Sauron in Tokyo (Lord of the Rings/Sailor Moon Merge)

[x] Visit the shrine maiden.
-[x] Try to recruit her.
[x] Teach Mamoru magic at the abandoned house
-[x] Hand-to-hand combat. (Makoto teaches)
[x] Teach Ami magic at the abandoned house.
-[x] Hand-to-hand combat. (Makoto teaches)
I guess it's time to tally, just to see how it looks.
Apparently it doesn't want to go beyond a certain point, so Khaine's wasn't included...
Adhoc vote count started by GilcuruLend on Mar 17, 2018 at 3:57 PM, finished with 298 posts and 8 votes.

  • [x] Visit the shrine maiden.
    -[x] Try to recruit her.
    [x] Teach Mamoru magic at the abandoned house
    -[x] Hand-to-hand combat. (Makoto teaches)
    [x] Teach Ami magic at the abandoned house.
    -[x] Hand-to-hand combat. (Makoto teaches)
    [X] Sleep without going out this night. If you go too many days without this you may get tired.
    [X] Forge something. Choose any combination and however many you want. If it requires metal then +20 P to cost.
    -[X] Weaker Variant Stone: Absorbs less than half of the normal stone's energy. Costs 5 P
    --[X] 40
    -[X] Great Ring of Power: On par with the Nine, greatly increases wearer's strengths and weaknesses. Costs 200 P
    [x] Visit the shrine maiden.
    -[x] Try to recruit her.
    [X] Sleep without going out this night. If you go too many days without this you may get tired.
    [X] Secure another source of metal.
    -[X] Use Illusion on yourself to mask identity. Use Bewitching Voice and invest will on a truck driver, saying they've agreed to help you deliver supplies. Both of you go to a small hardware store, and use bewitching voice, and invest will in the workers. Have them help you pack up your order that they've "agreed" to put on your (nonexistent) company's tab.
    [X] Forge something. Choose any combination and however many you want. If it requires metal then +20 P to cost.
    -[X] Morgul-blade: A dagger than when strikes someone, slowly reaches heart even if not lethal wound. Turns victim into a wraith. Costs 10 P
    -[X] Great Ring of Power: On par with the Nine, greatly increases wearer's strengths and weaknesses. Costs 200 P
    -[X] Bow: Magic bow that's arrows fly true and far. Costs 10 P
    -[X] Terrifying Armor: Powerful and unnaturally strong armor that inspires terror in all who see it. Costs 15 P
    -[X] Shield: A magic shield that is unnaturally strong. Costs 10 P
    [x] Teach Mamoru magic at the abandoned house
    -[x] Hand-to-hand combat. (Makoto teaches)
    [x] Teach Ami magic at the abandoned house.
    [X] Secure another source of metal.
    -[X] Seek out waste disposal areas. This Age has a lot of metal used in everything. No doubt they waste much of it.
    [X] Forge something. Choose any combination and however many you want. If it requires metal then +20 P to cost.
    -[X] Weaker Variant Stone: Absorbs less than half of the normal stone's energy. Costs 5 P
    --[X] 40
    -[X] Great Ring of Power: On par with the Nine, greatly increases wearer's strengths and weaknesses. Costs 200 P
    [x] Visit the shrine maiden.
    -[x] Try to recruit her.
    [X] Have Mamoru meet the others.
    [X] Forge something. Choose any combination and however many you want. If it requires metal then +20 P to cost.
    -[X] Weaker Variant Stone: Absorbs less than half of the normal stone's energy. Costs 5 P
    --[X] 40
    -[X] Great Ring of Power: On par with the Nine, greatly increases wearer's strengths and weaknesses. Costs 200 P
    [X] Secure another source of metal.
    -[X] Seek out waste disposal areas. This Age has a lot of metal used in everything. No doubt they waste much of it.
    [X] Have Mamoru meet the others.
    [X] Sleep without going out this night. If you go too many days without this you may get tired.
    [X] Secure another source of metal.
    -[X] Seek out waste disposal areas. This Age has a lot of metal used in everything. No doubt they waste much of it.
    [X] Have Mamoru meet the others.
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[X] Sleep without going out this night. If you go too many days without this you may get tired.

[X] Secure another source of metal.
-[X] Seek out waste disposal areas. This Age has a lot of metal used in everything. No doubt they waste much of it.

[X] Have Mamoru meet the others.
[X] Sleep without going out this night. If you go too many days without this you may get tired.

[X] Secure another source of metal.
-[X] Seek out waste disposal areas. This Age has a lot of metal used in everything. No doubt they waste much of it.

[X] Have Mamoru meet the others.
[X] Sleepwithout going out this night. If you go too many days without this you may get tired.

[X] Secure another source of metal.
-[X] Seek out waste disposal areas. This Age has a lot of metal used in everything. No doubt they waste much of it.

[X] Have Mamoru meet the others.
Finding Metal
[X] Sleep without going out this night. If you go too many days without this you may get tired.

[X] Secure another source of metal.
-[X] Seek out waste disposal areas. This Age has a lot of metal used in everything. No doubt they waste much of it.

[X] Have Mamoru meet the others.

Necklace 1: 39, +30 P stays in hospital.
Bracelet 1: 89, +80 P, person put bracelet back on
Bracelet 2: 83, +50 P stays in hospital.
Ring 1: 48, +30 P stays in hospital
Weak Necklace 2: 91, 40 P
Weak Earring: 32, 20 P
Weak Bracelet 3: 36, 20 P
Weak Ring 2: 63, 20 P

You wake up in the morning feeling refreshed. You yawn and stretch, ready to get on with your day.

"Makoto, I would like you to meet the third person I've found. He is a few years older than you and Mizuno, but it is still important for you to know him."

"A boy this time, huh? Is he hot?"

"What? I do not know. It is not summer, so most likely not." What an irrelevant question, you think. "Just meet us at the abandoned house after school. I will have Mizuno be there as well."

"I suppose you are a cat…alright, I'll come." She seems to find your answer funny. You will have to find out why; perhaps there is a cultural reference you are missing.

You require more metal, if you are to continue crafting. After all, if you take much more from the house it will fall apart. You have noticed this era uses a lot of metal, and as humans are detestable in their own ways, they must waste a significant amount. Thus you search for a waste disposal area, which will surely have enough metal in it.

Search Roll: 68, Req 40 = Success

It takes a few hours of wandering, but you think you have found what you were looking for.

You enter a building, hidden, and watch in awe at the huge mounds of trash being put into a huge machine. Once in there, it moves through a large metal grate, and is completely incinerated.

If you could harness this power for warfare… burning entire armies to shrieking wrecks of pain… you internally grin contently. At some point you will find the time to discover how this works.

You notice the piles of garbage waiting to be put in the incinerator, and there is indeed metal inside. this is what you came for.

You wrinkle your nose in disgust at the smell in this place. Perhaps you will not personally retrieve the metal.

You call your cats to you and they obediently come. You have slightly over a dozen sneak into the plant and take metal objects from the piles, splitting ways and taking them back to the abandoned house's basement to avoid suspicion.

It is mostly low quality metal, but metal is metal, you suppose. You will not have any metal troubles for a while now. Whenever you run low, you will just have some of your time cats steal metal from here.

One problem solved, you go to Mizuno's condo. When Mizuno arrives from after school, you motion her into an alleyway so you can talk.

"I have found another person to join us in our fight against the monsters. I would like you to meet him."

"Okay. Will you be able to teach me more magic today?" Mizuno asks hopefully. It seems she is interested in learning more magic. It reminds you of the Witch-king, in a way, as he was an adept student of the Black Arts as well. Except she has far more potential due to her own power reserves.

"I am afraid not. There is not enough time to, since as I believe you have that Cram School," you say the truth regretfully. But if she purposely gives up cram school–something she feels is very important if her actions the other night mean anything–for magic, then she will fall even deeper into your clutches.

"I see. Do you have any books I could read from?"

"Not yet." You pause. "I should go; we do not want to be late. Do you remember the way to the abandoned house I trained you at?"

"Yes," Mizuno replies then confirms the address.

"Good. Goodbye." You leap away to Chiba's house.

You get in his apartment by ringing his doorbell this time.

"What is it?" Chiba asks.

"Chiba, I would like you to meet the other two I have recruited."

"That would be the 'Bellas' I saw during the first attack?"

"Yes. I have also found one more, but she has no experience in fighting. In any case, I believe she will do fine. She has proven to be adept at the last magic spell I showed her."

"I suppose I'll come."

"Good. Follow me." You list the address of the abandoned house, then you travel there with him by bus.

Roll for Makoto and Ami not finding anything you hid: 66, Req 30, 40 = Success, no suspicion

First Impressions Makoto-Mamoru: 5, Req 30, 60 = Bad

First Impressions Ami-Mamoru: 86, Req 30, 60 = Good

Entering the room, you can see Mizuno and Makoto speaking to each other.

"Greetings. This is Chiba Mamoru, and these are Mizuno Ami and Kino Makoto." You point each of them out.

"Just little girls…" Chiba mutters, but not inaudibly to you.

"They are the same age as that Sailor Moon girl, and with my training will be much safer," you whisper back. He does not respond.

The three of them sit at the table and start chatting. At first it is safe topics, such as the weather and their various hobbies. You do not really care to listen, but they seem to be bonding. Well, Mizuno and Chiba at least. Makoto does not seem to like him very much.

"I'm surprised that a girl like you would like both feminine hobbies and yet still get into fights," Chiba remarks.

"What's that supposed to mean? You're so condescending."

"Just that I'm surprised, that's all."

Before Makoto can reply back, Mizuno asks Chiba what he thinks of something, which causes Makoto to look at her in confusion.

Before long, the topic of conversation is back on fighting.

"So as the only one who has actually fought the monsters I should be in charge here," Makoto insists.

"Ah… I guess I forgot to tell you. I'm Tuxedo Mask." Makoto looks at him in surprise.

"Maybe you should have told us that earlier!"

"Who is Tuxedo Mask?" Mizuno asks quizzically, having missed the first fight.

"He showed up in our first fight and interfered."

"I was just saving Sailor Moon. I don't exactly get a choice, you know. Besides, little girls shouldn't have to get in fights."

"You think I'm little?" Makoto stands up and towers over him. "I'm better than you in a fight."

"I don't want to fight."

"Why? Are you scared of a 'little girl'?"

"No. I don't even have a choice in fighting; I have to save Sailor Moon. There is no reason to fight you at all."

"Maybe there is."

"Uh… I've got to get to cram school! Bye Mako, bye Mamoru!" Ami runs out of the building. You let her go; if your subordinates do decide to fight then she does not need to be here as you would only have to protect her from collateral damage.

"There isn't." Chiba stands up.

"Then we should go," Makoto says, "we have no reason to stay now". The three of you leave, with Makoto sending annoyed glances at Chiba as he follows along.

"What? This is the way to the closest bus stop."

When the three of you reach the bus, a rock hits Chiba directly on the head.

"Oh I'm so sor–oh it's you," the girl says, and when you look over, you see Usagi. Strange, she looks very different in civilian form than as Sailor Moon. It is more than just the outfit.

"Watch where you're throwing things, Bun Head."

"Hey! It's not my fault the bus dropped me off at the wrong stop!" She stomps off away from the bus stop, regardless of the fact she could have just stayed and caught the next bus. Such an irrational girl.

Makoto and Chiba sit away from each other on the bus, not speaking another word to each other this day. A little rivalry among subordinates is good, but you do plan on making them be able to work together. At least they are not orcs so you do not have to worry about them killing each other.

+290 P

Choose 3
[] Sleep without going out this night. If you go too many days without this you may get tired.

[] Forge something. Choose any combination and however many you want.
-[] Morgul-blade: A dagger than when strikes someone, slowly reaches heart even if not lethal wound. Turns victim into a wraith. Costs 10 P
-[] Minor Ring of Power: Increases the wearer's strengths and weaknesses. Costs 50 P
-[] Great Ring of Power: On par with the Nine, greatly increases wearer's strengths and weaknesses. Costs 200 P
-[] Energy Absorbing Stone: Absorbs energy from any human who touches it. Costs 5 P
-[] Weaker Variant Stone: Absorbs less than half of the normal stone's energy. Costs 5 P
-[] Sword: Magic sword that's blade never dulls. Costs 10 P
-[] Bow: Magic bow that's arrows fly true and far. Costs 10 P
-[] Shining Armor: Armor that inspires loyalty and inspiration to all who see it. It is unnaturally strong. Costs 15 P
-[] Terrifying Armor: Powerful and unnaturally strong armor that inspires terror in all who see it. Costs 15 P
-[] Shield: A magic shield that is unnaturally strong. Costs 10 P
-[] Mace: A magic mace that will never break and can crush with more force than it would seem. Costs 10 P

[] Hand out Energy Absorbing Stones. (Currently have: 0)
-[] How many?
-[] Observe local gift packaging, wrap the stones up as anonymous gifts and deliver them disguised as a taciturn postman.
-[] Write-in how

[] Search for another of the youma.
-[] Optional: Go to the group of cats to see if they found anything.

[] Search for another of the unusually powerful people.
-[] Specifically search for Luna.
-[] Specifically search for Sailor Moon.
-[] Search for someone else.

[] Visit the shrine maiden.
-[] Try to recruit her.
-[] Kill her.
-[] Write-in.
-[] Optional: Go to her grandfather instead, as he also has power.
-[] Optional: Go in your Annatar form.

[] Teach Makoto magic at the abandoned house.
-[] Inspire Fear
-[] Illusion
-[] Lightning (more powerful than fire)
-[] Practice Magic Blast
-[] Practice Fire
-[] Practice Brawling (Involves you shape shifting into a human)
-[] Practice Block
-[] Write-in

[] Teach Ami magic at the abandoned house.
-[] Inspire Fear
-[] Illusion
-[] Fire
-[] Hand-to-hand combat. (Makoto teaches)
-[] Practice Magic Blast
-[] Practice Block
-[] Write-in

[] Teach Mamoru magic at the abandoned house
-[] Inspire Fear
-[] Illusion
-[] Magic Blast
-[] Hand-to-hand combat. (Makoto teaches)
-[] Write-in

[] Write a book of Black Magic for Ami. You will still need to manually teach her magic abilities.
-[] Optional: Skip the parts she would find detestable, such as torture and human sacrifices.

[] Invest Will in one of your allies. It will help you control them, but may give them insight into your true being. Will roll to see if they agree to this.
-[] Makoto
-[] Ami
-[] Mamoru

[] Get money.
-[] Rob a bank in cat form.
-[] Sell rocks disguised as gold.
-[] Burgle easily carried valuables from buildings
-[] Write-in

[] Find people to join you in an organization. You will need manpower, just cats won't do.
-[] Optional: Name your organization.
-[] Put up signs advertising for a job working for a new business. You will have them show up to a meeting on a specific day later in the house.
-[] Find the poor and downtrodden, and have them work for you.
-[] Find an influencial/wealthy/powerful person in their twilight years who will be open to serving you, use compelling voice to convince them if neccessary.
-[] Write-in

[] Find a building to buy/rent as a base of operations. (Requires getting money first.)
-[] Optional: Have the homeless you have found move there. You will need to supply money to pay for their utilities.

[] Write-in
Adhoc vote count started by GilcuruLend on Mar 21, 2018 at 4:15 PM, finished with 325 posts and 9 votes.

  • [X] Visit the shrine maiden.
    -[X] Try to recruit her.
    [X] Write a book of Black Magic for Ami. You will still need to manually teach her magic abilities.
    -[X] Optional: Skip the parts she would find detestable, such as torture and human sacrifices.
    [X] Teach Ami magic at the abandoned house.
    -[X] Illusion
    [X] Forge something. Choose any combination and however many you want.
    -[X] Sword: Magic sword that's blade never dulls. Costs 10 P
    -[X] Shield: A magic shield that is unnaturally strong. Costs 10 P
    -[X] Shining Armor: Armor that inspires loyalty and inspiration to all who see it. It is unnaturally strong. Costs 15 P
    -[X] Weaker Variant Stone: Absorbs less than half of the normal stone's energy. Costs 5 P x10
    [X] Write a book of Black Magic for Ami. You will still need to manually teach her magic abilities.
    -[X] Optional: Skip the parts she would find detestable, such as torture and human sacrifices.
    [X] Search for another of the unusually powerful people.
    -[X] Search for someone else.
    [X] Teach Makoto magic at the abandoned house.
    -[X] Lightning (more powerful than fire)
    [X] Teach Ami magic at the abandoned house.
    -[X] Fire
    [X] Teach Mamoru magic at the abandoned house
    -[X] Magic Blast
    [x] Sleep without going out this night. If you go too many days without this you may get tired.
    [X] Visit the shrine maiden.
    -[X] Try to recruit her.
    --[x] take Ami and Makoto with you so they can attest to your trustworthiness
    [X] Write a book of Black Magic for Ami. You will still need to manually teach her magic abilities.
    -[X] Optional: Skip the parts she would find detestable, such as torture and human sacrifices.
    [X] Create Form: Sauron, The Abhorred
    -[X] Shift Form: Sauron, The Abhorred
    [X] Forge something. Choose any combination and however many you want. If it requires metal then +20 P to cost.
    -[X] Morgul-blade: A dagger than when strikes someone, slowly reaches heart even if not lethal wound. Turns victim into a wraith. Costs 10 P
    -[X] Great Ring if Power: On par with the Nine, greatly increases wearer's strengths and weaknesses. Costs 200 P
    -[X] Terrifying Armor: Powerful and unnaturally strong armor that inspires terror in all who see it. Costs 15 P
    [X] Visit the shrine maiden.
    -[X] Make her a wraith with the Morgul-blade. Pull all the stops. Wear the Terrifying Armor and the Great Ring of Power, wield the shield. Use illusion, inspire fear, and magic blast to prevent being hit, and beeline to your opponent(s). Bring the mace just in case.
    --[X] Kill her grandpa if he's there, with whatever. No witnesses, and it wouldn't do if he had a way to prevent Rei from becoming a wraith.
Last edited:
The plot is progressing at an awkwardly fast pace. Sauron and Mamoru get there, and not even (what I presume is,) a minute later, Ami has to go to cram school.
The plot is progressing at an awkwardly fast pace. Sauron and Mamoru get there, and not even (what I presume is,) a minute later, Ami has to go to cram school.
I guess I may rewrite it to make more sense. But I'm definitely not a writer-I don't even know why I'm making this quest. And I'm not good with social interactions. IRL I just talk and the conversation is over what feels like like a minute later but half an hour has passed so I guess my writing reflects that.
[X] Forge something. Choose any combination and however many you want.
-[X] Sword: Magic sword that's blade never dulls. Costs 10 P
-[X] Shield: A magic shield that is unnaturally strong. Costs 10 P
-[X] Shining Armor: Armor that inspires loyalty and inspiration to all who see it. It is unnaturally strong. Costs 15 P
-[X] Weaker Variant Stone: Absorbs less than half of the normal stone's energy. Costs 5 P x10

[X] Write a book of Black Magic for Ami. You will still need to manually teach her magic abilities.
-[X] Optional: Skip the parts she would find detestable, such as torture and human sacrifices.

[X] Search for another of the unusually powerful people.
-[X] Search for someone else.

We have 2/5 of the Senshi, Luna has 1/5, 1/5 is currently hostile. Lets go find the last one.
Also make the standard kit
I guess I may rewrite it to make more sense. But I'm definitely not a writer-I don't even know why I'm making this quest. And I'm not good with social interactions. IRL I just talk and the conversation is over what feels like like a minute later but half an hour has passed so I guess my writing reflects that.
That's alright. The best way to do it is to first imagine the entire scene actually taking place. Writing is merely a way of giving the readers information; writing is meant to communicate the "image" of what's happening. For an improvement to that scene, you could rehash it and add some snippets between dialogue, describing broader activites. An example of what you could insert here:

Your 'servants' then talk for several minutes. You stand there, your head going from one person to another as they speak, but you barely pay attention. They talk about things that do not concern or interest you that much, like their hobbies or likes and dislikes. The time passes quickly and before long, Ami says: "Uh… I've got to get to cram school! Bye Mako, bye Mamoru!"

It's just an example, but it does help paint an otherwise synthetic text.

Having said all of that, I'm not complaining. I am actually enjoying this Quest greatly.
[X] Teach Makoto magic at the abandoned house.
-[X] Lightning (more powerful than fire)
[X] Teach Ami magic at the abandoned house.
-[X] Fire
[X] Teach Mamoru magic at the abandoned house
-[X] Magic Blast
[X] Visit the shrine maiden.
-[X] Try to recruit her.

Let's try to reason with her. We just need to pass the roll. I don't think she will cause problem afterwards since at that point she would be convinced we do the right thing. If roll fails, we get rid of her a next turn.

[X] Write a book of Black Magic for Ami. You will still need to manually teach her magic abilities.
-[X] Optional: Skip the parts she would find detestable, such as torture and human sacrifices.

[X] Teach Ami magic at the abandoned house.
-[X] Illusion

We can invest a little bit effort in Ami as she shown interest in Learning.
[X] Visit the shrine maiden.
-[X] Try to recruit her.

[X] Write a book of Black Magic for Ami. You will still need to manually teach her magic abilities.
-[X] Optional: Skip the parts she would find detestable, such as torture and human sacrifices.

[X] Teach Ami magic at the abandoned house.
-[X] Illusion
[x] Sleep without going out this night. If you go too many days without this you may get tired.
[x] Visit the shrine maiden.
-[x] Try to recruit her.
--[x] take Ami and Makoto with you so they can attest to your trustworthiness
[X] Write a book of Black Magic for Ami. You will still need to manually teach her magic abilities.
-[X] Optional: Skip the parts she would find detestable, such as torture and human sacrifices.
our chances of recruiting the shrine maiden go way up if she has more than our word to go on that we're not up to something
our chances of recruiting the shrine maiden go way up if she has more than our word to go on that we're not up to something
She might be able to convince our current followers about us being a bad guy, so it's better to keep her isolated until she is convinced about our trustworthiness. This is tricky, as it requires a high roll, but we need to give it a try.
Also, so far no one knows we can shapeshift, hence we shouldn't use Anatar form, which reduces what we can do even more.
I don't get why we should vote to sleep in tonight. Sauron doesn't need to sleep every night. He could probably remain at peak efficiency if we'd have him sleep one in every 3 nights.
I've made some edits to the chapter. No major impacts though, just smoothing it out.
Adhoc vote count started by GilcuruLend on Mar 20, 2018 at 11:21 PM, finished with 322 posts and 7 votes.

  • [X] Visit the shrine maiden.
    -[X] Try to recruit her.
    [X] Write a book of Black Magic for Ami. You will still need to manually teach her magic abilities.
    -[X] Optional: Skip the parts she would find detestable, such as torture and human sacrifices.
    [X] Teach Ami magic at the abandoned house.
    -[X] Illusion
    [X] Forge something. Choose any combination and however many you want.
    -[X] Sword: Magic sword that's blade never dulls. Costs 10 P
    -[X] Shield: A magic shield that is unnaturally strong. Costs 10 P
    -[X] Shining Armor: Armor that inspires loyalty and inspiration to all who see it. It is unnaturally strong. Costs 15 P
    -[X] Weaker Variant Stone: Absorbs less than half of the normal stone's energy. Costs 5 P x10
    [X] Write a book of Black Magic for Ami. You will still need to manually teach her magic abilities.
    -[X] Optional: Skip the parts she would find detestable, such as torture and human sacrifices.
    [X] Search for another of the unusually powerful people.
    -[X] Search for someone else.
    [X] Teach Makoto magic at the abandoned house.
    -[X] Lightning (more powerful than fire)
    [X] Teach Ami magic at the abandoned house.
    -[X] Fire
    [X] Teach Mamoru magic at the abandoned house
    -[X] Magic Blast
    [x] Sleep without going out this night. If you go too many days without this you may get tired.
    [X] Visit the shrine maiden.
    -[X] Try to recruit her.
    --[x] take Ami and Makoto with you so they can attest to your trustworthiness
    [X] Write a book of Black Magic for Ami. You will still need to manually teach her magic abilities.
    -[X] Optional: Skip the parts she would find detestable, such as torture and human sacrifices.
    [X] Create Form: Sauron, The Abhorred
    -[X] Shift Form: Sauron, The Abhorred
    [X] Forge something. Choose any combination and however many you want. If it requires metal then +20 P to cost.
    -[X] Morgul-blade: A dagger than when strikes someone, slowly reaches heart even if not lethal wound. Turns victim into a wraith. Costs 10 P
    -[X] Great Ring if Power: On par with the Nine, greatly increases wearer's strengths and weaknesses. Costs 200 P
    -[X] Terrifying Armor: Powerful and unnaturally strong armor that inspires terror in all who see it. Costs 15 P
    [X] Visit the shrine maiden.
    -[X] Make her a wraith with the Morgul-blade. Pull all the stops. Wear the Terrifying Armor and the Great Ring of Power, wield the shield. Use illusion, inspire fear, and magic blast to prevent being hit, and beeline to your opponent(s). Bring the mace just in case.
    --[X] Kill her grandpa if he's there, with whatever. No witnesses, and it wouldn't do if he had a way to prevent Rei from becoming a wraith.

Adhoc vote count started by GilcuruLend on Mar 21, 2018 at 8:39 AM, finished with 325 posts and 9 votes.

  • [X] Visit the shrine maiden.
    -[X] Try to recruit her.
    [X] Write a book of Black Magic for Ami. You will still need to manually teach her magic abilities.
    -[X] Optional: Skip the parts she would find detestable, such as torture and human sacrifices.
    [X] Teach Ami magic at the abandoned house.
    -[X] Illusion
    [X] Forge something. Choose any combination and however many you want.
    -[X] Sword: Magic sword that's blade never dulls. Costs 10 P
    -[X] Shield: A magic shield that is unnaturally strong. Costs 10 P
    -[X] Shining Armor: Armor that inspires loyalty and inspiration to all who see it. It is unnaturally strong. Costs 15 P
    -[X] Weaker Variant Stone: Absorbs less than half of the normal stone's energy. Costs 5 P x10
    [X] Write a book of Black Magic for Ami. You will still need to manually teach her magic abilities.
    -[X] Optional: Skip the parts she would find detestable, such as torture and human sacrifices.
    [X] Search for another of the unusually powerful people.
    -[X] Search for someone else.
    [X] Teach Makoto magic at the abandoned house.
    -[X] Lightning (more powerful than fire)
    [X] Teach Ami magic at the abandoned house.
    -[X] Fire
    [X] Teach Mamoru magic at the abandoned house
    -[X] Magic Blast
    [x] Sleep without going out this night. If you go too many days without this you may get tired.
    [X] Visit the shrine maiden.
    -[X] Try to recruit her.
    --[x] take Ami and Makoto with you so they can attest to your trustworthiness
    [X] Write a book of Black Magic for Ami. You will still need to manually teach her magic abilities.
    -[X] Optional: Skip the parts she would find detestable, such as torture and human sacrifices.
    [X] Create Form: Sauron, The Abhorred
    -[X] Shift Form: Sauron, The Abhorred
    [X] Forge something. Choose any combination and however many you want. If it requires metal then +20 P to cost.
    -[X] Morgul-blade: A dagger than when strikes someone, slowly reaches heart even if not lethal wound. Turns victim into a wraith. Costs 10 P
    -[X] Great Ring if Power: On par with the Nine, greatly increases wearer's strengths and weaknesses. Costs 200 P
    -[X] Terrifying Armor: Powerful and unnaturally strong armor that inspires terror in all who see it. Costs 15 P
    [X] Visit the shrine maiden.
    -[X] Make her a wraith with the Morgul-blade. Pull all the stops. Wear the Terrifying Armor and the Great Ring of Power, wield the shield. Use illusion, inspire fear, and magic blast to prevent being hit, and beeline to your opponent(s). Bring the mace just in case.
    --[X] Kill her grandpa if he's there, with whatever. No witnesses, and it wouldn't do if he had a way to prevent Rei from becoming a wraith.
[X] Visit the shrine maiden.
-[X] Try to recruit her.

[X] Write a book of Black Magic for Ami. You will still need to manually teach her magic abilities.
-[X] Optional: Skip the parts she would find detestable, such as torture and human sacrifices.

[X] Teach Ami magic at the abandoned house.
-[X] Illusion
[X] Create Form: Sauron, The Abhorred
-[X] Shift Form: Sauron, The Abhorred
[X] Forge something. Choose any combination and however many you want. If it requires metal then +20 P to cost.
-[X] Morgul-blade: A dagger than when strikes someone, slowly reaches heart even if not lethal wound. Turns victim into a wraith. Costs 10 P
-[X] Great Ring if Power: On par with the Nine, greatly increases wearer's strengths and weaknesses. Costs 200 P
-[X] Terrifying Armor: Powerful and unnaturally strong armor that inspires terror in all who see it. Costs 15 P
[X] Visit the shrine maiden.
-[X] Make her a wraith with the Morgul-blade. Pull all the stops. Wear the Terrifying Armor and the Great Ring of Power, wield the shield. Use illusion, inspire fear, and magic blast to prevent being hit, and beeline to your opponent(s). Bring the mace just in case.
--[X] Kill her grandpa if he's there, with whatever. No witnesses, and it wouldn't do if he had a way to prevent Rei from becoming a wraith.

Rei is still on my Rei-dar. She wins the Darwin award for attacking the cat trying to be civilized with human-speak.
[X] Visit the shrine maiden.
-[X] Try to recruit her.
[X] Write a book of Black Magic for Ami. You will still need to manually teach her magic abilities.
-[X] Optional: Skip the parts she would find detestable, such as torture and human sacrifices.
[X] Teach Ami magic at the abandoned house.
-[X] Illusion
[X] Forge something. Choose any combination and however many you want.
-[X] Sword: Magic sword that's blade never dulls. Costs 10 P
-[X] Shield: A magic shield that is unnaturally strong. Costs 10 P
-[X] Shining Armor: Armor that inspires loyalty and inspiration to all who see it. It is unnaturally strong. Costs 15 P
-[X] Weaker Variant Stone: Absorbs less than half of the normal stone's energy. Costs 5 P x10

[X] Write a book of Black Magic for Ami. You will still need to manually teach her magic abilities.
-[X] Optional: Skip the parts she would find detestable, such as torture and human sacrifices.

[X] Search for another of the unusually powerful people.
-[X] Search for someone else.