Being the Holy Grail is Suffering... [Worm/FSN Quest]

It is called his Warp Spasm

Here is an excerpt from his legend.

The first warp-spasm seized Cúchulainn, and made him into a monstrous thing, hideous and shapeless, unheard of. His shanks and his joints, every knuckle and angle and organ from head to foot, shook like a tree in the flood or a reed in the stream. His body made a furious twist inside his skin, so that his feet and shins switched to the rear and his heels and calves switched to the front... On his head the temple-sinews stretched to the nape of his neck, each mighty, immense, measureless knob as big as the head of a month-old child... he sucked one eye so deep into his head that a wild crane couldn't probe it onto his cheek out of the depths of his skull; the other eye fell out along his cheek. His mouth weirdly distorted: his cheek peeled back from his jaws until the gullet appeared, his lungs and his liver flapped in his mouth and throat, his lower jaw struck the upper a lion-killing blow, and fiery flakes large as a ram's fleece reached his mouth from his throat... The hair of his head twisted like the tangle of a red thornbush stuck in a gap; if a royal apple tree with all its kingly fruit were shaken above him, scarce an apple would reach the ground but each would be spiked on a bristle of his hair as it stood up on his scalp with rage.
That is the most metal shit I have ever read.
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I wanted to get Lisa in the War, but they are fine too.
Can we get Saberface to one of them?
Can we?!
In the event of Alec being turned into a master, Solomon would be quite compatible for him.

They were both controlled for most of their life and both of them wanted to enjoy the freedom they have. Also, it would be funny seeing people of reactions of Solomon, who looks kind of intimidating, but in actuality a huge nerd and softie in the inside.

Besides being funny, Solomon would definitely be a good influence for Alec. Also, while the undersiders are pretty nice to him, its more like a colleague kind of relationship at this point. It'll be good for him to have someone who genuinely cares for him.

Finally, it'll also be interesting to see the E88 reactions. One of the greatest king of Israel in a city with Nazis. Some of them would immediatly shit their pants at said revelation. Also, this would be a good reason for him and Romulus to fight one another. Solomon would prefer to capture the E88 and sent them to prison, while Romulus wants them to serve Theo and form a new ROMA. This conflict of interest would cause them to butt heads at some point, at least IMO.
That is the most metal shit I have ever read.
That's not even the worst of it. Look up the actual process of the riastrad( Warp Spasm) and you will be dumbfounded. The Ulster Cycle is ducking hardcore.

Damn we should make Chu our Berserker. @FacelessDoll could we summon a Berserker Chu? Like he keeps his normal personality with a bit more bloodlust, but has the same statsheet as Chu Alter?
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Obviously what we need to do is summon multiple Cu, just to fuck with Contessa. Because the best solution to having to much Saber face is to replace it with Lancer face, obviously.
Caster Cu. Berserker Cu. Romulus was actually Lancer Cu in disguise. Saber Cu somehow. Assassin Cu because nobody would expect him to take assassin so him being assassin is very assassin-like behaviour so he should be assassin, that's not circular reasoning in the slightest.

Let's get it done, people.
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Question in this could lisa have a saber face just to mess with the grail?
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Lets get all shonen here! Only really deadpan.

I wonder how not amused Lisa will be when she sees what dodging housework cost her. She missed the chance to get a loyal(ish) bodyguard and imagine how happy she will be when either Alec or Rachel ends up as a Master.

Moral of the story, spliting from the party means you get no chance at the gacha.
I love the BB scene, it really showed a lot of both servants. The serious side of BB is always interesting and fun to see, it's just so jarring from how she acts to her LI. And Lancer got to show off some of his complexities! Your making me want to dig him out from my storage aaaah.
He's probably not on the throne anymore.


Also the most death sentence summon for Angra because he would fix the grail.

And he shouldn't be summon able at all, like the Old Man in The Mountain wasn't.
Adhoc vote count started by Summer Bones on Mar 8, 2018 at 8:39 AM, finished with 71 posts and 35 votes.
He's probably not on the throne anymore.


Also the most death sentence summon for Angra because he would fix the grail.
I kinda feel like we're going to see him again... because removing yourself from the throne of heroes in order to stop the destruction of humanity as a whole is the kind of sacrifice that would put someone on the throne again...
I kinda feel like we're going to see him again... because removing yourself from the throne of heroes in order to stop the destruction of humanity as a whole is the kind of sacrifice that would put someone on the throne again...

No, we probably wont. His noble phantasm took away everything, his history, his accomplishments, everything. He doesn't even exist anymore.


Honestly, don't know how fate magic exists anymore because of that.
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