
How's being black and Muslim compare to being black and old?

I have diversity points to!

And we could have the coolest costumes.
Why are you talking about being muslim. I just used the word "rasta" in the place of jamican.
Anyway, I'll probably tally the votes sometime in the late evening tomorrow, so in roughly 21 hours from the moment, this is posted.
[X] Plan: Black Knight with a heart of gold.
[X] World of Warcraft
[X] Broke your piggybank, worked part-time and begged your parents for extra pocket dough to buy the game with all DLCs when it came out. Pre-ordering has its perks.
[X] Shy Loner: You've never been good at interacting with people. For some reason, talking with others just makes you a little panicky. You're fine with people you're close to, but strangers have you on edge. You made an effort to learn how to stay calm in such situations, but that somehow translated to looking 'cool and aloof'. You've got no idea how.
[X] That the game should be a floating castle made up of floors.
[X] Name: Owen Sanders
[X] Age: 17
[X] Username: Oswald
[X] Avatar:

[X] Fighter.
[X] Guy

@Birdsie have an attribute suggestion.
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Shy Loner: You've never been good at interacting with people. For some reason, talking with others just makes you a little panicky. You're fine with people you're close to, but strangers have you on edge. You made an effort to learn how to stay calm in such situations, but that somehow translated to looking 'cool and aloof'. You've got no idea how.
Sure. When you panic and are on edge in any situation, especially social ones, people will actually admire you for bravery and cling to you like flies to a pebble made from sugar-encrusted feces.
Oh, yeah. Before I go to sleep, I just wanna mention that this will play a lot differently from any other attribute option, as it will drastically change the gameplay:
[] 1337 Trollgamer: The secrets of magic are open before you. By magic, I mean the ability to find exploits and glitches, including the capacity to enable the Respawn mechanic for yourself, but only for yourself because after you do it, Kayaba will patch it for sure. Now, you fashion yourself a lonely, traveling lich. However, the developers gods are onto your ass for making short work of your sins against the game engine nature.
Heathcliff will pretty much be your arch-nemesis and you will become famous all across the playerbase. People won't necessarily hate you, neither will they recognize you by face, but the name and rumors about the player who "lives" will spread and people might seek your services for suicide missions since you of all people can afford to take the risk. Guilds will also race to get you in them, except for the Knights of the Red Oath who will relentlessly hunt you down at Heathcliff's orders. Also, from time to time you might find a glitch or two to take advantage of, which the Cardinal System will fix at once when you use it to your advantage too much.

Just putting that out there if anyone makes a plan with this when I'm sleeping and it gains traction.
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Oh, yeah. Before I go to sleep, I just wanna mention that this will play a lot differently from any other attribute option, as it will drastically change the gameplay:
Heathcliff will pretty much be your arch-nemesis and you will become famous all across the playerbase. People won't necessarily hate you, neither will they recognize you by face, but the name and rumors about the player who "lives" will spread and people might seek your services for suicide missions since you of all people can afford to take the risk. Guilds will also race to get you in them, except for the Knights of the Red Oath who will relentlessly hunt you down at Heathcliff's orders. Also, from time to time you might find a glitch or two to take advantage of, which the Cardinal System will fix at once when you use it to your advantage too much.

Just putting that out there if anyone makes a plan with this when I'm sleeping and it gains traction.
Could we possibly find a glitch in the glitch-finding system?
Oh, yeah. Before I go to sleep, I just wanna mention that this will play a lot differently from any other attribute option, as it will drastically change the gameplay:
Heathcliff will pretty much be your arch-nemesis and you will become famous all across the playerbase. People won't necessarily hate you, neither will they recognize you by face, but the name and rumors about the player who "lives" will spread and people might seek your services for suicide missions since you of all people can afford to take the risk. Guilds will also race to get you in them, except for the Knights of the Red Oath who will relentlessly hunt you down at Heathcliff's orders. Also, from time to time you might find a glitch or two to take advantage of, which the Cardinal System will fix at once when you use it to your advantage too much.

Just putting that out there if anyone makes a plan with this when I'm sleeping and it gains traction.
So suicide mode.:V
[X]True Magic
[X] The Elder Scrolls.
[X] Broke your piggybank, worked part-time and begged your parents for extra pocket dough to buy the game with all DLCs when it came out. Pre-ordering has its perks.

1337 Trollgamer
: The secrets of magic are open before you. By magic, I mean the ability to find exploits and glitches, including the capacity to enable the
mechanic for yourself, but only for yourself because after you do it, Kayaba will patch it for sure. Now, you fashion yourself a lonely, traveling lich. However, the developers gods are onto your ass for making short work of your sins against the game engine nature.
[X] That the game should be one, large, open world.
[X] Name: Altro Nestorum
[X] Age: 16
[X] Username: Aldrich
[X] Avatar:

[X] Mage.
[X] Plan Sunshine in a Bottle
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Fuck, I hope I'm not too late.

[X] Plan: L'enfant Merveilleux

[X] Planescape: Torment
[X] Were invited to participate in the beta testing and spent most of your time every day doing that, becoming unattached from the real world.
[X] Roleplaying Nerd *Proposition by @Space Multiply*: Through thick and thin, you stay in character, stubbornly sticking to whatever personality you assigned to the pixels you played. You acting skills are awesome, able to pass yourself off as anyone of any background with the right disguise. Identity was just a costume to wear, right?

[X] That the game should be one, large, open world.

[X] Name: Sigmund "Ziggy" Soosan.
[X] Age: 16
[X] Username: Jörmungandr
[X] Avatar: Older man. Only middle aged, but hair is all white. Relatively strong physical build but muscle isn't bulky. Dresses mostly in dark colors, blacks and grays with a splash of red. Primarily uses throwing weapons hidden on his body or in inventory. Only obvious weapon (worn on the outside) is a rapier-type weapon, though it's designed almost like a Katana.

[X] Rogue.
[X] Guy.

[X] Plan: Black Knight with a heart of gold.

Honestly, I think this plan works better as a Kirito-but-better plan. Mostly because it establishes a character outside of "Videogame-Jesus."
Seriously, writing that "bought" a NerveGear thing shit is weird, and I didn't know how to handle it. How can people afford to play this damn game when the equipment itself would probably cost thousands? The estimate I put out there was a very charitable guess of what the price could have been.

Eh, whatever. The entire purpose of fiction is to sweep stuff like this under the rug.
SAO tech is waaaaay ahead of ours. Especially in medical tech, but really just about everywhere.

And besides warrior based classes get no love on this site.
They get more love than Rogue classes. I've yet to find a stealth quest on this site.

[ ] PC Master Race - When the nervegear first came out, it was an expensive bug-ridden toy and it wasn't long before someone made an emulator for it. You installed the emulator on your gaming PC, worked as a beta-tester, and by the time the first full-dive MMO was running you were an expert at playing a full-body avatar using only a game controller and an old-fashioned VR headset. When things turned into a death game, you were completely safe from the nervegear's deadly effect. However, your avatar isn't.

Basic idea is that we didn't buy the nervegear hardware and instead are running our game using a top of the line gaming PC, some older hardware, and an emulator. So even if our character gets killed, we're safe. We can also technically leave the game any time. Maybe it's set up so that each time we die in-game we can roll up a new character to help the people inside, or work with the authorities to help out. Not sure if this would totally break the quest, but I think it would be kind of cool/interesting if not everyone was playing with the nervegear that microwaves your brain if your avatar dies.

So our quest would be more like our RL self playing a PC game and trying to help out the people stuck in the game.
[X]True Magic

Sorry would go roleplayer but that trait seems like it will be !FUN!
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