Being the Holy Grail is Suffering... [Worm/FSN Quest]

[X] Focus on Rachel

Evaunit already explain the reason why

She'd be the most likely to actually help the others with her Servant.

Brian would be too focused on what he agreed to, the dangers of the Grail War, the implications of other Masters, and all the other bullshit that comes with becoming a Master.

Alec wouldn't give a shit about that and do his best to use his Servant any way he saw fit. The only problem is that he'd focus on himself first and foremost and his teamates next if at all.

Rachel, fucked up as she may be, at least has the pack mentality necessary to see the others as part of her 'group'. Like Alec she won't hesitate to fight in the War, nor will she give much of a fuck about the strangeness of the situation. Her Servant will simply become part of the Pack, another member that can help her achieve her dream and needs to be protected in turn. As long as Brian and Alec don't betray her then she'd happily use her powers to help them, if they can explain their problems in a way that makes her give a shit. But that's their problem, not ours.

And while it is true that right now Alec is pretty much shaken and more close to his real self, but I don't think he will want conflict that much like Rachel

Yes, he is shaken and careful now, but he won't be as active as Rachel who determined

And we, Holy Grail, seek for those who looking for conflict

Alec got the lead, Rachel is somewhat of a 'close' second and Brian is ignored.
[X] Focus on Brian

Heeeeehee that was fun. So many things!

You know if we wanted to we could end our life as a wish granting device and make a decent therapist.

I think they're all good choices, and I was really torn. Rachel was seriously so tempting, and all the Caster Cu jokes I could guys there are so many.

I think I'll be 100% okay with whoever wins.
[X] Focus on Rachel

Go, rachel. Go. SUMMON THE HOUND!

...As a Caster. Because Lancer is taken. I'm sure he'll love it happening to him again!

Or maybe Alter if we want to go full-villain.
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[X] Focus on Alec

Alec/Jean-Paul is very underused in fics; most stories don't get beyond how he's initially portrayed in canon and relegate him to minor side character status.

Isn't one of Cu's well knowned feats Killing a dog?
Actually, killing said dog was actually a shameful thing, not really a "feat" to be proud of. He took that dog's place in response and swore to never eat dog meat ever. In fact "Cu Chulainn" means "Hound of Culann" and he's treated as a human dog to various degrees. This gets played with in Fate especially, where not only do people call him dog or hound frequently, he has a very dog-like personality: Loyal, wild and uncomplicated.

The only actual issue with summoning Cu for Rachel is that the Lancer Slot is already filled, and he'd probably be pissed if he were forced to be a Caster.