RPG section chosen first.
Vote closed. And the winner is:

[X] Begin the RPG section of the quest first.

Now that that's out of the way, one more vote before we get into the real "meat" of the quest.

Where will the Nexus portal send you?

[] Original setting made by the QM.

[] An existing setting.
-If this wins, can someone roll me a D4?
Innocence. (AKA, what I expected us to be like)"]You walked. You walked and walked, away
The one who walked away

You are Miranda Browning, and you have been walking for so long. For at least four weeks you've trudged along, walking forward, away from your home. You don't really know where you're going. You just have this... Feeling, like you know you'll end up somewhere better than Omelas. It seemed crazy at first, but, you've just followed that feeling, and it hasn't ended with your death... Yet-


You hear a strange noise, almost like a door trying to slide open, only for something to block it. You turn towards the source of the house and spot... Well, at one point you would have called it a building. But now? A ruin fits it's description better, you think. Every piece of it is covered with large vines, and every piece of metal is completely rusted. The door tries to open itself, only to immediately close.

What in the world... You'd think the door was automated, but, with the building looking in such disrepair, the door shouldn't even be able open itself. You slowly walk towards the building, while trying your best to see what's past the door and see... A perfectly clean white floor? You grab the door, stopping it, before stepping in and-


"Ah, hello there visitor @#*:+ Error! Error! Unable to to check visitor data! Data files corrupted! Cleaning date filed... Data files cleaned. Ninety five percent of the data sorted in the data files were to corrupted to save... Welcome visitor 0000000001 to Chimera facility 50123. We hope you have a pleasant day." You hear a robotic voice say.

... What? "Who's there?" You question, looking around, gripping your head in confusion as you stumble around for a bit.

"Ah, sorry 0000000001. Nausea is part of the transportation process. I apologize for the inconvenience." The robot voice continues.

"Transportation process?" You question the voice, regaining your balance, before looking up and seeing a screen with a large green figure on it.

"Yes, you were just transported from you reality into this facility's pocket reality. I am quite sorry for the inconvenience." The voice explains to you.

"Pocket reality? You mean I'm not on Earth anymore? Well... That's... Different." You say.

"Yes. And, once again, I am sorry for the inconvenience." The robot apologies.

"So... You're a... A.I., right? Do you have some sort of designation?" You question it, before looking around the rest of the room you're in. It's the same white color as the floor and just as clean. You've heard the old expansion "could eat off it, it's so clean", and, for some reason, you feel like you could eat off the floor and walls,

"Ah, yes, my designation is 1-2-A-Boe. But, if that is to long to replicate, you can simply call me Boe." 'Boe' states.

"Okay then Boe... So... What exactly do you... Uh, do hear?" You question it.

"I am the administrative A.I. of this facility, designed to help the director in any of their objectives or desires." Boe explains, the green figure on the screen being replaced by diagram of what you presume is this facility.

"Uh... Well, I imagine your director doesn't want someone interrupting them, so, I'll just be on my-" You being to say, before Boe interrupts you.

"I am sorry, but the entrance way to your reality has unfortunately shut down thanks to an unknown error. You will have to wait until the director fixes this error." Boe explain, a picture of the door you came from appearing on the screen, smoking and fizzing...

"Uh... Alright then, can I speak to the director?" You ask the A.I.

"... Searching... Searching... Oh dear..." Boe says, the screen going blank.

"What?" You question, slowly taking a step back.

"The director is deceased." Boe slowly states after a few moments. "... Well, this is most unfortunate."

"... Dead? And... Let me guess, only the director could fix the error? So... There's no way out at the moment, righ?" You sigh.

"... There is a solution. One you... May or may not like." Boe hesitantly says.

"What?" You question it.

"... I do have the ability to transfer the title to someone else in the case of the directors death... Becoming the director of this facility will allow you to remove the error and return to your reality... Along with having access to all the resources and equipment that this facility has to offer." Boe explains hesitantly.

"... Well, since I imagine that it's the only way out... Fine." You sigh.

"Ah, excellent. Just one moment... Updating files... Welcome, director, there are currently 5,919 errors awaiting correction." Boe states happily.

"... This is going to take a while, a long while..." You let out a tired sigh. Seems you've got your work cut out for you.


"Director Browning, are you ready to begin fixing the errors and data corruptions?" Boe asks you excitedly.

Boe had explained to you where your "new quarters" were located, a spacious office where everything was the same exact white color... Really, what was the previous director's fascination with the color white?

"Yes Boe. So, what's the first problem I need to fix?" You ask the A.I.

"Ah, this facility runs off a special generator that uses a rare type of crystal as a catalyst. Sadly, no extra crystals exist on this facility at the current time, and the one that's currently being used to power the facility has slowly cracked over the years, causing the power output of the generator to decrease, only allowing enough power to be produced for the primary systems of the facility to remain online and one of the "Nexus portals" to remain activatable." The A.I. explains.

"Nexus portals?" You question it.

"Ah, your reality was not the only reality connected to this facility. It is simply one of the many Nexus portals that has had errors happen to them that has caused them to cease working correctly." It explains to you.

"Okay then... And, since I imagine that there's no other crystals that can help produce energy around here, I'm going to have to use one of the Nexus portals to find another one, right?" You question it.

"Correct. But, before you go off on an adventure to start fixing this facility, there a few problems that can be fixed before you find a replacement crystal." Boe informs you.

"Such as?" You ask it.


Choose what to do:

[] Begin the RPG section of the quest first.
-You will go into a Nexus portal to find a replacement crystal to help power the facility and eventually get home.
[] Begin the CK2 section of the quest first.
-You will begun turn one attempting to fix any problems the facility has that you can fix without the crystal. Who knows what exactly those could be?


Sorry if this isn't great. I'm bad at openings. Really need to practice writing openings sometime.
First Omake done, for your perusal.
You walked. You walked and walked, away from Omelas, away from everything you've ever known. You climbed The Mountains, fell a few times, but everytime You managed to stopped bouncing and dislodged any uncomfortable pebbles, you started climbing again1​. You are Miranda Browning, and you have no idea where you are going. What you do know, is that you have to go, that you can't just live off of someone's suffering, that there is another place you need to be.

So, you walked. Your arms and legs have adopted a very unpleasant burn, like that of exercise excelt without the nice endorphin rush, but you kept going. It atleast took your mind off your stomach, hunger having grown into a pit you've never felt before. You have by now gotten out of the mountains into some forest, and were considering looking for some berries as you walked, when you heard a hissing sound. You turned towards and found... what might be a building. The general form is there, but there are far more holes and fallen parts than you have ever seen in a building, not to mention its covered in plantlife growing freely. Looking at it, you recalled what would happen to Omelas if one broke the Cardinal Rule2​, and wondered if this used to be part of it's own city, before someone showed kindness to their Opfern3​. On its front face was a metal door attempting to slide shut, but kept getting stuck before reopening. It was the source of the noise. Curious, you drew closer. On the other side of the door was not the fallen apart room you can clearly see through a hole in the wall, but rather a pure white room, walls and floor and ceiling softly glowing providing ambient lighting without a particular source.

You step through the door way and almost fall over as you are immediately hit with a massive bout of dizziness and it feels like your stomach is trying to jump out of your throat. As you stumble against the wall taking deep breaths a robotic voice chimes in. "Ah, hello there visitor @#*:+ Error! Error! Unable to to check visitor data! Data files corrupted! Cleaning date filed... Data files cleaned. Ninety five percent of the data sorted in the data files were to corrupted to save... Welcome visitor 0000000001 to Chimera facility 50123. We hope you have a pleasant day."

"What? Who are you?" You asked, slowly regaining your balance.

"Ah, sorry 0000000001. Nausea is part of the transportation process. I apologize for the inconvenience." The robot voice continues.

"Transportation process?" You questioned the voice, finally managing to depart from the wall without tipping over, before looking up and seeing a screen with a large green figure on it.

"Yes, you were just transported from you reality into this facility's pocket reality. I am quite sorry for the inconvenience." The voice explains to you.

That caused you to blink in surprise. "You guys managed to create a pocket dimension? Those are only theoretical back home."

"Yes, the Chimera Corporation has managed to invent many technologies under the direction of our esteemed Director." The voice replied

You perk up. "Ooo, I would love to hear how that works." You say eagerly, before pulling yourself short. "But oh, where are my manners. I'm Miranda Browning, it's nice to meet you! What's your name? Are you an AI?"

"Indeed I am. My designation is 1-2-A-Boe. But, if that is to long to replicate, you can simply call me Boe."

"Nice to meet you Boe!" You happily chirp. "May I speak to this Director?"

"... Searching... Searching... Oh dear..." Boe says, the screen going blank.

"What is it?" You ask, wondering what is causing him distress.

"The director is deceased." Boe slowly states after a few moments. "... Well, this is most unfortunate."

"What's deceased?" You ask.4​

"It means Dead." He answered. You do not reply, waiting for further explanation, and after a moment he continues "He passed away? He's expired and gone to meet his maker? He rests in peace? He's pushing up daisies? He's kicked the bucket? He's shuffled off his mortal coil, run down the curtain and joined the invisible?" You understood the 'rests in peace' bit, but you don't understand what sleeping has to do with everything else. Probably seeing your continued non-understanding, he tryes again. "He's, uh, gone away, and won't be coming back."

"Ah, like me!" You say, it suddenly making sense. You aren't sure how those various euphemisms worked in regards to Walking Away, but you can understand how that would make it hard to talk to him

"... Sure. Anyways, he is as such unavailable, and unfortunately the door back to your home has broken, and only the Administrator could fix it. I apologize for this inconvenience."

You shrugged. "That's fine. I'm pretty sure this is where I was supposed to go.5​ Is there anything I can do to help?"

"... I do have the ability to transfer the title to someone else in the case of the directors death... Becoming the director of this facility will allow you to fix the error which barred the door... Along with having access to all the resources and equipment that this facility has to offer." Boe explains hesitantly.

"Sure thing. I'm happy to help." You told him happily. "Plus, that sounds like it'd let me see what files you have on interdimensional teleportation. I am really quite curious as to how you solved the Frara Paradox."

"... You know what the Frara Paradox is, but you don't know what death is?" Boe asked in confusion6​, but before you could respond. "Oh, you are from Omelas, aren't you." You nod. "Luckily I still have a file on them. That would explain things. Excellent. Just one moment... Updating files... Welcome, director, there are currently 5,919 errors awaiting correction." Boe states happily.

You blinked in surprise at the sheer number. "Guess I better get to work." Your stomach then decided to remind you how you haven't eaten in several days. "Oh, and may I have some food while I work?"


"Director Browning, are you ready to begin fixing the errors and data corruptions?" Boe asks you excitedly after you finished your meal.

Boe had explained to you where your "new quarters" were located, a spacious office where everything was the same exact white color... Really, what was the previous director's fascination with the color white?

"Yes Boe. So, what's the first problem I need to fix?" You ask the A.I.

"Ah, this facility runs off a special generator that uses a rare type of crystal as a catalyst. Sadly, no extra crystals exist on this facility at the current time, and the one that's currently being used to power the facility has slowly cracked over the years, causing the power output of the generator to decrease, only allowing enough power to be produced for the primary systems of the facility to remain online and one of the "Nexus portals" to remain activatable." The A.I. explains.

"Nexus portals?" You question it.

"Ah, your reality was not the only reality connected to this facility. It is simply one of the many Nexus portals that has had errors happen to them that has caused them to cease working correctly." It explains to you.

"Okay then... And, since I imagine that there's no other crystals that can help produce energy around here, I'm going to have to use one of the Nexus portals to find another one, right?" You question it.

"Correct. But, before you go off on an adventure to start fixing this facility, there a few problems that can be fixed before you find a replacement crystal." Boe informs you.

"Such as?" You ask it.

1​ The people of Omelas are built tough, so that any incidental accidents (such as falling off cliffs and tumbling down mountainsides) do not cause harm or woe. Now kids can fall off giant trees and slam head-first into the ground all they want, and only get dirt in their face for it.

2​ The City of Omelas does not have many rules. Most of the ones it does, is centered around the Opfern3​, and should anyone break these rules, all of Omelas would fall into ruin within an hour and a day.

3​ Figured there should be some special word for the Forsaken Child kept in the basement, so used the german word for Sacrifice. Sounds like a good word.

4​ Death presumably does not exist within Omelas. For that would detract from it from being a Paradise free of woe and sadness. The only one who might die is the Opfern5​, and I don't imagine the process of replacing him is much talked about.

5​ Those who walk away know they are going somewhere, they feel a calling within them. So for Miranda, this could be what she felt calling her.

6​ He was thinking we were simple and uneducated, rather unable to help out repair the facility, which was why he was surprised to find out we actually are pretty darn smart. It's just we are from Omelas, we do not have what we do not need, and that includes a familiarity with war and death and the like.
What I think is a MAJOR point, is we are from Omelas, the city of happiness. Where we are from, happiness is the default emotion. That is part of what I was referring to when I was thinking of maturity. Like the author says in his story, in modern times we associate with simple and pure happiness with childishness, but that is not the case in Omelas. They find beauty and wonder in everything, and are happy by default. Such an innocent joy and wonder of the world, curiosity and interest and a lack of pessimism and fear, was something I was expecting us to have but was surprised to see not be the case.
First Omake done, for your perusal.
You walked. You walked and walked, away from Omelas, away from everything you've ever known. You climbed The Mountains, fell a few times, but everytime You managed to stopped bouncing and dislodged any uncomfortable pebbles, you started climbing again1​. You are Miranda Browning, and you have no idea where you are going. What you do know, is that you have to go, that you can't just live off of someone's suffering, that there is another place you need to be.

So, you walked. Your arms and legs have adopted a very unpleasant burn, like that of exercise excelt without the nice endorphin rush, but you kept going. It atleast took your mind off your stomach, hunger having grown into a pit you've never felt before. You have by now gotten out of the mountains into some forest, and were considering looking for some berries as you walked, when you heard a hissing sound. You turned towards and found... what might be a building. The general form is there, but there are far more holes and fallen parts than you have ever seen in a building, not to mention its covered in plantlife growing freely. Looking at it, you recalled what would happen to Omelas if one broke the Cardinal Rule2​, and wondered if this used to be part of it's own city, before someone showed kindness to their Opfern3​. On its front face was a metal door attempting to slide shut, but kept getting stuck before reopening. It was the source of the noise. Curious, you drew closer. On the other side of the door was not the fallen apart room you can clearly see through a hole in the wall, but rather a pure white room, walls and floor and ceiling softly glowing providing ambient lighting without a particular source.

You step through the door way and almost fall over as you are immediately hit with a massive bout of dizziness and it feels like your stomach is trying to jump out of your throat. As you stumble against the wall taking deep breaths a robotic voice chimes in. "Ah, hello there visitor @#*:+ Error! Error! Unable to to check visitor data! Data files corrupted! Cleaning date filed... Data files cleaned. Ninety five percent of the data sorted in the data files were to corrupted to save... Welcome visitor 0000000001 to Chimera facility 50123. We hope you have a pleasant day."

"What? Who are you?" You asked, slowly regaining your balance.

"Ah, sorry 0000000001. Nausea is part of the transportation process. I apologize for the inconvenience." The robot voice continues.

"Transportation process?" You questioned the voice, finally managing to depart from the wall without tipping over, before looking up and seeing a screen with a large green figure on it.

"Yes, you were just transported from you reality into this facility's pocket reality. I am quite sorry for the inconvenience." The voice explains to you.

That caused you to blink in surprise. "You guys managed to create a pocket dimension? Those are only theoretical back home."

"Yes, the Chimera Corporation has managed to invent many technologies under the direction of our esteemed Director." The voice replied

You perk up. "Ooo, I would love to hear how that works." You say eagerly, before pulling yourself short. "But oh, where are my manners. I'm Miranda Browning, it's nice to meet you! What's your name? Are you an AI?"

"Indeed I am. My designation is 1-2-A-Boe. But, if that is to long to replicate, you can simply call me Boe."

"Nice to meet you Boe!" You happily chirp. "May I speak to this Director?"

"... Searching... Searching... Oh dear..." Boe says, the screen going blank.

"What is it?" You ask, wondering what is causing him distress.

"The director is deceased." Boe slowly states after a few moments. "... Well, this is most unfortunate."

"What's deceased?" You ask.4​

"It means Dead." He answered. You do not reply, waiting for further explanation, and after a moment he continues "He passed away? He's expired and gone to meet his maker? He rests in peace? He's pushing up daisies? He's kicked the bucket? He's shuffled off his mortal coil, run down the curtain and joined the invisible?" You understood the 'rests in peace' bit, but you don't understand what sleeping has to do with everything else. Probably seeing your continued non-understanding, he tryes again. "He's, uh, gone away, and won't be coming back."

"Ah, like me!" You say, it suddenly making sense. You aren't sure how those various euphemisms worked in regards to Walking Away, but you can understand how that would make it hard to talk to him

"... Sure. Anyways, he is as such unavailable, and unfortunately the door back to your home has broken, and only the Administrator could fix it. I apologize for this inconvenience."

You shrugged. "That's fine. I'm pretty sure this is where I was supposed to go.5​ Is there anything I can do to help?"

"... I do have the ability to transfer the title to someone else in the case of the directors death... Becoming the director of this facility will allow you to fix the error which barred the door... Along with having access to all the resources and equipment that this facility has to offer." Boe explains hesitantly.

"Sure thing. I'm happy to help." You told him happily. "Plus, that sounds like it'd let me see what files you have on interdimensional teleportation. I am really quite curious as to how you solved the Frara Paradox."

"... You know what the Frara Paradox is, but you don't know what death is?" Boe asked in confusion6​, but before you could respond. "Oh, you are from Omelas, aren't you." You nod. "Luckily I still have a file on them. That would explain things. Excellent. Just one moment... Updating files... Welcome, director, there are currently 5,919 errors awaiting correction." Boe states happily.

You blinked in surprise at the sheer number. "Guess I better get to work." Your stomach then decided to remind you how you haven't eaten in several days. "Oh, and may I have some food while I work?"


"Director Browning, are you ready to begin fixing the errors and data corruptions?" Boe asks you excitedly after you finished your meal.

Boe had explained to you where your "new quarters" were located, a spacious office where everything was the same exact white color... Really, what was the previous director's fascination with the color white?

"Yes Boe. So, what's the first problem I need to fix?" You ask the A.I.

"Ah, this facility runs off a special generator that uses a rare type of crystal as a catalyst. Sadly, no extra crystals exist on this facility at the current time, and the one that's currently being used to power the facility has slowly cracked over the years, causing the power output of the generator to decrease, only allowing enough power to be produced for the primary systems of the facility to remain online and one of the "Nexus portals" to remain activatable." The A.I. explains.

"Nexus portals?" You question it.

"Ah, your reality was not the only reality connected to this facility. It is simply one of the many Nexus portals that has had errors happen to them that has caused them to cease working correctly." It explains to you.

"Okay then... And, since I imagine that there's no other crystals that can help produce energy around here, I'm going to have to use one of the Nexus portals to find another one, right?" You question it.

"Correct. But, before you go off on an adventure to start fixing this facility, there a few problems that can be fixed before you find a replacement crystal." Boe informs you.

"Such as?" You ask it.

1​ The people of Omelas are built tough, so that any incidental accidents (such as falling off cliffs and tumbling down mountainsides) do not cause harm or woe. Now kids can fall off giant trees and slam head-first into the ground all they want, and only get dirt in their face for it.

2​ The City of Omelas does not have many rules. Most of the ones it does, is centered around the Opfern3​, and should anyone break these rules, all of Omelas would fall into ruin within an hour and a day.

3​ Figured there should be some special word for the Forsaken Child kept in the basement, so used the german word for Sacrifice. Sounds like a good word.

4​ Death presumably does not exist within Omelas. For that would detract from it from being a Paradise free of woe and sadness. The only one who might die is the Opfern5​, and I don't imagine the process of replacing him is much talked about.

5​ Those who walk away know they are going somewhere, they feel a calling within them. So for Miranda, this could be what she felt calling her.

6​ He was thinking we were simple and uneducated, rather unable to help out repair the facility, which was why he was surprised to find out we actually are pretty darn smart. It's just we are from Omelas, we do not have what we do not need, and that includes a familiarity with war and death and the like.
What I think is a MAJOR point, is we are from Omelas, the city of happiness. Where we are from, happiness is the default emotion. That is part of what I was referring to when I was thinking of maturity. Like the author says in his story, in modern times we associate with simple and pure happiness with childishness, but that is not the case in Omelas. They find beauty and wonder in everything, and are happy by default. Such an innocent joy and wonder of the world, curiosity and interest and a lack of pessimism and fear, was something I was expecting us to have but was surprised to see not be the case.

Wonderful omake! Just wonderful! And, since is the first omake of the quest and it's so well written, I'll let you choose between a few special options. But, first, I'll have to write up the list. Give me a sec...

Please put an O in your choice so your vote isn't overwritten:

[] +20 to any roll of your choosing.
[] You can select a single character from another setting to join the MC as a hero unit/advisor. I reserve the right to veto the character if they are to game-breaking.
[] +5 to any stat of your choosing, once I finish the MC's stats.
Please put an O in your choice so your vote isn't overwritten:

[] +20 to any roll of your choosing.
[] You can select a single character from another setting to join the MC as a hero unit/advisor. I reserve the right to veto the character if they are to game-breaking.
[] +5 to any stat of your choosing, once I finish the MC's stats.
May I hold off on deciding for a while, to see how the story is unfolding?
Hmm, interesting stuff for later, Miranda learning that the various luxuries she's familiar with turn out to be rather rare. Like, bathbombs and what not. Being of Omelas, she'll probably adapt, but it will be an adjustment period as she learns more and more of things that she considered common are actually not.

Anyways, @Habstab You going to do a vote for age?