Seriously don't you know Jeanne's personality? She will most likely be on the Heroes side and against any immoral Master. She is not really impartial.what's making you think that?
In my opinion, BB is likely to bend the rule if possible without breaking it.
While Jeanne will try to be impartial within the confine of the rules.
P.S. I think Apo is an exception due to 2 ruler, which amakusa is already impartial.
I mean Type-Moon in general is like that.Fate is one of those series where having things explained to you sometimes just makes it more confusing.
Personally I'm choosing BB because she is chaotic and unpredictable. This war must go off the rails!Holmes wouldn't care either we just need to make sure he don't tell it to anyone.And his skills are extremely useful in the current situation and for the future ones as well.
BB is way too chaotic and unpredictable
Holmes wouldn't care either we just need to make sure he don't tell it to anyone.And his skills are extremely useful in the current situation and for the future ones as well.
BB is way too chaotic and unpredictable
Couldn't one happen just because the person controlling the Grail (i.e. us) decided they wanted to add more Servants? I don't really want to have a Great Holy Grail War, but I'm not sure if there are any prerequisites for one besides the Grail deeming it necessary.Something to tell people.
A great grail war would only happen if one side holds all the masters and are on the same side.
STAPH! Holmes was winning :S
BB would just add to the chaos and general stupidity, seriously there's a reason why her class is Moon Cancer... Holmes would at least ensure the Grail comes to it's conclusion and try to do something about Angry Manjew.
Jeanne is right out.
Holmes would show up Tattletale, remember our goal is to annoy people not ourselves, BB would just make things more annoying for us.
STAPH! Holmes was winning :S
BB would just add to the chaos and general stupidity, seriously there's a reason why her class is Moon Cancer... Holmes would at least ensure the Grail comes to it's conclusion and try to do something about Angry Manjew.
Jeanne is right out.
Holmes would show up Tattletale, remember our goal is to annoy people not ourselves, BB would just make things more annoying for us.
STAPH! Holmes was winning :S
BB would just add to the chaos and general stupidity, seriously there's a reason why her class is Moon Cancer... Holmes would at least ensure the Grail comes to it's conclusion and try to do something about Angry Manjew.
Jeanne is right out.
Holmes would show up Tattletale, remember our goal is to annoy people not ourselves, BB would just make things more annoying for us.