Being the Holy Grail is Suffering... [Worm/FSN Quest]


I wish they stuck to their own fucking rules. If someone wipes himself out of existence, he should be out of damn existence.
It's a Barry Allen styled cyclical paradox.

Solomon wiped himself and his history away, destroying everything that he was, but by doing so he acted as a true hero and earned himself a new spot in the throne of heroes anew, which then rechronicaled his history and acts into the throne of heroes again even as he wiped it away.

You could even probably argue that the fact that he wiped himself out of the timeline was the inspiration of the noble phantasm that he used to wipe himself out, and it's only because he used it to wipe himself out is the reason that he gained the noble phantasm in the first place so that he would be able to wipe himself out.
Also I am confused: why does that building have power and how do they have cable/satellite

The BS reasoning is supposed to be that the E88 has so many small outposts like that, and that they make so much money that they just straight up don't notice that they are losing money automatically paying bills for this building even though they don't use it anymore. (I also assume that basic utilities are made cheaper by the existence of Tinkers. I mean, I know they can't mass produce their stuff, but Dragon can copy their tech)
The BS reasoning is supposed to be that the E88 has so many small outposts like that, and that they make so much money that they just straight up don't notice that they are losing money automatically paying bills for this building even though they don't use it anymore. (I also assume that basic utilities are made cheaper by the existence of Tinkers. I mean, I know they can't mass produce their stuff, but Dragon can copy their tech)
Also, tinkers do have a trickle down effect that lets marginal tinker tech be mass produced.
If only this wasn't Nasuverse, we could bring in the Aos Sí to stop him... *Sigh*. Well we can still Summon up us a Uber Druid! Although it's unfortunate we got Chiron because that means we can't have an EMIYA although now we can have Achilles go at a rematch with Chiron without him being able to use his constellation (sagittarius only appears in November-December 21 and it's now January or February)...
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[X] Try to attract a cape with an explosion

This is the same guy who's blood was hot enough that he boiled away two barrels of water and turned the third into a hot bath. And could put an apple through a man's head. Who slaughtered an army without getting a drop of blood on him. Cu is complete bs.
Calling him "Cú" is bigger bullshit tbh. Referring to him by that makes literally no sense.
Okay, I'm going to start writing now. Looks like we are going to be a jack in the box. Yay!

Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by FacelessDoll on Mar 8, 2018 at 2:13 PM, finished with 85 posts and 39 votes.
Someone said something about Chew Toys... Let'see...

•There's a Multiversal organization of inept imbeciles who want to brainwash "Taylor" into being their slave and have infinite resources being led by a Rando who just happened to meet the (sort of) demi-servant who has gone cray cray.
•there's a weapon's platform with infinite power and Mommy Issues who wants to make "Taylor" Suffer.
•There's another organization that's taking The Grail War the way of the Mages' Association to prevent panic.
•The husbando of the Spacewhale that "Taylor" accidentally caused to suicide will probably instakill the Multiverse if it ever finds "Taylor"
•"Taylor" is being driven by a fake God of Evil, a Wish Granting Device that has priority and is dumber then a singular rock (not a sack of them, they're collective Intelligence is too much and this comparison is an Insult to Rocks and stupidity!), and the sperm of a Spacewhale whom are incapable of complex thinking beyond "put fist A into face B".
•Once word gets out everyone will want to control "Taylor" believing they create Ubermensch of parahumans.
•"Taylor" has next to no power beyond making people Suffer if they're both in her immediate vicinity and only for a short time.
•And the Ruler is stuck as a bunch of code till she creates a body with the only upside being she's in a society that has cameras (although those probably aren't commonplace in Brockton!).
•Oh, and can't forget, The War is an incredibly fragile piece of art that might as well already have been screwed up from the start!

"YA SED WUT, M8?!"
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Someone said something about Chew Toys... Let'see...

•There's a Multiversal organization of inept imbeciles who want to brainwash "Taylor" into being their slave and have infinite resources being led by a Rando who just happened to meet the (sort of) demi-servant who has gone cray cray.
•there's a weapon's platform with infinite power and Mommy Issues who wants to make "Taylor" Suffer.
•There's another organization that's taking The Grail War the way of the Mages' Association to prevent panic.
•The husbando of the Spacewhale that "Taylor" accidentally caused to suicide will probably instakill the Multiverse if it ever finds "Taylor"
•"Taylor" is being driven by a fake God of Evil, a Wish Granting Device that has priority and is dumber then a singular rock (not a sack of them, they're collective Intelligence is too much and this comparison is an Insult to Rocks and stupidity!), and the sperm of a Spacewhale whom are incapable of complex thinking beyond "put fist A into face B".
•Once word gets out everyone will want to control "Taylor" believing they create Ubermensch of parahumans.
•"Taylor" has next to no power beyond making people Suffer if they're both in her immediate vicinity and only for a short time.
•And the Ruler is stuck as a bunch of code till she creates a body with the only upside being she's in a society that has cameras (although those probably aren't commonplace in Brockton!).
•Oh, and can't forget, The War is an incredibly fragile piece of art that might as well already have been screwed up from the start!



I was talking about Bitch's dogs, but lets go with that. Though it's pretty snafu for the Grail.
[X] Try to attract a cape with an explosion

Calling him "Cú" is bigger bullshit tbh. Referring to him by that makes literally no sense.
The man born as Setanta, who took on the role of Chulainn's hound and this became Cuchulainn. I just didn't want to look up the spelling when shortening it is still understandable.
Ugh. This chapter is actually turning out longer than anticipated. This probably won't be finished until tomorrow, given both the unexpected length and the fact that I do still have other assignments that I need to do. Sorry ya'll. But on the bright side, extra long update tomorrow. Haha...
[X] Try to attract a cape with an explosion

incase the vote is still open.
The writing had started, and dumpster diving won. It is just that, between prior engagements and the fact that the chapter was not complete, or even particularly close to a good stopping point, by the time that I had to put it down it became clear that it was not going to be complete by today.

So yeah, voting is closed
[X] Jump out and say "Hello"

Given how Alec is emotionally deadened, someone with mindboggling depths of feeling and/or reality warping is ebst for him.

So either Kiyohime or Nero.