Being the Holy Grail is Suffering... [Worm/FSN Quest]


BB is probably the most canon competent Ruler in Fate. CCC shows that she can actually manage a Grail War, and not only that but that she is probably the servant with the most experience managing and manipulating other servants.

Because that's what we need, that chaos you write off is what the purpose of the War is. To generate conflict between Masters and Servants till one pair remains.

Her being originally classed as Moon Cancer is, as far as I'm conserened, only a by product of the game she originally appeared in. Unlike Holmes who litterally bull shitted his way out of the Caster class for the lols she actually deservices the class.

Also Holmes would be a terrible Ruler for our goals. The man has no reason to make servants fight each other and won't give a shit about what we have to say. More importantly he'd be heavily biased towards Assassin who is his BFF.

So vote BB-Chan! The only correct choice!*

*Please note that all information stated in this post is opinion and should not be considered factual. All opinions stated are understood to be biased under the Best Girl Clause and should be taken as such. Do not use heavy machinary while under the influence of this post. Side effects may including vomiting, crying, questioning why I spent so much time typing this out oh god my thumb, and bleeding from the eyes. Seek medical attention if side effects last for more than tweleve days.
I'm quoting my post here to answer you and Holmes won't disobey us since he is not stupid and his skills will confirm that it will only become worse if he did.
We cannot expect the Masters to abide by the rules of the HGW until those who are supposed to enforce them respect those rules.
BB don't even if she means well. Holmes is not an idiot to betray us and I doupt the QM will put a intentional trap. It just depend on which Ruler is easier to control. Holmes is.
I'm quoting my post here to answer you and Holmes won't disobey us since he is not stupid and his skills will confirm that it will only become worse if he did.

Holmes is the servant most likely of both being able to fuck our shit up and discovering that he should. In Grand Order he displays numerous times that he can manipulate the Grail system itself, he's shown to be able to make changes to the system such as being summoned as a Ruler and not a Caster.

More to the point, he gains nothing by not stopping us. Rulers don't get wishes granted. He has nothing to gain by allowing the Grail to exist in the state that it's currently in. If anything he would understand how bad that would be in the long run.

[X] Ruler (BB)

as much as i want to bring jeanne in to screw with musashi, BB is the choice to go for. holmes is too much of a risk.
I'm quoting my post here to answer you and Holmes won't disobey us since he is not stupid and his skills will confirm that it will only become worse if he did.
I realy don't get it, Holmes is the one who isn't described as having a reason to obey us, who as the cristalization of one who uncovers misteries will be unable to keep secrets, who has a friend among the summoned servants and who was described as likely to wander away whitotout warning, so why do you keep trying to seel the servant most likely to disobey us and do his own thing as if he was the exact oposite ?
I realy don't get it, Holmes is the one who isn't described as having a reason to obey us, who as the cristalization of one who uncovers misteries will be unable to keep secrets, who has a friend among the summoned servants and who was described as likely to wander away whitotout warning, so why do you keep trying to seel the servant most likely to disobey us and do his own thing as if he was the exact oposite ?
I'm voting for him because I think it will make for an interesting story.
BB won't oppose us but she will make a mess of the HGW. I don't like unpredictable elements in the War.

Holmes as I said is not stupid, if he has any compassion for Humanity he will know it's bad idea to fuck up the War. Last time it did, the Counter Force intervened.
Even if he did modify the system it won't change his fate. It's not like he can change our thought process, not to mention QA which is a completely foreign element for him.
It's not like he is a maniac who can't keep his mouth shut. He is a reasonable and logical, thus he knows that going against us or showing favoritism will be bad. Especially since we have a puppet body and we can intervene directly in the War unlike the other one you mentioned.
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[X] Ruler (Sherlock Holmes)

It is clear and evident there is a deficiency in intellect and logical capabilities that must be remedied!
One of two mediocre waifus, or the world's greatest detective?
Why is this even a choice?
[X] Ruler (Sherlock Holmes)
[X] Ruler (Jeanne D'Arc)

What better way than to say screw you than to summon a Saberface right after Musashi raged against them?

Additionally, we can get two different Extra Classes at once since we can corrupt her to get Jalter. Angra gets to meet his kouhai!