Sauron in Tokyo (Lord of the Rings/Sailor Moon Merge)

[X] Plan: -20p from Onmyōdō? Rei you dodo.
-[X] Create Form: Sauron, The Abhorred
-[X] Shift Form: Sauron, The Abhorred
-[X] Forge something. Choose any combination and however many you want. If it requires metal then +20 P to cost.
--[X] Morgul-blade: A dagger than when strikes someone, slowly reaches heart even if not lethal wound. Turns victim into a wraith. Costs 10 P
--[X] Great Ring if Power: On par with the Nine, greatly increases wearer's strengths and weaknesses. Costs 200 P
--[X] Terrifying Armor: Powerful and unnaturally strong armor that inspires terror in all who see it. Costs 15 P
-[X] Visit the shrine maiden.
--[X] Make her a wraith with the Morgul-blade. Pull all the stops. Wear the Terrifying Armor and the Great Ring of Power, wield the shield. Use illusion, inspire fear, and magic blast to prevent being hit, and beeline to your opponent(s).Bring the mace just in case.
---[X] Kill her grandpa if he's there, with whatever. No witnesses, and it wouldn't do if he had a way to prevent Rei from becoming a wraith.
[x] Hand out Energy Absorbing Stones. (Currently have: 4)
-[x] all 4
-[x] Observe local gift packaging, wrap the stones up as anonymous gifts and deliver them disguised as a taciturn postman.
[X] Find people to join you in an organization. You will need manpower, just cats won't do.
-[X] Find the poor and downtrodden, and have them work for you.
[x] Search for another of the unusually powerful people.
-[x] Search for someone else.

Voting for this because the other option is downright murdering one of the heroes who will bring Order to the world. Like, their endgame and Sauron's endgame is the same thing, just with different aesthetics. Let's not be spiteful and wasteful when five more sentences and a few character witnesses will be able to win her over.
[X] Hand out Energy Absorbing Stones. (Currently have: 4)
-[X] all 4
-[X] Observe local gift packaging, wrap the stones up as anonymous gifts and deliver them disguised as a taciturn postman.
[X] Find people to join you in an organization. You will need manpower, just cats won't do.
-[X] Find the poor and downtrodden, and have them work for you.

[X] Search for another of the unusually powerful people.
-[X] Search for someone else.
[x] Hand out Energy Absorbing Stones. (Currently have: 4)
-[x] all 4
-[x] Observe local gift packaging, wrap the stones up as anonymous gifts and deliver them disguised as a taciturn postman.
[X] Find people to join you in an organization. You will need manpower, just cats won't do.
-[X] Find the poor and downtrodden, and have them work for you.
[x] Search for another of the unusually powerful people.
-[x] Search for someone else.

Time to consolidate to evade Stupid Evil
[x] Hand out Energy Absorbing Stones. (Currently have: 4)
-[x] all 4
-[x] Observe local gift packaging, wrap the stones up as anonymous gifts and deliver them disguised as a taciturn postman.
[X] Find people to join you in an organization. You will need manpower, just cats won't do.
-[X] Find the poor and downtrodden, and have them work for you.
[x] Search for another of the unusually powerful people.
-[x] Search for someone else.

Aye. No need to provoke Rei again just yet.

Besides, we need to take a few days to gather more metal, since we're out, I think.
Recruiting Men
[x] Hand out Energy Absorbing Stones. (Currently have: 4)
-[x] all 4
-[x] Observe local gift packaging, wrap the stones up as anonymous gifts and deliver them disguised as a taciturn postman.
[X] Find people to join you in an organization. You will need manpower, just cats won't do.
-[X] Find the poor and downtrodden, and have them work for you.
[x] Search for another of the unusually powerful people.
-[x] Search for someone else.

Necklace 1: 71, person is in hospital, +100 P
Bracelet 1: Released from hospital but hasn't put it back on
Bracelet 2: 64, +30 P
Ring 1: 75, person is in hospital, +100 P

You sneak out of the apartment once more, heading back to the abandoned house.

Once there, you transform back into a human. You go to the closet that you hid the postman's bag in and take it out. You cast an illusion on yourself, your clothes rippling and blurring until you look like a postman. It truly is amazing how people will focus on the clothes rather than the person, ignoring that you are someone they have never seen before and are out at night.

You get the jewelry you had made last night, and put them into the last of the packages you had grabbed from the post office. You write several more anonymous 'love letters' requesting the receiver to wear the jewelry. What atrocious things, really. You head back outside.

You casually walk to a different neighborhood this time, and hand out the packages there. You spread them out among various houses once more, giving them to houses listed with a feminine name on them so they may be used.

While that does take most of the night, you still easily make it back in time for the morning, with Makoto still unaware of your nightly excursions.

Necklace 2: 58, +20 P
Earring: 96, +40 P
Bracelet 3: 22, not worn
Ring 2: 99, +40 P

In the morning, you notice Makoto does not wake up right away. Looking at her alarm clock, you notice it is off and well after when it is normally on. You shake her awake.

"Makoto? Will you not be late for school?"

"It's Sunday, we have no school. Let me go back to sleep, seven is too early." It is actually closer to eight, but you acquiesce to her demand. You have other plans for today in any case.

Once outside, you head into an alley and transform back into Annatar form. Today you will search the city looking for the poor and homeless to start your army.

Search: 63 = 15 Recruits

The first you find is a clearly downtrodden man sitting in the street. He is in his upper thirties, and is clearly homeless, wearing several shirts and is very thin.

"Hello good sir," you say to him. He looks up at you with a disbelieving gaze.

"Who are you?"

"I am known as Annatar, Lord of Gifts. I am someone who wants to help. May I ask what your name is?" You give him a hand and help him to his feet.

"I'm Ayumu. What do you want?" He still seems wary. But, for once, hopeful. After so long of him and other homeless being abandoned by those in power, even, or especially, the government, he can clearly hardly believe that someone such as you would approach him.

"Right now, you are homeless. Do not balk; we both know it to be true. But that does not need to be so. I have vast resources; what I need is discrete manpower. And that is where you come in."

"Why me?"

"As I told you. I need people who can stay quiet. And I am sure that you, whom have had so little for so long, will not pass this opportunity up or betray my trust. So will you take this chance?"

"Y-yes. Anything. What do you need me to do?"

"Hold out your hand for a moment."

He does so, and you put yours on top of his. You put a small amount of your will into him, using the direct contact to be discrete. He is now yours, until you will it otherwise.

"Wh-what was that? I felt…"

"I will be in contact," you respond before disappearing into the crowd. He will not forget this meeting, or your promise, anytime soon.

While that had been your first meeting, it was not your last. You meet with fourteen more humans–male, female, and of varying ages–who are homeless on the streets and convince them to join you. This is a small, yet important, start to your new army, you think.

Though there is another important step on the other side of things that you must continue. You enter into an alleyway, and a small black cat exits it.

1-18: Artemis
19-36: Minako
37-54: Hotaru
55-72: Mamoru
73-100: Great Youma
Rolled 66: Mamoru

You begin searching the city for another potential servant. It is now the afternoon, and very likely that if the next person you find is another young girl that she would be out of school by now.

You find the next person in another apartment, much closer to how Makoto lives than Ami's condo.

It does not take long for someone to open the door, letting you slip inside and up the stairs. Reaching the apartment door that leads to his room, you jump to the round doorknob.

Lockpicking: 5, Req 30 = Fail

However, it is unexpectedly slippery and you fall down from it with a loud thump. You suppose doors are not really made for cats.

That is not, however, your only recourse, and you do not plan on making the same mistake twice. You begin scratching at the door, making plenty of noise for her to hear you and let you in.

Attract him: 76, Req 20, 50 = Success

After a few minutes, a young man opens the door. How unexpected, this breaks the pattern completely. There must be something different about him. It is on he edge of your mind, but you cannot figure it out right now. You slip inside his apartment and sit in front of his couch.

"Hey!" He closes the door and begins to walk after you.

"We should talk. You may want to sit down." He freezes, then sighs and sits down. Another interesting reaction, not even any denial.

"Well, I guess a talking cat wouldn't be the weirdest thing I've seen this week. Who are you?" he asks.

"I am Tevildo, Lord of Cats. And your name?" You nod your head at him.

"Chiba Mamoru," he responds. He hesitates, and you make sure to start talking again before he can continue.

"I am here because, as you likely know, there have been monster attacks recently. These monsters are called youma, and I could not possibly leave this city defenseless. That is why I have come searching for people who I can sense are powerful such as yourself; I can teach you powerful magic and help you defend this city."

"How do you know who I am? Do you know what's happening to me?"

"What are you referring to?" Wait. You think you recognize him now. He is the one who intruded in your fight before. "You are the one called Tuxedo Mask, I take it."

"Yes. What do you know about it?"

"Nothing that you do not. So you already are a warrior, I take it."

"No! It's just… something compels me to come to the aid of Sailor Moon. I don't know why. And it transforms me into that Tuxedo Mask as well." Interesting. Is it possible that a curse was out upon him?

"Seems like it might be a curse."

"That doesn't seem right."

"Maybe. But I am an expert in magical matters, and I believe I can help you. So how about this: I help you solve this magic problem of yours and teach you magic, and in return you will help me."

Roll: 85, Req 20 = Success

"I guess I can agree to that." Excellent news. You now have three very powerful humans on your side, all of which are easily manipulated to become your servants. This is going very well along indeed.

"We have a deal then. Can you tell me more about your condition?"

"Twice so far I've been just walking around when I was suddenly transformed into Tuxedo Mask. I then start acting weird, and save Sailor Moon before going away." Twice? You must have missed a fight then.

"Well I certainly have not heard of any curse exactly like that before, but I will see what I can remember. If it happens again make sure to tell me. Seeing it happen would also help."

"Okay, I will. I just want to know what's going on…"

"Well, I do have to be going soon. Have a good day." You leave him with a sense of amicability. And, you do need to leave. It is late, and you have one more stop.

You return to the abandoned house, and enter the basement. Something very important awaits, after all.

A large, glowing ball of energy awaits you there. Very excellent, you think, your energy gathering stones have not been disappointing yet.

You absorb the energy, relishing in the rejuvenation. You then head back to Makoto's apartment.

"What have you been doing all day?"

"I have found us another ally. I'll have you meet him sometime."


+309 P

Choose 3
[] Sleep without going out this night. If you go too many days without this you may get tired.

[] Forge something. Choose any combination and however many you want. If it requires metal then +20 P to cost.
-[] Morgul-blade: A dagger than when strikes someone, slowly reaches heart even if not lethal wound. Turns victim into a wraith. Costs 10 P
-[] Minor Ring of Power: Increases the wearer's strengths and weaknesses. Costs 50 P
-[] Great Ring of Power: On par with the Nine, greatly increases wearer's strengths and weaknesses. Costs 200 P
-[] Energy Absorbing Stone: Absorbs energy from any human who touches it. Costs 5 P
-[] Weaker Variant Stone: Absorbs less than half of the normal stone's energy. Costs 5 P
-[] Sword: Magic sword that's blade never dulls. Costs 10 P
-[] Bow: Magic bow that's arrows fly true and far. Costs 10 P
-[] Shining Armor: Armor that inspires loyalty and inspiration to all who see it. It is unnaturally strong. Costs 15 P
-[] Terrifying Armor: Powerful and unnaturally strong armor that inspires terror in all who see it. Costs 15 P
-[] Shield: A magic shield that is unnaturally strong. Costs 10 P
-[] Mace: A magic mace that will never break and can crush with more force than it would seem. Costs 10 P

[] Secure another source of metal.
-[] Buy it. (Requires money)
-[] Write-in how.

[] Hand out Energy Absorbing Stones. (Currently have: 0)
-[] How many?
-[] Observe local gift packaging, wrap the stones up as anonymous gifts and deliver them disguised as a taciturn postman.
-[] Write-in how

[] Search for another of the youma.
-[] Optional: Go to the group of cats to see if they found anything.

[] Search for another of the unusually powerful people.
-[] Specifically search for Luna.
-[] Specifically search for Sailor Moon.
-[] Search for someone else.

[] Visit the shrine maiden.
-[] Try to recruit her.
-[] Kill her.
-[] Write-in.
-[] Optional: Go to her grandfather instead, as he also has power.
-[] Optional: Go in your Annatar form.

[] Teach Makoto magic at the abandoned house.
-[] Inspire Fear
-[] Illusion
-[] Lightning (more powerful than fire)
-[] Practice Magic Blast
-[] Practice Fire
-[] Practice Brawling (Involves you shape shifting into a human)
-[] Practice Block
-[] Write-in

[] Teach Ami magic at the abandoned house.
-[] Inspire Fear
-[] Illusion
-[] Fire
-[] Hand-to-hand combat. (Makoto teaches)
-[] Practice Magic Blast
-[] Practice Block
-[] Write-in

[] Teach Mamoru magic at the abandoned house
-[] Inspire Fear
-[] Illusion
-[] Magic Blast
-[] Hand-to-hand combat. (Makoto teaches)
-[] Write-in

[] Have Mamoru meet the others.
-[] Optional: Only Makoto.
-[] Optional: Only Ami.

[] Invest Will in one of your allies. It will help you control them, but may give them insight into your true being. Will roll to see if they agree to this.
-[] Makoto
-[] Ami
-[] Mamoru

[] Get money.
-[] Rob a bank in cat form.
-[] Sell rocks disguised as gold.
-[] Burgle easily carried valuables from buildings
-[] Write-in

[] Find people to join you in an organization. You will need manpower, just cats won't do.
-[] Optional: Name your organization.
-[] Put up signs advertising for a job working for a new business. You will have them show up to a meeting on a specific day later in the house.
-[] Find the poor and downtrodden, and have them work for you.
-[] Find an influencial/wealthy/powerful person in their twilight years who will be open to serving you, use compelling voice to convince them if neccessary.
-[] Write-in

[] Find a building to buy/rent as a base of operations. (Requires getting money first.)
-[] Optional: Have the homeless you have found move there. You will need to supply money to pay for their utilities.

[] Write-in
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Aha! I think building a connection to Mamoru then using Invest Will on him could work out very well. Tuxedo Mask is decent for the first part but what shines is Prince Endmyion and if we can fix that problem of his it would give us a powerful weapon. Especially if we can just turn him further against the whole Moon Kingdom since he hasn't started dating Usagi yet. Hehehe

Also more cats would be good.
Aha! I think building a connection to Mamoru then using Invest Will on him could work out very well. Tuxedo Mask is decent for the first part but what shines is Prince Endmyion and if we can fix that problem of his it would give us a powerful weapon. Especially if we can just turn him further against the whole Moon Kingdom since he hasn't started dating Usagi yet. Hehehe

Also more cats would be good.
Why turn him against the Moon Kingdom? The Crystal Millennium is exactly what Sauron wants. I want to help them all do exactly what they want to do, and manipulate them only so that they don't kick us out or realize that they might ever want to. Not for long term corruption or anything, but because this is like a Hobo finding a train to the town he wants; all he has to do is sprint to get onboard and then not make any real fuss and he's set, and we caught the train as it was pulling out of the station.
[x] Visit the shrine maiden.
-[x] Try to recruit her.
[x] Teach Mamoru magic at the abandoned house
-[x] Hand-to-hand combat. (Makoto teaches)
[x] Teach Ami magic at the abandoned house.
-[x] Hand-to-hand combat. (Makoto teaches)
[X] Sleep without going out this night. If you go too many days without this you may get tired.
[X] Forge something. Choose any combination and however many you want. If it requires metal then +20 P to cost.
-[X] Weaker Variant Stone: Absorbs less than half of the normal stone's energy. Costs 5 P
--[X] 40
-[X] Great Ring of Power: On par with the Nine, greatly increases wearer's strengths and weaknesses. Costs 200 P
[X] Visit the shrine maiden.
-[X] Try to recruit her.

First sleep so we don't go three days in a row whitout, the we make a are amount of stones to sove all our power needs for the foreseeable and finaly take anther crack at recruiting.
Why turn him against the Moon Kingdom? The Crystal Millennium is exactly what Sauron wants. I want to help them all do exactly what they want to do, and manipulate them only so that they don't kick us out or realize that they might ever want to. Not for long term corruption or anything, but because this is like a Hobo finding a train to the town he wants; all he has to do is sprint to get onboard and then not make any real fuss and he's set, and we caught the train as it was pulling out of the station.

Well, I'm worried that their crystal thing will auto-detect Sauron, if Rei was able to notice something wrong I don't see that thing missing him. But either way, I'm no good at long-term plans, though I don't see trying to cozy up to the reborn Moon Kingdom ending up well for the Cat Lord. Sailor Pluto is a thing after all.
Regarding Mamoru all I care about is that we teach him how to be a real fighter, starting with maybe giving him a cane with a sword inside of it.
[X] Sleep without going out this night. If you go too many days without this you may get tired.
[X] Secure another source of metal.
-[X] Use Illusion on yourself to mask identity. Use Bewitching Voice and invest will on a truck driver, saying they've agreed to help you deliver supplies. Both of you go to a small hardware store, and use bewitching voice, and invest will in the workers. Have them help you pack up your order that they've "agreed" to put on your (nonexistent) company's tab.
[X] Forge something. Choose any combination and however many you want. If it requires metal then +20 P to cost.
-[X] Morgul-blade: A dagger than when strikes someone, slowly reaches heart even if not lethal wound. Turns victim into a wraith. Costs 10 P
-[X] Great Ring of Power: On par with the Nine, greatly increases wearer's strengths and weaknesses. Costs 200 P
-[X] Bow: Magic bow that's arrows fly true and far. Costs 10 P
-[X] Terrifying Armor: Powerful and unnaturally strong armor that inspires terror in all who see it. Costs 15 P
-[X] Shield: A magic shield that is unnaturally strong. Costs 10 P
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Well, I'm worried that their crystal thing will auto-detect Sauron, if Rei was able to notice something wrong I don't see that thing missing him. But either way, I'm no good at long-term plans, though I don't see trying to cozy up to the reborn Moon Kingdom ending up well for the Cat Lord. Sailor Pluto is a thing after all.
Sauron was able to convince his musical-satan-hating archenemies to worship musical-satan. Lying, and/or lying about reforming ourself (morally, that is) when we learned their goal (which isn't even a lie, it's literally the truth, it's just that even when we're telling the truth it's basically lying because we've only got the one mode.) is child's play against people not literally as old as time itself, which nobody here but us is. Not even Sailor Pluto.
[x] Visit the shrine maiden.
-[x] Try to recruit her.
[x] Teach Mamoru magic at the abandoned house
-[x] Hand-to-hand combat. (Makoto teaches)
[x] Teach Ami magic at the abandoned house.
-[x] Hand-to-hand combat. (Makoto teaches)
[x] Teach Mamoru magic at the abandoned house
-[x] Hand-to-hand combat. (Makoto teaches)
[x] Teach Ami magic at the abandoned house.
-[x] Hand-to-hand combat. (Makoto teaches)
[X] Secure another source of metal.
-[X] Seek out waste disposal areas. This Age has a lot of metal used in everything. No doubt they waste much of it.

Uh guys, we need more metal unless we want our crafting to stop
[x] Teach Mamoru magic at the abandoned house
-[x] Hand-to-hand combat. (Makoto teaches)
[x] Teach Ami magic at the abandoned house.
-[x] Hand-to-hand combat. (Makoto teaches)
[X] Secure another source of metal.
-[X] Seek out waste disposal areas. This Age has a lot of metal used in everything. No doubt they waste much of it.

Uh guys, we need more metal unless we want our crafting to stop
veekie, remember that your actions correspond to times of day, so unless you want to have both Makoto and Mamoru awake during the night, you might want to shift the priorities.
veekie, remember that your actions correspond to times of day, so unless you want to have both Makoto and Mamoru awake during the night, you might want to shift the priorities.
It should be afternoon, what we just carried out was something we did while Makoto was in school.

[X] Forge something. Choose any combination and however many you want. If it requires metal then +20 P to cost.
-[X] Weaker Variant Stone: Absorbs less than half of the normal stone's energy. Costs 5 P
--[X] 40
-[X] Great Ring of Power: On par with the Nine, greatly increases wearer's strengths and weaknesses. Costs 200 P

[X] Visit the shrine maiden.
-[X] Try to recruit her.

[X] Have Mamoru meet the others.

Don't forget to introduce Mamoru to others. We are putting the team together.

Then try with Rei. She is most difficult to crack, but shouldn't be impossible. We can offer her the ring (albeit I probably wouldn't at this point)
Wasn't it an illusion last time?
Yeah, I was thinking about the bag I think. I'll fix that, thanks.
Adhoc vote count started by GilcuruLend on Mar 16, 2018 at 5:29 PM, finished with 298 posts and 8 votes.

  • [x] Visit the shrine maiden.
    -[x] Try to recruit her.
    [x] Teach Mamoru magic at the abandoned house
    -[x] Hand-to-hand combat. (Makoto teaches)
    [x] Teach Ami magic at the abandoned house.
    -[x] Hand-to-hand combat. (Makoto teaches)
    [X] Sleep without going out this night. If you go too many days without this you may get tired.
    [X] Forge something. Choose any combination and however many you want. If it requires metal then +20 P to cost.
    -[X] Weaker Variant Stone: Absorbs less than half of the normal stone's energy. Costs 5 P
    --[X] 40
    -[X] Great Ring of Power: On par with the Nine, greatly increases wearer's strengths and weaknesses. Costs 200 P
    [x] Visit the shrine maiden.
    -[x] Try to recruit her.
    [X] Sleep without going out this night. If you go too many days without this you may get tired.
    [X] Secure another source of metal.
    -[X] Use Illusion on yourself to mask identity. Use Bewitching Voice and invest will on a truck driver, saying they've agreed to help you deliver supplies. Both of you go to a small hardware store, and use bewitching voice, and invest will in the workers. Have them help you pack up your order that they've "agreed" to put on your (nonexistent) company's tab.
    [X] Forge something. Choose any combination and however many you want. If it requires metal then +20 P to cost.
    -[X] Morgul-blade: A dagger than when strikes someone, slowly reaches heart even if not lethal wound. Turns victim into a wraith. Costs 10 P
    -[X] Great Ring of Power: On par with the Nine, greatly increases wearer's strengths and weaknesses. Costs 200 P
    -[X] Bow: Magic bow that's arrows fly true and far. Costs 10 P
    -[X] Terrifying Armor: Powerful and unnaturally strong armor that inspires terror in all who see it. Costs 15 P
    -[X] Shield: A magic shield that is unnaturally strong. Costs 10 P
    [x] Teach Mamoru magic at the abandoned house
    -[x] Hand-to-hand combat. (Makoto teaches)
    [x] Teach Ami magic at the abandoned house.
    [X] Secure another source of metal.
    -[X] Seek out waste disposal areas. This Age has a lot of metal used in everything. No doubt they waste much of it.
    [X] Forge something. Choose any combination and however many you want. If it requires metal then +20 P to cost.
    -[X] Weaker Variant Stone: Absorbs less than half of the normal stone's energy. Costs 5 P
    --[X] 40
    -[X] Great Ring of Power: On par with the Nine, greatly increases wearer's strengths and weaknesses. Costs 200 P
    [x] Visit the shrine maiden.
    -[x] Try to recruit her.
    [X] Have Mamoru meet the others.
    [X] Forge something. Choose any combination and however many you want. If it requires metal then +20 P to cost.
    -[X] Weaker Variant Stone: Absorbs less than half of the normal stone's energy. Costs 5 P
    --[X] 40
    -[X] Great Ring of Power: On par with the Nine, greatly increases wearer's strengths and weaknesses. Costs 200 P
    [X] Secure another source of metal.
    -[X] Seek out waste disposal areas. This Age has a lot of metal used in everything. No doubt they waste much of it.
    [X] Have Mamoru meet the others.
    [X] Sleep without going out this night. If you go too many days without this you may get tired.
    [X] Secure another source of metal.
    -[X] Seek out waste disposal areas. This Age has a lot of metal used in everything. No doubt they waste much of it.
    [X] Have Mamoru meet the others.

Adhoc vote count started by GilcuruLend on Mar 16, 2018 at 10:46 PM, finished with 298 posts and 8 votes.

  • [x] Visit the shrine maiden.
    -[x] Try to recruit her.
    [x] Teach Mamoru magic at the abandoned house
    -[x] Hand-to-hand combat. (Makoto teaches)
    [x] Teach Ami magic at the abandoned house.
    -[x] Hand-to-hand combat. (Makoto teaches)
    [X] Sleep without going out this night. If you go too many days without this you may get tired.
    [X] Forge something. Choose any combination and however many you want. If it requires metal then +20 P to cost.
    -[X] Weaker Variant Stone: Absorbs less than half of the normal stone's energy. Costs 5 P
    --[X] 40
    -[X] Great Ring of Power: On par with the Nine, greatly increases wearer's strengths and weaknesses. Costs 200 P
    [x] Visit the shrine maiden.
    -[x] Try to recruit her.
    [X] Sleep without going out this night. If you go too many days without this you may get tired.
    [X] Secure another source of metal.
    -[X] Use Illusion on yourself to mask identity. Use Bewitching Voice and invest will on a truck driver, saying they've agreed to help you deliver supplies. Both of you go to a small hardware store, and use bewitching voice, and invest will in the workers. Have them help you pack up your order that they've "agreed" to put on your (nonexistent) company's tab.
    [X] Forge something. Choose any combination and however many you want. If it requires metal then +20 P to cost.
    -[X] Morgul-blade: A dagger than when strikes someone, slowly reaches heart even if not lethal wound. Turns victim into a wraith. Costs 10 P
    -[X] Great Ring of Power: On par with the Nine, greatly increases wearer's strengths and weaknesses. Costs 200 P
    -[X] Bow: Magic bow that's arrows fly true and far. Costs 10 P
    -[X] Terrifying Armor: Powerful and unnaturally strong armor that inspires terror in all who see it. Costs 15 P
    -[X] Shield: A magic shield that is unnaturally strong. Costs 10 P
    [x] Teach Mamoru magic at the abandoned house
    -[x] Hand-to-hand combat. (Makoto teaches)
    [x] Teach Ami magic at the abandoned house.
    [X] Secure another source of metal.
    -[X] Seek out waste disposal areas. This Age has a lot of metal used in everything. No doubt they waste much of it.
    [X] Forge something. Choose any combination and however many you want. If it requires metal then +20 P to cost.
    -[X] Weaker Variant Stone: Absorbs less than half of the normal stone's energy. Costs 5 P
    --[X] 40
    -[X] Great Ring of Power: On par with the Nine, greatly increases wearer's strengths and weaknesses. Costs 200 P
    [x] Visit the shrine maiden.
    -[x] Try to recruit her.
    [X] Have Mamoru meet the others.
    [X] Forge something. Choose any combination and however many you want. If it requires metal then +20 P to cost.
    -[X] Weaker Variant Stone: Absorbs less than half of the normal stone's energy. Costs 5 P
    --[X] 40
    -[X] Great Ring of Power: On par with the Nine, greatly increases wearer's strengths and weaknesses. Costs 200 P
    [X] Secure another source of metal.
    -[X] Seek out waste disposal areas. This Age has a lot of metal used in everything. No doubt they waste much of it.
    [X] Have Mamoru meet the others.
    [X] Sleep without going out this night. If you go too many days without this you may get tired.
    [X] Secure another source of metal.
    -[X] Seek out waste disposal areas. This Age has a lot of metal used in everything. No doubt they waste much of it.
    [X] Have Mamoru meet the others.
[X] Forge something. Choose any combination and however many you want. If it requires metal then +20 P to cost.
-[X] Weaker Variant Stone: Absorbs less than half of the normal stone's energy. Costs 5 P
--[X] 40
-[X] Great Ring of Power: On par with the Nine, greatly increases wearer's strengths and weaknesses. Costs 200 P

[X] Secure another source of metal.
-[X] Seek out waste disposal areas. This Age has a lot of metal used in everything. No doubt they waste much of it.

[X] Have Mamoru meet the others.
[X] Sleep without going out this night. If you go too many days without this you may get tired.

[X] Secure another source of metal.
-[X] Seek out waste disposal areas. This Age has a lot of metal used in everything. No doubt they waste much of it.

[X] Have Mamoru meet the others.
Just as a warning, out of the eight votes only two were the same, so that's what I'll have be going with if no one changes.
Adhoc vote count started by GilcuruLend on Mar 17, 2018 at 10:59 PM, finished with 302 posts and 10 votes.

  • [x] Visit the shrine maiden.
    -[x] Try to recruit her.
    [x] Teach Mamoru magic at the abandoned house
    -[x] Hand-to-hand combat. (Makoto teaches)
    [x] Teach Ami magic at the abandoned house.
    -[x] Hand-to-hand combat. (Makoto teaches)
    [X] Sleep without going out this night. If you go too many days without this you may get tired.
    [X] Forge something. Choose any combination and however many you want. If it requires metal then +20 P to cost.
    -[X] Weaker Variant Stone: Absorbs less than half of the normal stone's energy. Costs 5 P
    --[X] 40
    -[X] Great Ring of Power: On par with the Nine, greatly increases wearer's strengths and weaknesses. Costs 200 P
    [x] Visit the shrine maiden.
    -[x] Try to recruit her.
    [X] Sleep without going out this night. If you go too many days without this you may get tired.
    [X] Secure another source of metal.
    -[X] Use Illusion on yourself to mask identity. Use Bewitching Voice and invest will on a truck driver, saying they've agreed to help you deliver supplies. Both of you go to a small hardware store, and use bewitching voice, and invest will in the workers. Have them help you pack up your order that they've "agreed" to put on your (nonexistent) company's tab.
    [X] Forge something. Choose any combination and however many you want. If it requires metal then +20 P to cost.
    -[X] Morgul-blade: A dagger than when strikes someone, slowly reaches heart even if not lethal wound. Turns victim into a wraith. Costs 10 P
    -[X] Great Ring of Power: On par with the Nine, greatly increases wearer's strengths and weaknesses. Costs 200 P
    -[X] Bow: Magic bow that's arrows fly true and far. Costs 10 P
    -[X] Terrifying Armor: Powerful and unnaturally strong armor that inspires terror in all who see it. Costs 15 P
    -[X] Shield: A magic shield that is unnaturally strong. Costs 10 P
    [x] Teach Mamoru magic at the abandoned house
    -[x] Hand-to-hand combat. (Makoto teaches)
    [x] Teach Ami magic at the abandoned house.
    [X] Secure another source of metal.
    -[X] Seek out waste disposal areas. This Age has a lot of metal used in everything. No doubt they waste much of it.
    [X] Forge something. Choose any combination and however many you want. If it requires metal then +20 P to cost.
    -[X] Weaker Variant Stone: Absorbs less than half of the normal stone's energy. Costs 5 P
    --[X] 40
    -[X] Great Ring of Power: On par with the Nine, greatly increases wearer's strengths and weaknesses. Costs 200 P
    [x] Visit the shrine maiden.
    -[x] Try to recruit her.
    [X] Have Mamoru meet the others.
    [X] Forge something. Choose any combination and however many you want. If it requires metal then +20 P to cost.
    -[X] Weaker Variant Stone: Absorbs less than half of the normal stone's energy. Costs 5 P
    --[X] 40
    -[X] Great Ring of Power: On par with the Nine, greatly increases wearer's strengths and weaknesses. Costs 200 P
    [X] Secure another source of metal.
    -[X] Seek out waste disposal areas. This Age has a lot of metal used in everything. No doubt they waste much of it.
    [X] Have Mamoru meet the others.
    [X] Sleep without going out this night. If you go too many days without this you may get tired.
    [X] Secure another source of metal.
    -[X] Seek out waste disposal areas. This Age has a lot of metal used in everything. No doubt they waste much of it.
    [X] Have Mamoru meet the others.
    [X] Have Mamoru meet the others.