Being the Holy Grail is Suffering... [Worm/FSN Quest]

[X] Fly to Philadelphia

Never turn down an offer to fuck with the Slaughterhouse Nine! Bonesaw! How would you like to make a wish?
I've decided to transcribe and post a portion of a conversation I just had with Grey.

Grey: 18 - 15 in Boston's favor.
Me: The power of waifu compels you.
Grey: But they both have waifus.
Me: Yeah...apparently the power of yuri is weak.
Just a small bit of fun XD
That's an entirely different character. The saber one is Suzuka Gozen, who actually has a rivalry with Tamamo. Interestingly enough, if Tamamo act like a weird mix of childish and proper lady, Suzuka purposely act like a high school girl, since she finds them really interesting and romantic.
Misukume is the name of Tamamo before entering the Imperial Court and receiving the name Tamamo no Mae.
[X] Fly to Philadelphia

Back in New York BB would continue to remote control the severed drill fist for several days, performing heists and defeating several capes including the current Butcher, as well as using it to go to Boston and tilt every painting in Accord's home and move each piece of furniture to be just a few inches off center. New Yorkers everywhere, when asked by the press about the new "cape", named Gurren after it got stained red due to a combination of Butcher and Legend's blood, shrugged.
:rofl::lol:D I LOVE THIS PLAN! They'll probably label Mech-Elli-Chan Laggann for this... also Accord is in Boston.
After thinking about it I'm gonna go with Philadelphia.
UBW Good End proves that it is possible to maintain your Servant even after the War is over. Say that we give Blasto his Waifu, he falls for said Waifu hard(as we all inevitably do, don't worry there is no shame in it), and decides to forget the Cup and fucks off to go live in peace with Waifu, completely sidestepping the War. How the fuck are we supposed to blow everything up if not all of the Servants die?
As much as I would love to have a Master/Servant romance just for the sweet suffering if she dies, Burnscar is guaranteed to fight. Hell maybe she'll pull a Bakuda and kill some of the Nine cause she's got an awesome Servant.

[X] Fly to Philadelphia
[X] Fly to Philadelphia

I have to vote for this based on the slim chance we get to see a Cherie that acts even remotely like the version in How I Met Your Monster. Even if she isn't a Master candidate, the chance of having her latch on to Burnscar as a more palatable (and survivable) shield from her family than the S9 is worth a vote.
[X] Fly to Brockton Bay

There is a little girl who needs a Berseker!
UBW Good End proves that it is possible to maintain your Servant even after the War is over. Say that we give Blasto his Waifu, he falls for said Waifu hard(as we all inevitably do, don't worry there is no shame in it), and decides to forget the Cup and fucks off to go live in peace with Waifu, completely sidestepping the War. How the fuck are we supposed to blow everything up if not all of the Servants die?
As much as I would love to have a Master/Servant romance just for the sweet suffering if she dies, Burnscar is guaranteed to fight. Hell maybe she'll pull a Bakuda and kill some of the Nine cause she's got an awesome Servant.

Blasto wouldn't be able to maintain his waifu as he's not a magus. We are the ones that would be maintaining her and we can stop doing it at anytime we want. Plus, they would likely want children at a point in time and the only way for that to happen is if the waifu is incarnated.

Hell, there's a reason why Medea didn't just fuck off somewhere with her husbano instead tried to win the war. So Blasto would have the motivation to win the war, likely by any means necessary.

And this is the guy that when high as a kite, made a clone of a fucking endbringer.
None of the Masters are magi. The Shards are filling in for it. Considering it's a planet sized alien supercomputer(Mooncell anyone?) I think it can handle the heavy lifting if it really wanted to.

Eh, true. But there are still reasons why no one will fuck off during a holy grail war though. But honestly, I don't care about Blasto either way. It's the the idea of them being allowed to fuck off somewhere irritated me.
Note: While I don't think people in Worm would necessarily take anything at face value, I also don't think any of the Masters would reject the rules of the War out of hand either. Given how "similar" powers like that of Teacher work, it is perfectly reasonable for people to assume that they really couldn't maintain their Servant indefinitely without the Grail. The more worrisome question would be about whether the Grail can even grant wishes, but at this point we don't really have a Master that would be overly concerned by that question. Blasto, as someone pointed out, would fight if only to keep his new waifu, and Burnscar is definitely unhinged enough to believe that. Armsmaster, Vista, Theo and Bakuda participate because the War itself is a means to an end and because naturally the actions of one another, from Theo killing E88 members to Bakuda's everything, bring each other into conflict. Alec is a bit weirder. He wants to learn more about himself and hopefully remove whatever vestiges of his family's influence once and for all, and at the moment he hasn't been set on a path that directly intersects with anyone else (I'll try to rectify that soon). I do think, however, that Alec (and a lot of the Undersiders for that matter) has quite the skill for self delusion, especially when it comes to ignoring problems that would weigh too heavily on their minds (canon Taylor is the queen of this), so I do think that Alec would do quite well at not thinking to hard about the plausibility of the Grail's claims.
aah sucks that there was no philosophical debate. That would have been interesting. Oh well guess we better move onto greener pastures.

The difference between Blasto and Mimi is that Blasto wants a wife while Mimi wants a waifu. A specific waifu (Labyrinth). :D

I mean, I'm sure if you squint you could find other differences, but really they are the same...right? ;)

please note my joking tone that you can definitely hear over the interwebs

Ooh if she wants Labyrinth then she's a good potential candidate along with Faultline's crew.

[X] Fly to Philadelphia

Picking the Philadelphia option because there is a lot of interesting potential Masters there. My main choice for a potential Master is still Sveta because having one hopeful person in the War really helps when things take a drastic turn for the worst. You need someone who can bring everyone together and none of the current Masters fit that criteria. The Masters we have right now are pretty self interested by focusing on either respect, fame or freedom. So having someone whose goals are not limited in that regard really opens things for future events. Also the Mimi option sounds intriguing, but I'm a bit wary about involving the S9, even if it's only by association.