[X] Bind yourself to Blue Steel, Mary needs people to talk to not just you. She can have friends here and you would have a secure homebase among the Blue Steel members.
[X] (Write-in) If I'm joining you, then can I get a full repair of my Weapons and Armour Systems? I'm the only Mental Model currently active, and if I have to protect you guys, then I need to be at my best.
It does bear pointing out that the only faction we don't have solid intel on is the Scarlet Fleet. We know about the American Empire, whose stance on our kind could be summed up as "War of Genocide", and once the Fleet of Fog awakens, they're probably going to be following their old directives (which can probably be accurately summed up as "War of Genocide" against humanity and Design Children once they find out how advanced they've become, and we have little Mary to think of). Lesse...Australia's almost definitely rewritten a Union Core based on what we've heard and we have no reason to assume they wouldn't do the same to us just because we're awake. Asia and Europe are admittedly areas we lack information on, but the fact tbat Blue Steel didn't seek refuge with them implies they aren't going to hold Fog Ships in high regard. Ultimately, three of those five-FoF, UAE, Australia-we don't want to help beat back the others, and we can make an educated guess on the other two. The remaining forces whose goals are possibly compatible with our own are Blue Steel and the Scarlet Fleet......who we A:burned bridges with before all this, and B:are most probably going to return to being tyrants once they're back to full power. Self-Interest alone should decide that we'll most likely be helping Blue Steel return to power more than anyone else, even IF they've changed in the interim period. They're still the ones whose interests align best with ours.
That said...pledging ourselves to Blue Steel doesn't mean we can't still "help" everyone else. Y'know. Helpfully tell the Scarlet Fleet that the UAE's base at so and so is unguarded, then let the FoF know the Scarlet Fleet is moving out. They don't need to know our true alleigences...and if we make any dealings with them, best we do so fully armed and repaired.