Being the Holy Grail is Suffering... [Worm/FSN Quest]

Rachel hesitated, looking somewhat lost. After a moment of deliberation, she spoke. "No. I think...I'm not the only one. Like this or that. I want to help the strays."

Both Alec and Brian were confused by the response, but the Grail nodded her head in understanding. "The world is full of poor unfortunate souls. Children...strays as you put it, with no home. It is an admirable wish, though we understand that one must place their survival first."
If Chiron wasn't already our Archer, Rachel could summon Atanyanta on compatibility alone :V. Unless of course, presence of a Ruler opened second set...

Shit, this is really hard to choose from between Alec and Rachel...

[X] Focus on Alec

Because his character arc would be far note interesting than Rachel's despair.
If Chiron wasn't already our Archer, Rachel could summon Atanyanta on compatibility alone :V. Unless of course, presence of a Ruler opened second set...
Now you know why I didn't want Chiron. Atalanta is, in my opinion, a superior choice for an Archer.

However, Agrius Metamorphosis may qualify her for Berserker.
If your voting on who would actually fight the war you have to remember something about the characters.

Brian would do anything for his sister, even not be bothered that a 10 year old girl or whatever was kidnapped by his secret boss. If he has to murder a bitch, he will murder a bitch to save his sister.

Rachel is highly aggressive, like to the point where she attacked civilians to get them off her chunk of territory when the undersiders took over the city. She would fight in the grail war for what she believes in and in a very aggressive matter.

Alec would have zero problems using his power to the fullest effect here as he will not gain anything by being "nice." Meaning he will puppet bodies and other masters if he is able to and kill them off for his wish.

Neither of the undersiders are nice people, especially without Taylor to mellow out their obvious flaws. Though honestly, that's probably because we only saw through Taylor's rose tinted lenses.

Except our Taylor's rose tinted lenses are now filled with all the worlds evils.

I'm guessing Brian would be more in controlled and honorable when he can be. Rachel would be as I said aggressive and likely not care much for collateral damage and Alec...well, a motivated Alec would be sneaky and off masters if he can as he would realize it would be faster to do that than to have servants fight it out.

I'm expecting that last tidbit from all the undersiders if picked though. I'm also hoping Vista breaks someone with her tiny fists or terror.
[X] Focus on Alec

Rachel would be a bit too passive, unless she got a servant that actively pushes her for something more.

Brian on the other hand, has a more defined wish and a good amount of determination to fulfill it. However, his wish could easily be fulfilled by other methods, such as having a pile of money. Also, out of the three, IMO Brian is kinda the least interesting.

Finally, Alec has an interesting wish and also a more interesting character. A young man who usually acts like a fool, hiding a dangerous mind and a silent wish to be free. He would no doubt fight the war in earnest to fulfill his wish and he would be a good villain master in this war. A sympathetic character who is willing to do horrendous actions to get his wish, that is a character I want to see in this war.
[X] Focus on Alec

I feel like Alec would be the more interesting Master.
He wants Freedom. It's vague wish that could go in any direction. And I want to see how far Alec would be willing to go for something that made him drop his apathetic persona.
If I had to give each character a Servant I'd probably give Brian someone serious and competent. I'm thinking Siegfried.

I'd give Rachel Sakata Kinokti just because I can't imagine anyone else for her for some reason.

And I would give Alec someone with a high Luck Stat and a lot of Power. Maybe Drake.