Being the Holy Grail is Suffering... [Worm/FSN Quest]

To be honest, I did not mean to write about that as much as I did, but I sort of zoned out. I was literally breathing heavy and sweating by the time I finished, it was really weird. Anyways, I figured by the end though that getting that mess with Dinah and putting her into play while also showing Mephistopheles' experimentation with trigger events in this one chapter then that would just give me more time to put other shit in other chapters instead of more of this. So...sorry? Haha.

Also, why the hell am I sweating? The AC is set to 20 degrees Fahrenheit (for some reason) and I have been chewing ice this whole time. This makes no sense!
chewing ice, drinking cold drinks, etc. ironically confuses your body that it's colder than it actually is, this often results in making your body hotter in the long run, on the opposite end of the spectrum drinking hot drinks has the same effect and thus actually causes the body to cool itself down., that happened.

Dammit. Screw Canary, we should be getting back to Brockton Bay to get Dinah a Saber with high Magic Resistance.

[x] Let Dragon and BB interview Canary

edit: i wonder if Extra Classes are on the table. Dantes would be such a fun addition...
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Adhoc vote count started by Summer Bones on Mar 22, 2018 at 9:18 PM, finished with 32 posts and 13 votes.

Adhoc vote count started by Summer Bones on Mar 23, 2018 at 12:42 PM, finished with 68 posts and 36 votes.
Welp, that just happened. That's one way in experimenting with triggers.

Still, this is the kind of crap that could cause more troubles than we want to. Either Caster/Bakuda is told to minimize civilian casualties, or a bounty is going to place on their head in the form of command seals. Point is, this kinda of incident should only be allowed near the end or at least secretly. Kidnapping an entire class and experimenting on them this early on goes against both conditions.

Hopefully, BB could moderate the pair after dealing with Canary.

[X] Let Dragon and BB interview Canary

Better to know whether she has any outstanding ambition after being freed. If she doesn't, I suggest we move on to either Dinah or Faultline. If she does, well, we could continue conversing with her.
Didn't see that danganronpa coming and now I'm convinced that if/when bakuda dies mephisto is going to manipulate Dinah into being his master.
How did none of those kids trigger? Also, did Bakuda know about this?

Well, despite what you may think, not everyone has a space parasite ready and waiting for them. And secondly.

His arm broke, Then his leg. Dinah and everyone else left the room, sobbing as John crumbled, every bone in his body breaking until he died, compacted into a shape to small to allow his lungs room to breathe. She only knew this because Reo apparently went back to check on him, and he told her the same time her told her…

"I fabricated evidence."


"John destroyed the bat. Broke it into little pieces, flushing what was small enough and burning what wasn't."

"How do you know that."

"I saw the murder. I was behind him, down the hall."

Dinah looked at him incredulously. "How did he not see you?"

"People like to ignore me." Dinah didn't know what to say. "I followed him a bit while he destroyed evidence, so I took another bat and broke it. It was hard, but I eventually did it."

"That blood?"

"I revisited the crime scene when everyone left."

Dinah felt sick. "Why not know...tell everyone what you saw?"

"Nobody likes me. They want to kill me."

"No they-"

"Joanna did."
There are hints that some of them did trigger like that guy having a stranger power.
Didn't see that danganronpa coming and now I'm convinced that if/when bakuda dies mephisto is going to manipulate Dinah into being his master.
Or we could have Dinah and Mephisto becoming something like Batman and Joker. She has the motivation and probably the resources to deal with the insanity that is Meph.

Actually, thinking about it, Dinah has the potential to be a Kiritsugu expy at this point. Just a bit more explanation from our part and we might get the scariest master in this war. For the Greater Good, right? Dinah-kun.
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Either saber or berserker if we send in a servant to save her.

Berserker should be Spartacus because Canary is being oppressed.
I actually really like the image of Delicate Lady Canary being protected by a Mad Berserker Lancelot who can only communicate with enraged screams.
Actually, thinking about it, Dinah had the potential to be a Kiritsugu expy at this point. Just a bit more explanation from our part and we might get the scariest master in this war. For the Greater Good, right? Dinah-kun. do remember who blew up the Grail, right?
To be honest, I did not mean to write about that as much as I did, but I sort of zoned out. I was literally breathing heavy and sweating by the time I finished, it was really weird. Anyways, I figured by the end though that getting that mess with Dinah and putting her into play while also showing Mephistopheles' experimentation with trigger events in this one chapter then that would just give me more time to put other shit in other chapters instead of more of this. So...sorry? Haha.

Also, why the hell am I sweating? The AC is set to 20 degrees Fahrenheit (for some reason) and I have been chewing ice this whole time. This makes no sense!
Adrenaline, I'd guess. You got deep into your writing, it was an intense piece of the story, and the thrill got to you. Sometimes happens to me when I write, although those physical symptoms are pretty intense, even saying that. do remember who blew up the Grail, right?

True, but the image of a twelve year old girl going Punisher on a demon clown is quite the image, ain't it?

...wait...demon antihero that has an inescapable tie to them but hates them and wants to kill them?

...did I just accidentally make Dinah Spawn?

Or we could have Dinah and Mephisto becoming something like Batman and Joker. She has the motivation and probably the resources to deal with the insanity that is Meph.

Actually, she doesn't. She's a 12 or so year old girl without a servant. Also what resources? Being the mayor's niece wouldn't give her the ability to deal with Meph. The only thing she has going for her is her thinker power which considering Meph knows about it and says that he'll be in touch, that means she doesn't have to be worried about being kidnapped by Coil anymore.

She likely has a bomb on her that Meph can set off at anytime he wants so she's kidnapped and threatened to answer his questions only without being put on drugs or locked in a cell.

Sorry...the thought of Dinah suddenly being a match for a servant like Meph for vague reasons as motivation and resources might have pressed a button or two on me.

Now, who can she go to that would be a good match? Who can she go to that has the ability to stop him? Who can she go to that has a grappling hook?

Armsmaster, which would be a nice kick off tot he holy grail war. At best, Dinah could try to be the oracle to Armsmasters batman.
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[X] Get backup from BB's 'pet'

Trust the kohai. Cherish the kohai. I am way past wanting Holmes, BB is a treat XD. But seriously, I think it's best for us to be there in person when we do our verbal waterboarding interview. And even then I'm lukewarm about making Canary a Master. If we do, then two major conditions have to be ensuring her Cauldron debt doesn't come into play, and giving her an Evil Servant. Because no more good guys for god's sake. Also, jesus I feel sorry for Dinah. But if we give Canary a Servant then I want the last slot to be reserved for someone from Faultline's crew. Besides, it looks like Meph is making her one of his contingencies. Which will be so much fun, especially if Meph can twist her into a wonderful little monster. Coil will have no idea what he's getting into if he tries to kidnap a corrupted Dinah with a pet murder clown.

Edit: I vastly prefer corrupting Dinah to having her become an antihero. Too many people who think they're the good guys. I want impressionable, desperate Masters who can be led to depravity by evil Servants.

Edit 2: Also, I also agree with the sentiment that we should just break Canary out and head back to Brockton without making her a Master if she doesn't have a strong enough wish. We want more people to be proactive in this war, we have too many passive players.
Last edited: do remember who blew up the Grail, right?
Hey, if she can get someone like Siegfried or Arturia for an Excaliblast, it's entirely possib-
Dinah: "Just as planned."
Never mind then.
The only thing she has going for her is her thinker power which considering Meph knows about it and says that he'll be in touch, that means she doesn't have to be worried about being kidnapped by Coil anymore.
What was Dinah's trigger event again? Because I was wondering why she wouldn't have second-triggered from not being able to predict something so horrible happening, but I guess it just wasn't close enough to her first trigger event to count?
What was Dinah's trigger event again? Because I was wondering why she wouldn't have second-triggered from not being able to predict something so horrible happening, but I guess it just wasn't close enough to her first trigger event to count?

In canon her trigger event was never revealed or described, and she actually got her powers without noticing and remained clueless for quite a while. I had a short discussion about it on this thread, but she would have triggered around this time. This is her trigger event now.


*cough cough* sorry about that.
Reads the update.
Is greatly amused and entertained.
Now understands why Faceless was unresponsive to conversation for the several hours he spent writing.

Different note. I am greatly amused by something told to me by Faceless about one option. do remember who blew up the Grail, right?
That would make it even more hilarious when the Grail finally realized what it had done. It was so focus on the younger Emiya that it kinda forgot about the older one and the rage from said realization shall be glorious.

Fair enough.

However, this might be my fault here, but I didn't try to imply that Dinah alone would be a match to Meph. That thought alone is quite ridiculous and I was more focus towards their potential relationship , which is that she'll go against Meph and definitely against in being his master. As for resource, I was more thinking of the Mayor and his connection to the PRT and other police force. Add that to the possibility of giving her a servant, she might a be a good contender for the war.

Sure, at this point she's being held at gun or bomb point and incredibly traumatized, but that's what we're here for. Giving people power, motivation, and a bit of all worlds evil.

Anyway, regarding Armsmaster, while I made the Batman comment offhandedly, I agree that he would be the more appropriate person for the reference. Still, I'm actually hoping that Armsmaster wouldn't go down the Batman path for this quest. Seeing him observing the people around him and their state, realizing how little he had been doing and his attitude toward the general situation. While it'll be fun to see him fighting all around the city, I felt it would be more satisfying to see how he change and his interaction to others.

Edit: I vastly prefer corrupting Dinah to having her become an antihero. Too many people who think they're the good guys. I want impressionable, desperate Masters who can be led to depravity by evil Servants.

We already have enough monster in Earth Bet, but not enough well intention extremist. All the good guys here, they have their limit. But a person who is willing to do unspeakable act of evil for the sake of the greater good, we don't have a master like that yet. For me at least, if we do get the chance to influence her, I prefer to corrupt her in that direction. A person that act like a villain, but have the mindset of a hero.
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