridden toy and it wasn't long before someone made an emulator for it. You installed the emulator on your gaming PC, worked as a beta-tester, and by the time the first full-dive MMO was running you were an expert at playing a full-body avatar using only a game controller and an old-fashioned VR headset. When things turned into a death game, you were completely safe from the nervegear's deadly effect. However, your avatar isn't.
Adhoc vote count started by Birdsie on Apr 20, 2018 at 1:50 AM, finished with 56 posts and 23 votes.

  • [X] Plan Magnificent Bastard
    [X] Plan Sunshine in a Bottle
    [X]True Magic
    [X] Plan: This old rasta motherfucker is going to kick ya punky little asses!
    [X] Plan: This old rasta motherfucker is going to kick ya punky little asses!
    [X] An ungodly fusion of Dungeons & Dragons,the paper mario rpg series,Elder scrolls\fallout,bloodborne,Zelda,La mulana,.....and fucking metroid.
    [X] Did the thing - you researched, looked for clues, asked questions to betatesters, so that you could master the game's mechanics before it was even out.
    [X] I Draw Forth... Pot of Greed!: You believe inthe spleen of the cards. Being a charismatic person with little empathy for people over the internet has led many to believe you are a high-functioning sociopath. Maybe they're right, or maybe you just know what to say to make them think so. Also, you excel at strategy and minigames.
    [X] That the game should be one, large, open world.
    [X] Fighter.
    [X] Name: Akoni Wright
    [X] Age: 56
    [X] Username: Big Bad Poppa
    [X] Avatar\apperance:
    [X] Guy
    [X] Plan Charismatic Sociopath.
    [X] Witcher.
    [X] Were invited to participate in the beta testing and spent most of your time every day doing that, becoming unattached from the real world.
    [X] I Draw Forth... Pot of Greed!: You believe inthe spleen of the cards. Being a charismatic person with little empathy for people over the internet has led many to believe you are a high-functioning sociopath. Maybe they're right, or maybe you just know what to say to make them think so. Also, you excel at strategy and minigames.
    [X] That the game should be one, large, open world.
    [X] Name: Jack Delacurse
    [X] Age: 24
    [X] Username: Crocodile
    [X] Mage.
    [X] Guy
    [X] Avatar:
    [X] Plan Magnificent Bastard
    [X] Something else... (Write-in.)
    -[X] Eve Online
    [X] Did the thing - you researched, looked for clues, asked questions to betatesters, so that you could master the game's mechanics before it was even out.
    [X] The Xanatos: You've always had a knack for thinking ahead of others and planning long-term. Every major decision you make is calculated to maximize your future success, without closing off any options. Despite this, you never bet more than you can lose, so you can switch tracks the moment things start going belly-up. You're always three steps ahead of everything and everyone else, your losses only serving to further your interests.
    [X] That the game should be a floating castle made up of floors.
    [X] Name: Yuki Makoto
    [X] Age: 25
    [X] Username: Weltschmerz
    [X] Avatar:
    [X] GrillGamer?...
    [X] Plan "Let's be Kirito but better"
    ---[X] The Elder Scrolls.
    ---[X] Were invited to participate in the beta testing and spent most of your time every day doing that, becoming unattached from the real world.
    ---[X] Fear Not The Ganker: Your combos are crazy, and you are an excellent multitasker and respond well to combat. Your APM is heads and shoulders above that of the other players.
    ---[X] That the game should be a floating castle made up of floors.
    ---[X] Name: Kazuto Kirigaya
    ---[X] Age: 16
    ---[X] Username: Kirito
    ---[X] Avatar: Just Kirito's appearance
    ---[X] Fighter
    ---[X] Guy.
    [X] Plan Sunshine in a Bottle
    [X] The Elder Scrolls.
    [X] Broke your piggybank, worked part-time and begged your parents for extra pocket dough to buy the game with all DLCs when it came out. Pre-ordering has its perks.
    [X] Propose...
    - [X] Roleplaying Nerd: Through thick and thin, you stay in character, stubbornly sticking to whatever personality you assigned to the pixels you played. You acting skills are awesome, able to pass yourself off as anyone of any background with the right disguise. Identity was just a costume to wear, right?
    [X] That the game should be one, large, open world.
    [X] Name: Tutku Tiryaki
    [X] Age: 15
    [X] Username: S0u1_N0mad
    [X] Avatar: Sandstorm
    [X] Guy
    [X] Plan: Black Knight with a heart of gold.
    [X] World of Warcraft
    [X] Broke your piggybank, worked part-time and begged your parents for extra pocket dough to buy the game with all DLCs when it came out. Pre-ordering has its perks.
    [X] Shy Loner: You've never been good at interacting with people. For some reason, talking with others just makes you a little panicky. You're fine with people you're close to, but strangers have you on edge. You made an effort to learn how to stay calm in such situations, but that somehow translated to looking 'cool and aloof'. You've got no idea how.
    [X] That the game should be a floating castle made up of floors.
    [X] Name: Owen Sanders
    [X] Age: 17
    [X] Username: Oswald
    [X] Avatar:
    [X] Fighter.
    [X] Guy
    [X]True Magic
    [X] The Elder Scrolls.

    [X] Broke your piggybank, worked part-time and begged your parents for extra pocket dough to buy the game with all DLCs when it came out. Pre-ordering has its perks.

    [X]1337 Trollgamer: The secrets of magic are open before you. By magic, I mean the ability to find exploits and glitches, including the capacity to enable the Respawn
    [X] That the game should be one, large, open world.

    [X] Name: Altro Nestorum

    [X] Age: 16

    [X] Username: Aldrich

    [X] Avatar:
    [X] Mage.


    [X] Plan Sunshine in a Bottle
    [X] Plan: L'enfant Merveilleux
    [X] Planescape: Torment
    [X] Were invited to participate in the beta testing and spent most of your time every day doing that, becoming unattached from the real world.
    [X] Roleplaying Nerd *Proposition by @Space Multiply*: Through thick and thin, you stay in character, stubbornly sticking to whatever personality you assigned to the pixels you played. You acting skills are awesome, able to pass yourself off as anyone of any background with the right disguise. Identity was just a costume to wear, right?
    [X] That the game should be one, large, open world.
    [X] Name: Sigmund "Ziggy" Soosan.
    [X] Age: 16
    [X] Username: Jörmungandr
    [X] Avatar: Older man. Only middle aged, but hair is all white. Relatively strong physical build but muscle isn't bulky. Dresses mostly in dark colors, blacks and grays with a splash of red. Primarily uses throwing weapons hidden on his body or in inventory. Only obvious weapon (worn on the outside) is a rapier-type weapon, though it's designed almost like a Katana.
    [X] Guy
    [X] Plan: Black Knight with a heart of gold.
    [X] Plan Sunshine in a Bottle
Need to fix this darn alert system. I need to know when I'm being called to go to bat.

Because playing as someone who always has a plan for each and any possibility and is also incredibly charismatic is more interesting than the other proposed characters.

To many people are charismatic! Deceptive, shifty liars are more rarely seen right?

I think playing Xanatos Chest is a fair bit more...stressful, than not partaking in it. Because the only way that a plan can go completely right is when you are writing the story yourself, and desire that outcome.

Having a plan for all possibilities implies being capable of addressing those issues in the first place. And Xanatos cheated his way into a position where he had the agency to make those kind of moves and changes, because his future self gave him a fortune in his lap, while this cute as a button lil Girl is not going to have anything.

This trait does NOT mean we will be successful. It means this is how we act and try to address problems, because the alternative is not quest friendly.

So you should be aware that this character WILL experience failure, because that is how the poor and weak live until they catch a lucky break and get to enact all the ideas they couldn't before.

It's forewarning, because if you think this character is more likely to be successful, your in for a painful awakening.
I approve of this. It might allow you to disguise yourself as NPCs and annoy other players with your shenanigans.

"Wait, are you a player with the respawn still active so the monsters can't kill you? Or are you an NPC so you can't... die?"

"I'm a real member of her highness' royal guard."

"Oh God I hate RPers."
Tally Incoming

So the main votes are either being a magnificent bastard or being a fucking roleplayer
Adhoc vote count started by Birdsie on Apr 20, 2018 at 1:50 AM, finished with 56 posts and 23 votes.

  • [X] Plan Magnificent Bastard
    [X] Plan Sunshine in a Bottle
    [X]True Magic
    [X] Plan: This old rasta motherfucker is going to kick ya punky little asses!
    [X] Plan: This old rasta motherfucker is going to kick ya punky little asses!
    [X] An ungodly fusion of Dungeons & Dragons,the paper mario rpg series,Elder scrolls\fallout,bloodborne,Zelda,La mulana,.....and fucking metroid.
    [X] Did the thing - you researched, looked for clues, asked questions to betatesters, so that you could master the game's mechanics before it was even out.
    [X] I Draw Forth... Pot of Greed!: You believe inthe spleen of the cards. Being a charismatic person with little empathy for people over the internet has led many to believe you are a high-functioning sociopath. Maybe they're right, or maybe you just know what to say to make them think so. Also, you excel at strategy and minigames.
    [X] That the game should be one, large, open world.
    [X] Fighter.
    [X] Name: Akoni Wright
    [X] Age: 56
    [X] Username: Big Bad Poppa
    [X] Avatar\apperance:
    [X] Guy
    [X] Plan Charismatic Sociopath.
    [X] Witcher.
    [X] Were invited to participate in the beta testing and spent most of your time every day doing that, becoming unattached from the real world.
    [X] I Draw Forth... Pot of Greed!: You believe inthe spleen of the cards. Being a charismatic person with little empathy for people over the internet has led many to believe you are a high-functioning sociopath. Maybe they're right, or maybe you just know what to say to make them think so. Also, you excel at strategy and minigames.
    [X] That the game should be one, large, open world.
    [X] Name: Jack Delacurse
    [X] Age: 24
    [X] Username: Crocodile
    [X] Mage.
    [X] Guy
    [X] Avatar:
    [X] Plan Magnificent Bastard
    [X] Something else... (Write-in.)
    -[X] Eve Online
    [X] Did the thing - you researched, looked for clues, asked questions to betatesters, so that you could master the game's mechanics before it was even out.
    [X] The Xanatos: You've always had a knack for thinking ahead of others and planning long-term. Every major decision you make is calculated to maximize your future success, without closing off any options. Despite this, you never bet more than you can lose, so you can switch tracks the moment things start going belly-up. You're always three steps ahead of everything and everyone else, your losses only serving to further your interests.
    [X] That the game should be a floating castle made up of floors.
    [X] Name: Yuki Makoto
    [X] Age: 25
    [X] Username: Weltschmerz
    [X] Avatar:
    [X] GrillGamer?...
    [X] Plan "Let's be Kirito but better"
    ---[X] The Elder Scrolls.
    ---[X] Were invited to participate in the beta testing and spent most of your time every day doing that, becoming unattached from the real world.
    ---[X] Fear Not The Ganker: Your combos are crazy, and you are an excellent multitasker and respond well to combat. Your APM is heads and shoulders above that of the other players.
    ---[X] That the game should be a floating castle made up of floors.
    ---[X] Name: Kazuto Kirigaya
    ---[X] Age: 16
    ---[X] Username: Kirito
    ---[X] Avatar: Just Kirito's appearance
    ---[X] Fighter
    ---[X] Guy.
    [X] Plan Sunshine in a Bottle
    [X] The Elder Scrolls.
    [X] Broke your piggybank, worked part-time and begged your parents for extra pocket dough to buy the game with all DLCs when it came out. Pre-ordering has its perks.
    [X] Propose...
    - [X] Roleplaying Nerd: Through thick and thin, you stay in character, stubbornly sticking to whatever personality you assigned to the pixels you played. You acting skills are awesome, able to pass yourself off as anyone of any background with the right disguise. Identity was just a costume to wear, right?
    [X] That the game should be one, large, open world.
    [X] Name: Tutku Tiryaki
    [X] Age: 15
    [X] Username: S0u1_N0mad
    [X] Avatar: Sandstorm
    [X] Guy
    [X] Plan: Black Knight with a heart of gold.
    [X] World of Warcraft
    [X] Broke your piggybank, worked part-time and begged your parents for extra pocket dough to buy the game with all DLCs when it came out. Pre-ordering has its perks.
    [X] Shy Loner: You've never been good at interacting with people. For some reason, talking with others just makes you a little panicky. You're fine with people you're close to, but strangers have you on edge. You made an effort to learn how to stay calm in such situations, but that somehow translated to looking 'cool and aloof'. You've got no idea how.
    [X] That the game should be a floating castle made up of floors.
    [X] Name: Owen Sanders
    [X] Age: 17
    [X] Username: Oswald
    [X] Avatar:
    [X] Fighter.
    [X] Guy
    [X]True Magic
    [X] The Elder Scrolls.

    [X] Broke your piggybank, worked part-time and begged your parents for extra pocket dough to buy the game with all DLCs when it came out. Pre-ordering has its perks.

    [X]1337 Trollgamer: The secrets of magic are open before you. By magic, I mean the ability to find exploits and glitches, including the capacity to enable the Respawn
    [X] That the game should be one, large, open world.

    [X] Name: Altro Nestorum

    [X] Age: 16

    [X] Username: Aldrich

    [X] Avatar:
    [X] Mage.


    [X] Plan Sunshine in a Bottle
    [X] Plan: L'enfant Merveilleux
    [X] Planescape: Torment
    [X] Were invited to participate in the beta testing and spent most of your time every day doing that, becoming unattached from the real world.
    [X] Roleplaying Nerd *Proposition by @Space Multiply*: Through thick and thin, you stay in character, stubbornly sticking to whatever personality you assigned to the pixels you played. You acting skills are awesome, able to pass yourself off as anyone of any background with the right disguise. Identity was just a costume to wear, right?
    [X] That the game should be one, large, open world.
    [X] Name: Sigmund "Ziggy" Soosan.
    [X] Age: 16
    [X] Username: Jörmungandr
    [X] Avatar: Older man. Only middle aged, but hair is all white. Relatively strong physical build but muscle isn't bulky. Dresses mostly in dark colors, blacks and grays with a splash of red. Primarily uses throwing weapons hidden on his body or in inventory. Only obvious weapon (worn on the outside) is a rapier-type weapon, though it's designed almost like a Katana.
    [X] Guy
    [X] Plan: Black Knight with a heart of gold.
    [X] Plan Sunshine in a Bottle
Last edited:
Vote for Sunshine Rossum.

We can be the troll we all not so secretly want to be.
[X] Plan Charismatic Sociopath.

[X] Witcher.
[X] Were invited to participate in the beta testing and spent most of your timeevery day doing that, becoming unattached from the real world.
[X] I Draw Forth... Pot of Greed!: You believe in the spleen of the cards. Being a charismatic person with little empathy for people over the internet has led many to believe you are a high-functioning sociopath. Maybe they're right, or maybe you just know what to say to make them think so. Also, you excel at strategy and minigames.
[X] That the game should be one, large, open world.
[X] Name: Jack Delacurse
[X] Age: 24
[X] Username: Crocodile
[X] Mage.
[X] guy
[X] Avatar:

A witcher world? Whit a crocodile like PG????

Hell yeah!!!!!
Last edited:
[X]True Magic

Honestly, being the one guy in a death game who can respawn sounds interesting.

Seriously, writing that "bought" a NerveGear thing shit is weird, and I didn't know how to handle it. How can people afford to play this damn game when the equipment itself would probably cost thousands? The estimate I put out there was a very charitable guess of what the price could have been.

Eh, whatever. The entire purpose of fiction is to sweep stuff like this under the rug.

It's possible that the nervegear also has utilitarian purposes in addition to being a gaming system / peripheral.

For example:

Theater mode - Put on the nervegear and enter a virtual movie theater that lets you watch TV, play video games, surf the net, etc using a massive sized screen. You wouldn't need a monitor or TV if the nervegear can emulate one.

Computer aided design - If the nervegear can access your thoughts, it could be great at making art. Go into a virtual studio and summon up musical instruments, art supplies, have the machine read your thoughts on exactly how you want a particular piece to go, etc.

Surf while you sleep - Since the nervegear requires your body to be inactive, it makes sense that time on the device counts as time asleep and the whole VR experience is (from a neurological standpoint) just a very organized dream.

So basically, you can put in a days work, come home tired, plop on your nervegear, go to sleep, spent eight hours more or less surfing the net in VR or playing games or whatever, and then wake up fully refreshed with clear memories of all the computer stuff you did. It's basically a sleep aid and ensures your late night surfing doesn't hurt your sleep schedule. Early to bed and early to rise and all that.

Time dilation - Dreams run at a different rate than reality, perhaps the nervegear has a similar deal where time runs faster in VR than the outside world. So you can simply get more work or play done using a nervegear than a different device.

VR vacation - Allow the user to experience taste or smell in addition to sound and sight. You could have a VR restaurant where you can eat fancy foods, go to the beach, swim underwater, porn. Basically by the time the developers had the code to include all the environments, cooking systems, and other stuff into their game, they could have released a whole bunch of sensory mini-games that would be fun on their own.

In essence, a nervegear could be incredibly useful for things outside of gaming and that makes it into an actual investment and not just for games.

If your $2,000 investment gives you access to a full sensory VR environment where you can essentially go to the movies, binge watch your streaming services, eat lobster thermador, write that novel you wanted, visit incredible vacation destinations that might not even exist in real life, and do all this in the time you're normally asleep... well suddenly the bang for your buck isn't looking half bad.

So yeah. In short, owning a nervegear would be a lot like owning your own holodeck you can do stuff in while your body gets sleep. At the very least, it can replace the need for a computer monitor or big screen TV for one person. Also, if the full sensory interface can boost your work productivity, it could potentially pay for itself.
Uggggh. The True Magic plan seems so boring compared to the rest, though. We already had an open world in SAO. And this is a floating castle.
Yeah, I can see your point.
Adhoc vote count started by Birdsie on Apr 20, 2018 at 6:45 AM, finished with 69 posts and 30 votes.

  • [X]True Magic
    [X] Plan Magnificent Bastard
    [X] Plan Sunshine in a Bottle
    [X] Plan Charismatic Sociopath.
    [X] Witcher.
    [X] Were invited to participate in the beta testing and spent most of your time every day doing that, becoming unattached from the real world.
    [X] I Draw Forth... Pot of Greed!: You believe inthe spleen of the cards. Being a charismatic person with little empathy for people over the internet has led many to believe you are a high-functioning sociopath. Maybe they're right, or maybe you just know what to say to make them think so. Also, you excel at strategy and minigames.
    [X] That the game should be one, large, open world.
    [X] Name: Jack Delacurse
    [X] Age: 24
    [X] Username: Crocodile
    [X] Mage.
    [X] Guy
    [X] Avatar:
    [X] Plan: This old rasta motherfucker is going to kick ya punky little asses!
    [X] Plan: This old rasta motherfucker is going to kick ya punky little asses!
    [X] An ungodly fusion of Dungeons & Dragons,the paper mario rpg series,Elder scrolls\fallout,bloodborne,Zelda,La mulana,.....and fucking metroid.
    [X] Did the thing - you researched, looked for clues, asked questions to betatesters, so that you could master the game's mechanics before it was even out.
    [X] I Draw Forth... Pot of Greed!: You believe inthe spleen of the cards. Being a charismatic person with little empathy for people over the internet has led many to believe you are a high-functioning sociopath. Maybe they're right, or maybe you just know what to say to make them think so. Also, you excel at strategy and minigames.
    [X] That the game should be one, large, open world.
    [X] Fighter.
    [X] Name: Akoni Wright
    [X] Age: 56
    [X] Username: Big Bad Poppa
    [X] Avatar\apperance:
    [X] Guy
    [X] Plan Magnificent Bastard
    [X] Something else... (Write-in.)
    -[X] Eve Online
    [X] Did the thing - you researched, looked for clues, asked questions to betatesters, so that you could master the game's mechanics before it was even out.
    [X] The Xanatos: You've always had a knack for thinking ahead of others and planning long-term. Every major decision you make is calculated to maximize your future success, without closing off any options. Despite this, you never bet more than you can lose, so you can switch tracks the moment things start going belly-up. You're always three steps ahead of everything and everyone else, your losses only serving to further your interests.
    [X] That the game should be a floating castle made up of floors.
    [X] Name: Yuki Makoto
    [X] Age: 25
    [X] Username: Weltschmerz
    [X] Avatar:
    [X] GrillGamer?...
    [X] Plan "Let's be Kirito but better"
    ---[X] The Elder Scrolls.
    ---[X] Were invited to participate in the beta testing and spent most of your time every day doing that, becoming unattached from the real world.
    ---[X] Fear Not The Ganker: Your combos are crazy, and you are an excellent multitasker and respond well to combat. Your APM is heads and shoulders above that of the other players.
    ---[X] That the game should be a floating castle made up of floors.
    ---[X] Name: Kazuto Kirigaya
    ---[X] Age: 16
    ---[X] Username: Kirito
    ---[X] Avatar: Just Kirito's appearance
    ---[X] Fighter
    ---[X] Guy.
    [X] Plan Sunshine in a Bottle
    [X] The Elder Scrolls.
    [X] Broke your piggybank, worked part-time and begged your parents for extra pocket dough to buy the game with all DLCs when it came out. Pre-ordering has its perks.
    [X] Propose...
    - [X] Roleplaying Nerd: Through thick and thin, you stay in character, stubbornly sticking to whatever personality you assigned to the pixels you played. You acting skills are awesome, able to pass yourself off as anyone of any background with the right disguise. Identity was just a costume to wear, right?
    [X] That the game should be one, large, open world.
    [X] Name: Tutku Tiryaki
    [X] Age: 15
    [X] Username: S0u1_N0mad
    [X] Avatar: Sandstorm
    [X] Guy
    [X] Plan: Black Knight with a heart of gold.
    [X] World of Warcraft
    [X] Broke your piggybank, worked part-time and begged your parents for extra pocket dough to buy the game with all DLCs when it came out. Pre-ordering has its perks.
    [X] Shy Loner: You've never been good at interacting with people. For some reason, talking with others just makes you a little panicky. You're fine with people you're close to, but strangers have you on edge. You made an effort to learn how to stay calm in such situations, but that somehow translated to looking 'cool and aloof'. You've got no idea how.
    [X] That the game should be a floating castle made up of floors.
    [X] Name: Owen Sanders
    [X] Age: 17
    [X] Username: Oswald
    [X] Avatar:
    [X] Fighter.
    [X] Guy
    [X]True Magic
    [X] The Elder Scrolls.

    [X] Broke your piggybank, worked part-time and begged your parents for extra pocket dough to buy the game with all DLCs when it came out. Pre-ordering has its perks.

    [X]1337 Trollgamer: The secrets of magic are open before you. By magic, I mean the ability to find exploits and glitches, including the capacity to enable the Respawn
    [X] That the game should be one, large, open world.

    [X] Name: Altro Nestorum

    [X] Age: 16

    [X] Username: Aldrich

    [X] Avatar:
    [X] Mage.


    [X] Plan Sunshine in a Bottle
    [X] Plan: L'enfant Merveilleux
    [X] Planescape: Torment
    [X] Were invited to participate in the beta testing and spent most of your time every day doing that, becoming unattached from the real world.
    [X] Roleplaying Nerd *Proposition by @Space Multiply*: Through thick and thin, you stay in character, stubbornly sticking to whatever personality you assigned to the pixels you played. You acting skills are awesome, able to pass yourself off as anyone of any background with the right disguise. Identity was just a costume to wear, right?
    [X] That the game should be one, large, open world.
    [X] Name: Sigmund "Ziggy" Soosan.
    [X] Age: 16
    [X] Username: Jörmungandr
    [X] Avatar: Older man. Only middle aged, but hair is all white. Relatively strong physical build but muscle isn't bulky. Dresses mostly in dark colors, blacks and grays with a splash of red. Primarily uses throwing weapons hidden on his body or in inventory. Only obvious weapon (worn on the outside) is a rapier-type weapon, though it's designed almost like a Katana.
    [X] Guy
    [X] Plan: Black Knight with a heart of gold.
    [X] Plan Sunshine in a Bottle
Protest vote!

[X] Plan: Black Knight with a heart of gold.

(All these options look pretty nice, IMHO, so I won't mind whose wins. I really hope some of these options become side characters our MC can meet some time in the future, though!)

[X] Plan Sunshine in a Bottle

I would rather be a roleplayer than tactical Argo. Let Argo be tactical Argo.

Honestly, being the one guy in a death game who can respawn sounds interesting.
Honestly curious, what's the draw?

The way I see it, it mostly boils down to being the designated dungeon scout. Assuming we've shared the fact we're immortal with the other players, and it's used tactically.

If we don't tell other players...we're, uh...some guy? A necromancer RPer maybe, but that's about it.

Like, I'm not saying we couldn't make anything interesting out of it, but as a baseline it doesn't seem all that interesting.
Honestly that. EVERYONE would hate us once they find out.
Eh? Why would they hate us?

It's not like we locked them in here, after Kayaba started the Deathgame we found an exploit to reenable our respawn, but Kayaba patched it (and may be sending shit against us because we did so).

They might be jealous but they won't hate us. If the 'kayaba is trying to make your life hell' thing is true, if anything they'll be somewhat sympathetic.
I just...don't at all understand the appeal of magnificent bastard.

As a immortal, it is our public duty to sacrifice ourselves for the good of other players. Not a choice. A duty.

I think what most people forget is that when you run SAO's core concept straight, you cannot escape the fact that it belongs in the horror genre. Even during the happiest moments, their's a sense of very real unease. Kirito doesn't care, but everyone else needs to risk their lives to get out. Unless your complete nuthobs like Laughing Coffin and Titans Hand, of course.

So someone who practices Xanatos Gambits is a complete and utter asshole. Because the lives your putting at risk are real people, victims trapped in a world by a insane man playing god, who you can't really fight against directly.

A person who plays Xanatos Gambits never wants to lose. But what exactly would we be losing? The only thing that matters is our life, not our level, items, or wealth. It doesn't matter, are motivation is to GET OUT. Not stay. Not establish a foundation to build upon and prosper. To ESCAPE.

And Xanatos Gambits inherently imply being in contention with other players, which is frankly horrific when half the playerbase my straight up fucking die on the first floor. It can't really be used on monsters, the REAL obstacles and the REAL enemies.

Like Kayaba said, this isn't a game anymore. And even Kirito understands that one day they'll pull the plug on everyone, which is the real reason he fights so hard-he doesn't want to escape, he just doesn't want to die.

If you want to Xanatos, prepare to be a despicable human being. I thought it would be obvious, seeing as 'Yuki' (a typical Japanese female protagonist this forum loves so much) starts her career on Eve Online.

Those guys are intense and murder happy.

So if you want to be a smart guy, make something like 'Raid Leader' or 'Guild Leader', because the though of treating lives like their dispoasable makes me sick.

I'd rather be a clown to make everyone else bit more happy.
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