Sauron in Tokyo (Lord of the Rings/Sailor Moon Merge)

i thought it was nighttime? the previous voting options mentioned something about waking makoto up so I assumed that we were doing this under cover of darkness.
It is day. I believe you may have missed a chapter; the voting options with waking Makoto up were two chapters ago, and at the end of the last one she was getting ready for school.
Adhoc vote count started by GilcuruLend on Mar 1, 2018 at 7:27 AM, finished with 181 posts and 12 votes.

  • [X] Shapeshift so you can carry the anvil. Costs 100 P and 5 P more to shapeshift back.
    -[X] Panther form (Great black cat)
    [X] Shapeshift so you can carry the anvil. Costs 100 P and 5 P more to shapeshift back.
    -[X] Annatar form (Elvish, likable)
    [X] Shapeshift so you can carry the anvil. Costs 100 P and 5 P more to shapeshift back.
    -[X] Sauron form (Tall, terrifying, powerful)
    [X] Make your army of cats tow it.
    [X] Shapeshift so you can carry the anvil. Costs 100 P and 5 P more to shapeshift back.
    -[X] Wolf form (Giant wolf)
sorry i got mixed-up my vote is...
[x] Shapeshift so you can carry the anvil. Costs 100 P and 5 P more to shapeshift back.
-[x] Annatar form (Elvish, likable)
while I'd like to keep the Annatar form under wraps it really is our best option for doing this discreetly if we're going to do it during the day.
[X] Shapeshift so you can carry the anvil. Costs 100 P and 5 P more to shapeshift back.
-[X] Sauron form (Tall, terrifying, powerful)

We can try this and then claim that our Sauron form is the enemy we (as Lord of Cats) came to fight
[X] Shapeshift so you can carry the anvil. Costs 100 P and 5 P more to shapeshift back.
-[X] Sauron form (Tall, terrifying, powerful)

Easier to carry with hands, and being powerful.
[x] Shapeshift so you can carry the anvil. Costs 100 P and 5 P more to shapeshift back.
-[x] Annatar form (Elvish, likable)
[x] Shapeshift so you can carry the anvil. Costs 100 P and 5 P more to shapeshift back.
-[x] Annatar form (Elvish, likable)
So I accidentally lost everything I wrote and all my notes because I forgot to bookmark the online notes page I was using to write notes on and had cleared my history which apparently deletes tabs too. So no update for tonight. And possibly tomorrow either.
Adhoc vote count started by GilcuruLend on Mar 2, 2018 at 7:16 PM, finished with 13 posts and 11 votes.

  • [X] Search for forge equipment. You need this to create your own energy absorbing stones.
    -[X] Set up in abandoned house. Basement or other hard to access space if possible
    [X] Search for forge equipment. You need this to create your own energy absorbing stones.(Learn Create Magical Artifact)
    -[X] Set up in abandoned house. Basement or other hard to access space if possible
    [X] Go to the other group of cats and make them loyal to you as well.
    [X] Search for another of the unusually powerful people. (Learn Illusion)
    -[X] Search for someone else.
Stealing an Anvil
[X] Search for forge equipment. You need this to create your own energy absorbing stones.
-[X] Set up in abandoned house. Basement or other hard to access space if possible

[X] Shapeshift so you can carry the anvil. Costs 100 P and 5 P more to shapeshift back.
-[X] Annatar form (Elvish, likable)

"Well, I'm off to school. How will you spend your day?"

"I think I'll keep looking for more Youma today," you lie, "They are very worrisome." Though you think they are worrisome for a different reason than her.

"Good idea," Makoto responds.

You enter the elevator together, and luckily no one else gets on. You leave the building unquestioned.

Once outside, you go your separate ways. Makoto heads for the bus, and you head for the streets. You decide to search for forge equipment so that you may create energy gathering devices. Without them, you may never regain your lost power of old. Determined to not let yourself fall into waste, you march on.

You stride down the streets, searching for an anvil. Unlike the cities of your time, blacksmiths are not common. You could walk around all day without hearing the clang of hammer on anvil. It is sad, in a way, that the people of this era will largely not experience crafting something with one's own hands. This will not prevent your search, however.

You, who was once a Maia of Aulë, the Vala of smithing, should easily be able to find an anvil. You are attuned to smithing, so you can sense what one needs to perform it.* You search for hours, guiding yourself to the tools you need.

Searching for forge: 96, Req 40 = Success

You end up in the less dense area that you had found the abandoned house in. Here, where it is less populated, are people more likely to smith. You move in front of another, obviously occupied though empty at the moment, house.

Time is of the essence; you do not know when the owner will come back. You see a window, and since it is the fastest way in, you jump through it. It shatters, and you are inside.

You enter several rooms until you find it: the forge. You cannot take the furnace since it is attached to the wall, but you do not truly need it anyways. The anvil, hammer, and other assorted tools are what are truly important. You decide to shapeshift.

The large black house cat stands in the room. He shifts, limbs elongating, spine stretching and shifting, until a man stands in his place. This man is fair skinned and dark haired wearing a fancy suit–suitable to the era–but the most peculiar thing about him is the ears. They go up to a slight point, almost, but not quite unnaturally so, but certainly more pointed than most ears. This is a very generous man you can trust, his very appearance seems to say. Just tell me what you want, I can help.

You smile. It is good to be in a human form once more, with thumbs and all the things one can do with them. You are an artificer, after all; smithing is your passion, and you have gone so long without it. And it is a form you have gone so long without, too–manipulating people should be easy now. You consider getting normal people to work for you. Cats and a few powerful warriors are not exactly an army.

And you will soon be able to start. You gather the tools necessary to be able to forge together on the anvil, then pick it up. You saunter to the entryway, unlocking the door and exiting.

Notice Roll, high is less: 73, Req 20, 50, 80 = 2 Successes
(80 little, 50 owner knows who stole, 20 everyone is amazed and knows you)

You stroll the streets, heading toward the abandoned house. Some people notice you, as a man carrying an anvil is not a common sight, but they seem mostly in awe. Luckily, not very many people are outside right now as they are working.

You reach the abandoned house and enter. You decide to put the tools in the basement, so as to keep them hidden from Makoto when training. If she finds them you can pretend they were always here.

You decide to immediately create the stones. You need the energy they can provide, and soon. You go outside and gather a few fist-sized rocks. They are not what you would prefer to use, but will suffice for their purpose.

You place the first on the anvil. You take the hammer. You gather your will upon it. The rock's form shifts, the metal insidebringing its nature to the forefront. You create a flame near it, heating it up. The metal grows pliable.


You shape the stone as if it were metal. Indeed, you could say it is now metal. You bring out the life that is present in all stone, and enchant it. The stone now begins to sift to look like a sparkling jewel.

You create a link from it to this basement, and empty the stone of its newfound life. Now a jewel, it hunger for more energy, which will be transferred to this location unless destroyed. Unlike the youma's jewelry though, they are not real jewels.

You create four stones in all, and make them into jewelry. A jewel imbedded in a necklace, two bracelets with a beautiful stone, and finally… a pebble inside a ring. All four will allow you to gain energy if anyone wears them, and the wearer will slowly feel drained to exhaustion.

With them created, now you must decide on your next action. You check the time through a window upstairs, and it is already last noon.

-120 P

[] Continue crafting. Choose any combination and however many you want. If you choose this option you may choose something else to do afterwards as well.
-[] Morgul-blade: A dagger than when strikes someone, slowly reaches heart even if not lethal wound. Turns victim into a wraith. Costs 10 P
-[] Minor Ring of Power: Increases the wearer's strengths and weaknesses. Costs 50 P
-[] Great Ring if Power: On par with the Nine, greatly increases wearer's strengths and weaknesses. Costs 200 P
-[] Energy Absorbing Stone: Absorbs energy from any human who touches it. Costs 5 P
-[] Sword: Magic sword that's blade never dulls. Costs 10 P
-[] Bow: Magic bow that's arrows fly true and far. Costs 10 P
-[] Shining Armor: Armor that inspires loyalty and inspiration to all who see it. It is unnaturally strong. Costs 15 P
-[] Terrifying Armor: Powerful and unnaturally strong armor that inspires terror in all who see it. Costs 15 P
-[] Shield: A magic shield that is unnaturally strong. Costs 10 P
-[] Mace: A magic mace that will never break and can crush with more force than it would seem. Costs 10 P

[] Search for another of the youma.
-[] Optional: Go to the first group of cats to see if they found anything.

[] Hand the energy absorbing stones out immediately.
-[] Write-in how?

[] Search for another of the unusually powerful people.
-[] Specifically search for Luna.
-[] Specifically search for Sailor Moon.
-[] Search for someone else.

[] When Makoto gets back from school teach her magic at the abandoned house.
-[] Inspire Fear
-[] Illusion
-[] Fire (more powerful than magic blast)
-[] Practice Magic Blast
-[] Practice Brawling (Involves you shape shifting into a human)
-[] Write-in

[] Get a better disguise for Makoto.
-[] Optional: What? (Improves chances)
-[] Optional: Take Makoto with you.

[] Get money.
-[] Rob a bank in cat form.
-[] Sell rocks disguised as gold. Locked, Require Illusion
-[] Write-in

[] Find people to join you in an organization. You will need manpower, just cats won't do.
-[] Optional: Name your organization.
-[] Put up signs advertising for a job working for a new business. You will have them show up to a meeting on a specific day later in the house.
-[] Find the poor and downtrodden, and have them work for you.
-[] Write-in how you will find the people.

[] Write-in

*There is no evidence Sauron can magically find anvils this way, but there also isn't any that contradicts it and it fits with the theme. As it turns out anvils are really rare in Tokyo so you wouldn't easily find one otherwise.

AN: If your choice doesn't require Sauron to stay in human form then he will shift back to being a cat at the beginning of the next update.

Ah, the diplomacy part of this quest may soon begin. If you keep doing stuff as a human options available to you are making an army, creating a business, becoming a politician (that man is literally Satan! No, Satan's my boss), and more! Or you could keep being a cat and doing cat hijinks. Or both.
[x] Plan Power-up
[x] Continue crafting. Choose any combination and however many you want. If you choose this option you may choose something else to do afterwards as well.
-[x] Shining Armor: Armor that inspires loyalty and inspiration to all who see it. It is unnaturally strong. Costs 15 P
this can be the better disguise if we include a face concealing helmet
[x] Hand the energy absorbing stones out immediately.
-[x] use the Annatar Form to hand them out as gifts from Annatar Forgeworks a recently started business in Tokyo
not only can we regain the P we've already used by doing this but we can lay the groundwork for starting an organization under the guise of a

Edit: came up with a better plan
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[X] Plan Burglar Baggins
[X] Continue crafting. Choose any combination and however many you want. If you choose this option you may choose something else to do afterwards as well.
-[X] Minor Ring of Power: Increases the wearer's strengths and weaknesses. Costs 50 P
[X] When Makoto gets back from school teach her magic at the abandoned house.
-[X] Illusion
[X] Get money.
-[X] Burgle easily carried valuables from buildings

Check for houses that keep open, cat accessible windows at night. Wide enough for a cat, not enough for a human, because wide open windows tend to be barred on the outside, unless there's a guard animal, or rotations of people who are awake. Otherwise, they have locks, or an inside bar that prevents it from opening wider, if the person has good sense. Check if it's in a highly visible area, despite it being night. Test for pets that guard territory, like dogs or cats. Meow to attract attention from a safe place. At no response, get closer, try again, and be ready to run. Smell and look around. If the joint doesn't appear risky, come back later as the household sleeps, and steal easily carried valuables. Borrow a knife or scissors to cut screens that keep bugs out, and improvise a blade-guard/sheath so you're not stabbed while carrying it. Wrapping cardboard or cloth around it should work. String, like twine or floss can help, if the bundle might be shaken loose inside a pouch while traveling. As a ghetto option, hook it on like a necklace/lasso or belt if materials aren't readily available. Or just craft thief tools from stones like a boss. If possible, make a pouch that fastens to cat form. Find a cat-carryable flashlight (smaller the better), for stealing while in elf form. In cat form, scout as much as possible, the accessible areas. This lessens likelihood of creaky sounds in flooring, other potential hazards (ie: noise, self-injury), and to easily hide, before taking human form. Use cloth to muffle brightness, and control the diffusion of the flashlight beam as needed. As a precaution, wear the Minor Ring of Power while in human form.

I think getting money before building a disguise might be helpful. Cat burglar sees in the dark? :ninja:
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basically the idea is we take a bunch of rocks and sell them to a cash for gold place, though I don't think that we'll be able to make much money off of a plan like that.
I'd rather keep doing cat things. Aside from just liking that more a sudden, handsome, male appearing from nowhere and trying to start a business or something smacks of Sailor moon villanism.
the easiest way to make money is, I think to find someone who's already wealthy like a CEO or Yakuza boss and tempt them into our service by offering them immortality and using compelling voice on them. that way we can have access to the manpower and wealth of a large organization without exposing ourself to a large number of people. We can further ensure our pawn's loyalty by giving them a minor ring of power that slowly converts them into a thrall/ringwraith. with that in mind...
[x] plan Tar-Minion
[x] Continue crafting. Choose any combination and however many you want. If you choose this option you may choose something else to do afterwards as well.
-[x] Minor Ring of Power: Increases the wearer's strengths and weaknesses. Costs 50 P
[x] Find people to join you in an organization. You will need manpower, just cats won't do.
-[x] Find an influencial/wealthy/powerful person in their twilight years who will be open to serving you, use compelling voice to convince them if neccessary.
[X] Plan Making The Minion Look Good
-[X] Continue crafting. Choose any combination and however many you want. If you choose this option you may choose something else to do afterwards as well.
--[X] Shining Armor: Armor that inspires loyalty and inspiration to all who see it. It is unnaturally strong. Costs 15 P
--[X] Shield: A magic shield that is unnaturally strong. Costs 10 P
-[X] When Makoto gets back from school teach her magic at the abandoned house.
--[X] Fire (more powerful than magic blast)

Seems to me she needs the ability to tank a few Youma hits if/when she gets smacked. Which helps with her unfortunate preference for loudly announcing herself, so might as well make it actually effective.
After this we should try to locate one of the other Senshi before Luna gets to them
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[X] Plan Making The Minion Look Good
-[X] Continue crafting. Choose any combination and however many you want. If you choose this option you may choose something else to do afterwards as well.
--[X] Shining Armor: Armor that inspires loyalty and inspiration to all who see it. It is unnaturally strong. Costs 15 P
--[X] Shield: A magic shield that is unnaturally strong. Costs 10 P
-[X] When Makoto gets back from school teach her magic at the abandoned house.
--[X] Fire (more powerful than magic blast)
[X] Plan Making The Minion Look Good
-[X] Continue crafting. Choose any combination and however many you want. If you choose this option you may choose something else to do afterwards as well.
--[X] Shining Armor: Armor that inspires loyalty and inspiration to all who see it. It is unnaturally strong. Costs 15 P
--[X] Shield: A magic shield that is unnaturally strong. Costs 10 P
-[X] When Makoto gets back from school teach her magic at the abandoned house.
--[X] Fire (more powerful than magic blast)
[X] Plan Making The Minion Look Good
-[X] Continue crafting. Choose any combination and however many you want. If you choose this option you may choose something else to do afterwards as well.
--[X] Shining Armor: Armor that inspires loyalty and inspiration to all who see it. It is unnaturally strong. Costs 15 P
--[X] Shield: A magic shield that is unnaturally strong. Costs 10 P
-[X] When Makoto gets back from school teach her magic at the abandoned house.
--[X] Fire (more powerful than magic blast)

Great idea but don't like putting almost all our eggs in one basket = Makoto.
Making The Minion Look Good
[X] Plan Making The Minion Look Good
-[X] Continue crafting. Choose any combination and however many you want. If you choose this option you may choose something else to do afterwards as well.
--[X] Shining Armor: Armor that inspires loyalty and inspiration to all who see it. It is unnaturally strong. Costs 15 P
--[X] Shield: A magic shield that is unnaturally strong. Costs 10 P
-[X] When Makoto gets back from school teach her magic at the abandoned house.
--[X] Fire (more powerful than magic blast)

You decide to continue crafting. You have a few more objects to make, after all.

You find metal by going through the various objects of the house. While it had been abandoned, metal is still used significantly in this era. You take apart quite a few objects such as some light fixtures.

You take it back to your anvil and create your first object: shining armor. You place the first of the metal onto the anvil. You gather your magic around it, creating fire and heating it up to become malleable.


You transform the metal from scrap metal into brilliant steel. The impurities disappear, its color changes, and it becomes stronger. You shape it, being far more precise than a hammer could do on its own, but your skills are great even in these meager conditions.

It forms into a helmet. You mold more of the metal, until most of it is used up. You make it piece by piece, a brilliant work of craftsmanship. When you are done, it has become brilliant plate armour, strong enough to ward off blows whilst still shining brightly, increasing moral to anyone fighting by the wearer's side.

Next you use the rest of the metal you have gathered. You shape it into a shield, one that will be able to protect against even powerful blows, although it is not invulnerable. If you had even a small amount of your full powers it would be a paltry thing to destroy.

These will make good gifts to Makoto, so she can survive her second battle. It will also keep her secret identity safe. You take the both of them upstairs and place them on an old table. You leave the Energy Absorbing Stones downstairs, however; you do not want Makoto to stumble onto them.

It is about time that Makoto learns more powerful magic as well. While she has only just learned Magic Blast a few days ago, it does not appear to be powerful enough. She should be able to handle stronger powers in any case. You decide to return to the apartment so you can give her the items and teach her the ability to wield fire.

You shapeshift back into a cat. You body shortens, your proportions change, your clothes disappear, and black hair grows. You once more look like Tevildo, Lord of Cats.

You stride back to the apartment, and wait for Makoto. Before long she arrives, and you enter the building with her.

"Did you manage to find anything?" Makoto asks you once safe inside her apartment.

"No, but I think it is time I teach you more magic. You were unprepared before, and we do not know when the next youma will appear."

"Okay. Let's go. I want to beat those monsters down!"

Random Encounter: 44, Req 70 = None

You arrive at the abandoned house unimpeded.

"I also have a few gifts for you here." You show her the armor and shield.

"Wow. They look amazing. Where did you get them?"

"I made them myself. The Lord of Cats has many powers, of course. You should try it on."

After several minutes of fumbling, Makoto manages to get the armor on, with her normal clothes still underneath to act as padding.

"I look like a knight in shining armor," Makoto says giddily. Her shield is strapped to her arm, so she can still use both hands when she needs to.

"Now let us begin. I wish to teach you how to wield the flames of power before we leave today."

"Yes, of course."

"Reach inside of yourself for your power. Then bring it out and imagine heat. Convert the energy into the heat, imagine it is and always has been fire."

Teach fire: 64, Req 40 = Success

She makes a small flame in her hand.

"Good. Make it larger and throw it at that large piece of couch over there." She does so, and it explodes into smaller pieces all on fire.

"The house is going to catch on fire!" Makoto shouts panicked.

"Only if you will it to be so. Will the flames to die down instead. Focus on them disappearing." She looks at the burning furniture with a concentrated look on her face, and the flames die.

She practices with the fire a few more times, destroying a few other household objects. She has fairly good aim, however this is not exactly a battle situation. Eventually, you deem her sufficient enough to handle it without hurting herself.

"As it has been quite a few hours, it would be best to return to the apartment, Makoto. You are doing well enough for now."

"Okay. I am getting pretty tired."

She takes her armor off, and hides it in a closet along with the shield. Neither would fit in her purse to carry, so she cannot take them along with her.

You return to the apartment on the bus.

"I think it's time for dinner, don't you think?"


Makoto makes dinner, sushi for you. You eat it, being glad that your first minion is such a good chief.

You spend a few hours sleeping afterwards, waiting for Makoto to go to bed.

An old, grizzled man in a sea-blue cloak sits in the middle of a chanting circle.

"Laita túrë, Laita túrë, Laita túrë"

That is quenya for 'praise power'. What exactly is going on here?

The old man rises. "He has awakened. We must prepare."

"Yes, my lord." A young man, wearing expensive clothes but nonetheless clearly a servant, bows and leaves. The old man looks at you.

"You have no power here." He raises his staff and it glows. "Heca!"

Begone? What–the world fades.

You wake up. You do not normally dream. This could be the work of Irmo, Vala of dreams. If it is, that means the Valar are aware of you being here. Of course, it could also just be a natural dream from being in a body again. There is no reason to assume the Valar know of you; if they did, they would have already killed you.

Back in the third age you did make heavy use of the Palantír, which allowed you to see events far away. Perhaps you subconsciously mimicked the magic? This would bear investigating, if you could.

You notice Makoto go to sleep, and after waiting to make sure she is asleep you make your next move.

-30 P

[] Go to the house for crafting. Choose any combination and however many you want. If you choose this option you may choose something else to do afterwards as well.
-[] Optional: Wait until morning.
-[] Morgul-blade: A dagger than when strikes someone, slowly reaches heart even if not lethal wound. Turns victim into a wraith. Costs 10 P
-[] Minor Ring of Power: Increases the wearer's strengths and weaknesses. Costs 50 P
-[] Great Ring if Power: On par with the Nine, greatly increases wearer's strengths and weaknesses. Costs 200 P
-[] Energy Absorbing Stone: Absorbs energy from any human who touches it. Costs 5 P
-[] Sword: Magic sword that's blade never dulls. Costs 10 P
-[] Bow: Magic bow that's arrows fly true and far. Costs 10 P
-[] Shining Armor: Armor that inspires loyalty and inspiration to all who see it. It is unnaturally strong. Costs 15 P
-[] Terrifying Armor: Powerful and unnaturally strong armor that inspires terror in all who see it. Costs 15 P
-[] Shield: A magic shield that is unnaturally strong. Costs 10 P
-[] Mace: A magic mace that will never break and can crush with more force than it would seem. Costs 10 P

[] Search for another of the youma.
-[] Optional: Wait until morning.
-[] Optional: Go to the cats to see if they found anything.

[] Hand the energy absorbing stones out.
-[] Optional: Wait until morning.
-[] Write-in how?

[] Search for another of the unusually powerful people.
-[] Optional: Wait until morning.
-[] Specifically search for Luna.
-[] Specifically search for Sailor Moon.
-[] Search for someone else.

[] Get Makoto up and teach her magic.
-[] Optional: Wait until morning. (Will have her skip school)
-[] Inspire Fear
-[] Illusion
-[] Fire (more powerful than magic blast)
-[] Practice Magic Blast
-[] Practice Fire
-[] Practice Brawling (Involves you shape shifting into a human)
-[] Practice Blocking
-[] Write-in

[] Get a better disguise for Makoto.
-[] Optional: Wait until morning.
-[] Optional: What? (Improves chances)
-[] Optional: Take Makoto with you.

[] Get money.
-[] Optional: Wait until morning.
-[] Rob a bank in cat form.
-[] Sell rocks disguised as gold. Locked, Require Illusion
-[] Burgle easily carried valuables from buildings
-[] Write-in

[] Find people to join you in an organization. You will need manpower, just cats won't do.
-[] Optional: Wait until morning.
-[] Optional: Name your organization.
-[] Put up signs advertising for a job working for a new business. You will have them show up to a meeting on a specific day later in the house.
-[] Find the poor and downtrodden, and have them work for you.
-[] Find an influencial/wealthy/powerful person in their twilight years who will be open to serving you, use compelling voice to convince them if neccessary.
-[] Write-in how you will find the people.

[] Write-in
Adhoc vote count started by GilcuruLend on Mar 4, 2018 at 2:06 PM, finished with 200 posts and 5 votes.
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