Sauron in Tokyo (Lord of the Rings/Sailor Moon Merge)

[X] Forge something. Choose any combination and however many you want.
-[X] Sword: Magic sword that's blade never dulls. Costs 10 P
-[X] Shield: A magic shield that is unnaturally strong. Costs 10 P
-[X] Shining Armor: Armor that inspires loyalty and inspiration to all who see it. It is unnaturally strong. Costs 15 P
-[X] Weaker Variant Stone: Absorbs less than half of the normal stone's energy. Costs 5 P x10

[X] Write a book of Black Magic for Ami. You will still need to manually teach her magic abilities.
-[X] Optional: Skip the parts she would find detestable, such as torture and human sacrifices.

[X] Search for another of the unusually powerful people.
-[X] Search for someone else.

I think we should give a weaker variant stone to Mamoru. Why? An experiment to try to put Tuxedo Kamen down and allow Mamoru to keep his mind. Based on the results, we can upgrade the power (replace it with a regular energy draining stone), replace it with a minor ring of power, or search for other ways to go about it. If we grant Mamoru freedom from Tuxedo Kamen, he'll willingly serve us happily.

And the book... well, it will help speed training the girls while we're busy preparing them elsewhere, likely allowing them to master the theory of spells without our help and likely get them to just need 'touching up' to allow them to learn the practice quicker when we get to teaching (perhaps 2 spells per training session, assuming they can learn the theory behind the spells beforehand). Even better, the book can be passed around to the entire group with time, and maybe they can start teaching each other, taking more of the load off our shoulders.

Later on, we can make a second, more advanced book with the detestable parts.
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[X] Forge something. Choose any combination and however many you want.
-[X] Sword: Magic sword that's blade never dulls. Costs 10 P
-[X] Shield: A magic shield that is unnaturally strong. Costs 10 P
-[X] Shining Armor: Armor that inspires loyalty and inspiration to all who see it. It is unnaturally strong. Costs 15 P
-[X] Weaker Variant Stone: Absorbs less than half of the normal stone's energy. Costs 5 P x10
[X] Write a book of Black Magic for Ami. You will still need to manually teach her magic abilities.
-[X] Optional: Skip the parts she would find detestable, such as torture and human sacrifices.
[X] Search for another of the unusually powerful people.
-[X] Search for someone else.
I've been thinking last night... we might want to stop with passing out the energy stones for a while. I think we've got enough energy coming in at the moment, now, and going for more would likely be greedy. Sure, we could always use more energy... but it might get hostile attention from allies.

That said, making the stones this time is fine; in addition to my experiment proposal, we could keep a small stockpile for the case when we need a lot of energy fast, or a few of those out in the world are destroyed by (mis)guided fools. An emergency stash or extra stockpile, as it were.
[X] Forge something. Choose any combination and however many you want.
-[X] Sword: Magic sword that's blade never dulls. Costs 10 P
-[X] Shield: A magic shield that is unnaturally strong. Costs 10 P
-[X] Shining Armor: Armor that inspires loyalty and inspiration to all who see it. It is unnaturally strong. Costs 15 P
-[X] Weaker Variant Stone: Absorbs less than half of the normal stone's energy. Costs 5 P x10

[X] Write a book of Black Magic for Ami. You will still need to manually teach her magic abilities.
-[X] Optional: Skip the parts she would find detestable, such as torture and human sacrifices.

[X] Search for another of the unusually powerful people.
-[X] Search for someone else.
Book of Black Magic
[X] Forge something. Choose any combination and however many you want.
-[X] Sword: Magic sword that's blade never dulls. Costs 10 P
-[X] Shield: A magic shield that is unnaturally strong. Costs 10 P
-[X] Shining Armor: Armor that inspires loyalty and inspiration to all who see it. It is unnaturally strong. Costs 15 P
-[X] Weaker Variant Stone: Absorbs less than half of the normal stone's energy. Costs 5 P x10

[X] Write a book of Black Magic for Ami. You will still need to manually teach her magic abilities.
-[X] Optional: Skip the parts she would find detestable, such as torture and human sacrifices.

[X] Search for another of the unusually powerful people.
-[X] Search for someone else

Necklace 1: 94, 50 P, stays in hospital
Bracelet 1: 98, 80 P, person is fine
Bracelet 2: 28, bracelet is taken off
Ring 1: 72, 30 P, stays in hospital
Weak Necklace 2: 2, person fell asleep while driving and died.
Weak Earring: 11, doesn't wear
Weak Bracelet 3: 70, 20 P
Weak Ring 2: 81, 40 P

You sneak out during the night to your forge. You return to human form once again, to forge great artifacts of power.

You make a powerful sword, one that's edges will never dull no matter the combat, lest a force greater than it shatters it.

You create a shield, one that will block blows with nary a scratch on the wielder. And to complete it, plate armor that shines and inspires those around it while protecting its user.

And to finish, you bring in ten stones from the outside to enchant to gather energy. Three necklaces, five bracelets, and two rings, all to gather energy from hapless humans, but you repeat yourself.

You put the armor and sword into the closet with Mizuno's set, while you keep the energy absorbing stones below.

You also spend the time to take the energy that has gathered since you were last here, and absorb it into yourself. Ah, sweet sweet power.

You transform back into a cat and go back into Makoto's room, to be there when she wakes.

In the morning you head back to the abandoned house. You transform into a human, and go right back out the back entrance again.

You enter a business district and find an office supply store. Perfect, just what you need. You pick up several stacks of paper and book binding materials, in addition to a few packs of various writing utensils along with some ink. They are ordinary, but there is no need for otherwise. When you have all you need, you check out at the counter.

"That'll be ¥10,126," the clerk says to you. You give her a dazzling smile, and hand her a few illusionary notes.

Roll to trick: 50, Req 20 = Success

"Keep the change, will you?" You walk out, keeping her entirely unaware as the money disappears inside her cash register, never having been truly there.

When you reach back to the abandoned house, you put the paper on a table and begin to write.

This was one of your many books you had written back when you had dozens of students, a general knowledge scroll of black magic. Though, you keep in mind that Mizuno is a human child in a much more sheltered world, and would not take kindly to human sacrifices and torture, among the other worse topics within.

It almost pains you to write without some of your best techniques, but it is for the best.

You write of alchemy. Changing metals into others by moving the elements to be a greater or lesser percent of the whole. Creating magical potions, though only the weaker ones that are more simple to make. You write of how to create Blasting-Fire, though with a note that you believe it is now simply called gunpowder.

You write of enchantments. How to make a blade be everlasting sharp, how to strengthen items to be hard to destroy. You leave out how to create Morgul-blades, however.

You write of how to sea–an accident has occurred. You frown. You have less of a connection to the weaker stones, but suddenly you feel one has lost its connection to life. It's as if it took the last of someone's life, killing them in the process.

You ponder. It is possible that the person who had it almost died, and since they had so little life left even the weak gathering of that stone killed them in their weakness.

You do not know of what happened to the necklace, but you can't retrieve it today. There would be too many people around for now. You frown, then continue your task.

You write of how to seal something. To merely lock a door, or to keep a spirit trapped in a bottle.

You write of the rings of power, though no more than what you had told the elves when you convinced them to make them. You write of the wonderful powers of preservation and strength they give the wielder, and the ability to lead others.

When you are done, you realize the sun is late in the sky. You will have to gift it to Mizuno the next time you train her in something.

You stretch, and shift back into a cat. The day is not done, and you still have one thing left to do.

1-22: Artemis
23-44: Minako
45-66: Hotaru
67-100: Great Youma
Rolled 77, Great Youma
1-14: Joe
15-28: Priest
29-42: Ryo
43-56: Artist
56-70: Reika
71-84: Rhett Butler
85-100: Grandpa
Rolled a number, got a person

You search for another recruit. It takes a few hours, but you find another apartment building with someone who is powerful inside. Though, this one is much weaker. In fact, they practically pale in comparison.

It is ill-fortune, but acceptable. They are still powerful enough to use their own magic, after all.

You sneak into the building just like previously, and attempt to enter the apartment through the door.

Lock-pick: 1, Req 30 = Crit Fail

You jump up to the lock, planning to lock pick it like you have before. To your surprise, it falls right off and you fall into the floor with a loud bang.

What a cheaply made doorknob. It could not possibly be your fault, of course, because it's not like you could underestimate your own strength.

"Mangy cat! How did you even get in here!" Someone from the apartment next door heard the noise and came out, and is now attacking you with a broom.

You are about to release your wrath upon the putrid human when you remember you must maintain your cover as a normal cat. At least when you were infiltrating your enemies previously you had been able to fight back after a slight, but you are denied even that now. What a terrible era.

In any case, you run back down the stairs and push open a window, escaping to the outside.

"What happened to you?" Makoto asks as she lets you in her apartment. She is likely referring to your hair being messed up from the broom.

"I had an unfortunate encounter with an angry man with a broom. Do not worry, for I am alright and will fix my hair shortly."

"Oh, I can help with that." Makoto picks you up much to your dismay and starts brushing you.

"I can fix myself." You jump off her lap and into another room. How humiliating.

+130 P
Learn Seal
Mamoru +sword, shield, shining armor
Sauron +10 weaker stones
-self respect
Choose 3
[] Sleep without going out this night. If you go too many days without this you may get tired.

[] Forge something. Choose any combination and however many you want.
-[] Morgul-blade: A dagger than when strikes someone, slowly reaches heart even if not lethal wound. Turns victim into a wraith. Costs 10 P
-[] Minor Ring of Power: Increases the wearer's strengths and weaknesses. Costs 50 P
-[] Great Ring of Power: On par with the Nine, greatly increases wearer's strengths and weaknesses. Costs 200 P
-[] Energy Absorbing Stone: Absorbs energy from any human who touches it. Costs 5 P
-[] Weaker Variant Stone: Absorbs less than half of the normal stone's energy. Costs 5 P
-[] Sword: Magic sword that's blade never dulls. Costs 10 P
-[] Bow: Magic bow that's arrows fly true and far. Costs 10 P
-[] Shining Armor: Armor that inspires loyalty and inspiration to all who see it. It is unnaturally strong. Costs 15 P
-[] Terrifying Armor: Powerful and unnaturally strong armor that inspires terror in all who see it. Costs 15 P
-[] Shield: A magic shield that is unnaturally strong. Costs 10 P
-[] Mace: A magic mace that will never break and can crush with more force than it would seem. Costs 10 P

[] Hand out Energy Absorbing Stones. (Currently have: 10 Weak)
-[] How many?
-[] Observe local gift packaging, wrap the stones up as anonymous gifts and deliver them disguised as a taciturn postman.
-[] Give one to Mamoru
-[] Write-in how

[] Retieve the missing Energy Absorbing Stone.

[] Search for another of the youma.
-[] Optional: Go to the group of cats to see if they found anything.

[] Search for another of the unusually powerful people.
-[] Specifically search for Luna.
-[] Specifically search for Sailor Moon.
-[] Search for someone else.

[] Visit the person in the apartment.

[] Visit the shrine maiden.
-[] Try to recruit her.
-[] Kill her.
-[] Write-in.
-[] Optional: Go to her grandfather instead, as he also has power.
-[] Optional: Go in your Annatar form.

[] Teach Makoto magic at the abandoned house.
-[] Inspire Fear
-[] Illusion
-[] Lightning (more powerful than fire)
-[] Practice Magic Blast
-[] Practice Fire
-[] Practice Brawling (Involves you shape shifting into a human)
-[] Practice Block
-[] Write-in

[] Teach Ami magic at the abandoned house.
-[] Inspire Fear
-[] Illusion
-[] Fire
-[] Hand-to-hand combat. (Makoto teaches)
-[] Practice Magic Blast
-[] Practice Block
-[] Write-in

[] Teach Mamoru magic at the abandoned house
-[] Inspire Fear
-[] Illusion
-[] Magic Blast
-[] Hand-to-hand combat. (Makoto teaches)
-[] Practice Block
-[] Practice Sword Fighting
-[] Write-in

[] Write a more advanced book of magic. This would include things such as human sacrifices, as well as more advanced techniques in general.
-[] Write-in what you do with it.

[] Invest Will in one of your allies. It will help you control them, but may give them insight into your true being. Will roll to see if they agree to this.
-[] Makoto
-[] Ami
-[] Mamoru

[] Get money.
-[] Rob a bank in cat form.
-[] Sell rocks disguised as gold.
-[] Burgle easily carried valuables from buildings
-[] Write-in

[] Find people to join you in an organization. You will need manpower, just cats won't do.
-[] Optional: Name your organization.
-[] Put up signs advertising for a job working for a new business. You will have them show up to a meeting on a specific day later in the house.
-[] Find the poor and downtrodden, and have them work for you.
-[] Find an influencial/wealthy/powerful person in their twilight years who will be open to serving you, use compelling voice to convince them if neccessary.
-[] Write-in

[] Find a building to buy/rent as a base of operations. (Requires getting money first.)
-[] Optional: Have the homeless you have found move there. You will need to supply money to pay for their utilities.

[] Write-in

AN: I'm assuming the sword was for Mamoru. If that's incorrect, I'll edit it.

Also, I now have a snippets thread for my random ideas now such as that one I put in this thread earlier, which will be added to the thread later. Feel free to comment on it. GilcuruLend's Snippets and Ideas
Adhoc vote count started by GilcuruLend on Mar 25, 2018 at 2:14 PM, finished with 342 posts and 9 votes.

  • [x] Visit the person in the apartment.
    [X] Teach Ami magic at the abandoned house.
    -[X] Illusion
    [X] Teach Mamoru magic at the abandoned house
    -[X] Illusion
    [X] Forge something. Choose any combination and however many you want.
    -[X] Morgul-blade: A dagger than when strikes someone, slowly reaches heart even if not lethal wound. Turns victim into a wraith. Costs 10 P
    -[X] Great Ring of Power: On par with the Nine, greatly increases wearer's strengths and weaknesses. Costs 200 P
    -[X] Terrifying Armor: Powerful and unnaturally strong armor that inspires terror in all who see it. Costs 15 P
    [X] Create Form: Creates a new form you can shift into at any time. Costs 100 P
    -[X] Sauron the Abhorred
    [X] Shift Form: Takes a few seconds. Costs 5 P
    -[X] Sauron the Abhorred
    [X] Visit the shrine maiden.
    -[X] Kill her. Wear non-redundant weapons and armor, and the ring. Use the Morgul-Blade on the maiden. Be liberal with magic to ensure success, and not get burned again.
    -[X] Kill her Grandpa while you're at it.
    [x] Sleep without going out this night. If you go too many days without this you may get tired.
    [X] Visit the shrine maiden.
    -[x] Try to recruit her.
    [x] Visit the person in the apartment.
    [x] Hand out Energy Absorbing Stones. (Currently have: 10 Weak)
    -[x] 10
    -[x] Observe local gift packaging, wrap the stones up as anonymous gifts and deliver them disguised as a taciturn postman.
    [X] Visit the shrine maiden.
    -[x] Try to recruit her.
    [X] Find people to join you in an organization. You will need manpower, just cats won't do.
    -[X] Find an influencial/wealthy/powerful person in their twilight years who will be open to serving you, use compelling voice to convince them if neccessary.
    [x] Visit the person in the apartment.
    [X] Teach Mamoru magic at the abandoned house
    -[X] Magic Blast
    [X] Get money.
    -[X] Burgle easily carried valuables from buildings

Adhoc vote count started by GilcuruLend on Mar 25, 2018 at 9:10 PM, finished with 342 posts and 9 votes.

  • [x] Visit the person in the apartment.
    [X] Teach Ami magic at the abandoned house.
    -[X] Illusion
    [X] Teach Mamoru magic at the abandoned house
    -[X] Illusion
    [X] Forge something. Choose any combination and however many you want.
    -[X] Morgul-blade: A dagger than when strikes someone, slowly reaches heart even if not lethal wound. Turns victim into a wraith. Costs 10 P
    -[X] Great Ring of Power: On par with the Nine, greatly increases wearer's strengths and weaknesses. Costs 200 P
    -[X] Terrifying Armor: Powerful and unnaturally strong armor that inspires terror in all who see it. Costs 15 P
    [X] Create Form: Creates a new form you can shift into at any time. Costs 100 P
    -[X] Sauron the Abhorred
    [X] Shift Form: Takes a few seconds. Costs 5 P
    -[X] Sauron the Abhorred
    [X] Visit the shrine maiden.
    -[X] Kill her. Wear non-redundant weapons and armor, and the ring. Use the Morgul-Blade on the maiden. Be liberal with magic to ensure success, and not get burned again.
    -[X] Kill her Grandpa while you're at it.
    [x] Sleep without going out this night. If you go too many days without this you may get tired.
    [X] Visit the shrine maiden.
    -[x] Try to recruit her.
    [x] Visit the person in the apartment.
    [x] Hand out Energy Absorbing Stones. (Currently have: 10 Weak)
    -[x] 10
    -[x] Observe local gift packaging, wrap the stones up as anonymous gifts and deliver them disguised as a taciturn postman.
    [X] Visit the shrine maiden.
    -[x] Try to recruit her.
    [X] Find people to join you in an organization. You will need manpower, just cats won't do.
    -[X] Find an influencial/wealthy/powerful person in their twilight years who will be open to serving you, use compelling voice to convince them if neccessary.
    [x] Visit the person in the apartment.
    [X] Teach Mamoru magic at the abandoned house
    -[X] Magic Blast
    [X] Get money.
    -[X] Burgle easily carried valuables from buildings
    [x] Visit the person in the apartment.

    [X] Teach Ami magic at the abandoned house.

    -[X] Illusion

    [X] Teach Mamoru magic at the abandoned house
[X] Forge something. Choose any combination and however many you want.
-[X] Morgul-blade: A dagger than when strikes someone, slowly reaches heart even if not lethal wound. Turns victim into a wraith. Costs 10 P
-[X] Great Ring of Power: On par with the Nine, greatly increases wearer's strengths and weaknesses. Costs 200 P
-[X] Terrifying Armor: Powerful and unnaturally strong armor that inspires terror in all who see it. Costs 15 P
[X] Create Form: Creates a new form you can shift into at any time. Costs 100 P
-[X] Sauron the Abhorred
[X] Shift Form: Takes a few seconds. Costs 5 P
-[X] Sauron the Abhorred
[X] Visit the shrine maiden.
-[X] Kill her. Wear non-redundant weapons and armor, and the ring. Use the Morgul-Blade on the maiden. Be liberal with magic to ensure success, and not get burned again.
-[X] Kill her Grandpa while you're at it.

I just thought of Sauron breaking through her wall as she sleeps like the Kool-Aid man.
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[X] Forge something. Choose any combination and however many you want.
-[X] Morgul-blade: A dagger than when strikes someone, slowly reaches heart even if not lethal wound. Turns victim into a wraith. Costs 10 P
-[X] Great Ring of Power: On par with the Nine, greatly increases wearer's strengths and weaknesses. Costs 200 P
-[X] Terrifying Armor: Powerful and unnaturally strong armor that inspires terror in all who see it. Costs 15 P
[X] Create Form: Creates a new form you can shift into at any time. Costs 100 P
-[X] Sauron the Abhorred
[X] Shift Form: Takes a few seconds. Costs 5 P
-[X] Sauron the Abhorred
[X] Visit the shrine maiden.
-[X] Kill her. Wear non-redundant weapons and armor, and the ring. Use the Morgul-Blade on the maiden. Be liberal with magic to ensure success, and not get burned again.
-[X] Kill her Grandpa while you're at it.

I just thought of Sauron breaking through her wall as she sleeps like the Kool-Aid man.
Still the "Rei to Dodo" attempts?
I'd honestly prefer it if we'd recruit her rather than kill a potential lieutenant, especially one who already has an in with the local magical phenomenon that aren't from the Silver Millennium.
I just thought of Sauron breaking through her wall as she sleeps like the Kool-Aid man.
While extremely amusing, yes (I'm not even sarcastic, that's a hilarious mental image), can we please stop voting for killing the shrine maiden? We failed a single diplo roll, and we can easily stack the odds when we bother to try again.
[x] Sleep without going out this night. If you go too many days without this you may get tired.
[x] Visit the shrine maiden.
-[x] Try to recruit her.
[x] Visit the person in the apartment.
Heh. Cat lord lost against a simple broom.

Though maybe teaching and finding out what happened to the necklace that killed someone might be good to consider.
[x] Hand out Energy Absorbing Stones. (Currently have: 10 Weak)
-[x] 10
-[x] Observe local gift packaging, wrap the stones up as anonymous gifts and deliver them disguised as a taciturn postman.
[x] Visit the shrine maiden.
-[x] Try to recruit her.
[X] Find people to join you in an organization. You will need manpower, just cats won't do.
-[X] Find an influencial/wealthy/powerful person in their twilight years who will be open to serving you, use compelling voice to convince them if neccessary.
[X] Visit the person in the apartment.
[X] Teach Ami magic at the abandoned house.
-[X] Illusion
[X] Teach Mamoru magic at the abandoned house
-[X] Illusion

Lets give the necklace a few days so nobody thinks anything of it.
[X] Visit the person in the apartment.
[X] Teach Mamoru magic at the abandoned house
-[X] Magic Blast
[X] Get money.
-[X] Burgle easily carried valuables from buildings
[X] Forge something. Choose any combination and however many you want.
-[X] Morgul-blade: A dagger than when strikes someone, slowly reaches heart even if not lethal wound. Turns victim into a wraith. Costs 10 P
-[X] Great Ring of Power: On par with the Nine, greatly increases wearer's strengths and weaknesses. Costs 200 P
-[X] Terrifying Armor: Powerful and unnaturally strong armor that inspires terror in all who see it. Costs 15 P
[X] Create Form: Creates a new form you can shift into at any time. Costs 100 P
-[X] Sauron the Abhorred
[X] Shift Form: Takes a few seconds. Costs 5 P
-[X] Sauron the Abhorred
[X] Visit the shrine maiden.
-[X] Kill her. Wear non-redundant weapons and armor, and the ring. Use the Morgul-Blade on the maiden. Be liberal with magic to ensure success, and not get burned again.
-[X] Kill her Grandpa while you're at it.
[x] Visit the person in the apartment.
[X] Teach Ami magic at the abandoned house.
-[X] Illusion
[X] Teach Mamoru magic at the abandoned house
-[X] Illusion

Ugh. You guys are like a cat after a canary.
[x] Visit the person in the apartment.
[X] Teach Ami magic at the abandoned house.
-[X] Illusion
[X] Teach Mamoru magic at the abandoned house
-[X] Illusion
[x] Visit the person in the apartment.
[X] Teach Ami magic at the abandoned house.
-[X] Illusion
[X] Teach Mamoru magic at the abandoned house
-[X] Illusion
Suggestion. For those intent on pursuing the shrine maiden for the corrupted Sailor army, instead of visiting Rei, write a letter to try to persuade her that way into hearing the dark lord out in conversation. An ordinary letter without magic on it to not set her off.

Pointing out that she's basically tried to kill him without a trial, something she wouldn't do for other humans, right? And point out that he's trying to converse like civil beings instead of bringing retribution for that assault.
[X] Visit the person in the apartment.
[X] Teach Ami magic at the abandoned house.
-[X] Illusion
[X] Teach Mamoru magic at the abandoned house
-[X] Illusion
[X] Visit the person in the apartment.
[X] Teach Ami magic at the abandoned house.
-[X] Illusion
[X] Teach Mamoru magic at the abandoned house
-[X] Illusion
--[X] Give him an energy draining stone, too, saying that it is an experiment to try to keep Tuxedo Kamen down. We'll check in later in order to see how it is doing.

I believe we need to toss a few efforts to developing our army.
  • We need a bigger base. Where we are works for one or two people training, but more than that, we're be out of room. Perhaps speak with the homeless population in order to find a location no one will mind us using?
  • Forging: We have enough equipment for our current 'Generals'; I suggest a few 'Bullseye' targets and Youma training dummies so that the army has the ability to train.
  • Army support: Once we have a bigger base, and the 'Generals' are able to guide their own training, we need to start taking care of our soldiers (homeless) and scouts (cats). Illusion is good to get a hold of supplies at first, but eventually, someone will see through it at the wrong time. We need a place for all of them, and we need to feed and water them.
  • Army training: Once we have put our army in a good position, we need to train them up so they don't fall to the first Youma they encounter. More targets and youma training dummies.
  • Army supply: We're going to need to equip our soldiers. Nothing as fancy, important, or as powerful as the equipment we've already made, but something they can point at the enemy when the time comes.
  • Youma hunting: After that first Youma, we've failed to hunt out any of the hostiles. We might want to send Ami and Makoto out soon to see how they fare now.
This is interesting. One thing about Sauron though; he's not insidious enough.

I mean, the guy is the Lord of Gifts. Anonymously sending energy draining stones is not really his style. What he could do is forge Lesser Rings with minor draining stones, and sell them as enhancements. A girl wants to look prettier and be more confident? An athlete wants to win important matches? A businessman wants to be more persuasive and capable? All of those people could be told "Here's a ring that makes your dream come true, except the magic takes effort, making the wearer tired. Your choice when to wear it."

Those things would probably sell like crazy. Like, better than steroids or breast enhancement. Guaranteed results plus minor magic effects for only the cost of temporary exhaustion is a great deal that many would willingly take. And because it's willingly work, with known drawback, Luna and her posse could not accuse you of being evil.
[X] Visit the person in the apartment.
[X] Teach Ami magic at the abandoned house.
-[X] Illusion
[X] Teach Mamoru magic at the abandoned house
-[X] Illusion
Witch-king to the Rescue
AN: Happy Easter, sorry it took so long to update compared to previously.

You wake up in the morning, and something feels… different. How strange. You look around. No, the plants aren't suddenly murderous. No, the apartment isn't being invaded by government agents. No, that darn fool Olórin isn't messing with your plans again. No, the roof hasn't disappeared. No, the apartment isn't on fire. No, you aren't drowning again. No, someone hasn't stolen your ring again. No, a heavenly host hasn't arrived to smite you. No, Gollum hasn't risen from the grave to continue being pathetic.

Well alright then. You suppose that's all. Though, you think you are missing something… it's probably not important.

You are about to go on your plans for the day, when suddenly the door to Makoto's apartment is broken into.

"It is I! Isildur, son of Elendil son of Amandil son of Númendil son of, uh, someone, son of Eärendur descendant of Valandil son of Silmariën daughter of Tar-Elendil son of Tar-Amandil son of Vardamir Nólimon son of Elros Tar-Minyatur son of Eärendil son of Tuor–son of Huor song of Galdor son of Hador son of Hathol son of Magor son of Malach son of Marach–and Idril daughter of Turgon son of Fingolfin son of Finwë, and I am the one who slew you and took your ring as an heirloom! Gil-galad doesn't count. I have heard you were back, and am ready to do it once more!" Isildur is out of breath once he finishes, but seems happy he was able to say it all in one piece.

You shift into Annatar form, apologetic.

"Sorry, but I haven't remade it yet."

"WHAT? Then how will I obsess about it for the rest of my life before dying to a random arrow by people chasing me?"

"I guess you'll just have to give your life up into the service of I, Sauron. After all, you already did the dying thing."

"Never! Gondor has stood against Mordor for years. We shall not fall!"

"It already did. It's been millennia, actually. No human kingdom survived that long."

You pause at this. "Are you alright? Your voice changed a bit there."

"I don't know what you're talking about. But I, Isildur, shall slay you now!" He draws Anduril, and is about to stab you. You dodge, but he is too fast and grabs your suit, which isn't made for fighting. You knew you should have picked better clothes, but the suit just seemed so fashionable. You mean, Isildur's shirt totally clashes with his eyes. So uncool.

"What's going on here?" Makoto has finally gotten up, and sees the sword pointed at your neck. "I don't know who either of you are, but it's not polite to stab someone in someone elses home. Magic Blast!"

Makoto Magic Blast: 1, crit fail

Sadly, she missed completely and instead made a hole in her floor.

"No…" she groans. "I'm going to be kicked out for sure. This is all your fault!"

You take advantage of the distraction and run, grabbing Makoto as you jump out the window. As you fall several stories, you realize this might not have been your best idea.

"Who are you? What are you doing!" Makoto shouts uselessly.

"I'm Sauron, now be quiet. We have more important things to deal with than your teenage whining."

"You're a book character? What?"

Luck: 100, crit.

But you are in luck. Suddenly, a Fell Beast swoops you and Makoto just before you hit the ground. Despite the fact that this should kill you as fell beasts aren't much softer than concrete, the magic of great saves makes both of you perfectly alright.

"Niiiice to seeee you master," the Witch-king tells you.

"Oh, I'm so glad to see you," you respond. "What have you been doing all these years?"

"Iiiiii've renamed myself Sssssssantaaaaa. I give cursssssed objects to chillllllldren all around the Earthhhhhhhh that when I acccccctivate they will turn into orcsssss." Ah, you've missed the sound of the Witch-king's voice so much.

"What on Earth is happening??!!" Makoto shouts, the extra question marks and exclamation points clear in her voice.

"I'm the Ssssssantaaaaa you revered sooook mucccchhhhh in yourrrrr childhooood, liiiitttttle one. I knooooow it is haaaaard to belieeeeeve, but iiiiit issssssnthe truuuuuth. I gooooot the ooootttthhhherrrr feeeellll beeeaaasts aaaand haaave theeeem tiieeed too a caaaarriage eaaaach wiiinter wheeen ieeeeee deeeliver the pressssents eeeevery yeaaaar." The Witch-king answer's Makoto's question. Quite well, you might add.

"What, Santa Claus is real and he's you?"

"Oh look, there's the Abandoned House(tm). Drop us off there." You quickly get back into ordering your unwilling slaves around once more. It's truly good to be The Abhorred.

"Oooookaaaaay maaaasssssterrrr." You and Makoto jump of the fell-beast–or rather, you jumpnoff and pull her along–and you run inside.

Which closet was it… there! You find the sword you had made earlier. You have no time for anything else. You run back outside.

"I will save you fair maiden from the evil abhorred!" Isildur declares before sweeping her aside. Makoto attempts to punch him, but loses her fist to Anduril. "Oops. I'm not used to being alive again, really. An accident, I swear. Er… my many greats uncle is a healer. He can fix it. Definitely. Probably. Elves are weird."

"Die Isildur! You won't ruin this for me again!" You shout. Makoto is screaming, but you ignore her. She'll get over it. You lost a finger after all and you mostly got over it, which is worth like a hundred of her hands.

Isildur sword fighting: 51
Sauron sword fighting: 61
Eru reroll
Isildur sword fighting: 81
Sauron sword fighting: 84
Eru reroll
Isildur sword fighting: 7
Sauron sword fighting: 100, crit
Eru reroll
Isildur sword fighting: 52
Sauron sword fighting: 32

You begin to sword fight. While you are weakened, Isildur has forgotten how to use a sword in his long years of being dead, and initially you come out triumphant. But before you can strike a blow, you slip on a rock.

You get up, and they begin fighting once more. You only gain a slight upper hand when once more he slips on a rock.

"Who put all these rocks here? I thought they were convenient before but now they are just annoying," you grumble.

This time, you fight with great fury and clobber him. Strike after strike, you cut him until he is bleeding all over then strike his sword away. Then you slip on a rock.

When you get up, Isildur looks angry. This time when you fight, he has the upper hand, and strikes you down once more. His sword strikes your heart, and you die.

This body lost, you are once more a spirit. Suddenly, a loud voice booms from nowhere and everywhere.

"Thou–I mean, new language conventions. Y'all have lost fooleysh boy. Y'all can't beat the mastuurr at his own music. Return ta home ayn' be judged."

"What's going on!" Makoto yells, clutching her arm that's bleeding greviously, her words less a question and more a statement of confusion.

[] Agree and return to Valinor to be judged.
[] No! This must be a trick. Eru has forgotten about this world. Leave and create a new body elsewhere.
[] Ignore Eru and answer Makoto.
[] Write-in

AN: Fun fact: 'thou' is actually informal, the equivalent of y'all. In bible times you or ye would be the formal version, so Eru's speech pattern is biblically accurate.