Being the Holy Grail is Suffering... [Worm/FSN Quest]

what's making you think that?

In my opinion, BB is likely to bend the rule if possible without breaking it.
While Jeanne will try to be impartial within the confine of the rules.

P.S. I think Apo is an exception due to 2 ruler, which amakusa is already impartial.
Seriously don't you know Jeanne's personality? She will most likely be on the Heroes side and against any immoral Master. She is not really impartial.
She is a Saint after all.
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both Jeanne and Holmes options will easily lead to Angra discovered and revealed to the Masters/PRT/Cauldron

BB wouldn't care. that's why everyone should vote for her!
Holmes wouldn't care either we just need to make sure he don't tell it to anyone.And his skills are extremely useful in the current situation and for the future ones as well.

BB is way too chaotic and unpredictable, not to mention she will most likely bend the rules a lot.
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Fate is one of those series where having things explained to you sometimes just makes it more confusing.
I mean Type-Moon in general is like that.
Holmes wouldn't care either we just need to make sure he don't tell it to anyone.And his skills are extremely useful in the current situation and for the future ones as well.

BB is way too chaotic and unpredictable
Personally I'm choosing BB because she is chaotic and unpredictable. This war must go off the rails!
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Holmes wouldn't care either we just need to make sure he don't tell it to anyone.And his skills are extremely useful in the current situation and for the future ones as well.

BB is way too chaotic and unpredictable

Good points, but most of the people voting for BB are aware of the chaos and think of it as a reason to vote for her. This is why I'm torn, because I also enjoy chaos. Plus BB will be even more loyal to us because unlike Holmes who just doesn't care, BB actively likes us.
Something to tell people.

A great grail war would only happen if one side holds all the masters and are on the same side.
Couldn't one happen just because the person controlling the Grail (i.e. us) decided they wanted to add more Servants? I don't really want to have a Great Holy Grail War, but I'm not sure if there are any prerequisites for one besides the Grail deeming it necessary.
Holmes would care. Jekyll is in the HGW.

and also the 'All World's Evils' situation. he cares about humanity, y'now? othervise he wouldnt have aided Chaldea
STAPH! Holmes was winning :S

BB would just add to the chaos and general stupidity, seriously there's a reason why her class is Moon Cancer... Holmes would at least ensure the Grail comes to it's conclusion and try to do something about Angry Manjew.

Jeanne is right out.

Holmes would show up Tattletale, remember our goal is to annoy people not ourselves, BB would just make things more annoying for us.
STAPH! Holmes was winning :S

BB would just add to the chaos and general stupidity, seriously there's a reason why her class is Moon Cancer... Holmes would at least ensure the Grail comes to it's conclusion and try to do something about Angry Manjew.

Jeanne is right out.

Holmes would show up Tattletale, remember our goal is to annoy people not ourselves, BB would just make things more annoying for us.

You seen to have rolled an one and sufered a critical failure on reading compreension when reading the descritions.

Holmes is the saint of truth and Justice, there is no way we would e ale to keep anything secret with him around, he coud wander away at any moment and honestly we haven't even meet tatletale yet and she is only one person.
BB is the helpfull one who would work to make the grail war work above all else and the only problem is that she may mess with people a little to much, and I mean all the people except us.
Resuming Holmes is the one that is a constant anoyance to us whie BB is a constant anoyance to everyone else, so be yu logic you should vote for her.
Well, I guess people like silly if annoying characters.

We cannot expect the Masters to abide by the rules of the HGW until those who are supposed to enforce them respect those rules.
BB don't even if she means well. Holmes is not an idiot to betray us and I doupt the QM will put a intentional trap. It just depend on which Ruler is easier to control. Holmes is.
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STAPH! Holmes was winning :S

BB would just add to the chaos and general stupidity, seriously there's a reason why her class is Moon Cancer... Holmes would at least ensure the Grail comes to it's conclusion and try to do something about Angry Manjew.

Jeanne is right out.

Holmes would show up Tattletale, remember our goal is to annoy people not ourselves, BB would just make things more annoying for us.

Eh, you're kinda forgetting that a lot of us enjoy having the Angry Mango as part of the Collective. Some of us don't want to get rid of him. Also BB is loyal to us while Holmes would obey us but doesn't actively like us. I'm still voting for Holmes because I think we can use him more and think it's worth the risk. But I don't think BB would ruin the quest or anything. But I think Holmes would be more focused and direct when he's not taking a break to stimulate his mind. Besides those little forays sound like fun sidequest material.
STAPH! Holmes was winning :S

BB would just add to the chaos and general stupidity, seriously there's a reason why her class is Moon Cancer... Holmes would at least ensure the Grail comes to it's conclusion and try to do something about Angry Manjew.

Jeanne is right out.

Holmes would show up Tattletale, remember our goal is to annoy people not ourselves, BB would just make things more annoying for us.


BB is probably the most canon competent Ruler in Fate. CCC shows that she can actually manage a Grail War, and not only that but that she is probably the servant with the most experience managing and manipulating other servants.

Because that's what we need, that chaos you write off is what the purpose of the War is. To generate conflict between Masters and Servants till one pair remains.

Her being originally classed as Moon Cancer is, as far as I'm conserened, only a by product of the game she originally appeared in. Unlike Holmes who litterally bull shitted his way out of the Caster class for the lols she actually deserves the class.

Also Holmes would be a terrible Ruler for our goals. The man has no reason to make servants fight each other and won't give a shit about what we have to say. More importantly he'd be heavily biased towards Assassin who is his BFF.

So vote BB-Chan! The only correct choice!*

*Please note that all information stated in this post is opinion and should not be considered factual. All opinions stated are understood to be biased under the Best Girl Clause and should be taken as such. Do not use heavy machinary while under the influence of this post. Side effects may including vomiting, crying, questioning why I spent so much time typing this out oh god my thumb, and bleeding from the eyes. Seek medical attention if side effects last for more than tweleve days.
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